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Home Explore Brentfield Life Volume 1 Issue 1

Brentfield Life Volume 1 Issue 1

Published by Mohawk Life Magazine, 2016-11-10 15:19:33

Description: October/November 2016

Keywords: brentfield life,brentfield life magazine


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4 Cutting the Cord: 18 Richardson Food Truck Park Life Apart from Cable TV 21 Fitness 22 5 ‘Must Haves’ for an5 Keeping Our Parks Clean and Safe Outdoor Living Space 24 Take Me Home Pet Rescue6 Insurance 27 Real Estate10 Choosing a Merry Mutt or a Front Cover photo provided by Brandie Giard Photography Holiday Hound This Season14 Neighborhood Newcomers8 Family of the Month 12 Pet of the Month16 Business of the Month 20 Athlete of the Month 1

Brentfield Life Brentfield Life Letter from Publisher Kyla Obert the Publisher EditorW hat  is  Brentfield Life  and  why  Teri Hebert am I receiving this magazine? Ad Sales These might be a few of your  Nancy Luttinger thoughts right now as you’re opening up the  Mike Obert inaugural  issue  of  Brentfield Life.  Coming  Photography to your mailbox on a bi-monthly basis, this  Brandie Giard is a magazine all about you, your neighbors,  Designers and your friends. It tells the stories of new  Gia Mari L. Pintoy neighbors,  long  time  neighbors,  neighbors  Contributors with interesting businesses, neighbors with  Maria Harris, Wilson Allen, Danna Flemons lovable pets, athletic neighbors and so much  Special Thanks more. We hope you enjoy getting to know  The Boughtons, Amy Columbus, every person as you read through each issue. Osmo, The Haleys, Scott Bennett, Michelle Chesney, Julie Cooper, Elise Bissell Our  goal  for  each  issue  is  to  bring  you  For Advertising Questions, please email interesting stories, lovable family spotlights,  [email protected] friendly  introductions  to  new  friends  and  For Editoral Requests, please email opportunities to support your neighbors in  [email protected] their business. However, we can’t tell these  [email protected] stories  without  your  help!  We  hope  you  HyperLocal Media take the time to send us nominations for a  2701 Custer Parkway, Suite 823 family, a neighborhood newcomer, a golden couple, a new business, a favorite pet, or  Richardson, TX 75080 an exceptional athlete. We are here to tell your stories and remind you of what a great  877-695-1258 and wonderful place your neighborhood is. Managing Partners Happy Fall! Mike and Kyla Obert Letter from the Editor Principals Campbell Kerr and Dustin ShafferH ello  and  welcome  to  your  f irst  issue  of  Brentfield Life  magazine!  We  are  so  excited  to  be  with  you.  You’ll  see  this  in  your  mailbox  about  every  other  month. I hope you enjoy it! I  want  to  say  thank  you  to  the  brave  souls  who  allowed  us  into  their  lives  and  homes  for  this  f irst  issue!  Being  the  “f irst” is always challenging, but it’s also your new claim to  neighborhood  fame  –  so  soak  up  the  adoration  from  you  neighbors as they read about you in this issue. In this inaugural issue of your new neighborhood magazine, we explore some great  things  that  are  perfect  for  fall  and  the  holidays  --  keeping  our  parks  clean,  what  to  consider if you are thinking of getting a pet for the holidays, and yes . . . f inding time  for Fall Fitness. And if you don’t already know them, you’ll soon feel like you know the fantastic  Boughton family, your very own Raptor football players and cheerleaders, and the folks  who have developed Skratch – the app that helps your teenagers fi nd employment. Now, cozy up with your pumpkin spice latte and your pumpkin spice bread while  wearing your pumpkin-colored sweater as you sit near your pumpkin spice candles  and enjoy this fi rst edition of Brentfield Life magazine! And be sure to let us know if  you YOU know any awesome kids, families, golden couples, or business owners in  your neighborhood – we just might feature them in an upcoming issue! 2

Brentfield LifeCommunity NewsCuttingthe Cord:Life Apartfrom Cable TV by Teri HebertI   don’t know about you, but as a loyal customer to my cable a new internet service, cheaper, for your new cable-free way of provider for many years, I feel anything but appreciated. Costs life. You can always change again if your costs go up after the continue to go up while customer service and channel options introductory offer expires.that actually appeal to me decline. Special offers only apply to new 4. Digital Antenna: Yes, this is a great option for local channels!customers, but what about my five years of loyal service? I’m rewarded Depending on the antenna you buy, you can get your localwith higher fees and slower internet! channels plus a few other channels FOR FREE. When considering an antenna, do your research to find out how far So what are our options? With an increasing variety in the types it needs to reach in your area to pick up signals (20, 35, 50of streaming devices and apps, we do have options! Many of them miles) – there are websites to help with this. The reception onwithout contracts, and some that are very customizable to help you these antennas is surprisingly good and consistent. And manyget only the channels you want to watch. options are easily hidden behind pictures and can be painted to match walls. With your current monthly cable and internet subscription costs inmind, begin researching the four main components needed (streaming Sound overwhelming? Sometimes doing the research and makingplayer, apps, internet service, and yes – digital antenna) to cancel your the switch takes a bit of work, but saving significant money is worthcable but still have access to the TV you want to watch. it. Need an example? Here’s one great option: 1. Streaming Players: Roku, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, • Cancel your current internet and TV. Sign up with another Amazon Fire TV, and others – all great options to use as a service in your area for internet only at a low introductory offer. “receiver” to watch TV and movies. Do your research and decide which one has the right price point for you, plus gives you access • Sign up with Sling TV (packages between $20-$40 depending on to the apps you use the most for your streaming media. channel preferences – including AMC, FX, NBC, FOX, ESPN, FOX Sports) and prepay 3 months to get a free Roku player. Add 2. Apps: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Sling TV, ESPN, and Netflix subscription for a total monthly TV cost between $30-$60 others –Many apps (Netflix and Hulu for example) require a monthly subscription, but you’ll find in most cases that these • Add a Roku stick to a second TV. Purchase a digital antenna to get subscriptions are less than any cable subscription. Other apps local channels on the TV you use the most (with the Roku stick). are free (Crackle, TubiTV, Amazon Prime for members, etc) and have a wide selection of TV and movies. Total savings can be as much as $100 or more, plus you have the flexibility to change subscription services as often as you like 3. Internet Service: To stream media, you do need an internet (no contracts!). provider  .  .  . but you have options. New customers often receive a discount for service anywhere from six months to 12 It IS possible to cut the cord and lead a happy life! Are you ready? months and sometimes longer. So, use this opportunity to try4

Brentfield Life Community NewsKeeping Our Parks Clean and Safe by Teri HebertD allas is a beautiful city and home to many parks in our neighborhoods. The fall months are a great time to take advantage of the parks when the weather is cooler but thedays are still long enough that there is plenty of sunlight for adventuresafter school and work. When using the parks, here are a few things to keep in mind thatwill help keep our parks safe, clean, and fun for everyone.1. Clean up after the humans! Be sure to remove all trash from picnics, soccer games, softballtournaments, leisurely strolls, or any activities in the park. All parkshave trash cans and most parks also have recycle bins for your use.2. Clean up after the pets! call 911. The Dallas Police Department and the City are committed Dogs love park adventures just as much as humans. As your pup to keeping the parks safe from anyone taking advantage of a family environment to cause potential harm.explores the park (with you and on a leash, of course) be sure toremove any waste your furry friend leaves behind. 5. Observe all rules and curfew! All parks are posted with signs noting the hours of operation. Most3. Don’t do anything dangerous! Target practice, daredevil stunts with your GoPro, bonfires, doing parks have an evening curfew. This rule is in place to help keep residents safe. And yes, Pokémon Go players, this means you toodonuts in the parking lot, diving in the ponds, hang gliding, practicing (you’ll have to find Pokémon somewhere other than city parks afteryour drone flying skills – these activities, and others like them, should evening curfews).be avoided. Most of all, have fun and enjoy our great city park resources!4. Report suspicious or dangerous behavior! If something, or someone, seems to be doing something potentiallyharmful to others in the park, or to the park itself, do not hesitate 5

Brentfield LifeInsuranceChips and Cracks: When to Repairor Replace a Damaged Windshield by Mac DemereI f your windshield gets chipped or cracked, should you repair or  The  windshield  serves  as  a  structural  part  in  many  vehicles  that  replace it? Drive with a chip or cracked windshield long enough,  contributes to the overall strength of the vehicle, according to the National  that chip or crack can become a problem. Highway  Traff ic  Administration  (NHTSA).  If  you  must  replace  the  Regardless of where you live, your windshield may take a beating.  windshield,  its  strength  may  be  compromised  as  the  new  seal  may  not There could be pea gravel falling from uncovered construction trucks,  be as strong as the factory seal. Finding and f ixing the leak can be a long-sanitation vehicles laying down salt and sand when the weather calls  term challenge as the water may enter in one location and exit at another.for it, and the occasional chunk of unknown debris kicked up by cars passing by. It’s amazing that windshields survive as long as they do. Don’t,  however,  expect  the  repaired  area  to  be  as  clear  as  the  surrounding area, says Novus. You can expect to get back about 75 to Large and Small Repairs 95 percent of the optical clarity. The  good  news  is  that  smaller  chips  and  cracks  can  usually  be  DIY Repairrepaired  by  a  professional  for  typically  less  than  $100,  according  to  You may also attempt to repair the chip or crack yourself. There are Novus Auto Glass. A crack or chip can be safely repaired if it can be covered by a dollar bill, says Safelite Auto Glass. However, if the chip  many do-it-yourself repair kits available at your local auto parts store, is directly in the driver’s line of sight, there are more than three cracks  and they typically attempt to replicate the resin injection technique of or  chips  on  the  glass,  the  damage  is  at  the  edge  of  the  windshield,  the professionals.or  the  windshield  is  old  and  covered  with  tiny  divots,  it  should  be replaced rather than repaired, says Safelite. Remember,  a  key  function  of  the  repair  is  to  prevent  the  crack  or  chip  from  expanding  or  spreading,  and  also  to  help  restore  some  of  If your windshield can be repaired, do it immediately. A small chip  the structural integrity of the glass. If you’re unsure about any aspect can spread across the windshield if you hit a big pothole, drive on a  of the DIY repair process, consider hiring a profes  sional.corrugated  gravel  road  or  make  an  aggressive  turn.  If  you’re  on  the road away from home, a repair company can typically come to you. The takeaway:  Repair  if  possible  and  logical.  Replace  if  you  must.  And consider using a professional for best results. Do you have a New Roof? It could save you hundreds or More on your Home Owner’s Insurance!6

Brentfield LifeFamily of the MonthThe BoughtonsB rentfield neighbors! In case you don’t already know one of How long have you lived in Brentfield? the many Boughton family members living in the Brentfield areas, we’d like to introduce you to them! The Boughtons are We have lived in Brentfield attendance area since before any of ourinvolved in so many activities in the area, it’s hard to keep track. Take children were born. I think we bought our first house on Flintcovea few minutes here to get to know them! Drive in 1998. We weren’t even thinking about Brentfield at that time and we really lucked out.Tell us the names of everyone (and every pet) in your family. What do you and your husband do for a living? My husband owns a Landscaping Business and I am a DevelopmentalThomas – 48Tricia – 45 Program Teacher (Special Ed) at Brentfield Elementary.Quinn – 15 (he’ll be 16 November 8th), What do your kids do for extracurricular activities? Pearce High School Sophomore My kids are very active. Quinn made the varsity football team atMaggie – 13, Parkhill Junior High School 8th gradeBridget – 11, Brentfield Elementary 6th grade Pearce last year as a freshman and he continues to enjoy that. He alsoGriffin – 8, Brentfield Elementary 3rd grade played basketball. He is in YMSL, a young men’s service league. HeTwo dogs: Moe and Molly. A dwarf hamster named Mary, and a baby is a member of Young Life and he just landed a part as a pirate in the upcoming theater production of Peter Pan at Pearce. betta fish named Gilbert.8

Brentfield Life Family of the Month My husband and my extra-curricular activities mostly involve driving and sitting on bleachers, lawn chairs, in auditoriums and theaters watching this brood of ours do their thing! What do you like about living in the Brentfield area? We have loved living in the Brentfield because we have always said it is a private public school. The numbers of students keep growing but the children are not a number. My kids have each had their own individual but equally great experience at Brentfield. The teachers are great. And no that’s not just because I am one . . . (Sorta) hahaha! Any funny neighborhood stories you’d like to share? Just recently, my 13-year old was asked to babysit for the very first time for a neighbor. She got there and spent time with the kids and then put them to bed. With no one to talk to she started to grow tired and bored. She kept texting me asking when the parents would be home. I asked if she was frightened and if she needed me to come down as she was only two houses down. She said she was fine she was just tired and asked again about the parents’ ETA. I said probably soon. She said . . . wait for it . . . “Do I have to wait”? “Can I just come home and they can pay me tomorrow”? I said honey you are the BABYSITTER you HAVE to wait! We all got a great laugh out of that. And no worries babysitting job #2 went much better. She stayed! Maggie’s love is the tuba and her place in her mighty Raider Band. She also is an athlete Tell your neighbors one other uniqueplaying volleyball, basketball, running cross country and participating in track. Maggie is a thing about your family.member of the National Junior Honor society and was awarded the highest GPA of the wholeParkhill 7th grade in language arts last year. We are all closet rock stars. We sing at the top of our lungs in the car ALWAYS complete Bridget is in her final year atBrentfield and that’s bittersweet. She has always been very with air instruments. We love a good familyactive in dance and has put that on hold for a bit while she readies herself for junior high. She kitchen dance party while making dinner forloves playing basketball and is a member of the Brentfield jump rope team. She is in love with the family and we are a little tool obsessedmusical theater and is looking for her next opportunityin that arena. with making lip sync montages. One random evening my kids hopped out of the car and Griffin is a baseball player so far . . . That’s where his athletic interests are at the moment. a song they liked was still playing they allHe is also a bear cub in cub scouts and loves a good den camp out. Griffin is a super fan of started breaking it down right there in frontall of his older siblings and cheers with gusto at every event they ever attempt. In fact, he is in of my car. Nothing super special but it gavethe Pearce kick off crew and runs out on the field through the Mighty Mustang before each me a giggle so I posted it to my Facebook. Byof his big brother’s home games. the morning it had been shared many times and had 10,000 views. So we are kind of a big deal . . . but Jimmy Fallon hasn’t called us to be in his show yet which is a major disappointment to 9

Brentfield LifeCommunity NewsChoosing a Merry Mutt or aHoliday Hound This Season by Teri HebertT he holiday season is often a time when that dog your kids breeders in the area as you consider where to purchase your pup. have been begging for all year long finally becomes a member The American Kennel Club ( has some great tips to find a of the family. This time of year is one of the most popular reputable breeder and avoid puppy mills. The AKC tips will help youtimes for people to choose a pet as a holiday gift and begin a lifelong find a healthy puppy from a breeder who loves dogs so that you andrelationship with a loyal animal. your new holiday hound are happy and healthy together. If you are thinking of getting a dog this year, do a little homework 2. Choose Your Dog Breed Wisely!to consider both where your pet will come from, and the right breed Years ago, when the movie 101 Dalmatians came out, there wasof dog to best fit your lifestyle and your family. an influx of people immediately buying Dalmatian dogs. While1. Rescue a New Family Member! Dalmatians are great dogs and of course, super cute, they are high- In your search for a new dog, consider adopting from a local pet energy dogs that aren’t always great family pets. As people began to realize these dogs might not be the perfect puppies they sawrescue group or shelter. This is a great option if you don’t have a on screen, shelters began to fill with Dalmatians left behind byspecific dog breed in mind. While not every shelter or rescued pet is their owners.the perfect pick, many rescued dogs are just simply great pets that arelooking for a safe new home and someone to love. Adoptions from Moral of the story? Don’t go for the popular puppy or therescues and shelters are often cheaper than buying from a pet store designer dog just because your favorite celebrity has one or you justor breeder. And animals will usually bemicro-chipped and spayed or saw a move with the cutest St. Bernard ever . . . but you live in anneutered before you take your furry friend home. efficiency apartment. If you have a specific breed in mind and a local shelter or rescue While there are hundreds of dog breeds to consider, here are fourgroup doesn’t have the perfect animal for you, be sure to research breeds to consider for a variety of lifestyles: Family Dog: Labrador Retriever Friendly, outgoing, and active, the Labrador Retriever plays well with others and is a great, dependable dog for families with kids. These dogs are considered medium in size, do need plenty of exercise (a yard to play in or frequent walks), and they tend to shed a couple of times of year. But if you are an active family and can stand a little dog hair, the Labrador is a top breed to consider.10

Brentfield Life Community News Guard Dog: Bull Mastiff For a dog that can intimidate a bad guy but will later snuggle with you on the couch, the Bull Mastiff could be your perfect pet. These dogs are affectionate, brave, and loyal and are known as great protectors. Not particularly active, Mastiffs are built for strength and endurance and are extremely alert. They excel at agility and require minimal grooming. A great dog for having your back – whether you need a pillow to lay your head on while lounging on the floor, or a beast to chase off pesky Christmas Carolers.Running Partner: Waimaraner If you’re looking for a great running partner that can keep up for longruns or trail runs, the Waimaraner might be the dog for you. These dogsneed a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, and they are happiestwhen they are right next to their person – a great combination ofqualities to be your companion as you run through the neighborhood.Lap Dog: Boston Terrier No matter the animal you bring home for the holidays, remember that you are adding a member to your family for the long-haul. So be Bostons are small (usually under 25 pounds), short-haired, gentle, sure you consult with Santa to know if it’s the right pet and the rightand friendly. They are easy to train and require minimal grooming. time to pick a furry friend for your family to love – and to be lovedThese pups love a nap or a walk, and they are generally happy in return by your new bundle of furry joy. Happy Hound Holidays!snoozing with their person on the couch. The Boston Terrier is agreat pet for a family or someone who just needs a good buddy anddoesn’t have the space for a large 11

Brentfield LifePet of the Month Meet Osmo! by Amy Columbus and Teri Hebert T his month we want to introduce you to Osmo, a young Maltipoowho belongs to your neighbor Amy Columbus. Although Amy has only had Osmo a short while, he is already making himself useful as a model in some of Amy’s professional photographs, along with her daughter Ivy. He’s a friendly fellow that loves his Brentfield neighbors. Enjoy a quick look at Osmo! What is your pets name? Osmo How long have you had Osmo? Just a short while -- 2 months! How old is Osmo? 4 months old. Where did you get your pet? We got Osmofrom a friend. Tell us something fun or unique about Osmo. He really loves the kiddos that live in his house. Does he have any amazing talents? He likes to stand up on his hind legs and walk like a person. What does Osmo love most about living in Brentfield? He loves meeting his neighbors.12

Brentfield LifeNeighborhood Newcomers What do you do for a living? Jason is a Fixed Income Portfolio Manager at ALM First Financial Advisors in Dallas. I am an attorney licensed in the states of Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. However, currently, I spend my time getting our family adjusted to our new house, neighborhood, Brentfield Elementary and the North Dallas community. How did the two of you meet? Jason and I both grew up in Canton, Mississippi, and we have literally known each other since birth. Our fathers grew up together in Canton, and our parents live within a bike ride’s distance from each other. Jason and I first fell in love in fifth grade and dated on and off from that time until our senior year in college, when we decided to date exclusively, and we’ve been “on” ever since.The Haleys What do you love most (so far) about living here? We absolutely love our street. When our kids don’t have homework orShare with us the names and ages of everyone living in yourhouse, including your pets. other responsibilities, they play outside with neighbor kids until dinner. Also for us, having Brentfield Elementary just down the street is a special Jason (38), Polly (38), William (10), Charlie (7), and Maggie (4). treat. I’ve been driving back and forth across Dallas for the past 8 years, andOur dog’s name is Goldie (13 years). I am so thankful for the convenience afforded by our new neighborhood.When did you move to the Brentfield Area? Tells us a favorite story or two about your family (funny, May 14, 2016 sentimental, etc.).What brought you to the Brentfield Area? Where did you live For Halloween of 2013 and 2014, my oldest son, William dressedbefore you came here? up as Dak Prescott for Halloween. He wrote about Mississippi State quarterback Dak Prescott in all of his journal entries at school, and Around March of 2016, Jason and I started researching North Dallas he annoyed his school friends with stories upon stories about theand Richardson public schools. At the time, we were living close to the greatness of Dak. When the Cowboys drafted Dak, William wasintersection of Marsh and Royal, and the children had been attending thrilled, and now that Dak is actually getting to play, it is a dreamprivate and/or parochial schools for the previous eight years. After come true for William and the rest of us. Both Jason and I grew upresearching the RISD schools and finding our way to Julie Cooper, we as Mississippi State fans, and I graduated from MSU in 2000. Ourknew Brentfield and the surrounding community was a good long-term Mississippi loyalties have finally crossed over into our Dallas for our family. As our realtor, Julie helped us find the perfect housefor us on Kingshollow. While the kids were sad to leave their old school What do you do for hobbies or for fun?and friends, we all adjusted quickly and the kids are very happy here. When we have time, Jason and I enjoy cooking together with theWhere do your kids attend school? kids and traveling to Mississippi to see family. Jason enjoys playing Brentfield Elementary and Weekday Kids at First United golf with the boys, I love yoga, art and running, and Maggie is crazy about gymnastics and music. Now that our youngest, Maggie, is four,Methodist Richardson we are planning to take more trips with the kids around the country.Tell us about your pets: Where did you get them? Do they have What do your kids do outside of school? How do they likeany unique tricks or quirks? theneighborhood so far? Jason and I adopted Goldie almost 14 years ago from a shelter in William enjoys playing baseball and basketball, collectingBowling Green, Kentucky. My sister-in-law helped me pick her out. professional football and baseball cards, riding bikes, X-box, andShe was our first baby and often acts as my personal motherhood running. Charlie plays soccer, basketball, and baseball. He loves tosecurity blanket. She is a beagle/dachshund mix, and she loves to ride bikes, playing with legos, and climbing. He is getting ready forburrow under the covers, chase squirrels, and bark ferociously at an Obstacle Warrior competition in December. Maggie loves takinganyone that passes by our house. Goldie has seen it all in our family, gymnastics at IROV, swimming, singing, and dancing. She is lookingand we are blessed to have had her this long. forward to starting kindergarten at Brentfield in fall of 2017. My kids love everything about the neighborhood. Anything else you would love for your new neighbors to know about you? We appreciate all of you out there that have welcomed us with open arms into the neighborhood, the Brentfield Elementary family, and the surrounding community. We are very thankful to be here.14

Brentfield LifeBusiness of the MonthSkratch AppGetting teens back to earning by Scott BennettS cott Bennett and Ronen Akiva grew up worlds apart -- Scott from Dallas and Ronen from Israel. When they met in North Dallas 10 years ago, they never could have imagined buildingSkratch. One thing their vastly different upbringings held in commonwas the importance of work during their most formative teenage years.While the years have passed where these two worked jobs rangingfrom factories to retail floors, to shoemaking and summer camp, theynow realize that they were earning more than just their hourly wage Now, with teens of their own seeking work in a dispiriting market,they recognized a shift away from the importance and ability for teensto gain valuable work experience. In the summer of 2015, Skratch wascreated as a forward thinking solution to create opportunities for theteenage workforce. Scott and Ronen believe in the ambition of youngpeople and their ability to earn on terms that fit their lifestyles. Since 1978, teen participation in the workforce is down over 40%and on a trajectory to continue this significant decline through 2022.Skratch is a mobile app currently available on the iOS operating systemthat addresses this teen departure from the workforce. The app makessafety a top priority and is easy to use while connecting teens withopportunities to earn money, develop their early resume and embracethe many benefits that come from the interactions through working. 16

Brentfield Life Business of the Month Skratch allows teens called “Skratchers” in the app to select froma variety of predefined opportunities utilizing skills they have, be itsports mentorship, dog walking or tutoring another student. Thoseopportunities called “gigs” are posted as-needed by adult neighborscalled “seekers”. The request is sent to all qualified Skratchers in thearea to accept those gigs as their schedules and availability allow.The app safely screens all users by utilizing the state database forsex offenders and creates matching relationships between the usersby identifying things they share in common like school or religiousaffiliation. The Seeker will potentially find someone to perform the gigthat they may know but were not aware of the Scratcher’savailability,skill or ambition to share it. Payment for the gig happens directlythrough the app on the phone and there is a history of all transactionsand rating for all users to help maintain quality and safety of each gig. For Scott and Ronen, the Skratch opportunity just made perfectsense. Their vision is that like in so many other on-demand apps, thephone is ideal for creating these necessary interactions as Teens andtheir devices are inseparable They recognize that Skratch will bringteens opportunities to help their neighbors and make some moneydirectly via their mobile phones. In 2017, Skratch plans to expand across the Dallas/Fort Worthmetroplex. There will also be a focus on bringing the app tolower socioeconomic neighborhoods so teens there have the sameopportunities to find gigs. Skratch will also be developing their owngrant/scholarship plans to reward top 17

Brentfield LifeRichardson Food Truck Park by Teri HebertC an you believe the Richardson Food Truck Park is already to bring in food trucks and create a child- and pet-friendly oasis for celebrating its one-year anniversary? Neither can Michelle people to enjoy. Chesney, a resident of Canyon Creek and the founder of ourcity’s beloved truck park! But on September 17, she celebrated a year But she didn’t do it alone! Michelle brought in her business partner,of truck park goodness at RFTP and had a big party – complete with Katherine Hume, to help navigate through the permit process, manageextra trucks and live music all day -- to commemorate the event. the bar, help with the backend side of things, and even build the toys you see in the park. She also helps the trucks with any generator or Michelle has lived in Canyon Creek since 2007 when she spied her maintenance issues while they are onsite. You’ll find that Katherinemid-century home on Grandview after it had been on the market for and Michelle are quite handy! And they’ll do whatever it takes toonly 10 minutes. She knew she had to have it, so she snatched it up help keep trucks running and coming back with their tasty treats forand she’s been there ever since, sharing the home with her son Jackson the community.(12 years old) and daughter Iola (7 years old) who both enjoy thenew pool that was added to the home this year. They also have a very Some of the most frequent trucks include Mi Sazon (Mexican food),affectionate Vizsla dog named Trigger. Meat in the Street (bringing some Venezuelan culture), Chez Flo (crepes and French fare), El Rudo (Mexican street food), Sweets by As a real estate broker, Michelle has an eye for great properties Selina (desserts), and Cousins Maine Lobster (lobster rolls) – just toand the possibilities that can come along with a unique place. She name a few! Michelle makes it a priority to bring in great trucks andloves looking for “weird” properties, and in 2014 this lead her to keep them coming.the abandoned house near Interurban that sits on what is now theRFTP (Richardson Food Truck Park) property. She saw the house Not only does the RFTP provide a great place to hang out, Michelle hasas a great place to make herself an office for her brokerage business, a passion for helping others. You will find frequent events at the RFTPand as that began to take shape, she saw the potential in that area that benefit charities, including a fundraiser for Traffic 911 (October 13) – an organization that helps free youth from sex trafficking.18

Brentfield Life Michelle also enjoys connecting the Food Truck Park with otherlocal businesses in that area to help build a sense of community andshare resources (including parking!). You’ll even find Four Cornersbrews at the bar! Michelle’s vision a couple of years ago created a unique place inRichardson to gather with friends and family while enjoying a rotatingvariety of food trucks with a cold drink. She loves that the RFTPenhances Richardson’s community. She’s also a proud Canyon Creekresident who loves the neighbors on her street -- “a great kid street”with lots of playmates for her own kids, as well as families who keep awatchful and helpful eye on kids while they play. The street is knownas the “Grandview Crue” with shirts that say so! As the cooler fall weather sets in, it’s a great time to visit theRichardson Food Truck Park and support your neighbor or a greatcause when a fundraiser is hosted! Check the website for schedulesand trucks before you go (, orjust wing-it and enjoy whatever happens to be the delicacies of theday when you get there. C’mon down to the RFTP! 19

Brentfield LifeAthlete of the MonthThe Raptors Have these groups won any awards? If so, brag on them! While there are no specific awards given at this age, the teamTell us the name and ages of kids in your groups. participates in a number of exciting activities. One of the mostTop Row: Mason Gardiner (7), Clark Frederiksen (7), memorable is the tradition of Homecoming. Each year, the girl moms Kyle Lane (7), Jordan Strauss (7), Noah Sheeran (7), and boy moms separately get together to create mums and garters Owen Robinson (7), Connor Hall (7) for the kids to exchange. Then, after the Homecoming game, we get together for a celebration and more important, a great photoMiddle Row: Luke Brickert (7), Drew Vines (8), Elliott O’ Neal (7), opportunity! This shared event is a wonderful occasion to build Braxton Davis (7), Abram Link (7), Jack Ryan (8), friendships for the kids and parents alike. Max Pocsik (7) Tells us a favorite story or two about a big moment or funBottom Row: Royce Cooper (7), London Laughlin (7), (perhaps funny) moment for these kids during a game or season. Skylar Hollas (7), Chelsea Coben (7), Allison Rench (7), Brielle Kommer (7), Elle Stavlo (7), Before each game, the girls prepare a banner sign for the boys to run Alexa Falk (7), Madison Strickland (7) through at halftime. The boys LOVE to run through the cheerleaders banner every game and keep running until it’s in a 1,000 pieces! TheNot Pictured: Stella Hart kids have so much fun as they get to experience a “true” football game and all of the excitement that goes along with it.How did this group come to exist and how did it become part Anything else you would love for your neighbors to know aboutof Brentfield neighborhood life? your group? When the kids were in first grade and the option came available, We all feel so fortunate to be a part of the Brentfield community.some of the girls were interested in cheering. Knowing that there Living in Brentfield is more than just a school or neighborhood, it’swas a same age Brentfield football team, the coaches for each team a village centered on our kids! Our kids are what bring us together,collaborated and formed what is now known as the Raptors. and we all “team parent” like a village. Kids are friends, parents are friends, and we accept & take care of each other! We all know, itShare with us a typical practice or game experience. takes a village to raise a child, and we are thrilled to have found it in We love to score touchdowns & silly cheers! our neighborhood.20

Brentfield LifeDon’t Forget Your Fall Fitness!by Teri HebertS ome folks say our weight is the lowest it will be all year in the 2. No Halloween candy. weeks leading up to October. Whether you believe that or not, What??? That’s a big one, I know. But if you can resist digging in the theory is this: we workout during the spring and summer to your child’s Halloween stash this year, you’ll save yourself a lot ofmonths because we want to rock those summer beach bods. So by end unhealthy calories that you won’t need to work off later.of September, we are at our best! 3. Stay active. Then October hits -- along with Halloween candy -- and the weight It can be tough to stay motivated when the temperatures startgain begins. Then comes Thanksgiving feasts, followed by holiday dropping. It’s easier to stay snuggled in bed, or decide it’s too cold toparties, followed by New Year’s. And before you know it, you’re at go for a run or go to boot camp. But, don’t give in! Find a fit friend orJanuary 1 making ANOTHER New Year’s resolution to lose the a group to hold you accountable to exercising at least 3-4 days a weekweight . . . again. for 30 minutes or longer. Guess what. There’s no need to start over again in January because A few small sacrifices now will pay off in the long run. So put downthere’s no need to lose momentum when summer ends and fall begins. the candy corn! Stay focused on maintaining the healthy habit youBut here’s the question: Can you enjoy all of the holiday fun but not started last spring to carry you through the holidays. You’ll rock thatgain the weight back? Of course! Try a few simple things: ugly Christmas sweater and start the New Year without the guilt of needing to start over . . . again. 1. Reduce the amount of calorie-filled drinks you consume. In addition to her Editor role with Brentfield Life magazine, Teri is a Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of THebert Fitness in Richardson Whether it’s sodas, hot chocolate, ciders or fall beers, keep those to ( She also hosts the CityLine location for Texas Fita minimum. Stay consistent with lots of water (flavors are fine, but no Chicks Boot Camps (7am T, W, F).sugar), black coffee, and teas (no sweeteners) as your primary drinksof choice and you’ll eliminate some easy calories that start packing onthis time of year.

Brentfield Life5 ‘Must Haves’ for an Outdoor Living Space by Maria HarrisF all and Winter is right around the corner and in Texas that people to congregate on a chilly night. Outdoor fireplaces offer a stately means enjoying the great outdoors. You should already be and attractive architectural feature within a design. However, fireplaces making plans to spend more time enjoying the outdoors and are significantly more expensive than fire pits, mostly due to scalabilityyour own outdoor space. But it all starts with a great plan. and engineering requirements to comply with code. While a fire pit is a little closer to a rustic element, the functionality and aesthetics can Your first order of business should be considering an area where you really work in the right environment. Fire pits can be a great alternativewant your space and how many people you entertain on a regular basis if, perhaps, budget or space limitations are the issue.– at the same time accomplishing a desired design style. Great outdoordesign is analogous to great interior design. Often, the outdoor space OUTDOOR PIZZA OVENS – An outdoor kitchen is an investment foris an organic extension and reflection of the spirit of the home itself. some, but it is becoming more of a standard in the Metroplex area.Site lines, design element orientation, landscape and lighting all play With interest rates so low, people are looking for ways to increase theconcert with the indoor space. So, once your design is ready, take a look value of their home. By investing in their home, they are able to enjoyat these five must-have-add-ons to create your outdoor area nirvana. the final outcome plus reap the benefits when they sell their home. A wood-burning oven, for example, provides a way for cooking yourLIGHTING – Outdoor lighting is really the “cherry” on top of any own pizzas, veggies and meats. It definitely becomes the focal point ofoutdoor living space, so it should go without saying that lighting any outdoor kitchen, bringing family and friends together.should be one of your first considerations when designing youroutdoor space. A beautifully designed outdoor environment translates NATURAL ELEMENTS – When planning your space, it is very importantto a complete new and beautiful aesthetic at night with a professionally to take all aspects of the natural environment into consideration –designed lighting installation. wind direction, sunrise, sunset, rain, etc. Most outdoor spaces are being built with some sort of roof structure attached. And, watertightAUDIO/VIDEO – We are in the world of high tech entertaining. More structures allow for year-round casual entertainment and offer moreand more outdoor spaces are equipped with flat-screen TVs and protection for lavish outdoor furnishings.surround sound stereo equipment. Contractors can provide fullyintegrated electronic solutions so that music, audio/video, theater- Outdoor living hinges upon design innovation, deep technicalstyle surround sound complete the environment. knowledge, efficient execution and craftsmanship. So, finding the right remodeler to help you in your outdoor living area journey is key.FIREPITS  VS  FIREPLACES – Itmayjustbeanaturalfactthatifyoubuild But, once your space is finished you won’t want to come back indoors!a fire, people will gather. A fire feature provides a natural designation for22

Brentfield Life Pet RescueCommunity NewsTake Me Home by Elise BissellT ake Me Home Pet Rescue (TMHPR) is a nonprofit organization committed to helping reduce the unwanted pet population in the Dallas area. Dogs and cats are rescued off thestreets of South Dallas, from local high kill animal shelters in rural areasand occasionally owner surrenders. All rescued pets are provided withnecessary medical care, sterilized, microchipped and placed in fosterhomes until adopted. Reference checks and home visits are completedensuring a good fit for both the pet and the adopting family. TMHPR has rescued and adopted out close to 3,000 dogs and catsover the past 9 years. Our office is located at 561 W. Campbell Road,Suite 303, Richardson -- not far from the Brentfield area and a greatplace to rescue a local animal. Our operation relies heavily on foster families. Depending on thesize, age or species that the foster home is willing to take dependson the type of dog or cat we rescue. For this reason we are nonbreedspecific. Some fosters families love puppies while others like smallerolder dogs or some like larger dogs. Our pets are temperament testedto be sure they are safe to adopt into the community before we acceptthem into our program. Many of our pets are ill with heartworm, mange, and/or orthopedic injuries -- you name it. We do not shy away from injuries or illness. We raise the funds necessary to treat the pet and once healthy we adopt into homes that are the right fit for the pet. You might have seen some of the “glamour shots” we do of adoptable pets. We have a fabulous photographer who operates out our studio located in back of the Adoption Center. The glamour shots are used to advertise the pet on social media sites, our website and many adoption sites like Petfinder. The potential adopter is directed to our website for additional information regarding our adoption program. Applications are submitted on line and processed by one of our volunteer counselors. Once approved a meeting is coordinated between the foster pet, foster family and the applicant. Once everyone agrees the pet is a good fit, a home visit is set up and a list of supplies needed is provided to the adopter. Many fun and unique animals come through TMHPR. One of the most memorable fosters was named Tito. Tito was constantly chasing the ball. Any ball. Anything than rolled. He looked like a mini golden retriever so his cuteness factor was on overload and is what finally got him adopted. He was just too cute to say no to. He even fetched golf balls.24

Brentfield Life Community News Captain was another funny dog that we rescued from a rural shelter. surprise gift giving of a live animal but instead recommendgiving theHe is a Great Pyrenees that did not want to spend time in his kennel. family member a fun filled gift wrapped box full of supplies for a catThe kennel at our Adoption Center is the first stop for our new dogs. or a dog. The family can then visit the Adoption Center together toWe keep them there to address any medical needs, temperament select the new family member.testing, and basic training before being moved to a foster or foreverhome. Captain always figured out away to escape his kennel and Take Me Home Pet Rescue is in constant need foster families,would always meet us at the front door of the facility every morning. volunteers, adopters, donations and funding. Being a foster family is aFinally, we gave up trying to keep him kenneled and moved his bed very rewarding experience for the entire family! When you foster or adoptand bowls into the front lobby, which was quickly dubbed, “Captain’s you open a place for another dog or cat in need. TMHPR provides theLobby”. To this day we fondly consider our lobby, Captain’s Lobby. supplies and training necessary to make fostering a rewarding experience. If you are thinking of adopting a pet for the holidays we encourage Visit for more information on volunteering,this decision to be made by the entire family. We discourage the fundraising, fostering or donating. Please also join our active Facebook page which keeps you up to date on daily 25

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