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Home Explore Autobiography_Villanueva, Algian_Personal development

Autobiography_Villanueva, Algian_Personal development

Published by Algian Villanueva, 2021-11-09 09:41:36

Description: An autobiography about the stages in my life and a story that still continues.


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My Beginning and Early Childhood Though I have no recollection of my earliest childhood, I was always told that I was a loving child. The type of child that always wanted to stay with those I loved. That even included inanimate objects like stuffed toys, fictional characters like Elmo and more. My parent's also told me that I would cry a lot when I lose sight of the those people or items as if they were completely gone. And even as I grew those characteristics are still a part of who I was as a child. With my memories always coming back to those days where I spent my days watching television with my siblings and cousins, bonding, playing and pretending that those fictional worlds were real and that we were part of it. Making use of materials around us as a way to make our fictional world more real in our minds. Spending summer days and vacations together as we grew up.

Early Teens At this stage of my life things began to become more real and the I started learning the world on my own, the rights, the worngs, the do's and the don'ts. School became more difficult and I started to become slowly more independent by learning through trial and error. And at this age the concept of death and loss first hit me, after the death of my grandfather from cancer and my aunt a few years after from the same illness, devastating moments that made me wonder \" What should I do with my life?\". And at this point in my life new changes occured, as everyone would've guessed puberty hit. Breakouts of acne came, changes in my body which made me very insecure of my appearance, and then the unhealthy tendency of comparing myself to those around me.

Regrets and Mistakes People say \"it's all in the past, forget it\". I personally could never see it that way. As cliche as it may sounds making mistakes is normal, so is having regrets, but it is something that will always make us better in the end. One of my biggest regret would come from a single decision I made on a whim, which then turned a happy and close relationship with my friend, into a toxic, complicated but deep relationship with one another. A relationship we were both unsure if we wanted but something we wanted deeply to work out. This complicated relationship with one another lasted for almost 3 and a half years, which both showed our foul sides that we ourselves didn't know we had. But eventually we learned to put it behind us and try to start again, because in the end, when all is said and done, all we really want is to stay friends with one another. Though that experience is really not a past I cherish nor remember fondly, it is still my past that I must embrace and an experience I will never forget.

Who I am today As of now, those are the highlights of my different phases in life, or at least until another phase begins anew. And as I look back on what has happened and what has changed. It made me realize that, things have changed and so definitely did I. Yet if you ask me who I am exactly. My answer is, that I still don't know or to be less blunt I'm not completely sure myself. But one things for sure I am not entirely the same person back then, today I believe that I am just an average person, just like everyone else. As of now I grew out of my over self-conscious state, and have grown to accept my flaws and shortcomings, even if my unhealthy tendencies tend to resurface from time to time. Still I am still unsure of who I am and makes me wonder... Will I know in the next chapter?

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