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Home Explore 2020-Jobsheet-12IML5-RP19


Published by izuddinsyarif76, 2021-09-06 08:00:40

Description: 2020-Jobsheet-12IML5-RP19


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12 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN JOB SHEET LABORATORY ID : 12IML5-RP19 Basic Competencies Rev : 01 Title : 2-Way Rotation Control of Motor 3 Phase 4.10. Determine smart relay specifications Based On Smart Relay 4.11. Operate smart relays Subject : Electric Motor Installation (IML) Grade/Sem : 12th / 5th Time Est. : 16 Period (720 Minutes) OBJECTIVE Students able to design 2-way rotation control of motor 3 phase on console smart relay directly with load PRACTICUM PREREQUISITES 1. Make sure students wear practical uniforms and PPE completeness according to K3 standards 2. Make sure the equipment and materials have been prepared according to the provisions of the drawing 3. Students have mastered 2 ways rotation motor control using magnetic contactor 4. Students who do not meet points 1, 2 and 3 are not permitted to take part in a practicum WORK PROCEDURES 1. Design 2 ways rotation motor control on console zelio smart relay (students must not design on laptop) and try to simulate it 2. If the program is designed correctly, then install all components on wood panel including 3 phase motor (scan QR code beside to see tutorial video) 3. Make sure the indicator lights are last installed 4. Do not give a source on the circuit before checking by the teacher 5. If it has been checked and permitted by the teacher, the circuit may be given a source 6. Perform a control system by pressing the push button and test the indicator lamps 7. Return the equipment and material to its place if the circuit has been tested 8. Create drawing of wiring using a computer with the Visio Drawing program 9. Save the drawing on Google drive with the file format: Date_ID_Job sheet_Student ID_Student Name Example: 19032019_12IML5-RP19_17L21_Rahmat 10. Make sure the drawing is checked correctly before printing 11. Write a Work of Sheets (WoS) and complete the report as practical evidence ASSESSMENT FOCUS 1. Design of control on console zelio smart relay 2. Drawing of wiring motor control 3. Softcopy of wiring motor control 4. Result of motor control using Zelio Smart Relay on panel wood 5. Indicator lamps 6. Mechanical strength of the cable connection VALIDATION Teacher Principal of SMKN 1 Paringin SUPARMAN, S.Pd., M.M. DASPRIANTI, S. Pd. NIP. 19640611 198811 1 002 NIP. 19750418 201001 2 008 13 WORKSHOP Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]

SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN 12 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION ELECTROMAGNETIC CONTROL DRAWING L1 F1 95 F2 96 ES S0 13 13 23 23 97 98 S1 K1 S2 K2 K1 K2 F2 14 14 24 24 21 21 K2 K1 22 22 K1 A1 A1 H1 H2 H3 N A2 K2 A2 Rangkaian Utama L1 L2 L3 PE F0 97 95 F2 98 96 A1 1 3 5 A1 135 K1 K2 246 A2 2 4 6 A2 M3F 14 WORKSHOP Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]

12 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN r!f © 2021 Name : ASSESSMENT SHEET ID : Grade : 12IML5-RP19 Est. Time 720 Min 2-Way Rotation of Motor 3 Phase Based On Smart Relay Date Start - Until Amount Basic Competencies (KD) 4.10. Determine smart relay specifications 4.11. Operate smart relays Total used time ……………. + ……………… min …………….% QR code to input practicum score PROCESS (30%) Configuration SCORE Points (A) 23 1 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 1. Design of control on console zelio Filled in by teachers smart relay 1 …….. x 1 …….. x 1 2. Drawing of wiring motor control 0,3 x TS x 10 = 3. Softcopy of wiring motor control …….. x 2 ………….…… SELF ASSESST : ___________ Max. 30 Total Score (TS) : ……….… / 4 = ………….. Status : NR/R1/R2** **) NR : No Remedial, R1 : Remedial #1, R2 : Remedial #2 RESULTS (70%) Configuration SCORE Points (B) 56 1 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 4. Result of motor control Filled in by teachers 5. Indicator lamps 4 …….. x 1 …….. x 1 6. Mechanical strength of the cable 0,7 x TS x 10 = connection …….. x 2 ………….…… SELF ASSESST : ___________ Max. 70 Total Score (TS) : ……….… / 4 = ………….. Status : NR/R1/R2** RESULTS POINT PLUS if TP >= 70 Filled in by teachers VALIDATION***) TOTAL POINTS (TP) = 1 points @ 10% undertime Teacher POINTS(A)+POINTS(B) TOTAL POINTS + POINTS *** PLUS/MINUS …………………… POINT MINUS 1 points @ 10% overtime …………… + …………… =............. Competent/ …………………… Status NR, POINT Max. 100 (…………………………..) Not Competent *) Status R1/R2, POINT Max. 72 *) Competent if POINTS > = 70 ***) VALID is declared if signed by both No. Score 10 SCORE RUBRIC Score 1 / 5 Aspect Program controls are designed Score 7 / 8 / 9 Program control is designed accurately There is no score of 7 / 8 / 9 inaccurately 1 Wiring controls are drawn Wiring controls are drawn less Wiring control is drawn accurately accurate inaccurately 2 Program are safe in softcopy There is no score of 7 / 8 / 9 Program is safe in softcopy correctly incorrectly 3 Program working are very There is no score of 7 / 8 / 9 accurate Inaccurate program results 4 All indicator lamps are very There is no score of 7 / 8 / 9 accurate Cable connection is less strong Indicator lamps failed 5 6 Cable connection is very strong Cable connection is not strong 15 WORKSHOP Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]

SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN 12 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION Job Title WORK OF SHEET (WoS) Tools & Materials (Complete with numbers and units) Drawings and Work Steps (use statment sentences, NOT imperative sentences) WORKSHOP 16 Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]

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