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Home Explore Newsletter March 2017 - Primary School

Newsletter March 2017 - Primary School

Published by Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain, 2017-04-18 05:22:52

Description: Newsletter March 2017


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The title- ‘Word wizard’ is given every month to studentswho excel in creative writing on the given topic. The topicsand word limit will be different for various sections.Shine Theressa Shibu of Gr.9 was selected as the ‘WORDWIZARD’ for the academic year 2016-’17.

‘Rendezvous’ summer camp with special theme is the cul-ture and tradition of Bhavans’ Al Saad Indian School. The camp was conductedon March 13th with the theme-‘Holi’. Holi is celebrated as harvest festival as wellas a welcome festival for the spring season in India. It is regarded as a celebra-tion of the Colours of Unity and Brotherhood - an opportunity to forget all differ-ences of caste, creed, colour etc. and indulge in unadulterated fun; sprinklingcoloured powder or coloured water on each other which breaks all barriers ofdiscrimination. The camp was a good platform for our students to exhibit theirmultifarious talents in various capacities.

The 3rd annual day of Al Saad Indian School – ‘COLOURS’- was celebrated on 22nd March 2017. The thematic show was colourfulwith the enthralling dance performances of the tiny tots of KG- to thestudents of Gr.1- 9. Each class represented a colour of the ‘VIBGYOR’and the students were draped in the same colour. Grade 8 and 9 pre-sented ‘Dasavatharam’ which was an electrifying performance.

The Anmol fair which we conducted on the same day displayed theScientific talents of the children. The exhibition was organized withthe objective of bringing out their latent talents.

A Yoga demonstration was given by our Principal Ma’am to all ladyteachers on the Women’s Day. The benefits of yoga in daily lifewas explicitly explained through various asanas, postures andbreathing exercises. The teachers were advised to include it intheir daily routine.

Ms. Sushama Prasad Menon from ADEC conducted a class onOSH (Occupational safety and health). She talked onvarious School responsibiblities, OSH policy, OSH risk managementetc.

Moral values refer to a set of principles that guide anindividual on how to evaluate right/wrong. A class on Moraleducation for the Office staff and the teachers was taken byPrincipal Ma’am . She talked on core values, policy of the school,values as life sustaining programme, morality outside classroom,morality in our daily life etc.

BHAVANS’ Al Saad is a family where we celebrate the birthday of eachmember which helps create a sense of team unity. The celebrations provide an enjoyable break from the regular routine at the School. This month we cele-brated the b’days of our office staff , teachers and our beloved Princi-pal Ma’am.

STUDENT’S VOICEMy school, situated in the eastern province of UAE is a new born baby at the birth placeof His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan .This temple of education is enriched by a Multicultural and Cosmopolitan environment.Here, students share the same environment irrespective of their social status, nationali-ty, race, religion, gender and colour. Students work in teams and individually in such away that each one identifies his strengths and weaknesses. This realization of one’s po-tential enables the students to titrate the various levels of their skillset and thus marchforward with the appropriate guidance from their beloved teachers.The teachers have an exceptional ability to identify the learning behavior of each stu-dent and the teaching methodology is biased based on the student’s degree of affinitytowards each subject.Our principal tells us motivational messages daily on the stage of assembly which ishighly inspiring. In 2018, we prepare the launch of the first batch to take up their CBSE.I am proud to be a part of this dedicated batch.I am happy to be a student at Bhavans as I get the opportunity to excel as an all-rounder. BY: Aswathi P.I Grade: 10 A

Parent’s voiceI am greatly privileged and honored to write this month’s parents’ voice. Mychildren just moved here for this academic year. And yet they have showngreat improvement in academics as well as other extracurricular activitiesthat help mould a student socially, mentally and physically. This is a schoolthat provides many opportunities to children to prove themselves. In this yearI discovered many hidden talents in my children and I give all of the credit tothe school. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Al Saad Indian School Alain is reallybrilliant and has stimulated a love of learning for them. I am very happy withthe school and the education given to my children here. My kids have hadgreat teaching and learning experiences, and the school has a very strong lead-ership team who work extremely hard to ensure the children get the best edu-cation possible – as do all of the staff especially the principal who is a greatmotivating figure for the students as well as the staff. I would like to endthis with a very inspiring quote by Solomon Ortiz: “Education is the key tosuccess in life.”Nisha Shibu

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