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Home Explore BLOOMING BUDS - Term 1


Published by Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain, 2017-07-10 05:48:32

Description: Newsletter 1st Term - kindergarten

Keywords: Bhavans,ASIS,ALAIN


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Volume: 4 Term: 1 PRINCIPAL’S VOICE Dear All, The academic year has started with a rousing welcome to all the students and teachers of ASIS, and I am deeply honoured to be the part of the team leading the school.I have been associated with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for 29years , as a teacher, Head of the Department of Mathematics,Mentor ,counsellor and as an administrator as well.I am indeed blessed to have at ASIS a team of dedicated andcommitted teachers with me. Our teachers who have highlevels of professional accountability are confident of theschool nurturing the young minds in the right direction.Its my strong belief that every child is unique in their ownway. Our primary goal is to foster every child with morepositive self-concept, instilling in them self-confidence,self-esteem, values and culture, thereby moulding them intounique global citizens.We give equal importance to co - curricular activities also tohelp the learners to bring out their talents lying dormantwithin themselves.With the efforts of my team of teachers and with yourcooperation we wish to raise ASIS to the highestInternational Standards.Together we carve a fruitful future.Your suggestions are always valued.Regards,Leena Menon

Kindergarten is the first step towards education forour kinder tots.An induction programme provides a platform forthe students and the parents. We organized aninduction programme for the KG on 8th April 2017.It was mainly conducted for the parents to makethem aware about the aspects and the rules andregulations of the school and to enjoy theperformances of our tiny tots.Our Principal Ma’am welcomed the parents and shespoke about the role of the teacher, students and theparents.Our KG Coordinator, Ms. Shilpa Babbar presented apresentation on the academics and about the rules andregulations of the school. The Activity in charge of KG,Ms. Vandana did a presentation on the co-curricularactivities for the parents.

Our kindergarten school reopened on 16th April. Ourkinder tots came to the school .Teachers made awelcome crown to welcome them. Our childrenenjoyed the activity very well.

It is often nice to see your ward walking back home effortlessly without having a heavybag weighing on their shoulder. Bhavans has provided a platform for children to occupy their learning time inthe school making them engaged most of the times .Children is imparted knowledgefrom one reliable medium without having heavily bombarded with the so calledconventional method of first at school by teachers, then at home from parents andfinally from the tuition Centre all queued up to make them scoring machines inxaminations than refining them to be a good human being.Learning has advanced and the enhanced method is to coach and groom them inretrieval of information, improve their listening skills and interpretation of things byobservation than the outdated concept of mugging up all that is there in the textbooksand blindly reproducing the same in the exam.Bhavans here play a crucial role where students are at ease and is handled effectively bythese soft touches. The school provides a unique platform for the children which helpsthem acquire these skills efficiently. This is really a satisfier as a parent when academicsare at concern The creative thought of the child is shaped up in a better way here.Children are less at home on books and assignments are very rare visitors to them whichmakes them excited to do it in a better way than looking at it exhausted and drained out.I take this opportunity to thank the Bhavans Management for this effort to have yourface shown up in the garden city of UAE providing an opportunity for the children hereto experience your essence …Kudos to the teachers who under the inspiring leadership of the principal for makingthis happen.Noushad Umer(Father of Neima Noushad KG 2)

Any book that helps a child to form a habitof reading, to make reading one of his deepand continuing needs, is good for them.”“There are many little ways to enlarge yourchild’s world .Love of books is the best ofall.” -Jacqueline kennedy Onassis.

The United Arab Emirates celebrated 2017 & 2018 as the year of reading. Our senior KG students listened to the stories read by the teachers and ourjunior KG students watched the stories.

Leader ship and learning are indispensableto each other .we celebrate the inaugura-tion of kiddies club formation by our tinytots on 18th may 2017. The lead-ers of ourkinder land they were ready to take theirpost , Oath as a leader. Teertha Krishna ofkg2 presented the master of ceremo-ny .The ceremony was started with Quranrecitation by Iman of KG 2 ,U.A.E Nation-al Anthem and the prayer song was sang bythe kg2 team. Our KG coordinator Ms. ShilpaBabbar spoke to tiny tots about the im-portance of Kiddies club and their rolesand responsibility.

Our tiny tots marched towards thestage to take their Oath and badges.

Our tiny tots Of KG1 presented adance performance for our leaders.The show was completed with vote ofthanks by Ahaan of KG2.

“If you actions inspire others to dream more , learnmore , do more, and become more ,you are a leader “ President- Ananya Nair Vice President - Imran Mohammed Izhar Siddique Secretary– Gautham Krishna Thrikkassery Joint secretary - Tanya Grace Zachariah Senior sports captain - Krishnapriya Puthenveettil Vinod Sports captain - Neha Deepak Sports vice captain - Aaron Bose Abin Cultural minister - Neima Noushad

Class captains & vice-captains of KG 1BLUE BUNNIES Captain - Jenix Joy Jaish Vice captain - Ayra NishadGreen Grasshopper Captain - Ayman Ahmed Vice captain - Agnas SanjuBrown tortoise Captain - Abigail Tessa Sebastian Vice captain - Nazzario Pency John DiosesYellow Duckling Captain - Laiba Afsal Vice captain - Vevithaa. SRed Robin Captain – Venkata Siri Gajjala Vice Captain – Aaron Anoop Kallarackal

Class captains and vice-captains of KG 2Pink Panthor Captain – Namadevan Kongassery Vice Captain – Aahan Ali UsmanDusky Lory Captain – Jude Rylan Rodrigues Vice Captain – Elizabeth JosletRainbow Lorikeet Captain – Abdul Rehman Alam Vice Captain – Tanya Divyesh DarjiWhite Peacock Captain – Saher Tuli Vice Captain – Namiya Fathima

The meaning of most common saying “Health is Wealth” isvery simple and easy. It means our good health is the realwealth of our life which gives us good physique and mindand enables us to enjoy whole life by managing its allchallenges.Taking this into consideration our tiny tots celebrated“Health and Nutrition day” on 22nd of May, 2017 at 8.30am.

The ceremony started by greeting parents fol-lowed by testing their brains with some fungames & competitions. Games included riddlesand puzzles related to health & nutrition.

Next, our theme was Character Portrayal inwhich our tiny tots of KG 1 & KG 2 dressed up inthe costumes of fruits, vegetables and junkfood, wherein they spoke about the nutritionalvalue of healthy fruits and vegetables andabout the problems in consuming unhealthyjunk food.

The winners of the competition were:-KG 1 A – 1st Prize - Cera Dsilva 2nd Prize - Isha JoeKG 1 B -- 1st Prize - Miritika Deivalakshmi Prakash 2nd Prize - Nabiha AhmadKG 1 C – 1st Prize - Nazzario Pency John Dioses 2nd Prize - Devikrishna AsishKG 1 D – 1st Prize - Rua Rezan Nesar 2nd Prize - Laiba AfsalKG 1 E – 1st Prize - Adwaid Rajivkumar 2nd Prize - Aaron Anoop Kallarackal

KG 2 A – 1st Prize - Namadevan Kongassery 2nd Prize - Khush YadavKG 2 B – 1st Prize - Haiqa Zanhar 2nd Prize - Theertha KrishnaKG 2 C – 1st Prize - Charan Sai Gudiseva 2nd Prize - Srivant GirishKG 2 D – 1st Prize - Imran Mohammed 2nd Prize - Neima Noushad

It’s not yours, Our motherNor Mine,It’s ours. Our planet EarthSo, Protect yourmother who,Nourish you. The tiny tots of Kindergarten understand the importance of savingtheir dear planet Earth. To show their love for their planet Earth thetiny tots brought small plants and planted them at school. They alsocoloured pictures of trees and Earth, which were given as take away to mark World Environmental Day.

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