HOLDAY GIFT Miracle BotanicalsGUIDE Holiday NewsletterGreat Essential DECEMBER 2018Oils for theHoliday Single EssentialSeason Oils and BlendsThe gift-giving season is a wonderful time to Single Oils and blends are a wonderfulspread holiday fun and cheer to your loved introduction into the world of essential oils.ones. What better way to show your Adding to a diffuser or applying to your bodyappreciation than with premium essential oils. along with a carrier oil are both great ways toWith over 150 oils to choose from, picking out implement them into your day. Utilizing thesethe perfect oil to give can be a daunting task oils can lend to powerful intention setting andconsidering the overwhelming selection of can add a sense of bliss and healing to yourpossibilities. state of being.Our Holiday Gift Guide is designed to make theprocess of gifting a fun and easy one! SCOTCH PINEThis guide includes ideas for all members of Scotch Pine is one of the most commonly usedyour friends and family so there's a present for Christmas tress in the United States. This oil iseverybody! distilled from the pine needles of the tree and its scent has long been known for its cleansing and clearing effects. This oil is the perfect stocking stuffer for a friend that's in search of clearing head and heart space. Ideal for inhalation or used in a diffuser.
DECEMBER 2018 page 02ANISE SEED Essential Oil SetsAnise Seed Essential Oil is warm and spicy,steam distilled from the seed fruit of the Essential oil sets are a great gift for friends and family that want toAnise tree. try out a group of oils that compliment each other. The oils in ourPacked with a sweet licorice scent and sets are all hand-picked for their properties and ability to work wellpotent medicinal benefits, this oil has thepower of healing and energizing the spirit together.and physical body. Because this oil is so If you’re an essential oil lover, you want nothing else than to sharepowerful, just a few drops added to apersonal blend can bring dimension and a the gift of natural health and well-being with your loved ones;slew of health benefits to the mix. This oil friends, family, relatives, acquaintances… even if you’re invited to amakes a wonderful addition for anyonewho suffers from digestive issues, or Christmas party or potluck, essential oil gifts make great hostesscongestions and colds. presents – and you get to spread the love of essential oils.ECHANTED We picked out a few of our favorite sets that embody the ChristmasAptly named, our Enchanted Blend is spirit of joy and love. The oils in these sets are especially useful insure to put you under its sweet, creamyspell. This blend includes Blue Cypress, the colder winter months for their protective and restorative12% Vanilla and Damiana. properties.Each of the oils in this blend werechosen for their sedative properties andemotionally grounding qualities, perfectfor promoting a relaxed, meditativestate. Dilute into a carrier and wear thisoil as a perfume or add a few drops intoa diffuser to charm, nourish, and inspiremind and body.Particularly great as a gift for someonewho is looking for a sweet, soft place toland during the often times stressfulholiday season. Running out of gift ideas? Essential oil sets are a fantastic way to liven up the holiday season.
DECEMBER 2018 page 03Frankincense and Myrrh Set Basic Essential Oil Intro SetOur Premium Frankincense and Myrrh This Basic Essential Oil Introduction Set is a wonderful way toessential oil set contains the finest start off the collection for a budding essential oil enthusiast.Frankincense of the Carterii variety and This set gives you a good sense of some of the most popularMyrrh essential oil. Frankincense Carterii is essential oils. The three oils included in the set have a hugethe \"traditional\" Frankincense species, and range of applications and properties; from householdis the source of the most common kind of cleaning to inducing relaxation and rest, this set surely hasFrankincense Essential Oil. This oil is used something to offer everyone.for skin care, respiratory problems, and Our Organic Bulgarian Lavender is incredibly sweet, fresh andemotional and spiritual healing and fruity. This variety of Lavender hails from the famousuplifting. Kazanlak Valley, which has optimal climate and soilIn aromatherapy, Myrrh is used for its conditions that produce high quality plants that in turn yieldability to relax the body, uplift the the finest quality oils. Wonderful for anyone on youremotions, and focus the mind. Myrrh also Christmas list who suffers from anxiety or sleeplessness, thisoffers relief from respiratory problems, and oil is sure to help you unwind, relax and let go of stressfulis a great help for treating dry, chapped thoughts.skin in the winter. These oils work well to Peppermint Essential Oil has been used for thousands ofkeep loved ones healthy in body and mind years for its digestive and concentrative benefits.The mainat a time when stress can tend to rise and chemical component of peppermint is menthol, a powerfuloverwhlem. therapeutic compound. Menthol is commonly used to help alleviate headaches, anxiousness, digestion issues, and skin Check out our irritation. Website for more Although it is often times overlooked due to its commonness in most households, Lemon Essential Oil is actually one of the gift ideas: most beneficial aroma-therapeutic oils! Our Organic Lemon Essential oil can be used as an energizer and stimulant. Its Enhancing physical and emotional awareness with the potent power crisp, clean, sour smell aids in focus and alertness and is great of essential oils is a a gift that keeps on giving. for a friend in need of a boost of citrusy energy. From all of us at Miracle Botanicals, Happy Holidays! SHOP NOW
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