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Home Explore Prospectus 2015-16 5.2.16

Prospectus 2015-16 5.2.16

Published by maruf.miah, 2016-02-10 09:06:41

Description: Prospectus 2015-16 5.2.16


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OFSTED: ‘The school has adopted a ‘conflict resolution’ approach, which enables pupils to deal with their own issues and agree solutions. This approach is supporting a move towards pupils managing their own behaviour’. 2 OFSTED 2012

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Cayley,Welcome to Cayley Primary School.I hope that after reading our prospectus you will have all of the information you need to want to visitus and experience for yourself the exciting learning environment and educational opportunities thatweoffer. You will find that the school has an exceptional atmosphere and our children are interested, keento learn and confident. They are well mannered, friendly and support each other in work and play.We are a county primary school, maintained by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets with places for520 children aged between three and eleven years.We believe that everyone should be valued for his or her individuality, culture and heritage, andeveryone is encouraged to achieve their full potential in a stimulating, challenging and caringenvironment. Cayley Primary School values parents, carers and members of the community and all aremade welcome to a range of school events, encouraged to attend workshops and reading sessions,accompany trips or help in the class or around the school.Our prospectus will tell you how our school is organised, and introduces you to the curriculum and day-to day routine. We are happy to answer any further questions you might have. Please make an ap-pointment and we will be delighted to share our school community with you.Yours sincerely,Lissa SamuelHeadteacherNick Paul MBEChair of Governors and the staff of Cayley School. 3

About Our School Cayley School is situated in Aston Street, where it once intersected with Cayley Street, in a residential part of Limehouse. In 1990 the Victorian school building and playground were extended and modernised. The building has three floors, with the classrooms for younger children on the lower floors. In 2013 we opened our new 4-storey and extension with a large hall, and facilities for an expanding roll of children. Every Child Really Matters Cayley Primary School believes that everyone should be valued for his or her individuality, culture and heritage, and that they are encouraged to achieve their full potential in a stimulating, challenging and caring environment. Aims & Values At Cayley we value: Each other’s contributions, opinions and feelings Our different backgrounds and beliefs Friendships, honesty, trust and cooperation Our right to learn and playEveryone has the right and responsibility:  to a community where everyone respects the rights of themselves and others, and takes responsibil- ity for their own actions.  to be motivated and confident to fulfil and achieve aspirational standards and personal success while taking responsibility for their learning.  to engage in stimulating learning opportunities that meet the needs and access of our school commu- nity, inside and outside the classroom.  to a safe and supportive environment.  of the whole school and the wider community actively working together to celebrate attainment and success. We are kind and considerate. We collaborate well and are thoughtful in our words and actions towards one another. 4

Admission to Cayley School We follow Tower Hamlets’ Admission Policy and appli- cations for admission need to be made through the local authority for Reception places and Years 1—6. Nursery place applications need to be made directly to the school. Cayley School is a fully inclusive school. We aim to meet the needs of all children, including those with disabilities.A place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place offered in Reception. The Admissions Officer isonly available at limited times – please ask for these at the School Office.If there is a place at Cayley, your child will be offered one. Otherwise, their name will go on awaiting list, and children are offered places based on criteria set by Tower Hamlets Education De-partment.These are: Special Educational Needs. A brother or sister already in Cayley School. Distance from school as measured on a map.Pre-admission meetingsYou will be invited to attend a meeting before your child starts in theNursery and Reception classes. We will talk about necessary schoolarrangements and you can ask questions. You will be able to lookaround the school and meet your child’s teacher. We will also visit youat home. Attendance and Punctuality Children make good progress when they come to school every day, and on time. If children arrive after 9.00 am they must wait to have their name written on the ‘late’ board with the time they arrived and given a ‘late’ slip which they will give to their teacher to let them know it has been recorded. Parents are asked to phone (by 9am) or come in and see a member of staff in the school office on the first day of sickness to give the reason why a child is absent. We expect family holidays to be taken during school holidays. Children in years 5 & 6 are allowed to go home by themselves with your written permission.Appointments with the Doctor or Dentist must be made for after school or during schoolholidays.Children in classes up to Year 4 MUST be brought to school and collected by an adult every day.Parents MUST inform the school if another adult is to collect their child.5 ‘Excellent relationships between staff and pupils result in a calm and happy atmosphere and the vast majority of pupils enjoy coming to school. This is reflected in the rapid and sustained improvement in attendance over time’. OFSTED 2012

Child protection and SafeguardingWe are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.Staff are trained to recognise signs of concern. It is our statutory duty to report any sign that maylead us to suspect a child protection matter. In making any referral, the school is not making anyjudgement, for example about individual parents or carers. It is for social services to decidewhether there should be an investigation.Concerns, Complaints and ComplimentsIf you have any concerns, please arrange to see your child’s teacher at the end of the day whowill be pleased to help you. If further discussion is needed, please don’t hesitate to make anappointment with the Headteacher. We will do our utmost to sort things out quickly and happilyat this stage. On the very rare occasion that we can’t, there is a Complaints Procedure which theHeadteacher will share with you.CurriculumWe do our utmost to maximise success for the children by giving them the very best teaching andlearning experiences in order to explore, excite and excel. Great emphasis is placed on nurturingskills and attitudes such as co-operation. Our teachers bring the National Curriculum alive bymaking links between the individual subjects and applying them to topics.For English, we follow ‘Success for All’, where children work together on phonics, spelling readingand writing grouped by reading levels.For mathematics, we follow the national curriculum ensuring the children have a range of practi-cal experiences to embed mathematical concept before moving on to written work.We use ongoing teacher assessment as well as the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) as part ofour assessment procedures at the end of Key Stage one and Two, and optional tests at the agesof eight, nine and ten.Specialist tutors work with our children in weekly session of music where they learn to play in-struments and develop their singing skills. Years 4 & 5 benefit from swimming instruction at alocal pool weekly. ‘The revised curriculum includes project-based work which6 pupils say they enjoy because it offers more opportunities for them to make links across the subjects’. OFSTED 2012

‘Teachers offer many opportunities, for example through project lessons and studies of texts, for pupils to develop their spiritual, moral and cultural awareness’ OFSTED 2012 Assemblies and Religious Education We hold an assembly every day. These are delightful and special occasions when we encourage children to achieve a knowledge and understanding of their own religion, and a deep respect for the religions of others. In our moments of reflection and worship all members of Cayley are re- spected and their differences celebrated. We encourage the children to think about caring and sharing in their personal relationships, and celebrate their achievements. We plan major themes for the assemblies termly, and these go hand in hand with the teaching of Religious Education and Personal Social, Health and Citizenship throughout the school. We encourage all children to attend assemblies and R.E. lessons. Parents would need to make an appointment with the Headteacher if they want to withdraw their children from this important aspect of school life.‘In response to grownups who look after us as lunchtime arehelpful to me—I agree because when we have a problemthey fix it and that makes me happy’ Pupil survey 2015 Behaviour The staff, parents and children at Cayley have agreed a Code of Conduct Policy about how we ex- pect the children to behave at school. The policy is reviewed and sent to parents every year, and it works alongside our Home/School agreement which is signed by teachers, parents and chil- dren. We have high expectations of children's behaviour, and we use a range of ways to acknowledge when children are doing well, and to promote their understanding of considerate behaviour. For example, positive feedback, curriculum activities, certificates and celebration assemblies, communication with parents, Well Done Club and the Headteacher's Award. We teach children conflict resolution skills intended to benefit them during their time at Cayley, and throughout their lives. 7

The School DaySchool starts at 9 am Nursery and Reception parents are asked to go round the outside of thebuilding and take their child to the classroom’s external door. A staff member is on duty in theclassroom from 8.45. Children should not arrive earlier than this unaccompanied.The doors open at 8.45 am and children in Years 1 to 6 make their way to classrooms. All childrenare supervised by senior members of staff while they go to class. Session Times Nursery Morning session 9.00 - 11.30 Afternoon session 12.45 - 3.15 KS1 9.00 - 12.00 Morning session 1.00 - 3.15 Afternoon session KS2 9.00 - 12.30 Morning session 1.30 - 3.15 Afternoon sessionSchool MealsSchool meals are cooked on the premises in our Halal kitchen, and care is taken to provide a bal-anced, healthy and nutritional meal.All children in years Reception to Year 6 are eligible for the Mayor of Tower Hamlets Free SchoolMeals. Children in nursery (non-statutory school age) will need to have their meals paid for at theoffice in advance (Monday mornings)If you want to change your child from a packed lunch to a school meal you must do this at thebeginning of each half term. If your child brings a packed lunch, please make sure they have asandwich, samosa, a wrap, pasta and fruit. No fizzy drinks, glass bottles or sweets please!8

Educational Visits, Visitors and Journeys As part of the curriculum classes regularly go on visits to places of educational interest (or have visitors come to the school). No charge is made for these visits, however we do ask parents to contribute to the cost of fares and any entrance fees. No child is ever excluded from a trip on the basis of inability to make a contribution. However, if a trip is planned, it will only be able to go ahead if sufficient contributions are received. In the event of a trip not going ahead for any rea- son, all contributions will be returned. Children who normally have a free school dinner are enti- tled to a free packed lunch from the school kitchen, on whole day trips. Children in Year 5 will normally be given the opportunity of going on a residential school trip. These visits give the children an opportunity to make a study of another locality, to develop their social skills and to become more independent.Out of School Hours LearningBefore and after school activities which supplement our exciting curriculum: Our breakfast club runs from 8.00 to 8.45 a.m. every morning, providing hot and cold breakfasts as a good start to the day. An after school club in which the children have access to a wide range of activities that change regularly and support learning. These include art activities, games, ICT and opportunities to complete homework. We also have a regular sports clubs run by qualified coaches and teachers Lunchtime clubs and activities are run by volunteers and members of staff including Reading Partners and sports activities ‘Teachers give effective feedback during lessons so that pupils know how well they are doing’ 9 OFSTED 2012

Health & MedicalsThe school nursing service forms part of your child’s school health team. Our School Nurse hasthree main roles: to give confidential advice and care to young people and parents or carers; to supportparents/young people to look after their physical and emotional health, and to make sure other peopleknow what you need to be healthy and to make sure children and young people with health issues re-ceive the right NHS care and specialist services.The school nursing team will complete workshops for parents on a range of medical issues (asthma, mi-nor ailments, health and safety in the home) across the year. The team will also complete health assess-ments for all children when they start primary school and all children in reception and year 6 are giventhe opportunity to be weighed / measured. The school nurse will also provide a yearly health assess-ment for all children in care and support for education staff where a child has a serious health condition.MedicinesChildren with asthma can bring in their asthma pump or inhaler. If a child has a medical condition that requires daily medication at set times please arrange to see the Deputy Headteacher for inclusion.Illness and AccidentsPlease make sure the school has an up to date telephone number you can be contacted on incase ofemergency, and that you have provided an alternative contact if it should be required.For children who become ill or have a serious accident, parents/carers will be contacted immediatelyand given the details. Parents are expected to collect (or make arrangements) for the child to be collect-ed as soon as possible. Our qualified First Aiders will look after any children who have an accident. Par-ents are notified of any accidents, especially a bump on the head, and all accidents are investigated andrecorded.HomeworkFamily Learning: Please see the weekly newsletter. There will also be Special Projects each holiday—you can put as much time into these projects as you can, and can be presented in any format: written,drawn, painted, models, presentations .... the list is endless and down to your imagination.Daily: We expect children to read for 20 minutes every night and make a comment in their reading diaryfrom Years 1—6.Weekly: Quick recall of number facts is essential to mathematical learning Times Tables and NumberBonds and will be tested in school. Family homework activities are ineach week’s newsletter.Learning Diary: Children should keep a diary of everything they havelearned each day.Topic Research: We expect children to find out about the topics theyare learning about by going to the library, using the internet andtalking to family members.Prac1ti0ce: We expect children to practise spelling words they have read or from the Year Group WordBanks; handwriting; maths learnt in class and writing interesting sentences using a capital letter at thebeginning and a full stop at the end.

‘The headteacher and deputy headteacher have demonstrat- ed strong leadership and share an ambitious vision for the school’. OFSTED 2012GovernorsOur Governors are representatives of the local authority, community, parents and school staff.They have responsibility for overseeing all aspects of school, such as finances, staffing, curriculumand the premises. They meet regularly throughout the year. Parents are welcome to attend asobservers.Gifted and Talented ‘Gifted’ learners are those who have abilities in one or more subjects in the statutory curriculum other than art and design, music and PE; ‘Talented’ learners are those who have abilities in art and design, music, PE or performing arts such as dance and drama.At Cayley, the term ‘gifted and talented’ is not to be understood as referring to the most ablechildren in the national population. The term should be seen as relative and refers to the top 5%to 10% of any school, regardless of the ability profile of pupils at the school. Within CayleyPrimary School we recognise that gifted and talented pupils can be: good all rounders high achievers in one area of high ability but have poor writing skills.We also recognise that those pupils who are gifted and talented do not always show their ability.Such pupils are gifted and talented even though their abilities may be hidden or remain aspotential. The following are offered on a regular basis and, although these generally benefit allpupils, they are particularly apt for ensuring that pupils who have potential in these areas aregiven opportunities to practice and extend their skills. Curriculum Enrichment days Residential experiences School clubs Musical and sporting activities / competitions ‘Disabled pupils and those who have a statement of special educational needs make outstanding progress because teaching for these pupils is care- fully planned and activities are well supported by teaching assistants. OFSTED 2012Inclusion and EqualitiesEvery child is a unique individual and we recognise that your child may need special help at some point intheir school career. This may be for physical, learning or behavioural needs. We have an excellent SpecialNeeds programme which sets individual targets for children who need extra help. Parents are closelyinvolved at each stage of the programme, and we find that speedy and early intervention prevents smallproblems from getting bigger!11

‘I never thought that ……. can learn so many things in that short time. thank you’- Parental Survey February 2015 Partnerships with Parents Cayley sends newsletters to parents every week. There are staff available who can provide support with oral translation of school letters. Please ask for this service at the School Office. There are also individual or whole class invitations to parents every term to talk about your child’s work. Reports are written at the end of each school year.We are very willing to see parents at the end of the day (you can leave a message for a teacherwith one of our learning mentors at the beginning of each day).If the issue is likely to take longer please make an appointment with your child’s teacher or theHeadteacher.The Headteacher is available for all parents. Appointments to see the Headteacher can be madevia the school office.Stepney PartnershipThe Stepney Partnership is a group of eight local schools in East London – Ben Jonson, Cayley,Halley, Redlands, Smithy Street, Marion Richardson, Stephen Hawkin and Stepney Green Maths,Computing and Science College. We run lots of activities which bring together children, familiesand staff across the partnership. ‘Relationships between adults and pupils are very strong and this helps develop pupils’ social skills. Teachers provide activities that promote coopera-12 tion and collaboration and this is a strength of the school’. OFSTED 2012

Cayley UniformWe wear our school uniform with pride. Our uniform is about belonging to Cayley PrimarySchool. Children wear our uniform as a clear statement that we are learning and workingtogether in our school.The basic colours are navy and sky blue.Uniform Sky blue polo shirt (with navy blue edging around collar) Navy blue skirt/trousers/tunic Black shoes or trainers Navy blue sweat shirt Salwar Kameez in the above coloursYour child will need a book bag.PE Kit Red polo or T-shirt Navy blue shorts/tracksuit bottoms Red sweatshirtYour child will also need a P.E. bag for their P.E. kit.Our policy on PE clothing is intended to ensure hygiene, practicality and most importantly, safetyduring PE lessons.PE kit should be brought to school in a separate bag each ‘PE’ day, or can be left at school for theweek.JewelleryIn the interests of children's safety, no jewellery is allowed in school. Adults are not able to assistchildren in removing or replacing earrings.All items of uniform and P.E. kit can be purchased from:Khalsa Schoolwear338 – 390 Bethnal Green RoadLondon E2 0AHYou can also order from Tesco Direct, who providesuniform to Cayley Primary School please visit can also visit your local supermarket to pur-chase plain blue polo shirts and Navy blue skirts/trousers etc.13

We do hope you have enjoyed reading our prospectus and look forward to welcoming you and your child to Cay- ley Primary School. Cayley Primary School Aston Street London E14 7NG 0207 790 1490 [email protected] Security in School For your child’s safety we have made greater security arrangements for the children whilst they are within school. Access is only via the entrance in Aston Street during the school day. Each door has key access for the Staff, but prevents access to outsiders. Parents are reminded that they should close all doors and gates that they pass through to aid us in ensuring a safe and secure place for our children. Children in the Nursery and in the infant classes MUST be brought to school and collected from 1csch4hilodo. l by an adult every day. Parents MUST inform the school if another adult is to collect your

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