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Published by iotalytics, 2020-04-09 01:27:02

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Credentials Iotalytics Research and Analyti | +91-8130888947 | info@io

ics Solutions Pvt Ltd

Who We Are Iotalytics Analytic Solutions, business to confront intelligence. Our holistic approach is to generate uni for our customers. These analytic services and technology solutions meaningful information from big data, generate actio and make data driven decisions across pan-enter impact.

the most critical global problems through data ique perspectives that we use to create solutions enable business managers to consume more onable insights from complex business problems rprise processes to create sustainable business | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Our Solutions Monitoring and Evaluation Market Research 01 02

Analytics Iotasurvey Point (Digitalization and AI-Automat Visualization Capacity Building 03 04 05 | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Our Solutions Monitoring and Evaluation We offer a wide range of Monitoring and Evaluation services. ✓ Techno savvy cost effective M&E systems. ✓ Built organization’s M&E frameworks and capacity building to ensure the organization to observe accurate data. ✓ Design project and programme performance tracking systems. Conduct needs assessments and baseline studies, process or formative evaluations and conduct midterm, process, output, outcome and impact evaluations, across sectors. Market Research We have experienced team, who offers a wide range of Market research insights, business intelligence, analytics, field work, data collection and acquisition services according to the client’s strategies in the right direction. We offer a wide range of Market research services ✓ Customer satisfaction surveys ✓ Mystery Shopping ✓ Brand Awareness and Reach ✓ Pricing Research ✓ Advertising Testing ✓ Opinion Poll ✓ Concept Test | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Our Solutions Analytics We help enterprises derive actionable insights from large scale to generate strategic insights and improve their product/service strategy, operations efficiency. Gain a deeper understanding of their customers, competitors and suppliers, with the use of modern big data tools and cloud technologies to implement high performance analytics solutions. Our services ✓ Data management ✓ Data integration ✓ Reporting ✓ Dashboards (Power BI, Tableau etc.,) ✓ Predictive Modelling Capacity Building Iotalytics, delivers professional capacity building and organizational development activities, from face-to-face training in virtual reality simulations and application of learning processes. Our approach is to strengthen organizations by using locally available resources in a systematic way which is easy to adopt and sustainable. | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Our Solutions Iotasurvey Point Our team of advanced programmers, are up-to-date with latest programming technologies and capable of developing complex survey and monitoring tools for Android, Web and Window platforms. We customize a range of recognized monitoring and survey tools like ✓ CSPro ✓ ODK ✓ Kobotoolbox ✓ Surveytogo ✓ SurveyCTO ✓ Limesurvey ✓ Survey solutions ✓ Surveymonkey etc | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Our Strengths Lorem Ipsum We pioneer new technologies and solutions, to power transformative analytics through digitization and AI- Automat Visualization Quality, Fast & Efficient We combine global capabilities with digital technology to deliver quality, fast, scalable and cost- effective insights

Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum We deliver scale and scope in with a pan India geographical network of experts Customization We use locally available resources to customize learning designs to value-based solutions to your unique needs | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Our Practice Areas Medi Livelihoods Population and Health

Education and Skills ia Conumer Market Water Sanitation and Hygine | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Our Geographical Reach

Iotalytics Research and Analytics Solutions have field operational a partners, our partners have 14 full-fledged research and client servicing offices across the pan geographical network across in India. | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Iotalytics Team Prabhu Ponnusamy, CEO - Chief Executive Officer Prabhu has served over 16 years of experience in Monitoring and Evaluation and large-scale health survey expertise. He has Graduate, Statistics and MPhil in Demographer/Population Science from Annamalai University. He has conceptualized the design, developed, managed and implemented the M&E in diverse of projects, he also developed and implemented databases to track the flow of information within complex, multi-layered, geographically dispersed projects, placing a specific emphasis on data quality. He also has extensive worked in various large- scale demographic, health surveys in India (DLHS, NFHS etc.). Prior to this he has been associated with PSI, UN Agencies, IIPS & Population Research Centre, Gandhigram. Dr. C. Ramanjuam, Senior Technical Consultant / Permanent Advisor He had the experience of more than four decades in research and conducting surveys related to fertility , mortality, migration, health and family welfare , nutrition , environment, social exclusion and discrimination empowerment of women , and evaluation of Government welfare programs. He has MSc, Statistics and Professionally qualified as Demographer/Population Scientist from East-West Centre / University of Hawai ,Honolulu, USA and had PhD in Population Studies from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. He was the Director for Population Research Centre, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu and full fledged Director in- charge of the parent institute for two years. Also Head of the Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy , Gandhigram Rural University, Tamil Nadu and Professor of Emiritus (UGC) in the Centre for Applied Research Centre, Gandhigram Rural University, Tamil Nadu. He has coordinated the first three rounds of National Family Health Survey and District Level Health Survey in Tamil Nadu. He has completed 104 research projects and given feed back mostly to Central and State Governments of India. He has also published 128 research reports and articles. | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Iotalytics Team Dr. EETHAMOKKALA SUNEETHA, Technical Consultant Over ten years of professional experience in Program management, research, monitoring and evaluation in the areas of Education, Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, RCH, trafficking of women and children into sex-work, children of sex workers and Adolescents. Monitoring large-scale sample surveys, analytical skills of qualitative and quantitative and Evaluation of intervention programs. She holds a Masters’ degree in Social Work from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh and Ph.D. in Population Studies from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, Mumbai. She has been associated with SATHI, IIPS, PRERANA, NEERMAN and UNICEF, Delhi Dr. Pallavi Gupta, Technical Consultant Pallavi Gupta, is a public health professional with more than 4 years of work experience progressive hands-on experience of designing and adapting data collection tools, mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation and quantitative data analysis using SPSS/STATA. Her pedagogical interests include nutrition and maternal health, reproductive health, adolescent health, early childhood education and child development. She holds a Masters’ degree in Statistics from Panjab University, Chandigarh and M.Phil. & Ph.D. in Population Studies from International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai. She has been associated with ICF Consulting India Private Limited and National Centre of Excellence and Advanced Research on Diets (NCEAR-D), Lady Irwin College, New Delhi. Dr. T. Masthanaiah, Operational Consultant Masthanaiah has served over nine years of experience in large-scale health survey expertise. He has Masters and Phd in Geography from Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. He has state implementation officer in various large scale national level Surveys which was conducted by MoHFW Govt. of India and IIPS together like (NFHS-5, Global Adult Tobacco Survey-2, Comprehensive Nutrition Survey in Gujarat & Maharashtra-(CNSG), District Level Household & Facility Survey-round-III & IV and NRHM etc., He has been associated with, Population Council, IIPS, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai and Population Research Centre- Visakhapatnam. | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Iotalytics Team Consultants With over 25 empaneled independent consultants, Iotalytics core resource pool consists of experienced professionals from the fields of monitoring, large scale survey-based impact evaluation, technical research, project management and capacity building. The team is supported by demographers qualitative quantitative researchers, programmers and developers, proposal and report writers. Our staff also consists of a cadre of trained project managers, researchers, scientists. Iotalytics – Senior Management / Advisors Dr. N. Ponnusamy, Director Prof. N. Ponnusamy is an academic field with more than three decades of teaching experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Statistics, from Bharathidasan university Trichy. He is also a founder of Rural Training Research and Foundation. The NGOs based in Trichy engaged in socio-cultural activities as well as health awareness, treatment programs. Dr. G. Arivarignan, Advisor Dr. G. Arivarignan, was Former UGC, Emeritus Fellow at M.S. University, Tirunelveli, Former CSIR Emeritus Scientist at M. K. University, Madurai, also Former Chairperson, School of Mathematics, Senior Professor of Statistics and Head (Retd.), Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, School of Mathematics Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai Tamil Nadu. He has a three decades of experience in statistics and health research. Actively associated with a number of policy commissions / committees of national and international importance. Author of several papers, books and reports. Dr. Nayanjeet Chaudhury, (Honorary) Advisor He is a medical doctor and a Public Health specialist with over two decades of experience in the fields of primary healthcare, research and evaluation of large scale health programs, policy reforms and organizational development in health-care services and public health education. On the side, one of his serious hobbies is to work with children of all classes in an attempt to improve each chid's inner potential as a performer in life. Besides, he is also a personal trainer certified by American College of Sports Medicine Dr. Sonali Abner Daniel (Honorary), Advisor Eminent public health physician with 18 plus years of experience in advocacy public health research worked with various UN agencies technical expertise in RMNCH+A, NCDs, NTDs Tuberculosis, HIVAIDS, Health System Strengthening. | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

What Our Clients are saying | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Clients and Partners | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

Contact us for More Information Iotalytics Re Operational O PiWork, 9th Floor Plot No. B 4, Sec Tel: +91-8130888 Email – iotalytics Registered Of 26, Vasantha Na Udaiyanpatty, K.K Tiruchirappalli Ta

esearch and Analytics Solutions Pvt Ltd Office : r Matrix Tower, ctor – 132, Noida – 201 301 8947, [email protected] [email protected] ffice : agar, K. Nagar, amil Nadu - 620021 | +91-8130888947 | [email protected]

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