Recruitment & Training Policy RECRUITMENT Sign Solutions are committed to ensuring the suitability and competence of potential employees and freelance Interpreters/Tutors during our recruitment procedure. All applicants are required to complete a detailed application form that meets the requirements of legislation and provides a detailed employment/work history. On receipt of an application form for in-house employment, candidates are short-listed for interview in line with our Equal Opportunities policy. On receipt of an application to be considered for our freelance Interpreter/Tutor database, we carry out various checks and ensure there is documentation in the form of references, certificates etc. to evidence details on the application form. Depending on the position applied for, i.e. administration, training or interpreting, the following points are examples of criteria which are assessed and taken into consideration:- Administration Personnel: • Educational Qualifications • Previous employment • Previous experience • Geographical location test • Typing test which also assesses spelling, grammar and punctuation Interpreting Personnel: • Level of interpreting qualification • Academic Qualifications Previous employment • Previous experience • Skills test to assess standard of Interpreting, i.e. o BSL-to-English (minimum NVQ Level 6) o English-to-BSL (minimum NVQ Level 6) o Keystage comprehension/written English test (minimum NVQ Level 7) • Professional discussion focusing on interpreting dilemmas, professional ethics, etc. V0.1 17/09/21
Recruitment & Training Policy Training Personnel: • Professional qualifications • Academic Qualifications • Previous experience • Previous employment • Skills test to assess teaching skills and ability All applicants are required to produce the necessary ID documents in accordance with the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996. On accepting employment with us, all interpreters / tutors are required to provide Enhanced DBS disclosure which is renewed every 3 years, in line with Signature’s (the registration body) recommendations. We keep details of the DBS reference and date of expiry and ensure that an Interpreter/Tutor service are not utlilised, until they have evidenced an updated DBS certificate that we have reviewed in line with our DBS policy. References are solicited for all applicants using a standard template which covers many factors including health, honesty and integrity. Sign Solutions is an Equal Opportunities employer. TRAINING Sign Solutions are committed to developing the skills of all our staff. Training needs may be identified in a number of ways, for instance: • New e m p l o y e e /training h u m a n r e s o u r c e r e q u i r e s t r a i n i n g f o r p o s t /training delivery; • During Induction process • Employee's One-to-One meetings with line manager and/or Head of Interpreting; • Business objectives and KPIs not being met; • Fall in profits; • Customer Dissatisfaction/Complaints; • Staff member requests training by way of a TC005 Employee Training Request; V0.1 17/09/21
Recruitment & Training Policy • Whilst working with other members of staff V0.1 17/09/21
Recruitment & Training Policy As part of our commitment to interpreter development we provide reviews, supervision/personal development meetings, training sessions, extra supervision sessions dependent on the individual’s personal needs. All administration staff are required, as a minimum, to undertake the Sign Solutions Deaf awareness e-learning course and can request training via a TC005 Employee Training Request. This training is then monitored for effectiveness via the Training and Competancy Flows within ISO and finally once achieved, is recorded on the Employees training record along with any certificates of achievements. If the training has an expiry date, a reminder is set as to when this training needs to be redone. Our training centre also provide a number of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training courses each year for members of staff as well as freelance interpreters. We also provide Deaf awareness course for external clients via face to face tutoring, e- learning and our apps. All employees are given the same appraisals and same review process. All job advertisements are advertised internally and externally. All of the above training and development assessment and provision is further underpinned by adherence to our ISO 9001:2015 Training & Competency processes. V0.1 17/09/21
Recruitment & Training Policy V0.1 17/09/21
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