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Home Explore Newsletter Jun 2020

Newsletter Jun 2020

Published by Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain, 2020-07-10 02:05:42

Description: Newsletter Jun 2020


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The Glimpse of ASIS Issue 2| June 2020 | Volume 7 Al Saad Indian School I\"LEADERS ARE NOT BORN BUT ARE MADE BY THEIR EXPERIENCES IN LIFE\" MY NUTSHELL n order to scale the heights and Gupta delivering the Oath for the reach the Pinnacle of success, newly elected student council  Virtual Investiture Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Al members; who pledged to work Ceremony Saad Indian School always strives to earnestly and uphold the honour  World Ocean Day inculcate a sense of responsibility and value of the institution in the  World Sauntering Day and commitment among the presence of the honourable  World Music Day students with their heads held high, Director Bhavan’s Middle East-  Stop Cyberbullying Day ready to shoulder responsibilities as Ms. Divya Rajesh Ramachandran.  International Yoga Day leaders.  Kathamrut-Story telling With the beginning of the new aca- It was a proud moment for all the session by Parents demic session for the year 2020 - Parents to witness their children  International Father’s 2021, a virtual investiture ceremony being invested with great responsi- was organized on the 8th of June bilities while embarking on a new Day 2020. The Investiture Ceremony is a journey as leaders.  Glimpses of Day before solemn occasion wherein all the Our respected summer Vacation young students are well prepared to Chairman Bhavan’s Middle East  Health Talks :Nutrition don the mantle of leadership and Sri N.K Ramachanadran spoke on  Webinar :Let’s be responsibility while carrying it out the glorious occasion, to the with utmost dedication. children about his experiences in Physically Active A democratic online voting life and explained to them how to Volume 7 procedure was set by Dept. of IT, Social and PE. Which ultimately respect the parents and teachers. formed the school student council of They were encouraged and the year 2020 – 2021. The newly elected student council members motivated to believe in their talent received their prestigious badges and sash from their parents followed and walk on the correct path and by our beloved Principal Dr. Bhavna be the part of the changes. With the flags held high and the heads standing tall, the ceremony concluded with the Indian National Anthem. Issue 2

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA On the occasion of World Environmental Talk : Students from Grades 6-9 take part in Environment Day 2020, the science “Discover the world of Turtles in Abu Dhabi” Organized by Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi department of Al Saad Indian School The UAE was one of the countries with organized a DIY eco-friendly competition, the highest waste production in 2016. 4118 tones of household waste is collected daily ‘Project for care’. In this, students were in Al Ain is a shocking factor to us. encouraged to do an eco-friendly project In this alarming scenario, the science department in Al Saad Indian school on 5th June and informed to submit their orgnised a talk show on World Environment day 2020. The main objective of the activity project by 9th June. The main objective of is to analyse the present situation and to think different ways to reduce waste by this competition is to inculcate the value changing our lifestyle. The science teachers presented the necessity to reduce the waste of caring the nature and its biodiversity in UAE using a PPT, from grade 1 to 12, which includes the declared data from the among our students. newspapers as well. It made students to think about waste production from their A total of 133 students from grade 1 to 12 own life and what changes they can make in were participated in the competition and their lifestyle. Students wrote their submitted the video/PPT of their project decisions in chat. The positive responses through MS teams. The assigned judges from students was so appreciable. With this evaluated the projects based the basis of activity, students were made aware about being environment friendly, creativity, for the necessity to reduce, reuse and recycle being simple and being done by the waste as well. children to show care for the environment and its beings. The selection of the projects was done in grade wise and an- nounced it through class board. Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA B havans Al Saad Indian competitions and activities School, Al Ain observed were conducted to mark this day. World Sauntering Teachers encouraged grades 1-5 Day on 19th June 2020. students to read poems and write The purpose was to remind the essays on ‘Taking things slow in students to slow down and enjoy life. Essay competition was life as opposed to rushing conducted for grades 6-8 on through it. It gave an opportunity the topic ‘What COVID-19 has Riddhi Sibal Gr 9A to understand the importance of taught you’ and heading out into the world and ap- Photography competition was proach it with a deeply relaxed conducted for grades 9-12 air, feel the moment of pure clarity where students were asked to and joy and enjoy the beautiful showcase three images on world which is around them and camera or phone which everything it has to offer. Various reflected their thoughts on life. Lavanya Gr 9A Lena Mary Gr 9A Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA Blue is the colour of the sky 18th Jun 2020 and sea. It is often associated with depth and Blue day was an amazing learning experience stability. Blue symbolizes which provided a long lasting memory on trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, each student. It was indeed a visual treat. intelligence and truth. Students were able to understand the values associated with Blue colour by celebrating To reiterate the significance of the Blue Day. Blue colour, Blue day was celebrated at Bhavans Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain on 18th of June 2020 across the grades. All the children participated with lot of zeal and zest. Especially now, when the whole world is confronted by the COVID – 19 pandemic, the Blue Day brought a lot of positivity and a great sense of unity among students. On the day of celebration, Bhavanites came beautifully dressed up in Blue which made the virtual classes vibrant and colourful. Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA conserve our oceans. They are the lungs of our planet and provide most of the oxygen we breathe. Being a major source of food and medicines, oceans are needed to be preserved for their beauty and wealth. World Ocean day is The theme of World Oceans observed on 8th June Day 2020 is \"Innovation for a every year. The aim of world Sustainable Ocean\". The oceans Ocean Day is to emphasise the are facing unprecedented key role the ocean plays in our pressures from factors ranging everyday life, in addition to from pollution to climate inspiring action to protect the change. ocean and sustainably use As part of World Ocean relish an underwater Ocean virtual tour. Grades 6, 7 marine resources. day, at Bhavans Al Saad Indian and 8 English teachers provided an opportunity to school, Al Ain conducted diverse the students to write an es- say on certain topics like- With the ongoing issues activities through virtual Increasing Ocean Litter, related to water bodies, such as Stop marine litter in UAE, plastic waste, decreasing level platform. Grade 1 and 2 Class Biodegradable plastics and of water, impurities in water Marine litter misconcep- and others, it is the utmost teachers guided students to tions, Concerns and im- necessity to preserve and pacts on marine environ- make a collage work on ment etc... under their guid- ance. The works of the ‘save marine life’. Students students explicated how much they love nature and actively participated in the wish to preserve it. activities and submitted their creative work on class dojo. Grades 3, 4 and 5 Social Studies teachers guided the students to Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA Story telling session by Parents Story telling is a school (ASIS) had organized a is blessed to have talented universal and parents who always support traditional art story telling session by us to make every event a form that has grand success. parents for grade- 4 The session was indeed students. The parental valuable and distinct. Children found it really teaching was the new interested and engrossed in the story, which was told to initiative taken by our them with creative gestures and facial expressions. school last year to make the parents teachers. As a part of it, this year Mrs. Sheeja Pency, mother featured strongly in Indian of Lazzaro Pency of culture. It is often used as a grade-4 A and Mr. Biju medium to ingrain values, K.C, father of Gayathry Biju improving reading skills and of grade- 4 B and Ganesh opening minds of children to Biju of grade- 7 B have taken worlds beyond imagination. the story telling session in Bhavans’ Al Saad Indian English for grade-4 students on 24th of June and 30th of June 2020. Bhavans Al Ain Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA 21st Jun 2020 \"Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body. Yoga is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with ourselves, the world and Nature. By changing our life- style and creating consciousness, it can help us to deal with climate change.” Bhavan’s Al Saad Indian uploaded on the MS School always strives for the all-round Teams and Class Dojo development of the children. On account of and winners were International Yoga Day celebration, our school selected based on their organized the YOGA CHAMP contest performances. Main competition for students across the grades. objective of conducting A total of 29 and organizing this students participated for the competition from contest is to identify three categories. best talent in yoga and Videos of participants demonstrating 3 to 5 to understand the yoga postures were importance of practicing yoga regularly to remain fit and improve concentration. In addition, it develops self- discipline and self-awareness that helps to achieve a better life physically, mentally and spiritually. Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA “ A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised ,unnoticed and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society” International Father’s day Dojo, which showcased their was celebrated by the oratory skills, confidence and students of Bhavans’ Al Saad love towards their father. Indian School with much fervour. As a part of the celebration, the Yet another creative activity, My school conducted various Father My Hero: Creative Craft competitions for the students Gift to My Dad was conducted from grades 1 to 8 for honouring for grades 3 to 5 students to fatherhood. honour fathers and unveil their love towards them. The photo- For grades 1 and 2, an elocution graphs of the craft gifts were competition on ‘Thank You shared on Class Dojo. Father’ was conducted to acknowledge fathers’ dedication, An innovative and creative activ- devotions and efforts made by ity, High Tech Dad was designed them in raising and nurturing for the students of grades 6 to 8, their families. The videos of their intended to strengthen the bond speech were shared on Class between children and fathers by spending time together using technology. The videos of the activity were shared by the students on MS TEAMS. The best three entries were selected from all grades by the class teachers. Father’s Day turned out to be a great occasion for the Bhavanites to honour their fathers by honing their hidden skills and talents. Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA Stop Cyberbullying Day is an For Grades 3 to 5 – A being both an advocate for internationally recognized day of session on cyber bullying bullying victims and a leader awareness and activities both on and was organized by Mr. for positive change, we can offline. Each year – every third Friday Sooraj. K. Variyar, Senior make school a safe, positive of June, Stop Cyberbullying Day test engineer, MS in Cyber and bully-free place to be. brings together individuals, thought security. The session was so leaders, corporations, schools, edifying that students governments, institutions and organi- gained some decisive zations to celebrate and promote a knowledge about what cyber bullying truly inclusive and diverse online is and how to evade it. environment – free from personal threats, harassment and abuse. Grade 6 to 8 students were asked to do a video or presentation where Bhavans Al Saad Indian School children should explain on cyber also organized ‘Stop Cyber Bullying safety to their parents and record it. Day’ on June 18th, Thursday amid the novel corona virus break out. Students across the grades actively par- Awareness against cyberbullying is so ticipated in it, where they could show- crucial now a days as students case their intrinsic talent. around the world are engaged in online classes. Various activities were Bullying is an ever-present problem organized for students by the depart- in the society and with the advent of ment of Computer Science so that technology, bullying has a different they get cognisant of the Cyber look, feel and emphasis in today’s bullying threats around. school culture- although victimized students are no less affected. But, by Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA Issue 2 Bhavans’ Al Saad Indian School organized webinars and presen- tations for students of grades 1 to 4 on Nutrition. PowerPoint presentations were prepared and presented by the class teachers on 28 July, 2020 to encourage students to lead a healthy life and a special emphasis was given to escalating health threat posed by the diabetes, its treatment, prevention and symptoms. A webinar on Nutrition was also held on 29 June and 1 July 2020 for the students of grades 1 &2 and 3 & 4 respectively. The webinar, conducted by Dr. Sonia Bhat, MDS Prosthodontist, New Al Salam Orthodontic and Dental Centre, aimed to foster healthy food habits and regular exercises among the students to prevent diabetes and other health complications. The sessions were indeed valuable and distinct as it incorporated stories, interesting and simple examples from real life, made the children engrossed through- out the sessions. These sessions provided food for thought for the students about the right choices of food, dental care, personal hygiene and dire need for regular exercise on a daily basis. Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA Being at home due to COVID-19 hasn’t been easy for most of us. Bhavans Al Saad Indian School we have strived not only to ensure learning continuity but also the physical and emotional well-being of students. The school had organized a webinar LET'S BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE- HEALTH AWARENESS for students on 20th June’20 for the students of Grades 6 to 8. The session was conducted by one of our parent Dr. Pankaj Nandlal – Specialist Paediatrician at NMC Specialty Hospital. Mr.Sahaya Jeans- our E-learning Co-ordinator welcomed the gathering. During the session Dr.Pankaj did a power point presentation and had a discussion with students. The doubts of students were clarified during the session. The session was highly educative and informative. Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA “All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Boy!!!” Students enthusiastically Bhavans Al Saad Indian favourite book School do not undermine in the importance of co-curricular Activities. Activities outside the normal classroom supplement the academic curriculum and help in learning by doing. Bhavans ASIS Organized various fun filled Competitions for students on 1st July and 2nd July 2020. read their favourite scene from their Co-curricular Activities will help in their emotional development, development of social skills, collaborative spirit, communication and overall well-being and happiness. Issue 2 Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA Issue 2 Primary classes had organized interesting activities such as ‘Fancy dress ‘and ‘ Show and Tell ‘. Vibrant Students showcased their amazing talent during the interactive session on 2nd July by bringing special object and explaining about the same. Speaking and listening is a very important part of Literacy as it helps us to communicate when we are working collaboratively or when we have to evaluate our own or other's work. Kids were eager to see the objects brought by their friends and were curious to know more about it through the speech given by them. Everyone enjoyed the day. Volume 7

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA Volume 7 Date : 2nd Jul-2020 Grade : 3-9 Humans are blessed with the creative skill and imagination to transform the most uninteresting image into a vibrant and spirited composition. Bhavans Al Saad Indian School always provides students the opportunity to display their skills and also their dexterity in paper folding to present superlative Origami compositions and Vegetable carving. On spot Origami and Vegetable carving Competition organized by the school on 2nd July was a highly reputed competition as it was unique and one of its kind in Bhavans ASIS. Issue 2

AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL PRERANA NUMBERS IN ARABIC LANGUAGE ‫الأرقام في اللغة العربية‬ THE NAME OF PRONUNCIATION ‫الرقــم كتابة‬ THE NUMBER Ten Ashra ‫عشرة‬ 10 Twenty Eshrwn ‫عشرون‬ 20 Thlathwn ‫ثلاثون‬ 30 Thirty ‫أربعون‬ 40 ‫خمسون‬ 50 Forty 'Arbaeun ‫ستون‬ 60 ‫سبعون‬ 70 Fifty khamsun ‫ثمانون‬ 80 ‫تسعون‬ 90 Sixty Situn 100 Seventy Sabeun ‫مئة‬ 1000 Eighty Thamanun ‫ألف‬ 1000000 ‫مليون‬ Ninety Teseawn Volume 7 Hundred Mayh Thousand 'Alf Milyun Million Issue 2

Issue 2 Designed By Ms. Elsie Terrence Editors Ms. Divya S Nair Ms. Deepti K Volume 7