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IIHMS training program for supply chain_updated

Published by, 2016-07-20 05:15:21

Description: IIHMS training program for supply chain_updated


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Training Program For Supply ChainManagement Professionals in HospitalsDate: August 1- 4, 2016 Venue: Goa About IIHMR IIHMR Delhi, established in 2008, is a premier institution dedicated towards transforming healthcare through research, training and education. The Institute runs a full-time, AICTE approved, two year Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management enabling human resource professionals to make noteworthy contributions in healthcare delivery. The institution is fully equipped with state of art facilities to take up Academic and Training programmes. It has an excellent combination of faculty with different backgrounds (Medical and Non- medical) to take up Academics, Research and organise Management Development Programmes in their respective specialties.

Keeping in view the need for working partly consists in maximizing the qualityprofessionals, IIHMR regularly organizes of patient care per unit cost for whichtraining programme with following hospital supplies have an important roleobjectives: to play. With the fast changing technology and introduction of To update their knowledge through sophisticated equipments, there is an interaction with experienced teaching urgent need to acquire required skills to faculty and participants ensure timely supplies consistent with upgraded technology, proper To prepare health/hospital managers maintenance and use of equipments. to achieve organizational effectiveness In view of the above said, the course has To enhance professional skills in been designed to train the participants planning and execution of activities in for appropriate methods in demand their respective areas estimation, procurement, stocking distribution, inventory control and To gain specific understanding of maintenance of supplies and modern technologies /aids and their equipments. applications Learning Objectives:In the recent past such trainingprogrammes have been organized for The learning objectives of theBRAC, Urban Primary Health Care training areServices Delivery Project –Bangladesh,Ministry of Public Health, SAF, ACTD - To understand the concept andAfghanistan, Ministry of Health- Sri relevance of Supply Chain in providinglanka, Ministry of Health and Family patient care in hospitalsWelfare, Myanmar, Ministry of Healthand Social Welfare- Tanzania, and Speedy flow of materials andGovernment of National Capital equipments with right quality, rightTerritory, Delhi etc. quantity and in right timeRationale Optimise the use of resource through scientific inventory control and properPatient care depends the availability of maintenance of equipmentsMaterials. The objective of running ahospital is to provide the best possible Improved institutional image throughcare within the existing recourses. good buyer/ seller relationshipMaterials assume special significanceright from planning of hospitals to Benefitsrunning them on day to day basis. In theabsence of appropriate supplies and Organisation:functional equipments, the availablemanpower is rendered non functional Optimal use of resource andand patient care takes a back seat. In minimization of wastage of materialsfact, making available the right qualityand right quantity of supplies at the Enhanced patient satisfaction throughright time is a potent tool of patient availability of right supplies andsatisfaction and overall patient care. equipmentsFurther, the efficiency of a hospital

Individual Acquiring skills in appropriate methods for procurement, distribution and maintenance of supplies and equipments Participants will be able to make use of proper inventory management techniques to avoid over supplies or stock out The knowledge acquired will be helpful in handling higher management responsibilities in futureDay 1 Inauguration Introduction to supply chain Management – an overview Importance and role of materials in hospitals Procedures - demand estimation, registration of firms, tendering, rate contract and procurement Allotment of group workDay 2 Receipt, inspection storage and distribution of materials Cold chain management Quality controls Case studiesDay 3 Inventory control, inventory analysis and prevention of pilferage Codification and standardization Use of IT in material management Records maintenance Case studies Day 4 Equipment planning and procurement Repairs and maintenance of equipment Condemnation, disposal and equipment audit Case studies

The methodology Lectures and presentations Case studies Group work and exercises Interactive sessionsNumber of Participant:Group of 25 – 30Target GroupHospital professionals dealing with material and equipments viz. Medical Superintendents,Deputy Medical Superintendents, Store officers, HODs of various clinical and diagnosticservices, Hospital Administrators, Specialists and Senior Medical officers, Senior Nurses,Hospital technicians Chief /Head Pharmacist, Hospital consultants. For further query,please contact: International Institute of Health Management Research Plot no. 3, Sector 18A, Dwarka, Phase-II, New Delhi - 110075 Ph - 01130418900 FAX - 01130418909