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Home Explore Mohawk Life Volume 3 Issue 11

Mohawk Life Volume 3 Issue 11

Published by Mohawk Life Magazine, 2018-04-05 17:27:13

Description: February/March 2018


Read the Text Version

Contents6 Those Bikes We See Everywhere 18 Fitness12 Cost vs Value 20 In the Kitchen16 Golden Couple 22 The Pearce Mum StoreFront Cover photo provided by Amber Starling Photography,, 469-226-12764  Business of the Month 8  Student of the Month10  Family of the Month 14  Pet of the Month 1

Mohawk Life Mohawk Life Letter from Publisher Kyla Obert the Publisher EditorY ou might have asked yourself, what is Teri Hebert HyperLocal Media? With more than 30 Ad Sales years of combined experience in maga- Mike Obertzine publishing and sales, the owners of Hyper- Nancy Luttinger DesignerLocal started as a one magazine company called ? Gia Mari L. Pintoy ContributorsCanyon Creek Life Media. The idea was to pro- Lisa Parelli, Wilson Allenvide their beloved neighborhood with a way to Special Thankstell its interesting and historic stories. Michael and Heidi Smith, Ella Baker, The Boyuls Family, After two years of publishing Canyon Creek Becky Hull and Minnie Pearl, Tom and Sherry Calvert, Alicia AbelLife magazine, Mike and Kyla were approached For Advertising Questions, please email [email protected] many friends from other neighborhoods that For Editoral Requests, please email [email protected] to see something similar in their area. [email protected] that’s when Mohawk Life and Brentfield Life 2701 Custer Parkway, Suite 706 Richardson, TX 75080were born, as well as our company name change Managing Partnersto HyperLocal to include our new additions. Mike and Kyla ObertThe response to our magazines is unmatched. Readers comment how much they Principals Campbell Kerr and Dustin Shafferenjoy reading our titles cover to cover and learning more about their neighbors. Armedwith a strong editor who handles all of the content, Mohawk Life is looking for anassistant publisher to be our neighborhood liaison and advertising director. If you arelooking to be part of a close knit, hard-working, and passionate work family, we inviteyou to contact us today. We are continuing to grow, and we hope you will join us!Don’t miss the more in-depth explanation of duties of the publisher as you continuereading this issue of Mohawk Life.Letter from the EditorA s Kyla mentioned above, we are loving this magazine and this neighborhood so much! It’s an exciting time to be ableto expand our resources in the neighborhood,and we are so excited to meet our NeighborhoodPublisher—if could be YOU! This month, we get to bring you more funneighborhood features. You’ll get to knowTom and Sherry Calvert, longtime neighborsof yours (and you might know Tom as yourNeighborhood Crime Watch captain). And ifyou don’t already know them, we’ll introduceyou to the family living in that big white farmhouse on Pawnee. Plus, we have some ideas about how to co-existwith those colorful rented bikes you’ve probably seen around the neighborhood.And we’ve got a fantastic dog for you to meet. She’s being fostered by one of yourneighbors and will be available to adopt through Take Me Home Pet Rescue. Thank you so much for continuing to be a fantastic neighborhood filled with somany wonderful people to meet and get to know each month! Remember: if you orsomeone you know would make a great feature, we are always looking for families,newcomers to the neighborhood, awesome pets (of any kind), outstanding students,and super seniors. Send them our way!2

Mohawk Life Photo by Kelsey Young PhotographyBusiness of the Month Photo by Kelsey Young PhotographyWhat is your name and the name of your business? How longhave you been in business? We are Michael and Heidi Smith and we recently opened GracieGym Richardson in October of 2017. You can find us online and the gym is located at 819 W Arapaho Rd.Tell us about your business (what do you do, where do you doit, etc). Gracie Gym Richardson is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym in theRichardson Heights neighborhood. The gym is rooted in the traditionof the founders of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the Gracie Family. We have anadult program as well as a children’s program. Individuals can trainfor fitness and weight loss, others train for self-defense, and we havesome who train for competitions. We have people of all shapes, sizes,ages and fitness levels. We will have children’s summer camps duringthe summers including an upcoming spring break camp!What inspired you to do what you do? Michael had always been a fan of Mixed Martial Arts and UFC.So, when it was time to put our 3-year-old son in an extra-curricularactivity, he insisted that he do Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, which becameinfamous through the UFC. We started him at Gracie Gym in Plano,and within a year both Michael and myself (Heidi) were also takingclasses. Michael quickly became very immersed in Jiu-Jitsu andcompetitive grappling and our family spent a lot of time at the gym.We adored our gym in Plano, but desperately desired to have a gymin our neighborhood that would make it even more accessible for 4

Mohawk Life Business of the Month Photo by Kelsey Young Photographyus. We had started our own business three years earlier in another Addiction Recovery Program also in Richardson. Michael competesindustry, and so we figured, why not start our own Gracie Gym in in Jiu-Jitsu tournaments nation-wide throughout the year. He is alsoRichardson? We dreamed about it for over a year and finally made an MMA judge and referee and a USA Boxing a reality a few months ago! We were able to secure two incredibleblack belt instructors who are Gracie trained and the gym has taken Heidi Smith is 40 years old and originally from Canyon Creek!off from there! She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and is also owner/founder of Chapter House and serves as the Clinical Director. Heidi went toTells us a favorite story or two about your business. Baylor University and continued her education at Dallas Theological Finding our location was quite tricky. We drove around for days Seminary where she got a combined degree in counseling and theology. Heidi was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 35 yearslooking at spaces and just could not find the right size at the right old, but is grateful to be in full remission. She trains Brazilian Jiu-Jitsuprice with the right feel. A few days later, we were at Tuesday and placed 2nd in a local tournament in September of 2017.Morning on Arapaho and walked down to the UPS store and passedan empty space and both looked in and we knew immediately: that Elliott Smith is six years old. He has been doing Jiu-Jitsu since hewas supposed to be our gym. It was the perfect place to reach into the was three years old. He adores his dogs, swimming, his soccer team,Richardson Heights and Reservation neighborhoods. his Nintendo Switch, and going to Maine every summer!How long have you lived in Richardson? Share with us a funny or awesome story of living in Richardson. We’ve been together in Richardson since in 2012. Since Michael is from New England and a die-hard Tom Brady fan,What do you love most about living in Richardson? our son became slightly confused at a young age as to why Tom Brady The best thing about Richardson is the small-town atmosphere with was so important. So, he began telling people Tom Brady was his uncle. I have gotten numerous emails from teachers inquiring whethersuch a supportive community. We love the family-owned shops and Tom Brady was actually a relative of ours! Elliott did get to meet Tomrestaurants in the neighborhoods that create such a fun and creative Brady last year, but unfortunately, he is not his uncle . . .way to support small businesses. We love the beauty of the trees,creek, golf course, and wildflowers. We love being close to family. We Anything else you’d love for your neighbors to know about yourlove our small community bank (Texas Republic Bank.) business or you?Tell us about your family (names, ages, schools, work, etc). We offer a free trial class to anyone interested in Brazilian Jiu- Michael Smith is 38 years old and originally from Portland, Maine. Jitsu. We have classes as early as 6am and as late as 7pm at night. Additionally, we have a strength and conditioning class that is taughtHe has been in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction for 15 by current UFC Fighter, Ryan Benoit. Our Children’s instructor is ayears. In addition to owning and operating Gracie Gym Richardson, black belt under Roger Gracie (look him up if you don’t know whoMichael is the owner/founder of Chapter House, which is an he is) and our kids program is amazing. We’d love to share our love of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with anyone who will let us! 5

Mohawk LifeCommunity NewsThose Bikes We See Everywhere by Teri HebertH ave you noticed the many colorful bikes everywhere these Then take it to the Cottonwood Art Festival or Huffhines Art Walk days? No, these are not gangs of unruly kids riding the streets next year. and dumping their bikes on your lawn. These are commer-cial bikes intended for “sharing”. 3. Function You and your children can learn valuable mechanical skills by Within the past year, bike share companies have introduced theconcept of renting a bike to get around town. While many can disassembling and reassembling a bike. No need to use your own bike.appreciate the idea of providing low-cost transportation to travel Use the free one in your flower bed! Just be sure to reassemble it wellshort distances, the side effect of what often seems like bike litter is a so that it’s ready for the next rider.concern when we see bikes blocking sidewalks, in our yards, or takingup spaces in parking lots. 4. Scavenger Hunt Need a cheap birthday party idea for your child? Send them on a But, how can we peacefully co-exist with bikes meant for good whenthey are often seen as evil, being left behind as though the riders have hunt for bikes. Have them take photos. Compile the photos and sendsimply disappeared mid-pedal? Here are some thoughts: them to LimeBike and V-Bike to kindly and helpfully remind them of where their bikes have been “thoughtfully” deposited in our ‘hood.1. Ransom It seems that if a bike lands in your yard or on your sidewalk, a Of course, these ideas are all in fun to help lighten the mood on what is a real concern with these bike-share bikes. The companiesransom photo and note to the company is your prerogative. Get like LimeBike and V-Bike who manage these programs seem to becreative. Add a copy of today’s newspaper cover (or the cover of your working toward better solutions to help riders have the bikes they needmost recent Mohawk Life) to show the date (like in all those movies when they need them, and also help keep our yards, sidewalks, andwith ransom notes). parking lots clear of bikes while not in use. Until we see improvement, consider the ideas above at your own discretion . . . or download a2. Art bike-share app, then grab that bike in your yard and take it for a ride Free stuff deposited on a sidewalk or yard? Use it as free stuff for an to the park!art project. Stacked bikes, bikes as other things, abstract art, whatever.6

Mohawk Life Outside of schools and sports, what do you do for fun, hobbies, work, etc.?Student of the Month I love to spend time with my family and friends. I am also a part ofElla an amazing small group of girls with my church. They all challenge me and encourage me in my faith.Baker How long have you lived in the Mohawk Area? I lived in the area from the time when I was two through kindergarten until my family moved away to Seattle. Upon our return to Texas, my family moved back here mid-way through my third-grade year and we have lived here ever since! What do you love most about living in the Mohawk Area? The families in this neighborhood are really special. They all care about and support each other in a very unique way. (AND being really close to Raising Cane’s is another thing to love!) Tell us a favorite story or two about a big moment or fun moment playing your sport or in music. A fun moment for me this year was being in All-Region band and meeting kids from all over the area. Also, my past two Christmas piano recitals have been at a nursing home and it is really special to watch the residents tap their hands and dance while we get to share the joy of music with them.F rom the Editor: We love receiving nominations to feature your Share with us a funny or awesome story of living in the  neighbors in our magazine. Once I realized who we were fea- Mohawk Area. turing this month, I was so excited! I’ve known the Bakerfamily ever since Ella was just a baby. She has grown in to a wonderful When I was little, I used to always play at Mimosa Park and lovedyoung lady and we are so happy to let our readers get to know her in it. Now it is fun to take my little sister up there and watch her enjoy itthis issue. Meet Ella Baker! like I did. It is also kind of funny that my family is currently in their third house in the neighborhood!Tell us your name, what school you currently attend, and whatyear you are in school. Anything else you would love for your neighbors to know  about you? Hi, I’m Ella Baker. I am in eighth grade at Richardson North Junior High. Let’s see . . . I love Jesus, studying the Bible, baking with my mom, and relaxing at the beach!What other schools have you attended? I have attended Mohawk Elementary, Briarwood Elementary(Renton, WA), and Glacier Park Elementary (Maple Valley, WA).Tell us what sport you play and why you enjoy it. I swim with the City of Richardson (COR) team. I love to swimbecause it is a great way to stay in shape, plus I like to compete againstmyself to improve my times from meet to meet.We hear you also play some musical instruments. Tell us about that. Yes, I play the French horn in the school band and love it! Outsideof school, I also play the piano. I love music, both horn and piano,because it is a great outlet to express myself. It is also a lot of fun andreally rewarding to see my hard work on a song pay off in a concertor recital.What’s your favorite subject in school (your sport or musicclass doesn’t count!)? I enjoy math because it is very black & white and not really subjective. 8

Mohawk LifeFamily of the MonthThe Boyuls Family by Teri Hebert Photos by Amber Starling PhotographyY ou have probably seen that gorgeous white farm-style house Malachi worked for a judge before starting his own investment on Pawnee. It’s not the original house that was on that lot, firm, of which he’s been the founding partner for six years now. but Ben Caldwell and the Shaddock Caldwell team recog- Shelby worked in social work. But when the first of the three Boyulsnized the space and designed and built the home that sits there now. children came along, Shelby was able to stay home with them to beThankfully, the house was already in the early stages of development full-time mom.when Malachi and Shelby Boyuls saw what was designed and fell inlove with it. The oldest Boyuls child is Lincoln. He is in the third grade at Trinity Christian Academy and loves to read. He also loves playing football, The Boyuls met in high school in Fredericksburg, TX. They were but plays baseball as well. His favorite subject in school is Spanish. Inhigh school sweethearts, and when you meet them you can tell they his spare time, he enjoys playing Xbox and being a big brother to hiswere probably as cute together then as they are now. After high school, two younger sisters.Shelby went to the University of Texas at Austin and Malachi went toMary Hardin Baylor. The two did not date in college, but after Shelby Next in line is Cambelle. She’s in the second grade at TCA andgraduated from UT they were married and will be celebrating fifteen enjoys playing soccer and basketball. She loves jumping on theyears of marriage in July. trampoline and is getting into gymnastics. Her favorite thing to study is history, specifically U.S. Presidents. After they were married, they lived in New York for a while. Malachiwas in law school and Shelby went to grad school. But as they thought The youngest Boyuls and the child with by far the curliest hair isabout where they wanted to be and raise a family, they knew they young Reese. She is two years old, loves The Boss Baby, her big brotherwanted to get back to Texas. Dallas was attractive to them as a place and sister, jumping on the trampoline, and putting on her relocate and build their life. So, the Boyuls became Texans again.They landed in the Bowie neighborhood upon their return to Texas Complete with their two-year-old German Shorthair Pointer namedand originally felt like that was the area where they wanted to stay. Poppy (because having a new puppy two years ago at the same time as a newborn baby was a good idea), the Boyuls family stays busy. Weeknights and weekends include sports practices and games. The10

Mohawk Life Family of the Monthfamily is also very involved in their church, Watermark. Shelby and They love to snow ski as a family, usually traveling to AngelfireMalachi lead one of the foundation groups for newly marrieds. They each year. However, this year a lack of snow will keep them fromlove helping young married couples and young parents start their lives their snow vacation. But, they are planning a trip to New Zealand inand families with a solid foundation and support. August. So, that might just make up for not getting to ski this year. Being homebodies at heart, they knew they wanted a house that they In 2014, Malachi ran for Texas Railroad Commission. While hecould enjoy for themselves and their young family, but also have space didn’t earn the spot that year, he believes in getting involved andto grow and a place to offer in service to their church family and to making a difference in areas where you feel strongly that it’s importanttheir neighborhood. So, while they enjoyed the Bowie neighborhood, to have the right people in the right places serving in the right waysonce they saw the big white house going up on Pawnee they realized for the right things. While a career in office might not be where he isthey could keep their kids in TCA, stay in the area, and also have the called to serve right now, he and his family certainly are serving theirfarmhouse of Shelby’s dreams. church and community in amazing ways. They connected with Shaddock Caldwell and were able to have Shelby loves getting to know the older generation of Mohawkinput on some of the final design choices to make the home exactly area residents. She appreciates the history they hold in the hearts,what they wanted it to be. It was a great experience to work with Ben their memories, and in their homes as many of them are originalCaldwell and his team. And, when they moved in to the house in residents to the neighborhood. Connecting these treasured seniorsOctober 2016, it truly was the home that they wanted it to be. From with younger couples and kids in the neighborhood is newfound ahaving their Foundation group over to meet, or hosting a potluck passion of Shelby’s. She enjoys taking the kids to chat with neighborsbreakfast with the neighbors, to hosting dinner gatherings, they’ve or seeing if there is anything their family can help with—yardwork,already used their home as a blessing to others. minor repairs, or even really hard tasks like taste-testing baked goods. The Boyuls have jumped right in to the neighborhood and they love The Boyuls have already made a big impact on the They go to Crossfit Richardson and love that group. They enjoy Their house is not only a stand-out in the neighborhood, the family isthe overlap in the neighborhood between school, church, and gym truly a standout through their kindness, compassion, joy, and serviceand the community support that brings with it. They noticed right to their neighbors. Malachi, Shelby, Lincoln, Cambelle, and Reese—away how kids and families are often out playing in the front yard we are so glad that the farm house of your dreams brought you to thecreating an inviting and friendly place to live. Mohawk Area. Thank you for sharing your lives with us this month! 11

Mohawk LifeRCEoMstOvDs Lisa ParelliS hould you spend money remodeling your home or not? There the demand for our outstanding real estate market making the higher are several answers to that question but the most important ques- costs less of an issue. tion to ask yourself is, how long do you plan to live in your homeafter the remodel? On the value side, if you look at the report nationally you will note that high-tech areas rule. For example, real estate professionals Homeowners who plan to live in their home for as long as possible in Silicon Valley rated 17 of the 20 projects would likely generatehave based their remodeling decision on lifestyle and the impact on more in resale value than project cost if the home was sold within atheir daily life . . . so resale is never an issue. Other homeowners year. Carefully watch the Richardson, TX (Dallas area market) as wecarefully evaluate where they live . . . they may love the location of continue to have major corporation relocate to the Dallas-Fort Worththeir home and wouldn’t make a change. Remodeling your home area. The growth boom is expected to about making your home comfortable for your lifestyle first andforemost. For homeowners who fall into this category, no matter what A definite factor to add to the mix is Mother Nature. Hurricanes andthey hear, remodeling their home is clearly the right decision. fires fueled a demand certain to keep elevating the prices for building materials. And, even worse, an even greater shortage of skilled workers On the other hand, homeowners who do not plan on living in their in disaster struck markets.home a lifetime or past 5 years look for data that tells them remodelingcost vs value which is solid data to consider when embarking on a The real estate professionals are also becoming more cautious inremodeling project. Each year a report is published by Remodeling their predictions. Home prices are rising about a 5% annual rateMagazine ( titled cost vs value. The nationally. In the Dallas –Fort Worth area there are some areas thatreport compares the average cost of a project in the Richardson, TX have increased as much as 7-9% annually. Affordability and Congress’(Dallas geographic area) versus the value those projects retain at resale. vote in December to change tax laws are all in the forefront with realThe 2018 Remodeling Cost vs Value report can be found at www. estate professionals. Until homeowners really look at these new ©2018 Hanley Wood Media Inc. they will see they are to their advantage in the overall picture. As compiled here in the Dallas area, the cost of a minor kitchen Keep in mind that smaller home improvement projects, especiallyremodel midrange can be recouped 84.5% in the Richardson, TX on the exterior of your home recoup over 75% of your cost. Thesemarket. The cost of a major kitchen remodel midrange can be projects include entry door replacement, vinyl window replacements,recouped 57.4%. Bathroom remodels and Universal Design bathroom siding, garage door replacements and manufacturer stone veneer. Keepremodels midrange can be recouped 69.5%. Refer to the full report at in mind that most interior projects such as kitchen and bathroomthe above referenced website for upscale evaluations. The report goes remodels also take a log of skill and labor. A general rule is the simplerinto great detail for all areas of home improvement. the job, the cheaper it is and the more likely it will have a higher return on your investment. Also, while examining the scores, you will According to the report, Mother Nature and Uncle Sam are having note that kitchens and baths don’t score as high as smaller projectstheir say in the remodeling business. This year there has been a because they are personal spaces. Your idea of a dream kitchen orslight decline in the average payback for 20 common professional bathroom style may be different than a potential buyer. It is all trulyremodeling projects. That’s mainly because the cost of doing those subjective . . . a kitchen and bath can actually be a selling point to aprojects rose for all 20. Keep in mind that Richardson, TX has been buyer with your same design taste. So, the moral of the story, it alwaysfortunate in that our property values have been on the rise due to adds value to your home when you keep it maintained and updated.12

Mohawk LifePet of the Month Minnie PearlT his month, we feature a foster dog from Take Me Home Pet Share with us a funny or awesome story of living in the  Rescue ( who will soon be ready for adoption. Mohawk Area. Read on, as Becky Hull tells us all about Minnie Pearl! I moved here to be close to my daughter and her family who livedTell us your name and your pet’s name. on Stratford at the time. I hadn’t been here for very long when My name is Becky Hull and I live on Huntington Drive. Since I they moved to Colorado! But by then, I was so pleased with the neighborhood, my neighbors, the location and all the rest of it that itretired in 2015, I spend most of my free time with Take Me Home was an easy decision to just stay put.Pet Rescue in Richardson. I am a foster for Minnie Pearl who wasrescued with her puppies, known as the HeeHaw litter. Tell us more about Minnie Pearl: fun tricks, unique talents, quirky personality, etc.What breed is Minnie Pearl? Like most rescued pets, it is kind of up in the air about her breed. Minnie is an absolute love bug and at 72 pounds, that can be a lot of love! She probably never had a toy or any affection, but it hasn’t takenBut our best guess is that she’s a shepherd mix. She might have some her long to get used to it and she loves to play. She does like to watchherding breed mixed in there. She likes to herd my other dogs. Or me when I do yoga and Pilates and she tries to copy my movements.maybe she is just bossy. She is pretty good at down-dog.Where did you find Minnie Pearl and how long have you had her? Anything else you would love for your neighbors to know about Minnie Pearl? Since Minnie is a foster, she’s not mine—I just get to host her for awhile. She was rescued from under a trailer in a rough part of Dallas I would love it if she could find her forever family from right herewith her nine newborn pups. She was undernourished, dehydrated, in the Mohawk area. She is going to be a wonderful family dog. Ithad heartworms, serious skin conditions, and yeast infections in her makes me so happy to see the dogs from Take Me Home Pet Rescueears. She was trying so hard to nurse her babies that she was almost out walking with their people here in the area. She will be available forstarved herself. By January 5, her pups were weaned and in foster adoption probably in so I brought Minni home to work on her health issues. Shestarted heartworm treatment on February 28 and it is about a 60-day process. All of her other health issues are under control. She hasturned into a gorgeous dog.How long have you lived in the Mohawk Area? I moved here from Dallas south of LBJ in August 2004.What do you love most about living in the Mohawk Area? I just love that there are folks of all ages here and I enjoy all of myneighbors. I love hearing the Pearce band early in the morning duringfootball season and the voices of children playing almost all the time.I am out daily walking my own two dogs, also rescues, and usually afoster or two. Everyone is so friendly and curious about the fosters,wanting to hear their stories. We have adopted out several dogs to folksin the neighborhood. I love that this part of Richardson is attractingsome really good restaurants and services. It is so convenient.14

Mohawk LifeGolden CoupleCToma&lvSeherrrty by Teri HebertT heir home is a wonderful display of colorful art, quilts, stained One day after work, Tom drove by a house on Mohawk, contacted glass, and antiques that they’ve collected and created over the their realtor, and in 1972 they bought what is still their current house. years. But you don’t have to look very hard to see that thebeauty in their home is second only to the beautiful life that Tom and It eventually became the perfect home for the Calvert family, butSherry have had together. at first it needed some work. Sherry remembers the thick shag carpet (even in the kitchen!) and wallpaper throughout the house. They spent This couple met as teenagers in Oak Cliff in 1955. Tom was home time scraping wallpaper, tearing out carpet, and painting—much tofrom college (The University of Texas) over Christmas break. They the approval of their neighbors.each had friends who knew each other and helped them connect. Andit was a good connection. They were married in 1957—60 years ago! The home also came with a cat. Not long after they moved in, a cat showed up on the porch. Tom and Sherry’s youngest son was three Tom and Sherry lived in Austin while Tom finished his engineering years old and he decided he needed that cat, and the cat’s name shoulddegree, then they moved here to Richardson so John could begin a be George. Well, they kept the cat, but George turned out to be a girl.job at Texas Instruments. They first had a home on Northlake. But Despite this, young Blake insisted that the cat was George. Georgeas their family grew (at the time, oldest son Bruce, middle daughter lived to be 18 years old and she was a wonderful perk of having movedLaura—both in junior high—then young Blake came along) they to the Mohawk Area.realized they needed more space. They also wanted to stay in theneighborhood, but it was tough to find a home with enough space. Tom’s career took him to several companies in the metroplex, including E-Systems, Electropace Systems, and Raytheon. He retired16

Mohawk Life Golden Couplefor a while. But while volunteering with for a group of out-of-work RISD elementary schools and at the schools where her grandchildrenpeople in the technology field, he saw one that was a three-month went to school.project. He decided to pursue that one himself, and it turned out tobe a project with TI, his first employer. Tom and Sherry have seven grandkids who grew up in Plano, Flower Mound, and Denver, CO. This past November, they were so excited After the three months, they asked him to stay full time. The job to have the whole family together at their house for Thanksgiving—allrequired him to commute to Sherman, but it also allowed him to of the children and their spouses, grandchildren, and Sherry’s overseas. He would take Sherry with him sometimes. He says Though they had already planned to host the whole family, it was madeit was like a paid vacation because they could travel through Europe even more special to have everyone together because Tom suffered aduring the weeks he was working overseas. He retired again after five heart attack just three days before Thanksgiving. He made it home fromyears in this role from the company where he first started—TI. the hospital and with everyone gathered together, he grabbed his camera and tripod and took a family photo that they will remember always. Tom and Sherry also loved to travel with their church, First UnitedMethodist Church Richardson (FUMCR). One memorable trip took In her younger days when they first came to the neighborhood,them through Germany, Austria, Poland, and what was then still Sherry loved to jog the streets and play tennis with other neighborhoodknown as Czechoslovakia. They say they learned to appreciate living ladies. They played at Mimosa Park and called themselves thein the Mohawk area so much more, where anything and everything Mimosa Country Club. Now, Sherry still tries to get out for walks asis readily available, after traveling through Poland where it is difficult her hip and back allow. She loves to walk the neighborhood and visitto find food and necessities in most stores. Sherry also traveled on her with friends. She also teaches English through the Richardson Adultown quite a bit over the years. Her favorite place to visit several times Literacy Center (RALC).became Russia. As an artist herself, she fell in love with Russian artand architecture. Tom has kept busy with volunteer work over the years, even before he retired. He worked with Network of Community Ministries for 15 Back at home, while Tom worked his way around Dallas with his years. He also works with First Richardson Helpers and with manyengineering expertise, Sherry went back to school to get her degree. groups through FUMCR, and he has been the coordinator for theBut, it took about 20 years. In and around raising kids, she took classes Reservation Crime Watch Patrol since and there at various colleges in the metroplex, finally graduatingwith a degree in History from the University of North Texas. She’s so They love their neighbors and how close they are to everything theyproud to have earned her degree from UNT because her mother also need. Two of the things that attracted them to the area years ago wereearned her degree from the same school many years ago during a time the big trees and the creek they can overlook from their backyard.when many women did not attend college. They enjoy watching young families move back to the neighborhood to raise their children. Sherry taught history and art in RISD for eleven years. She wasforced to retire before she was quite ready due to allergy and asthma Tom and Sherry, we are so thankful to have you as a part of theissues. But eventually she went back to volunteer with art teachers in neighborhood and a part of what makes the Mohawk area so great. We loved reading your story this month! 17

Mohawk LifeFour Activities to Mix Up Your Spring Fit Fun by Teri HebertW armer temperatures are arriving, which means outdoor than walking and soon you’ll be moving faster and further than you activities are now in play! If you are looking for ways to thought you could. mix up your fitness routine for the spring, take a look atthese four fun fit ideas: 3. Tennis Richardson has some great tennis courts, either within our parks1. Yard work So maybe “fun” isn’t the best word to use if you are thinking of (free to use and lighted until 10:30pm!) or at Huffhines Tennis Center. Tennis is a great mix of strength, agility, and cardio. Even ifimpending “yard work” as pulling the mower out of the shed or garage you start by simply hitting the ball back and forth across the net withafter winter and that first time you weed and mow for the spring. But, a friend without too much running, you’ll get your heart rate up andyard work can be so much more than just battling weeds and bringing hone your hand-eye coordination, as well. Play for fun with friends,a dormant lawn back to life. Planting flowers that will soon bloom, or check out tennis lessons, classes, and leagues through the City offertilizing and watering your lawn, landscaping, and cleaning your Richardson at to enjoy spring weather are great ways to get outside and getactive this time of year. 4. Cycling Dust off those bikes, grab the kids, and take a family bike ride to the2. Train for and Run a 5k It is surprisingly manageable to walk or run a 5k, even if you’ve park or around the neighborhood. Richardson is such a bike-friendly city, the streets are begging to be ridden when the sun is out and thenever intentionally run a step in your life before reading this sentence. temperatures rise above winter cold. Bike trails and bike lanes can beWhen I completed my first 5k, I had such a sense of accomplishment found throughout the city with maps available online to help planwhen I crossed the finish line, even though I didn’t run the whole your adventure. See that first time. Grab a few friends or your family, pick one to see where it’s fun and safest to ride.of the many 5ks in the area, and make it a fun adventure. Start bywalking around the block. Gradually add more distance. Then start No matter what activity appeals to you, put away the cozy winterjogging in the middle of your route. Eventually you’ll be jogging more sweatpants, grab a buddy, get outside, and get moving!


Dreaming of a Life in Publishing?Dream no More!NeighborhoodPublisher Needed!People of the Mohawk areaand readers of this magazine!We, here at Mohawk Life magazine,are looking for a NeighborhoodPublisher to join forces with us.What does it take to be considered for this prestigious position? As our Neighborhood Publisher YOU (yes you!) couldHere are just a few of the things we are looking for in this enjoy the benefits of a flexible schedule while you work atquality individual: home, a coffee shop, at your PTA function, or at the gym. You will work closely with the editor and publisher to complete• Do you live in the Mohawk/JJP/Reservation area? each issue of Mohawk Life on time (and rumor has it they are• Do you know people and/or pets in the neighborhood? pretty awesome to work with).• Do you like people and/or pets in the neighborhood?• Do you know about (or can you find) events, interesting Our magazine is published every-other-month. The time commitment to successfully fulfilling your role is up to you (oh the stories, and/or intriguing neighborhood things to share freedom!). In return for your excellence as a resource to us, you will with your neighbors? be rewarded with:• Are you willing to provide fresh contacts • Fun and stimulating grown-up conversation (on a regular, ongoing basis) to the editor and publisher for feature articles in the magazine? (Talk only to your toddler all day? We might be a good• Are you responsive to communications (phone, email, and break for you—sometimes.). text) but also willing and available to meet with the team on • Your name prominently listed in the magazine as our a randomly-irregular basis? esteemed Neighborhood Publisher.• Are you willing and able to help fill ad space in the • The pride and ownership of knowing you made someone’s day by magazine by reaching out to potential advertisers and nominating them as a feature for neighborhood fame and glory. renewing current ads? • Payment commensurate with job responsibility and closing of ad sales per issue of the magazine.This is NOT a full-time position, and there is no writing involved with this position (hooray!). However, it is a fun,rewarding opportunity to celebrate your neighborhood and the people who live around you. Seriously interested?Please contact Kyla Obert at [email protected].

Mohawk LifeCommunity NewsThe PearceMum Store by Alicia Abel and Teri HebertI t’s never too early to think about next year’s Homecoming. Espe- Volunteers working at the Mum Store designate the organization that cially when it comes to those big Texas mums and garters for the should benefit from their efforts. Volunteers at the PTA Mum Store guys, the Pearce PTA moms know that there are important deci- include parents and students, both current and former. For the 2017sions to be made when choosing the perfect one for your date. That’s Homecoming season the store created and sold more than 700 mumswhere the PTA-run Pearce Mum Store comes in. and garters. The J.J. Pearce High School PTA Mum Store was founded in 2003 The process of creating the mums and garters begins well beforeby the organization’s president and devoted volunteer-parent, the late Homecoming Friday. Work for the 2018 Homecoming season beganCathy Scheurer. The Mum Store operates as the largest and primary in January of this year and will continue until the big day when thefundraiser for the organization. It is located in a retail space at the NW PTA staffs a “Mum Hospital” on campus to help students with anycorner of Coit and Campbell near Natural Grocers. Every school year, emergency repairs.the store creates and sells mums and garters for Homecoming. The storeis managed by two PTA Vice-Presidents with the assistance and guidance The volunteer finishers use their creative skills and talents toof the outgoing VPs. The 2018-2019 VPs are Andrea Haynes and Alicia create a variety of designs and themes for the mums. The mumsAbel, the outgoing VPs are Brenda Ucherek and Shelley Embry. and garters for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are red and blue. Senior mums and garters are white and silver, with some students Alicia Abel says, “I love volunteering at the PTA Mum Store choosing to personalize with a pop of color. In the weeks leading upbecause I get to do something I enjoy while helping the J.J. Pearce to Homecoming, the Mum Store opens for sales, and students visitcommunity. I first started helping by just tying bows, and last year I the Mum Store to purchase finished mums and garters either for theirfinally felt like I could tackle finishing. I really enjoy it, and I wish I dates or for themselves. After selecting their mum/garter, the studentshad tried it sooner! I never made a garter for my oldest son Greg, who can choose to add more items like extra trinkets, blinky lights, jinglegraduated in 2015. My favorite thing I made this year is the garter for bows, ornaments, son Jacob, a junior. Then I can look forward to making garters forDaniel, Class of 2026 and mums for Mary, Class of 2027.” Volunteers work hard and long hours to complete all the mums and garters in time for the all-important mum exchange. The store is The PTA Mum Store operates on a 100% volunteer basis and the already looking for volunteers as they get ready for Homecoming 2018.PTA shares the Mum Store profits with Pearce student organizations. To learn more visit

Mohawk LifeIn the KitchenSavory and Simple Spring SuppersS pring time activities and busy schedules can take away time for cooking dinner every night. Try these recipes that are simple and quick to help you feed the family on the go! Poppy Seed Chicken Pitas From Ingredients: 1/2 cup chopped pecans, almonds or walnuts, toasted 3 skin-on, bone-in chicken breasts (about 2 pounds) 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives 1-1/2 tablespoons poppy seeds Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper 1 large orange 1/2 cup dried apricots, chopped (optional) 1/2 cup mayonnaise Torn lettuce leaves, for serving 1/3 cup sour cream or low-fat Greek yogurt 4 whole-wheat pitas, halved 1 tablespoon dijon mustard 1 stalk celery, chopped Directions: Cover the chicken with cold water in a saucepan and add 1 teaspoon salt. Remove strips of zest from half of the orange with a vegetable peeler; add the zest to the water. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, until the chicken is cooked through, about 18 minutes. Remove the chicken and let cool. Grate the remaining orange zest into a large bowl; juice the orange into the bowl. Stir in the mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, celery, nuts, chives, poppy seeds, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Add the apricots, if desired. Shred the chicken, discarding the bones and skin, and toss with the dressing. Stuff a few lettuce leaves and some of the chicken salad into each pita.Spinach Ravioli with Tomato SauceFrom foodnetwork.comIngredients: Pinch of sugar Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1-1/2 pounds frozen1 ounce Italian salami, finely diced, spinach-and-cheese ravioli or pulsed in a food processor 1 ounce ricotta salata or4 cloves garlic, minced1 28-ounce can San Marzano plum parmesan cheese, grated tomatoes, drained, juices reserved5 or 6 fresh basil leaves, plus more for garnishDirections: Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skilletover medium-high heat. Add the salami and garlic and cook, about 1 minute. Crush thetomatoes into the pan with your hands and cook until slightly dry, about 5 minutes. Addthe reserved tomato juice, basil, sugar, and salt and pepper to taste. Increase the heat tohigh and cook until the sauce thickens, about 5 minutes. Stir in 3/4 cup water and reducethe heat to medium-low. Let simmer while you cook the ravioli. Add salt to the boiling water, then add the ravioli and cook as the label directs; drain.Divide the ravioli among shallow bowls, spoon the sauce on top and sprinkle with thecheese. Garnish with more basil.24

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