Plants2YouHull ≡ searecthisshitceraesLike 48+2 Recommend this on GoogleFree delivery on orders over £10Flowering Plants Price List Can't find something? Give us a ring or let us know on your order and we will do our best to get it for you.Lipstick Plant 15cm£18.00Available NOWAnthurium 17cm£12.00Available NOW
Azalea 12cm£6.00Black Calla 12cm£4.60Begonia 12cm£3.60 Sold out for 2014Pink, Red or OrangeCyclamen 9cm£1.50 sold out for 2014Cyclamen 10cm£2.10 Sold out for 2014Cyclamen 13cm£2.50
£2.50Available NOWCyclamen XL 1½ ltr£3.50Available NOWGardenia 13cm£6.00Available NOWimported please allow 7 daysGeranium 13cm£3.00Guzmania mixed 9cm£3.60imported please allow 7 daysHibiscus 13cm£10.00Available NOW
Hyacinth 7cm£1.00Blue, White & PinkHydrangea 17cm£16.30White & BlueKalanchoe 9cm£3.00Kalanchoe 12cm£4.00Available NOWMandevilla 17cm£20.00Netera 8.5cm£3.20Available NOWNGH Impatien 12cm£2.40Orchidium 12cm£9.00Pelagonium 13cm£3.60Phaleanopsis Orchid 12cm£8.00Available NOW
Available NOWDifferent colours availableSolanum 12cm£4.00Available NOWPeace Lilly 9cm£3.00Available NOWPeace Lilly 13cm£6.50Available NOWPeace Lilly 17cm£12.00Available NOWSt Paulia 12cm£2.60Tilladasia 9cm£5.20 You can also place an order by using our contact page,
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