HEALTH & SAFETY ACCIDENT REPORTING POLICY Sign Solutions aims to provide a healthy and safe working environment with the objective of minimising the number of occupational accidents and illnesses and ultimately achieving an accident-free workplace. INTRODUCTION: It is the policy of Sign Solutions to take all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and visitors, and we will, so far as is reasonably practicable, establish procedures and systems necessary to implement such a policy. We shall also ensure that all relevant statutory duties and obligations are satisfied, including those duties set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. All injuries sustained at work therefore, whether in the office, or at, or en-route to an assignment, however slight, must be reported to the Health and Safety Officer. Accident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore be accurate and comprehensive. All reported accidents will be entered into the “Accident Report Book” held by the Health and Safety Officer at the Sign Solutions Office, in accordance with the relevant legislation. Any reported accidents are investigated by the Health and Safety Officer to discover its cause, and all such investigations and findings will be reported in the Accident Report Book. Policy brief & purpose Our accident reporting company policy is designed to outline the purpose and procedure for reporting any on-the-job accidents. The company is committed to avoid such occurrences and expects employees to comply. However, accidents are sometimes inevitable. Our provision in this case is to ensure all accidents are reported timely so they can be investigated properly and preventative measures can be reviewed and reinforced. Scope This accident report policy affects all employees and independent contractors. Policy elements On-the-job accidents that must be reported include any incidents that may cause minor or severe injuries or incidents that are results of negligence or inadequate safety precautions. The victims may be employees who were injured while performing their duties or other people that were on company premises or vehicles. V0.1 17/09/21
Accidents must be reported as soon as possible to expedite investigation and increase likelihood of important findings. The sooner the cause or details of the accident are identified, the sooner the company can establish preventative measures for the future. The company encourages employees to report all accidents no matter how minor. Accidents that involve very minor injuries like small cuts, non-extensive bruises etc. and would not normally require any action on behalf of the company (e.g. the breaking of a drinking glass) do not have to be reported (although employees could report them if they want). On the other hand, accidents that involve (or could have involved) more severe injuries and require investigation and action from the company must be dutifully reported. Employees are obliged to report any of the following: • Fatalities • Damage to the head, skull and face • Damage to any of the senses (e.g. partial or complete loss of hearing, sight etc.) • Incapacitation or dislocation of limbs that hinder functionality and movement (including paralysis and amputation) • Damage to the skin (e.g. extensive burns, bruises or cuts) • Blows or injuries to the spine, back and ribs • Harm to the nervous system or loss of consciousness through electrocution, hypothermia etc. • Poisoning • Contamination from hazardous substances or transmission of diseases • Any other injury that requires hospitalisation or medical care Especially when an employee needs medical coverage, the accident must be reported immediately since insurance benefits may have to be approved after the investigation. Employees are also required to report occurrences that may not have involved injuries or victims but could be potentially dangerous in that respect if repeated. These include but are not limited to: • Explosions • Slippery surfaces • Water or gas leaks • Inadequate insulation of circuits V0.1 17/09/21
• Collapses of walls, ceilings etc. • Breaking of window glasses or frames Procedure When an employee witnesses or is involved in an incident they must report it to their immediate supervisor, HR department (personally, in writing or by phone if the accident occurred remotely) or through an online system if applicable, within one week. If the employee anticipates an accident due to perceived negligence or inadequate safety, they must notify their supervisors or HR department as soon as possible so the accident can be prevented. Depending on the incident, official forms may have to be completed and submitted. The accident and any sustained injuries must be recorded to an accident database or file. The officials responsible must initiate an investigation or request an investigation from authorities if appropriate. The employee who reported the accident has to cooperate if called in for questioning to provide details needed. As a general rule, the employee must provide information in the incident report as accurately as possible on the following: • The place of the accident • The date and time of the accident • The people involved or injured • Their position or involvement in the accident • Their actions immediately after the accident Disciplinary Consequences The company places great importance in this policy. All employees are obliged to comply. Any employee that is discovered to have been aware of a serious accident and failed to report it will face appropriate disciplinary consequences. When employees are the cause of an accident they must report it immediately to minimise legal repercussions. See Appendix 1 – Reporting Accidents to HSE – RIDDOR guidance See Appendix 2 – Investigation Checklist V0.1 17/09/21
Appendix 1 Reporting of Accidents – RIDDOR Guidance RIDDOR Definitions of incidents requiring notification to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) The HSE require notification of work related activities resulting in • Death or Major injury • Dangerous Occurrence • Over three day injury (From the 6th • Reportable disease April subject to Parliamentary approval the three day will be replace by over 7 days incapacitation) Applies if: An employee( or self-employed person working on University premises) is killed or suffers a major injury ( including as a result of physical violence). An incident directly connected with the activities of the University where a student/ member of the public is killed or taken to hospital Or Reportable major injuries include: • Fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes • Amputation • Dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine • Loss of sight (temporary or permanent) • Chemical or hot metal burn to the eye r any penetrating injury to the eye • Injury resulting from an electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours • Any other injury leading to hypothermia, heat induced illness or unconsciousness, or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours • Unconsciousness caused by asphyxia or exposure to a harmful substance or biological agent • Acute illness requiring medical treatment, or loss of consciousness arising from absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or 18 through the skin • Acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is Reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to a biological agent or its toxins or infected material. To make a report to HSE follow the online options found here, Clare Vale MD or Sean Nicholson CEO should make the report Appendix 2 CHECKLIST FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Use the following checklist to structure investigations and written reports. It is intended as a guide. It is not comprehensive and it will not always be necessary to consider all the points in the checklist. Be sure to establish at an early stage whether immediate action is needed. For example, it may be V0.1 17/09/21
necessary to withdraw equipment from use immediately or stop an activity. Be guided by the significance of the accident when deciding how deeply to investigate it. Consider not only the actual outcome, but also what the potential outcome might have been. Could things have turned out a lot worse? The more serious the event, or the greater its potential, the more effort that needs to be put into the investigation. 1 Obtain basic facts • Names of injured/ill employee(s)/witnesses/people early on the scene • Condition of any equipment • Any chemicals / substances in use or present • Layout of area • Place, time, conditions • Extent of any injury / ill health / damage / disruption • Make use of camera, sketches, measurement to record the undisturbed scene 2 Establish circumstances • What was being done at the time and what happened? • Immediate causes • Events leading up to the incident • Any evidence linking case of ill health to work • Competence, e.g. what instructions and training were given before the event and how much experience in the job did the people involved (including supervisors) have? Were they aware of the dangers associated with the activity? • What were the established methods of carrying out the task? Were they adequate? Were they being followed? • Behaviour and actions of individuals • Role of manager/ supervisors. Had those involved in the accident been told to carry out the particular task/activity or were they acting on their own initiative? • What was the worst that could have happened? • Has something similar happened before? • Could it happen again? 24 3 Identify preventive measures • Review the risk assessment for the activity. 3 What precautions should have been in force? What training should those carrying out the activity have received? What precautions were actually taken. Compare them with those which should have been taken. What training was actually given? Compare it with training which should have been given. 4 Establish whether the initial response to the accident was adequate • Was prompt and appropriate action taken (such as making safe and dealing with any continuing V0.1 17/09/21
risks, electrical isolation, suitable fire- fighting, effective first-aid response and correct spillage procedures)? 5 Identify the underlying causes these might include: • Management or supervision failure • Lack of competence • Inadequate training • Shortcomings in original design of equipment of facilities • Absence of a system for maintenance 6 Determine action needed to prevent a recurrence In deciding on the right course of action, think whether the outcome could have been more serious and what prevented this from happening. Reappraise the precautions derived from the risk assessment If the intended precautions appear adequate but they were not fully implemented, why was this? What needs to be done to ensure necessary precautions are taken in the future? Actions to prevent a recurrence might include • improve physical safeguards • introduce better test and maintenance arrangements • improve work methods • provide and use personal protective equipment • make changes to supervision and training arrangements Signed;- Clare Vale Managing Director V0.1 17/09/21
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