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Published by ahamed.amjath, 2017-09-20 08:36:09



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LDNM Cutting Guide V.2B. Incline Dumbbell Press (30 degree) – Incline (15 degree) EZ Bar Skull Crushers Superset • 4 sets of 20 reps Superset to 20 reps, • Tempo: Dumbbell press 3-0-x-1 • Tempo: Skull Crushers 3-0-x-0 • 90 seconds rest between each superset. • Dumbbell Press: Keep elbows in line with your shoulders throughout the movement, bringing them to slightly below shoulder height at the base of the movement. Avoid locking out your arms at the peak of the rep • Skull Crushers: Elbows stay directly above your shoulders throughout rep- not bowing out during the lift or down towards your legs. The bar should stop at your hairline or upper forehead at the base of each repetition.p. 51 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

C. Finisher Press Ups LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• Incline press up (feet raised) to incline diamond press up• 1 set to failure• Tempo: 2-0-x-0• 30 seconds rest• Flat press ups to at diamond press ups• 1 set to failure• Tempo: 2-0-x-0• 30 seconds rest• Decline press ups to decline diamond press ups.• 1 set to failure• Tempo: 2-0-x-0• All: Change foot/hand height dependant on set. Place hands together beneath your chest,forming a diamond with your thumbs and index ngers. Focus on keeping your bodystraight and your elbows close by your sides. p. 52 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2 Week B – Hypertrophy Rep range 6-12 The use of typical hypertrophy rep ranges, in combination withsupersets, drop sets, FST-7 and other such excruciating additions, willhelp maintain muscular size.p. 53 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

Week B – Hypertrophy LDNM Cutting Guide V.2 Rep range 6-12Session 1. LISSA. 40-60 mins fasted cardio • Low intensity stationary bike, medium level resistance • Keep heart rate around 120-140 BPM for durationSession 2. Legs & Abs A. Back Squats • 4 sets of 12 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Place feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your toes pointing slightly outwards. Keep weight through your heels ensure you go as low as possible, until you cannot keep your calfs and torso at the same angle.B. Straight Leg Deadlifts • 3 sets of 8 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Upon nal set, reduce weight by 30-40% and rep to failure • Stand with feet 20-30cm apart, on a shallow platform with feet at beneath the bar. As you lower the weight bend your knees slightly, pivoting from the hips and keep your back straight. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, this is the bottom of the rep. Lift bar by extending through hips until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded. Extend knees at top if desired p. 54 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2C. Quad Extension • 3 sets of 8 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Upon nal set, reduce weight by 30-40% and rep to failure • Ensure full ROM and extension of legs. Do not move the body to generate momentum, ensure e ort comes from quads only.D. Static Lunges • 3 sets of 10 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Take the same position you would in the step phase of a walking lunge. From here lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground keeping the tension in your glutes and thighs. Ensure a strong contraction on the concentric phase but do not lock out your front leg.p. 55 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2E. Quad extension • 2 sets of 12 reps • Tempo: 5-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Ensure full ROM and extension of legs. Focus on a very slow eccentric phase. F. Ab exercise of YOUR CHOICE • 4 sets of 15 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Ensure full ROM and proper tempo in chosen exercise. extension of legs. Focus on a proper contraction of your abs and a controlled eccentric phase.Session 3. Shoulders A. Overhead Dumbbell Shoulder Press- rest pause • 3 sets of 5-6 reps to (set 2-3) failure, rest 15-20 seconds. Complete reps to failure, rest 20-25 seconds. Complete rep(s) to failure. • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest • Keep the dumbbells in line with your nose throughout the movement - ensuring elbows stop slightly below your shoulders at the base of each repetition. Back should be in a ‘natural straight position’, not overly arched or completely straight.p. 56 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2B. Arnold Dumbbell Press – Incline Press Up Superset • 3 sets of 6-8 reps to, superset to incline press ups to failure • Tempo: 3-1-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between supersets • Arnold: Ensure twist initiates from the bottom of the rep, moving outwards from the base of the rep rather than directly upwards. Focus on initiating all of your delts • Press-ups: Feet should be higher than your shoulders – hands directly under shoulders. Focus on keeping your body straight and your chin should almost touch the ground at the bottom of each rep.p. 57 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

C. Lateral Dumbbell Raises (Heavy-Light) LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 3 sets of 6-8 reps to (set 2-3) failure, superset to a reduced weight set of 12-15 reps to failure• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 75 seconds rest• Lean slightly forward. Lead with the elbow in these raises to prevent you swinging theweight up from your hands- dumbbells should be just above your shoulders at the peak ofeach repD. Rear Deltoid Dumbbell Flys (FST-7) • 7 sets of 10 reps • Tempo: 2-0-1-0 • 30-45 seconds rest between sets • Keep elbows in line with shoulders throughout movement- do not let them move backward towards your body. Keep your spine as at and at a 45 degree angle to the ground. p. 58 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

E. Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 4 sets of 10 reps to failure• Tempo: 3-0-1-2• 60 seconds rest between sets• You may use a cable machine for this exercises if an Olympic bar is not available or if youcannot get it past your massive glutes e ectively!• Bar behind the back, overhand grip at least shoulder width apart, drawing your shoulders uptowards your ears. Ensure arms are straight throughout the shrug.F. Dumbbell Shrugs (Run the Rack #TeamNoNeck Set) • Tempo: 2-0-1-1 • Select a starting dumbbell where you can do 5-6 reps to failure • Every time you reach failure select a weight 4-5kgs lighter and complete reps to failure before dropping by the same interval again. • Once you hit failure with 10kg dumbbells, you are done! • Grip the dumbbells by your side, without reducing the weight of them by resting them against your side. Keep arms straight and pinch your traps to your neck!Session 4. HIIT Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014 A. Outdoor sprints • 5-10 minute warm up walking/jog • 5 set of 100m sprint – walk back to start recovery • 4 sets of 60m sprint – walk back to start recovery • 5 min cool down walk/jog p. 59

Session 5. Legs & Arms LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Leg Press• 5 sets of 8 reps• Tempo: 4-0-1-0• 90 seconds rest between sets• Go heavy. Focus on keeping a neutral back and pushing through the legs and glutes.B. Bulgarian Split Squat (Heavy-Light) • 3 supersets of 6-8 reps to, to a reduced weight set of 10-12 • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 75 seconds rest • Similar stance to static lunges, except rear foot should be on a bench/box around knee height. Squat down until front leg is parallel to the ground, keeping tension through glutes and thigh.C. Back Squats (FST-7) • 7 sets of 10 reps to failure (near failure in initial 2-3 sets) • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 30-45 seconds rest between sets • Select a weight that won’t massively worsen form trying to hit 8-12 reps in nal sets, whilst being challenging enough in earlier sets- dig deep here; do it right and you should have swollen, stinging lumps for legs. p. 60 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2D. Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions – EZ Bar Curls Superset • 3 sets of 8-10 reps, superset to 8-10 reps of overhand curls • Tempo: 2-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Extensions: Keep your elbows in by your side. Focus on a full contraction at the bottom of the rep • EZ curls: Overhand grip shoulder width apart, keeping elbows locked by your sides. Fully extend at the bottom of the rep, strong contraction at the top of the rep.p. 61 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

E. Plate Bicep Curls – Dumbbell Kick Backs Superset LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 3 sets of 10-12 rep, superset to 10-12 reps of tricep kickbacks• Tempo: 2-0-1-0• 60 seconds rest between sets• Plate curls: Grip the plate at 3 and 9 o’clock. Perform with the same technique as EZ bar curls.• Kickbacks: Leaning forward, keep your upper arm parallel to the ground. With the dumbbellsin hand ‘kick back’ and fully extend your triceps. Control the eccentric phaseF. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Press – Hammer Curls Superset • 1 set of 12-15 reps to failure, superset to 12-15 reps of hammer curls to failure • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 p. 62 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2Session 6. HIIT & Abs A. Boxing & Aerobic Abdominal Superset • 5/10 minute active warm up • 10 sets of 20 seconds punching at 100% power and speed with bag/partner • Superset to 30 knee pull ins • Superset to 10 burpees • 60 seconds rest between sets • 5 minute cool down and stretchSession 7. Back & Bis A. Bent Over Olympic Bar Row – Wide grip EZ Bar Curl Superset • 4 Sets of 8 Reps superset to 8 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each Superset • Rows: Underhand grip shoulder width apart on the bar. Body at a xed 45 degree angle to the ground, keeping your back in a natural straight position. Pull the bar into your belly button keeping your elbows close to your sides • Wide EZ Curls: Same technique as regular EZ bar curls, hands should be 10-20cm wider on the bar. Focus on the pinch at the top of the repp. 63 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2B. Behind The Head Lat Pulldown (in front if this causes shoulder pain) – Hammer Curls Superset • 4 Sets of 8 Reps Superset to 10 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds between each superset • Behind Head Pulldown: Take a grip slightly wider than natural on the bar. Sit leaning your body slightly forward, pull your elbows downwards so that the bar so that it touches the back of your neck. • Hammer Curls: Keep elbows in tight beside your body. At the peak of the rep there should be a 45 degree angle between your upper arm and forearm, squeezing through the bicepp. 64 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

C. Seated Curls – Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown Superset LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 4 Sets of 8 Reps Superset to 12 reps• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 60 Seconds rest between each superset.• Seated Curls: Sit on a bench at a 60 degree angle and allow your arms to hang directly down.Curl the dumbbells to the peak of the repetition, keeping the upper arm static – focus onpinching your biceps at the top of the rep.• Narrow Grip Pulldown: Grip the bar at shoulder width apart, leaning back slightly, pull thebar into your upper chest. Keep your spine straight and ensure you properly stretch your latsat the peak of each repetition p. 65 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

Session 8. Chest & Tris LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Decline Dumbbell Press – Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Press Superset• 4 Sets of 8 Reps Superset to 8 reps• Tempo: 4-0-1-0• 60 Seconds rest between each superset.• Decline Dumbbells: Start with dumbbells directly above your nipples, mov elbows outwardsand lower dumbbells until they are just above your chest. Focus on pushing through yourpecs and triceps while keeping your elbows in line with your shoulders• Dumbbell Press: Keep elbows close to your head throughout the movement, always justvisible in the top outside corners of your peripheral vision. You should feel a stretch throughthe long head of your tricep at the base of the movementB. Wide Grip Flat Bench – Rope Pulldown (with split) Superset • 4 Sets of 8 Reps Superset to 10 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each superset • Wide Grip: Take a grip on the bar around 20cm wider each side than you would for regular bench press. Maintain regular form, bringing the bar down in line with your nipples. Ensure the bar touches your chest. • Rope Pulldown: Keep your elbows by your side, extend your triceps fully – at the bottom of the rep, twist the hands so the bottom of them are pointing outwards, while maintaining tension through your triceps. p. 66 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2C. Guillotine Press – Neutral Grip (weighted) Dips Superset • 4 Sets of 8 Reps Superset to 12 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each superset • Guillotine: Using a Smith machine, bring the bar down over your Adam’s apple, rather than over your nipples. Ensure the elbows remain pointing away from the body. • Dips: Elbows remain static and body upright throughout movement - isolating the triceps instead of your chest and shoulders. Push through your tricep at the base of the movement.p. 67 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2 Week C - Strength Rep range 3-8 Strength training is often ignored in a cutting phase, maintainingor even increasing strength is vital in the avoidance of muscularatrophy and regression.p. 68 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

Week C - Strength LDNM Cutting Guide V.2 Rep range 3-8Session 1. LISSA. 40-60 mins fasted cardio • Low intensity cross trainer, medium level resistance • Keep heart rate around 120-140 bmp for durationSession 2. Legs & Abs A. Back Squats • 5 sets of 4 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 120 seconds rest between sets • Set 5: rest for 30 seconds before completing more reps on the same weight to failure (only attempt in a safe squat cage or area, and or with a spotter). • Place feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your toes pointing slightly outwards. Keep weight through your heels ensure you go as low as possible, until you cannot keep your calfs and torso at the same angle.B. Narrow Seated Leg Press Rest-Pause • 3 sets of 5 reps, rest for 30 seconds before reping the same weight to failure (at a 2-0-1-0 tempo). • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Feet should be no more than 8-10 inches apart. Focus on keeping a neutral back and pushing through the legs and glutes. p. 69 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

C. Straight Leg Deadlifts LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 4 sets of 6 reps (sets 3-4 to failure)• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 90 seconds rest between sets• Stand with feet 20-30cm apart, on a shallow platform with feet at beneath the bar. Asyou lower the weight bend your knees slightly, pivoting from the hips and keep your backstraight. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, this is the bottom of the rep. Lift barby extending through hips until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded.Extend knees at top if desired.D. Seated Hamstring Curls • 3 sets of 5-6 reps to failure, rest for 20 seconds before completing more reps with the same weight to failure (at a 2-0-1-0 tempo). • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 75 seconds rest between sets • Keep back at against the seat, initiating each curl with the hamstring NOT through body movement. Ensure full ROM; as with bicep curls, stretch the muscle to its fullest by fully extending the leg before contracting the muscle as much as possible.E. Calf Extensions • 6 sets of 5 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-1 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Neutral foot positioning. Keeping your legs straight, ensure a full stretch of your calfs at the bottom of the rep and push through the balls of your feet. At the peak of the rep ensure a solid contraction of your calfs, holding this for a second before lowering. p. 70 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2F. Kneeling Cable Crunch • 6 sets of 5-6 reps • Tempo 3-0-1-0 • 60 second rest between sets • Keep arms and legs in the same position throughout. Try to keep your lower back straight, crunch your upper body forward so that you feel the tension in your abs. Focus on a slow eccentric phaseG. Finisher: Dumbbell Walking Lunges • 1 sets of weighted walking lunges to failure • Tempo: 2-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Lunges: Use DB’s around 50% of your 1RM. Step out far enough forwards so that your leading knee doesn’t go beyond your toes, in a straight a line as possible. Concentrate on taking the tension of each step through your glutes.p. 71 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

Session 3. Shoulders LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Military Barbell Press• 6 sets of 3 reps• Tempo: 4-0-1-0• 90 seconds rest between sets• Hands should be a comfortable width apart on the bar (slightly wider than they are forbench press). Lower the bar in a straight line front of your face until it is between your noseand chin (lower is better, if it does not cause discomfort). Push through your delts andtriceps – do not lock out elbows at the top of the rep.B. Upright Rows • 5 sets of 4 reps • Tempo: 3-0-X-1 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Take a narrow-ish overhand grip. Draw the bar upwards keeping it close to body and lead with the elbows; nishing with elbows the same height as your ears and the bar beneath your chinC. Lateral Dumbbell Raises • 4 sets of 5 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Lean slightly forward. Lead with the elbow in these raises to prevent you swinging the weight up from your hands- dumbbells should be just above your shoulders at the peak of each rep p. 72 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2D. Arnold Presses • 4 sets of 5 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Ensure twist initiates from the bottom of the rep, moving outwards from the base of the rep rather than directly upwards. Focus on initiating all of your delts. Proceed with caution for this exercise, ensuring your tempo and form are correct to avoid risk of injuryE. High Cable Rear Delt Rows • 3 sets of 6 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Draw the cable towards your chin with your elbows higher than shoulder high (in line with ears if possible). Pinch your back together at the peak of the rep, ensuring a solid contraction of your rear deltsp. 73 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

Session 4. Legs & Arms LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Deadlifts • 15 single reps @80% 1RM • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 30 seconds rest between reps • With feet at beneath bar squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width, or slightly wider, over hand or mixed grip. Lift the bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Return by bending knees forward slightly while allowing hips to bend back behind, keeping back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Set up for the same starting position between each rep.B. Quad Extensions (Heavy Strip Set) • 3 sets of 4-5 reps to failure, then reduce weight stack by roughly 25% and complete reps to failure with same tempo. • Tempo: 2-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Ensure full ROM and extension of legs. Do not move the body to generate momentum, ensure e ort comes from quads only. p. 74 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

C. Lying Hamstring Curls (Heavy Strip Set) LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 3 sets of 4-5 reps to failure, then reduce weight stack by roughly 25% and complete reps tofailure with same tempo.• Tempo: 2-0-1-0• 90 seconds rest between sets• Contract your hamstrings and glutes, keeping your body at against the bench- don’t letthat bum raise and back arch too much! At the peak of the rep try to keep your feet parallelto the oor and at the base ensure you are keeping the tension in your hamstrings by not letthe weight return to rest on the stack.D. Calf Extensions • 6 sets of 5 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-1 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Neutral foot positioning. Keeping your legs straight, ensure a full stretch of your calfs at the bottom of the rep and push through the balls of your feet. At the peak of the rep ensure a solid contraction of your calfs, holding this for a second before lowering.E. Preacher Curl • 5 sets of 6 reps (sets 3-5) to failure • Tempo: 3-0-1-1 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Keep your armpits pushed into the preacher bench – this will stop you using your body to generate momentum. Do not bring the bar the whole way to your body, stop just before your forearms are pointing at your chin. p. 75 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2F. Weighted Tricep Dips: • 5 sets of 6 reps (sets 3-5) to failure • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Elbows remain static and body upright throughout movement - isolating the triceps instead of your chest and shoulders. Push through your tricep at the base of the movement.G. Hammer Curls • 3 sets of 6 reps • Tempo: 2-0-X-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Keep elbows in tight beside your body. At the peak of the rep there should be a 45 degree angle between your upper arm and forearm, squeezing through the bicep.p. 76 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

H. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Press LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 3 sets of 6 reps• Tempo: 2-0-X-0• 90 seconds rest between sets• Using a cable or dumbbell, keep elbows close to your head throughout the movement,always just visible in the top outside corners of your peripheral vision. You should feel astretch through the long head of your tricep at the base of the movement.Session 5. HIIT & Abs A. (Weighted) Hanging Leg Raises – Reverse Crunch Superset • 8 sets of 8 reps of hanging leg raises, superset to 30 seconds of reverse crunches. • Tempo 4-0-1-1 • 30 seconds rest between sets • Hanging leg raises: Keep your arms straight and allow the body to hang vertically. Pivot from the hips by contacting the lower abs, bringing your feet up to just above your hips. • Reverse crunches: Keep back at on the oor with bent legs, contract the lower abs bringing your knees to your chest and raising your pelvis o of the oor. p. 77 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

B. Kneeling Cable Crunch (Heavy-Light) LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 5 sets of 6-8 reps (sets 3-5) to failure, immediately reduce weight by 30-40% and rep tofailure• Tempo 3-0-1-0• 30 second rest between sets• Keep arms and legs in the same position throughout. Try to keep your lower back straight,crunch your upper body forward so that you feel the tension in your abs. Focus on a sloweccentric phase.C. Stationary Bike HIIT • 5 minutes warm up • 8-10 sets of 10-15 seconds at out sprint to failure (medium-high gearing) • 60 seconds rest • The idea here is to hit a pace you can only maintain for 10-15 seconds- as if sprinting in a race. • 10 minute medium-steady pace constant ride • 5 minute cool down p. 78 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

Session 6. Back & Biceps LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Bent Over Barbell Row • 5 sets of 4 reps • Tempo: 3-0-X-1 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Underhand grip just within shoulder width apart on the bar, with your body at a xed 45 degree angle to the ground, keeping your back in a natural straight position. Pull the bar into your belly button keeping your elbows close to your sides.B. Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown • 5 sets of 4 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-1 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Grip the bar at shoulder width apart, leaning back slightly, pull the bar into your upper chest. Keep your spine straight and ensure you properly stretch your lats at the peak of each repetition.C. Reverse Flyes • 3 sets of 6 reps • Tempo: 2-0-1-1 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Keep elbows in line with shoulders throughout movement- do not let them move backward towards your body. Keep your spine as at and as parallel to the ground as possible. p. 79 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2D. Wider Grip Lat Pulldown • 4 sets of 5 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-1 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Take an overhand grip around 30cm outside your shoulder width. Initiate the movement with your lats rather than your biceps - sitting up straight; pull the bar down until it touches your upper chest.E. Dumbbell Hammer Curls • 4 sets of 5 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Keep elbows in tight beside your body. At the peak of the rep there should be a 45 degree angle between your upper arm and forearm, squeezing through the bicep.p. 80 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

F. Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 4 sets of 8 reps• Tempo: 4-0-1-1• 90 seconds rest between sets• Take an overhand grip, keep elbows locked beside your body and hands in line with yourelbows. Lean body slightly forward to allow full extension of the elbow and biceps at thebottom of the movement.G. Barbell Curls • 3 sets of 6 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-1 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Take an underhand grip of the bar leaning slightly forward, allowing the arms to fully straighten at the bottom of the rep. Focus on squeezing through the bicep at the top of the rep and a controlled eccentric.Session 7. HIIT Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014 A. Treadmill Pushes • 5-10 minute warm up walk/jog • 2 sets of 20 second pushes – 60 second rest between • 4 sets of 10 second pushes – 40 second rest between • 5 min cool down walk/jog p. 81

Session 8. Chest & Triceps LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Flat Bench Press • 5 sets of 5-6 reps (sets 3-5) to failure • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 120 seconds rest between sets • Take a comfortable width grip on the bar, lowering it so that it touches your chest in line with your nipples. Focus on pushing through your pecs and triceps while keeping your elbows in line with your shoulders.B. Incline Dumbbell Press • 3 sets of 5-6 reps, rest for 30 seconds before completing more reps with the same weight (at a 2-0-1-0 tempo). • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Elbows in line with nipples throughout press, elbows should be level or slightly below the height of your shoulders at the base of each rep. Push through the chest, not the shoulders - squeezing your pecs as the DB’s come together at the top of the rep.C. 15 Degree Dumbbell Flyes- Dumbbell Press Superset • 3 sets of 5-6 reps of yes superset to dumbbell press to failure • Tempo 3-0-1-0 • 75 seconds rest between sets • Flyes: Keep your elbows in line with your nipples throughout ROM. They should come below shoulders at the base of each rep - however, if this is too uncomfortable, go as low as you can without causing discomfort. • Press: Keep your elbows in line with your nipples throughout ROM. Dumbbells should be directly above your shoulders at the base of the movement – do not lock out elbows at the top of the movement. p. 82 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2D. Weighted Dips Strip Set • 2 sets of 4-5 reps, then reduce weight 30-40% and complete reps to failure • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Take a grip wider than shoulder width, leaning your torso forwards - shoulders should come slightly below your elbows at the base of each rep. No pausing or locking out your elbows at the peak of each rep.E. EZ Bar Skull Crushers • 4 sets of 6-8 reps • Elbows stay directly above your shoulders throughout rep- not bowing out beyond shoulder width during the lift or down towards your legs. The bar should stop at your hairline or upper forehead at the base of each repetitionTempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between setsp. 83 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2F. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Press – Incline Press Up Superset • 3 supersets of 6-8 reps of extensions to press-ups to failure • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between supersets • Press: Keep elbows close to your head throughout the movement, always just visible in the top outside corners of your peripheral vision. You should feel a stretch through the long head of your tricep at the base of the movement. • Press-ups: Feet should be higher than your shoulders – hands directly under shoulders. Focus on keeping your body straight and your chin should almost touch the ground at the bottom of each rep.p. 84 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2 Week D - Taper Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014 Rep range 3-8 Strategic use of a taper allows your body to recover from theintense training cycle and restricted diet. The intensity and weightyou have been training with should remain the same; the onlydi erence is the reduction in volume (number of sets). This reducedvolume should allow the body to recover and ensure you reach yourgoals faster and without injury or regression. p. 85

Week D - Taper LDNM Cutting Guide V.2 Rep range 3-8Session 1. LISS (Optional)A. 40-60 mins fasted cardio • Low intensity cross trainer, medium level resistance • Keep heart rate around 120-140 bmp for durationSession 2. Back & Bis A. Bent Over Olympic Bar Row – Wide grip EZ Bar Curl Superset • 2 sets of 8 reps, superset to 8 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each Superset • Rows: Underhand grip shoulder width apart on the bar. Body at a xed 45 degree angle to the ground, keeping your back in a natural straight position. Pull the bar into your belly button keeping your elbows close to your sides • Wide EZ Curls: Same technique as regular EZ bar curls, hands should be 10-20cm wider on the bar. Focus on the pinch at the top of the rep p. 86 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

B. Behind The Head Lat Pulldown (in front if this causes shoulder pain) – Hammer CLDuNrMlsCSututinpgeGrusideetV.2 • 2 Sets of 8 reps, superset to 10 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds between each superset • Behind Head Pulldown: Take a grip slightly wider than natural on the bar. Sit leaning your body slightly forward, pull your elbows downwards so that the bar so that it touches the back of your neck. • Hammer Curls: Keep elbows in tight beside your body. At the peak of the rep there should be a 45 degree angle between your upper arm and forearm, squeezing through the bicepC. Seated Curls – Underhand Lat Pulldown Superset • 1 set of 8 reps, superset to 12 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each superset. • Seated Curls: Sit on a bench at a 60 degree angle and allow your arms to hang directly down. Curl the dumbbells to the peak of the repetition, keeping the upper arm static – focus on pinching your biceps at the top of the rep. • Underhand Pulldown: Grip the bar at shoulder width apart, leaning back slightly, pull the bar into your upper chest. Keep your spine straight and ensure you properly stretch your lats at the peak of each repetitionp. 87 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2Session 3. Legs A. Back Squats • 2 sets of 12 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Place feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your toes pointing slightly outwards. Keep weight through your heels ensure you go as low as possible, until you cannot keep your calfs and torso at the same angle.p. 88 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

B. Straight Leg Deadlifts LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 2 sets of 8 reps• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 90 seconds rest between sets• Upon nal set, reduce weight by 30-40% and rep to failure• Stand with feet 20-30cm apart, on a shallow platform with feet at beneath the bar. Asyou lower the weight bend your knees slightly, pivoting from the hips and keep your backstraight. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, this is the bottom of the rep. Lift barby extending through hips until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded.Extend knees at top if desiredC. Quad Extension • 2 sets of 8 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Upon nal set, reduce weight by 30-40% and rep to failure • Ensure full ROM and extension of legs. Do not move the body to generate momentum, ensure e ort comes from quads only. p. 89 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

D. Static Lunges LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 1 sets of 10 reps• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 90 seconds rest between sets• Take the same position you would in the step phase of a walking lunge. From here loweryour body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground keeping the tension in your glutesand thighs. Ensure a strong contraction on the concentric phase but do not lock out yourfront leg.E. Quad extension • 1 sets of 12 reps • Tempo: 5-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Ensure full ROM and extension of legs. Focus on a very slow eccentric phase.Session 4. LISS Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014 A. 40-60 mins fasted cardio • Low intensity stationary bike, medium level resistance • Keep heart rate around 120-140 BPM for duration p. 90

Session 5. Shoulders LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Overhead Dumbbell Shoulder Press• 2 sets of 10 reps• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 90 seconds rest• Keep the dumbbells in line with your nose throughout the movement - ensuring elbowsstop slightly below your shoulders at the base of each repetition. Back should be in a ‘naturalstraight position’, not overly arched or completely straightB. Arnold Dumbbell Press • 2 sets of 6-8 reps, last set superseted to incline press ups to failure • Tempo: 3-1-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between supersets • Arnold: Ensure twist initiates from the bottom of the rep, moving outwards from the base of the rep rather than directly upwards. Focus on initiating all of your delts • Press-ups: Feet should be higher than your shoulders – hands directly under shoulders. Focus on keeping your body straight and your chin should almost touch the ground at the bottom of each rep. p. 91 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

C. Lateral Dumbbell Raises (Heavy-Light) LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 1 sets of 6-8 reps, superset to a reduced weight set of 12-15 reps to failure• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 75 seconds rest• Lean slightly forward. Lead with the elbow in these raises to prevent you swinging theweight up from your hands- dumbbells should be just above your shoulders at the peak ofeach repD. Reverse Dumbbell Flyes • 2 sets of 10 reps • Tempo: 2-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Keep elbows in line with shoulders throughout movement- do not let them move backward towards your body. Keep your spine as at and at a 45 degree angle to the ground.E. Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs • 2 sets of 10 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-2 • 60 seconds rest between sets • You may use a cable machine for this exercises if an Olympic bar is not available or if you cannot get it past your massive glutes e ectively! • Bar behind the back, overhand grip at least shoulder width apart, drawing your shoulders up towards your ears. Ensure arms are straight throughout the shrug. p. 92 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2F. Dumbbell Shrugs • 1 set of 12 reps • Tempo: 2-0-1-1 • Grip the dumbbells by your side, without reducing the weight of them by resting them against your side. Keep arms straight and pinch your traps to your neck!Session 6. Legs & Arms A. Leg Press • 3 sets of 8 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 90 seconds rest between sets • Go heavy. Focus on keeping a neutral back and pushing through the legs and glutes.p. 93 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

B. Bulgarian Split Squat (Heavy-Light) LDNM Cutting Guide V.2• 1 supersets of 6-8 reps to, to a reduced weight set of 10-12• Tempo: 3-0-1-0• 75 seconds rest• Similar stance to static lunges, except rear foot should be on a bench/box around kneeheight. Squat down until front leg is parallel to the ground, keeping tension through glutesand thigh.C. Back Squats • 2 sets of 10 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Place feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your toes pointing slightly outwards. Keep weight through your heels ensure you go as low as possible, until you cannot keep your calfs and torso at the same angle.D. Cable Tricep Extensions – Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls Superset • 2 sets of 8-10 reps, superset to 8-10 reps of overhand curls • Tempo: 2-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Extensions: Keep your elbows in by your side. Focus on a full contraction at the bottom of the rep • EZ curls: Overhand grip shoulder width apart, keeping elbows locked by your sides. Fully extend at the bottom of the rep, strong contraction at the top of the rep. p. 94 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2E. Plate Bicep Curls – Dumbbell Kick Backs Superset • 1 set of 10-12 rep, superset to 10-12 reps of tricep kickbacks • Tempo: 2-0-1-0 • 60 seconds rest between sets • Plate curls: Grip the plate at 3 and 9 o’clock. Perform with the same technique as EZ bar curls. • Kickbacks: Leaning forward, keep your upper arm parallel to the ground. With the dumbbells in hand ‘kick back’ and fully extend your triceps. Control the eccentric phasep. 95 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2F. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Press – Hammer Curls Superset • • 1 set of 12-15 reps to failure, superset to 12-15 reps of hammer curls to failure • • Tempo: 3-0-1-0Session 7. HIIT & Abs A. Boxing & Aerobic Abdominal Superset • 5/10 minute active warm up • 10 sets of 20 seconds punching at 100% power and speed with bag/partner • Superset to 30 knee pull ins • Superset to 10 burpees • 60 seconds rest between sets • 5 minute cool down and stretchp. 96 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

Session 8. Chest & Triceps LDNM Cutting Guide V.2A. Decline Dumbbel Press – Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Press Superset • 2 sets of 8 reps, superset to 8 reps • Tempo: 4-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each superset. • Decline Dumbbells: Start with dumbbells directly above your nipples, mov elbows outwards and lower dumbbells until they are just above your chest. Focus on pushing through your • Dumbbell Press: Keep elbows close to your head throughout the movement, always just visible in the top outside corners of your peripheral vision. You should feel a stretch through the long head of your tricep at the base of the movementB. Wide Grip Flat Bench – Rope Pulldown (with split) Superset • 2 sets of 8 reps, superset to 10 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each superset • Wide Grip: Take a grip on the bar around 20cm wider each side than you would for regular bench press. Maintain regular form, bringing the bar down in line with your nipples. Ensure the bar touches your chest. • Rope Pulldown: Keep your elbows by your side, extend your triceps fully – at the bottom of the rep, twist the hands so the bottom of them are pointing outwards, while maintaining tension through your triceps. p. 97 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

LDNM Cutting Guide V.2C. Guillotine Press – Neutral Grip (weighted) Dips Superset • 1 set of 8 reps, superset to 12 reps • Tempo: 3-0-1-0 • 60 Seconds rest between each superset • Guillotine: Using a Smith machine, bring the bar down over your Adam’s apple, rather than over your nipples. Ensure the elbows remain pointing away from the body. • Dips: Elbows remain static and body upright throughout movement - isolating the triceps instead of your chest and shoulders. Push through your tricep at the base of the movement.p. 98 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

A nal word LDNM Cutting Guide V.2Again, from all of us here at LDNM we hope you enjoyed the Cutting Guide V2. Check out ourcomprehensive library of other guides for all your other aesthetic needs – be it bulking or buildingyourself crab arms:!/~/category/id=5845217&o set=0&sort=priceDescAnd also, all the LDNM uniform modelled within the guide is available exclusively from the link below:!/~/category/id=5845216&o set=0&sort=priceDesc p. 99 Copyright LDNMuscle Ltd 2014

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