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Published by Nurul Fazsikin Sabang, 2022-06-26 12:46:17

Description: G9_FLIPBOOK A2 KMS1034


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Table of Contents 01 Main purpose 02 Main points regarding the practices of HRD 03 Theory (theories)/model 04 Discuss whether this article helps you understand the topic better

HELLO AND WELCOME! 03 The purpose of this flipbook is for analyzing Advances in Human Resource Development by referring to the article titled Impact of Human Resource Development (HRD) Practices on Pharmaceutical Industry’s Performance: The Mediating Role of Employee Performance. This flipbook contains the main purpose of the article used. It is also to determine the main points regarding the practices of HRD discussed in the article. Next, this flipbook is also used to determine the theory or model in the article related to HRD. Finally, it is also to conclude if the article helps us to understand the topic better.

WHAT ARE 04 ADVANCES IN DEVELOPING HUMAN RESOURCES What are Advances in Developing Human Resources? The words advance to show to move forward in progress or improvement about substances. (Advances in Developing Human Resources, 2022) Advances in Developing Human Resources define an improvement in Human Resources Development (HRD) that keeps up with current globalization. It is also important because it highlights the issues that will support the reader in making it more effective in HRD.

05 MAIN PURPOSE The advances in developing in Human Resource from this article are related to the practices have been applied and theory obtained. HRD has gained much importance as the existing management assumption that there were only two important assets, money and time, has proven to be incorrect, provided that knowledge has progressed into an important resource. Thus, the purpose of this article was to investigate the role of employee performance as a main in the relationship between HRD practices on organizational performance in Ghana's pharmaceutical industry. (Otoo, 2019)

06 THE IMPORTANT OF HRD PRACTICES The mediating role of employee performance in the association between HRD practices and organizational performance of the pharmaceutical. 1. Performance appraisal has a significant impact on employee performance Performance appraisal, according to Obisi (2011), is any work procedure that includes establishing work standards and assessing workers' actual performance about these criteria. Meyer and Kirsten (2005) argue that controlling the effectiveness of a firm's human resources is a crucial component and demonstrates how its human capital is handled. According to Berger and Berger (2011), an effective performance appraisal system enables the assessment of individual performance and also their growth to build sets of competencies that the firm requires. This supports numerous other writers' claims that integrating human resource and performance management techniques has a significant influence on the workforce's commitment and attitude (Armstrong, 2005; Ostroff, 1992; Young et al., 1995).

07 2. Career development has a significant impact on employee performance Career development entails assessing individual abilities, interests, and attitudes, assessing the work environment, and using a decision-making process to determine and establish career programs and practices. A well-planned career development system combined with internal promotion chances based on merit results in high employee motivation, which has an impact on firm performance. Career development interventions, according to Gilley et al. (2009), help to form a relationship between the business and its employees by increasing their knowledge, skills, and talents by improving individual capabilities. According to Granrose and Portwood (1987), the most typical motivation for organizational involvement in individual career planning is to lessen employees' uncertainty, assist them in planning, and hence create beneficial outcomes for individuals. As a result, the examined literature indicates that career development activities improve employee performance, prompting us to claim.

3. Training and 08 development has a significant impact on - Important empirical results employee performance. that make a significant contribution to clarifying the question of the impact of HRD practices on organizational performance through the mediating role of employee performance. - Training and development increase workers' competencies, which help to enhance overall performance (Barzegar and Farjad, 2011; Cheng and Brown, 1998; Swanson, 2001). - According to, Barzegar and Farjad, 2011; Cheng and Brown, 1998; Swanson, 2001, training and development improve the competencies of employees which are contributory in enhancing general performance.

09 4. HRD practices impact organizational performance through the mediating role of employee performance These practices may affect organizational effectiveness by influencing specific organizational traits. According to Shih et al. (2006), HRD practices enable people to develop their skills and talents to raise productivity and company performance and produce profits. Through the development of assets relevant to the company, HRD practices assist in achieving a lasting competitive advantage (Clardy, 2008; Lado and Wilson, 1994; Macky and Boxall, 2007). Specifically, HRD practices may improve company success by using human resources (Aragon-Sanchez et al., 2003; Nilsson and Ellstrom, 2012; Scheel et al., 2014) Mastrangelo et al. (2014) highlighted the idea that an organization's performance depends on how well each of its workers performs.

THEORY 10 (THEORIES)/MODEL RESOURCE-BASED VIEW THEORY A PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MODEL Resource-Based View Theory Barney et al (2012) stated that the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory relates to several assumptions which mostly can be connected to how we can measure superior performance which can evaluate the company's competitiveness. Therefore, implementing this theory eventually can help increase the company's performance, specifically the superior performance. Furthermore, this theory also allows the managers and entrepreneurs to ensure that they nurture and maintain those resources that are the source of a company's current competitive advantages. Moreover, in RBV resources were said to play a significant role in organizations achieving higher performance whereas there are two resources which are tangible assets (physical things such as buildings, machinery, equipment, and capital) and intangible assets (which do not have a physical presence such as brand reputation, trademarks, and intellectual property). Thus, referring to the article, we can apply RBV theory in pharmaceuticals by doing an empirical test through the parameterizing process so we can use the theoretical framework known as the VRIO framework to analyze the pharmaceutical company's competitiveness. Furthermore, this framework aims to generate superior performance in the pharmaceutical industry and sustain a competitive advantage.

A Performance 11 Management Model Performance management is described as the practice of constant communication and feedback between a manager and an employee aimed at achieving organizational goals. The Plan, Coach, Evaluate, and Reward (PCER) approach is acknowledged by the Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness as an effective tool for performance management. The Performance Management Model is the method through which an organization's performance is integrated with its corporate strategy and objectives (Mwita,2000). Performance management is also defined as a tool for enhancing employee performance by assuring proper acknowledgment and compensation for their contributions as well as by enhancing collaboration, learning, and working conditions in accordance with the balanced scorecard model. According to the article, management of the pharmaceutical industry is provide a written and operational performance appraisal system that is under the performance management model. Employee performance has an important role as a mediating mechanism between HRD practices and organizational performance. HRD practices have an impact on employee performance through performance appraisal interventions, which is an activity that includes the assessment of an individual or other level of performance to measure and improve performance that will help in achieving corporate objectives. The management also makes sure that performance is evaluated using verifiable, objective findings. Furthermore, management makes certain that the performance review conversations are carried out with the utmost attention and quality.

WHETHER THIS ARTICLE HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE TOPIC BETTER IT HAS HELPED ME UNDERSTAND MORE ON- TOPIC TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT. Interventions in training and development are crucial for an organization because they aim to sustain and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of both individuals and groups within it. Management in the organization should ensure that their employees are supported by a training program based on adequate training needs since it is valuable. ITS SHOWS THAT HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INCLUDES MOST FIELDS We have learned that HRD includes most fields. Indeed, this article analyzes HRD impacts on pharmaceutical fields. There are also practices used in this field to improve their employee performance and gain benefits from it. Referring to the article, their organizational main purposes are service quality and customer satisfaction. Hence, HRD will do their role to make sure the organizations achieve their purposes based on the theory or model applied. THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN ORGANIZATION Overall, HRD is important in an organization since it is based on excellent management. As a future Human Resources, this article can help to enhance my skills for a future job. It is because we have been exposed to training and development and practices in HRD, including what kind of development we want to apply for a perfect organization can be built


REFFERENCES Advances in Developing Human Resources. (2022, June 8). SAGE Publications Inc. resources#description Barney, J. B., Corte, D. V., Sciarelli, M. & Arikan, A. (2012). The role of resource-based theory in strategic management studies: managerial implications and hints for research. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Mwita, I. J. (2000). \"Performance management model: A systems‐based approach to public service quality\". International Journal of Public Sector Management, 13(1), 19-37. Otoo, F. N. K., Otoo, E. A., Abledu, G. K., & Bhardwaj, A. (2019). Impact of human resource development (HRD) practices on pharmaceutical industry’s performance The mediating role of employee performance. European Journal of Training and Development.

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