UEN NO. S63SS0006B MCI (P) 068/04/2016MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 1
POSITION 6,704With shared resources from international YMCA MJEOMINBIENRGSaffiliates and collaboration with local community OUR CAUSEpartners, Metropolitan YMCA is well POSITIONEDto make a difference to our community. Committed 2,406to develop the body, mind and spirit of our younggeneration so that communities can be transformed CnuHCrHItILLuDDr-eCRAdREEbNypositively through them, we are in this together– for strong kids, strong families and strong MY WORLD PRESCHOOLcommunities, and for a brighter tomorrow. 6,315CONTENTS POSITION PROGRAMMES 24 4 Get Active and Healthy 25 VOLUNTEERISM President’s Message 7 MY Camp Diary CEO’s Message HOURS CLOCKEDPURPOSE 10 PLACE 28International Exchanges 11 Hospitality Service 29 293,80121st Six YMCAs Conference A Home Away From Home – For 30 Years! HOSPITALITYPASSION Youth Leadership & Development 14 PEOPLE GUESTSYouth Leadership 16 Philanthropy 32 Finance Report 33 CONTRIBUTING TO OURPARTNERSHIP Governance & Leadership 34 SOCIAL ENTERPRISECommunity Outreach Services 20 Board of Directors 35Social Service Office Partners 21 Contact Us 39 with MYMCA MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 2
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGEI TOOK UP THE PRESIDENCY in 2012 Upper Serangoon View, in that order.because I believe that the Metropolitan In the middle of 2015, we tookYMCA is well-placed to fulfil the call toaction, because “faith without works is over all five of Care Corner’s child caredead”. In 1946, Dr Chen Su Lan led a operations, lock, stock and barrel, andclarion call for social agencies such as the incorporated these within MY WorldChinese YMCA of Singapore (as we were Preschool. I would like to record ourthen known) to transform the destiny thanks to the board and managementof youth. of Care Corner for their confidence and faith in Metropolitan YMCA (and MY In our early years in Selegie Road, World Preschool); the transfer was notwe used to run skills-based classes to an easy decision by any means, but it wasequip youth for employment. At Palmer well-transitioned.Road, we offered many recreationalprogrammes to take youth off the streets I fully subscribe to Dr Chen Su Lan’sand gang-related activities. vision to transform society positively through youth, and had wondered how to We moved our headquarters to re-establish youth development as a coreStevens Road in 1980 when the 30-year focus of the Metropolitan YMCA, insteadlease ended for International Centre of being overwhelmed by child careat Palmer Road. With the new set up services and be known as an organisationwe started to attract more families for little kiddies! Of course the needs andwith young children. We took up the issues for youth today are different. I amgovernment’s challenge to provide glad to say that over the past four years,much-needed child care services to free we can see the Metropolitan YMCAup women into the labour force. Thanks growing our intention and capabilityto consistent, faithful service of our child to mentor and develop youth. Thecare professionals over the decades, mentoring work includes introducing theMetropolitan YMCA was selected as youth leaders into management, and evenanchor operator through a new entity board meetings. At the World YMCA andMY World Preschool Ltd. In 2015, regional levels, we actively participateMY World Preschool continued to through our youth Change Agents andexpand, setting up six new centres youth representatives. YOUTHsync, ourin Woodlands Circle, Compassvale homegrown youth group, direct their on-Ancilla, Ang Mo Kio Central, Tiong going recruitment and induction throughBahru View, Sembawang Drive and Camp Ignite. These youth are busy with I am glad to say that over the past four years, we can seethe Metropolitan YMCA growing our intention and capabilityto mentor and develop youth.” MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 4
schoolwork and numerous activities,yet commit many hours each week toplan, dream and work together. I mustcommend the wonderful youth teamwhose work with youth continue intoweekends and midnights. We are sowinginto the future. Our community outreach extends tofamilies and individuals who are poor,incapacitated, distressed. MY Manna,our food and provisions distributionprogramme, has grown in 2015, with twonew distribution centres in partnershipwith the Yishun SSO and YishunChristian Church, as well as The NewCommunity Family Centre at Sin Ming.We believe in giving beneficiaries achoice in what they would like to receive.We also believe in collaborating withcommunity partners. The service modelhas worked well and we appreciate themany volunteers and organisations thathave stepped in to support. We had a busy, fulfilling year in2015. I would like to thank my fellowBoard members for their active support,attendance at numerous meetings andevents, and for maintaining a rigorousstandard of governance. My appreciationalso to the management team for a jobwell-done, even as we continue the legacyof service and faithfulness. I would alsolike to thank all volunteers, donors,members, partners, participants, parents,children and youth. Together we make upthe Metropolitan YMCA, and together wecreate our future. God bless you!DR SAMUEL YEAK MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 5
会长致词正是因为我坚信京华基督教青年会是一个能够 时代的年轻人所需要的和所关注的都跟以往大 2015年是一个忙碌并收获的一年。非常感谢将理想化作行动的机构,正是因为“信而无 大不同了。看到过去4年中京华基督教青年会加 董事会所有成员的大力支持,积极出席每一次会行则死”,从2012年开始,我接任了主席一 大了对年轻人的引导和发展,我感到非常高兴。 议并且严格地治理整个机构。我也非常感谢管理职。1946年陈树楠博士带领京华基督教青年 对年轻人的引导工作包括向管理层以及董事会 层团队精彩的工作,让我们继续传承服务和忠诚会承担起了社会使命,吹响了改变青年命运的 介绍青年领袖。 通过青年变革推动者(youth 的精神。借此机会,我也向所有的志愿者、捐助号角。 Change Agents)和青年代表,我们积极地 者、会员、合作者、参与者、家长以及幼儿和青 参与区域以及全球的基督教青年会的各项活 少年表示感谢。让我们一起携起手来,共同迎 当我们在Selegie路的发展早期时,我们常常 动。YOUTHsync, 是我们自主发展的青年组,通 接京华基督教青年会更美好的未来! 愿上帝保开办技能型的课程,以便让年轻人更好地就业。 过Camp Ignite活动引导他们正在进行的招聘和 佑你们!后来当迁到了Palmer 路后,我们便提供了很多 入职培训。这些年轻人同样忙于学校的功课和无让年轻人远离街头帮派活动的休闲娱乐项目。 穷的活动,但是仍旧能在忙碌的生活中抽出时间 叶朝灵医生 来每周一起做计划、为梦想而努力工作。在此, 2015年中期,我们完全地接管了关怀中心 我必须表扬我们无与伦比的团队,与青年组一起的5间托儿所,并将此合并纳入到了 MY World 加班加点,持续奋战的敬业精神。我们正向未来Preschool中。在这里我要特别感谢关怀中心 洒下希望的种子。的董事和管理层对京华基督教青年会(以及MYWorld Preschool)的信任及支持;尽管从任何 我们的社区向所有贫穷的、无助的和困苦角度来说交接都不是一个容易的决定,但整个交 的个人和家庭提供帮助。我们的食物供给分配接过程进行得非常顺利。 项目MY Manna在2015年有了新的增长。在与 Yishun SSO 和Yishun Christian Church的合作下 MY World Preschool Ltd是京华基督教青年 新增了两个分配中心,并且在Sin Ming也新建了会的全资子公司,我们将会继续为邻里居民提 一个新的社区家庭中心。我们坚信应当给受益人供负担得起的托儿服务。我们的服务不仅仅包 选择权,让他们自己选择更需要的物品。我们也括优质的关怀,更为重要的是植根于关怀、诚 非常希望与社区建立良好的合作关系。这种服务实、尊重和责任的核心价值观,关注孩子们的品 模式卓有成效,在此向所有提供协助的志愿者和格发展。 组织致以敬意。 我完全认同陈树楠博士通过影响年轻人来改变社会的愿景,并且思考该如何重新确立京华基督教青年会关注青年发展的重点,而不仅仅是一味地提供托儿服务,让大家以为这是一个只关注幼儿的机构。显而易见的是,现在这个 MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 6
CEO’S MESSAGEWE LOOK BACK AT 2015 with much even to involve their parents to make a As we prepare forgratitude, as we worked towards difference. our 70th year milestonefulfilling our mission of nurturing in 2016, we lookand empowering the young for social MYMCA subsidiary MY World forward to excitingresponsibility. Preschool expanded from 15 centres at ventures ahead.” the start of the year to 26 centres at year We continue to engage youth to end with the opening of 6 new centres, Indeed, building a sustainableencourage social awareness, empathy and the transfer of 5 centres from Care YMCA has many challenges. Whileand responsibility. The Mentoring Corner. Staff strength grew in tandem, hospitality operations and childcareprogramme developed a stronger with emphasis on championing character services provide the revenue streamsresearch base as lower secondary development and inculcating core values. for youth development and communitystudents are mentored to learn coping services, we are thankful for the supportskills which help them overcome Strong families make strong we received from charity ambassadorsdifficulties in adolescence. Given the communities. Parents continue to be who help raise funds through Flag Dayspace and voice to lead, the youth integral partners and active participants 2015. We appreciate all donors who gavehatched several innovative projects in family ocean camps and sit-in sessions generously in response to our appeal forwhich would “drive people happy”, rally for enhancement programmes. There funds to sustain meaningful causes. In“superheroes” to change the world and were lots of opportunities for family the Jubilee year of Singapore, we were bonding through health and wellness also thankful for matching grants from programmes. NCSS for our community work. MY Manna expanded with the As we prepare for our 70th year opening of two new centres, along with milestone in 2016, we look forward new groups of volunteers who helped to exciting ventures ahead, including with the food and provisions distribution undertaking a brand review exercise, to individuals and families in need. refreshing our building façade and Student volunteers continued to stream renovating parts of our building to better in for MY Big Sweep to clean homes of serve the community. With many events needy individuals on a fortnightly basis. and programmes lined up for the year to Not forgetting our own staff from various culminate in our preschool graduation departments who undertook their fair ceremony and 70th Anniversary Dinner share of CSR to organize activities and in November 2016, we invite you to bring cheer to the elderly, and Toy join hands with us to work towards a Library volunteers who attended to young generation strong in body, mind children with special needs with their and spirit, leading positive community creative props and staged musical transformation. performances. PHYLLIS TAN We also welcomed staff, interns and student groups from other YMCAs. Our partner YMCAs came for a three-day conference on “Building a Sustainable YMCA”. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 7
PURPOSE 119 COUNTRIESAs part of a vast network of YMCAs in the IN THE GLOBALWorld YMCA movement, we have a shared YMCA MOVEMENTPURPOSE – to empower youth from multiplecultures and contexts, with vastly different 1,200realities and circumstances for a sustainablefuture. With shared resources, cultural and COMMUNITIESknowledge exchanges, we can understand somuch better and do so much more. 5.8 MILLION PWEOOPRLELIDMWPACITDEEDMYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 8
INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGESThe establishment of networks with overseas YMCAs is achieved through organising purposeful local exchangeprogrammes and in turn participating in programmes organized by partner YMCAs. “This internship has enriched my life, widened my horizon and given me opportunities to understand the social issues in Singapore. It allowed me a glimpse into the lives of the disadvantaged and enhanced my skills in events planning and connecting with people.” JOANNE LAUEXCHANGE PROGRAMME WITH YMCAs session with MYMCA Sims Community towards planning and executingOF HONG KONG (28 APR - 8 MAY) Outreach also provided insights to how programmes for the individuals inGeneral Manager Ms Catherine Lee our community services are designed need during a Community Outreachand Administrative Assistant Ms Claire to address the growing social needs in attachment with us. The exposure toSoh from our Hospitality services were Singapore as the country advances. sociological and social work issues gaveon a short-term attachment programme them a deeper understanding of thewith Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong SRI LANKA YMCA STAFF ATTACHMENT social landscape they live in.and YMCA of Hong Kong, where they (AUG 31 – SEP 5)gleaned valuable learning points which Finance Secretary Mr Shanaka Mendis WORLD ALLIANCE OF YMCAS: ON BOARDincluded hotel setup, operations and and Overseas Programmes Secretary Ms THE PEACE BOAT (AUG 21 – 30)initiatives from the hotels operated by Kumudhini Prashanthi from the National Melissa Poh, Senior Executive of Youthboth YMCAs in Hong Kong. Council of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka Leadership & Development journeyed (NCYMCA) were recommended by their on the Peace Boat’s 88th Global VoyageUNIVERSITY OF SAINT JOSEPH SOCIAL President, Mr Kishan Gunawardene to visit for the global Change Agent Programme.WORK & GOVERNMENT STUDIES us for an exchange programme. In their 5 Joined by representatives from YMCAsEXCHANGE PROGRAMME (JUN 18 – 21) day attachment to us where we orientated around the world, the conferenceOn guided tours to ENVision Gallery, them on various aspects of our work, their equipped and empowered ChangeMOE Heritage Centre and Urban major takeaways from the programme Agents’ work in their local YMCAs.Redevelopment Authority, 18 students included our childcare rebranding process A wide variety of activities such asand 2 Professors from University of and automated staff appraisal system. equipping workshops, discussion forumsSaint Joseph, Macau (Social Work and, in particular, a stopover at Cebu,and Government Studies) had the CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG STUDENT Philippines gave them greater insightsopportunity to learn about Singapore’s ATTACHMENT (JUN – JUL) into how to develop our local traininggovernment policies on education, Erica Lui & Joanne Lau from City programmes further and kept the triphousing and utilities. A dialogue University of Hong Kong were mentored eventful and engaging. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 10
FEATURE STORY 21ST SIX YMCAS CONFERENCEGoing strong into its 21st year, the Six YMCAs Conference is an annual event that promotes cross cultural collaboration and the exchange of reports and resources between six YMCAs in the Asia-Pacific region.THIS YEAR’S CONFERENCE was hosted aplenty for learning and increased Delegates from theby Metropolitan YMCA Singapore partnerships. YMCAs of Hong Kong,from June 30 to July 2, 2015. Honolulu, Osaka, Seoul, Delegates thoroughly enjoyed Taipei and Singapore Delegates from the YMCAs of Hong their itinerary which included visits shared about projects inKong, Honolulu, Osaka, Seoul, Taipei to meaningful social enterprises like their respective local andand Singapore shared about projects “Dialogue in the Dark” and Professor overseas communities,in their respective local and overseas Brawn Café and a tour of our MY whilst exchanging ideascommunities, whilst exchanging ideas World Preschool at Woodlands Circle and views on futureand views on future collaborations. where they gamely joined a sing-and- collaborations.” dance session with the children, and The theme of “Building a did handicrafts at the Arts & Crafts Our delegates were alsoSustainable YMCA” provided a sections. treated other local cultural sightsplatform for discussion and ideas were and a smorgasbord of local food delights. Here’s to more mutual learning and collaboration at the next conference! MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 11
PASSION 258The way we mentor our young people today P&CMASYHASOAKIONUENRGNASETGEdetermines the kind of world we will livein tomorrow. At our Youth Department, we ONETWENTYEngage, Equip & Empower Youths to instil inthem a strong sense of social responsibility. YOUTHThis special emphasis on youth, agedbetween 13 to 25, represents our dreams PROJECTSand vision to ignite a PASSION in youngChange Makers who can bring about positive 3,687transformation to our society. HINOYOUURTSH CLELAODECRKSEHIDP MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 12 & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES 2,921 YOUNG PEOPLE INSPIRED
YOUTH LEADERSHIP& DEVELOPMENTOur Youth Leadership and Development Department engages, equips and empowers our young people to instil inthem a strong sense of social responsibility through its two main programmes: MY Mentoring and YOUTHsync.MY MENTORINGA school-based programme aimed toinstill and develop social-emotional skillsfor lower-secondary school students,MY Mentoring adopts a frameworkwhere mentees are able to increaseand develop their self-esteem throughexperiential and service learningsessions. The programme develops inour young people self-awareness to makeresponsible decisions to influence theirpeers. We have been at this for the 2ndyear and hope to expand this programmeto more schools.YOUTHSYNCA youth-led movement of MYMCA,YOUTHsync aims to be the platform foryouth volunteers to serve the community.Youths are mentored to shine throughtheir talents to bring about positive socialchanges to our community, regardless oftheir diversity in their backgrounds.CAMP IGNITE, JANUARY 23 - 25 of fun and excitement amongst its to serve the community, the campersThemed as “Superheroes Ignite!”, YOUTHsync members. Aimed at were challenged to step out of theirCamp ignite 2015 generated plenty empowering youth for leadership roles comfort zone through MY Big Sweep programme at Pipit Road. An open “I find MY Big Sweep to have been the most effective in bonding and providing sharing after ‘heroic’ acts also allowed a better understanding of the income gap in Singapore.” the young ‘heroes’ to share their life journeys, have greater appreciationSHERILYN SHAAN VEERA, 20, NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY towards others and form strong bonds within the team. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 14
YMCA WORLD CHALLENGE, INTERNSHIP @ YLD, “Sharing of YOUTHsync activitiesJUNE 6 JANUARY – JULY 2015 was the most effective. It providedFor the YMCA World Challenge, Pushing the boundaries of youth good insights to what the youths areour youths campaigned against the empowerment, internship opportunities passionately involved in. Well organised.stereotypical idea that youths use prepare and mentor youths as they Hopefully more parents can make it to#YOLO, aka “You Only Live Once”, as transit to their next phase of life. Youths PAMA session and see for themselvesan excuse to spend their lives doing are exposed and equipped with not only what their youth are capable of doing.frivolous activities. Instead, there are professional skill sets but life skills. We are impressed by the passionmany who choose to be empowered and professionalism the team hasand actively engaged in meaningful MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 15 demonstrated. Really impressive.”activities as their way of living. Youthswere challenged to post a picture of MR. EDMUND CHUA,themselves in meaningful activities PARENT OF CHUA YUN ZEon social media and tag a friend todo the same. A total number of 1.3K PAMA SERIES #1, JUNE 13audiences were reached through the The PAMA Series is a new initiative andonline posts and the final video had a long-term engagement project aimedgarnered a total of 2.4K organic reach. at garnering support from parents of the youths to allow a better understanding ofYES CAMP CAMPAIGN “DRIVE their children’s involvement in social causes.THEM HAPPY”, JULY 12‘Drive Them Happy’ campaignwas initiated by youths as theirappreciation towards bus captainswho tirelessly provide commutingconvenience through transportservices. Incidentally, the campaigncaptured a deeper significance asit was launched 5 days after thebreakdown of MRT lines (East-Westand North-South). Three hundredbus captains across four major businterchanges were deeply touched.SG50, #50UP CAMPAIGN,JULy 27 – AUGUST 9‘#50UP’ served as a reminder forSingapore’s youths to be appreciativeof their nation’s progress. The youthsgathered 50 birthday wishes incommemoration of the nation’s 50years of independence and ‘UP’wardsprogress towards the future.
FEATURE STORY YOUTH LEADERSHIPIn exploration of youths being change makers of communities, we speak to Professor Robbie Goh and two youth leaders from YOUTHsync on their shared passion and belief in Youth Leadership.PROFESSOR ROBBIE GOH Professor Robbie GohVice-President, Metropolitan YMCA Board,and Vice Dean (Arts & Social Sciences), “We seek to mentorNational University of Singapore them and give them leadershipWhat is the key to working effectively responsibilities,with youth? to build anotherI’ve been working with youth for almost 40 generation ofyears now. I am very careful to only say things leaders withthat I personally believe in, otherwise they a passion forwill never be convinced enough to follow you.I think that’s the best way to work with youth. engaging society.I do this with my own kids as well. If I don’tbelieve in something, I won’t ask them to do it.How has working with youth changed overthe years?Social media has had a very profound way ofchanging everything. Face-to-face mentoringhas become even more important, because ifwe completely lose the face-to-face time, wewill lose a lot of what is real in influence.What is YOUTHsync hoping to achieve?YOUTHsync is a very important initiativebecause there is regular, face-to-faceinteraction. There is enough protracted contactfor us to influence them. We seek to mentorthem and give them leadership responsibilities,to build another generation of leaders with apassion for engaging society. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 16
ALEX MATHEW NORONHA, 21 Chua Yunze Alex MatthewNational University of Singapore, NoronhaPast President of YOUTHsync CHUA YUNZE, 19What do you think makes a good leader? Anglo-Chinese School (Independent),A good leader is always one that has Current President, YOUTHsynca heart for the cause. In making adifference in the community, that leader Why should youth take up leadershipmust have passion for contributing to the positions?community, before he can lead others. Youth are the future. They need the opportunity to take charge, and theyWhat makes you willing or motivated to need the experience of leading and takingbe a leader? responsibility. They need to learn andIt gives me a sense of challenge, allowing make mistakes as a youth leader, so thatme to push the boundaries of my they will be adequately equipped to take onleadership capabilities. Also, the one leadership positions in future with muchthing that makes me most willing to lead, higher stakes and responsibilities.is if I know that what I can bring to thetable, is really required by the team. What is it like to be Chairman of YOUTHsync?What are some challenges you have I have honestly never seen or imaginedfaced as a youth leader? myself as the kind of person who wouldJuggling student life, personal life, lead others. I’ve always thought of myselfrecreation and leadership would be the as a follower, who would diligently dotrickiest. You find yourself with limited whatever task or job he was assigned.time for each activity. My strategy for Now that I have been trusted with theovercoming this challenge would be responsibility of leadership, however, Ioverlapping them. Who says you can’t be have learned much that I probably woulda leader and do recreational activities? not have learnt if I had just stayed aMy favourite times are YOUTHsync follower.bonding days, where I go to meet friends,play games, and lead my team – all at the Name one leader who inspires you. Why?same time! My father, who has also taught me much, if not almost all, of what I know today. What“A good leader is always one that has makes him such a great leader in my eyes is a heart for the cause.” the amount of trust that he holds for others. In the corporate world he operates in, trust is a very important thing. His relationships with his employees are all built on mutual trust and respect, and not sheer authority and dominance. That’s what makes him an inspiring and admirable leader. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 17
PARTNERSHIPS FREGIVULEARUnity is strength. We seek for PARTNERSHIPS PORUOTGRRAEMAMCEHSwith like-minded individuals and groups to runsupport systems which serve the vulnerable LFIOKER-TMYINODNEEDcommunities in Singapore. In this way, morepeople can step forward to serve the community COMMUNITYand we can build a more gracious andcompassionate society together. GROUPS 164 ‘MY BIG SWEEP’ SESSIONS 2,105 FHEOLPIRNGAHALNDLS OUTREACH PROGRAMMESMYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 18
COMMUNITY OUTREACH SERVICESWe believe in building a compassionate community by working with volunteers and community partners toprovide assistance to the less privileged. It was truly heartwarming to see the passion and dedication displayed byour faithful partners to reach out to the different needs of the local community. SPECIAL PROJECT – MY BLESSINGS “I feel fulfilled to be able to do something for special needs children. A spin-off from MY Manna, this special Volunteering is also an opportunity project saw new volunteers from Poi Ching School Parent Support Group to make friends, both local and and Visa World Pte Ltd join us to international.” LILY ANG deliver 181 goodie-bags over the year to beneficiaries during festive seasons. STUDENT CARE Our Pasir Ris Student Care Centre MY BIG SWEEP partnered with United World College (UWC) South East Asia Campus to embark MY Big Sweep brings to decency on a United Nation (UN) programme the living conditions of the destitute entitled “Global Partners Junior Exchange elderly and disadvantaged, who Programme”. The year’s theme “Colourful are unable to maintain basic home communities” saw students using arts as a cleanliness themselves. By cleaning tool to examine urban challenges such as their homes, we make their homes – immigration and gender equality. mostly rental and one-room flats, a better place to live in. MY ELDERLY A programme aimed at bringing fun and laughter to promote active ageing amongst senior citizens, our elderly met once a week for talks and activities at Sims Centre.MY MANNA MY TOY LIBRARYSupplying basic groceries and toiletries MY Toy Library uses play, music andto poor families on a monthly basis, MY movement to engage children withManna seeks to alleviate the financial special needs. On our monthly visits topressure of those who have fallen special needs schools across Singapore,through the cracks of a fast moving our mobile collection of toys lovinglysociety. We rely heavily on volunteers sewn by Japanese and local volunteerswho are willing to sacrifice their time and are presented to the children throughenergy to do this. songs and skits. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 20
FEATURE STORYSOCIAL SERVICE OFFICEPARTNERS WITH MYMCA When a new Social Service Office (SSO) opened in Yishun on July 24, a new partnership with MYMCA’s MY Manna programme was also launched.THE SOCIAL SERVICE OFFICE, located at Through MYMCA’s MY Manna Madam Lim Yan Fong, 71, oneBlock 746, Yishun Street 72, was officially programme, MYMCA will supply of the new beneficiaries to theopened by Minister for Social and Family the groceries to the church, where programme, was referred by theDevelopment, Tan Chuan-Jin. It has volunteers will help beneficiaries SSO and will be given $50 a monthbeen in operation since March this year, referred by the SSO to select items to shop with. She said: “This willand serves more than 1,800 residents in within a need-based budget. Singles help a lot. I live 10 minutes fromthe area. receive $50 worth of provisions a here, so I can just walk over and get month, couples receive $60, and groceries. It’s very convenient.” In a partnership involving the SSO, families get $70 to $100. EachMYMCA and the Yishun Christian beneficiary is also given a package of Also in attendance at theChurch (Anglican), 10 needy individuals fresh produce. Shared with the Yishun event were Nee Soon GRC MPs K.and families will be able to pick out residents as MY Manna’s “Dignity Shanmugam, then Law and Foreigngroceries and household items at the Shopping” programme, it is open to Affairs Minister, MuhammadYishun Christian Church (Anglican) beneficiaries regardless of religion. Faishal Ibrahim, Lee Bee Wah andevery month. Patrick Tay, as well as North West District Mayor Teo Ho Pin. Through the partnership of churches like Yishun Christian Church (Anglican) and The New Church, MY Manna has expanded to six satellite centres islandwide. Ms Phyllis Tan, CEO of MYMCA, says, “We are happy to see more churches coming to partner us in community work, extending a hand of blessing to the needy in our nation. We want to reach more beneficiaries as we collaborate and tap on each other’s strengths.” MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 21
PROGRAMMES 933Intentional about creating PROGRAMMES that CHILDRENnot only provide recreation but also inculcateimportant life skills and values, we seek to IN OURdevelop our young people in various disciplines,to build them up in Body, Mind and Spirit. PenRhOaGnRceAmMeMnEt MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 22 263 STUDENTS IPANRQOUGOARATUMICMRES 411 MY CAMPERS 381 PARTICIPANTS IN OUR JAPANESE & KOREAN PROGRAMMES
GET ACTIVE & HEALTHYWe seek to provide our members affordable access to quality sports and enhancement programmes toencourage healthy lifestyles and wholesome development. During school holidays, we engage childrenwith adventure camps which build their self confidence and resilience. activities which cultivate independence and life skills. Led by our staff and volunteers, our little campers aged 4 to 12 experienced tremendous fun through outdoor learning from all our 13 camps held. Specialising in Family Ocean Camps, we want to encourage familly bonding through this healthy and enriching sport.”AQUATICS PROGRAMME ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME JAPANESE & KOREAN PROGRAMME Designed to evoke interest throughOur Aquatics Education Programme effective means of pedagogy, our various With a growing number of Japanese and(AEP) places a strong emphasis in Enhancement Programmes - MY Korean expats in Singapore, MYMCAimparting the right swimming techniques Budding Actor, MY Swimmers, MY offers programmes to engage these twoto build a firm foundation in our students Musicians, MY Kindergym, MY Zumba communities. Mr Mickey Miyawaki fromand our Swim Club continues to develop kids Jn. aim to unleash every child’s Hiroshima YMCA, with assistance fromin them skill, strength and endurance potential and develop them holistically Ms Shiga Shimizu, engaged 256 Japanesefor competitive swimming. We also offer from age 3 to 6. Parent sit-in sessions participants with Sports programmes andSwimsafer course, a national water safety were held to allow parents a glimpse into Outdoor Adventure Camps. Dr Chungprogram developed to raise standard of how their children have progressed in Kum Suk attached from Seoul YMCA,swimming proficiency. their learning journey. engaged 125 participants with various sports programmes. In 2015, he reached Since we started our Scuba MY CAMPS out to 15 associates to form a Koreanprogramme in January 2015, 93 divers MY Camps aim to inculcate MYMCA’s Section Cooperation Committee forhave learnt scuba and joined our dive core values – Caring, Honesty, Respect more collaborative efforts and organizedtrips to Bintan, Bali and Tioman. and Responsibility in our children during the Korean Children Song Festival inSpecialising in Family Ocean Camps, school holidays through fun outdoor MYMCA on 31 October to celebratewe want to encourage family bonding family, friends and music!through this healthy and enriching sport. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 24
FEATURE STORY MY CAMP DIARYYoung campers had a rousing good time at our three MY Camps held in June. Through the camp activities, amidst the fun and laughter, life skills and values were taught and friendships were forged.MY MINI ADVENTURE CAMP MY JUNIOR SLEEPOVER CAMP‘Mini’ campers (aged 4-7) learnt how it This camp was unforgettable for manyis like not to have everything prepared campers (aged 8 to 12) as it was theand served to them. Instead they learnt first time they spent two nights awayoutdoor cooking to prepare a simple from family and built a real outdoormeal for themselves. Their little feet also campfire. They sang and dancedbraved the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve around the campfire and presentedand encouraged each other to persevere. skits. There was a nocturnal confidenceTeamwork and appreciation of nature walk to conquer their fear of the dark.were reinforced at the Henderson Waves Every camper completed the walk andand Sungei Buloh. even asked for a repeat round!MY JUNIOR SPORTS CAMP‘Junior’ campers (aged 8-12) literally had aball of a time and improved their stamina,agility and motor skills when they tookto learning Bowling, Basketball, Captain’sBall, Dodgeball, Handball and Soccer atour intensive 5 day Sports Camp. In winning or losing, there isalways a lesson to be learnt: values likeRespect, Caring, Honesty, Responsibility,communication within the team,confidence in oneself and taking upleadership roles. In winning or losing, there is always a lesson to be learnt:values like Respect, Caring, Honesty, Responsibility,communication within the team, confidence in oneself andtaking up leadership roles.”MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 25
PLACE NINETYPLACED in the serene surroundings of lush EIGHTgreeneries with close proximity to the Orchard GUEST ROOMSshopping district, MYMCA is a one-stop socialenterprise providing affordable short and TSEWVENETNYlong term accommodation, food & beverageand offering function spaces through its A PA R T M E N T Sconference facilities and services. WITH SERVICE MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 26 78,764 HOGSUPEITSATLISTY 135,048 DINERS 61,604 CONFERENCE GUESTS
HOSPITALITY SERVICESThere’s a way to travel, eat and give back to community at the same time. Simply stay with us,eat at our restaurant and use our conference facilities! Part of the profits will be channeled tomeaningful community outreach work. In 2015, The THE METROPOLITAN Y HOSTEL ANDMetropolitan Y METRO Y APARTMENTSHostel achieved With 98 fully furnished guestroomsa Certificate of in a clean, safe and friendlyExcellence from environment, the Metropolitan YTripadvisor offers affordable accommodation toand received a budget conscious travellers. Longrecommendation term guests and families needing thatfrom Lonely Planet.” extra space can opt for one of our 27 Metro-Y Apartments that come with kitchen, dining, laundry facilities and housekeeping services. METRO-Y RESTAURANT AND CONFERENCE SERVICES Showcasing the best of western and local delicacies is our Metro-Y restaurant, renowned for serving favorites like Curry Fish Head and Iced Chendol. Discerning guests are also welcome to use our Metro-Y Conference facilities, with 7 function rooms creating 11 functions spaces for seminars, training classes and social events. AWARDS & RECOMMMENDATIONS In 2015, The Metropolitan Y Hostel achieved a Certificate of Excellence from Tripadvisor and received a recommendation from Lonely Planet. With the opening of Stevens MRT Stations, our Metro-Y Restaurant was also featured and recommended on Sunday Times on 29 Nov 2015. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 28
FEATURE STORY A HOME AWAY FROMHOME – FOR 30 YEARS!The Metropolitan Y has been Professor Paul Taiganides’ home away from home for 30 years.DURING THE COLD WINTER MONTHS in 1985. At that time, his young children leisure and family travellers lookingAmerica, Professor Paul Taiganides and took Taekwondo lessons at MYMCA. out for affordable accommodation inhis wife Maro have a warm and snug Today, the children have flown the Singapore. All guest rooms and suiteshideout in the tropics – the Metropolitan nest, but the fond memories remain. are furnished with en-suite bathroomY at Stevens Road, Singapore. and modern amenities, providing the It’s perhaps not a wonder that utmost comfort. The studio-concept Professor Taiganides is no stranger the Metropolitan Y feels like home rooms bring cosiness and intimacyto the Metropolitan Y. This year marks to him! every traveller seeks.the 30th year since he started stayingwith us on his trips to Singapore in 1985. Indeed, The Metropolitan Y seeks What’s more special, theA regular guest, he returns to our hotel to make guests feel it is a “Home Metropolitan Y is a social enterprisethree to four times a year. away from Home”. Consisting of 98 which channels part of its profits to hotel-styled guest rooms available community outreach work so that When asked why he chose to come in various categories: Standard, whoever stays with us, contributes toback to the Metropolitan Y when he Deluxe, and Suite, each specially the community with us!could easily stay in a five-star hotel, he catered for all types of business,says, “We like that the hotel is small andcosy, and there are no distractions. Weknow the staff and they are like family tous. The staff also knows our preferencesand needs very well, and everything isalways well-prepared before our arrival.” Every time he meets a new staff, hegives them a small bobblehead souvenir.When he leaves, he frequently leaves abasket of fruits for the reception staff.On one occasion, in appreciation of theirhospitality, he generously treated thehotel staff to a buffet! Professor Taiganides is no strangerto Singapore. He and his family livedin Singapore for 10 years, from 1975 to MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 29
PEOPLE 18 BOARDOur PEOPLE are our most valuable resource, MEMBERSwithout which the cause of MYMCA would not BELOEAVRENDbe achievable. Bound by a common conviction MEETINGSto serve the community, and deep camaraderieamongst staff developed over the years, we spur 133each other on to fulfill the call of MYMCA. STAFFMYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 30
PHILANTHROPYDONATIONS BETWEEN S$10,001 AND S$30,000Chew How Teck Foundation DONATIONS BETWEEN S$1,000 AND S$10,000ACCO Technology Pte Ltd Chan Lin Yun GraceCU Water Services Pte Ltd Cheah Li LianHilborne Law LLC Chew Kwee Hoe LeslieInt’l Y’s Men’s Club of S’pore Beta Chapter David Hector CC HoKeppel Care Foundation David Wong Wei LiLee Foundation Goh Boon Hua RobbieLloyd & Andrew Builders Pte Ltd Koh Kok OngLock Property Consultants Pte Ltd Koh Puay Eng AdelineMode Architects Private Limited Kung Chor MuayNanyang Junior College Lee Sung Ho APPRECIATING OUR CHARITY AMBASSADORSProfilinea Design Pte Ltd Lim Eugene Held on August 29, Flag Day 2015 wasRophi Clinic Pte Ltd Loo Lam Hua Victor an opportunity for students, members,Singapore Petrol Dealers Association Maggie Mun Swee Boon staff and volunteers as Charity Ambassadors to reach out to the publicTan Chin Tuan Foundation Richard L Hartung for donations towards helping theAlice Seng Seok Hoon Seet Chim Chuan Irwin needy. The Association received a total of $110,494 (2014: $100,688) in taxArthur Lim Eng Hian Susan Kong Yim Pui exempt donations and $26,202 (2014: $16,972) for non-tax exempt donationsBeverley Tan Yen Yen Tan Hwee Sim Phyllis in 2015. We wish to thank all donors for their continued support towards the workBoo Thiam Hee Yeak Chow Lin Samuel of the Metropolitan YMCA Singapore in supporting youth work and serving theDONATIONS BETWEEN S$200 AND BELOW $1000 underprivileged community.Acclaim Insurance Brokers Pte Ltd Chua Kae-ShinCei Contract Manufacturing Limited Ho Ai GimChen-Xi Impex LLP Lee Geok ChooCleancoat Services Pte Ltd Lee Liat ChengCommercial Engineering Pte Ltd Lim Eng Choon LeslieFiretronics (S) Pte Ltd Liu ShuiFoo Kon Tan Advisory Services Pte Ltd Ong Pang KiangHua Chian Construction Poh Lay LengIQ Dynamics Pte Ltd Roh Chung HyunKorean Association in Singapore Tan Mei LangLearn Well International Tan Poi KunTeng Seng Curtain Carpet Trading Co Yu Kim Man (Anonymous donations and donations below $200 are not listed above.Please feel free contact our Finance Dept at 68398382 if you have queries). MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 32
FINANCIAL REPORT METROPOLITAN YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORERegistered under the societies ACT, CAP.311SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 Group Association 2015 2014 2015 2014STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION S$’000 S$’000 S$’000 S$’000Property, Plant & Equipment 23,685 22,046 18,221 18,908Current Assets 15,797 13,169 14,075 13,263Total Assets 39,482 35,215 32,296 32,171Current Liabilities (5,185) (2,885) (1,064) (1,075)Non-Current Liabilities (1,318) (726) - (8)Total Liabilities (6,503) (3,611) (1,064) (1,083)NET TOTAL ASSETS 32,979 31,604 31,232 31,088ACCUMULATED FUND 32,979 31,604 31,232 31,088STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Revenue: Child Care, Student Care & Infant Care 12,528 8,125 801 1,901Hostel & Service Apartment 4,519 4,518 4,519 4,518Programme Services 1,440 1,341 1,440 1,341Restaurant & Conference 1,097 1,055 1,136 1,083Donations, Fund-raising Projects & Grants 7,094 2,958 599 468Membership and Entrance Fees 99 94 119 94Others 84 106 911 645 26,861 18,197 9,525 10,050Operating Expense: Employee benefits expense (16,680) (10,925) (5,058) (5,217)Depreciation of property, plant & equipment (2,738) (1,923) (1,077) (1,156)Child Care and Student Care operating expenses (2,956) (1,391) (134) (235)Programmes cost and other operating expenses (3,112) (3,303) (3,112) (3,303) (25,486) (17,542) (9,381) (9,911)TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 1,375 655 144 139STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACCUMULATED FUND BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD 31,604 30,949 31,088 30,949TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD 1,375 655 144 139 32,979 31,604 31,232 31,088STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Net cash effect of operating activities (217) 504 The above summary financial statements are basedNet cash effect of investing activities (4,303) (2,430) on financial statements audited by Cypress Singapore,Net cash effect of financing activities 6,915 3,209 Public Accounting Corporation. A copy of the full audited accounts can be viewed at the Association’sNet change in cash and cash equivalents 2,395 1,283 registered office at 60 Stevens Road, Singapore 257854Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January 12,567 11,284Less: Fixed deposits pledged (4,800) or website @www.mymca.org.sg.Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December - 14,962 7,767 MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 33
GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIPTHE METROPOLITAN YOUNG MEN’S controls, corporate governance andCHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION is a non-profit auditing requirements and any legislationsocial enterprise affiliated with YMCAs relating thereto.worldwide which brings people togetherto build strong kids, strong families and In line with this commitment, thestrong communities through holistic following policies are in place:programmes which develop body, mind • A policy to avoid Conflict of Interest:and spirit, regardless of race, genderand creed. to ensure that any director who is in any way directly or indirectly has an The Constitution of the Metropolitan interest in a transaction or projectYMCA set out the objectives to include: or other matter to be discussed at a• Encouraging the recognition and meeting, he is required to disclose the nature of his interest before the respect of the equal worth of all discussion on the matter begins, persons. and abstain from discussion and• Working for interracial, interpersonal decision-making on such matters. and international understanding. The recruitment of staff with close• Developing leadership skills and relationship (i.e. those who are more platforms for service, particularly in than acquaintances) with current youth. directors go through the established• Promoting programmes designed to human resource procedures for improve mental and physical health. recruitment. Directors serve without• Helping individuals develop remuneration. Directors protect the vocational and personal competence. confidentiality of all confidential• Collaborating with community information and records of the partners. Association, and will not make use of or reveal such information or The Association appointed Ms Phyllis records except in course of theTan as Executive Director & CEO from 1 performance of duties or unless theFebruary 2007. She accounts to a Board documents or information becomes aof Directors comprising 18 full members matter of general public knowledge.elected from the Annual General Meeting Confidential information should notand up to six co-opted members. The be used to further private interests.Board chaired by President Dr Samuel • A policy on Whistleblowing aims toYeak met 11 times in 2015. provide an avenue for employees and external parties to raise concernsGOVERNING STATEMENTS and offer reassurance that theyMetropolitan YMCA is committed to will be protected from reprisals ora high standard of compliance with victimisation for whistleblowing inaccounting, financial reporting, internal good faith. MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 34
BOARD OF DIRECTORSPresident Dr Samuel Yeak Office Holders Dr Samuel Yeak (appointed from April 2012)President Emeritus Rev Lim Kay Kok President Prof Leslie Chew, PBM, SC (appointed from April 2007)Immediate Past President Mr Arthur EH Lim First Vice President Prof Robbie Goh, PPA(G) (appointed from April 2012) Second Vice-President Mr Loh Peng Wah (appointed from April 2015) Honorary Secretary Dr Irwin Seet (appointed from April 2015) Honorary Treasurer LIST OF BOARD MEMBERS 2015/2016NAME PROFESSION/ EMPLOYER DATE CO-OPTED/ POSITION/ COMMITTEEDr Samuel Yeak Chow Lin ENT Surgeon, Amandela ENT Head & Neck ELECTED CHAIRMANSHIP Surgery Centre Co-opted 1998; Elected 2003 President Chair, Strategic PlanningRev Lim Kay Kok Deputy Sr Pastor, The New Church 1970 Chair, Nominations/ Board Dev’tMr Arthur Lim Eng Hian Company Director, Kian Hin/ UMP Chair, ACTS 1987 President EmeritusProf Leslie Chew Kwee Hoe, PBM, SC Dean, School of Law, SIM University 1990 Immediate Past President;Prof Robbie Goh Boon Hua, PPA(G) Vice Dean, NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Science Co-opted 2007; 2009 Chair, InvestmentDr Seet Chim Chuan Irwin Director, Singapore Sports School 2002 First Vice PresidentMr Loh Peng Wah Retired Valuer 1986Mr Gabriel Ng Public Accountant, Gabriel Ng & Partners Co-opted 09/10; 09/11 2nd Vice President; Chair, YouthDr Oliver Seet Beng Hian Retired Lecturer, NIE 1995 Hon Secretary; Chair, Finance; Chair, ProgrammesMs Chia Lee Suan News Editor, Lian He Wan Bao Co-opted 31/10/2005 Hon Secretary; Chair, HRMr Chim Hou Yan, JP, BBM, PBM Lawyer, Hilborne Law LLC 1971 Chair, AuditDr Seng Seok Hoon Alice Assoc Prof (Rtd), NIE 1992 Chair, Christian EmphasisMr Richard Hartung Consultant, Transcarta Co-opted 3/2012; 2013 -Mr David Hector Ho COO, Regnum Resources Pte. Ltd Co-opted 09/10; 2012 Chair, International & Public AffairsMr Eugene Lim, PBM Director of Resource Development, TWR Asia Co-opted 2007; 2012 Chair, Child CareMr Goh Soo Heng Retired Journalist Co-opted 1999; 2003 Chair, Fund RaisingA/Prof Leslie Lim Eng Choon Sr Consultant Psychiatrist, SGH 1998 -Mr Tang King Suong Lawyer, Tang & Prs Co-opted 1995; 2003 -Mr Tony K J Tan PPA(E), PBM, PBS Senior Advisor (Chief Architect), Rtd Co-opted 1977 -Mr David Wong Wei Li, PBM Businessman Co-opted 5/2013 -Ms Edna Leong Lai Yee Director, Centre For Non-Profit Leadership Co-opted 5/2015 - Chair, Building & Hospitality Services Chair, Community Services - MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 35
BOARD COMMITTEES 2015/2016AUDIT BLDG & HOSPITALITY SVCS CHRISTIAN EMPHASISChair Mr David Hector Ho Chair Mr Tony KJ Tan Chair Dr Oliver BH Seet Mr Arthur Lim Mr Loh Peng Wah Mr Loh Peng Wah Mr Loh Peng Wah Mr David Hector Ho Mr David Hector Ho Mr Chim Hou Yan Mr David Wong Wei Li Mr Eugene Lim Mr Eugene Lim Mr Eugene Lim AP Leslie Lim Mr Leslie Chew Mr Anthony Chiam Mr Raymond Chua BOARD DEVELOPMENT Chair Dr Samuel Yeak ACTIVE COMMUNITY FINANCE & INVESTMENT Mr Arthur LimTRANSFORMATION SVCS (ACTS) Chair (Finance) Dr Irwin Seet Prof Leslie ChewChair Dr Samuel Yeak (Overall) Chair (Investmt) Mr Arthur Lim Prof Robbie GohChair Mr David Wong Wei Li (Com Svc) Prof Leslie Chew Dr Irwin SeetChair Prof Robbie Goh (Youth L’ship Devt) Mr Eugene Lim Mr Loh Peng WahChair Dr Irwin Seet (Programmes) Mr David Hector Ho Dr Alice Seng Ms Chia Lee Suan Mr David Wong Wei Li Mr Chim Hou Yan Mr Richard Hartung Ms Edna Leong Ms Edna Leong HUMAN RESOURCESMEMBERSHIP, INT’L & PUBLIC AFFAIRS Chair Mr Loh Peng Wah CHILD CARE Dr Samuel YeakChair Mr Chim Hou Yan Mr Arthur Lim Chair Dr Oliver Seet Dr Alice Seng Dr Alice Seng Ms Chia Lee Suan Prof Leslie Chew Ms Phyllis Tan Mr Goh Soo Heng Mr Eugene Lim Mr David Wong Wei Li Dr Irwin Seet NOMINATIONS Ms Edna Leong Acting Chair Prof Robbie Goh Mr Raymond Chua STRATEGIC PLANNING Mr Arthur Lim Ms Vernice Chua Chair Dr Samuel Yeak Dr Irwin Seet Mr Arthur Lim Dr Alice SengFUND RAISING Prof Leslie ChewChair Mr Richard Hartung Prof Robbie Goh 70TH ANNIV ORG COMMITTEE 2015/2016 Mr Arthur Lim Loh Peng Wah Chair Dr Samuel Yeak Prof Leslie Chew Dr Irwin CC Seet Prof Robbie Goh Prof Robbie Goh Mr Chim Hou Yan Dr Irwin Seet Dr Irwin Seet Mr David Hector Ho Mr David Wong Wei Li Mr David Wong Wei Li Ms Vernice Chua Ms Vernice Chua Ms Edna Leong Ms Edna Leong Mr Anthony ChiamBRAND STEERING COMMITTEE Mr Raymond ChuaChair Dr Samuel Yeak Mr Wong Wei Li Dr Irwin Seet Mr David Hector Ho Ms Edna LeongNote: President, President Emeritus, IPP & CEO are ex-officio for all committees.NATIONAL COUNCIL OF YMCAS ADVISERS OF THE METROPOLITAN(2015/2016) YMCA SINGAPOREAs approved at the National Council AGM in June 2015 Bankers OCBC, Maybank, RHB, BEAMr Chim Hou Yan, JP, BBM, PBM President Lawyers Messrs Hilborne Law LLCDr Samuel Yeak Vice President Auditors Cypress Singapore PAC (external)Mr David Wong Wei Li Hon Treasurer Foo Kon Tan Advisory Services Pte Ltd (internal)Mr David Hector Ho Hon. Internal AuditorMr Eugene Lim Council MemberMs Edna Leong Council Member MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 36
MANAGEMENT TEAMEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & CEO Ms Phyllis Tan (Group Chief Financial Officer)GROUP CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Ms Grace Chan (Finance Manager)ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Mr Sunny Lee (HOD & Group General Manager)Finance Ms Madeline Lim (Manager)General Admin & Payroll Mrs Shirley Lim (General Manager)Human Resources Ms Doreen Tan (HOD & General Manager)Training & Development Mr Jonathan Fong (Senior Manager)Fund Raising Ms Catherine Lee (Executive Chef)HOSPITALITY SERVICES Mr Andrew Sim (Executive Housekeeper)Hospitality Services Mr Andrew Tharm (Conference & Events Executive) Ms Veronica Pestana (Marcom Executive) Ms Emmi Sulaiman (HOD & Senior Manager) Ms Jasmine Lee (Chief Technician) Ms Dorcas Yu (HOD & Group Senior Manager) Mr Ong Mok Boon (Manager)BUILDING SERVICES Ms Eleanor Tan (Manager)Building Infrastructure & Development Services Ms Joelle Hoon (Executive) Ms Adeline Ng (Executive)CORPORATE & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Ms Hailey Tay (Programme Coordinator)Corporate & International Affairs Ms Sim Pei Shan (Senior Programme Manager)Management of Information Systems Mr Mickey Miyawaki (Aquatics Manager)Corporate Purchasing Dr Chung Kum Suk (Programmes Manager)Marketing & Communications Mr Hakan Taspinar (HOD & Senior Manager)Public Affairs & Membership Ms Lenca Yew (Manager)Programmes Ms Denise Chan (Programme Coordinator)Japanese Services Mr Francis Foo (Senior Admin Assistant) Korean Services Mrs Tracey Oh (Asst Manager)Aquatics Mrs Lim Yaa Moi (Senior Youth Executive)Programmes Ms Jasmine Poh (Youth Executive)ACTIVE COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION SERVICES Ms Melissa Poh (Principal) Active Community Transformation Services Ms Ng Wei Ling (Senior General Manager)Community Services Ms Sharon Rodrigues (Principal) Dr May See Ms Lim Lian Choon Youth Leadership & Development Pasir Ris Student Care MYMCA CHILD CAREMYMCA Child Care Stevens MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 37
SENIOR MANAGEMENTMs Phyllis Tan Ms Grace Chan Mr Sunny Lee Dr May SeeExecutive Director & CEO Group Chief Operating Officer Group Chief Financial Officer MYMCA Child Care Senior General ManagerMrs Shirley Lim Ms Catherine Lee Ms Dorcas Yu Ms Eleanor Tan Ms Denise ChanHuman Resources Hospitality Services Building Infrastructure & Corporate & International Affairs Active CommunityHOD & Group General Manager HOD & General Manager Development Services HOD & Group Senior Manager Transformation Services HOD & Senior Manager HOD & Senior ManagerMANAGERSMr Jonathan Fong Mr Andrew Sim Ms Madeline Lim Ms Doreen Tan Ms Joelle HoonFund Raising Hospitality Services Finance Human Resources Management ofGeneral Manager Senior Manager Manager Manager Information Systems ManagerMs Adeline Ng Mr Francis Foo Ms Sharon Rodrigues Ms Lim Lian Choon Ms Jasmine PohCorporate Purchasing Community Services Pasir Ris Student Care MYMCA Childcare Youth Leadership & DevelopmentManager Manager Principal Principal Assistant ManagerCorrect as at 28 March 2016 MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 38
CONTACT USThe Metropolitan Y @ 60 Stevens Road, Japanese & Korean ProgrammesSingapore 257854 Japanese SectionTel: (+65) 6839 8333 Fax : (+65) 6235 5528 Tel: (+65) 6839 8342Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Korean SectionMetro-Y Apartments @ 58 Stevens Road, Tel: (+65) 6839 8352Singapore 257871 Email: [email protected]: (+65) 6839 8100 Fax: (+65) 6839 8120Email: [email protected] Youth Leadership & Development Tel: (+65) 6839 8336/6839 8335Metro-Y Conference Services Email: [email protected]: (+65) 6839 8315Email: [email protected] Community Outreach @ Sims Centre 10/10A Lorong 37 Geylang, Singapore 387907Metro-Y Restaurant Tel: (+65) 6747 4914 Fax: (+65) 6733 2144Tel: (+65) 6839 8304 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Human Resources & Organisational DevelopmentMetro-Y Programmes Tel: (+65) 6839 8365Tel: (+65) 6839 8355 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] MY World Preschool LtdMembership Services Tel: (+65) 6839 8188Tel: (+65) 6839 8359 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 39
METROPOLITAN YMCA SINGAPORE60 Stevens Road, Singapore 257854Tel: 6839 8333 Fax: 6737 2297 www.mymca.org.sg MYMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 40
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