Welcome toAll HallowsWhitchurch
WelcomeAll Hallows is the Church of England Parish Churchin Whitchurch. We have sister churches in Tufton andLitchfield.The church is open every day of the week as a placeto take some time out, to relax, reflect or to pray.You are welcome to take aself-guided tour using thelaminated guide on ourwelcome table. You may like to buy a guide- book for £1 which tells you more about the history of our church.We are working hard to make All Hallows welcomingand easily accessible by building an extension to thechurch room and creating a level access to thechurch through the front door.We never forget in whose name we do this, or ourplace in the community.Find Out MoreEver wondered what goes on in All Hallows Church?Or why, come to that?If you’d like some answers, just give this brochure tothe Vicar or a member of the All Hallowscongregation with your name and phone number oremail address. We will invite you for an informalcoffee to answer your questions.
WorshipWorship takes place through the week (details can befound in the Parish Magazine and website) but ourbest-attended service is on Sunday mornings at10am. Most services are based on Common Worshipbut look out for our Praise Communions when ourtalented musicians from One Accord add an extradimension to our worship.Our sister churches in Tufton and Litchfield offerfortnightly services in their village settings.MusicIn addition to our in-house band, One Accord, wehave a thriving choir and a team of bellringers whoare very willing to welcome enthusiastic newcomers.YCBAll Hallows welcomes children of all ages, and has aflourishing Sunday School, called YCB (Young ChurchBuilders), which meets in the church room during the10am Sunday service. Through music, discussion,games and craft, pre-school and primary school-agechildren are introduced to different aspects ofChristianity - not just Bible stories, but also valuesthat we have in common with people of all faiths,such as social justice. We have an annual YCBouting, as well as a social evening for the parents ofYCB children.WAAGWAAG is our youth group. We meet every otherSunday evening during term time and anyone ofsecondary school age is very welcome. Our mission isto keep young people coming to church so we mixBible-focused learning with film nights, discussions,drama, music and games.What does WAAG stand for? You will have to comealong to find out!
CommunityChurch members are active in our community.Among our services and groups are:Pastoral VisitorsThis is a small group of people from All Hallows who,on request, visit anyone who would welcomecompany, perhaps because they are ill, housebound,lonely, grieving, troubled. If you would like to receivea visit or know someone who would, please tell us.Parish NurseDorrie Bilson, our Parish Nurse, is a registered nurseable to offer support with health issues. She isavailable on Wednesdays.Parish MagazineA volunteer team from All Hallowsproduce the Parish Magazine whichcan be delivered to your door everymonth. Full of news aboutWhitchurch with adverts from localbusinesses, your help withwriting, editing, distributing,advertising or as a subscriberwill be welcomed.Social JusticeThe Social Justice group exists to help All Hallowsrespond to the Gospel call to further the cause ofpeace and social justice. It organises events tosupport campaigns on climate change, theIsrael/Palestine conflict, peace and reconciliation andpolitical engagement.Home GroupsSome members of All Hallows meet together on aregular basis to learn more about the Christian faithand to develop friendships.
BuildingsThere has been a church in Whitchurch since 800A.D. and probably earlier. The current church is 12thcentury Norman but dramatically enlarged andrenovated in Victorian times. We diligently repair andrestore as necessary, for example with a new heatingsystem installed in 2014.The church room ismuch newer - just 40years old.It has servedWhitchurch wellover the years butis now looking tiredand needs refurbishment to bring it up to modernstandards of energy efficiency.We also need more space for our Young ChurchBuilders and youth group.Since 2012, through fundraising and generousdonations we have raised sufficient money to startthe work and build an extension. This will give usthe room and the facilities we need for people of allages and abilities, including step-free access to theroom and the toilets.Ease of access is themain reason forimproving the porchentrance to All Hallows.We aim to make this alevel access with nosteps and with new tiles.If you have an interest in old buildings or would liketo help us with maintaining the church we wouldlove to hear from you. It is your church. Produced by Whitchurch PCC - June 2015
CharityWe donate 10% of the church’s ordinary annualincome to charity, sharing our gifts with our linkdiocese, Mityana in Uganda, as well as with threelocal charities: Emmaus in Winchester who supporthomeless men; Homestart, Andover who work withvulnerable families; and Whitchurch Youth Project,providing support and entertainment for local youngpeople.All Hallows is a collection point for Andover FoodBank. Throughout the year the church supports arange of other charities through specific events andcollections, such as The Children’s Society, The RoyalBritish Legion, Andover Crisis, Christian Aid, WarChild, Alabare and Naomi House.SchoolWe value our links with our church school. We arepleased to support the work of Whitchurch (CofE)Primary School through prayer, worship and the hardwork of foundation governors.ContactsBuildings: Andrew Cope 01256 892189Parish Magazine: Simon Coomber 01256 893615Parish Nurse: Dorrie Bilson 07795 841524 [email protected] Visitors: Hazel Cormack 01256 893380 [email protected] Groups: Andrew Monk 01256 895947Home Groups andFind Out More: Dan Gleed 07793 838679 [email protected]: Kelvin Inglis 01256 892535Parish Office: 01256 893573For up-to-date information on everything we do please visit our website: www.allhallowswhitchurch.org.uk
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