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Home Explore Mohawk Life Issue 1 June/July 2016

Mohawk Life Issue 1 June/July 2016

Published by Mohawk Life Magazine, 2016-07-05 19:15:15

Description: June/July 2016 Issue 1


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4 Richardson Police 16 Business of the Month5 Do You Need a Will? 20 Storm Damage8 Canyon Creek Insurance 23 Fitness10 Pet of the Month 27 Real Estate Cover photo by Brandie Giard.6 Keep Your Home Safe 12 Meet the Lewis Family from Burglars This Summer18 Meet the Tannerys 22 Athlete of the Month – Kendall Goss 1

Mohawk Life Mohawk Life Letter from Publisher Kyla Obert the Publisher EditorH ello Mohawk neighborhood! My name Teri Hebert is Teri Hebert and I am so excited to be part of the team bringing you Ad Sales Mohawk Life magazine. I have been a resident Mike Obert of Richardson for about 13 years and I love Bill Griffin every opportunity to learn more about the city and our great neighbors, neighborhoods, Photographer and businesses. Brandie Giard As you explore this first issue of the magazine, Designer you might recognize me from Warren Caldwell’s Gia Mari L. Pintoy Community News piece on the Richardson Police Volunteer program (VIPS) in this issue. Contributors I am actively involved as a Field Ops Volunteer Warren Caldwell, Carol Will Butrus, for RPD. You might see me from time to time out and about in one of our volunteer vehicles, Wilson Allen, Maria Harris, or helping out at an event in the city. It’s a great way to stay connected, serve the Joan Lombar, Bryan Forsing community, and support our excellent police force. Special Thanks I am a bit of a health and fitness enthusiast. I also love the outdoors, a good book, Boo Martin, Bryan and Rachel Lewis, a leisurely walk or a visit to Bush Central Barkway with my dog Quinn, and a bite to eat at a local food joint. I am so fortunate to live in a city that provides so many great Michael and Tina Tannery, resources for our residents. Buddy Tannery, Kendall Goss Mohawk neighborhood, I look forward to getting to know you! I hope you enjoy this For Advertising Questions, please email inaugural issue of Mohawk Life. Have a wonderful and safe summer! For Editoral Requests, please email Mohawk Life PO Box 835433 Richardson, TX 75083 For Additional copies please call 877-695-1258 2701 Custer Parkway, Suite 823 Richardson, TX 75080 Managing Partners Mike and Kyla Obert Principals Campbell Kerr and Dustin Shaffer2

Mohawk LifeCommunity NewsGetInvolvedwith theRichardsonPolice by Warren Caldwell A s a board member of the Richardson There are also some wonderful services provided by the department. Citizens Police Academy Alumni For instance, there is Video Crime Watch. Residents with a video Association, it pleases me to share with surveillance system may register their cameras with the department. you some of the many opportunities that exist to In the event a crime has been committed near a camera, officers may partner with the Richardson Police Department check the database and ask residents to check the recorded data. in a joint effort to combat crime and to promote public safety. Residential Lockbox Program is a program designed for first responders to have quick access to provide assistance to the elderly of The Citizen Police Academy (CPA) is a those with special needs. A lockbox with a spare key to the residence is45-hour academic course taught annually and is designed to give placed on the property. Police, Fire and Paramedics have access to theRichardson citizens a working knowledge of the Richardson Police code and the front door won’t need to be breached to provide assistance.Department. Classes are designed to be interactive and fun with anemphasis on team building. During this time, students will participate in The Special Needs Assistance Program (SNAP) has beena mock SWAT raid, test their skills on the Department’s driving course initiated to deliver faster and more effective aid for persons with specialand have the opportunity to fire police weapons. The goal of the CPA is needs or permanent disabilities in the event of a disaster or other lifeto strengthen the partnership that has been forged between the police threatening emergency. By registering each year, residents can provideand the community which it serves. As graduate citizen ambassadors, vital, disability-specific information, such as the need for life supportthe Alumni Organization functions as a support group to RPD as well systems or mobility aids, to help First Responders in an a community liaison between the community and the department.There is also a Youth Police Academy for children ages 14-17. If your child has completed kindergarten and has not yet started 4th grade, he/she is eligible to attend Summer Safety Camp. Registration Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) is another great way to add a for Richardson residents begins March 18th. Kids will see videoslayer of security for our community as well as support the department. and listen to guest speakers about 9-1-1, Stranger Danger, InternetAfter extensive training, these volunteers assist with Patrol, Investigations, Safety, Animal Safety, Poison Safety, Water Safety and much more.Crime Prevention, Property and Equipment Patrol. There is also a Field Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.Operations Unit that has 3 vehicles dedicated to it. These volunteerswear uniforms and have access to the same radios as the sworn officers. Camp sessions are one week long staring in June and will run through the second week of August. They will be held at the Richardson Police Crime Watch Patrol is another opportunity to be part of the and Fire Substation at 2003 E. Renner Rd. Parents may drop off assolution and is a proven deterrent to crime. For an investment in a 3 early as 8:30 a.m. and must pick up no later than 12:30 each day.hour training class and a commitment of 1 hour per month, you may An adult is required to check child in the first day of camp and stayhelp keep Canyon Creek safer by patrolling our streets and alleys with for a brief meeting. Children may attend only one session. Childrena crime watch placard on your car. Crime Watch goes a long way who have NOT attended Safety Camp in the past will be given prioritytoward making criminals decide that there are easier places than our first, if any openings exist after those registrations are processed, priorneighborhood for which to ply their trade. attendees will be placed. E-mail or call 972-744-4949 for further details. National Night Out is another important tool in our quest to keepour streets safer. It is a year-long community building campaign and We are part of such a special community and one of our strengthsis designed to: (1) Heighten crime prevention awareness; (2) Generate is how enthusiastically we rally our efforts to serve the common for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs; (3) For more information, please consult with the Richardson PoliceStrengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; Department website or contact me directly at 972-814-0400 orand (4) Send a message to criminals letting them know that are organized and fighting back.4

Mohawk Life Community NewsDo You Need a Will? by Carol Willis ButrusA s an Estate Planning Attorney, people often ask me “Do I really often erroneously believe title automatically passes to the surviving need a will?” My reply is “do you have children?” followed by spouse. In November of 2015, Texas did enact a new measure which “do you own a house?” and “do you like to save money?” allows Deeds to contain survivorship provisions. If your Deed predatesIf you have children under the age of 18 you need a will in order November 2015 it will not have the survivorship provision. A will isto name the person or persons you would like the courts to appoint especially important if you have a Deed with joint ownership betweenas guardian of the children. Similarly, your will can name a Trustee to spouses and this is a second marriage with children from previousmanage the money or assets your minor children inherit, or to receive marriage. With a will, you can state the house passes to the survivingthe benefits of a life insurance policy. If you do not have a will, and thus spouse. Without a will, the surviving spouse will wind up with a houseno guardian or trustee is named, the Courts will appoint whomever titled jointly with the deceased spouse’s children.they see fit or whomever applies to serve which may not be the Lastly, if you die with a will and a probate proceeding is required, thepersons you would name. process should be simple - only one trip to the courthouse to appointIf you have children over the age of 18, you do not need to appoint the named executor who is able to act without court supervision. If youa guardian but you still might like to create a trust for a child. Not die without a will and a probate proceeding is required, the processall children are equipped to manage money at the age of 18 and a becomes complicated as the court will have to determine the heirs ofTrust allows you to determine the age at which you think your child your estate before appointing a representative. The representative mayshould take on that responsibility. There are benefits to the child as be required to obtain the court’s approval for all estate transactions.the beneficiary of a trust other than to manage assets. Children over The determination of heirs requires an additional attorney to bethe age of 18 and up to any age may benefit from a trust because the appointed and a court supervised administration adds even more timetrust assets, as inherited property, are separate property. As separate and expense. The money spent on a properly drafted will is much lessproperty, the assets are protected in the event of a divorce. Often than the cost of a probate proceeding where there is no will.parents like the idea that their hard earned money will not wind up with There are many reason to have a will in addition to the onesa former spouse of their child. described above, but if you have kids, a house, or like to save money,If you own a home, title to the home will need to be changed in the you really do need a will.event of your death. If you have a will, you name an executor, theexecutor has the authority to change title to your home. If you are Carol Willis Butrus grew up in Richardson and is a practicing Attorney.married and your home is titled in the names of both spouses, people You can reach her at if you have more questions. 5

Mohawk LifeCommunity NewsKeep Your Home Safefrom Burglars This Summer by Teri Hebert Resource provide by the Richardson Police DepartmentS ummer is here and it’s a great time for families to travel for RPD also provides guidelines to help inventory your property for easy summer vacations. Adventures await! But before you pack up identification and reporting in the event of a burglary. Should a break-in the family and leave town for any length of time, it is well worth occur, an inventory and discreet markings can help retrieve valuables the time to be sure your home is safe, secure and waiting for you to or report items to your insurance company for replacement. A PDF return -- exactly as you left it. brochure of these guidelines is available online through the Police Department homepage at under the Crime Prevention tab. The Richardson Police Department Crime Prevention unit provides some easy and helpful tips to be sure your home is secure year round, 3. House Watch Program and especially when you are away. Did you know that the RPD Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) provide a valuable, and FREE service to help monitor your 1. Assess your home for proper security home while you are away? Trained volunteers will physically check Is your home attractive to burglars? Tall bushes, poor lighting, and your home -- checking doors and windows that should be locked unlocked windows or sheds are tempting to anyone looking to take and looking for anything that seems out of place or dangerous -- and advantage of a home that appears to be unattended. will report suspicious activity to RPD officers and be sure you or a Does your home security system work? A security system is not designated contact are reached immediately if necessary. “secure” if it is broken or unmonitored. Be sure to let your security You can sign up for this program using the online form on the company know that you are traveling and give them a way to contact Police Department homepage at (the last tab on the right you in case of emergency. provides a direct link to the form). For tips on how to maintain burglar-deterrent bushes, proper exterior and interior lighting, and other great home security items to consider, For more information about the tips and programs mentioned check out RPD’s “Home Security Assessment Checklist” above, or about other crime prevention programs, contact RPD’s located online through the Police Department homepage at Crime Prevention unit at 972-744-4955 or under the Crime Prevention tab. 2. Inventory and/or mark your property Have a safe and wonderful summer! Have you inventoried your property? Is your property marked in adiscreet, yet identifiable way?6

Mohawk LifeCanyon Creek Allstate InsuranceGET AFFORDABLE • Cost: Term life insurance is often the most affordable type of life insurance. Your monthly payment is mostly based uponPROTECTION personal health history, age, term and amount of coverage.FOR YOUR • Term: Your policy's \"term\" is the set amount of time you have life insurance coverage at the same premium level. Typically,FAMILY a term life insurance policy's term ranges from 10 to 30 years by Wilson Allen  -  Owner • Coverage: This is the payment amount your beneficiary Y our loved ones depend on you, and will receive if you pass away while the policy is active. Your if you were gone, term life insurance beneficiary can use this payment to help with housing and can help you to continue providing childcare costs or other expenses. Typically, this payment is financial protection and security for your tax exempt. family. While it may be difficult to think about, term life insurance can help provide A term life insurance policy can often be renewed, or you can you with peace of mind because it can help purchase a new policy, at the end of its term. You can convert your provide an income that can cover expenses term life insurance to a permanent life insurance policy without like housing, childcare and groceries. needing a medical exam prior to the end of the conversion period. Keep in mind that the longer you wait to convert your policy from term Basic Term: Allstate's basic term life to permanent, the more expensive it may be. Because you becomeinsurance policy can cover you for 15 years. While it doesn't require a more expensive to insure as you age, if you purchase a policy in yourmedical exam, coverage and the cost of your monthly payments will twenties, your monthly premium will most likely be lower than thosedepend on your answers to a health questionnaire. You can choose who purchase a policy in their fifties. There are a variety of optionsfrom coverage benefit amounts of $50,000, $100,000 or $150,000. available to help you customize your term life policy to fit your specific needs. Call Canyon Creek Allstate to learn more. TrueFit: This type of term life insurance gives you the option tochoose a coverage time period between 10 and 30 years and the Canyon Creek Insuranceamount of coverage. It offers customized coverage that can be 972-810-4149layered to address the unique needs of your family. 2701 CUSTER ROAD #813 II Creeks Plaza wilsonallen@allstate.comThe Difference BetweenTerm Life and Permanent Life. There are many options to consider when purchasing a lifeinsurance policy. Understanding the following differences betweenterm life insurance and permanent life insurance can help you makean informed decision:• Term life insurance offers protection for a finite period of time (10 to 30 years), and permanent life insurance policies offer lifetime protection.• Permanent life insurance builds cash value and term life insurance does not. Canyon Creek Allstate can help you understand the difference between different types of life insurance and answer questions to help you decide what's right for your family.Get To Know Term Life Insurance. © 2015 Allstate Insurance Co. 127385 Understanding the fundamentals of term life insurance can helpyou make more informed decisions about what your family will need.Taking a little time to learn now can help you protect your family in thefuture. The terms below can help you get to know more about termlife insurance:8

Mohawk LifePet of the MonthBOO O ur family is now complete with the addition of our sweet Havanese puppy Boo! We thought we were done havingPet: Boo children after our twins were born, but Macy had other plansParents: Ryan and Natalie Martin for our family. She spent one year trying to convince us to add a familySiblings: Jackson 10, Macy 8, Cooper 5 and Kate 5 pet through poetry, persuasive letters, doggie duty chore charts and many heart to heart conversations. We decided to try to make her childhood dream come true by adding a dog to our family. With having 4 kids in 5 years we really had so much free time and extra money that this just seemed like the right thing to do! Seriously, we have loved having Boo. We really thought the work of having a dog would outweigh the joy but we were so wrong. Boo has added so much joy to our family. He loves snuggles, walks around the block, chasing the neighborhood kids and treats. Although his coat is beautiful, it is a little high maintenance. Natalie and Macy have already given him 20 baths and blow outs and he is about to go to the groomer for a $55 haircut. Expensive? Yes. But we wouldn’t trade our Boo for thousands of dollars!10

Mohawk LifeFeatured FamilyMeet the Lewis Family by Kyla ObertPhotography by Brandie Giard

Mohawk Life Featured FamilyT he day I showed up to interview Bryan and Rachel Lewis, I How long have you lived in your current home and in your had no idea I’d be gaining two new best friends. Well, let’s be current neighborhood? honest, they probably don’t know we’re best friends yet. So I R: We have lived here on Melrose since February 2015.guess we’ll just call it #friendgoals. What are your dogs names and ages? Funny, spunky, and sweet are just a few words that nail this B: Gunnar is 3 and Tatum is about a year and a half.awesome and young couple on the head. Both teachers, Bryan and R: We actually picked Tatum up the day we moved in to our house!Rachel wear numerous additional hats. From painting on canvas towhipping up waffles, they call themselves boring. I think they are just Tell us about your dogs… Where did you rescue them from?exhausted from all of their awesome! They do it all! What are their favorite things to do? Any funny stories? R: We call them Tatum the Terror and Gunnar the Great. We rescued Rachel and Bryan, both raised in Richardson, have been married 2years and still have that sweet, newlywed sparkle in their eyes. Rachel, them both from DFW Rescue Me – a wonderful foster-basedthe artist of the duo and Bryan, the entrepreneur, together make the organization. Tatum loves the dog park and Gunnar loves cuddlingperfect pair. They are very involved with the JJ Pearce Young Life, their on the couch. They are complete opposites!own Life Group through their church, as well as their day jobs and B: Tatum used to have a problem with eating phone chargers. Onesmall side businesses. night I came to bed really late and realized that my entire charger had been eaten. That was a fun trip to the emergency vet! We hope you enjoy getting to know the Lewis’s as much as we did.And maybe you too can be friends with them!Names: Bryan and Rachel Lewis What are your careers and where do you work? R: We are both teachers. I teach 2nd grade at the Math/Science/Where did you meet?R: We actually met at Pearce High School during a tribute show for Technology Magnet. Bryan has been teaching theatre for the past 5 years (3 years at Pearce) and will be opening his own food truck the late Lynn Shaw who taught both of us and was the Pearce this August! Theatre director for over 25 years. What are your hobbies?How long have you been married? B: We are pretty boring! We spend so much of our time goingB: We just celebrated two years of marriage! goinggoing that when we get free time we just like to cook, watch movies, and hang out around the house. R: We also love to travel! We take full advantage of the breaks we get as 13

Mohawk LifeFeatured Family Tell us about Tread Studios. How did it begin? R: It actually began when I painted skylines of all of the places we had traveled together for our wedding. Our wedding planner suggested selling the skylines and I wasn’t too keen on the idea but that was all Bryan latched onto the idea. A few months after the wedding, Tread Studios was born. We create city and college skyline prints and donate 25% of each purchase to charity. I’ve also started transitioning into more abstract pieces lately, which I’ve really enjoyed. It’s great that 25% of each purchase at Tread Studios, goes to charities. Which charities do those proceeds go to and why? R: We donate to Mercy Street Dallas, North Texas Food Bank, Reach Out and Read, DFW Rescue Me, City Church International, and Jesus Said Love. We chose these charities because they are mostly local and they each are working towards something that we are very passionate about.How did you get started volunteering with Young Life?B: I was very involved in Young Life in both high school and college. When Rachel and I got married, I really wanted to go back and lead together. It is a great ministry that reaches kids from different backgrounds and gives them a chance to experience God in new ways.R: Currently we lead the sophomores at Pearce. We have been affectionately referred to as “south campus” and you can often find a bunch of high school kids hanging out at our house!You are both entrepreneurs. Tell us about the businesses youhave started.What groups are you involved with?R: We are in a small group through our church, The Village Plano. I also volunteer with Operation Kindness.Where did both of you grow up?R: We both grew up in Richardson. I grew up in the Prairie Creek area.B: I grew up in the Bowie area. 14

Mohawk Life Featured FamilyTell us about Press Waffle Co.B: We discovered authentic Belgian waffles (we’re not talkin IHOP here folks!) a few years ago when we were traveling through Europe. We enjoyed them so much that when we came back we wanted to have them at our wedding. As we looked around for them and spoke to different caterers, no one knew how to make the specific kind of waffle we were looking for. I decided that this was something that people needed to know about and Press Waffle Co was born! The food truck will be opening late this summer. Follow us @presswaffleco! 15

Mohawk LifeBusiness of the MonthCrossFit RichardsonBusiness Name: CrossFit RichardsonName of owners: John and Julia MarshallNames of any instructors: Amber Edwards, Becca Rother,Billy Hartman, Craig Sandy, Mike Hummel, and Steven NguyenLocation: 970 North Coit Road, Suite 3073, Richardson, TX 75080Phone number: 972.234.1376Website: www.crossfitrichardson.comEmail: julia@crossfitrichardson.comHow Long Have You lived in the Mohawk area?We have lived in the Mohawk area for just over 2 years…and LOVE it!How long has CrossFit Richardson been in business?As of June 1st we have been in business for 8 years.What gave you the inspiration to start CrossFit Richardson?Our desire to move back home, start a family, and continue to coachprovided an opportunity for John to start a business doing what heloved with people he loved.What was your background prior to opening CrossFit Richardson?John actually grew up in Richardson, and graduated from RHS. Juliagrew up in Alabama. They were both college athletes that met at theUniversity of Alabama. John managed and coached at an athletic performance center inLittle Rock, Arkansas after graduation where he primarily worked withbaseball and football players. Julia practiced as a PA for an orthopedicsurgeon in Little Rock, then worked for Dallas Allergy Immunology atMedical City. 16

Mohawk Life Business of the MonthWhat makes CF Richardson different than others?Every gym has it’s own atmosphere, but we think what makes oursdifferent is the amazing community of people that make it up. Theyare hard-working, welcoming, supportive, and fun. Over the years wehave been able to watch some really special friendships form.What’s something that we would want know about you andyour family?We have 3 busy and precious kids (Annie-7, Max-4, Sam-19 months).Annie attends Mohawk, and will be in 2nd grade in the Fall. Go Colts!!Max attends Graham Cracker Express, where John went when hewas young. Sam tags along with Julia everywhere…or actuallyshe is typically found chasing him everywhere! We love and attendWatermark Community Church. Our Saturdays in the Fall are madeand broken with Alabama football. We have a heart for WayForwardAdventures, Young Life, and Mighty Acorn Foundation. We are afamily constantly in need of grace, continually learning how to live andlove well..and grateful for a gym community, church community andneighborhood community that teaches us by example how to do that.How did you get started doing CrossFit?In 2006 the athletic center John was working for affiliated with CrossFitand he began to coach crossfit classes there. It quickly becameJohn’s favorite part of his day, and we decided to take a leap of faithand move back home to open up our own facility.What is one piece of advice you’d give to anyone thinking oftrying CrossFit?We recognize there are several stereotypes associated with CrossFit,but the culture of our gym is very different. We would recommend theytry it for a week before making a decision to do it or not. Anyone cantrain at any level, anytime. We train former professional athletes as wellas grandparents, and everyone in between.Why should people do CrossFit? Anything else you would like to add about CrossFit Richardson.People who choose to do CrossFit can ultimately discover their full We offer CrossFit Kids classes as well. Feel free to email us for morefitness potential. The program is constantly varied, which keeps it fun well as challenging. However, the biggest reasons we love andrecommend CrossFit are because of the community it cultivates and We have a class on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m., and it is alwaysthe bodies and lives that are transformed. free. We would love to have you try us out! Class Schedule: Monday: 5:30 a.m, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12 pm, 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Tuesday: 5:30 a.m, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: 5:30 a.m, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12 pm, 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Thursday: 5:30 a.m, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Friday: 5:30 a.m, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12 pm, 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. Sunday: 17

Mohawk Life Photography by Brandie GiardFeatured Family Meet the Tannerys by Kyla ObertM ichael and Tina Tannery have been a staple in the Mohawk neighborhood for many years. You’re probably looking at their photos right now saying to yourself, ‘oh ya, i’ve seen them out running with that cute black and white dog’. Or if you’ve been to Shady’s or Frankie’s, you’ve walked past their office in II Creeks: Tannery & Company Wealth Management. And if you’ve had the pleasure of meeting or speaking with Mike or Tina, then you can attest to how genuine and kind the Tannery’s are. You most likely haven’t met Michael and Tina Tannery without meeting their four legged friend, Buddy. Whether at the office, on a walk, in the park or helping plant flowers in the garden, Buddy is their sweet English Springer, who has yet to meet a stranger! Buddy might be their only fur baby, but they do have three beautiful daughters who all grew up attending Mohawk, North and JJ Pearce. With all three graduated from college and one daughter recently married, the Tannery girls have kept their parents busy over the years. But it’s easy to see from the way Mike and Tina speak of their daughters how proud they are of them and how much joy they bring to their lives. We hope you enjoy getting to know the Tannery’s as much as we did. And if you see them out for a walk with Buddy or you happen to be in II Creeks in Canyon Creek, give them a quick hello. You’ll be glad you did.

Mohawk Life Featured FamilyName: Michael and Tina Tannery Tell us about your business. Tannery and Company Wealth ManagementHow long have you lived in the neighborhood? Tannery Wilkinson Accountants and ConsultantsMichael moved into the neighborhood in 1970 and has lived onMelrose and Huntington. Then Tina and Michael bought the house on Tell us about any organizations that you are involved with.Stratford in October 2000. Richardson YMCA - Board Member Richardson Chamber of CommerceHow long have you lived in your home?15 ½ years What are the biggest changes you have seen in the neighborhood? When Michael first moved to Richardson in 1962, there were no “old”How many kids do you have and what are their names? people! We have watched as the neighborhood has matured and is3 – Chandler, LynAlise, Hayley now being rejuvenated with young families creating a new energy.Tell us about your dog Buddy. The neighborhood has incredible connections to the past, theBuddy rescued us in July 2013 from English Springer Rescue America. present and the future. Day 1 he came with us to the officeand is a daily fixture at Tannery & Company except for “Spa” days. What do you and Tina like to do in your free time?Over the past years, he has acquired groupies that come visit and Run, Triathlons, Concerts, Garden, Cook and drink wine – why do youbring him ice cream from Sweet Firefly. Buddy is a “Velcro” dog and think we run!wants to be where ever you are – the couch, the closet or out in thebackyard. As long as he is with us, he is always happy. What is your favorite neighborhood spot? Our back yard! Filled with neighbors sharing glasses of wine andWhat schools (elementary, junior high, high school) did your telling stories. Come join us!children attend?Mohawk, North and JJ 19

Mohawk LifeSTORM DAMAGEHow to Avoid Getting Hit “Twice” by Maria HarrisO n March 23, 2016 our neighborhood and surrounding areas were hit with a hail storm, the likes of which we have not seen in 15 years. Shingles were damaged, skylights, siding,windows, fences and vehicles as well. This storm’s duration wasrelatively short, but the wake of damage it left behind was huge.Almost immediately after the fierce weather moves on andhomeowners are evaluating the physical damage their propertyincurred a second wave of chaos ensues. This would be the waveof door-knocking roof contractors and carpenters driving aroundwanting to throw tarps on your house and signs in your yard. Wehave even noticed roofing technicians from out of state trolling around How it Works:the neighborhood, looking at roofing yard signs and calling thecompanies for work. Replacing your roof right away (unless you have Most of us have replacement cost coverage on our homes. Insuranceoverwhelming damage) should not panic you- dealing with the people companies will pay a depreciated value, less your deductible (out oflisted above should. pocket expense). Insurance companies owe you for the RCV less your deductible. They will hold out depreciable value based on the These contractors arrive to take advantage of the “storm projects” condition and age of your home and roof. Insurance companies willand then they leave town. They say that local contractors can’t handle hold this out to ensure the work gets completed. Once all the work isthe work volume and cannot get their hands on product; this is not completed and you have matched the RCV, they will issue a secondtrue. Some contractors offer a 10 year labor warranty while their check. If the value of your contractor’s estimate is more than whatcompany hasn’t even been in business for 10 years. The standard the insurance company listed as RCV, then your contractor needs tolabor warranty is between 3 and 5 years. discuss the differences with your insurance company, and arrive at an agreed scope of repairs before any work begins. The Richardson Police Department, the day after the storm, postedarticles and warnings on our neighborhood Facebook page and Don’t make the mistake of not understanding how your policyNextdoor app. These were informative articles about how to avoid works between you and your contractor! Most importantly, rememberbeing scammed or taken advantage of. Take time to read them, they that your deductible is part of the contract you have with yourare full of solid information. insurance company. We all pay our deductibles. If you are offered a deductible discount or comparative waiver, then that means you Here are three solid tips to keep in mind when selecting a trustworthy will be committing fraud with your insurance company and you willcontractor.1. Your first and most successful resource is through the people likely suffer in quality labor or service with the company you contract closest to you – family, friends, co-workers, associations. to do the work. Material and labor costs in our industry are pretty standard. Any major deviation from usual and customary means a Always ask for references that span a 3-5 year time frame. lack of something. As the saying goes, you will get what you pay for.2. Most hail damage does not cause immediate leaks. You havetime to wait for the trustworthy contractor to come to your BRY-JO Roofing & Remodeling is an award-winning roofing, remodelinghouse. You have 365 days from the date of the “loss” or date and fire/water damage restoration company, with design/build capability.damage occurred to get the work completed. As a matter of Serving the community for over 16years, BRY-JO is insured and bonded.fact, not only do storms bring “storm chasing” contractors; Contact BRY-JO at 972.669.7807 or www.bryjo.cominsurance adjusters from around the country are brought in tohelp adjust claims.3. Be an educated consumer by fully comprehending yourinsurance claim and how it is supposed to be paid.20

Mohawk LifeAthlete of the MonthKendall Gossby Mike Obert K endall Goss has been playing sports in the Richardson area just about her whole life. From RSA Soccer at Breckinridge Park to SVAA Basketball to YMCA Softball, she has loved her time growing up on the field and on the courts with her friends. At North Junior High, she won medals on the track as a hurdler and sprinter and was also a standout in volleyball and basketball She was recognized as the North JH Girls Athlete of the Year in 8th grade. Her focus turned to Volleyball when she arrived at JJ Pearce High School. As a freshman outside hitter, she ended the season starting for the varsity team and helping the Mustangs with a strong play-off run. The success continued for Kendall as a stand-out player for the Mustangs the next 3 years and also on her Club Volleyball Teams that year-after-year finished in the top 30 in the nation. With her volleyball success on the court, Kendall received several scholarship offers to play in college, but has chosen to retire from competitive sports and attend Texas A&M in the Fall. Whoop! Go Kendall Go! What schools did you attend? Mohawk Elementary North Junior High J J Pearce High School Sport: Volleyball Name of parents and siblings: David (JJP 1985) and Catha Goss, Mason Goss (JJP 2013) Accolades: 9th Varsity Starter 10th 1st Team All District 9-5A 11th Defender of the District 10-6A 11th Made it to the Regional Semi finals 5th round 12th Made it to the Regional Semi finals 4th round 12th Varsity Captain 12th Attacker of the Year District 10-6A 12th Texas Girls Coaches Association Academic All-State 12th Richardson Independent School District-Most Valuable Player What other sports do you play: Soccer, Basketball Favorite Sports Moment: My favorite JJP memory was beating Lake Highland HS in the Regional Quarterfinals in a 5 set thriller at Berkner. I got the winning kill (final point to win the game). Berkner was packed and the fans were awesome. Favorite name of little league team: RSA - Dolphins Soccer team People would be surprised if they knew: I was born in Missouri. Favorite Mohawk Memory: In PE, during the 2008 Olympic year, we had a big competition where we received medals. After high school, I’m going to: Attend Texas A&M22

Mohawk LifeWorkplace Wellness Tips byBryanForsingThat Will Make A Big Difference W hether you work in an office, factory, Take It Outside medical facility, school, or any of the other myriad of workplace While keeping your workplace choices in check is important, work environments, most of us spend a lot of our time is also a great place to find a workout buddy! You’re already on the physically at work. In many cases, we actually same general schedule, and you can keep each other accountable spend more time with our coworkers during the and supported throughout the work day, before you go to the gym. work week than we do with our own families. You don’t want to let them down! In addition to always having walking That makes workplace wellness tantamount to shoes with you, pack a gym bag that you carry everywhere, so you our success. And it means the opportunities can eliminate one more excuse. abound to support, and be supported by, our coworkers. We already have our work in Try and Learncommon; why not add another level to the relationship? We can all starttaking simple steps to make our workplace healthier and help each So, what’s the main takeaway from all this? We can start right away!other get to our goals through mutual support and encouragement. Remember:Don’t be the guy who is inconsiderate or unconcerned with otherpeoples’ goals—be the one to push them forward! • Building a “workout” relationship with coworkers is something everyone can do.Talk About It • Be a positive influence at your workplace to help affect change in yourself and others.The first step is too obvious: Talk to the people you spend every • Be prepared to exercise when the opportunity arises and takeday with and find out what they are looking to achieve. Once we advantage of whatever time you get.know that, it’s much easier to support each other, and you may learn • Plan ahead to make healthy food have even more in common than you realize. Another big step is • Find a reliable workout buddy where the relationship is stronggiving others permission to hold you accountable. Yes, it requires a bit enough to withstand holding each other accountable.of vulnerability, and a willingness to share with others your successes • Have fun with it!and struggles. But it will pay off. There will be less temptation toregularly bring “goodies” to the office to share, or go out for lunch It will take some time, but is worth the effort. Good luck!instead of eating the healthy food we brought with us.Implement Small Steps Next, you need to establish a little office activity routine, and you willbe off and running (pun intended!). Focus on what’s reasonable basedon your job demands. There are many easy exercises and active thingsyou can do during your work day. It’s not necessary to do everything onyour list every day. Just take each opportunity you can to do something.The simple suggestions always apply: park farther away so you haveto walk a bit; take the stairs instead of the elevator; make extra tripsto the copy room to get more steps in; bring your lunch; and if othersbring calorie-laden snacks in to share, avoid the break room as muchas possible. Remember: It’s not always necessary to work up a sweatwhile at work—just increase your activity. It’s usually the small changeswe make and adhere to on a regular basis that make the biggest impact.Here’s some more advice:• Comfortable walking shoes should be as much a part of your daily work gear as your phone; never leave home without them.• There are lots of choices for wearable activity trackers and apps for your phone so you can always have the information you need to be sure you are staying on track. Do a little research and find the one that suits your needs the best.• Take a good look at your immediate work space. Is it ergonomically correct? Does it allow for movement? Can you stand and work if you want?• If you don’t have a lot of time during your work day, find a good short lunchtime workout you can still use occasionally.• Group lunches are a great way to connect. Plan “outings” to your kitchen or communal space with your own meals, rather than always eating out. The good news is that if you can get others on board, you won’t feel like 8.1.16 ©2016 Anytime Fitness, LLCthe oddball. You’ll be the “outsider” if you don’t join in the healthy activity! 23

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Mohawk Life Mohawk Real EstateSaying hello, I am a long time Richardson resident and The following listings are those of many brokersREALTOR. I look forward to providing information of interest who serve Richardson:to you in each issue. Sold Properties List Price Sold Date SqFtMohawk Attendance Area Address $199,000 04/11/2016 1,640Then: 3/1/2015 to 4/30/2015 1907 N Waterview Drive $230,000 03/11/2016 1,865 1913 N Waterview Drive $238,000 03/15/2016 2,120 • Sold: 14 Properties 1709 N Waterview Drive $235,000 04/07/2016 2,196 • Range: $205,000 - 484,000 1909 N Waterview Drive $365,000 04/12/2016 2,884 • Avg. Price: $342,516 1092 Edith Circle $360,000 04/04/2016 2,004 • Avg. Price per Sq. Ft.: $138.62 1128 N Cottonwood Drive $350,000 04/12/2016 2,527 1231 Ottawa Drive $349,900 04/22/2016 2,453Mohawk Attendance Area 1408 Huntington Drive $385,000 03/04/2016 2,880Now: 3/1/2016 to 4/30/2016 1111 Edith Circle $369,900 04/22/2016 2,623 1902 Violet Circle • Sold 12 Properties $379,900 03/02/2016 2,211 • Range: $210,000 - 402,900 1207 Huntington Drive $409,900 03/22/2016 2,911 • Avg. Price: $322,633 1411 Huntington Drive • Avg. Price per Sq. Ft.: $135.76 Source: NTREIS 2016 Information deemed reliable,Not enough information, I have more! Please call or email me. but not guaranteed.I am always happy to hear from you. FOR SALE Sold by Joan1871 PRAIRIE DOG RUNPool, Playyard & Pearce (H.S.)$459,5551889 QUAIL LANE Want to see, give me a call or text.1-Story, ’97  Pearce (H.S.)$400,000 27