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Home Explore Final Program OBIC Conference

Final Program OBIC Conference

Published by pali.daniel, 2018-04-19 09:56:02

Description: Final Program OBIC Conference


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THE TRANSFORMATION OF ASIAN ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS: UNDERSTANDING LOCAL CHANGES AND GLOBAL IMPACTS ON BUSINESS AND SOCIETY May 10-11, 2018, Budapest, Hungary Organizers: Oriental Business and Innovation Center (Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences – Central Bank of Hungary) Venue: 1055 Budapest, Marko street 29-31. May 10 8.00-8.30 Registration 8.30-8.45 Welcoming Remarks – Balázs Heidrich (Rector, Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences) 8.45-9.15 Keynote Speech – György Matolcsy (Governor, Magyar Nemzeti Bank – Central Bank of Hungary) 9.15-9.45 Keynote speech – Toshiki Jinushi (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe): The Japanese Experience of the Non-traditional Monetary Policy 9.45-10.00 Questions and Remarks 10.00-10.30 Coffee break 10.30-12.30 Section A 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-15.30 Section B 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-17.30 Section C 17.30-18.00 1

Keynote speech – Ayay Amarsingh Chauhan (Professor, Dean, President University, Jakarta): A Close Look at the Role of Institutions in the Economic Development of Developing Countries with an Emphasis on Banking 18.00-18.15 Questions and Remarks 18.30-19.30 Dinner (Aula) May 11 8.00-8.30 Registration 8.30-9.15 Keynote speech – Mikhail Karpov (Associate Professor, Russian National Research University Higher School of Economics): China’s Institutional “Miracle”. Party-State in the Transition to Market Economy: Potential and Limits of Systemic Sustainability 9.15-9.30 Question and Remarks 9.30-10.00 Coffee Break 10.00-12.00 Section D 12.00-13.00 Lunch 13.00-15.00 Section E 15.00-15.30 Coffee Break 15.30-17.00 Section F 17.00.-17.45 Keynote Speech – Dominik Mierzejewski (Assistant Professor, University of Lodz): Globalization and Belt And Road Initiative: The Roles Of Local Governments In China’s Foreign Policy 17.45-18.00 Questions and Remarks 18.00-18.15 Closing Remarks – Tamás Novák (Director of Oriental Business and Innovation Center) 18.15-19.30 Dinner 20.00- Danube Boat Tour 2

Main Events May 10 •8.30-8.45: Welcoming Remarks – Balázs Heidrich (Rector, Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences) •8.45-9.15: Keynote Speech – György Matolcsy (Governor, Magyar Nemzeti Bank – Central Bank of Hungary) •9.15-9.45: Keynote speech – Toshiki Jinushi (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe): The Japanese Experience of the Non-traditional Monetary Policy •17.30-18.00: Keynote speech – Ayay Amarsingh Chauhan (Professor, Dean, President University, Jakarta): A Close Look at the Role of Institutions in the Economic Development of Developing Countries with an Emphasis on Banking Main Events May 11 •8.30-9.15: Keynote speech – Mikhail Karpov (Associate Professor, Russian National Research University Higher School of Economics): China’s Institutional “Miracle”. Party-State in the Transition to Market Economy: Potential and Limits of Systemic Sustainability •17.00.-17.45: Keynote Speech – Dominik Mierzejewski (Assistant Professor, University of Lodz): Globalization And Belt And Road Initiative: The Roles Of Local Governments In China’s Foreign Policy •Closing Remarks – Tamás Novák (Director of Oriental Business and Innovation Center) 3

Day 1 Section A: Section B: Section C: 10.30-12.30 13.30-15.30 16.00-17.30 A1. BRI's Perceptions B1. How to Frame the BRI? C1. Finances in Asia 1 A2. Innovation on Macro- B2. Market Forces and and Microlevel State Intervention C2. Economic Institutions and Policies 1 B3. Macau, the Philippines A3. Euroasian Economic and Latin-America in the Integration Framework of the BRI C3. Education - Techniques A4. Small and medium B4. Master Graduate Panel: and Ideas 1 Enterprises in Asia China Issues 4

Day 2 Section D: Section E: Section F: 10.00-12.00 13.00-15.00 15.30-17.00 D1. Regional Development E1. The Belt and Road F1. Economic Integration 2 and the BRI Initiative in Southeast Asia E2. Growth and D2. Finances in Asia 2 F2. BRI and the Finances Investments F3. Master Graduate Panel D3. Examples of Economic E3. Education - Techniques From Hard Power to Soft Development and Ideas 2 Power F4. Master Graduate D4. Culture and Economy E4. Economic Integration 1 Panel: States and Security in Asia 5

Section A: 10.30-12.30 A2. Innovation on Macro- and A3. Euroasian Economic A4. Small and Medium Enterprises A1. BRI's Perceptions Microlevel Integration in Asia •Ciesielska-Klikowska, Joanna •Barnóczki, Zsuzsa (PhD Student, • Dareev, Galsan(Professor (Buryat •Anand, Arpan (Assistant (Assistant Professor, University of University of Pécs:) The Role of State Agricultural Academy) - Professor, Fortune Institute of Lodz): Germany’s Attitude towards Vietnamese Startups in the Region Vasa, László (Deputy Director, International Business): What the One Belt One Road Initiative and in the World Economy, or Senior Researcher, Institute for Motivates the Indian Family Small •Csenger, Ádám (Researcher, Pallas How to start Business in a Foreign Affairs and Trade):The Medium Enterprises to Go Athéné Innovation and Dynamically Changing Present and Future of Agriculture Abroad? Geopolitical Foundation): Environment in the Baikal Region •Navarro, Ceazar Valerei E. (PhD Australia’s Mixed Attitude towards •Kumar, Vikas (Professor, Sharda •Kang, Shih-Hao (Assistant Student, University of the the BRI: Political and National University): Determinants of the Professor, National Formosa Philippines): Business Excellence Security vs. Economic Aspects Success of Digital India Policies: University): The Opportunity for (BE) Models for MSMEs: The •Junchi, Ma (Assistant Professor, Technological, Economic and and Challenge to the Kazakhstan Contemporary Art and Science of Institute of European Studies, Social Perspectives Dream under the Development of Improving National Economy Chinese Academy of Social •Magasházi, Anikó (Researcher, China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” •Pramudya, Sakti Hendra (Skype, Sciences): The Challenges and Institute of Advanced Studies): •Khan, Huma (Director Research, PhD Student, University of Pécs): Future of “One Belt One Road” From Cheap-labour Driven to and Communications,Center for The Celebrity Family Brand; From “Yu-Xin-Ou” International Innovation-driven Economy: the Global & Strategic Studies): Comparing Single Celebrity Railway perspective Role of Institutions in Singapore Objectives and Possible Impacts of Endorsement and Celebrity family •Pickus, David (Associate •Rezková, Alice (Chairman Asia the One Belt and One Road Endorsement on Instagram Professor, Zhejiang University): Innovation Forum):Chinese Way to Initiative Product Advertisement Making China-OBOR Relations Part its Innovation Ecosystem: •Su, Cho-Hsin (Assistant Professor, •Rana, Sudhir (Assistant Professor, of the University Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities National Chengchi University): Fortune Institute of International Preparing the Next Generation for Regional Integration with Chinese Business): Internationalization of Changing Institutional Patterns Characteristics- the Silk Road Family Small and Medium Economic Belt in Eurasia Enterprises 6

Section B: 13.30-15.30 B3. Macau, the Philippines and B2. Market Forces and State B1. How to Frame the BRI? Latin-America in the Framework of B4. MA Panel: China Issues Intervention the BRI: •Bihari, Katalin (Chief of Cabinet, •Jiang, Pengfei (Associate Professor, • Horváth, Marcell (Director for •Johnson, Craig (MA Student, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Business College of Beijing Union International Affairs, Central Bank of Budapest Business School, University of Hungary) - Szalainé, Szeili Katalin University): The Influence of the Hungary): Different Ways of Economic of Applied Sciences): China, the WTO (Head of Marketing and International Political Identity of Entrepreneurs on Cooperation between Asia and Latin- and Prospects of a Trade War Relations Pannon University): Enterprise Performance from the America •Lu, Wei-lun (Research Fellow, Center Cooperation between China and Perspective of Regional heterogeneity •Klemensits, Péter (PhD Senior for Chinese Studies, Masaryk Central and Eastern European – Empirical evidence from listed Researcher, Pallas Athéné Geopolitical University) - Vančurová, Bohumila (BA Countries, with Special Emphasis on private enterprises in China Foundation, South- Southeast Asia Student, Center for Chinese Studies, the Geopolitical and Geo-economic •Purnomo, Mangku (Professor, Institution): The Philippines and the Masaryk University): Belt and Road Aspects Brawijaya University): Middle Class 21st Century New Maritime Silk Road: Initiative as a Tool of Shifting Powers •Boros, Szilárd (Advisor in Education, Income Consumption Behaviors and Opportunities and Challenges •Popova, Eketerina (MA Student, Hungarian Central Bank Education the Stagnation of Indonesian •Teixeira, Vitor (Assistant Professor, Budapest Business School, University Directorate): The Role of the Belt and Vegetable and Fruit Supermarket Catholic University of Portugal): The of Applied Sciences): Belt and Road Road Initiative in the Chinese •Susanto, Djoko (Professor, YKPN Pivotal Importance of Macao SAR in Initiative: One China's Strategy for a Economic Development Policy and the School of Business): Exploring the the Silk Maritime Road: Promoting New Global Economic Order Main Risks of the International Internal Audit Profession: The Case of Connectivity •Semenova, Viktoriia (MA Student, Implementation Using Internal Audit as a Management • Wang, Qichao - Wong, Tim Alberto Budapest Business School, University •Gaviria-Ochoa, Lady (Professor, Training Ground (PhD Student, City University of of Applied Sciences): Prospects for Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana): •Yadav, Bhanu Priya (Assistant Macau): Macau’s Connection under Cooperation between the Eurasian The cultural entanglement of China Professor, Dev Sanskriti BRI Initiative: beyond the Portuguese- Economic Union and the Silk Road and Latin America. A challenging web Vishwavidyalaya): A Study on the relevance? Economic Belt rooted in ideas and behaviors Effect of GST Implementation on the • Völgyi, Katalin (Adjunct Professor, Indian Economy and Societal Szent István University) - Lukács, Acceptance Eszter (Assistant Professor, Szent István University): Mapping Interconnectedness between OBOR and Hungary’s Eastern Opening Policy: A Political Framework 7

Section C C1. Finances in Asia 1 C2. Economic Institutions and Policies C3. Education - Techniques and Ideas 1 •Ilyés, Csaba (Professor, Budapest Business •Du, Julan (Associate Professor, University •Fu, Liping (Associate Professor, Jingchu School, University of Applied Sciences) - of Hong Kong): China's 8/11 Exchange University of Technology): How Business Ilyés-Molnár, Emese (Professor, Budapest Rate Reform: A Crisis of Misinterpretation Education Addresses Ethical Issues: Business School, University of Applied and Reverse Spillover International Comparison of Similarities Sciences: Differences and similarities in •Iswachyu, Dhaniarti (Rector, Narotama and Differences in Ethic Codes financial instruments based on the University): Government Public Service •Rahman, Saif-Ur (PhD Student , Hungarian and South Korean financial Reformation to Increase the Investment International College): The Psychological accounts Climate, Facilitating an Evenly Spread Well-being of International Students in •Taczmann, Róbert (PhD Student, National Economy Thai Universities - Effects of Sociocultural University of Pécs): Instant Payments in •Kalluru, Siva Reddy (Assistant Professor, Adjustment Asia Gokhale Institute of Politics and •Zhou, Jihong (Lecturer, Jingchu University •Volz, Ulrich (Head of Department of Economics) - Aiman, Altamash (MA of Technology): Different Approaches Economics, SOAS University of London): Student Gokhale Institute of Politics and Regarding the Code of Ethics in Business Fostering Green Finance for Sustainable Economics: Inflation Targeting – Evidence Education - Content Analysis of the Code Development in Asia from India of Ethics of Financial Times Top 50 •Sahoo, Amarendra (Visiting Professor, Business Schools Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics): Central Banking in India: Issues and Challenges •Suryantini, Any (Lecturer, Universitas Gadjah Mada) - Kusdarjito, Cungki (Professor, Janabadra University): The Influence of External Environment Factors on the Strategic of Indonesian Agriculture Sector 8

Section D D1. Regional development and D2. Finances in Asia 2 D3. Examples of Economic the BRI Development D4. Culture and economy •Ahmad, Muhammad Shakeel •Kashyap, Ravi (Assistant •Aditya, Elias Rangga (Lecturer, •Butt, Amjad Kamal (Honorary (Assistant Professor, COMSATS Professor, SolBridge International Binus University): Indonesia-China Legal Counsel, Austrian Embassy): Institute of Information School of Business): Hong Kong - Sister City Project: Development Changing Cultural Values and Technology-Islamabad): Local- Shanghai Connect / Hong Kong - or Ceremony? Patterns That Shape Economic Global Connections and Political Beijing Disconnect. Scaling the •Armuji, Ir (Chairman, Regional Institutions; A Multi-generational Economy of Electoral Great Wall of Chinese Securities Legislature of East Java): Perspective Representation in Hybrid Trading Costs Manifesting Welfare State •Hidasi, Judit (Professor Emerita, Regimes: the Case of Pakistan •Gunarsih, Tri (Professor through the Escalation of Budapest Business School, •Golubeva, Irina (Associate Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta) Regional People's Participation in University of Applied Sciences): Professor, University of Miskolc): - Sayekti, Fran - Dewanti Ratna the Regional Development The Societal Price of Excessive Hungarians’ Perceptions of and Listiana (Universitas Teknologi Planning System Economic Growth – the Case of Interactions with the Chinese: an Yogyakarta): Financial Inclusion •Jia, Dezheng (Lecturer, Shanghai Japan Empirical Study Strategy: the Case of Indonesia Lixin University of Accounting and • Nicolae, Mariana (Professor •Gutpinter, Júlia(PhD Student, •Kashyap, Ravi (Assistant Finance): The Research on the Emerita, Bucharest University of University of Pécs): China’s Professor, SolBridge International City Spatial Economic Relations of Economic Studies) - Nicolae, Elena Regional Development and the School of Business): Hong Kong - Beijing Metropolitan Circle E. (Lecturer, Bucharest University One Belt One Road Initiative Shanghai Connect / Hong Kong - •Vradiy, Sergey (Senior Research of Economic Studies) Nicolae, •Sitnikov, Igor (Phd Student, Beijing Disconnect. Scaling the Fellow Far Eastern Branch Russia Elena E. (Lecturer, Bucharest National Chengchi University)- Great Wall of Chinese Securities Academy of Sciences): Russia- University of Economic Studies): Blundell, David (Professor, Trading Costs Taiwan Relations and the Values in Shifting Times and Fuzzy National Chengchi Universitty): •Rácz, Gergő Zsolt (MA Student, Economy of Primorskiy Krai Geographies – (Where) Do They Historical Transformations of Atma Jaya Catholic University): Meet? Eurasia-Pacific Economies: A View Islamic Law and Islamic Financial •Tanaka, Hiroshi(PhD, of Understanding Local Changes System in Indonesia Ritsumeikan University): Where and Global Impacts through Does the Japanese Term Geographic Information Systems “Monodzukuri” Come From, and Where Is It Going? 9

Section E E1. The Belt and Road Initiative in E2. Growth and Investments E3. Education - Techniques and E4. Economic integration 1 Southeast Asia Ideas 2 •Horváth, Levente (PhD Student, •Ilyes, Tamás (PhD Student, University •Bánhegyi, Mátyás (Associate • Majoros, Pál (Associate Professor, University of Pécs): The Chinese of Pécs): The Differences in the Professor, Budapest Business School, Budapest Business School, University Maritime Area and Harbors in the Pattern of Regional Growth in China, University of Applied Sciences) - Nagy, of Applied Sciences): Japan in the World Economy the United States and in the European Judit (Associate professor, Károli Network of Regional Integrations •Hsu, Aye Chan (Research Assistant, Union Gáspár University of the Reformed • Neszmélyi, Iván György (Associate Siam University): China and Myanmar •Kusdarjito, Cungki (Rector, Janabadra Church): Cultural Aspects of Oral Professor, Budapest Business School, Trade; During Myanmar Political University) - Suryantini, Any (Lecturer, Presentations: Korean Students’ University of Applied Sciences): An Transformation Universitas Gadjah Mada): In Pursuit Presentations in Business English overview of the trade relations of the •Kuo, Tony Sowang (Associate of an Economic Development Model •Gupta, Anu (Skype, Assistant Republic of Korea and the European Professor, Shih Chien University): for Indonesia Professor, Seth Jai Prakash Mukand Union in the light of the KOREU Free China’s “One Belt One Road” Policy • Sass, Magdolna (Associate Professor, Lal Institute of Engineering and Trade Agreement towards Southeast Asia Budapest Business School, University Technology): The Role of Massive • Szilágyi, Judit (Assistant Professor, •Tai, Wan-Ping (Professor, Cheng Shiu of Applied Sciences) - Ozsvald, Éva Open Online Courses in Fostering Skill Budapest Business School, University University): Political and Economic (Centre for Economic and Regional and Knowledge Development in of Applied Sciences): The Belt and Relationships Between China and the Studies. HAS) - Shobha, Kiran Developing Economies Road Initiative: China’s Grand Philippines Under the OBOR Initiative (External Researcher) - Szunomár, •Lázár, Edit (Assistant Professor, Strategy to become a Real Ágnes (Researcher, Centre for Budapest Business School, University Superpower Economic and Regional Studies. HAS): of Applied Sciences): New Way of • Vándor, János (Associate Professor, Asian Foreign Direct Investments in Acquiring Knowledge in the Service of Budapest Business School, University Hungary Change of Applied Sciences): Trade Routes in •Sharma, Amit (Executive Director and •Pál, Ágnes Ibolya (Senior Lecturer, the Changing East-Asian Region. The Associate Professor, International Budapest Business School, University Case of Taiwan Business Education Centre, Zhejiang of Applied Science) - Lin, Debbita Tan Yuexiu University of Foreign Ai - Ganapathy, Malini (Senior Languages)- Prakash, Shri (Former Lecturers, Universiti Sains Malaysia): Professor of Eminence & Dean How Governmental Policies Have Research, Birla Institute of Shaped the Sino – Latin American Management Technology) Prakash, Economic Relationship in the Period Shri (Former Professor of Eminence & 2007-2017 Dean Research, Birla Institute of Management Technology): Employment, Productivity and the Growth of Indian Economy 10

Section F F4. Master Graduate Panel F3. MA Panel: From Hard F1. Economic Integration 2 F2. BRI and the Finances 3: States and Security in Power to Soft power Asia •Nguyen, Trinh Thanh Nguyen •Bábosik, Mária (Senior Expert •Bünyamin, Ciko (MA Student, •Allahyarova, Shahla (MA (PhD Student, Corvinus Central Bank of Hungary): Budapest Business School, Student, Budapest Business University of Budapest): The China’s Changing Role in the University of Applied Sciences): School, University of Applied reform of Vietnamese Economic Multilateral Development Banks Turkey’s Soft Power Tools: From Science): Singapore and Kuwait: Institutions under the Impact of •Bucsky, Péter (PhD Student, Airlines to Cultural Centers Small States’ Development Free Trade Agreements. A Case University of Pécs): Financing •Jahanli, Sabina (MA Student, Models in Comparative Context Study of the EU and Vietnam and Challenges of the New Silk Budapest Business School, •Páldi, Zoltán (Skype, MA Free Trade Agreement Road Projects University of Applied Sciences): Student, Budapes, Business •Paramitaningrum (Lecturer, •Eszterhai, Viktor (Senior International Trade as a Major School, University of Applied Aspect of Chinese Economic Bina Nusantara University): Is Researcher, Pallas Athene Growth Sciences): Non-traditional the EU-Indonesia Relation Going Innovation and Geopolitical Security Threats in the ASEAN to Be a Strategic Partnership? Foundation): A Cultural •Uraimov, Marat (MA Student, •Shendryk, Kseniia - Budapest Business School, •Vándor, János (Associate Perspective of China’s New University of Applied Sciences): Hrytsyshyna, Diana (MA Professor, Budapest Business Institution Making Effort: The Chinese “Result-oriented” Students, Budapest Business School, University of Applied Case of the “16+1 Cooperation” Investment Approach’s Indirect School, University of Applied Sciences): Taiwan’s Place and Impact on Domestic Policies in Sciences): The Phenomenon of Role in Global Value Chains Central Asian and Eastern the Developmental State: A European Countries (Kyrgyzstan Case Study of Singapore and Hungary) 11

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