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Supporting Notes_ Introduction to Communication 02122015

Published by gibbgordon, 2016-02-03 16:35:03

Description: Supporting Notes_ Introduction to Communication 02122015

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Communication Skills: Introduction to Communication

COMMUNICATION IN MANAGEMENT Introduction In everyday life we communicate for various purposes and using various media. When you communicate with your colleagues or your team you are:  often trying to achieve a particular objective  always affecting the way they relate to you If you communicate well you can strengthen bonds, create loyalty, build morale and improve productivity and efficiency. If you communicate poorly, the opposite can happen. At work managers, supervisors and team leaders frequently communicate in order to achieve specific objectives. 2 | P a g e

What is the purpose of communication at work? The purpose of communication is intended to result in changes of a desirable kind such as:  an action being performed  an error being corrected  the receiver knowing or understanding something new Every act of communication also has an effect on the way the people relate to one another i.e. an effect on the working relationship. This can relate to the purpose of communication i.e. open agenda and the hidden agenda. The open agenda is about practical objectives whereas the hidden agenda is about feelings and attitudes e.g. maintaining team spirit, empowering individual team members. What could happen if you communicate poorly?  Things do not happen the way you wish them to!!  Mistakes affect working relationships within your team and those you are providing work for 3 | P a g e

The team leader’s role This diagram shows that the team leader is a channel through which communication flows through the organisation. As a line manager you will need to:  Ensure the information you receive is accurate and has enough detail to cover the content of the message  Consider appropriate methods of communication suitable to your team members As a team leader you will need to:  Ensure that information you receive is accurate, complete and up to date  Prepare to pass this information on to your team members  Brief your team members in a manner that they understand what you want As a team member you will need to:  Actively listen to the message, decode information and clarify understanding 4 | P a g e

The Communication Process Communication is a two-way process involving messages or information passing from one person to another but also messages coming back to the sender. The diagram above represents how communication should work on a one-to-one basis. Communication in groups When several people are involved e.g. in a team meeting the communication can become more complicated individuals may be a sender at one point and a receiver the next. Therefore this is why there are rules for formal meetings to ensure that only one person at a time can speak. Consider what forms of communication take place within your working environment e.g. client meetings, daily and weekly meetings. 5 | P a g e

Barriers to Communication This diagram shows different types of barriers to communication. Some should be easier to identify and overcome whilst others require more subtle and two way communication to clarify and resolve. These are described in more detail on the following page. 6 | P a g e

Physiological Barriers The physical condition of the listener can affect concentration and therefore restrict the amount of information taken in:  Noise – operational noise, people, machinery, process  Distractions – simultaneous operations, other people  Physically uncomfortable – constraints of space, repetitive strain  Cold, heat, wet, windy - internal/external factors  Tiredness – long hours, shift work, fatigue, repetitive work Content Barriers The actual content of what the speaker is saying can also constrain communication for example:  subject of the discussion does not interest the learner  speaker goes on for too long  speaker is saying what we do not want to hear (i.e. criticism, change.)  content too difficult/simplistic  repetition  work speak and jargon Perceptual Barriers The sender and the receiver can have a different point of view and this can affect understanding (e.g. a shop floor worker and line manager). Examples of other perceptual barriers are:  social/cultural background differences  unexpected attitude  different expectations  mannerisms  authority – misunderstanding information from superior Thus we can see the importance of understanding and using effective listening skills both from the sender and receiver of information. 7 | P a g e

Barriers to communication Things to avoid: Wrong time wrong place Avoid communicating in a busy working environment Work Speak Avoid jargon and abbreviations Don’t overload team members with too much Don’t Overload information at any one time, this can lead to misunderstanding and confusion Always ensure team members understanding of the Lack of two way communication message you are trying to convey, don’t make assumptions Effective Communication To make communication effective there is a simple formula:  Speak clearly in an appropriate tone and manner  Make sure you listen carefully to what the person is saying back to you  Achieve understanding by questioning and discussing issues in a two way manner 8 | P a g e