The Teacher’s Word :My dear students,Every year, I really feel happy to teach creative and motivated students. Every year, I expectto meet ambitious students who are ready to learn, to behave well and to contribute to theirown welfare and that of their community. I’m so proud of you little stars and I wish you abright future Without your amazing contributions and the support of the school’s headmaster, Mr FillaliAbdelatif, this magazine wouldn’t be created. Thank you and enjoy reading this fabulous“student’s magazine” Ms Nezha Youssefi
Creative writing:1- POEMSLove and peaceLove is a great feelingIt makes people happy and excitingLove is everything we need.Peace is coexisting in the same landTaking each other by handsMay peace never endIn our country, our motherland By Soufiane El Baghdadi2-Rhythmic lines after listening to Richard’s Max’s song: “Right here waiting for you”a-Seasons apart, day after dayAnd I happily go awayI see you next to me and playBut my bird go and flyIf I find you next to me and playHow can I stayb-Oceans apart, night after night By : Salma Qasry, Aya El kaissi, Omar Yadini,And I try to see the light Samia Bellatik, Anas SbaiI hear your voice on the “line”And I feel so fine By: Soufiane El Baghdadi, Salaheddine Atouali, Youssef Skalli, Youssef Janati
c-Day after day By Imane Akrabi, Bouchra Jamal, Nissrine Marrakchi,I think just about you Aya Diyaz, Chaimea Sattah, Zoubida BoussfihaI see your photo in my eyesI hear your voice in my ears By Oussama Moussaid and Boutaina IdrissiYou’re my heart and my life By Mohamed HassaniSo I love you By Achraf GhazouaniAbout my name:My name’s OussamaI like the cinemaI love ObamaI want to go to IndiaI hate bananaI like the song of PanamaI don’t like OumaimaI like BoutainaMy name’s MohamedI like Saad LamjaredMy favorite color is redI eat beans and breadI’m always well fedAnd I have a big smart headMy name’s JilaliI like M.HarleyI want to go to MaliI really hate the name of JilaliBut I’m nice and friendly
My name’s ZoubidaI like SodaI hate bananaI want to go to Canada By Zoubida BousfihaMy daily habitsI’m Imane, I’m fifteen years old and I live in Fez, Morocco. I usually get up at seven o’clock, I getdressed, I wash my face and I brush my teeth, then I pray. After that, I have my breakfast, forbreakfast, I usually have milk and bread with cheese. Then I take my school bag and I walk to schoolbecause it’s near my house, I always go with my friends. Classes start at eight o’clock and finish atfour. I have my lunch at home at about 1: 00 p.m. My best friends are Nissrine and Aya. We alwaysshare our secrets.After school, I do my homework. I’m a hard working student and then I watch T.V and chat with myfriends. At half past seven, I have dinner with my family then I put my books in my school bag, andread a short story before I go to bed at about eleven o’clock. By Imane AkrabiOumaima’s daily routineOumaima is fifteen years old. She lives in Fez. She usually gets up at seven. She has a shower, shebrushes her teeth then has breakfast. For breakfast, she has tea and some cakes. After that she goesto school. Her best friend is Aya. They listen to music while walking to school. She returns home aftershe finishes school, has a coffee break, does her homework, and chats with her sister before she goesto bed. By Oumaima Ziatni
Ranya’s daily routine:
My family tree
Jokes and riddles :TEACHER: What is the plural of mouse ?Pupil: MiceTEACHER: Good, now what's the plural of baby ?Pupil: Twins !Teacher: Why did the frog say meow?Pupil: He was learning a foreign language.TEACHER: Give me three reasons why the world is round?Pupil: Well my dad says so, my mum says so and you say so!Riddles: (answers on page12) 1-Give it food and it will live. Give it water and it will die. What is it? 2-Take off my skin. I won’t cry, but you will. What am I? 3- Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside. What is it?MATE CIRCLE Mohamed El Fassi middle School
Our activities:We do so many activities in our MATE CIRCLE Mohamed El Fassi school including:1-Drawing:from Alphabets to pictures and portraits2-Games:
3-Role plays:4-ICT production:5-Making posters + wall magazines
6-Community servicea-Cleaning the school’s libraryb-Visiting the girls’ rehab and protection center7-Visiting art exhibitions
8-Spelling bee9-End of periods 1 and 2 showsThe economist article about us:
Grammar quiz: test your knowledgeAnswers of the riddles 2- Onion 3- Corn 1- Fire
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