Global Day of Parents is the day to celebrate with the whole family, spending time with our parents and near ones. Children give gifts and show their gratitude by staying the whole day with them. In 2012, the UN General Assembly declared the first ever Global Day of Parents. Since then, it has been held annually on June 1 to honour parental units around the world. An awareness is given to students by showing Pow- erPoint presentation, how important our parents are in our life, they nurture us, help us in all the ways. “Our parents are our real heroes and we can never deny the role they play in the development of per- sonality of a child.” Tiny tots of Al Saad Indian School made photo frame and cards for their parents to make them feel special.
WORLD ENVIRON- MENTAGLRDEEANYDAY “Green is a colour pervasive in the GREEN DAYnatIunrtael rnation- al LabouErnvDiraoynmisenotbtsheatrvsaeyds re- to celebnreawteingt,hreefhreashridngwork and acsheaninetdsvbreeamglaenenecnerta,stgirnoogfw. tIth,repre- the laboluearrncilnagssa.nMd haanrmy ony.” coun- tries celebrate this day to honor the workers for their contribution. On May 2nd ASIS Kindergarten Celebrat- ed Labour Day. Teachers of kindergarten showed PPT, explained about the im- portance of Labour Day, showed different works in our community, and ex- plained about them. Kinder- garten students made flow- ers and gave it to attenders in school. Children enjoyed a lot.
World Ocean Day ings of the It was celebrated by AL benefits it has enjoyed from the ocean so far. Saad Indian school kin- The day highlights the dergarten on 8th June by need and necessity to preparing differen t protect oceans from fur- ocean animals and cre- ther deterioration. ated craft ocean with The government needs their little hands and to implement laws to children talked about save our blue planet, the protection of ocean and responsibility also falls sea animals. on the common people World Oceans Day is ob- to adhere to them and served every year on 8 contribute to safeguard- June to create aware- ing the water bodies that ness among human be- surround our planet.
To mark the contributions of fathers in raising their chil- dren, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in most parts across the world. This year the date being June 20. Kindergarten celebrated Father’s Day on 20th of June, where all the children made some surprise gift for their dad and ex- pressed their love for their dad…. GLIMPSE OF FATHER’S DAY IN KINDERGARTEN
YOGA DAY International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June 2021 by the students and teachers at Al Saad Indian School with great enthusiasm. Students of Kindergar- ten demonstrated various asanas followed by warm up exercises. The celebration encouraged the students to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve con- centration.
WORLD CAMEL RACING DAY Camel made life in the difficult desert environment possible and thus it became a symbol of Emirati culture. ... Anoth- er important thing camels provided to the people of the United Arab Emirates was entertainment, and thus camel racing became a beloved sport in the region. Continuing camel racing is seen as a way to preserve Emirati traditions. To make the children aware of Emirati tradition and culture camel racing day was celebrated on 22-06-2021.The tiny tots of LKG and UKG enjoyed the presentation on camel racing. The activity to decorate camel with sand was fun for children.
Nutrition education is a vital part of a compre- hensive health education program and empow- ers children with knowledge and skills to make healthy food. Schools play an important role in helping students establish healthy eating behav- iours, by providing: • Nutritious and appealing foods and beverages. • Consistent and accurate messages about good nutrition. Ways to learn about and practice healthy eating. On 29th June 2021, ASIS Kindergarten celebrated Health and Nutrition Day. Teachers of kindergar- ten showed different types of healthy foods which should be included in our daily eating hab- its. Children were asked to make healthy fruit sal- ad and they enjoyed a lot.
KATHAMRUTH and they can interact with other students too. Story telling Parent and stu- Previous generation dents both will enjoy the session by taking part; was blessed to have a blessing of grandma tales. they will be overwhelmed Parent of ASIS get oppor- with the student’s re- tunity to narrate a story sponses. A child whose mother will be taking part once in a month to the students. Kids loves to lis- in this event will be so ex- ten to a story with all their cited and feel so proud. concentration and eager This time a beautiful sto- to know what will happen ry was narrated by Mrs. next. This Program in- Shwetha mother of Ian Jo- cludes parent involvement seph Joe of LKG A and LKG C mother of NIira- laa
National Doctor's Day is ASIS Kindergarten got observed to acknowledge the dressed up as little DOC- role doctors play in saving TORS. They also did variou numerous lives. Every year, activities like made a smile July 1 is observed as Nation- face Crown and coloured pic al Doctors' Day in the memory of Dr Bidhan Chandra tures of DOCTORS DA Roy, who had worksheet. his birth and death anniversary on the The main aim of the even same day. was to raise awareness amon children and adolescents o On 20th MAY 2021 ASIS the importance of doctor Kindergarten celebrated and express their support fo WORLD DOCTORS DAY. heartful service. Teachers explained students Students walked back hom about the importance of cel- with memories that the ebrating “WORLD DOCTORS would cherish all their life. DAY”. They also explained the importance of this cele- bration during this current situation. The students of
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On 1st July ASIS kindergarten kids made summer holi- day activities.
KG 1 A CLASS ASSEMBLY 27TH JUNE 2021 Students of KG 1 A presented class assembly on 27th June 2021. Assembly started with Quranic verses, presented by Mahanoor Mohammed. Prayer song sang by Esther Maria Geo and Na- tional anthem of UAE sang by the whole class.
Followed by the Bhavans pledge taken part by all the class. National news headings were delivered by Miss Evana Shoby Aasha Jain and Ian Joseph enlightened the values of ‘Respect’ and ‘Care’.. Some of the beautiful quotes said by our kids include: ‘Give respect and take respect’ – said by Aashna ‘Caring and sharing makes your life beautiful’- Said by Ian
LKG B CLASS ASSEMBLY 21st JUNE 2021 Students of LKG B presented class assembly on 21st June 2021. Assembly started with U A E national an- them presented by Godfreya Teresa, fol- lowed by prayer song, Quran recitation presented by Aisha Shakkeer. Bhavans pledge was delivered by Master. Emmanuel Sam. News headings were delivered by Miss Nandana Pramod . Rithvik talked about val- ues in life . Adithyan presented a small talk about environment. A wonderful dance per- formance was presented by LKG face to face students with mulberry bush song. As- sembly was concluded with Indian National an- them.
LKG C CLASS ASEMBLY Class assembly was conducted by stu- dents of LKG C. Children sang Prayer song along with music followed by U.A.E. National anthem. Children performed ac- tion song in a rhythmic movement. A class assembly is one of the most important aspects of a school's curriculum. Its potential to nurture a positive school ethos that stresses care for the self, others and the pursuit of all forms of excellence should not be underestimated. It powerfully nurtures the development of intrapersonal intelligence. Assemblies can make a positive contribution to student’s self-development and therefore be at the heart of raising achievement and standards.
UKG C CLASS ASSEMBLY Class assembly has been conducted by students of UKG C. Children sang Prayer song along with music followed by U.A.E. A class assembly is one of the most important as- pects of a school's curriculum. Assemblies can make a positive contribution to student self-development and therefore be at the heart of raising achievement and standards. as- pects of the curriculum. Assembly starts with prayer song along with UAE national anthem.
Quran recitation presented by Hayan. Bhavans pledge was delivered by Master Hari.
Special performance by kids like skit, song, value talk and dance.
Reopening day game and activities Onam celebration and cul- ture. Teachers day celebration Teddy bear day Grandparents day Pink day Saudi Day World river Day World tourism Day Kathamruth Talent hunt preliminary round.
A Newsletter of ASIS Kindergarten Al-Saad Indian School, Al-Ain (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) Plot #7, Street #14 Zone Al-Bateen, Sector Al-Ghadeer, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates +971 3 78 522 32 +971 563582309 FOR ADMISSIONS VISIT: WWW.BHAVANSALAIN.COM
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