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Home Explore CircleProgram_AR_2019_Final


Published by dferetich, 2020-04-28 18:17:35

Description: CircleProgram_AR_2019_Final


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The change THELetterfrom PRESIDENT that started in 2019, on both an As I reflect on the past year for Circle Program, I think about an additional “C”, organizational Change, that was a major theme of 2019. Circle welcomed Jamie Capaul, a and individual longtime Circle advocate, as the new Program Manager shortly before the 2019 level, continues camp session started. Jamie, along with Camp Manager Lindsey Collins (also into 2020 as a Circle champion who recently joined the program full-time), jumped right into making Circle Program memorable and life enhancing activities for the girls to experience during camp. They took said goodbye advantage of more space for teaching at the new waterfront area to bolster the water skills to long-time curriculum for the girls and to provide opportunities for LITs (Leaders-In-Training) to earn Executive their lifeguard certification. Away from the water, the principles of Leave No Trace were Director introduced, building girls’ personal responsibility for leaving nature the way they found it Kathy Kearns, during their outdoor adventures. who retired after serving Circle This confidence and caring, honed during the summer activities, was seen in action for 11 years. firsthand as the Circle girls gave back during the Fall fundraiser Talent Show at the Flying Monkey, confidently selling raffle tickets, helping thank Sponsors, and performing an act in the show that was choreographed by one of their own. Anyone in the audience that night could feel the pride the girls felt for the program and their contribution towards making the event a success. The change that started in 2019, on both an organizational and individual level, continues into 2020 as Circle Program said goodbye to long-time Executive Director Kathy Kearns, who retired after serving Circle for 11 years. It has been a privilege to work with Kathy during my board tenure and directly experience her commitment to Circle. I have seen her hard work on behalf of our organization, her dedication to Circle’s mission and her willingness to take on any task, no matter what it was, to serve the organization. While change can be a challenge, there is also the opportunity to reflect and to grow. We wish Kathy the best in her retirement and are looking forward to continuing Circle’s work empowering girls with our talented and dedicated staff team whose passion and commitment to the girls is truly inspiring. I am deeply grateful to be a part of an organization working to help girls realize their full potential, and I am excited to be a part of what 2020, and beyond, holds for Circle Program! Sara Crane President 2

We appreciate the generosity New Hampshire Marathon of allof our supporters New Hampshire including those who wish to remain anonymous Women’s Foundation Hank and Polly Parker We have endeavored to present accurate Paul and Betsey Shiverick, information and to list all gifts. Please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions. The Shelter Hill Foundation Speare Memorial Hospital Visionaries’ Circle Coit House Fund Thomas and Kemp Hill, Summer Food Program of the NHCF Norcross Fund Fidelity TOSA Foundation Honoring Donors of $5,000+ Charity Karen and Eric Werner Peter Blakeman Sandy & Selina Colhoun Madelaine G. von Weber Trust Charles Braxton Audrey Hillman Fisher The Linden Foundation The Jack and Timothy & Elaine Mann Sponsors’ Circle Foundation, Inc. Ben and Shani McLane Dorothy Byrne Foundation Lisa Gelfand Family Fund Linda and Andy McLane Honoring Donors of $3,000+ Charles Foundation, Inc. Meredith Village Anonymous of the NHCF Cogswell Benevolent Trust of NHCF 3M Tilton Dorothy Gould Cook Granite United Way Savings Bank Gerald O’Reilly and Greater Lakes Region New Hampshire Charitable Memorial Fund Kathleen Behrens of the NHCF Children’s Auction Foundation Grant Janet and Richard Cocchiaro Richard and Heather Hart The Common Man Bea and Woolsey Conover A Note of Gratitude from Fund of the NHCF Kathy Kearns – Retiring Executive Director Jean and Sward Grunst The Samuel Hunt Foundation As I retire from Circle Program, I return to the mantra that has always been an Marnie Schultz integral part of Circle’s core values and culture: “Gratitude is the Attitude!” Rolfe and Rumford Advised I am so grateful for: Fund of the NHCF • The Mentors who have unselfishly given of their time and talents to become a caring, consistent Charles and Nancy Wilder presence in the life of their Circle girls; Designated Fund • The Donors who understand the need for supporting this organization for both the short- and of the NHCF long-term; “Thank you for • The Board members who have offered me their sound advice, constant support during making it possible challenging times, and mindful oversight of the mission; to hang out with • The Staff members who have made the Circle Program more than just a job, or an opportunity my friends for a few weeks over for self-aggrandizement, but rather a dedicated focus of their lives; the summer.” • The Girls and Teens of Circle Program who are a testimonial to this organization. I have been grateful for the opportunity to watch them grow, mature and become young women who are assets to their families and communities and testaments to the value of Circle Program. I am grateful for the past eleven years of my affiliation with Circle Program and look forward to watching you take our work to the next level and higher heights of success! My best wishes for the years ahead. Sincerely, Kathy Kearns 3

Founders’ Circle Parker Griffin and “ Camille Bharucha Honoring Donors of $1,000+ Thank you so much Anonymous Mary Guy for making it possible Andrews Construction Thomas W. Haas Fund for me to make such Hilltop Foundation amazing friends Company John and Lori Hyslip and making me feel Anita Fund of the NHCF Betsy and Harold Janeway like I finally fit in Catherine Barrett Matthew S. LaFontaine somewhere.” Scott Bishop Homes Robert and Sylvia Larsen George and Nancy Bolln, Jr. Susan Lynch James Potash and Sally Scott Tom and Susan Stepp Jacques and David and Joan Martin Brooklyn Raney LLC R. Gregg and Lisa Stone, III The Martin-John LaFoley Rockywold-Deephaven Walter and Shirley Strauch Carole Bonnet-Eymard Jean and Murray Swindell, Sr. Anne L. Bryan Fund Camps Phillip Twombly Bryant Paving LLC Maroun Family Foundation John Rogers John F. and Pat Weeks D.L. Carlson Investment Mary Ann and John McRae Rotary Club Of Concord Laurie and Doug Whitely Peter and Alida Millham George and Sharon Tyler Ruth Angeline Whitley Group, Inc. Meredith Bay Partners LLC John and Jill Schiffman Memorial Foundation, Inc. Martha Chandler Jay and Jennifer Mullins Margaret Shiverick Winsheblo Fund of the NHCF Captain Douglas DiCenzo New Hampshire Stephanie Smith Miriam and Robert Smith Camp Fund Electric Co-op Paul and Sharon Steinwachs Dow Family Trust Todd & Amy Nordblom Northeast Delta Dental of the NHCF James & Elizabeth O’Grady Michele and Andrew Dubois Daniel F. O’Neill Elkin Charitable Trust Seton O’Reilly Priscilla Gemmill Camp Pasquaney Gilford Rotary Club Plymouth Rotary Club Girls Of Onaway Jane & Mark Pompa Granite United Way Chris and Martha Grant Leaders’ Circle “Thank you for helping to make Circle Honoring Donors of $500+ Camp possible. Without you camp Anonymous wouldn’t be what it is and we wouldn’t Joan Allison have made all these lifelong friends…” John Arnold Robin Bagley Frank and Helga Doyle Lisa’a Personal Ari Richter Richard and Ruth Barney Michael Feehliy Training Studio David and Rebecca Sinkler Nancy Barrett Arthur and Melanie Gajarsa Carol and Gary Sobelson Ken and Eleanor Batchelder Elizabethh Gemmill Martha and Carol M. Southall Carol and Richard Binder Gilford Community Church George Macomber Speedway Children’s Bristol Rotary Club Ernest and Margaret Greene Vincent J. Broderick Marcia Hayward Roxanne Makris Charities Captain Douglas DiCenzo Thomas and Bob and Sue Martins Jean and Missy Mason Camp Fund Elizabeth Kelsey James Mitkonis Murray Swindell Sr. Dennis Card and Mary Kimmel Rosemary A. Moukad Larry and Pam Tarica Kiwanis Club Of Laconia Moultonboro Lions Club Brian and Amy Werner Maureen McCanty KTM Auto Inc. Peter and Kris Nordblom Dean and David and Barbara and Sam Laverack Northland Construction LLC Overhead Door Options, Inc. Jacqueline Williamson Rosamond Carlson Penny Pitou Mark and Susan Zankel Tiffany Cayarga Barbara and Bill Zeckhausen CCI William Chapman William and Nancy Dailey Donald and Martha Doblen 4

Partners’ Circle “ Nancy Lindsay Memorial Fund 2019 Honoring Donors of $250+ We are grateful for Peter L. O’Reilly and Rebecca Hewitt Anonymous our amazing camp Lindsay S. Scott Fletcher W. Adams that you have made Gerald O’Reilly and Kathleen Behrens Colin and Melody Anderson possible for us and Seton O’Reilly Lucynda Anderson more importantly, Annie’s Overflow Cafe for our special Stock Gifts Richard and Linda Beyer memories.” Bridgewater Power Anonymous Masonic Charitable Robert and Sylvia Larsen Company Foundation, Union Lodge Kathleen and Gerald O’Reilly David and Mavis Brittelli Behrens and Seton O’Reilly Robert Broadhurst Melcher & Prescott Stephanie Smith Joan Bromley Agency, Inc. Larry Carlson Matching Gifts Frontier Capital Mgt. Co. Chocorua Chapel Association Meredith Rotary Club GE Congregational Church Laura Milliken and Richard Binder Gap Inc. Paul & Jane Hart State Street Foundation Inc. Of Laconia Mark Seymour Lucynda Anderson Cozy Cabin Rustics Roger and Sandra Minnick Robert Luiso Jennifer Crane Moultonborough Glenn and Susanne Currie Plymouth Congregational Unitarian Universalist Custance Brothers Women’s Club Church Church Of Concord Katheryn Mudge Woodworking, LLC, William and Pamela Mueller Ivan & Barbara Quinchia Barbara Van Sickle Adam De Boor New England Associated Mr & Mrs Robert Rukus Bella and Gordon Vittum Lynn & Harry Decker Six Burner Bistro Susan Ware Robert and Cathy Denious Grocers Inc., Golda Schohan and Robert and Binney Wells Dirt Designs New England Nordic Susan Weatherbie Dunkin’ Donuts Nils Skorve Robert and Carol Weissman Rod and Gail Dyer Ski Association Dorothy Smith White Mountain Earick Family NH Masonic Charitable Carol M. Southall Randy Eifert Robert and Carol Stewart Athletic Club Ken and Jenny Evans Foundation Sharon Swindell Rachel Williams Daniel and Cherly Farley NH Mutual Bankcorp Tilton-Northfield John and Shirley Woodward Ron and Wendy Fisher Joyce DeWolf and Zonta Club Of Southern ME Maureen Fitzgerald Rotary Club Tony Fitzherbert George Palmer 5 Ann Giles Peabody and Jim Gleich Lawrence and Smith Realty, Inc. Charles Platt Katherine Graff Barbara Harris Jane & PT Hart E.M. Heath Hebron Area Women’s Group Bill Hendrickson Irwin Automotive Group Helen L. Jennings Warner W. Kent Florence LaPorte Daniel Ryan DeeDee Monahan Roger and Carol LaFontaine Jessica Geiben Lynn Kurt and Emily Magnus

Friends’ Circle James and Bonnie Doherty Mitch Manseau and Lindsay S. Scott Kate Donahue Phyliss Rockwell Curtis and Cornelia Scribner Honoring Donors of $100+ Glenn Dorr Lois and Marty Sechehay Anonymous Lawrence and William Marcus Betty Seeler Kimberly Alexander Barbara and Ted McCahan Carol M. Southall Christa Allen Elizabeth Draper John J. McCormack Spirit of Dance Awards Hugh and Tigh Antrim E.M. Heath, Inc. Kathleen A. McGuire Dan Stack Howard Baetjer Eastern Star Thomas and Claire McGreal Max and Helga Stamp Susan Baldini Dough and Sue McLean Brianna Stephens Alan and Janice Barnard Sawhegenit Chapter 52 Stephen McMahon and Judith E. Sterns Joseph Beauparlant Richard and Kenneth and Ilene Stern Paul and Nancy Beck Georgene Fabian Grace Freije Robert and Carol Stewart Robert and Pamela Bethel Al and Betsey Fal Pam and John McPherson Peter and Judith Strople David and Dianne Bird Charles and Meredith Altrusa Club Richard and Ruth Stuart T. M. and Elizabeth Birdsall Charlotte Faulkner II Dana and Jane Merrithew Walter Swap and George and Marilyn Blaisdell Kyle Fellers David Metcalf John Blessing Karen Ferguson Brendon Michael and Dorothy Leonard Jeanne and Don Boese Bruce and Carolyn Field Jack and Diane Terrill Spencer Bolln Francis and Amanda Finizio Staci Reardon The Taylor Independent Donna Borges Shehan, Tobin and Cynthia Anne Milender Virginia and Robert Bradley Food, PLLC Mill #3 Resident’s Association Alexandra Breed and Franklin Savings Bank Jocelyn and Donald Miller Teri Thinnes-Whitman and Don and Janet Frisch Miracle Farms Doug Hill Ray Gagnon Thomas Whitman Justin Broderick Gap, Inc. Landscape Contractors Eric Thomas Mary Broderick Gemstar Gemstone’s Co. M & M Scoops John and Carol Thompson Lawrence Brownell David and Barbara Godbout S. Harbaugh Moore Cindy Tomlinson Jay Buckley Lyn and Gary Goodnough Lisa Mowery Edward Touhey William and Melinda Burns Jody Goodrich and Robert and Alice Muh Sharon Treichler John and Louise Cadwell Daniel Moore Ellen M. Needham Paula and Paul Trombi Judith Caldwell Edward and Gayle Gordon Margaret and Richard Nelson Roger and Mimzie Uhler Café Monte Alto Barbara C Gribbel Willliam and Connie Nobles David and Gerry Wall Catherine Callahan Phyllis Hamblet Northway Bank Kent and Mary Alice Warner Camelot Acres Jeffrey Hale Jim, Kim and Emily Nute John F. and Pat Weeks, Jr. George Carr Jane & PT Hart Merelise O’Connor Ken Weidman Chase Street Market Kathleenn Hedburg Peter L. O’Reilly Barbara S. Weston Ron and Jan Collins Bruce and Parrish Hermanos Ronald and Debra Parr Rich and Kathy Weymouth Erin Colons Shirley and Michael Jacob Lynn Passanisi White Mountain College Patricia C. Come William and Anne Jacobi Peppercorn Conklin and Reynold, PA Linda Egli Johnson Dorothy Peterson for Pets LLC Anne Conolly William and Nancy Johnson Gene and Meg Piana Laurie and Doug Whitley Margaret M Conver Lisa Judelson William Porter Bruce and Betsey Whitmore Martha Copithorne Kevin and Sandra Kelly Brent and Wendy Powell Rachel Williams Richard and Joyce Cowern Fred and Katharina Kelsey Jordan Prouty Charles Willing Catherine Crane Sheryl Kennedy Laurie Pzena Wish Starr Properties Francis (Bud) and Jeffrey Key Anthony and Cynthia Quinn Nancy Wolf and Mary Kimmel Janice Quintal Mary Crane Robert and Robert Rier Jacob Rosengarten Irene Cucina Lorraine Kingsbury Alison and Robert Ritz Penelope T. Curtis Maureen F Lamb Alain and Nancy Rousset Jewssica and Will Davis Roger and Jennifer LaRochelle Kenneth and Nancy Ruhm Patrick and Linda Decker Valerie Laskos David Ryder Catherine DeLaura Gordon and Jeanne Lewis Judy Ryerson Gus Demeo Heidi Lewis Sandwich Ladies Aid Robert Dempsey Christine Louis Ileana Saros and Todd and Laura DeSisto Ronald and Lori Magoon Diane DeStafano Anne Carter Mahaffey Gerald Lauther Valerie and John Scarborough Molly Scheu Jeffrey and Megan Scipione 6

Supporters’ Circle Phyllis Corrigan Heningham and Marie Randolph John Crafts Davis Kennedy Enid and David Reed Honoring Donors of $1 - $99 Edwin Cragin Mark and Ruth Reingold Mark Aldrich and Linda Crawford Ruth Kennedy Jake Remley Janice Curnan Mary Kimmel Harriet Resnicoff Wendy Wipprecht Mark Dacey Kathy Kingston Sara Richards Thomas and Susan Amlicke Jessica and Philip Deeney James Koch Patty Rockensies Diane Arsenault and George DeVito Ellen Koenig Gloria Kay Rogers Agnes and Patrick DiAmbrosio Lucy Kondry Micheline Roy Peter Pirnie Katharine Didier Patricia A. Lanciani David and Monique Scharlotte Art Escape Janet Doner Barbara S. Lauterbach John and Susan Scudder Leslie Avery Jennifer Duby Barbara Laverack David and Maureen Serighelli David and Jolen Aubin Walter and Caroline Dueger Christopher and Gay Legg Cheryl Sinclair Amey and Scott Bailey Cynthia M. Dussault Nancy Leighley Carol Snow-Asher Alan Barrett Malcolm and Andrea Eaton Matty Leighton John and Susan Spaeth, III Barbara Beal Valerie Ferland George and Anne Levine Judith Spivak Katherine and Joseph Behre Linda and Family Filker Bernadette Loesch Celeste St. Pierre Joan and Frank Behrendt Gustaff and Whitney Fish Bob Luiiso Sara Jayne Steen Robert and Pamela Bethel Paul and Cheryl Fitzgerald David and Marilyn Lynch Stella Hair Boutique Thomas and Ann Blair Paul and Judy Floyd Gary MacDonald Sydney Stewart and Harry and Anita Blood Norma Formeister Terry and Peg MacDonald James Bogrett and John Francis David Marcus Diane Potter Patricia Francis Michael Marino and Frank Stevens Sharon Crane Paul and Charlene Fraser Victoria and Rachel Brandli Joel and Melody Funk Lee Ann Moulder Susan Coe Brown Meredith Funston Jim and Fran Marshall Christopher Stigum Nancy Bruce Grace Gravey Peggy Martin Rusty and Natalia Strong Robert and Louise Bulkeley Maire Gerli Kelly Mask Andrew R. Supplee Charles and Sybil Buell Peter and Jo Goodwin Ted and Barbara McCahan Hubert and Nancy Sycamore Ginny Burnham Barbara Greenwood Mary Ann and John McRae Olivia H Tarleton Frances Burnell James Gregg MegaPrint James Thorsen Philip and Judith Bush Dean and Janet Gulezian Meredith Altrusa Club Gordon and Elisabeth Tobin Marion Burns and Stephen and Beverly Gunther Marie Louise Metzger Cindy Tomlinson Sara Hage Laura Milliken and Sharon Treichler Jim Childs Hannaford Alice Tweedy Jamie Capaul Michael Hanrahan and Mark Seymour Martha Twombly Debbie and Peter Carter Greg Mulready Angie Van Sickle Sally and Hopkins, Aimee Wadeson Jim, Kim & Emily Nute Peter and Prudy Van Winkle Paul and Mary Hazelton Bridget O’Brian Brooke Wakefield Jerry Carver Maureen Heller Harriette W O’Brien Carol Ward Pat Casey Wendy Hills Elizabeth O’Neill Lisa Wardlaw Dina Chaitowitz Peter Hollman Patty O’Neill Joan and Scott Warren David and Ann Cioffi Sandra Jones Jessica Orol Mary Washburn Mary Collins Peter and Fifi Kampf Richard and Ed and Marion Weber Concord Dance Academy Sherry Weeks Constantly Pizza Winnie O’Shaughnessy Ken Weidman Maureen and John Convery Karen Overton Diane Wells Gordon Cormack Bonnie and Timothy Page Audrey Werner Gail Paine Tracy White “Thank you for making it possible to have Janet Panagoulis Sally Widerstrom and Lynn Passanisi the most fun summers. I’ve made so many Martha Pearson Joyce Weston memories with my friends and counselors.” Barrie Pendergast Marj Wilkinson Nick and Ruth Perencevich Rachel Williams Peter’s Images Unlimited LLC Julie and Michael Willis Jeff and Gayle Phelps Linda Wirth Granthia Preston James Wittebol Jordan Prouty Shirley Ziebarth Shirley and Anthony Quinn 7

Through a Mentor’s Eyes By Jane Weber that being part of Circle program was like who takes MORE cat photos than I do having a second family. myself. Also, through Rachel’s guidance, I’ve cultivated an appreciation for all- I became part of Rachel’s Circle family things-peppermint and all-things-potato. because adolescents have always been Best of all, I’ve seen a very resilient part of my adult life, first as a teacher young person navigate, with grace, all and then as a parent. I knew I’d miss the challenges of this world—evolving all that teen energy once my own teens friendships, breakups, stressful family left home. Luckily, I’d always had my events, and disappointment when she eye on Circle Program for the summer doesn’t reach a goal she set for herself. camp piece that made it different from Rachel has unusual wisdom and she’s other mentoring programs, so I became true to herself every day. I remind her a mentor. of this often! Jane and Rachel Rachel was a friendly, energetic sixth I asked Rachel for a roundup of what On January 26th, Rachel and I attended grader when we became Circle friends, she likes about Circle and she started the musical Annie at PSU. It was exciting and she’s now a friendly, energetic by talking about camp, how she’s met because we both knew people in the 16-year-old in her sophomore year so many girls that she might not know cast and we got to see them shine on of high school. She remains clear as otherwise, and what a blast it is every stage. Also, during intermission Rachel ever on her opinions, and she has no year. I asked her about the mentoring saw Lindsey (from Circle, who was there tolerance for bullying or dishonesty. In piece and she said she values having with her son), and Fox (from Circle), and our years together we’ve shared many someone she can talk with easily. (I “Chief,” who was her favorite counselor activities, such as hiking, snowshoeing, agree that we talk easily, and we discuss from camp last year. She was so delighted bird-banding, visiting museums and ALL things.) As for changes I’ve seen in to see Chief that she cried! She also art galleries, traveling by train through Rachel, I’ve seen her confidence grow remarked that Lindsey “is like a second scenic Vermont, horseback riding, due to working her first job: Dunkin mom.” In fact, when I was interviewing skiing, swimming, longboarding Donuts, full-time summer of 2019 and her about this article, she pronounced (Rachel flies!), ice-skating, photography, part-time during this school year. She’s mini-golfing, live theater, and starting to form ideas for what comes restaurant dining. Some outings were after high school, whereas a few years bigger hits than others, but Rachel has ago the future was a big blank. Rachel always been willing to try new things. would like to attend college! To that Because of Rachel, I now know someone end, this week she plans to open her very first bank account. 2019 by the Numbers 81MENTORS “Thank you for making 36,859 Miles Traveled by Mentors camp possible for girls like us. We appreciate your $10,880 3,655 kind and generous hearts. In Kind Donations by Mentors Especially for girls in low Hours Donated by Mentors income households. You make our dream summers 583Since we began... 435 Volunteer Mentors have given come true.” Girls lives have been impacted by the incredible generous gift of Circle Programs Summer Camp themselves to these girls. and school year programs. 8

Thank you Circle Mentors! What an incredible generous gift these This year, our Mentors spent 3,655 Oprah Winfrey said, “A mentor is 81 women gave throughout 2019 to the hours with their partner mentees, drove someone who allows you to see the hope girls and teens they volunteer to mentor! 36,859 miles fulfilling their volunteer inside yourself.” A most heartfelt thank Circle Program Mentors are a key element commitment, and contributed a total of you to each of you remarkable women! toward accomplishing our mission. $10,880 of in-kind donations. Hannah Ackerman Elizabeth Corell Mary Hall Charlene McCarron Michele Sirles Samantha Ahern Sarah Daley Karen Hanks Jennifer McMahon Fox Smith Lucynda Anderson Tracy Dassatti Donna Harris Lisa Mowery Sharon Smith Hillary Ayers Patricia Dietz Ashley Hoyt Susan Murphy Dottie Stahler Tiffany Baert Nancy DiPietro Polly Ingraham Beth Musto Mary Jo Stephens Debbie Bolduc Alicia Doucet Diana Johnson Jeanne O’Callaghan May Stewart Lori Borrin Kristie Ennis Jamie King Linda Olmsted Leslie Sturgeon Rachel Brandli Julie Flynn Lieza LaFontaine Patty O’Neill Cindy Tomlinson Sheryl Brochu Jeannie Forrester Linda LaPrad Deandra Perruccio Brenda Voydatch Carol Cannon Brenda Fusco Tammy Levesque Leigh Ann Reynolds Gina Wagner Jamie Capaul Frances Gonsalves Rebekah Lewis Norma Ross Barbara Ward Loraine Cathy Rebekah Gonzalez Susan Lynch Lizabeth Rossner Jane Weber Christy Cegelski Katie Gray Ann Mari Lyons Sarah Sleeper Tracy White Katie Chamberlain Amy Greene Suzy Martin Deborah Schachter Marj Wilkinson Jean Clarke Alyssa Greenler Kathy Anne Mathis Barbara Sewall Amy Wilson Martha Cloutier Christina Gribben Christine Matzke Sally Sheffield Tracy Woodaman Lindsey Collins Citizen Scientist Project: 2 were black legged ticks. Each tick Tick Collection and BeBop Labs we found was safely stored in a tiny, plastic specimen bag for submission By: Lindsey Collins to BeBop Labs. The data sheet for each specimen included the date it was During our 2019 summer camp presently working on 3 projects: found, GPS coordinates for the location season, Dr. Kaitlyn Morse, founder 1) Developing solutions to protect our where it was discovered, the age of and driving force behind BeBop Labs moose from ticks, 2) Making a handheld the individual who found the tick, and in Ashland, NH, educated our girls device to provide onsite instantaneous details about whether the tick was camp participants and the staff about disease information, and 3) Mapping discovered crawling on an individual, the various types of ticks found in risk of getting bitten by infected ticks. biting/attached, or found elsewhere. this region. BeBop Labs is a 501(c)3 Our girls and staff served as Citizen Dr. Morse is such a positive role model organization whose mission is: To Scientists, collecting ticks and data, and for our girls and this was a valuable, create and foster a scientifically-minded sending our samples and information real-life STEM (Science, Technology, community that actively works together to the lab to become part of these Engineering, Math) activity. She tells to tackle issues affecting human health research efforts. us that visiting all the camps was “… and our environment. BeBop Labs is Circle Camp joined 15 other New very rewarding, especially Circle Camp, Hampshire camps, like Camp Hawkeye where surprisingly the influence I had in Moultonborough, in this data was that the girls take charge of their collection endeavor, gathering a grand own health and bodies. I loved that!” total of 1,073 ticks, 80% of which were Circle Program is proud to be an active crawling when found. Our Circle part of the Citizen Scientist project she Program girls and staff collected a total initiated, and to be helping with this of 48 ticks during the summer camp important work. We are so pleased Dr. season; 46 were harmless dog ticks and Morse will return to Circle Camp in 2020 to continue this program! 9

Gifts Made in Honor and Memory of Circle Program welcomes and appreciates gifts made in honor of loved ones and to commemorate special occasions. In Memory of In Honor of Sarah and In Honor of In Memory of Alison Werner Barton Jennifer Crane Martha Macomber Phyllis D. Prouty Gordon and Mary Collins Jean and Murray Swindell, Sr Jordan Prouty Elisabeth Tobin In Honor of Geoff Curtis In Memory of Pasena Maroun In Honor of of Mary Richards Michael Feehily Peter and Jo Goodwin Barbara C Gribbel Sara Richards Mary Guy In Honor of Ronald and Debra Parr In Honor of Rita Salvi Larry Carlson Brian and Lisa Desmond Valerie Laskos Robert Dempsey Frank and Helga Doyle Jasmine, Allison and Mark Dacey Murray J. Swindell Jr. Barbara S Weston Megan Blais and Lucy Kondry In Honor of Eleanor Detaan Jeanne and Don Boese Zita Bello Maureen Fitzgerald Brianna Stephens Gordon Vittum Eric Thomas Paul and Charlene Fraser Jane & Mark Pompa In Memory of Gary MacDonald In Honor of Randy Eifert Dorothy E. Sheehan Greg Mulready Fran and Horance Edwards Jack and Diane Terrill Shirley Ann and Joseph Beauparlant In Honor of Helen Mathieson Michael Jacob Daniel and Cherly Farley Jolen and David Aubin Margaret M Conver In Honor of Fox Smith William Porter In Honor of Lenora Egli In Honor of Merrimack Title Diane Wells Jessica and Philip Deeney and Sara Holland & Company In Honor of Carol Southall Ellen M Needham Linda Egli Johnson Meredith Village David and Rebecca Sinkler Brendan and Reardon & In Honor of Dick Gorsey Savings Bank In Memory of In Honor of Deb Moore John W. Spaeth III Staci Michael Linda Filker and Family Judith Caldwell Susan Holden Spaeth Bob Luiso In honor of Elaine Gumpp In Memory of In Honor of Robert Talanian Ron and Wendy Fisher Arthur and Mary Mudge Mary G. Washburn Daniel Ryan Elizabeth O’Neil Hubert and In Honor of Dominic Tringale Audrey Werner In Honor of Dr. Annie Hager Nancy Sycamore Mary Washburn Lois and Marty Sechehay In Honor of Anne Nute In Memory of James Wittebol Gordon and Bello Vittum Jim, Kim & Emily Nute Betsey Twombly Michael Feehily In Memory of Jean Hills In Honor of Seton O’Reilly Eric and Karen Werner Carol Southall Martha Twombly Walter and Leonard, Frances Burnell In Honor of In Memory of Nancy Waddell Katherine and Bethany Palfrey Palk Dorothy Swap Joseph Behre Judy Palfrey James Koch Dean and Valerie Ferland In Memory of our parents In Honor of Ruth Wellington Norma Formeister David and Marilyn Lynch Jacqueline Williamson Grace Garvey John and Jill Schiffman Thomas and Janice Curnan Nancy Bruce Towns Where Girls Live Claire McGreal Wendy Hills Dag and Jackie Williamson In Memory of Ashland Meredith Ric Sward Amanda Johnston Thorton Rumney Dorothy Leonard Florence LaPorte Duane Johnston CanBterrbisutroy l 4% 6% Gift Fund In Memory of each each In Memory of Fay M Bisaccia Roger and Carol LaFontaine New Hampton Matthew LaFontaine Franklin Jolen and David Aubin In Honor of Kathy Kearns In Honor of Arlene Bounds Kent and 3% Belmont Concord Mary Alice Warner each Campton Bill Hendrickson George Carr In Honor of Vinnie Broderick Janet and Barrington 7% 17% Richard Cocchiaro Bridgewater Danbury James Gregg In Memory of Rudy Laporte HGeDbroorotrnocnhestHeroldeWGrneilnfeotsrwsdorth Plymouth Laconia In Honor of Mindy Burns Florence LaPorte In Memory of 1% 12% 16% Eric and Karen Werner Nancy Hill Lindsay each In Honor of George Carr’s 87th James Scott and birthday Sally Potash In Honor of Pete and Jo Goodwin Jessica Geiben Lynn In Honor of Lindsey Collins Dina Chaitowitz Mary Collins In Honor of Mary Crane Carol M. Southall 10

Business Sponsors 2019 Circle Program is grateful for all our special event business sponsors and their on-going support of our girls. Andrew’s Construction Company, Inc. Dunkin’ Donuts Off the Hangar Annie’s Overflow Cafe E.M. Heath, Inc. Overhead Door Option, Inc. Art Escape Flood, Sheehan and Tobin, PLLC Peabody and Smith Realty, Inc. Associate Grocer’s of New England, Inc. Franklin Savings Bank Peppercorn Natural Foods Banana Republic Gap, Inc. Peter’s Images Unlimited LLC Bank of New Hampshire Gemstar Gemstone Company R.P. Williams and Sons Barnard Survey Associates, Inc. Hannaford Rockywold-Deephaven Camps Blakeman Engineering, Inc. Hypertherm Scott Bishop Homes Bridgewater Power Company Irwin Automotive Group Six Burner Bistro Brooklyn Raney LLC Kingston Auction Company Speare Memorial Hospital Bryant Paving LLC KTM Auto Spirit Of Dance Awards Buckley, Chris and Morris, Jen Lisa’s Personal Training Studio Stella Hair Boutique Business Donors 2019 Lowes Stella Hair Boutique Cafe Monte Alto Massage by Angie Tanger Outlets Chase Street Market MegaPrint Waukewan Ladies’ Golf League Common Man Inns Melcher & Prescott Agency, Inc. White Mountain Athletic Club Conklin & Reynolds, PA Meredith Bay Partners LLC White Mountain College For Pets LLC Constantly Pizza Meredith Village Savings Bank Winnepesaukee Playhouse Cozy Cabin Rustics Mill #3 Custance Brothers Woodworking, LLC, Miracle Farms Landscape Contractors D.L Carlson Investment Group, Inc. M’n M Scoops Daniel R. O’Niell, MD Northland Construction, LLC Dirt Designs Northway Bank 2019 In-Kind Thank You’s We rely on the generosity and kindness of the community to support our organization, our girls and our program. That kindness takes many forms and we are grateful to the following people for lending a hand, donating items and being friends of the Program. Lucille Cook Plymouth Rotary Club Scott Bishop Sewing supplies,sewing machines, Volunteer hours to clean-up camp Woodworking Leslie Bryant Carol Kearns clothing Volunteer to put docks in STEM programs Barabara Blanco & Linda Matte Kathy & Mike Wilson Diana Oliveras Clothing 7 new rugs Camp rug WS Badger Co. Danielle Paquette Rose Deloge Sunscreen Head checks for Teen camp Clothes for shopping night Cady Staff North Country Quilters Camp Onaway Lunch and Learn 18 new quilts Meat Jim Nute & Peter K Cindy Pierce Steve from North Country Quilters Lunch and Learn Sexual education class Sewing machine repair Mary Hall Penacook Michelle from Speare Hospital Brenda Mento Greeting cards Goodie bags Backpacks for TAP Phyllis Rockwell & Mitch Marseau Abenaki Dr. Paul Brochu & Brad Custance Journals, backpack, craft supplies Presentation Restoration of a Victrola for the Catherine Parker RLH Studio Prom dresses Hair cuts auction Casey Frost Valerie Newton Physliss Rockwell Clothing for shopping night Dance presentation Handcrafted journals for camp Maggie Mumford Clothes for shopping night 11

Circle Program Welcomes Dawn Beers New Staff and Board Dawn works for At the November 18, 2019 Board meeting, we saluted three Board members who Franklin Saving were concluding their service on the Board of Directors. President Sarah Crane, Bank as VP for on behalf of the entire Board, expressed our deep gratitude to Jessica Geiben Lynn, Marketing. She Mary Kimmel, and Barb Laverack for their service. has previously At the end of this year, we welcomed two new Board members, Dawn Beers and held marketing Ryan McFarland. and other roles with the Ryan McFarland he is “…the proud father of three NH Bankers girls and want(s) to ensure that every Association, Ryan has been an attorney for 15 years. girl in the community is given every Centrix Bank, and He works for the NH Department of opportunity to thrive in the future and several other NH Safety Bureau of Hearings, presiding reach their goals.” Ryan has a BS in companies. over Administrative Hearings. Ryan Economics from Villanova University, Dawn has a BS finds our mission compelling, because and a JD from the University of Main from Southern NH University, and is School of Law. When he is not busy a graduate of Northern N.E. School parenting or volunteering with Circle of Banking. She has served on event Program, Ryan volunteers as a soccer planning committees for various and basketball coach at Tapply- nonprofit organizations including the Thompson Community Center in McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, Bristol, as well as with the Knights of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Columbus #7073 at Our Lady of Grace and Manchester Historic Association, Church in Bristol. and has volunteered for New Horizons Soup Kitchen and Families in Transition. Dawn lives in Boscawen. Circle Program Legacy Circle Priscilla Gemmill difference that Circle makes in the lives of Circle Program continues for many of economically disadvantaged girls as years to come.” Circle Program they strive to become their best selves has a Legacy in the midst of complex challenges. 2019 Legacy Circle in place Circle’s unique combination of year- Group Donors and we have round mentoring by dedicated adult a growing women volunteers and the added George and Nancy Bolln, Jr. number of experience of summer residential camp George A. Carr donors who helps girls blossom into confident Irene Cucina have joined by young women. Priscilla Gemmill making a gift Legacy members share the common Robert and Sylvia Larsen through their bond of philanthropy and vision. I Mary Ann and John McRae estate planning. Priscilla Gemmill, am pleased and proud to support Peter and Alida Millham is one of our founding Legacy Circle this meaningful work. Becoming a Robert and Binney Wells members and here is her story: Legacy Society member gave me the satisfaction of making a gift that will “My legacy gift to Circle Program is help ensure that the important work a gift from the heart. As a long-time Board member, ambassador, and volunteer, I have seen first-hand the 12

Summer Camp Aquatics Corner Last summer we had our first ever lifeguarding course, which I am so Leader-in-Training (LIT) and Teen grateful for, I would never go anywhere Adventure Program (TAP) participant else to guard, mostly because it is complete the American Red Cross giving back to the Circle Girls.” We Lifeguard training program. Teigan congratulate Teigan for this significant the first girl ever to have achieved this achievement! milestone, with staff prior to camp. Teigan was responsible for ensuring Teigan worked as a lifeguard during camper safety, monitoring the buddy morning and evening swims throughout system, recognizing and preventing the 2019 Circle Camp summer season. incidents, and enforcing the rules of Teigan recently told us this about her the new perched beach waterfront. experience, “Lifeguarding was stressful Being an American Red Cross lifeguard Circle Teen Mackenzie at some times but overall the experience is something to be proud of at any ever Circle Program participant to was amazing, age, but given the fact that Teigan is swim twice, across the pond and back and I gained 16 years old, this is an even greater without stopping; a distance equaling so many accomplishment! In the future, we approximately 500 yards. She attained qualities from hope to provide the opportunity the title of “Dolphin” for completion of it. I would for more Circle participants to this remarkable milestone! Mackenzie never go back obtain either their American Red continued building on her swimming and change Cross Lifeguard Certification or skills and has learned some beginner becoming their Wilderness First Aid training, lifeguard skills as well. She will be a a lifeguard. depending on their interest. candidate for the opportunity to obtain Even though In addition to this achievement, we her American Red Cross Lifeguard Circle also want to recognize Circle Program Certification as soon as she is eligible for Program Teen Mackenzie, who was the first the 2020 LIT and TAP program! Teigan and paid for my Circle Girl Alex Volunteer Extraordinaire John McRae For over 20 with us ever since. We affectionately He has ensured our Camp facilities years, Volunteer refer to John as the “Clerk of the Works” remain in safe, excellent condition for Extraordinaire as he has coordinated all the projects the duration. John McRae that enabled us to have this wonderful 2019 was John’s last year in this role; he has been an Camp for the girls and teens who enjoy has retired. We are so grateful for his integral part of it each summer. Once the construction expertise, endless energy, willingness Circle Camp. of the Camp was completed, John easily to devote so much time to this labor of He was there in slid into the role of overseeing the love, and for his commitment to Circle the very beginning when we built the maintenance of the facilities, including Program. Thank you, John! Camp and has been actively engaged opening and closing Camp each season. 13

New Hampshire Marathon Plans for its 28th Annual Race Save the Date! Saturday, October 3rd marks the date for the 28th Annual New Hampshire Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K Road Race and Kids Marathon on Newfound Lake. The New Hampshire Marathon has been raising money to support the Circle Program since the race’s inception in 2002. Last year, the New Hampshire Marathon donated $7,750 to the Circle Program, another $7,750 to our brothers at the Mayhew Program, and another $7,750 to the Tapply-Thompson Community Center. We are grateful for the NH Marathon committee and their long-term dedicated efforts to support youth programs int he Newfound Lake Region. To register or for more information, please visit: Thank you to all our 2019 Trot Volunteers! Sarah Daley Binita Gajmer Kennedy Mathis Julia Rivera Shelby Barden Ander Gonzalez James Mauro Autumn Ross Kyla Barnett Addison Granger Barbara McCahan Maddie Rowe Abbie Brooks Emily Guay James McGhee Peyton Sarmir Amanda Broughton Brianna Hada Julie Miller Marialena Shaw Peter Capone Emily Hill Beth Musto Jared Sicard Madison Carter Stephen Hill Rachel Muzio Alexys Smith Brooke Cavanaugh Colin Hines Bao Nguyen Eric Smith Jean Clarke Kayla Holleran Cameron Nielsen Kristina Stevens Lindsey Collins Casey Howe Brandt O’Hara Jenna Sundquist Baylee Crawford Sean Kenney Jonathan O’Hare Ashlyn Szabo Gianna Cusano Raianna Krahnm-Burke Mike Osgood Rebecca Tocci Nick Cusano Bronagh La Grassa Isabella Pectol Kerstin Venincasa Evan Dolecki John Lalli CJ Perrin Karen Werner Alisa Eaton Malaysia Langa Hayley Quirk Jake Wheeler Isabelle Elsasser Griffin Lappin Alex Raifsnider Caitlynn Wilkins Angel Escalante Sam Lee Barb Rawlsky-Willet Sage Winter Emily French Kaila Martin Ally Reardon Gary Zirpolo Christopher Froignoca 14

2019 Treasurer’s Report Tuition Endowments It was another successful year for Circle Program thanks in part Over the years, individuals and family members have created to the generosity and continued support from our donors, grant named endowment funds in support of annual tuition to funders, and fundraising efforts. In addition to the Circle Trot and cover the cost for girls to attend Circle Program. Girls and Wellness Retreat, Circle Program held its second annual event for teens enrolled in Circle Program receive full subsidies for the its “One Girl One Day!” initiative, celebrating the International Day expense of their participation. It costs approximately $7,900 to of the Girl Child, at the Flying Monkey in Plymouth. This event, a support a girl engaged in Circle Program for a full year - for her talent show called “One Talent, One Night”, featured a variety of time at camp, all of the organized group activities throughout community-based talent acts and performances by Circle Program the school year, and mentoring programs. This figure girls and teens. This wonderful event raised over $25,000. includes activity fees, camp supplies, food, travel, staffing, The performance of our investments, managed by DL Carlson insurance, mentor training and reimbursements, professional Investment Group, Inc. in collaboration with our Investment development for our staff, and more. We are grateful to those Committee, has helped raise the total endowment over the who generously contributed to these funds in 2019. The June million dollar mark. This allows us to draw over $38K in 30th values for these endowment funds are listed below; year investment income to help fund our charitable work. end figures will be available once Mason+Rich complete the We are also grateful for the support provided by our volunteer 2019 financial review. mentors throughout the year who make our services possible. In 2019, our 81 mentors traveled a total of 35,822 miles, spent 3,530 Firetower Children’s Fund Tuition Endowment $ 176,374 hours with the girls and teens, and donated $10,168 in in-kind Hagerman-Sander Memorial Tuition Fund $ 89,843 contributions. The George W. Hagerman Tuition Fund $ 241,902 We look forward to your continued support in 2020. Please Nancy Lindsay Memorial Fund $ 177,338 consider Circle Program once again in your charitable giving. Davies Opportunity Fund $ 107,502 Sincerely, Cole Property Endowment Fund $ 4,658 James Mitkonis, Circle Program Treasurer General Endowment Permanently Restricted $ 112,627 General Endowment Unrestricted $ 120,233 Total Combined Balance $ 1,030,477 Please note these are preliminary figures. Circle Program new auditing firm, Mason + Rich, is in the process of conducting a formal financial review. Once this annual review concludes, a copy of their report may be obtained by calling our office at 603.536.4244. REVENUE Year-End Operating Income December 31, 2019 33% 31.7% CONTRIBUTIONS OTHER INCOME* Revenue $ 276,283 33.0% Contributions 4.5% 1.4% 4.5% 1.2% Special Events - Net $ 37,894 17.4% 31.7% SPECIAL EVENTS-NET IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS** Government Grants $ 11,735 1.2% 6.2% Foundation Grants $ 149,829 4.6% 1.4% 6.2% Other Income* $ 268,933 100% GOVERNMENT GRANTS USE OF PRIOR YEAR FUNDS In-Kind Contributions** $ 10,498 Use of Prior Year Funds $ 53,500 17.4% 4.6% Draw from Endowment*** $ 39,500 FOUNDATION GRANTS DRAW FROM ENDOWMENT*** Total Revenue $8 48,172 expenses Expense $ 509,985 77.93% 77.93% 8.6% Program Services $ 56,279 8.6% Management & General $ 88,150 Fundraising 13.47% PROGRAM SERVICES MANAGEMENT & GENERAL Total Expense $6 54,414 100% 13.47% * Includes sale of Cole property. As of mid-January, these funds have been invested in Board designated reserve FUNDRAISING and capital funds. ** In-kind includes pro bono professional fees & donated materials, but not the hours donated by our mentors. *** Board approved draw of endowment interest income and dividends. 15

PO Box 815 Non Profit 85 Main Street Organization Plymouth, NH U.S. Postage 03264 PAID Manchester NH 603-536-4244 Permit No. 724 All for one. Go Blue! Board of Directors 2020 Circle Camp Main lodge Circle teens gather late in the day on the dock Sarah Crane, President in anticipation of a beautiful sunset. Deborah Schachter, Vice President James Mitkonis, Treasurer Mary Ann McRae, Secretary Dawn Beers Jennifer Crane Barbara McCahan Ryan McFarland Patricia O’Neill Talesha Saint-Marc Mark Seymour Karen Werner Cindy Williams Trustees Emeriti Vincent Broderick Priscilla W. Gemmill Martha Macomber Seton Lindsay O’Reilly Carol Morgan Southall Staff Teri Bordenave — Interim Executive Lindsey Collins — Camp Manager Jamie Capaul — Program Manager Sheryl Brochu — Mentor Coordinator Fox Smith — Program Support Liz Grace — Office Manager