Vol:6 Issue:2 May,2019 PreranaThe Glimpse of ASIS AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL MY NUTSHELL Welcome Ramadan-Special Assembly Welcome Ramadan The holy month of Ramadan is the The Islamic students of Bhavans’ Al Ain conducted a Open day days of purity wherein people special assembly on the first day of Ramadan to share Ramadan Charity become closer to the almighty their knowledge and to give awareness to everyone If tar Party God. It is important to be aware about the sacred month. Drinking water to mosque about the value of Ramadan and fasting in Session on Autism this month. God forgives the past sins of Parents’ corner those who observe the Holy month with fasting, prayer and faithful intention. The auditorium was decorated with the crescent moon, stars and lamps. Students dressed up in white that symbolizes peace, presented attractive programmes. Songs and speeches were a part of it that made the day remarkable. Prerana May, 2019
RAMADAN CHARITY SESSION ON AUTISM THE POWER OF SHADAQA Autism, or autism spectrum disor- As teachers, it is very essential der (ASD), refers to a broad range to know how to treat autistic One of the door that Al- of conditions characterized by students in their classroom. So lah has opened to his challenges with social skills, repeti- to provide information, Mr. people to gain rewards tive behaviors, speech and nonver- Sam Sebastian, a trained facul- in the Holy month of Ramadan bal communication. Autistic per- ty on ASD, one among the par- is through alms. Islam always sons are mostly influenced by a ents of Bhavans’ and the great advise its followers to give plenty combination of genetic and envi- father of Enrick Sam of Grade of charities, especially during the ronmental factors where each per- 1 (an autistic child) conducted month of Ramadan. Allah the son with autism has a distinct set of a session on Autism. The ses- Glorified and Exalted highly strengths and challenges. The ways sion well explained how the praise those who spend their in which people with autism learn, Autistic feels and how to be money in charity and giving think and problem-solve can range treated. Citing his son’s life as alms. from highly skilled to severely an example he explained the challenged. Some people with ASD topic. It was a different experi- He promise abundant of virtues may require significant support in ence for the teachers. The ses- and magnificent rewards for their daily lives, while others may sion ended up with Vote of them. There are hundreds of need less support and, in some cas- thanks by the SENCO Ms.Sini indications that tell about the in which she read a letter writ- luck, virtue and noble position of es, live entirely independently. ten by Mr. Sam’s another the alms giver. Irrespective of child, Ethan Sam, about his religion and region, the students great father who left his career as well as the staffs of Bhavans’ and all his dreams to take care Al Ain wholeheartedly united to of his son. The session was help the needy with their contri- very much informative for all butions as money as well as the teachers as we have inclu- things. Dreaming the smiles on sive education. the needy receiving things, eve- ryone filled the charity box. Eulia Mintha Abdul Mujeeb Article published on Magazine Prerana May,2019
IFTAR PARTY OPEN DAY The month of Rama- A DAY OF DISCUSSION dan, observed by Muslims across the world, re- An open day for parents was con- During the open day, Par- quires followers of Islam to ob- ducted at the school campus on 16th ents got the opportunity to interact serve roza (fast) through the with Class Teacher and Subject day, breaking it twice a day: Su- May 2019 to get to know their child’s Teachers, to update themselves on hur in the morning and Iftar in teacher’s expectations and general the evening. For the believers teachers and understand areas that feedbacks about their ward. Parents Iftar simply provide an oppor- stepped into the campus on time and tunity for the whole family to sit teachers would want children to met the teachers. It was indeed an together and the children are important day for the parents as well given lessons in devotion, love, work on for the academic year. as teachers to discuss about the expec- care, sharing and humility tations in person for the overall devel- where the family bonding is re- opment of the student. The meeting affirmed. started at sharp 1.30 p.m. and winded up at 3.00 p.m. The co-operation of Bhavan’s Al Ain family also en- the parents adhering to their timings joyed the grand meal of Iftar at and accepting things positively made the school auditorium on 30th the event successful. May 2019. Arabic teacher Mr. Ahamed recited the Holy verses DRINKING WATER TO MOSQUE from Quran. Ms. Maimoona from the Islamic department de- “Giving is not about making a donation. livered a small speech on the im- It is about making a difference.” portance of Ramadan. The par- ents and students of Grade 10 were the special invitees to grace the occasion. The presence of Principal Dr. Bhavna Gupta added more beauty to the event. It was indeed a pleasure day where all the family of Bhavans’ Staffs and parents unit- ed to enjoy the sumptu- Quenching the thirst of others is one The students and Islamic teach- among the most sacred things a per- ers of Bhavans’ Al Ain donated son can do in his life. As Ramadan is a box of water bottles every day the Holy month, where the believers of Al- to the mosque during the Ram- lah observe fasting and spend their time for adan days. prayer, Bhavans’ Al Ain continued its en- It was indeed a great thing deavor of giving water to the nearby that the school could do dur- ing the sacred month. mosque. Prerana May,2019
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