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Home Explore Newsletter June

Newsletter June

Published by Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain, 2019-07-06 04:57:21

Description: Newsletter June


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PreranaThe Glimpse of ASIS Vol:6 Issue:3 June, 2019 AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL MY NUTSHELL Bhavans Fest Literature Fest “Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.\" Open Day Stop Cyber bullying Day Every soul who walked The Bhavans' Fest 2019: International Yoga Day out from the doorsteps Come, unlock the gateway to Peer Motivation Session of the ASIS family had the aesthetic blend of gaiety and ISC Competition an amazing experience culture Spic macay to behold after witnessing the aes- The journey continues with Subject corner thetic excellence displayed by the milestones to the kitty. Al Saad young minds. It was the time to Indian School celebrated yet enjoy, celebrate, heed, struggle another vibrant and exuberant and to observe the excitement and Bhavans’ Fest on 16th and 17th endeavor laid out by the plethora of June 2019. It was a feast of of talents. various events bifurcated into various categories and most of all the family witnessed a The Bhavans’ fest prelims were healthy competition among the conducted a week prior to the houses; Jupiter, Venus, Athena, finals. Eight finalists were select- and Pluto. ed for each event from each cate- gory after a vigorous contest be- tween the contenders. The Fest witnessed many contests on stage and off stage. Prerana June, 2019

REPORT ON BHAVANS’ LITERATURE FEST by Beena Unnikrishnan Francis Bacon said, “Reading The vision came into a reality on maketh a full man, conference a Thursday, 20th June 2019 at 4.30 ready man and writing an exact pm with the inauguration of the man.” The idea of ‘Bhavans’ Lit- Literature Fest by our beloved erature Fest-2019’ was originally Principal Ma’am- Dr. Bhavna envisaged by our esteemed Vice- Gupta. She was accompanied by Chairman Sir- Mr. Sooraj Rama- the Academic Co-Ordinator- Ms. chandran Menon, with the objec- Smitha Vimal, Co- Ordinator of tive of promoting reading habit the Fest- Ms. Beena Unnikrish- amongst our students, fostering a nan and our dear parents. The love of literature and also for en- parents were welcomed to vari- hancing their creative writing. He ous venues; where they were giv- expressed his desire to conduct the en refreshments by the students. Fest in the month of October and There were 3 categories. in the coming years too. Category 1 - ages 6 -9 Category 2 - ages 10 -15 Category-3- ages 16 & above The maiden venture was initiated Initially, a list of 10- 15 Live demonstrations were The parents were responsive and by the English Department of Bha- books was suggested for each given by the little ones in each had lively discussions with the van’s Al Saad Indian School, Al category. The children were giv- venue. The characters were students on the theme of the book. Ain in which many of our dear en freedom to select the books of brought alive through their The entire day witnessed great parents were an integral part. their choice, from the suggested presentations which made the excitement and exhilaration They found time for helping their list for reading. “To read without audience spell bound. Many of small children in reading the reflecting is like eating without them had even worn the cos- among the students. The flex books, writing the reviews and al- digesting.” Hence, they were tume of their favourite charac- board kept at the assembly area so for preparing the charts and asked to reflect on the plot, ters. It was really an en- and the decorated entrance of the other props for decorating the theme, style, characters etc and thralling experience for the corridor added colour to the fes- venues; which definitely motivated submit a review of the same book lovers. The initiative was tive mood. and enticed the children towards within a month. More than 50 well appreciated by the par- reading. students submitted their reviews ents as it encouraged the stu- In today’s world, there after reading their favourite dents to read independently are many distractions and diver- books from the suggested list. and reflect on it. The presenta- sions to spend time for our chil- tions on ‘Harry Potter’, dren rather than getting involved The Fest was conducted in 10 ‘Hunger Games’, ‘Maze Run- in reading. But the Fest made different venues. There were two ner’, ‘Utopia’, ‘Ready Player them contemplate on the im- teachers in all the venues. The One’ and ‘Famous Five’ were portance of reading. It was a cy- students who had submitted the the highlights of the Fest, nosure for the eyes and a feast for reviews were given chance to which captivated the audi- present their reviews in the allot- ence’s attention. They sat ted venues. Each venue repre- dumbstruck listening to the sented a particular book and the reviews followed by the book entrance of which was decorated trailers. They were taken into with colourful posters, charts, paintings and other props which a world of imaginations, into displayed the creativity of our the magnificent, exotic uni- students. The Art teacher- Mr. verse created by the writers. Suman played a vital role in helping the students decorate their venues with posters made by him. Prerana June, 2019

EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES The Master brain of Bhavans Al ONLINE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Ain, Ms. Amishee Gupta of The Students of Bhavans Al Grade 7 bagged the champion- SHARED EXPERIENCE, TRANSFORMATIVE Ain excels in academics as well ship in chess under Girls’ catego- LEARNING THROUGH SKYPE as co-curricular training. In ry and Master. Madhav of Grade the present scenario, it is hard 8 bagged the second prize in Based on a growing body of whereas the students of KNC to live with a single talent Chess under Boys’ category. knowledge, there is little doubt Innovative Global School shared where the stages for the multi that computer and communica- their research work on rain wa- talents are wide open to ex- The tight competition in football tion technologies can facilitate ter harvesting in India using plore. Bhavans Al Ain always gave the opportunity for the play- and enhance learning, if imple- charts and flash cards. They look forward to bring out the ers of Bhavans’ Al Ain to become mented in a well-structured shared their experience of mak- inner talents of the students the semifinalist under sub junior pedagogical context. The stu- ing an inverted umbrella in their and tries to provide stages for and junior category. It is a re- dents of Al Saad Indian school school for conserving rain water them to perform. One among markable achievement for the participated in a collaborative which was really an innovative the opportunities the students Bhavans family. The winners learning activity through Skype work. The face to face interac- received was the inter school were appreciated in the school with the students of KNC Inno- tion was very informative, in- competitions held at ISC Al assembly and honored them with vative Global School, India on spiring and engaging. Hemendra Ain in connection with the medals and trophies. 27th June 2019,11 am (IST) . of Grade 6, Fathima Narmin of Sports Wing Inauguration. grade 7, Amishee Gupta of Grade 8A, Siddarth Saju of Grade 8B, Adil Bin Shameer of grade 8B participated in the face to face interaction. Ms. Divya Subramannian (HoD of English) co-ordinated the activity with the support of Mr.Tejas (HoD of Science) and Mr.Mathews (HoD of Social Science). The topic of discussion was Rain Water harvesting. Students of both schools enthusiastically shared their findings and study based on Rain water harvesting. The students of Al Saad Indian School discussed rain water har- vesting in UAE with the help of the models, charts, scrap book etc. Prerana June, 2019

THE JOURNEY OF THE SELF, THROUGH THE SELF, TO THE SELF. Yoga is the union of mind, body and soul. Yoga is beyond religion, caste, sex and nationality. Thou- sands of UAE residents hit their yoga mats on 28TH of June, at Al Jahili Park for the fifth Interna- REJUVENATE YOURSELF THROUGH YOGA. “THE NATURE OF YOGA IS TO SHINE THE LIGHT tional Day of Yoga celebrations led OF AWARENESS INTO THE DARKEST CORNERS OF by the Indian missions in the coun- THE BODY.” try. The Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the Indian Consulate in Dubai, hosted the events, with the support of the UAE authorities. The noticeable points were free Teachers of Bhavans’ Al Ain whole heartedly worked as vol- entry, free parking, free registra- unteers during the day for the smooth functioning of the day. tion, yoga mats and T-shirts pro- Along with selected demonstra- tors, our SEN Coordinator got vided to all the participants on selected for yoga demonstration on stage. More than 3000 people first-come-first basis. Sheikh Sa- participated in yoga day and proudly Al Saad Indian School lem Bal Rakkad Al Ameri, Mem- can say that we were also a part of that. Yin yoga, laughter yoga, ber of Parliament UAE, Mrs. Isha yoga presentations also were there along with normal Smtha Panth, Deputy chief of Mis- asana practices. The day gave a wonderful experience for all the sion, Embassy of India, members of the function. UAE,Mr.Aman Sinha,Senior Yoga is not a religion, it is a way and Mr. Manikyam were invited of living that aims towards a to the Bhavans campus to take a council for Govt of India, senior healthy mind in a healthy body. session for the students as a part of Man is a physical, mental and International Yoga Day celebra- advocate of supreme court of In- spiritual being; yoga helps to promote a balanced development The session started with a small dia, Mr.Girish Pant, Pravasi Bhra- of all the three. The practice of demonstration by the Principal Yoga helps in developing more Dr. Bhavna Gupta along with thi Awaredee, Labour Coordina- attention, focus and concentra- the teachers, followed by the ses- tion. Meditation and yoga brings sion by Mr. Badal Vamadevan. tor, IPF, UAE graced the occasion a positive vibe among the stu- Separate sessions for girls and dents. boys of Grade 5 to 11 were con- Bhavans’ Al Saad Indian School Teenage is the time period of ducted. The trainers explained has shown its remarkable healthy students when they are stucked the importance of Yoga and its habit in yoga day. Grade 5 to 10 between variety of work load useful effect in our body. They students participated along with and pressures. They need to per- taught them the basic lessons of Principal, administration staff and fectly accomplish their school yoga through demonstration. It the teachers and spread their mat task, prepare for variety of ex- was great experience and a moti- at Jahili Park. Our physical educa- ams, need to score excellent vation for the students to do Yo- tion teacher coordinated the teach- marks, work better in their ga. All the students actively par- ers, students and their parents. workplace and improve their ticipated in the training session performance and many other wholeheartedly. tension. So to spread an aware- ness among the upcoming gener- ation on the importance of doing yoga, the trainers at Art of Liv- ing Centre Mr. Badal Va- madevan, Ms. Anupama Shyam Prerana June, 2019

MOTIVATION-THE KEY TO SUCCESS STOP CYBER BULLYING DAY Motivation can either come from Students learn more from their Stop Cyberbullying Day is an Grade 4 students shared their within the student (intrinsic) or friends and tries to adapt their internationally recognized day of views on cyber bullying during from outside (extrinsic). A child learning into their life. As a part awareness and activities both on their elocution. Grade 5 onwards who is intrinsically motivated of developing academic progress and offline. Each year – every students got a wonderful oppor- performs a task because of the among the students, Bhavans Al third Friday in June, Stop tunity to attend a session joy that comes from learning Ain took the initiative to con- Cyberbullying Day brings to- on Cyber bullying by Dr. Yasir new materials. A child who per- duct Peer motivation meeting in gether individuals, thought lead- Javed of Higher colleges of tech- forms in school to gain parent the month of June at school au- ers, corporations, schools, gov- nology. The session was very in- approval, grades, or rewards is ditorium, where students who ernments, institutions and organ- teresting and Informative. externally motivated. Children excelled in several areas in life izations to celebrate and promote Through the session he explained with internal motivation may like academics, co-curricular a truly inclusive and diverse in detail how to protect our self achieve greater success. activities etc gave encouraging online environment – free from and our friends from the great incidents and tips from their personal threats, harassment and hazard. It was an interactive ses- own life and inspired other peer abuse. sion wherein students came up members. Varied topics like In connection with the Anti with lot many doubts. The enthu- how to overcome stage fear, Ex- Cyber bullying day, various ac- siastic guest welcomed all their cel in certain activities, pursuing tivities were planned by the doubts and cleared it with crystal your dream, importance of Computer Science department. clear answers. The presence of the sports in life, Braingym tech- Grade 1&2 children had colour- Principal Dr. Bhavna Gupta add- niques, etc were discussed. The ing competition. The class teach- ed more beauty to the event. The students from grade 4 to grade ers were asked to play 2 videos session was very informative. 10 participated in this event. on cyberbullying and based on The programme helped students the video presented, the students to be driven by self-motivation were asked to complete their col- and positivity. ouring. While Grade 3 students were OPEN DAY asked to write a paragraph about cyber bullying. A DAY OF DISCUSSION An open day for parents was con- During the open day, Parents ducted at the school campus on got the opportunity to interact 15th June 2019 and 29th June 2019 with Class Teacher and Subject to get to know their child’s teach- Teachers, to update themselves ers and understand areas that on teacher’s expectations and general feedbacks about their teachers would want children to ward. Parents stepped into the work on for the academic year. campus on time and met the teachers. It was indeed an important day for the parents as well as teach- ers to discuss about the expec- tations in person for the overall development of the student. The co-operation of the parents adhering to their timings and accepting things positively made the event successful. Prerana June, 2019

Pre-Production English language learners at the intermediate fluency stage have a HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO LEARN This stage is known as the silent vocabulary of 6000 active words. ENGLISH? period. English learners may They begin to use more complex have up to 500 words in their sentences when speaking and writ- receptive vocabulary but they ing and are willing to express cannot speak the language yet. opinions and share their thoughts. Based on these four skills, learn- Instructors should focus atten- At this stage, many learners use Being an English Facilitator for ers need to be able to recognize tion on listening comprehension strategies from their native- last thirteen years this is the most and reproduce letters and other activities and on building a re- language to learn content in Eng- common question I had ever come graphic symbols related to the ceptive vocabulary. English lish. Most learners are translating across. This question never aston- language, develop a vocabulary learners at this stage will need written assignments from native ished me as it is a well known fact bank, understand and apply much repetition of English. Most language into English. They that English has become a global grammar and usage conventions, students remain in the pre- should be expected to synthesize lingua franca over the past several identify and use structural and production stage for approxi- what they have learned and to decades. Millions of people around organizational features common mately 6 months. make inferences from that learn- the world today aspire to to the English language and de- ing. This is the time for teachers to learn how to speak English. velop appropriate strategies for Early Production focus on learning strategies. Stu- reading comprehension This stage may last up to six dents in this stage should also be The amount of time it takes to months and students will devel- able to understand more complex learn English varies from person Some of these strategies may in- op a receptive and active vocab- concepts. to person and depends on such clude, identifying a purpose for ulary of about 1000 words. Dur- Advanced Fluency factors as: individual’s age, educa- reading, using pictures and ing this stage, students can usu- tional background, level of literacy graphics, predicting and skim- ally speak in one-word or two- It takes students from 4-10 years in the native language, and oppor- ming. We need to remember that word phrases. When working to achieve cognitive academic lan- tunities to interact with native it will be hard for learners to un- with students in this stage in- guage proficiency in a second Lan- English speakers. The amount and derstand what they read until structors should: guage. Students at this stage will type of work on pronunciation they have solid word recognition be near-native in their ability to that is needed depends on the skills. In order to gain such skills, •ask yes/no questions carry out conversations, and par- learner\\'s native language and students will first need to develop •encourage participation in class ticipate in most other activities where he or she lives. Speaking their oral vocabulary. activities that require advanced English with an accent in English does not •use pictures to support ques- skills. necessarily mean that the learner Oral Vocabulary tions By taking into consideration all will have difficulty communicating •build vocabulary the above mentioned factors, it is or being understood in English. ESL learners may have difficulty • provide listening activities very important to understand that learning English because they learning a foreign language takes However, at the most basic level, have never thought about lan- Speech Emergence time and dedication and ESL in- literacy learners should under- guage as a In this stage, learners have de- structors as well as learners need stand that texts have a beginning, system that can be broken down veloped a vocabulary of about to spend a lot of time in developing middle, and an end. They should and classified. This is why, it is 3,000 words and can communi- oral vocabulary before teaching or also understand that English is important that the facilitator cate with simple phrases and learning to read from left to right and from takes a lot of time developing oral sentences. They are now able to read and up to down, and that written vocabulary before proceeding to ask simple questions that are not write. words can represent a story. reading and writing. It is very always grammatically correct. As a part of language acquisition important to understand that At this point, ESL learners may Prepared by: English as second language there are a few stages of second understand easy stories with the Divya Subramannian (ESL) learners need to develop language acquisition. All new support of pictures. Some of the four key reading skills. These ESL learners progress through most effective exercises include HoD,English skills are: the same stages to acquire lan- completing graphic organizers Al Saad Indian School guage. with word banks, matching vo-  Phonological Processing However, the length of time each cabulary words to definitions,  Vocabulary Development student spends at a particular composing stories based on per-  Syntactical Processing stage may vary greatly. The fol- sonal experience, and writing in  Schema Activation lowing are the stages: dialogue journals. A dialogue journal is basically a conversa- . tion between a teacher and a stu- dent. Learners write about topics that interest them and proceed at their own level and pace. Then, they give the journal to the in- structor who responds to their questions and addresses all the comments. Intermediate FluencyPrerana June, 2019

हलखावट- ाहइआव िा त्इना अच्छी हलखावट परीक्षि िा ध्यान त्िर्षित िरती ह।ै सबसे पहले हमें यह समझना चाहहए कि हलखावट हसफि एि िला ही नहीं ह,ै Prepared by: हलखावट क्या है ?पेन या पेंहसल पिड़िर लेकिन इससे यह भी पता चलता है कि हलखावट साफ़ और सदंु र होती है तो Mr. Suresh.R अक्षर बनाना ही िे वल हलखावट िी िोई ाहइ कितना ावहस्ित ह।ै सभी परीक्षि िो उत्तर पहििा समझने HOD, Dept. of Hindi पररभाषा नहीं है ,बहकि अलग-अलग छाि अपनी हलखावट िो संदु र बनाने में त्सानी होती ह।ै Al Saad Indian School इंसान िे हलखने िी अद्भतु िला िो िे हलए लगातार अभ्यास िरते रहते है हलखावट या हडैं राइटटंग िहा जाता है और साि ही सदंु र हलखावट ाहइ िे इससे माक्सि िम िटते ह।ै Al Ain और ये िै हलग्राफी और टाइपफे स से अलग िरिन पररश्रम िी पहचान भी होता ह।ै इससे पढ़ने में मन लगता ह।ै होती ह।ै हमंे पता है ,हर इंसान िी अपनी हमारे हलखने िे तरीिे से पता चलता किसी भी ाहइ िे हलए उसिी एि हडैं राइटटंग होती है और परू ी दहु नया है कि िोई ाहइ कितनी सहजता िे मंे किसी भी इंसान िी हलखावट एि जसै ी साि अपना िाम िरता ह।ै हलखावट उसिे ाहइआव िा त्इना नहीं ह।ै होती ह।ै इसहलए बच्चों िो अपनी हलखावट पर ध्यान दने ा चाहहए ताकि बड़े होिर उनिी हलखावट और सुन्दर व स्पष्ट बन सिे । കുട്ടികള് വായിച്ചു വളരുക പുസ്തകങ്ങള് നാാം തിരഞഞ് െടുക്കുമ്പോള് ശര് ദ്ധ വളരെയധികാം ചെലുത്തേണ്ടതാണ.് ഒരാള് ലോകാം മുഴുവന് ചുറ്റി സഞ്ചരിക്കുന്ന വായന മനസസ് ിന്റെ അറിവ് ,നമുക്ക് സ്വനത് ാം വായനയെ പരിപോഷിപ്പിക്കാന് ഭക്ഷണമാണ.് ശരീര മുറിയിലിരുനന് ് ഒരു ഉതകുന്ന അനേകാം പുസത് കങ്ങള് വളര്ച്ചക്കുവേണ്ടി നാാം പുസത് കത്തില്നിനന് ് നമ്മുടെ വിദ്യാലയതത് ിലെ കൃതയ് മായി ആഹാരാം സമപ് ാദിക്കാന് കഴിയുാം .നല്ല ഗ്രനഥ് ശാലയിലുണ്ട്. കുടട് ികള്കക് ് കഴിക്കുന്നതുപോലെ മനസികമായ പുസ്തകങ്ങള് നമ്മുടെ ഉറ്റ മിതര് വുാം ഉതത് മ ഗുരുനാഥനുാം ആണ്. അവരുടെ വളര്ച്ചക്കുാം വികാസത്തിനുാം Prepared by: Mr. Kavitha Nishad വായന കൂടിയേ തീരൂ.ടെലിവിഷനുാം ഒരു ധന്യ ജീവിതത്തെ ആവശയ് ാനുസരണാം പുസത് കങ്ങള് HOD, Dept. of Malayalam തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത് വായിക്കാനുള്ള Al Saad Indian School കമ്പയ് ൂടട് റൂാം പുസ്തകങങ് ളുടെ കരുപിടിപപ് ിക്കാന് ഉതകുനന് തു Al Ain കുറവ് പരിഹരിക്കുകയില്ല. പോലെ,തെറ്റായ മാര്ഗതത് ിലേക്കു നയിച്ച് മനുഷയ് ജീവിതത്തെ സൗകരയ് വുാം ഒരുക്കിയിടട് ുണ്ട.് നശിപപ് ികക് ാനുാം ഇതിലൂടെ നമുകക് ് പുസ്തകങ്ങള്ക്കു വായിച്ചുവളരുനന് കഴിയുാം.അതുകൊണട് ് Prerana June, 2019

The subject ‘Economics’ THE IMPORTANCE OF STUDYING SOCIAL SCIENCE is intellectually enthralling and challenging. It is the study of how societies, governments, businesses, households, and indi- Do you know? Most of the middle In secondary level of education, It helps us to learn the im- viduals assign their limited re- school students who aspire to pur- children learn different subjects portance of voting, volunteering sources and how they mingle sue Engineering, Medicine or any in social Science such as Histo- and for speaking yourself as well with each other in producing other high skilled professional ry, Political Science, Geography as society. It enhances you to and maintaining livelihoods. courses in future tend to interro- and Economics. Disaster Man- evaluate the standards of various Economics seeks to understand gate a recurrent question. Why do agement is also added to the levels of government. and address the problems of we study Social Science? curriculum. Social science is es- Geography incites and answers scarcity, which is when human sential for us to understand and queries about the natural and wants for goods and services ex- This question can be answered on- interpret our world around us. human worlds. It develops ceed the available supply. The ly when we understand what So- From the very minimal under- knowledge of places and environ- economics helps us to develop- cial Science is. It is a branch of standing, it can determine what ments od different parts of the ment of many public policies ne- study which bonds with human career path you choose in your world. It motivates us to develop gotiating a wide dimension of behaviour, growth and develop- future. investigative and problem- subjects including health care, ment, relationships, resources they It is often said ‘history repeats solving skills both inside and out- climate change, social welfare, use and the various institutions itself '. But if we learn history, it side the classroom. Geography labour, market, etc. they involve to function. If anyone enlightens us to realize the suc- helps to develop a mental map of cesses and failures of the past, your community, province or ter- Thus learning social stud- and we may ideally be able to ritory, country and the world so ies makes a student an asset for learn from our faults and errors that you can understand the the society and the nation. It to avoid repeating them in our “where” of places and events. helps him/her in serving the so- future life. Also it helps to understand global ciety better……………. Moreo- interdependence and to become a better global citizen. wants to become an engineer, doc- Political Science makes us Prepared by: tor, artist, lawyer or a teacher, aware of the society we belong, Mr. Mathew Varughese he/she has to know about the soci- the structure of the government HOD, Dept. of Social Science ety, cooperate with individuals be- and its functions, role and re- Al Saad Indian School longing to different cultural and sponsibility as a citizen etc. socio- economic backgrounds and REPORT ON SPICMACAY To inculcate the habit of having dinner early, we had our dinner It was a great experi- We reached Delhi on 3rd June. The at 5pm. After dinner, we went Reported by: ence, being a part of the pro- programme started on 4th. We back to watch the program. On Vyshnavi Biji 9A gramme, ‘Spicmacay’, conducted started our day with 3 hours of the last day we performed our in JNU, New Delhi. Our school yoga. dance and music which we Jawaharlal Nehru University, was invited to be a part of the learned in our intensives. New Delhi, 3rd June 2019 golden jubilee of ‘Spicmacay’; Then we headed to have our which was conducted to develop a breakfast. At 9 am, we started Honestly, I think our sense of cultural awareness among our intensives which included school should bring up more pro- the students. our preferences such as music, grammes like this. I loved the dance etc for about 3 hours. programme and enjoyed it a lot, More than 20 schools even though it was a bit boring took part in the programme. Then we went to back to our initially. overall, it was an enrich- There were students from differ- campus JNU and had our lunch. ing programme which we wish to ent states of India, our neighbour- After having lunch, we went to continue in future too. ing countries like Afghanistan, the auditorium and watched the Bangladesh and also from the artists playing flute, cultural in- It was really an enrich- UAE. strument music and many more. ing experience, being a part of the programme spicmacay. Prerana June, 2019

Prerana June, 2019

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