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Home Explore JANUARY


Published by Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain, 2018-03-03 05:09:46

Description: JANUARY


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BOOK WEEK 14TH JAN – 17TH JAN 2018We commenced the New Year with newaspirations, but not forgetting what westarted in the previous year- “THE YEAR OFREADING 2016”, continued year after yearto be followed all the long.The BOOK WEEK started on the 14th Janwith Assembly by GRADE-1C. A Speech byShavangi Saigal highlighting the im-portance of Reading, emphasizing thefirst step of learning.

A small presentation by Kush Yadav, asHindi Book, Ihab Adnane as the ArabicBook, Hannaha Maria as the Englishbook and Jairus Paul as the MalayalamBook, telling us the importance of eachlanguage . The afternoon session was setaside for the competitions as part of thebook week.

First day was the FINGER PUPPET STORY TELL-ING by the GRADE 1 & 2 students. Students cameup with different stories using finger puppet. Thestory by Faheema of Grade 1A was judged thebest. The second prize went to Prarthana Prabishof Grade. 2B and third prize was shared by Mo-hammed Tabish and Shavingi Sehgal. Kritika Bijuof Grade.2B got the consolation prize.

The second day’s assembly was by GRADE.2A.The students of GRADE. 2A- Gowri S, Ganga S,Aditry Tyagi, Shashank Naidu, Shivanshi , Bha-vaya G, Ekum K, Jaythri R & Nova Ann pre-sented a skit depicting the BOOKS, as our bestfriends .In the afternoon session the DUMB CHARADESCOMPETITION was conducted for the GRADE 3& 4. Each team had 3 members, one -to act outthe book title and the other two had to guess the

It was a fun time for the participants and the au-dience watching the actions of the contestantsand trying to reach the book titles. Both the firstand second prizes were taken away by the smartkids of Grade. 3BS.N DUMB CHARADES POSITIONO FIRST1 TANISHQ P, JESWIN & SULTAN SECOND THIRD TEAM(3B)2 ABHIRAM, ADWAITH & MEENA TEAM ( 3B)3 SHIVANAND PRIYESH, MADHAV, DEVASSY TEAM(3A)

On 16th a book quiz was conducted as part of the bookweek celebration. The quiz was for the GRADE. 5, 6&7. A team of 4 students from each class participated.It had 5 rounds. Starting with the Books and AuthorRound, Written Round, then an Visual Round - Identi-fication , Prizes and Award Round and the FinalRound on Famous quotes from the books. The Gradeade7B Team won the first place with 34 points and the sec-ond place went to Gradeade 7A with 31 points, and thethird place went to Gradeade 6A with 28 points.


BHAVANS' GCC SPELL BEE- A stepping stone to spellbinding successBVB Spell Bee is a prestigious event for the Bhavans' Gradeoup of schools in GCCcountries. It is an initiative undertaken by Bhavans – Middle East to empower thestudents with English vocabulary, spelling and correct pronunciation. The competi-tion begins at the school level. The candidates who come out first in their respec-tive categories in the GCC level competitions will be given trophies and cash prizesequivalent to INR 50,000 (Rupees Fifty Thousand).The Gradeand finale of Bhavans’ GCC Spell Bee which was a live telecast from Ku-wait was held on Saturday, 20 January 2018 in which six schools participated. Par-thiv Varma of Grade.9 from Bhavans’ Al Saad Indian School secured the 3rd placein Cat- 4. In Cat-1, the third place was shared by Abhinav Ashokan of Gradeade1Bfrom Bhavans’ Al Saad Indian School and Malavika Vinod of ICSK –Kuwait.The winners were awarded cash prize, trophy and certificate. ISC President- Mr.Sasi Stephen was the Chief Guest

AL-SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL- AL AIN Department of Children with Special Educational Needs Report on Gradeeeting Card makingArt therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative pro-cess of making art to improve a child’s physical, mental, social andemotional well-being. It includes different art and craft activities.As a part of improving visual spatial intelligence, the SEN Depart-ment of Al SAAD Indian school arranged Gradeeeting card makingsession for SEN students in the Art Room on 10/01/2018 from 1.05pm -2.00pm. The selected students, who are having different learning andbehavioural problems from Gradeades 1 to 8 participated in this ses-sion. Through the session, the students learned card making procedureslike how to fold the paper, how to cut the paper using scissors and howto make a beautiful pop up card.During the process of card making, the fine motor activities as well asthe coordination of body functions such as brain and eyes are workingtogether to produce the desirable movements.Making Gradeeeting cards, a form of art therapy is a way of self-expression and children can elaborate on other people’s idea and coulduse them in a different way. It will improve self-esteem, social skillsand the child will be able to manage his stress and anxiety in a positiveway.Sini.S.Nair

CHRISTMAS DAY AND NEW YEAR CELEBRA-TION:Al Saad Indian schoo had celebrated Christmas and New year togetheron 10th January 2018.It was a day of joy and excitement for all of us.All the students came in red and white coloured dress. The principaladdressed the gathering and conveyed Christmas and New year mes-sages and Gradeeetings to all .As a part of the celebration a song wassung by the students of Gradeade VI A and a carol song was sung bythe school choir. We also had a Santa Claus competition for thelowerGradeades. Every body enjoyed the day at the fullest.

MOCK FIRE DRILL:Report –Mock Fire Drill on 21st January 2018On 21st January, OSH Department of Al Saad Indian School, along with the help ofCivil defenses Officers from Al Ain, conducted a mock fire drill in the school prem-ises.The mock drill started with the fire Alarm bell. Students got up from their chairsand lined up in order and made their way to the nearest exit points.Students were instructed not to panic or run. All the students were evacuated in 2minutes 18 seconds to the nearest assembly point.All teachers were given red and Gradeeen cards. The Gradeeen card indicates safe-ty while the red card indicates danger. If all students are present, respective classteachers showed the Gradeeen card.Mr. Vinod, the OSH officer along with the security staffs checked all the classrooms to ensure a successful evacuation. The floor duty staff members -Ms.Fawzia, Ms.Bijila ,Ms.Anaam,Mr.Sunand ,Mr.Ramesh and Mr.Girish guidedthe students to the assembly points.INOD PO S H Officer Al Saad Indian School

Mosque VisitThe Boys of Gradeade 1 visited the Mosque nearby our school. The visit was orga-nized to make children understand more about the UAE culture and customs.The team was led by our Principal Ma’am, Ms. Leena Menon supported by theTeachers of Arabic, Islamic studies dept, and the Activity coordinator. The Arabicteachers explained each and every custom that should be followed once we enterthe mosque to the students. They even explained the specific areas of mosque. TheMuslim students did the prayer and read the Holy Quran.The peaceful and serene atmosphere of the mosque provided peace of mind to theentire and the visit served as a strong tool and example for the students to knowabout the Islamic customs and the power of prayer.

MY IDENTITY CLUB PROGRADEAMME:A new proGradeamme, aimed at enhancing national identity of Emira-ti students, will be implemented in 50 private schools in the Capital asa pilot phase during the current school trimester.The proGradeamme, which is organised by Adec's Private Schools andQuality Assurance Sector (PSQA), will also encourage expatriate stu-dents to learn and respect the culture of the UAE.'Haweyati' was designed after conducting an in-depth study that tookinto account the specialty of the local community, and was guided bythe main Emirati national concepts.The proGradeamme aims to provide schools with a curriculum frame-work that promotes the principles of UAE's National Identity.'Haweyati' would address topics such as values, culture, citizenship,culture, society, history and a sense of belonging.We at Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain celebrated the MY Identity ClubDay on 24th January 2018 in the school auditorium.A number of activities were held and performed by the students fromGradeades 5 to 9 based on the MIP theme and depicting the six values

i.e My Values Are My Identity, My Culture Is My Identity, My Lan-guage Is My Identity, My History Is My Identity, My Citizenship IsMy Identity, My Society Is My Identity.The idea and the main aim behind this activity was to encourage thestudents to learn and respect the culture of the UAE.The proGradeam started with a speech on The Year Of Zayed, followedby Arabic Song, Arabic Dance, Quiz on UAE, Video and PPT on UAEculture and heritage.

Republic Day celebration & Prize distribution Ceremonyhe School celebrated the 69th Republic day of India with pride and de-votion. Republic day parade by the students, patriotic songs, speech,and drama were conducted. The celebration was followed by the Prizedistribution ceremony for the academic year 2017-’18.The day started with the assembly of students at the ground . The sen-ior students from grade 6 onwards participated in the Republic dayparade which was a classwise competition. All the classes did their bestbut the winners were: grade 9A – 1st prize, grade 7B – 2nd prize & grade6B – 3rd prize.Principal Ma’am received the salute and after the parade, Indian Na-tional Flag was hoisted while the school choir sang the Indian NationalAnthem.Junior choir, which consisted of the students of grades 2 and 3 sang ahindi patriotic song which won great applause from the audience.Department of Hindi presented the national pledge in hindi as well asa speech in hindi too.A play depicting the rights of citizen mentioned in the constitution ofIndia was an added attraction and the students performed really well.The play was very much informative also.Altogether the 69th Republic Day of India was celebrated in our schoolwith much pride and the items presented provided information aboutseveral matters related to India to the students. It also provided ampleopportuniy for showcasing their talents too . It made space for the stu-dents to compare the information with the present conditions of UAEeven.

SHRAMDANA small step from the end of every child can be a big step for fulfillingthe purpose of ‘Shramdan’ at Al Saad Indian School, Alain. The pur-pose and importance of the cleanliness in our daily lives should betaught to each child. Cleanliness is not a work which we should doforcefully. It is a good habit and healthy way of our healthy life. Alltype of cleanliness is very necessary for our good health whether it ispersonal cleanliness, surrounding cleanliness, environment cleanliness,pet animal cleanliness or work place cleanliness. We all should be high-ly aware about how to maintain cleanliness in our daily lives. It isvery simple to include cleanliness in our habit. We should never com-promise with cleanliness, it is as necessary as food and water for us. Itshould be practiced from the childhood which can only be initiated byparents as their first and foremost responsibility. Then it’s the turn ofthe teachers, as School is the second home for every child, each teacheris responsible for getting the practice of cleanliness among students. ‘The Shramdan time’ which is been conducted on all Thursdays in ourschool is one of the initiatives taken by the School to instill the value ofcleanliness among students. Students are supposed to clean their class-rooms and arrange it neatly before they disperse. The class which isclean and tidy will be named as the ‘Cleanest Class,’ which encouragesthe students even more to actively participate in the activity. The pro-gramme helps to develop the value of caring and preserving one’s sur-roundings thus making them responsible citizens of the country.

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