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Home Explore Mohawk Life Volume 1 Issue 3

Mohawk Life Volume 1 Issue 3

Published by Mohawk Life Magazine, 2016-11-09 14:51:26

Description: October/November 2016.

Keywords: mohawk life,mohawk magazine


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4 Your Vote Matters! Election 2016 22 Insurance5 Spooky Safe Halloween 23 Fitness10 Setting the story straight 24 Pet of the Month18 5 ‘Must Haves’ for an 27 Real Estate Outdoor Living Space 28 In The Kitchen20 Richardson Food Truck Park Front Cover photo provided by Ash & Plume photography.6 Student of the Month - 8 Golden Couple - Sierra Talbert Zes & Mary Scott12 Business of the Month 15 Family of the Month - The Botts 1

Mohawk Life Mohawk Life Letter from Publisher Kyla Obert the Publisher EditorI t may have been 90 degrees through Teri Hebert most of October, but the signs of fall are starting to show up all around Ad Sales the neighborhood. From football games Mike Obert and tailgating, to all things pumpkin, to Nancy Luttinger sweaters and scarves, to earlier sunsets, fall is a welcomed season in Texas! Photographer Ashley Bass While putting this fall issue of Mohawk Life together, we had the pleasure of Designer meeting some incredibly interesting people. Gia Mari L. Pintoy Al Fike, an entrepreneur and comedian, is a Mohawk neighbor with a passion to Contributors make people laugh and teach people how Maria Harris, Wilson Allen to safely shoot firearms. Sounds oddly interesting, right? You won’t want to miss Special Thanks the opportunity to hear his story. Also in Sierra Talbert, Zes and Mary Scott, this issue, we introduce you to the sweet Botts family. With three young children, Al Fike, Josh and Kristen Botts it’s easy to see whey their days are so busy and full of fun. For Advertising Questions, please email [email protected] As always, we hope you not only enjoy getting to know your neighbors through Mohawk Life, but we also hope you’ll get out and support your neighbors! Whether For Editoral Requests, please email meeting up with friends at the Richardson Food Truck Park, catching a comedy [email protected] show, or out for a walk with your favorite pet, there are so many great ways to meet, [email protected] support and enjoy your awesome neighbors. Happy Fall! Mohawk Life Letter from the Editor PO Box 835433 Richardson, TX 75083I ’m still getting used to the fact that it is already pumpkin spice season and kids For Additional copies please call (and grown-ups) will soon roam the streets 877-695-1258 in Halloween costumes. This year is going by so fast! ButI am definitely glad that football is 2701 Custer Parkway, Suite 823 back (Sic’Em Bears!). And that cooler weather Richardson, TX 75080 is upon us. Managing Partners So join me in this issue of your neighborhood Mike and Kyla Obert magazine as we explore some great things that are perfect for fall -- Tailgate Food, Principals Halloween safety, and yes . . . finding time for Campbell Kerr and Dustin Shaffer Fall Fitness. We’ve also got some great information about why it’s important to vote (thinking ahead to November) and how to find your polling place. Not only is it national election time, but it’s important to vote for your local representatives as well. We hope the information provided in this issue can help you get the information you need to make your voting decisions this year, then get to the polls to cast your vote! Now, cozy up with your pumpkin spice latte and your pumpkin spice bread while wearing your pumpkin-colored sweater as you sit near your pumpkin spice candles and enjoy this latest edition of Mohawk Life magazine! 2

Mohawk LifeCommunity NewsYour Vote Matters! But if you still feel like “I can’t vote for someone I don’t know,” then ask someone whose opinion you trust and you know has doneElection 2016 the work to learn about each candidate. by Teri Hebert TIME TO VOTE!I t’s hard to believe, but it’s almost time to vote again! As the Can’t make it out the day of the election? Any registered voter November elections draw closer, it’s important to understand where to vote and why it is important to vote the whole ballot age 65 and older may request a mail ballot. Check with the county-- not just the top. elections department. Many voters only vote for the national and State-wide candidates -- Early voting runs October 24 thru November 4. Check the electionsPresident, Senator, Congress, etc. But remember, it is the local judges, department website for all locations. You do not have to vote in yourconstables, and Sheriff offices that affect you the most. specific precinct location during Early Voting.BE INFORMED Many polling locations also provide curbside voting for those who Before the election, voters can download a sample from the Dallas are unable to walk into the polling area. If you are accompanying anyone who is disabled,you can go into the polling area and tell theCounty elections department to review and learn about all candidates election judge or clerk that they need curbside voting for an elderlyon the ballot in their area. Note that there will be a lot of judges (civil person in the car. The ballot will be brought out to them.and criminal county court and Court of Appeals), but these positionsare important. We are affected every day by judges’ decisions, more If you plan to vote on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov 8th) you mustthan those of other elected officials. vote in your local precinct. For more information about Early Voting or Election Day voting locations, visit Dallas County’s voting website: Dallas County Elections Department Thank you for voting!4

Mohawk Life Community News Spooky Safe Halloween by Teri HebertH alloween is almost here! Candy + costumes + community For ADULTS without kids to watch: = FUN. As you head out to parties or trick-or-treating this • Don’t drink or text or wear a scary mask or look for Pokémon year, be sure to stay safe! Here are a few tips to have a spooky while driving.– yet safe – Halloween. • Be sure your party is scary enough that it is enjoyable for guests and good Facebook photos, but not so scary so that it frightensFor KIDS: the neighborhood for as long as you live here. • Always make sure your mom or dad is within sight as you trick- • When lighting jack-o-lanterns or candles, be sure they are away or-treat in the neighborhood. And never go into the house of from other flammable things (costumes, decorations, small someone you don’t know – even if they invite you in and have children, etc.) or use battery-powered lights. cute puppies. • Look both ways before crossing the street and only cross at corners. For your PETS: • Leave the “tricks” at home – no throwing eggs at houses or cars, • Do not let your dog trick-or-treat alone, no matter how much no knocking over decorations or mailboxes. she begs. • Be careful to inspect all of your cat’s trick-or-treat candy beforeFor PARENTS: letting her eat all of the good stuff. • Know where your children are if they are going to a party and • Be sure your pet’s costume is pet-friendly (do not dress your dog give them a curfew (it’s okay to be the party poopers). as Animal Control – that’s just mean). Also be sure your pet can • Keep an eye on smaller children at all times when trick-or-treating breathe in his costume. and take them only to houses where you know the neighbors. • Make sure kids have costumes that are safe – Edward Scissorhands In all seriousness, don’t hesitate to call 911 if you see something complete with real blades for hands? Cute, but maybe not safe. suspicious or dangerous while trick-or-treating or at a party. Keep • Be sure to inspect all of your child’s candy haul for safety . . . a helpful eye on your family and neighbors, have fun, and be safe before letting them eat all of the good stuff. this Halloween! 5

Mohawk LifeStudent of the MonthSierra Talbert football games performing in the halftime show and not going home by Sierra Talbert until well after midnight, and spending almost every Saturday of the first semester at marching competitions or other band functions. I amM y name is Sierra Talbert. I’m a junior at JJ Pearce High also part of the MOB, or Men of Brass, a selective pep band of sorts School, and I’ve attended Richardson North Junior High and made up of the best trombones and tubas. Mohawk Elementary since third grade. My mom and dadare Amanda and Josh Talbert, I have a sister Camden who is a sophomore Besides being in the band, I am very into art at Pearce and amat Pearce, and cousins Daylon and Corbin Talbert at Mohawk. currently working on my art portfolio as part of the AP art class, which will be submitted to the college board. I am taking five AP I am a member of the Mighty Mustang Band at Pearce and I play classes at Pearce and I love chemistry. I also babysit for many familiesthe tenor trombone. I participate in both the marching season in the in the Mohawk neighborhood.fall and concert season in the spring. As a part of the marching band, Iam a section leader and get to help lead and teach the other members I love living in the Mohawk neighborhood for many reasons: Soof the trombone section. I picked the trombone because it is, in my many great people live in this neighborhood, many of my goodopinion, the most fun section in the band, and because the way the friends live here, it is in a great location being so close to the highinstrument worksgoes well with my embouchure. When I tried out school, and it is so beautiful. I am very glad that I have gotten growinstruments in fifth grade I had actually picked the French horn, but up in this community.later changed to trombone because it fit me better. Some of my favorite band or high school moments would be getting I love being in marching band because I have a family in the MMB to compete in the region finals at the marching band UIL completion,and I love the accomplishment we feel as a group when we finish a or winning our most recent Homecoming football game againstshow or perform at competition. We bond as a group because we all Richardson. After high school I plan to go to college and major in astruggle together. We sacrifice a month of our summer for marching science and be in the marching from 8am to 5pm, march every morning before school startingat 6:40am and some afternoons, spend every Friday with the band at6

Mohawk LifeGolden CoupleZes & Mary Scott by Teri Hebert“W e’re just old fuddy duds,” was how Zes put it as we as a dental hygienist. Of course, without that education . . . she never started talking. But by the time we were finished, I had would have met Zes and this cornerstone couple and family would be learned that Mohawk residents Zes and Mary Scott are missing from Mohawk’s history and legacy.two of the busiest “old fuddy duds” you might ever meet! Mary and Zes moved to Mohawk 53 years ago and still live in the Their story begins almost 60 years ago when they met in dental very same house they built at that time. As to what brought them toschool – Zes was studying to be a dentist and Mary was studying Mohawk? “The other property we were looking at was in Canyonto be a dental hygienist. They were married in 1959 and have had a Creek, but it backed up to the train track. So we picked this one,”beautiful life (so far)! says Zes. But according to Zes (in jest, of course), Mary’s dental school Mary and Zes have seen the neighborhood grow from nothingeducation went completely wasted because she never regularly worked (only house on the block!) to a thriving place where many of8

Mohawk Life Golden Coupletheir neighbors have been there about as long as they have. Whenthey moved in, their neighbor down the street was one of thefirst houses in the neighborhood. At the time, she couldn’t getwater to her house so she had to go a few houses away to showerevery day. They remember when they could take their Easter bunnies acrossthe street to an open field and let them run free. Arapaho andCoit roads were small, two-lane roads. They remember life beforePearce high school was built, and when Mohawk Elementary wasbrand new. They’ve seen the neighborhood transition from lots of kids, toseeing all of those kids grow up and move away, to seeing new younglife come back to the neighborhood again. Mary and Zes host one ofthe largest, pizza-party-winning block parties for National Night Outevery year and this year they were thrilled to see so many kids at theparty again. These two do everything big. They raised four sons in their home inMohawk (Victor, twins Chris and Steve, and Doug). All four sons aremarried. And there are eight grandkids, several of which went throughMohawk and Pearce. From hosting big parties and having a large family, it might come asno surprise that Mary and Zes know how to cook big, too. They playa big part in cooking and helping their church with the Greek FoodFestival of Dallas at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. Everyyear, they start cooking in July to be ready for the three-day festivalin late September! Before retiring, Zes was a dentist in Richardson for 37 years. He wasalso on the board of Richardson Sports Incorporated. And hecoachedlittle league for his boys – football, baseball, and basketball. Now that he’s retired? He hasn’t really slowed down. He playsgolf most Mondays and Fridays. On Tuesdays (when the golf courseis closed) he and some of his golf buddies volunteer at the Audelialibrary location of AARP Taxes, helping to do taxes for people whocan’t afford to have their taxes done by a paid accountant. Mary has certainly kept herself busy over the years, as well, and notjust with four boys to raise!At the time they moved to Mohawk, shecouldn’t join any of the babysitting clubs (she had 4 kids to anyoneelse’s one child – not a fair trade!). So she looked for other ways to getinvolved in the city. She joined the Richardson Symphony in its early stages. She laterjoined the Richardson Women’s club back when it met at a Savings& Loan building at Beltline and Coit before it moved to the beautifullocation it has today. She also joined the Richardson Service League,which later became the Junior League of Richardson. As if all of that isn’t enough for these busy “fuddy duds”, these daysMary likes to work in her yard with the help of her best friend (whoactually likes to pull weeds!). And Zes does woodworking and createsstained glass windows – a look around their home is a showcase ofhis talents, with stained glass windows in almost every room and abackyard full of his colorful wooden birdhouses. Mary and Zes love the lifelong friends and relationships they’vehad in the Mohawk neighborhood starting 53 years ago when theychose their lot on Mohawk Trail over the lot by the railroad tracks inCanyon Creek. We’re so glad they chose the same dental school – andthat lot on which to build their home and their family! 9

Mohawk LifeCommunity NewsSetting the story straight:A reverse mortgage loan can help you stay afloat in retirementConsider the following:• Nearly one-third of retirees have less than $1,000 in savings (Employee Benefit Research Institute’s April 2015 survey on retirement confidence).• Approximately 80 percent of seniors are homeowners, and homeowners over age 65 hold, on average, more than $200,000 of equity (2016 Merrill Lynch retirement study conducted in partnership with Age Wave).• The number of seniors in the U.S. has increased 20 percent in the past five years, reaching 48 million—and this number will continue to grow (December 2015 Population Reference Bureau Bulletin entitled Aging in the United States). With more baby boomers expected to reach retirement age in the for Purchase loan, which allows them to use the equity in their currentcoming years, living longer and lacking adequate savings to support home to purchase a new one more suitable for their needs as they age.them, many will need to consider their home equity, accessed by areverse mortgage, to help fund retirement. Shifting Opinions The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College has published Most people have heard of reverse mortgages, but not all have asolid understanding of the loan. The truth is, recent policy changes a number of briefs extolling the advantages of the product. Its researchover the past few years have been made to fine-tune the loan, ensuring predicts that more people will choose to access their home equity inits longevity for the millions of seniors who are looking for greater the coming years. “While most retired households do not currentlystability in their golden years. tap equity, this approach may be a luxury that future retirees will not be able to afford,” a brief from the Center states. “As the baby boomersA Shout Out to Reverse Mortgage Loans retire and the retirement income system contracts, housing equity is Reverse mortgage loans, also known as Home Equity Conversion likely to become an increasingly important source of support.”Mortgages (HECMs), offer qualified homeowners age 62 and over In October, Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Merton drewaccess to a portion of their home equity without the burden of the finance world’s attention to reverse mortgages. At a wealthmonthly repayment—as long as loan terms are complied with. Unlike management conference, Merton said he believes reverse mortgagesa traditional home equity loan or aHELOC, a HECM doesn’t need will become essential to tap home equity. He stated, “This is goingto be repaid until the borrower moves, sells, passes away or fails to to become one of the key means of funding retirement in the future.”comply with loan terms. The homeowner retains title to the homeand is obligated to make tax and insurance payments, maintain the Noted retirement expert and frequent Forbes contributor Jamiehome in good repair and otherwise comply with loan terms. Hopkins is one of many financial professionals who has spoken out about the importance of the product. In his October 7, 2015 column, Additional rules have been adopted to safeguard reverse mortgage loans Hopkins wrote, “Reverse mortgages are aviable tool for retirementfrom the problems that plagued them in the past. With new protections income planning, and while not for everyone, could serve as a savingin place for non-borrowing spouses, expanded rules for lenders and a grace for many baby boomers facing a retirement income shortfall.”financial assessment to ensure a borrower’s suitability, reverse mortgagesare a better, stronger and safer product than ever before. With shifting positive opinions by experts, media coverage of reverse mortgages is trending positively like never before, and public opinion HECM loans of today are now being considered as a financial appears to be following suit. The bottom line is this: reverse mortgageplanning tool to be used strategically in retirement. With a growing loans are positioned to become an important part of the retirementline of credit option, borrowers can use the loan to leverage their home planning puzzle in the coming years, and as such, older homeownersequity, hedge against dips in the market or retain funds on standby to should at least consider home equity as part of a comprehensivebe used when unexpected expenses crop up. financial strategy. Accessing home equity through a reverse mortgage loan can alsoprovide the funds needed to age in place—the overwhelmingpreference for most Americans—enabling them to make homerenovations or pay for in-home care. Or, borrowers can take a HECM10

Mohawk LifeBusiness of the MonthAl FikeT his month, we had the privilege of getting to know Al Fike. He’s actually two business in one and a very interesting guy. You might have seen him on stage during one of his comedyshows. Or perhaps you’ve taken his License to Carry class. A funnyguy who can shoot? Yes! Mohawk residents, please meet Al Fike!You are actually two businesses. What are the names of your Tells us a favorite story or two about your businesses.businesses and how long have you been in business? Regarding comedy, I’m always writing down thoughts, ideas, I’ve always been an entrepreneur. Shoot—I may have four other situations that I could use on stage. I remember one time whenbusinesses I’m not even aware of yet. I’ve always tried to be the best at my son, Skyler, was very young. He was curious about religiousanything I sought after. But the career I’ve had the longest has been denominations. He asked his mom, “Mom, are we Catholic?” Shestand-up comedy and ministry. This has and will always been my says, “No, honey, we’re not.” He asks with a concerned look, “Well,passion. Nothing thrills me more than standing on stage for a crowd are we prostitutes then?” I jumped in and said, “Close, son, veryof people who need to have a good laugh and some inspiration to keep close.” Lol!them going in a world that seems to want them to stop. Regarding the handgun instruction, I enjoy teaching adults how to Al Fike Ministries, Inc.—I perform clean stand-up comedy and shoot, especially senior adults. It’s exciting to watch them learn howentertainment for churches and other organizations who do not care to properly hold, aim and shoot. I have some innovative techniquesfor the alternative. I started when I was about 17. In fact, I started a that accelerate the learning process. It’s the smile on their face thatChristian Comedy Night at the Improv Comedy Club in Addison gives me a thrill, knowing that they can do it, that they can protectseveral years ago. It went over very well as I was trying to meet a themselves, if they had to. One dear lady (74) scored 238 points out ofneed for people who preferred a club environment without the filthy a 250 on the target! She was beside herself. Don’t get me wrong, thislanguage. The Fox News Channel caught wind of it and I was is a serious subject, and students need to practice and be safe, whichinterviewed, because it was such an anomaly—to have clean comedy I strongly emphasize. But I just try to make the process more fun. Iin a club! But most of what I do now is travel around the state and guess this is where my humor comes in. Back in the 90s, I did a similarcountry entertaining for various groups. thing with Comedy Defensive Driving. It worked out very well. Concealed Carry Texas—I grew up around firearms all my life in How long have you lived in the Mohawk neighborhood?Mississippi. We had a shooting range on our farm for a number of Since 2001years that my brother managed. I renewed my interest in handguns afew years ago and became hooked because it’s so much fun! One thingled to another, and I became certified as an NRA Pistol Instructor, aswell as a License to Carry (LTC) trainer for the Texas Department ofPublic Safety. What pushed me was there were several people at TheHeights Baptist Church (where I attend) in Richardson, that wantedtheir concealed handgun license (now called License to Carry). So Icurrently teach the classroom portion at the church, then head to thegun range afterwards, because we aren’t allowed to use the parking lot!Plus, the range is safer, LOL!What inspired you to do what you do? I’ve always had a good sense of humor even as a kid. I never thoughtthat I would make a living at it. I remember when I was in grade schoolthrough high school and college, I imitated many of my teachers (theyweren’t in the room, obviously). They were all very happy to see memove on! In my opinion, life is too short not to enjoy it, and not tohave a little fun (but, only in the proper way). I never perform at theexpense of others. I don’t want to ever do anything to disappoint theLord. One tends to never do anything to hurt somebody that oneloves, right?12

Mohawk Life Business of the MonthWhat brought you to the Mohawk neighborhood? home schools her boys. Logan is a former weight lifter who teaches My wife, Carolyn, grew up very close to this neighborhood. When middle school.we got married, we initially lived in Addison and then found a house Our son, Skyler, is an architect in Dallas, as well as a on Stratford, and we absolutely love it. I don’t think we’ll ever Our other son, Clayton and his wife, live in Oklahoma City. He’s aleave, unless the Lord has other plans for us! musician and songwriter and also leads worship at Frontline Church. They have one daughter and another one on the way.What do you love most about living in the Mohawkneighborhood? Share with us a funny or awesome story of living in the Mohawk neighborhood. Previously living near the airport in Addison, we couldn’t hearmuch of anything natural. The first thing I noticed when we moved Two of our dogs were watching two squirrels chase each other inhere was the birds singing. It’s just so peaceful here, and we love our our large tree. One of them fell, and both dogs caught him in theirneighbors. We have so many young couples with children moving mouths at the same time, strutting around like they had achieved ainto the area. That helps bring back a lot of great memories for life-long dream. Hilarious! Sadly, little squirrelly didn’t make Whenever our grand kids come over, they have someone toplay with. Anything else you’d love for your neighbors to know about your business or you?Tell us about your family (names, ages, schools, work, etc). Web: My wife works for TD industries as an Executive Assistant. She Web: Facebook: aljfikeloves the company and her job. Facebook: ConcealedCarryTexas My daughter, Katie, lives with her husband and three sons in Haslet, Twitter: @alfikeNorth Fort Worth. She’s a hair stylist and a wonderful mother 13

Mohawk Life Family of the MonthThe Botts What do you do for a living? Josh – Real Estate AttorneyShare with us the names and ages of everyone living in your Kristen – Stays at home with the kidshouse, including your pets. How did the two of you meet? Josh – 36 Kristen and Josh met at the most happening bar in Dallas, Tribeca, Kristen – 33 Caroline – 7 (hence the name of our pet). On this special night in February of Cooper – 5 2006, Josh was particularly on his game. Kristen tried to shake Josh Carter – 2 throughout the night, but his persistence prevailed. At the end of the Beca – 9 year old Yorkshire terrier night when the lights came on and Josh was calling a cab because all of his friends had left him, Kristen offered him a ride home. KristenWhere do your kids attend school? will tell you she heard him say he lived on a street that was only two Mohawk Elementary – Kindergarten and 2nd grade miles away, but in fact it was MUCH farther than that (turns out it was in Richardson, no less!). Despite the moans and groans from theTell us about your pets: where did you get them? Do they have other people in the car, Kristen drove Josh home anyways. It was theany unique tricks or quirks? start of an unending, truly romantic relationship. Beca can sit, stay, rollover, shake hands and is really good at sitting on How long have you lived in the Mohawk Neighborhood?the couch in just the right spot where the sun hits. She is also really good 3 yearsat shaking her tail to let us know she needs to go outside . . . at 6 AM. What brought you to the Mohawk Neighborhood? Our previous house was in a neighborhood where we knew no one and the schools were not very good. We wanted to get closer 15

Mohawk LifeFamily of the Monthdowntown Dallas as well as send our kids to public schools. In every neighborhood, TCU games, attending church and the many sportingaspect, the Reservation has exceeded our expectations! events these kids are a part of throughout the year. We also love to travel, especially to the beach!What do you love most about living in the MohawkNeighborhood? Do you do any volunteer work? Kristen is active in the PTA, in charge of publicity for the second We love the community feel. From the park parties, July 4th, thechildren riding their bikes and the friendly neighbor waves hello, this year in a row. She also volunteers within the school at lunchtime andneighborhood loves its residences. Neighbors exchange keys, dinners within the classrooms.and kids. People take pride in their home and this Neighborhood.Our streetin particular is always filled with kids running and playing Josh coaches soccer and basketball for the kids and helps out with all ofand our kids never go without a friend. the other sports teams that they play on. He also is a CHIEF at Mohawk.Share with us a funny or awesome story of living in the Mohawk What do your kids do outside of school? Sports teams, etc.Neighborhood. Caroline plays soccer, basketball, softball, dance and piano. Cooper plays soccer and T-ball. We had this amazing Live Oak tree in the front of our home. It Carter, although too young to be in any organized activity, (whetherhad a swing in it almost from the day we closed on the house. Oneday last year the tree fell over (roots and all). We don’t know if it he likes it or not) does all of the above and can always be found on thewas a mighty gust of wind (it was not windy at all), the extremes sidelines helping coach whenever possible.of the weather last year (rain and then drought) or what, but it fellover in the middle of the day. Fortunately, it did not hurt anyone Anything else you would love for your neighbors to knowor the home. What was on the surface a costly event became the about you?social trigger for seemingly every kid in the neighborhood. Multipleforts were made within minutes of the fall of the tree. The neighbors In this family . . .brought over lemonade and comments such as “this is the best thing We love Godever” were made throughout the day. Although Josh was not happy at We play in the sprinklersall to see the tree when he came home from work and he had it taken We have snowball fights in the summercare of rather quickly, it certainly made the day of the Botts kids and We pray togetherneighborhood kids. We read together We love togetherWhat do you do for hobbies or for fun? We laugh together Please see above for the number of children and their ages. What We have dance parties, sing alongs and bulid forts We celebrate small victories and don’t dwell on insignificant defeatshobbies and what fun? When we do get out, we love walks around the There are definitely silly sibling fights, of course, but at the end of the day, we are family!16

Mohawk Life5 ‘Must Haves’ for an Outdoor Living SpaceF all and Winter is right around the corner and in Texas that people to congregate on a chilly night. Outdoor fireplaces offer a stately means enjoying the great outdoors. You should already be and attractive architectural feature within a design. However, fireplaces making plans to spend more time enjoying the outdoors and are significantly more expensive than fire pits, mostly due to scalabilityyour own outdoor space. But it all starts with a great plan. and engineering requirements to comply with code. While a fire pit is a little closer to a rustic element, the functionality and aesthetics can Your first order of business should be considering an area where you really work in the right environment. Fire pits can be a great alternativewant your space and how many people you entertain on a regular basis if, perhaps, budget or space limitations are the issue.– at the same time accomplishing a desired design style. Great outdoordesign is analogous to great interior design. Often, the outdoor space OUTDOOR PIZZA OVENS – An outdoor kitchen is an investment foris an organic extension and reflection of the spirit of the home itself. some, but it is becoming more of a standard in the Metroplex area.Site lines, design element orientation, landscape and lighting all play With interest rates so low, people are looking for ways to increase theconcert with the indoor space. So, once your design is ready, take a look value of their home. By investing in their home, they are able to enjoyat these five must-have-add-ons to create your outdoor area nirvana. the final outcome plus reap the benefits when they sell their home. A wood-burning oven, for example, provides a way for cooking yourLIGHTING – Outdoor lighting is really the “cherry” on top of any own pizzas, veggies and meats. It definitely becomes the focal point ofoutdoor living space, so it should go without saying that lighting any outdoor kitchen, bringing family and friends together.should be one of your first considerations when designing youroutdoor space. A beautifully designed outdoor environment translates NATURAL ELEMENTS – When planning your space, it is very importantto a complete new and beautiful aesthetic at night with a professionally to take all aspects of the natural environment into consideration –designed lighting installation. wind direction, sunrise, sunset, rain, etc. Most outdoor spaces are being built with some sort of roof structure attached. And, watertightAUDIO/VIDEO – We are in the world of high tech entertaining. More structures allow for year-round casual entertainment and offer moreand more outdoor spaces are equipped with flat-screen TVs and protection for lavish outdoor furnishings.surround sound stereo equipment. Contractors can provide fullyintegrated electronic solutions so that music, audio/video, theater- Outdoor living hinges upon design innovation, deep technicalstyle surround sound complete the environment. knowledge, efficient execution and craftsmanship. So, finding the right remodeler to help you in your outdoor living area journey is key.FIREPITS  VS  FIREPLACES – Itmayjustbeanaturalfactthatifyoubuild But, once your space is finished you won’t want to come back indoors!a fire, people will gather. A fire feature provides a natural designation for18

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Mohawk LifeCommunity NewsRichardson Food Truck Park by Teri HebertC an you believe the Richardson Food Truck Park is already bar, help with the backend side of things, and even build the toys you see celebrating its one-year anniversary? Neither can Michelle in the park. She also helps the trucks with any generator or maintenance Chesney, the founder of our city’s beloved truck park!But on issues while they are onsite. You’ll find that Katherine and Michelle areSeptember 17, she celebrated a year of truck park goodness at RFTP quite handy! And they’ll do whatever it takes to help keep trucks runningand had a big party – complete with extra trucks and live music all day and coming back with their tasty treats for the community.-- to commemorate the event. Some of the most frequent trucks include MiSazon (Mexican food), Michelle has been a Richardson resident since 2007, sharing her Meat in the Street (bringing some Venezuelan culture), Chez Flohome with her son Jackson (12 years old) and daughter Iola (7 years (crepes and French fare), El Rudo (Mexican street food), Sweets byold) who both enjoy the new pool that was added to the home this Selina (desserts), and Cousins Maine Lobster (lobster rolls) – just toyear. They also have a very affectionate Vizsla dog named Trigger. name a few! Michelle makes it a priority to bring in great trucks and keep them coming. As a real estate broker, Michelle has an eye for great propertiesand the possibilities that can come along with a unique place. She Not only does the RFTP provide a great place to hang out, Michelleloves looking for “weird” properties, and in 2014 this lead her to the has a passion for helping others. You will find frequent events atabandoned house near Interurban that sits on what is now the RFTP the RFTP that benefit charities, including a fundraiser for Traffic(Richardson Food Truck Park) property. She saw the house as a great 911 (October 13) – an organization that helps free youth fromplace to make herself an office for her brokerage business, and as that sex trafficking.began to take shape, she saw the potential in that area to bring in foodtrucks and create a child- and pet-friendly oasis for people to enjoy. Michelle also enjoys connecting the Food Truck Park with other local businesses in that area to help build a sense of community and But she didn’t do it alone! Michelle brought in her business partner, share resources (including parking!). You’ll evenfind Four CornersKatherine Hume, to help navigate through the permit process, manage the brews at the bar!20

Mohawk Life Community News Michelle’s vision a couple of years ago created a unique place inRichardson to gather with friends and family while enjoying a rotatingvariety of food trucks with a cold drink. She loves that the RFTPenhances Richardson’s community. As the cooler fall weather sets in, it’s a great time to visit theRichardson Food Truck Park and support your communityor a greatcause when a fundraiser is hosted! Check the website for schedulesand trucks before you go (, or justwing-it and enjoy whatever happens to be the delicacies of the daywhen you get there. C’mon down to the RFTP! 21

Mohawk LifeInsuranceChips and Cracks: When to Repairor Replace a Damaged Windshield by Mac DemereI f your windshield gets chipped or cracked, should you repair or The windshield serves as a structural part in many vehicles that replace it? Drive with a chip or cracked windshield long enough, contributes to the overall strength of the vehicle, according to the National that chip or crack can become a problem. Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA). If you must replace the Regardless of where you live, your windshield may take a beating. windshield, its strength may be compromised as the new seal may notThere could be pea gravel falling from uncovered construction trucks, be as strong as the factory seal. Finding and fixing the leak can be a long-sanitation vehicles laying down salt and sand when the weather calls term challenge as the water may enter in one location and exit at another.for it, and the occasional chunk of unknown debris kicked up by carspassing by. It’s amazing that windshields survive as long as they do. Don’t, however, expect the repaired area to be as clear as the surrounding area, says Novus. You can expect to get back about 75 toLarge and Small Repairs 95 percent of the optical clarity. The good news is that smaller chips and cracks can usually be DIY Repairrepaired by a professional for typically less than $100, according to You may also attempt to repair the chip or crack yourself. There areNovus Auto Glass. A crack or chip can be safely repaired if it can becovered by a dollar bill, says Safelite Auto Glass. However, if the chip many do-it-yourself repair kits available at your local auto parts store,is directly in the driver’s line of sight, there are more than three cracks and they typically attempt to replicate the resin injection technique ofor chips on the glass, the damage is at the edge of the windshield, the professionals.or the windshield is old and covered with tiny divots, it should bereplaced rather than repaired, says Safelite. Remember, a key function of the repair is to prevent the crack or chip from expanding or spreading, and also to help restore some of If your windshield can be repaired, do it immediately. A small chip the structural integrity of the glass. If you’re unsure about any aspectcan spread across the windshield if you hit a big pothole, drive on a of the DIY repair process, consider hiring a professional.corrugated gravel road or make an aggressive turn. If you’re on theroad away from home, a repair company can typically come to you. The takeaway: Repair if possible and logical. Replace if you must. And consider using a professional for best results. Do you have a New Roof? It could save you hundreds or More on your Home Owner’s Insurance!22

Mohawk LifeDon’t Forget Your Fall Fitness!by Teri HebertS ome folks say our weight is the lowest it will be all year in the 2. No Halloween candy. weeks leading up to October. Whether you believe that or not, What??? That’s a big one, I know. But if you can resist digging in the theory is this: we workout during the spring and summer to your child’s Halloween stash this year, you’ll save yourself a lot ofmonths because we want to rock those summer beach bods. So by end unhealthy calories that you won’t need to work off later.of September, we are at our best! 3. Stay active. Then October hits -- along with Halloween candy -- and the weight It can be tough to stay motivated when the temperatures startgain begins. Then comes Thanksgiving feasts, followed by holiday dropping. It’s easier to stay snuggled in bed, or decide it’s too cold toparties, followed by New Year’s. And before you know it, you’re at go for a run or go to boot camp. But, don’t give in! Find a fit friend orJanuary 1 making ANOTHER New Year’s resolution to lose the a group to hold you accountable to exercising at least 3-4 days a weekweight . . . again. for 30 minutes or longer. Guess what. There’s no need to start over again in January because A few small sacrifices now will pay off in the long run. So put downthere’s no need to lose momentum when summer ends and fall begins. the candy corn! Stay focused on maintaining the healthy habit youBut here’s the question: Can you enjoy all of the holiday fun but not started last spring to carry you through the holidays. You’ll rock thatgain the weight back? Of course! Try a few simple things: ugly Christmas sweater and start the New Year without the guilt of needing to start over . . . again. 1. Reduce the amount of calorie-filled drinks you consume. In addition to her Editor role with Mohawk Life magazine, Teri is a Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of THebert Fitness in Richardson Whether it’s sodas, hot chocolate, ciders or fall beers, keep those to ( She also hosts the CityLine location for Texas Fita minimum. Stay consistent with lots of water (flavors are fine, but no Chicks Boot Camps (7am T, W, F).sugar), black coffee, and teas (no sweeteners) as your primary drinksof choice and you’ll eliminate some easy calories that start packing onthis time of year.

Mohawk LifePet of the MonthDenver bed when we got married and has found himself outside more than in since Hadley came along. We kept one of Denver’s sons in his second litter, that’s when Tex joined the team. They keep each other company in the back yard. How long have you lived in the Mohawk area? We bought our house in 2007.Tell us your names and your pets name. What do you love most about living the Mohawk area? Todd, Erin and Hadley Pinkston (Hadley is 2) We love the excitement people have about living in the neighborhood. Denver (11) Tex (4) Families are proud to be here and raise their kids here. It is a healthy pride in where they live. Some of our best friends live within walking distance,What breed is your pet? it is a great place for community. We also enjoy being near the high Chocolate Lab school and listening to the band or a cheering crowd at the football game.Where did you get your pet and how long have you had him Does Denver have any fun tricks or unique talents?or her? Denver can hold a treat on his nose, toss it and catch it in his mouth. Erin gave me Denver my senior year of college. She gave him to Anything else you would love for your neighbors to know aboutme when we were in Denver, CO, so that’s where his name comes your pet?from. He went everywhere with me in college. As the Pinkston familyhas grown, he has fallen from the #2 spot. He lost his spot in the They like to bark at people walking down the alley . . . its just their way of saying hello.24

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Mohawk Life Mohawk Real EstateWelcoming Fall Weather!! Because there are three developments in your area that were built between 2007 and 2016, these properties are selling for higher prices and may beMohawk Attendance Area swinging the statistics. Taking those out of the period from July 1, 2016 and September 30, 2016, here are the results:Then: 7/1/2015 to 9/30/2015 • Sold: 14 Properties • Sold: 22 Properties • Range: $239,000 - $424,900 • Range: $172,000 - $476,192 • Avg. Sold Price: $323,325 • Avg. Sold Price: $303,345 • Avg. Price per Sq. Ft.: $152.62 • Avg. Price per Sq. Ft.: $133.48 In doing this, it is interesting to me that there is not that much difference. TheNow: 7/1/2016 to 9/30/2016 really updated older houses are bringing your figures up. Yay homeowners!!! • Sold: 22 Properties I am all about keeping our neighborhoods forward thinking! • Range: $239,000 - $487,417 • Avg. Sold Price: $356,685 • Avg. Price per Sq. Ft.: $157.62Source: NTREIS 2016 Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. SOLDRecently by Joan in Richardson1871 Prairie Dog Run 1889 Quail380 Bedford 27

Mohawk LifeIn The KitchenTasty TailgatingF all is here, which means football games and tailgating are back! Here are some recipes to help make your tailgate feast as good as, if not better than, the team you cheer for.Beer-Cheese Spread Serve this spicy beer-cheese spreadwith crackers for a tasty game-dayappetizer, or spread on buttered bread and cook in a nonstick skilletfor a twist on the traditional grilled cheese sandwich.Ingredients: Beat together first 5 ingredients at low speed with a heavy-duty electric stand mixer until blended. Gradually add beer, beating until blended after(Makes 5 cups) each addition. Beat at medium-high speed 1 minute or until blended and1 (2-lb.) block sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded creamy. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and chill 2 hours.1 small onion, minced Garnish, if desired. Store in an airtight container in refrigerator up to 22 garlic cloves, minced weeks, or freeze for up to one month (then thaw overnight).1/2 teaspoon hot sauce1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper1 (12-oz.) bottle amber beer, at room temperatureSalt and pepper to tasteGarnish: thyme sprigSweet Ham & Swiss SlidersIngredients:(Makes 16 servings)16 white dinner style rolls, cut in half24 slices honey-roasted ham16 slices swiss cheese1⁄4 cup mayonnaise1-1⁄2 tablespoons Dijon mustard8 tablespoons butter, melted1 teaspoon onion powder1⁄2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon poppy seed1⁄4 cup brown sugar Preheat oven to 400°. On a rimmed baking sheet place bottom halfof dinner rolls and top with 1 1/2 slices of ham and 1 slice of swisscheese.Spread about 1 tsp of mayonnaise on each top-half of roll andplace on top of ham and cheese.You want the rolls to be snug together,kissing just a bit so the sauce can soak up into all of the nooks andcrannies.In a small bowl combine the mustard, melted butter, onionpowder, Worcestershire sauce, poppy seeds, and brown sugar. Mixuntil combined and evenly pour over the assembled rolls.Cover withfoil and refrigerate until ready to bake. Bake covered with foil for 10 minutes, remove the foil and bake foran additional 5-10 minutes or until the tops are browned, and cheeseis good and melted. 28

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