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ERE HOMES Magazine

Published by balaji, 2015-09-20 07:58:14

Description: Dubai's Property Expert

Keywords: real estate dubai ,erehomes magazine


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MAGAZINE INSIDE! Dubai’s most exclusive residentialproperty listings Window to your world Creative tips to pick the right window treatment for your home Bring in the experts Why hiring a property management company could be the best thing for you highOnnotae Dubai’s real estate sector continues to inspire investor con dence

Unbelievable rental rates on thenation’s youngest and safest cars.“HQtsOuopgeoMectitayEeloruaSrte”Short term Rentals . Long term Leasing . Chauffeur . Event Transport Staff Transportation & Bussing . International Reservations

FROM THE EDITORS | 3Dear readers, MAGAZINEWelcome to ERE HOMES’ Property Magazine. INSIDE! Dubai’sWe have a lot to be excited about at ERE HOMES. Evidence of this is clear in most exclusivethe gures released by the Dubai Land Department (DLD). e Emirate saw residentialtotal real estate transactions made to the tune of more than AED64 billion. property listingse DLD report shows that the sum of property investment transactionsexceeded AED24 billion, all of which represent sustainable growth. ese Window tonumbers bode well for the property sector in particular and the economy in your worldgeneral. Our feature on trends in the property market highlights these andother developments. Creative tips to pick theDubai is abuzz with the upsurge in right window treatmentconstruction activity around the city,as Expo 2020 inches closer. We look at We showcase how for your homehow this will a ect the property market ERE HOMES is playing an Bring in the expertsamong other sectors in an article on Why hiring a propertythe impact of the international event important role in providing management company could beon Dubai. opportunities for investors, Our community pro le section the best thing for youfocuses on Dubai’s most sought-a er with its o erings including acommunities and their attractions. selection of the nest properties highOnnotaeWe showcase how ERE HOMES is in the city, and services such as Dubai’s real estate sector continuesplaying an important role in providing property management.” to inspire investor con denceopportunities for investors, with itso erings including a selection of Contentsthe nest properties in the city, andservices such as property management. Our article with tips on relocation 04 Dubai’s real estate marketwill prove helpful to those looking to move to the UAE. We also have ourregular features, including an article from our in-house interior designer continues to inspirewith helpful suggestions on how you can decorate your home with the latest con dencewindow treatments. Why the Emirate’s real estate sector isWe hope you enjoy the magazine. attracting international and regional investorsAbdul Kadir Faizal Chris WhiteheadCEO Managing Director 06 The Expo e ect Expo 2020 has revived the fortunes of the Emirate’s property sector 08 ERE HOMES – a partner you trust Dubai’s leading brokerage rm is recognised for its exceptional services and solid reputation 11 Community pro les and property listings An introduction to some of Dubai’s most exclusive communities and properties 34 Window to your world Window treatments that lend a sophisticated edge to your home 50 Bring in the experts A property management company will help simplify your real estate dealings 52 A helping hand Queries on relocation and other related issues answered by our experts | 80069373

4 | MARKET TRENDSDubai’s real estate marketcontinues to inspire con dence The Emirate’s real estate sector is attracting international and regional investors thanks to good capital growth and strong rental yields. By Hina NavinDubai continues to grow in its popularity as a billion and an additional AED3 billion was invested dynamic location for property investment, by Arabs. ere seems to be no doubt about strong appealing to both regional and global expatriate interest in Dubai’s property sector, as DLD’s investors. International buyers are excitedabout acquiring a real estate asset in the Emirate, with gures also showed that 102 foreign nationalitiesproperty prices being relatively cheaper in comparison invested in the Emirate’s property market in the rstto international markets and other advantages such as quarter of the year.a tax-free lifestyle, central location, high rental yields GOOD RETURN ON INVESTMENTand capital appreciation bene ts.SUSTAINABLE GROWTH e setting of e ective regulatory measures has helpedEvidence of this is clear in the gures released by bolster growth and con dence among buyers. A vastthe Dubai Land Department (DLD) for the rst range of properties — in di erent categories, styles,quarter of 2015. e Emirate recorded total real estate sizes and even budgets — are also available, enablingtransactions (11,603 in number), valued at more than every investor to nd their dream project withoutAED64 billion for the period. e DLD report states any hassle. Moreover, investing in Dubai’s propertythat the sum of property investment transactions sector ahead of Expo 2020 is a lucrative investmentexceeded AED24 billion in the rst quarter of 2015, proposition — a fact that is not lost on both newall of which denoted sustainable growth over previous buyers and seasoned investors. gures. e total value of investment from non-Arabs Chris Whitehead, Managing Director of EREwas AED12 billion; GCC nationals invested AED9 HOMES, one of Dubai’s leading property brokerage rms, says, “Investors bene t well from receiving higher yields in Dubai compared to several other countries | 80069373

MARKET TRENDS | 5 The Emirate recorded total real estate transactions (11,603 in number), valued at more than AED64 billion for the periodthis is further boosted by its tax-free environment.” TIPS FOR reduction of mortgage rates and a smaller deposit being Whitehead’s statement is backed by statistics from INVESTORS required, these developments are switching long-term Dubai tenants into investors.“ ere is also a trend forKnight Frank, a well-known residential and commercial • C hoose proven smaller valued apartments being purchased in areas withproperty consultancy. ese indicate that the Emirate’s developers with tourist attractions. With proposed relaxed regulationsproperty sector generated yield growth of 8.1 per cent delivered projects on short-term leasing laws, the changes are attractingin 2014 — which is second highest in the world and a investors looking for the higher annual yields that cangreat incentive for investors. He adds that for end users, • Select well-located be achieved from these types of lets. Palm Jumeirah,purchasing property in Dubai is a win-win situation units for instance, has recently seen a handover of 200 studioat two levels. “Firstly, when a unit is purchased based apartments clearly aimed at the short-term rentalon good advice and insights, the buyer bene ts from • L ook for good market. ese garnered a huge amount of attention fromcapital gains that the property will produce over time. infrastructure our investors and as a result, were sold out immediately.”Secondly, the buyer has an advantage to save moneyinstantly, as renting property will only provide a • Invest only what Location continues to be the main driver for an you can a ord, investor’s purchase. ERE HOMES is also seeing a nancial bene t to its landlord and not to its tenant.” bearing in mind preference for developments with extended paymentFACTORS FUELLING DEMAND the possibility of a plans, says Whitehead. Dubai winning the hostingCurrently, investors are sticking to proven developers — delay in delivery rights for Expo 2020 has also resulted in a rapidones who complete projects on time and manage their upsurge in the announcement of new projects. “ ecommunities well. Whitehead says,“We are also seeing a market has learnt well and grown stronger in thisnew wave of a ordable housing developments entering second phase of the property cycle. Each new launchthe market, and these are attracting investors. With the heightens the con dence of both investors and end users. New regulations and slowing techniques to reduce ipping have all added to this newfound con dence,” adds Whitehead. INCREASING CHOICES Whitehead says every new launch in the market gives the buyer an advantage of increased property choices. “We have noticed the level of investor changing with lower budgets catered to, thus leading to end users settling in Dubai for longer periods than seen before. is, in turn, makes buying even more cost e ective over the alternative of long-term leasing. By 2016, we anticipate a further 23,000 completed units to be handed over. With the bulk of these properties being initially released in areas of high demand, we do not anticipate any oversupply at all.” Another factor that will attract investors includes a so ening in prices in surrounding and existing developments. “However, this will take time to absorb and will have a slow impact over a longer period. ERE HOMES is already seeing a lot of interest in these new developments with equal enquiries coming from tenants and buyers, so the company is very optimistic about another active year ahead,” concludes Whitehead. u | 80069373

6 | SPOTLIGHT Dubai is an eminent global hub for trade, impacted con dence, but with the mega announcement commerce and tourism. e emirate’s robust that Expo 2020 was coming to Dubai, it balanced things economy, excellent infrastructure, strong out, restoring our faith in the Emirate.” entrepreneurial environment and tax-free status have made it a popular destination for international e six-month long event is expected to draw investors. In fact, Dubai has been nominated as the h over 25 million visitors to the country. To meet this most popular city with international visitors by the demand, massive investments across the real estate Mastercard Global Destination Index 2014. and construction industry are already in play. Dubai is expecting AED25 billion in overall total investments in Home to more than 200 di erent nationalities, Dubai infrastructure-related projects, creating 277,000 new is one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. As the host jobs in the run-up to the event. e Expo 2020 on- city for the World Expo 2020, it will further boost the site construction is also on track and is targeted to be UAE’s position as an international powerhouse, opening completed by October 2019. e 438-hectare expo site up wider opportunities for strong bilateral partnerships, comprises a dedicated gated 150-hectare Expo area and investment and international exposure. a surrounding residential, hospitality and logistics zone. e announcement of the Expo has already fuelled ese developments have been a strong stimulant for the optimism and con dence across numerous industries property sector, which is de nitely in recovery. in the UAE, including construction, tourism, trade and hospitality. e profound e ect of this international “With millions of visitors expected to arrive in the city event is expected to take the nation to the next level of for the international event, a huge increase in property economic, social and cultural growth. demand is anticipated that needs to be met by developers in the lead up to the Expo. New projects are already RETURN OF CONFIDENCE Abdul Kadir, CEO, ERE HOMES, one of Dubai’s leading property brokerage rms, says, “ e announcement has a ected Dubai in many ways, with one of the main impacts being a return of con dence within the property sector. e period following 2008 has been a di cult time for many industries and the property sector su ered as much, if not more than most. Many lessons were learned from these challenging times. When the new regulations and a reduction in lending was introduced it certainlyETheXPO EFFECTDubai’s role as the host for Expo 2020 has improved investor con dence and thefortunes of the Emirate’s property sector. By Hina | 80069373

under construction to accommodate the imminent surge Dubai is expecting SPOTLIGHT | 7in population and this is already in uencing the propertymarkets,” says Abdul Kadir. AED25 KEY UPCOMING PROJECTSREALISTIC LEVEL OF GROWTH billionWhile this trend could indicate a spike in property n Mall Of The Worldprices, Abdul Kadir says that despite a premature surge in overall totalin property pricing and transactions in the rst quarter investments in Mall of the World is a AED25-billion, climate-controlledof 2014, the sector is now showing more realistic levels infrastructure-related development that overlooks Sheikh Zayed Road.of growth. “A er the Expo 2020 announcements, we projects, creating The project houses a shopping mall, the world’s largestare seeing growth return to a more sustainable level, 277,000 new jobs theme park, a wellness dedicated zone, a culturalwith vendors’ expectations becoming more practical.” district and a range of hospitality options with 20,000 hotel rooms. e biggest areas of development, Abdul Kadirsays, are the residential and retail sectors. “We (at ERE n La Mer, Jumeirah , by MeraasHOMES) are seeing a rise in Expo-related professionalsentering the sector and they require housing. Within Meraas Holding launched La Mer, a mixed-useour commercial division, the gures indicate an increase development in the vicinity of Pearl Jumeirahin businesses looking to set up in the Emirate. Both Island in Jumeirah, last year in September last year.our licensing and t-out teams are reporting the same The development will be spread across 9.5 millionspike in demand. However, we do not expect immediate square feet of existing and reclaimed land. It willincreases in the sector’s gains and returns due to this comprise four distinct zones — the beach, leisure andheightened demand. Businesses take time to mobilise entertainment hub, North Island and South Island,and e ective regulatory measures, such as the RERA with commercial, leisure, residential and hospitalityrental index, control the growth within the industry.” components. The North Island and South Island of the development will include a residential community is positive growth trend is expected across all that will have 688 apartments and villas along with aindustries in the region, as preliminary estimates from 160-key hotel. The project will also launch a range ofthe government indicate that the economic impact retail and F&B concepts for the rst time in Dubai.generated by the Expo between now and 2021 will bearound €17.7 billion (around AED72.2 million), much n Major theme parksof which is expected to be ploughed back into the region. Three landmark theme parks in Dubai — Motiongate, is bodes well for Dubai and its denizens. u a Hollywood-inspired theme park, Legoland Dubai, the rst Legoland theme park in the Middle East, and Bollywood Parks were announced by Dubai Parks and Resorts, a subsidiary of Meraas Holding. The parks are expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2016. The total estimated number of visits in the rst full year of operation (2017) is expected to be around 6.7 million, according to the company’s IPO prospectus. n Akoya Oxygen Damac Properties’AKOYA Oxygen, a golf-centred project in Dubailand, is spread over 55 million sq. ft. The project includes numerous luxury living experiences set around a championship golf course with more than 4,000 trees, organic gardens and private parks. The project also includes a ve-star international hotel, a luxury desert- style wellness centre, featuring holistic therapies, yoga, herbal treatments and relaxation zones. The fully- integrated resort will also include globally-recognised retail brands, leisure and entertainment o erings and organic market places, all set within beautifully manicured landscaped areas. n Dubai Creek Harbor at The Lagoons Dubai Creek Harbor at The Lagoons is a 6.5-million sq.m urban district project by Emaar Properties and Dubai Holding. The development will comprise 3,664 o ce units, eight million sq.ft of retail space, 39,000 residential units, and 22 hotels with 4,400 rooms. The highlights of the project are the ‘Dubai Twin Towers,’ which will be the tallest twin towers in the world. The Lagoons development is three times the size of Downtown Dubai, according to Emaar Chairman Mohamed Alabbar. | 80069373

8 | COMPANY PROFILEERE HOMES– a partner you trust Backed by more than 10 years of valuable experience and a strong reputation, ERE HOMES is one of the UAE’s leading real estate companiesAs you read this, someone not too far from you is investing his entire life savings in a neat diagram on tracing paper. While in another city, someone else is moving into her new home, in a neighbourhood she barely knows, hoping it all works out. Elsewhere, a property owner has just decided to put his apartment up for rent, hoping that his tenants take good care of it. Buying or renting property usually calls on us to take a leap of faith. ese decisions, some of our biggest, are based purely on promises, reputations and more o en than not, trust. at’s why it’s so important to have an ally who puts your interests rst, a partner who is as solid and unshakable as the foundation your property rests on. A TRUSTED PARTNER For thousands of people across the UAE, ERE HOMES is that partner. A decade has passed since the company opened its doors for business, and in that time it has proven to clients, time and again, that risk can be managed and reward maximised. e company has helped them make the correct decisions at the right moment, showed them how to invest wisely in good times and guided them safely through challenging periods. e rm’s real estate consultants bring a high level of knowledge and expertise to their chosen eld. No matter what side of the table the clients are on, ERE HOMES helps them get the best possible value — buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, all of whom vouch for the professionalism and dedication that the company brings to every transaction. It also re ects in ERE HOMES’ client list. Today, blue-chip names such as Apple, Nike, IBM, Nokia, Samsung, Emirates, Shell, Jumeirah Group, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson | 80069373

COMPANY PROFILE | 9and Microso trust ERE HOMES to manage their ERE HOMES’ conveyancing, short-term lets, nancing, relocationproperty transactions. For them, the company goes range of services and currency exchange: if there’s any service that afar beyond just brokering real estate deals; it o ers is well matched by customer needs to facilitate their property deal, EREadvice to new employees on relocation and conducts its ability to set HOMES already o ers it. e company’s range ofresearch on projects that the blue chip company is the benchmark for services is matched by its ability to set the benchmarklooking to invest into. quality. It has a 100 for quality, with a 100 per cent success rate on per cent success rate transfers. ERE HOMES also has the privilege of ERE HOMES also makes sure that its listed properties on transfers. becoming Dubai’s rst escrow regulated agency. eseget the attention they deserve, through extensive ERE HOMES also has factors have rmly cemented its position as a nameadvertising in both traditional and new media. If you’re the privilege of being that consumers and regulatory bodies trust.selling or leasing through ERE HOMES, you can rest Dubai’s first escrowassured that the price you get is the best there is. e regulated agency. e company also has a strong digital presence. Its These and other website,, attracts thousands of rm’s marketing e orts bring your home to the notice firsts have firmly potential customers every month. With more thanof the right people at the right time, and present it in a cemented its position 5,000 choice properties on o er between ERE Homes’manner that makes it di cult to resist. as a name that both Dubai and London o ces, 360-degree virtual tours ofCOMPREHENSIVE SERVICES consumers and properties, 24x7 service and live interactive chat, the regulatory whole process of transacting in real estate is made a e list of on-ground services the rm o ers is as bodies trust. lot easier. ese steps have helped ERE HOMES staycomprehensive as the market requires. Sales and ahead of the competition, ensuring that it continues toleasing of both commercial and residential properties, o er only the best service to its clients. umanagement of buildings, portfolios and single units, | 80069373

COMMUNITY PROFILE | 11THE GREENS AND VIEWSThe Greens and Views o er a relaxed family living experience with the bene t of being just a short distance awayfrom Dubai’s key business and residential hubs. Master developer Emaar has brought together convenience,comfort, a ordability and lavish living in these exclusive apartment communities, making them ideal destinationsfor residents and investorsWith business nerve centres, leisure attractions, retail centres and educational institutions in the vicinity, The Greensand Views are amongst the most sought-after residential developments in Dubai.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESSerene and elegantActive and purposeful Duplexes ApartmentsA ordableFamily friendly BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESAbundant greeneryTranquil waterways Studio to 4 bedrooms 460-3,800 sq ftShopping areas, supermarketsRestaurants and cafes TO BUY TO RENTMini sports courts, gymPlay areas, schools AED750k-7m AED65k-350k24-hour security OPINION “We love waking up to the beautiful date trees and the nicely manicured garden that my balcony faces.We have little fountains and see the beautiful lake and walking trails that are a few steps from our back door.” Roxandra.S, Golf Towers residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

12 | FOR SALETHE VIEWS - PANORAMA The Views – Mosela Waterside ResidencesAED3,300,000 AED1,500,000 REF # ER-S-70403 BEDROOMS REF # ER-S-7378 1 BEDROOM is bright three-bedroom Panorama apartment of 2,247 is fantastic Mosela Towers single-bedroom apartment plussq , with a great layout facing e Lake and e Greens, is additional room/study, comes with a great layout, covering 827located in a tranquil location at the heart of the best voted sq and overlooking the gardens and desert. Being a part of thecommunity in Dubai. e Greens exudes an elegant yet vibrant Greens community, the unit enjoys many amenities incomfortable lifestyle for all. the surroundings. • 3 bedrooms with study and maid’s room • 1 large master bedroom with additional light • 1 bedroom with an en-suite bathroom • Spacious fully-equipped kitchen with installed branded • Natural light throughout • Large living room and spacious fully kitchen white goods • Large living room and large balcony equipped kitchen • Large windows • Huge private terrace • Steakhouse and restaurants in close proximityTHE VIEWS - LINKS REF # ER-S-7173 THE VIEWS – TANARO REF # ER-S-4697 2-bedroomAED1,650,000 AED2,100,000 apartment with stunning golf1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS course, lake and sunset views is unique apartment in e Links is in a tranquil area located is apartment in Tanaro is located in a tranquil setting and is ain the heart of e Greens and Views. is one-bedroom unit unique two-bedroom property covering 1,444 sq , overlookingcovers 882 sq and looks onto the stunning canal between the Golf Course, Skyline Marina, lake and community. ethe Greens and the Views. e Links o er a refreshing lifestyle community also o ers exclusive and numerous amenities tochoice for people living here. the residents. • 1 large, master bedroom with additional light • 2 bedrooms with en-suite bathroom • Spacious fully-equipped kitchen • Spacious fully-equipped kitchen with installed branded • Large living room • 1 large balcony kitchen white goods • Sunset and lake views • Large living room with large windows • 1 large | 80069373 • Sunset, golf course and lake views

FOR RENT | 13 THE VIEWS - PANORAMA AED215,000 REF # ER-R-11493 3 BEDROOMS is large, beautifully nished, brand new three-bedroom plus maid’s room duplex apartment is located in the Panorama building. is property presents a partial golf course view and has a large terrace that leads onto a walkway to the pool area. is Large property has a plenity of light throughout 3-bedroom the apartment with its light decor and oor duplex, ready to to ceiling windows. Being located in e view, in Panorama, Views, this apartment has ample services The Views in the surrounding area, including shops, restaurants and salons as well as easy access to Sheikh Zayed Road. • 3 bedrooms; master bedroom with en- suite bathroom • Open plan kitchen, equipped with a breakfast bar • Oversized bright and spacious living and dining area and large terrace • Built-in wardrobes • Full use of the in nity community pools and gymnasiumTHE GREENS – AL THAYYAL REF # ER-R-12795 THE VIEWS – GOLF VILLAS REF # ER-R-12474AED95,000 AED290,0001BEDROOM 4 BEDROOMS is single-bedroom apartment in the Fairways Tower o ers a is one-of-a-kind Canal Villa property in Golf Tower comesstunning full golf course view in all the rooms and has plenty with a large living area, four bedrooms and four bathrooms,of light throughout the apartment. e apartment connects to promising pure luxury and views of the Canal. Being part of theample services around, with easy access to Sheikh Zayed Road. vibrant Views community, Golf Villa o ers access to a host of services around. • Golf course view • Floor to ceiling windows • 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms • Master bedroom with en- suite bathroom • Living area around 2,138 sq , with 3 balconies • Fully tted kitchen • Terrace is 140 sq • Large balcony • Canal view • Furnished/unfurnished | 80069373

COMMUNITY PROFILE | 15DUBAI MARINA & JBRThe Dubai Marina and Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR) areas provide residents with a sophisticated, urban livingexperience. These waterfront communities o er an extraordinary variety of high-rise towers, some exceeding400-meters in height. Dubai Marina from Emaar comprises ten districts each developed as a distinct community.Dubai Marina Walk, which lines the waterfront, has a selection of cosmopolitan restaurants. In addition to someof the most luxurious real estate o erings, the bustling JBR community houses The Walk, an incredible retail andleisure destination and The Beach, an open air shopping mall of shops, restaurants, cafes, gyms and a cinema. JBR’sexclusive properties also o er exotic views of unhindered waterfront surroundings and the calming sea.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESExuberant, vibrant and uniqueInvigorating community Duplexes Villas ApartmentsArabian/Mediterranean architectureNightlife venues BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESWaterside promenadeBeach and leisure zones Studio to 6 bedrooms 350 - 7,000 sq ftYacht clubFive-star hotels TO BUY TO RENTRetail outlets, supermarketsRestaurants and cafes AED550k - 20m AED75k - 500kChildren’s play area OPINION“We nd new and interesting places within the community almost every day — from small chic cafes to buzzing nightlife full of energy, we love living here.” Stuart.W, Marina Promenade residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

16 | FOR SALEDUBAI MARINA – BAY CENTRAL JBR - RIMAL REF # ER-S-7175AED2,100,000 REF # ER-S-6590 AED2,600,0002 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS- is spacious two bedroom apartment in Bay Central Tower is sophisticated apartment is located in Rimal, along the waterfront in popular Jumeirah Beach Residence. is three- is well renowned as one of the most popular developments bedroom apartment covers 1,940 sq and faces the stunning in Dubai Marina, gaining almost 100 per cent occupancy Marina Canal. It enjoys access to the public beach, beach walk, since release. It is conveniently located with a variety of local restaurants and shops. attractions around within walking distance. • Upgraded and very well maintained 3 bedrooms • Open plan living • Large living room and fully-equipped kitchen • Fully- tted kitchen with breakfast bar • Maid’s room with separate bathroom • Master bedroom with ample storage • Pleasant Marina and pool views • Modern en-suite bathroom and dressing area • All popular attractions in close proximity • Access to state-of-the-art gym and large swimming poolJBR – RIMAL 5 REF # ER-S-7167 DUBAI MARINA – MARINA 23 REF # ER-S-7337AED4,300,000 AED2,200,0004 BEDROOMS 2 BEDROOMS is spectacular, full sea view o ering four-bedroom apartment, Splendid 2-located in Rimal 5, is extremely spacious, covering 2,583 sq . JBR bedroom at, inWalk, Dubai Marina Walk, Dubai Yacht Club and Dubai Marina 23 Marina, with aMall are all within walking distance from the property. high quality nish and nice layout • Located on a low oor with sea views that can be enjoyed from every room is stunning, two-bedroom apartment in 23 Marina bene ts from a large living space, and covers 1,616 sq , with a nice layout • Large open plan living and dining area with spacious balcony and high-quality nishes. 23 Marina stands out for its location • Modern kitchen with utility area, built in appliances and giving most of the units in the building fantastic sea views breakfast bar • 2 bedrooms • Large master bedroom with en suite bathroom and spacious • Large living space • Maid’s room dressing area room, separate maid’s bathroom • Balcony • View of Dubai | 80069373

FOR RENT | 17DUBAI MARINA – AL MAJARA 1 DUBAI MARINA - FAIRFIELDAED180,000 REF # ER-R-2500 AED125,000 REF # ER-R-121852 BEDROOMS 1BEDROOM Furnished 2- This huge, fully furnished single-bedroom luxury apartmentbedroom at in is located at the Fairfield Towers in Park Island complex. TheAl Majara with a flat has European interior design, along with plenty of greatstriking Marina additions that make this the most desirable single bedroom apartment in the complex. view is striking two-bedroom apartment is located in Al Majara, • Spacious open plan living room with access to a an Emaar development, on a very high oor, o ering impressive large balcony views of Dubai Marina. e apartment provides beautiful sea views, be it from the grand salon, kitchen, bedrooms, or from the • Fully-equipped kitchen with modern white goods living room. e kitchen is fully integrated with all the modern • Bedroom with en-suite bathroom conveniences. e master bedroom has a large double en-suite • Access to swimming pools and the fully equipped with twin sinks, a large walk-in wardrobe and oor to ceiling window panes, allowing lots of light to ow in. is furnished gymnasium, two squash courts, mini theater, SPA unit makes a perfect family home. and library • 2 bedrooms with amazing Marina views • Well connected to Tram and Metro stations • Bright and airy bedroom • Fully-integrated kitchen • Furnished apartment DUBAI MARINA – EMERALD RESIDENCE AED190,000 REF # ER-R-12834 3BEDROOMS is exclusive large three-bedroom duplex apartment is located in Dubai Marina, one of the most preferred locations in Dubai. is property comes beautifully furnished, with modern contemporary furniture that complements the entire apartment. • Full Marina view • Duplex with 4 large balconies • 3 large bedrooms plus maid’s room and study room • Fully furnished • Metro and Tram stations, easily accessible | 80069373

COMMUNITY PROFILE | 19DOWNTOWN DUBAIAND BUSINESS BAYDescribed as ’The Centre of Now,’ Downtown Dubai is a thriving city hub with a unique mix of aestheticallydesigned residential towers and commercial precincts. This premium location is home to Burj Khalifa, the world’stallest building, Dubai Mall, the world’s largest shopping mall, Dubai Fountain, the world’s largest choreographedfountain system, the Opera District and a host of hotels, including the iconic Armani Hotel. Business Bay, theEmirate’s leading commercial, residential and business cluster, is also close to Downtown Dubai. Covering an area of64 million sq ft, this development by Dubai Properties, has o ce and residential towers set in landscaped gardens,with a network of roads, pathways and canals.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESUrban, trendy and dynamicWorld-class location Duplexes ApartmentsRemarkable buildingsExcellent city views BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESEvent and entertainment zones Studio to 5 bedrooms 515 - 77,00 sq ftLuxury hotelsRetail outlets TO BUY TO RENTRestaurants and cafesCentral location AED600k - 28m AED70k - 1mPedestrian friendlyMetro facility OPINION“ is is such a cosmopolitan community. e apartments here are unique, and there is so much variety to chose from. No matter what activity we want to do, there is something here to suit our needs night or day.” Pallavi.T, Southridge residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

20 | FOR SALE OLD TOWN – YANSOON 1 AED6,200,000 REF # ER-S-7310 3 BEDROOMS 3-bedroom is unique three-bedroom, plus maid’s at with the room and study, apartment located in best layout in Yansoon, a tranquil setting in the heart of Yansoon, Old Old Town, covers 3,884 sq and looks onto Mohammed Bin Rashed Boulevard and Town Burj Khalifa. e amenities are world-class with high-quality nishes, high ceilings, and modern kitchen and bathroom ttings. Old Town draws its unique style and atmosphere from traditional Arab architecture. Vida Hotel, Souk Al Bahar, Al Manzil and Mohammed Bin Rasheed Boulevard are all about a two -minute walk away, o ering retails centers and bustling cafes. • 3 bedrooms with en-suite plus study and maid’s room • Large and spacious living and dining area • Fully- tted kitchen with branded kitchen white goods installed • Fitted with extra storage • 2-minute walk from Al Manzil and Souk Al BaharDOWNTOWN– BURJ KHALIFA DOWNTOWN- THE RESIDENCES 4AED6,579,200 REF # ER-S-5789 AED9,500,000 REF # ER-S-63162 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS is truly stunning two-bedroom apartment, situated in the Burj is is one of the best three-bedroom, plus maid’s room,Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, is spread across 2,056 sq . apartments in Downtown Dubai’s most established community, e added attractions to the apartment are views across the sea e Residences. e apartment o ers a spacious living area withand DIFC. balconies, large bedrooms, and more importantly, stunning views of the Fountains and Burj Khalifa. • Floor to ceiling panoramic windows • Recessed lighting • Large balconies with panoramic views • Smart Home system • Full- tted kitchen with branded white goods • DIFC and sea view • Floor to ceiling windows in living and dining room • Bedrooms en-suite, with whirlpool bath and walk-in shower • Swimming pool, private gym and 2 parking | 80069373

DOWNTOWN – 48 BURJGATE DIFC – INDEX TOWERS FOR RENT | 21AED165,000 AED120,000 REF # ER-R-125672 BEDROOMS REF # ER-R-12281 1BEDROOM is brand new two-bedroom in BurJ Gate Tower is is rarely available, immaculate condition single-bedroomsituated in close proximity to Burj Khalifa, the world’s apartment in Index Tower, located in DIFC Dubai, coverstallest building. Being centrally located on Emaar 1,050 sq and faces the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa,Boulevard and with easy access to Dubai Mall Metro, It also has easy access to Dubai Mall, schools, local shops andresidents can enjoy varied aspects of Downtown living. exclusive restaurants. • Two double-bedroom apartment with en-suite • Master bedroom with en-suite bathroom • Fully- tted kitchen • Fully-quipped kitchen with branded kitchen white • Stunning full Burj Khalifa and Fountain views • Walking distance to the Metro and Dubai Mall goods installed • Local restaurants and shops in close proximity • Large open planned living room and dining room • Local shops and DIFC Metro station in close proximity • 24-hour conciergeOLD TOWN – YANSOON 1 REF # ER-R-12439 DOWNTOWN – BURJ KHALIFA REF # ER-R-10464AED250,000 AED270,0003 BEDROOMS 2 BEDROOMS is very exclusive three-bedroom apartment is located in the Largemost sought-a er quarter of Old Town - Yansoon. e apartment 2 -bed, columnhas the biggest living area in the complex, the total space is free, barely lived-in2,150 sq and features a rare addition of a maid’s room and a apartment with fullstudy room. Fountain view • 3 bedrooms with en-suite bathroom plus maid’s room is fantastic two-bedroom apartment is located in the Burj and study Khalifa, and covers almost 1,800 sq and is one of the rarest properties, which does not feature a structural column. It features • Huge living and dining area along with a balcony two good-sized bedrooms with en-suites bathrooms and an open • Fully- tted kitchen plan living/dining area. • Shared swimming pool • 2 allocated parking spaces • Huge open plan living/ dining area • Column-free • 2 large bedrooms with en-suite • Branded washing machine and tumble dryer provided | 80069373

COMMUNITY PROFILE | 23DUBAILANDDubailand is the sporting and entertainment hub of Dubai, with key attractions such as motor racing, culturalactivities, international sporting events and shopping and leisure facilities. It’s also home to some of the mostexclusive and beautiful residential areas in the city, including Arabian Ranches, a truly integrated community with4,000 exclusive villas, and gol ng and equestrian facilities. Jumeirah Golf Estates comprises villas set amidst a trulybreathtaking landscape within a secure gated community. The Victory Heights development in Dubai Sports City isyet another exclusive residential address with villas, townhouses and the Els Club and Golf Course. Motor City has avariety of residential spaces, including townhouses and apartments, perfect for families and individuals.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESModern and urbanGreen and eco-friendly Duplexes Villas Townhouses ApartmentsMulti-faceted districtExcellent tourist hub BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESMotor racing actionEntertainment complex Studio to 7 bedrooms 450 - 16,400 sq ftSporting events venueRestaurants and cafes TO BUY TO RENTSports facilitiesShopping and leisure zones AED450k-20m AED40k-750kClose to Global Village OPINION“ e community managers understand the needs of the residents, by organising movie nights and community parties to help us get to know each other; we enjoy living here tremendously.” Emma.M, Arabian Ranches residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

24 | FOR SALE Stunning B1 VICTORY HEIGHTS - villa in Victory MORELLAHeights with private pool and golf course views AED7,400,000 REF # ER-S-6645 5 BEDROOMS is unique ve-bedroomed villa covers 5,176 sq of built-up area on a stunning plot of 9,800 sq , overlooking the stunning Ernie Els golf course. is villa is sophistication and tranquility at its nest. Morella village is a brand new community positioned around the Ernie Els golf course, situated in the beautiful surroundings of Victory Heights. Comprising seven individual communities, all having access to onsite schools, local shops and classic yet cultured restaurants, Victory Heights exudes an elegant yet comfortable lifestyle for all. • 5 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and maid’s room • Large living areas and large balconies • Spacious fully-equipped kitchen with branded kitchen white goods installed • Private heat controlled swimming pool • Club house in the vicinityARABIAN RANCHES – ALMA ARABIAN RANCHES – PALMERA 3AED3,000,000 REF # ER-S-7327 AED2,400,000 REF # ER-S-71933 BEDROOMS 2 BEDROOMS is three-bedroom plus study townhouse in Alma 1 is spread is unique Palmera C type villa in the Arabian Ranches hasover a built-up area of 2,540 sq . is townhouse is located an extended built-up area of 2,000 sq . Being an Emaar builtat the very heart of the Arabian Ranches. Alma occupies an community, Palmera villas have exceptional nishes, includingenvious position, as the golf club and community center are a few ceramic tiles throughout and decorative color palettes.minutes away. • Two double bedrooms both with en-suite bathrooms and • 3 bedrooms plus study tted wardrobes • Spacious living/dining room boasts bamboo ooring • Open plan kitchen with sliding door allowing more privacy • Open plan kitchen and living area • Landscaped area • Private access to green areas • Sheltered parking for 2 cars • Extended to 2,000 sq • Sheltered parking for 2 large | 80069373

FOR SALE | 25JUMEIRAH GOLF ESTATES – SIENNA LAKES JUMEIRAH GOLF ESTATES – FLAME TREE RIDGEAED9,800,000 REF # ER-S-6995 REF # ER-S-7028 AED7,700,0005 BEDROOMS 5 BEDROOMS is amazing six-bedroom villa in the Jumeirah Golf is beautiful ve-bedroom Turnberry family villa is inEstates, one of Dubai’s prestigious developments, sits on the prestigious ame tree ridge with lake and Earth Course8,000 sq plot, with a built-up area of 7,536 sq . e villa views. Flame Tree Ridge is a distinctive community o eringhas a multi-purpose room in the basement, and also has a commanding views over Greg Norman’s Fire and Earth coursesprivate pool and landscaped gardens. at Jumeirah golf Estates • Spacious living and en-suite bathrooms • 5 bed Flame tree ridge villa with BUA – 5633 • Miele kitchen appliances • All en-suite bedrooms and Private pool • Designer ooring and designer cupboards • Golf course views and Lake views • Private pool and landscaped garden • Golf cart included • Double garage with automatic doors • Walking distance to Club HouseJUMEIRAH GOLF ESTATES VICTORY HEIGHTS - ESMERALDA– FLAME TREE RIDGE AED5,000,000 REF # ER-S-7129AED8,900,000 REF # ER-S-7015 5 BEDROOMS5 BEDROOMS Beautifully upgraded and extended C3 villa in Victory Heights is ve-bedroom Inverness style villa comes with a generous is ve-bedroom Victory Heights C3 villa o ers the livingplot size of 10,233 sq and built-up area of 6,002 sq . Every space of a C2 with a built-up area of 3,500 sq . Immerseroom in the villa o ers panoramic views of either the Earth or yourself in luxury family living within Victory Heights, a familyFire golf course. friendly community within and around the stunning Ernie Els golf course. • Unique views of the 18th hole of both Fire and Earth courses • Extended 5 bedrooms with a maid’s room • Large living and family areas along with oor to • Huge sitting room and separate dining room • Spacious kitchen with a large breakfast room ceiling windows • Private pool • Spacious fully-equipped kitchen • Golf cart included • Landscaped gardens and beautiful park views • Beautifully landscaped 6,500 sq plot | 80069373

26 | FOR RENT ARABIAN RANCHES – PALMERA Type B 2-bedroom villa AED200,000 REF # ER-R-12917 with pool, in 2 BEDROOMS Palmera is beautiful type B villa is set on the exclusive Palmera community, with the added advantage of its own private pool. Set over 2,219 sq , this ideal family home has an attractive lounge with a covered terrace, separate dining area, a well- tted kitchen, guest cloaks/wc, laundry room with large under stairs cupboard, the main bedroom has a small dressing area, large en-suite bathroom, and a covered balcony with views across parkland. However, the exterior of this property, with its delightful garden with an astroturf, makes it stand out from the crowd. • Villa with 2 bedrooms plus study • Attractive lounge with covered veranda and a separate dining room • Kitchen with range cooker • Main bedroom with en-suite bathroom and covered terrace • Private pool with heater/chiller unit and a landscaped garden on a desert parklandVICTORY HEIGHTS - ESMERALDA ARABIAN RANCHES - CASAAED370,000 REF # ER-R-12048 AED240,000 REF # ER-R-120045 BEDROOMS 4 BEDROOMS is immaculate type B, ve-bedroom villa in Victory Heights is four-bedroom, type 6 villa in Casa Arabian Ranches, has acomes with a garden that has been fully landscaped to a very built up-area of 3,338 sq and stands on a large corner plot. Casahigh standard with fantastic views of the Ernie Els Golf Course. in Emaar’s Arabian Ranches 2 o ers 6 types of large independentVictory Heights exudes an elegant yet comfortable lifestyle villas giving the tenant a sense of privacy and security.for all the residents. • Large 4 bedrooms, with en suite, family villa on • Large plot with 5 bedrooms and en-suite bathrooms a private plot • Large open plan living/dining room • Spacious fully-equipped kitchen with branded kitchen white • Open living/dining area • Open kitchen goods installed • Garage with a space for two cars • Landscaped garden • Community centre now open with Carluccio’s restaurant, • SONOS intelligent home sound system Starbucks, pharmacy and Virgin | 80069373

COMMSUANLIETSYLPISRTOINFIGLSE | 27THE SPRINGS AND MEADOWSThe Springs and Meadows are very popular locations among expats for their a ordable luxury housing,comprising villas and townhouses in tranquil settings. Situated near The Lakes and Emirates Hills, the Springsand Meadows are well-established communities, with facilities including good schools, hospitals and banksand immediate access to Dubai’s Sheikh Zayed Road. Conveniently located near Dubai Marina, Dubai InternetCity, Dubai Media City and Knowledge Village, The Springs is an ideal place for families and professionals withits comfortable and luxurious townhouses. The Meadows, a fully established residential community, comprisesseveral clusters of villas set in distinct precincts.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESSerene and practicalScenic and verdant Villas TownhousesCommunity livingSpectacular views BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESBanks, supermarketsCafes and restaurants 2-6 bedrooms 1,600 - 6,000 sq ftPool, park, play areasCommunity centers TO BUY TO RENTShopping arcadesNurseries, schools AED1.8m - 15m AED135k - 550k24/7 security OPINION“ e various communities inside the Meadows are well maintained and provide a comfortable and peaceful place in which to live in. We like the excellent tra c links and lushness of the community.” Mehdi.N, Meadows residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

28 | FOR SALEMEADOWS – MEADOWS 2 MEADOWS – MEADOWS 4 REF # ER-S-6719AED7,600,000 REF # ER-S-6289 AED8,700,0005 BEDROOMS 5 BEDROOMS is is one of a kind type 8 villa on a 10,500 sq plot located is is a fully upgraded Meadows type 8 villa, on a large cornerin e Meadows. e villa has bene ts such as a huge plot with a private pool. e property has been enhanced to agarden with stunning skyline views. Tranquil and verdant, high standard and has a highly desirable location. e Meadows community o ers an extensive range of lifestyle amenities. e Meadows community features tree-lined streets andspacious, distinctive villas. • Corner plot villa • Manicured huge corner plot garden with private pool • Huge plot size • Large master room with walk through wardrobe, en-suite • Large living and dining room • Huge garden with stunning skyline views bathroom and terrace • Large master bedroom with walk through wardrobe, • Upgraded family kitchen • Main guest bedroom with walk-through wardrobe and en-suite bathroom and terrace with a garden view • Property free from nance en- suite bathroomSPRINGS – SPRINGS 8 REF # ER-S-6738 SPRINGS – SPRINGS 1 REF # ER-S-7326AED2,500,000 AED3,100,0003 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS is ideal upgraded villa in Springs is a type 3, three-bedroom, Upgraded andthree-bathroom plus study property. e front door downstairs well maintainedhas been brought forward to make the property more spacious. type 3E villa inSet around picturesque lakes, e Springs is a sought-a ercommunity in Dubai. Springs 1 is perfect villa in Springs is a type 3, three-bedroom, three- • Type 3E townhouse wth 3 bedrooms and study bathroom plus study property. Springs is an established gated • Large open plan living room, dining area and an community of townhouses set amidst scenic waterways and lush landscaping, making it an ideal residential choice for families. extended kitchen • Type 3E tproperty wth 3-bedrooms and sudy • Large master bedroom with ample wardrobe space, en-suite • Single row • Price negotiable and large balcony • Well maintained private garden • Well maintained private garden • Space created under the stairs for a maid’s | 80069373

SPRINGS – SPRINGS 4 FOR RENT | 29 AED195,000 REF # ER-R-12821 3 BEDROOMS Stunning six- is large type 2E, three-bedroom villa, with a built-up area bedroom villa in of 3,032 sq ,is located in Springs. e villa features an easily maintainable garden that overlooks a beautiful view of Springs, The Meadows with access to walk around the lake from the back. • 24-hour security • Master bedroom with en-suite and good-sized balcony overlooking the main lake view and fountain • Fitted wardrobes for each bedroom, and 2-car parking port • Swimming pool and barbecue areas • Convenient retail facilities SPRINGS – SPRINGS 15 REF # ER-R-9402 AED140,000 2 BEDROOMSMEADOWS HATTAN L2 REF # ER-S-7415AED12,500,0006 BEDROOMS is L2 style, six-bedroom Hattan villa bene ts from a double is excellent type 4E villa sits on a 1,777 sq space, set withinstory extension, with separate sta quarters. e large master the Springs. Bene ts include a lake view, with close proximity tosuite boasts a private terrace overlooking the lake, and an town/community centers, medical centers and restaurants, withimpressive walk-in wardrobe. An additional family living room easy access to all main routes, including Sheikh Zayed Road.upstairs breaks the rooms up perfectly at the center of the rst • Kitchen with tted wall and base units oor bedrooms. • Fitted wardrobes in all bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms • Sprawling mature 13,000 sq plot with a full lake view in both bedrooms against the backdrop of the city’s skyline • Private garden • Family room and dining room • Facing a free park and swimming pool • Large family kitchen • Separate laundry area • Extended courtyard for the internal breakfast room • Double parking enclosed garage, big driveway | 80069373 • Double oor extension, which houses external self contained sta quarters

COMMUNITY PROFILE | 31THE LAKESThe Lakes o er residents a serene lifestyle within beautiful surroundings, perfectly matching the needs ofthose who want to unwind among tranquil and verdant surroundings away from the city. Ideal for families andprofessionals, this exclusive gated community o ers everything a resident requires from spacious luxury homesand barbecue areas, to pools and an array of amenities. This fully established community is home to 800 villas in31 types, ranging in size from 2,100 to 7,500 sq ft. The community has six neighbourhoods: Deema, Forat, Maeen,Zulal, Ghadeer, and Hattan, and is located between two excellent golf courses — The Montgomerie at EmiratesHills and Emirates Golf Course.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESChic and ultramodernAesthetically exquisite Villas TownhousesLuxury livingGolf course views BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESLakes and greeneryManicured gardens 2-6 bedrooms 2,100-7,300 sq ftRecreation facilitiesSports courts TO BUY TO RENTRestaurants and cafesParks, playgrounds AED2.8m-25m AED190k-650kHealth club and Supermarket OPINION“ e Lakes community is vibrant, friendly and most importantly, safe. Our children are always playing outdoors, the pools are clean, and the lifeguards and security are always friendly.” Oriana.V. Zulal, residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

32 | FOR SALE LAKES – HATTAN 2 REF # ER-S-3907 LAKES – MAEEN 4 REF # ER-S-3489 AED21,000,000 AED3,450,000 5 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS is large plot type C villa on a peaceful, quiet road. is upgraded fully independent L1 Villa in Hattan, with golfLocated in e Lakes area, this villa has been recently course and lake views o ers, is spread over 7,000 sq of livingrenovated and o ers space and tranquility. e Lakes is an space, with ve bedrooms and a private pool. is boutiquea uent area, which is stylish and self-contained, and a sub development o ers a luxury style of living with fantastic views.section of Emirates Living. • Upgraded type L1 5-bedroom unit • ree spacious bedrooms, plus study and maid’s room • 7,000 sq of living space • End unit • Amazing golf course view • En-suite and dressing room with master bedroom • Private pool • Private garage • Close to the prestigious Montgomery and Emirates • Close to the prestigious Montgomery and Emirates golf clubs golf clubsLAKES – ZULAL 2 REF # ER-S-5353 LAKES – ZULAL 1 REF # ER-S-6480AED3,600,000 AED 3,700,0003 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS is type C villa is on a quiet road, located in the Lakes area. UpgradedIt has been recently renovated and o ers more space with type C villa withan extended lounge and maid’s quarters. is peaceful yet potential rentalcharming area is truly one of the most desirable locations to yield of 6.15% inlive in Dubai. The Lakes • End unit is upgraded type C villa on a peaceful, quiet road in e Lakes • ree spacious bedrooms, study and maid’s room area, o ers space and tranquility. e Lakes is an a uent area, • En-suite and dressing room with master bedroom which is stylish and self-contained, with easy access to Sheikh • Private garage Zayed Road and Al Khail Road. • Easy access to Montgomery and Emirates golf clubs and • Potential rental yield of 6.15 per cent • 3 spacious bedrooms, study and maid’s room main roads like Sheikh Zayed Road and Al Khail Road • En-suite and dressing room in master bedroom • Private | 80069373 • End unit

FOR SALE | 33 Spacious LAKES – MAEEN 3 type C, mid-unit villa in The Lakes AED3,400,000 REF # ER-S-3557 with proximity to the 3 BEDROOMS Montgomery Golf Club is spacious type C, mid-unit villa, located in e Lakes area, o ers vast amounts of space, with access to e Lakes Club, supermarket and tness center with both indoor and outdoor activities, along with proximity to Montgomery and Emirates golf clubs. e Lakes is an a uent area which is stylish and self-contained. is peaceful yet charming area is truly one of the most desirable locations to live in Dubai. Tranquil and scenic with waterways, parks and landscaped greenery, e Lakes community sets the tone for family living in Dubai. • Mid unit villa spread over 2,551 sq with two terraces • 3 bedrooms with a study and maid’s room • En-suite bathroom and dressing room, with master bedroom • Laundry and utility rooms • GarageLAKES – DEEMA 1 REF # ER-S-5968 LAKES – MAEEN 1 REF # ER-S-5603AED5,500,000 AED5,000,0004 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMSThis spacious type 4 villa is set on Deema, in the Lakes area. This spacious type 18 villa is located in Maeen, The Lakes.It comprises four bedrooms, study and maid’s accommodation. It has four bedrooms, a study and maid’s accommodation.This peaceful yet charming area is truly one of the most The Lakes is a boutique development that offers a luxuriousdesirable locations to live in Dubai. style of living that makes it the most desirable location to live in Dubai. • Extensively upgraded • Type 4, 4-bedroom villa • Extensively upgraded • Study and maid’s room • Close to the park and pool • Built-up area of 3,702 sq ft • 3 bedrooms • Close to the park and pool • Study and maid’s room • Two en-suite bathrooms • Two en-suites • Spacious ground floor accommodation • Spacious ground floor accommodation | 80069373

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COMMUNITY PROFILE | 35PALM JUMEIRAHPalm Jumeirah is a luxury waterfront community that provides stunning views of the sea and Dubai’s skyline. Thedevelopment boasts world-class amenities, themed boutique hotels and scenic sea views, making it the ultimateretreat for living, relaxation and leisure. Shaped like a palm tree, this world-famous manmade island o ers propertyoptions in three separates areas: a trunk, a crown made up of 17 fronds and a surrounding crescent, with threetypes of property options — Apartments, Signature villas, Garden homes and Canal Cove Town homes. MasterDeveloper Al Nakheel Properties’ one-of-a-kind residential and tourism destination o ers residents one of the mostexclusive addresses in the world.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESOpulent and elegantAttractive and exclusive Duplexes Villas Townhouses ApartmentsSea and beach viewsLeading hotels and resorts BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESWater theme parksRestaurants and cafes Studio to 6 bedrooms 550 - 7,000 sq ftRetail outletsSports facilities and spas TO BUY TO RENTMonorail/ Metro facilityExcellent amenities AED1.2m - 35m AED80k - 1.1m24/7 security OPINION“Living on the Palm just feels like one big holiday; we have the beach, stunning pools and numerous hotels and pool side restaurants to chose from. I can only describe it as a holiday resort lifestyle.” Julios.S, Oceana Resident q u^ f SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIESTRANSPORT LINKS | 80069373

36 | FOR SALEPALM JUMEIRAH – SIGNATURE VILLAS PALM JUMEIRAH – PALMA RESIDENCESFROND D AED10,950,000 REF # ER-S-6744AED34,000,000 REF # ER-S-6953 5 BEDROOMS6 BEDROOMS is beautiful and immaculately kept six-bedroom is stunning ve-bedroom townhouse in Palma Residences hassignature villa, with a central courtyard, is close to the tip 4,500 sq of living space and the only ve car parking spaceof the frond. With stunning views directly over the water, private parking around. e garden has a paved dining/BBQ arealounge access directly to the pool and grand entrance with its own fenced private beach.foyers, this villa is truly a relaxing home. • 5-bed room townhouse with a built-up area of 4,500 sq • Master bedroom has a large wrap around • One of the few corner townhouses terrace area • 5 bedrooms all en-suite • Private beach and garden • Central courtyard • 600 sq roof terrace with a pergola • 6 en-suite bedrooms • Amazing views of the sea and Dubai’s skyline • Wide spaced dining and living area • Well-lit lounge and dining rooms • Private pool and private beach accessPALM JUMEIRAH - OCEANA PALM JUMIERAH – SHORELINE APARTMENTSAED4,450,000 REF # ER-S-6087 AED2,650,000 REF # ER-S-71342 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS is huge two-bedroom apartment, with a stunning view of Immaculatethe Atlantis, is at Oceana, a beachfront luxury resort located condition, typeon e Trunk of Palm Jumeirah. e property has been well A, 3-bedroom atmaintained, has a view overlooking the sea, and a oor areatotaling 1,658 sq . in Shoreline is immaculately kept type A Shoreline apartment o ers 2,184 • 2 bedrooms with a study • Spacious living with built-in kitchen appliances sq of living space. e property has a huge living/dining • Beautiful views of the sea and Atlantis room, ooded with light, master bedroom with full en-suite • Direct access to the private beach and a balcony with stunning views of the sea. • 1 allocated parking space (Extra parking is available for rent) • 3 bedrooms with a built-up area of 2,184 | 80069373 • Kitchen with breakfast bar • Views of the sea and Burj al Arab • En-suite master bedroom with walk-in wardrobe

FOR RENT | 37 Upgraded four- bedroom, atriumentry, fully furnished villa at Palm Jumeirah PALM JUMEIRAH – GARDEN HOMES AED560,000 REF # ER-R-12544 4 BEDROOMS Located at Garden Homes, this very popular atrium entry villa comes fully furnished and has been nished to the highest standard. With a well-spaced internal oor plan, the property o ers 4 large bedrooms, each with an en-suite bathroom. ere is a private pool in the fully landscaped garden, which opens up to your own private beach. • Spacious living room, family area and brand new kitchen • New oating staircase • Bosch appliances • 4 en-suite bedrooms • Double garagePALM JUMEIRAH – AL KHUSHKAR PALM JUMEIRAH – TIARA SAPPHIREAED170,000 REF # ER-R-4111 AED225,000 REF # ER-R-116382 BEDROOMS 2 BEDROOMS is fully furnished two-bedroom villa, with a study and maid’s This two-bedroom plus den apartment, located in Tiararoom, is perfect for a couple or family looking to reside in one of Residences Palm Jumeirah, with a full Atlantis view, coversthe world’s most iconic locations. is property boasts beautiful 1,680 sq ft. The apartment was used only by a single ownerviews of the skyline at night of Dubai Marina, with access to a no more than two times per year, which gives the apartmentpool and private beach. a fresh yet cosy ambience. • Type F, 2,055 sq villa, with bedrooms, study • 2-bedroom plus den apartment spread over 1,680 sq and maid’s room • Den room is equipped as a third bedroom • Kitchen is fully equipped • Open plan kitchen with Bosch kitchen appliances • Big balcony with view of the marina and Atlantis • Two large balconies with dining area giving great views • Sparingly used unit that has a fresh and cosy ambience of the wonderful landscape and community | 80069373

38 | INTERIORSWyoiunrdwowortldo Though they are o en the nal elements to be added to a room, window treatments such asChoosing window treatments doesn’t have to be a chore or curtains, blinds, shades and other window-a major expense. ERE HOMES in-house interior design team so ening accents should always be consideredo er you tips and tricks to give your home a sophisticated edge before you start furnishing your home. Windowwithout breaking the bank treatments are not just practical elements in a room; when chosen well, they can create a dazzling statement to complement any home. e best way to go about selecting a window treatment is to arrive at a theme or style. Factor in the following: the purpose of the room, the colour and style of your furniture and the budget that you have to work with. For example, expensive blackout lined curtains are sometimes tted in living and dining rooms where the need for total darkness is not a requirement. In such a scenario, it’s advisable to avoid hanging heavy lined curtains where they are not needed, andinsteadusethesavingstopurchase ne,sheerRoman blinds to accentuate the curtains, or add a luxury nish to the windows. Design and the element of practicality are top priorities when selecting window treatments for a room. Here are some recommendations to help you use curtains, shades and accents to enhance your home: n For the living room: is season’s colour trends favour greys, blues and pastels. If your style is minimalist-driven, choose colours that contrast well with the wall coverings, and avoid patterns. If you have many colours in your existing furniture, pick out just the main colours and incorporate those into the curtains. If you have a plethora of colours in your room, stick to a neutral colour in a plain fabric; stay away from patterns. n Kitchens and bathrooms: As in most cases, these rooms are tiled so avoid curtains at all costs. Curtains will absorb the humidity in the room, or collect mould and generally do not work in these spaces. With so many bathrooms being white, it’s preferable to use colour to make a statement in this space. Use bright Roman blinds, accentuating them with matching accessories such as bath mats, towels and soap dishes. n For the bedroom: Bedrooms should be tranquil and relaxed. So keep it simple and follow this season’s earthy trends. Incorporate colours and fabrics using the bedroom’s style as a starting point. ere is no need for a dramatic statement in your bedroom. Finish with simple low-cost accessories such as pillows that complement the curtains, or a tted rug that adds warmth to a room. n For the children’s room: Keep it fun and practical when it comes to decorating children’s rooms. Opting for blackouts is recommended but you can add a heavy Roman blind if you prefer it. is allows di erent light options and also helps add a splash of colour. O en parents choose a themed curtain pattern based on a lm, cartoon, or other characters. is is not advised, as children grow up fast and tastes change quickly. If you are adamant though, choose a pastel coloured curtain and only use a theme for the blinds. is way, it will be cheaper to just change the blind, or simply remove it altogether when your child outgrows his or her fascination. For further advice on decorating your new home, or to arrange a free window dressing quote, speak to one of our friendly designers on 050 | 80069373

COMMUNITY PROFILE | 39AL BARARISpread across 14 million square feet area, Al Barari is a serene and luxurious villa community, perfect for thoselooking to live in exclusive and magni cent homes nestled amidst a verdant haven. Located on the edge ofDubailand, this place o ers a peaceful habitat with properties available in a range of styles such as Balinese,Mediterranean and Woodland. Developer Al Barari Development Company built this unrivalled botanic paradise,which consists of 300 villas surrounded by large open spaces, an in nity pool, beautiful water features, anoutdoor massage area and roof garden terraces, making it the most desirable living space in the Emirate.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESPicturesque and stylishOpulent and peaceful Villas PROPERTY SIZESMagni cent homesHigh quality and luxurious nishes BEDROOM OPTIONS 2,800-16,400 sq ftNature lover’s paradisePeaceful community 5-6 bedrooms TO RENTIncredible green and water viewsSpa and restaurants TO BUYPool, gym and tness centerNearby boutique hotel and theaters AED13m - 20m AED500k- 850k Opinion “We love living in Al Barari, it’s the one place in Dubai that we manage to feel at one with nature.e only way I can describe it is: a mini rain forest in the desert, with a backdrop of the city skyline at night. Ana.E, Al Barari residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

40 | FOR SALE AL BARARI – CAMELLIA Upgraded AED15,500,000 REF # ER-S-5693 Camellia, C type villa in 6 BEDROOMS Al Barari is one of a kind Camellia C type villa spread over a built-up area of 13,838 sq has been upgraded thoughout and backs onto Al Barari’s outstanding lush botanical gardens and owing waterways. is elegant home boasts manicured gardens, and private swimming and plunge pools. • 6 bedrooms all with en suite bathrooms • Formal living/ dining area and tted kitchen • Private pool • Roof top entertainment area • O ceAL BARARI – BROMELIA REF # ER-S-6400 AL BARARI – BROMELIA REF # ER-S-5714AED14,800,000 AED15,500,0006 BEDROOMS 6 BEDROOMS is six-bedroom Bromellia villa B2 type is set on a built-up is type B ve-bedroom villa is set in the Al Barari villaarea of 14,918 sq . e villa comes with landscaped irrigation community. e villa enjoys a built-up area of 14,918 sq , withsystem, swimming pool and outdoor cooking area, CCTV video a plot area of 14,747 sq . Surrounded by lush greenery, thesecameras, three covered car spaces and electric garage. magni cent homes are set in elegant neighborhoods that o er the utmost privacy. • 6-bedroom Bromellia type B2 villa with CCTV video cameras • B type villa with river view • 6 bedrooms and 2 basements • Large bedrooms with stunning attached dressing areas • Main kitchen plus service kitchen • Fully- tted kitchen • Pool • Open terrace/garden BBQ area • Maid’s room • Landscaped irrigation system and swimming | 80069373

FOR RENT | 41AL BARARI – AL BARARI VILLAS AL BARARI – AL BARARI VILLAS REF # ER-R-4273AED19,000,000 REF # ER-S-6228 AED500,0006 BEDROOMS 5 BEDROOMS is Al Barari B type villa with a plot extension of 18,500 is six-bedroom home is located in the ever popular Al Bararisq has a built-up area of 14918 sq . is unique villa is district. e property has an excellent feel and a total area ofa very private location and backs onto a stunning lake. e 12,800 sq . All surrounding landscaping make this villa anvilla bene ts from numerous upgrades. amazing location for a family. • Private location with beautiful lake in the vicinity • 5 bedrooms, study and maid’s room • Main kitchen plus service kitchen • Villa comes landscaped with an irrigation system • 6 bedrooms and 2 basements plus maid’s room • Balconies in every room • Numerous upgrades • Private swimming pool and outdoor BBQ area • Pool • Private gardenAL BARARI – DHALIA REF # ER-S-7275 AL BARARI - ACACIA REF # ER-R-12531 Type AAED13,500,000 AED830,000 upgraded 7- bedroom Acacia6 BEDROOMS 7 BEDROOMS villa in Al Barari is D type-Dhalia villa has six bedrooms plus maid’s room and is beautiful Al Barari Acacia, A type upgraded villa backs ontostudy with a built-up area of 12,800 sq . e villa comes with Al Barari’s outstanding lush botanical gardens. is elegant homea landscaped irrigation system, swimming pool and outdoor boasts manicured gardens, and private swimming and plungecooking area. ere are also CCTV video cameras, three covered pools. e villa comprises an enormous grand entrance oodedcar spaces, electric garage and a roof top garden. with natural light, a family kitchen, breakfast area, formal dining, family room, formal lounge, o ce, two en-suite bedrooms, and • 6 bedrooms with a study and maid’s room service kitchen/laundry areas. • Kitchen with built-in appliances • Central air-conditioning and heating • 7 bedrooms all with en suite bathrooms plus maid’s room • Balconies on every room • Formal living and dining area • Private garden, pool and jacuzzi • Fitted kitchen and breakfast area plus service kitchen • Roof top entertainment area | 80069373 4 454 9848Mortgages ARRANGED!no matter how big or small ERSONAL y y A D VISMENA MORTGAGE SERVICES WILL GUIDE YOU THE PTHROUGH THE PROCESS UNTIL YOU GET YOUR KEYS ORSy EXPERT ADVICE 3 Free first consultationy BEST MORTGAGES 3 We have access to exclusive mortgagesy HASSLE FREE 3 We can do all the paper work for youy EVERYDAY SERVICE 3 We will contact you everyday until you get the keys to your propertyMENA Mortgage Services - Concord Tower, Floor 6, Media City, Dubai, UAE POBox: 126732

COMMUNITY PROFILE | 43JUMEIRAH PARKJumeirah Park, one of Dubai’s prime locations, appeals to people who want a piece of paradise within urbansettings. Master developer Al Nakheel Properties has created a development that o ers an eco-friendly and modernenvironment for families, surrounded by green spaces and complemented by a host of integrated amenities.The community, which is spread over 350 hectares, provides stylish and spacious villas designed in threearchitectural themes: Legacy, Regional and Heritage. The designs are centred around a family’s needs, o eringresidents the exibility to customise spaces according to their requirement.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESPeaceful and privateGreen and beautiful VillasFamily orientedStyle and luxury BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESGarage and large backyardsRetail outlets, supermarket 3-5 bedrooms 3,000 - 4,600 sq ftRestaurantsCommunity center TO BUY TO RENTChildren’s facilitiesGym, parks, clubhouse AED3.6m - 6.5m AED210k - 350kJogging, walking and cycle trails OPINION“For a family villa community with immediate access to Sheikh Zayed Road, Jumeirah Park is perfect. We were attracted by the large plots, great amenities and the convenience of the location.” Sanju.S, Legacy residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

44 | FOR SALE Vacant JUMEIRAH PARK - REGIONAL four- bedroom family villa in a convenient and quiet location in Jumeirah Park AED5,300,000 REF # ER-S-3711 4 BEDROOMS is is a four-bedroom Regional-style family villa in an excellent location, o ering quiet surroundings close to the entrance of Jumeirah Park. Accommodation comprises an entrance hall, large sitting room, dining area, stylish modern kitchen with built-in appliances, utility area, covered parking spaces, guest w/c, master bedroom with luxury en-suite bathroom and dressing room and other bedrooms with en-suite. e property is spread over a large 8,000 sq plot, with a landscaped garden, swimming pool and a lawned, walled garden. • Regional-style, 4-bedroom villa • Large 8,000 sq plot • Large sitting room with windows, overlooking the rear garden • Stylish modern kitchen with built-in appliances • Landscaped garden with swimming pool and a lawned walled gardenJUMEIRAH PARK – LEGACY SMALL JUMEIRAH PARK - LEGACYAED3,800,000 REF # ER-S-7316 AED5,400,000 REF # ER-S-73963 BEDROOMS 4 BEDROOMS is is perfectly located three-bedroom villa in Jumeirah is fantastic four-bedroom luxury villa, nished in the popularPark, with a landscaped garden in an easily accessible part Legacy style, is situated in the highly sought-a er Jumeirah Park.of the neighbourhood. It has been beautifully maintained It has immaculate interiors and a professionally landscapedand represents excellent value for money with landscaped garden. e villa sits on a built-up area of 4,335 sq on arear garden. 7,965 sq plot. • 3-bedroom villa, with a built-up area of 3,063 sq • 4-bedroom Legacy-style villa with a maid’s room and a • Kitchen open plan to dining area built-up area of 4,335 sq • Large sitting room • Landscaped rear garden, roof terrace and • Fully- tted closed kitchen with integrated appliances • 3 en-suite bathrooms, 1 en-suite shower room private terrace area. • Professionally landscaped and private swimming pool • Double garage • Double | 80069373

FOR RENT | 45JUMEIRAH PARK - LEGACY JUMEIRAH PARK – LEGACY SMALLAED350,000 AED220,000 REF # ER-R-121985 BEDROOMS REF # ER-R-12989 3 BEDROOMS is amazing ve-bedroom villa with a fantastic huge is is a perfectly located three-bedroom villa in Jumeirah Parkcorner plot landscaped garden, temperature controlled (package 3) with full landscaping rests on a 7,500 sq plot. epool, fabulous open plan living area with an open plan villa has been beautifully maintained and represents excellentkitchen, double garage, separate powder room and maid’s value for money. It is ideally located within easy distance ofaccommodation. e property is immaculately kept. Sheikh Zayed Road. • Upgraded 5-bedroom villa with a double garage • 3-bedroom villa • Huge landscaped corner plot garden with a • Landscaped rear garden • Kitchen open plan to dining area temperature controlled pool • Large sitting room • Huge open plan lliving space with living, dining and • Private terrace area family areas and open plan kitchen • Roof terracesJUMEIRAH PARK – REGIONAL LARGE JUMEIRAH PARK – HERITAGE LARGEAED220,000 REF # ER-R-11524 AED250,000 REF # ER-R-129303 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS is superb and large three-bedroom villa in Jumeirah Park, Heritage -spread over 3,527sq , is nished in a Regional style. is fully style large villa,furnished villa has a beautiful, fully landscaped rear garden. It is with a swimmingbuilt on a corner plot, and is located opposite a park and close tothe Community Center. pool and landscaped • 3-bedroom large Regional-style villa • Landscaped rear garden with roof terraces garden • Huge open plan living space with dining and family areas is Heritage-style villa, with a swimming pool and large • Partially open plan kitchen landscaped plot, is located in the highly sought-a er Jumeirah • Double garage Park (package three)neighbourhood. e garden is beautifully landscaped with patio, lawn and pool. • Heritage-style three bedroom villa • Fully landscaped rear garden • Roof terrace with swimming pool • Partially open plan kitchen with integrated appliances • Separate reception rooms • Double garage | 80069373

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COMMUNITY PROFILE | 47JUMEIRAH VILLAGE,CIRCLE AND TRIANGLEJumeirah Village, located between Sheikh Zayed Road and the Emirates Road, is a self-su cient, family orientedcommunity, with perfectly planned amenities for convenience and comfortable living. A wide variety ofa ordable and spacious housing options are available within lush green surroundings and water features. Builtby Al Nakheel Properties, the place consists of two main communities Jumeirah Village Circle, with small two-bedroom townhouses, and Jumeirah Village Triangle with larger villa properties. The community consists of aseries of villages - the Gateway Village, Marina Village, Wadi Village, Lake Village, Waterscape Village, SerenityVillage and Garden Village, linked to one another by abundant greenery and waterways.SNAPSHOT PROPERTY STYLESVivid and tastefulRetail and leisure amenities Villas Townhouses ApartmentsMaritime activitiesSchools and medical facilities BEDROOM OPTIONS PROPERTY SIZESTown, country clubsCommunity centre Studio to 6 bedrooms 500 - 4,800 sq ftJogging and cycling trailsSports courts TO BUY TO RENTWadi walksBotanical garden AED500k - 4.5m AED55k - 260k24X7 security OPINION“I really like the mix of property styles in Jumeirah Village, as it creates diversity within the community. It’s a peaceful and quiet area to raise my family.” Mohamad, District two residentTRANSPORT LINKS SCHOOLS & NURSERIES FACILITIES & AMENITIES | 80069373

48 | FOR SALE JUMEIRAH VILLAGE TRIANGLE – 2 bedroom MEDITERRANEAN VILLAS independent Mediterranean villa in AED3,000,000 REF # ER-S-7353 a prime location away from the cables 2 BEDROOMS in JVT is attractive two-bedroom independent villa is in a quiet and convenient location away from road noise and the cables in Jumeirah Village Triangle. is Mediterranean style villa o ers well- balanced accommodation over two oors comprising an entrance hall, modern tted kitchen, utility area, maids room, guest w/c, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom with walk-in shower and en-suite dressing room, and balcony overlooking the rear garden. e property o ers a large garden on three sides measuring 7,300 sq in total, with covered parking for two cars. • Independent villa comprising 2 bedrooms with en-suite bathroom Large garden on three sides measuring 7,300 sq in total • Modern kitchen with marble work surfaces and appliances • Master bedroom with balcony overlooking the rear garden • Covered parking for 2 carsJUMEIRAH VILLAGE CIRCLE – INNER CIRCLE JUMEIRAH VILLAGE CIRCLE – MIRABELLA 1AED3,400,000 REF # ER-S-7132 AED2,100,000 REF # ER-S-72254 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS is ideal villa, located in Jumeirah Village Circle, is a spacious is perfect three-double bedroom, four-bathroom townhousefamily home featuring wide open plan sitting room/dining is located at Mirabella 2, Jumeirah Village Circle. earea, modern kitchen, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom accommodation spreads over four oors. is vacant unit haswith a balcony to the rear, and a large roof terrace with two covered parking spaces to the rear and a small front gardenpanoramic views. with a pathway and an entrance gate. • A wide open plan sitting room with dining area • 3-double bedroom, 4-bathroom townhouse • Modern kitchen with built-in cupboards • Master bedroom with built-in wardrobes and en-suite • Master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, built-in • Large terrace to the rear • 2 covered parking spaces wardrobes and a balcony to the rear • Basement maid’s room with shower room • Large roof terrace with panoramic | 80069373

FOR RENT | 49JUMIERAH VILLAGE CIRCLE – JUMEIRAH VILLAGE TRIANGLE –FORTUNATO MEDITERRANEAN TOWNHOUSEAED125,000 AED110,000 REF # ER-R-120232 BEDROOMS REF # ER-R-12261 1 BEDROOM is large two-bedroom apartment, with a tranquil view is spacious single-bedroom townhouse is in the popularof the oasis-styled pool in Fortunato Towers, comes with a Jumeirah Village Triangle community. e community o ers residents a fantastic opportunity to live in quality accommodation tted modern kitchen, open living room space, adjoining at a ordable prices. It also o ers easy access to all the majorbalcony to the living area, plenty of built-in storage and a roads in Dubai.large en-suite. • 1-bedroom townhouse with a built-up area of 1,700 sq • 2-bedroom en-suite unit, with a built-up area of • Open tted kitchen with white goods included 1,550 sq , balcony and pool views • Fitted wardrobes • Restaurants and shops nearby • Fitted wardrobes • Mall of Emirates is 10 minutes away • Open tted kitchen • GymJUMEIRAH VILLAGE TRIANGLE REF # ER-R-12947 JUMEIRAH VILLAGE TRIANGLE – MEDITERRANEAN VILLASAED150,000 AED240,000 REF # ER-R-128252 BEDROOMS 5 BEDROOMS is very large two-bedroom independent villa is in the popular ImmaculateJumeirah Village Triangle area. e community o ers residents ve-bedrooma fantastic opportunity to live in quality accommodation at villa with a fullya ordable prices. It also o ers easy access to all the major roads landscapedin Dubai. garden at JVT is stunning ve-bedroom villa is in the heart of Jumeirah • 2-bedroom villa with a built-in area 2,585 sq Village Triangle. is independent villa has been beautifully • Fitted wardrobes converted to an incredible standard throughout the property. • Open tted kitchen with appliances e community o ers residents easy access to all major roads • Restaurants and shops nearby in Dubai. • Mall of Emirates is 10 minutes away • 5 bedroom villa with a built-up area of 4,950 sq • Fitted wardrobes • Fully landscaped garden • Open plan tted kitchen with white goods | 80069373

50 | SERVICES EBrXingPinEthReTSA property management company can help homeowners with everything from tenancy renewals toscreening potential renters and buyers. By Libini Joy Marco and Valentina Rizzo (names e Rizzos are just one amongst many homeowners changed) were hoping to make up for the in Dubai who fall prey to such situations because they increase in their household expenditure are o en unaware of the relevant property regulations. by way of a rental hike for the property As the Dubai real estate market is rapidly maturing, they had leased out. ings weren’t going too easily for more and more owners are coming to realise the the couple, with their own home’s rent and children’s importance of having their property managed by a school fees having increased in the past year. To add to professional company. e key is, to ask yourself if you their woes, the Rizzos discovered they were unable to have the time and resources to deal with emergency raise the rent on their rental property as their tenant had maintenance issues, potential disputes, rental renewals and most importantly, rental increases. If the answer is led a complaint. Despite the RERA rental calculator no, then a specialist in property management can be of permitting the Rizzos a 10 per cent rental hike on their great help to you. property, they were unable to go ahead with this as they hadn’t served the rental increase notice correctly to “We understand what is needed to manage a property their tenant. successfully so you, the investor, can have peace of | 80069373

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