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Home Explore Internet Marketing Not Just About Money

Internet Marketing Not Just About Money

Published by Joseph Mahoney, 2015-04-15 22:58:37

Description: All too often people trying to make money online jump in both feet first and not think about the impression they make. We all have our opinions, but, most of the time those opinions are derived from emotions, fears, and insecurities. Anyway, try helping people, being polite, and care about the people making purchases from you, see what happens. Creating a lasting relationship with customers will always prove better than a burst of sales and then nothing, having to work your tail off for another burst and then another, it's never ending.

Keywords: free, how to make money online, make money fast, make money from home, make money home, make money legit, make money no scam, make money online, marketing tips, money making tools, money tricks, online success


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All Rights ReservedCopyright @ Author J P MahoneyAll rights are reserved. This book may not bereproduced, transmitted, or store, in whole or by partby any means, including graphic, electronic, ormechanical without the express written consent ofthe publisher except in the case of brief quotationsembodied in critical articles or reviews.This product is meant for educational purposes only.Ignore the piece of copyright and share away.“DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for productsthat I recommend. If you purchase those itemsthrough my links I will earn a commission. You willnot pay more when buying a product through my link.In fact, I oftentimes am able to negotiate a lower rate(or bonuses) not available elsewhere.Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me tocontinue to offer you lots of free stuff. :) Thank you,in advance for your support!

Hey Everyone,Joe here with your daily insight into tips,tricks, and programs to really make yourmarketing a success. If you don’t knowwho I am, start searching.For everyone here:My Food one: Started: the first daily:

To start off, I just want to say, some of youget it, others, not so much. This businessisn’t all about the money. Yes, I know it’seasy to say after you have made enoughto not have to worry about it, but, it’s alsothe reason it took me so long to, finally,make enough to be able to say suchwords, Truthfully. Now I’ve said them longbefore, but, in the back of my mind I wasalways thinking money, subconsciously,our actions do what needs to be done,regardless of our beliefs.I only have one or two, maybe three totalk about and share today. Importantones. But first, have you signed up for theexciting news updates? Do that today,click below:My Home PageJust fill out the form and send. You willsee my sense of humor with instructionsfor filling it out there.

Let’s just get this first out of the waybecause I’m like jumping out of my chairwanting to type it, Google Sniper. Oh mygoodness! It just keeps getting betterand better as I go through the material.Over 30 videos, tons and tons ofinformation that I have yet to find notuseful. You know, they fill it up with abunch of junk, boring you out of yourmind.So, I put a couple banners on my websitejust to see, BAM, two sales in a fewhours. Now my book site doesn’t get thatmuch traffic. It’s all advice coming fromthis program:I’m telling you, if you don’t have it and arelooking or struggling to make money online, spend the little bit to get this, you willbe glad you did.

Ok, how many of you do FB ads? I justfound something pretty cool yesterday,not sure if you guys knew it would work,but, I will share anyway.I suppose it’s different in power editor, Ididn’t check, don’t use that very often atthe moment. Anyway, if you’re creating anad off your fb account, you go through allthe demographics, interest, andbehaviors, but, when you set your budget,do NOT put an end date. You can alwaysstop it, pause it, whenever you want.Setting an end date tells FB to hurry andfind people to push to you, I’ve found thatwhen every time I set an end date myclick through rate was terrible comparedto no end date. Trust me there was a lotof research into this method.

Next, right under the budget, it saysoptimize for: now I do many differentmethods depending on what I’mpromoting, but, using one as an example:clicks to website, Now if it’s set to “get themost clicks at the best price” set in to “setto amount a click is worth to you” enter anamount, leave it there for a few hours, aday, now go back up and adjust it, when Idid this, it had an amount that would bebest to set at, I’ve found that if I go right inbetween I get the same amount of trafficand a good click through rate. Forinstance: At optimized my per click was80 cents, I switched it to 10 cents, left itfor a bit, went back up and it told me to try17 to 25 to reach more people, I picked24 and within hours had same trafficsame results as I was getting at 80 cents,following me here? Per click that’s a hugedifference.Your welcome!

A program I would like to share witheveryone is quite a tool, expensive asheck, but, oh my word it’s so useful andamazing what you can do with all thefeatures. For a marketer, quite a musthave or I should say a huge bonus tohave as a tool.Affiliate Elite helps do so much research,saving so much time, it pays for itself innow time. Quick, easy once you get thehang of it, and much of the informationyou get from it would cost you a fortune toacquire anywhere else.

Easy as hell to find new products, findspecific keyword phrases, search deepwithin other sites gaining ridiculousinformation you normally wouldn’t haveaccess to. All that is just a little bit of whatthis program can do, wow.In the beginning I talk about it not beingall about money, it isn’t. The people youmeet, the smiles you can put onsomeone’s face, and the help you cangive to families is worth more than themoney. Remember, always being honest,caring, and as helpful as possible will alsoreturn the income for more than just aquick spurt.Ok, that wraps up today, Take care all anddon’t forget to visit my website and signup for updates. Making some changes,go check it out:

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