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Home Explore 1975


Published by lynette, 2019-05-14 00:35:07

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1975

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1975


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?:able of Contents AutiiJttJt- 20 :Depnr!JJteJtts- 46 ~eJtiors-6_'i lViJtter- 84 Clubs- 86 /fu11iors- !3_'i Spri11g- /_'i2 SopltoJttores- 193 JJtdeK- 2/_'i 2

£'/(Itt ~(,1/illltft £11/fllfSS

A!oJtg with tlte pleasures of frieJtdsltip

C:lte eltallenge of J:earJtillg 6

And tlte Satisfaction of Acltievement 7

('fte s,,,,,,w £1defeat lVitlt tlte !/trill of l1icf£''!1 s

Of tlttse we bui!tf t'llr Jut11rt 9

Alumni Come ((Jlome'' Matt Montoya shows off his sexy legs to Lonny Neilson on 50's day. After an exausting dance, Randy Zorko guzzles a can of pop. Up to their elbows in cotton candy, Debbie Wilden and Lisa Tishner sell goodies to make money for the Pep Club. Returning to our parents' era, Hillcrest Huskies \"get it on\" in the courtyard during 50's sock hop. 10

Varied actiVIties marked the week of September 30th to October 4th when Hillcrest sponsored her 12th annual alumni Homecoming. The week's schedule mcluded Country Fair Day, when students dressed l1ke farmers; Graffiti Day, including a graffiti sock hop during lunch; and Harem Day. The week was high- lighted by the announcement of the Queen and her attendants, and by the football game between Hillcrest and Brighton. Studentbody officers, Cheerleaders, and Songleaders perform skit in Homecoming Assembly. Laurie Tapp writes orders for Carnations. The boycott of sugar is not heeded as candy machines are emptied almost datly. Pep Club members decorate lunchroom for Varsity Football team. Yearbook staff memb rs create door decoration for homecoming week. 71

_H£1/ttect'lltiltfl Vn1tce Painted horses, colored balloom, and merry-go-rounds helped et the mood for \"Carousel of Colon,\" 1974's Homecoming dance. Dance Club sponsored the festivity which introduced this year') Home- coming royalty. Queen Diane Bon- ham, 1st attendant Carole Lambert, and 2nd attendant Lisa Rosenhan were presented to the crowd during intermission. Timeline provided music for the dance. 12

Diane Bonham Queen Carole Lambert 1st Attendant Li.'a Rosenhan 2nd Attendant 13

Jluskies J<eturn, !Jef!ill !Yew Scltoul Vear Enthusia m filled Hillcre t's halls on September 3, as 1,702 Huskies Deana Han en and Russell Rasmus en renew old acquaintances during opening week. as embled with great hope for the 1974-75 school year. Vice principal Fred Worlton re- viewed policie , traditions, and change in the attendance program in the opening as embly. Student- body president Greg Poulsen intro- duced other officers and cheer- leaders who promoted chool spirit with skits and cheers. The assembly ended with the student and faculty singing the school ong. The week included chedule changes, mu ical practices, year- book pictures, and ended with a football gam against Bingham. Classes started off with the usual routine of lecture and discussions. Trishe/1 Boynton demurely exits from the girl's powder room. Karen Ricks finds new look of the school DECA Club members get together to formulate new ideas for 1975 school year. amazing. 74

Scope Sy~t£'matic Career Occupation Plan- ning Exploratton arc put together for the word SCOPE Each day for three month,, a group of twenty- five 'ophomor£'' haclthe full atten- tion of their coum lor!>, exploring and planning their futures . enion were scheduled for Scop <'ntN durtng th<• wint r months to IC'arn about diffC'rcnt college!> and imtitutes. junior!> got a second chance at planning and investigating car ers the latter part of the year. Four atds were avatlabl£' all year to help anyone with problems of mde iston concerning th<•ir futures. Mr, , Bf'tt y Gillam amwen que,tiom . Scope i1 d unique progr<~m to Hillcre,t . Stud nts find Scope helpful m decrd1ng ophomores fill out form\\ on occupatiOnal intere~ts . upon a vocal/on. Mary K1 llinger d1g~ deep for mformal/on on her future Mn. Belva Cline alternated with the three other coumelor~ in conductmg carec>r Scope>. 15


Shar Rakich Tracy Schiel/ Gayle Goulding v~ rbook 8ditors Girls Sports Spring Section Autumn Secti Hiller st '7 editors had an exciting year learntng a new year book sys- tem along with the rest of the staff. Each had his own section or job to worry about. Early deadlines, pic- tures probiPms and broken cameras threatf'nPd to delay production. • • I• , • • Pam Horrocks Becky Brady Editor 'Editor •• • Kathy Doe//e Cheryl Elk ins Layout Editor Index Editor

Vearbook Staff Experiencing n w procedure in yearbook production, the yearbook taff got underway in creating Volume Thirte n of the Hillcrest High yearbook. A larg r taff thi year working together pooled their efforts and id a to create \"Hillcre t 1975., Yearbook is not always a big party; things do get accomplished. john HrnkiC'y, RobC'rt StrombC'rg, Kathy Doelle, Gayle Goulding, Pam Horrocb, ChC'ryl Elkrm, Becky BrJdy, Heidi jC'mC'n, Mary jo Sharp, Renee judd. Daily routine for Liz Adams and Rob Mary jo Sharp studies size of her Stowe: Liz paint , Rob upervi es. layout to order prcture'

Photographers Moments in time are preciou and few. To catch just the right object at the right time require the eye of an expert photographer. Along with taking picture, one need to know d veloping and printing technique . john Fletcher, photography class manager, repairs enlarger lens. Accurate film files were kept by rhe pho- rographen . jeff Brown checks a proof District photographer, Mr. Arch Shaw, spent many long day and several weekends ad- VISing Hillcrest photographers, shooting and pnn!ing cia portraits, and keeping staff abrea ! of deadlines Cary elson d1splays charm and humor rha! che red staffers as deadlines pres ed. Senior photographer Alan Hepner called john Taylor unrolls newly developed film. Mike Fowlk , new to yearbook photography, on sev<'ral year ' experienc<' ro keep quality ince changing to rank proc<'s photog- i one of ix specialists !hi year m '75 yearbook photos. raphers no longer smell/ike onions. 19

flirts Softball Softball battled the weather a couple of times and had a cancel- lation of game because of rain, but under the direction of Miss jane Miner the team had a fine season, losing only one game. Running, discussing signals and doing warmups everyday are the techniques of the team, but keeping in shape and on guard at all times is basically the routine of softball. Under the direction of Miss jane Miner, The technique is being on guard at all times . the team had a good season. The batter must keep her eye on the ball if she The opposite team scores, sliding into home base. wants to hit a home run. All players must watch the ball if they expect to win. 22

8. S. P. Assembly Super natural phenomena are but everyday occurrences to Mr. George Van George. At a Hillcre t assembly, he proph- esied Ford to leave office and Rockefeller to take his place as President, sugar to cost twice as much by the fall of '75, a jumbo jet to crash with great loss of life, and a fire on a cruiser involving a promi- nent congressman. Extra sensory perception, accord- ing to Mr. Van George, is found in all people. ESP may be a mother's intuition, a \"weird\" feeling or a mind reading. Stephanie Pavich hands Mr. G. V. George a paper !rusting him nol to look. Mr. George Van George shows his predictions of the future . He warned students of upcoming \"Close your eye and concentrate.\" But don'! disasters . go to leep! 23

Carousel A small New England fi hing town wa the etting for this year's mu i- cal. Playing for three consecutive night and for one school pre en- tation, the cast never failed to move the audience to tears. After many months of practice the love tory of Billy Bigelow (played alternately by Scott Cartwright and Doug Crump) and julie Jordon (with jeanne Garner and Tracy Schtell alternating in the roll) was ready to be presented to the public. The combined efforts of Mr. Pouwel Vuyk, Mr. Leo Dean, Mrs. jeanne johnson, Mr. Bob Hixon, and Mr. David Montgomery provided the motivation for over two-hundred students. 24


Stage Crew Roy Boucher adjusts spotlight for school Mark Zduntch take a test while Grant Price mu ical. works on lighting. Grant Price, advisor, di cu se sound system problems with jose Lozano What would we do without our Chris Haug rests while Bryan Hoesch studies console. 'behind the stage' crew? Could we Paul Coleman takes five . have had musicals? Assemblies? Probably not. This group of boys was a very important part of Hill- crest's activities in the auditorium. This was the first year Hillcrest has had such a fine lighting system. The old system (burned out last year) has been replaced with a sophisti- cated thirty thousand dollar system. \"Four of the more experienced boys spent more time rehearsing lighting and sound, than the cast did rehearsing for the musical/' confided advisor Grant Price. 26

Vistrict Administration A new look has come to jordan School District this year. The re-building and updating of several schools, including Hillcrest, has enhanced the District's total capabilities. New additions to the district office include an enlarged print shop, visual aids, photography, repair shop, and a copy room which will not be runningg at full capacity until more funds are received. Two new elementary schools are in planning stages, and the new Bingham High School will open in 1975. Donald) . Parr Superintendent Kenneth L Prince Ray Brown D. Clayton Fairbourn Lois Hirschi Rodney Dahl Ben G. Bagley john Wheadon 27

lred It lllor/toll, Jva11 lV. Cmdese Vice-PriJtcipal Vice-Prillcipal ..Mr. Scltick At the beginning of the '75 chao/ year, Principal Delmar Schick pre- dicted that this would be another great year for Hillcrest. He main- tained that the open pod system i of great value to the tudent in- volved with it. Mr. Schick, being a hard-core fan of all Hillcrest's extra curricular activitie , noted his pride in the foren ics, mu ical and art produc- tion as well as the succe s of the athletic program. .,Mr. ll'orlto11, ,Air. Cmdese Mr. Fred War/ton and Mr. Ivan Cende e campo e a hard-working and formidable vice-principal team. Both encourage school pirit and by their own enthu ia m in tilled en- thu iasm and pride in th tudent- body. 29

Secretaries The un-sung heroine · of Hill- lona Snarr Wilma Thomp\\on ere t High ar the hard-working Main Office Vice-Pnnctpal'\\ Offici.' and dedi ated secretarie . Thi chao/ would tand still if the e ladie didn't do their daily ta ks of recording attendenc , financial account , and administrative pro- cedure. janet Stowe Sondra Nei/;en Coun eling Dept. Coun eling Dept. Carol Gunnerson Vice-Principah Office orma Holladay Faro/ Lester Coun eling Dept. Main Office 30

Wilmer Barnett CouJtselors Have a problem1 The counselors office i~ the place to go. They are ready to help with any problem that come up whether it be attendance at chool or what college is the best to attend. Moving into the new ection of the chool ha given them a lot more room to work. / Betty Gillam Belva Cline Reed Thatcher 31

Greg Poulsen Pre ident 33

Cooks With the cost of food spiraling, the cook still put out excellent, well-balanced meals daily. To handle the increasing number of students, the cafeteria was re- modeled to add one new lunch line and a/ o a carpeted section to the lunchroom. Planning and cooking without knowing what will plea e \"the customer \" best is a challenge, but the cook do it one-hundred and eighty times each year. Toshie Yamashiro heads off one of three jackie Dawson and Ramona Neff show some lunch lines. humor while working. Loa Allen scrubs the new dish washer before she gets too busy. The fast flowing of the lunch line is aided by the efficiency of the stat(. Venetta Snyder, head cook, stands back to make sure that everything go s moothly. Elaine Godfrey checks to see if the rolls will last through both lunches. 34

Custodians \"Not all custodians are high chao/ dropout . Being a cu todian here is ju t like being in high school again,\" according to Marshall Welch. Being a cu todian i a year-round job. Weekly during the summer they mow the acres of grass urrounding the school. They also make sure that the lawns are kept watered and the shrub are trimmed. In the winter the custodians clear the ice and snow from the sidewalks, park- ing lots, and driveways. Supervisor Lowell Ware explams to Mr. Vern Barret how to fimsh a needed repair. Bob Moms and Marshall Welch inspect cleaning job done on Med1a Center. Mr. Lowell Ware, Supervisor Mr. Bob Morri~ Mr. Mar hall Welch 5

Spelunking pelunkers were off to another year of exploration into the world of darkne . Tunneltng through opening , rawling aero s cha m , and liding down cliff to explore in cave and rough t rrain which lie below th urface of the earth, pelunkers took nine field trip:. . During the year stud nt I arned climbing technique with rope , carbiner , and brak bar . They a/ o learn d how to climb cable ladder , how to rape/ down a rope and how to pan hole . Member of the Sp lunking club watt to enter AftC'r chC'cking out J po~>tble cave, GrC'g the cave at the bottom of Little Bush Gorge. Po ul\\ en begim windmg his way down a cliff facC' . Having spent ven hours climbing under- Dressed in their cavtng clothes and posmg for their ptctures are, ROW 0 E· Bruce Gates, Kent ground through two mtle of water and mud Forbush, Rue/ Lovell, Rae Lyn Weber, Todd Henneman, Diane Hinckley. ROW TWO: julie LeRoy, filled passages last Octob r are spelunkers, Mike Lord, Susan Fillerup, Wayne Mangum, Greg Poulsen, Kevin Young ROW THREE : Mr. }. Greg Paul en, Mike Lord, Kirk John on, Todd Lyon, advisor, Bryant Domgaard, Kirk johnson, jeanne Fil/erup, club president. Henneman, Mr.}. Lyon, and Wayne Mangum. Mike Lord discovers that orne craw/ways end in vertical pits which are Electric head lamp shinning the way, Wayne Mangum squeese through unclimable without special equtpment. a rabbit-size hole near the entrance to Little Bush Cave :36

?:e1111is Swi11gs J11to Actio11 ~I Meche// Fowden ~hows style in her \\Crve. jacki mith awaits the serve of her opponent BA K ROW jack1e m1th, 1\\ay.J Burm, Paula Ca,per, Tere'a Wat1on, jane Miner. FRO T The Hillcre t tenni team had a ROW ju/1(' RomC'ro, Angie Pdvlch, Meche// Fow<len . Our enthmla,tic Tenn\" Team pC'r- ucce ful year. They were the forme<l b autdulth\" year ,flowing grdC<' and form on the courh . region champs, and worked hard to obtain it. Through the profe sional t aching technique of jane Miner, th y were able to obtain high cor . Fir t ingle , Tere a Wat on- econd in region with 5-1. Second single , M chell Fowden-second in region with 5-1. Third ingle, Angie Pavi h-third in r gion with 4-2. Fir t doubt s, julie Rom ro and Paula Ca p r-fir t in region with 6-0. ec- ond double , Kaya Burns and jackie Smith-fir t in region with 6-0. 37

eross eountry

A dozen and a half intrepid runner clocked four miles daily to condition them elv s for th Cros Country team. Under Coach Don Cu t, they raced other Region IV team either Thur - day evenings or Fridays during football gam half-times. The run- ners, led by captain, Bart Cooper, and co-captain, Mike Clawson, trained during the summ r running 2 1 z to 3 mile daily. ROW 0 E, LEFT TO RIGHT: D an Cook, Cla1r Webster, Gary Sorenson, Clark Neilson, Mrke Fratlo, Rrchard Deem, Bart Cooper ROW TWO : Todd Lloyd, Dan Peterson, Chuck Farmworth, Russ Behrmann, Chris McCaffree, john Pickell, Blaine Anderson, Mike Gusta, Mike Clawson Sco res Hillcre t 50 -Orem 15 Hi/Jere t 17 -Murray 46 Hiller st 50 -Provo 15 Hillcre t 26 -Brighton 31 Hillcre t 34 -Granger 21 Hillcre t 15 -K arns 50 Dan Peterson, Russ Behrmann, john Prckett, Dean Cook, Chuck Farn worth, Russ Cook c~rcle around Coach Gust awaiting other team members to cro s finish line. Chuck Farmworth wait> at firmh line a' larr WC'b\\tC'r C'ncourage1 CIMk erhen aero\" fini'h Dan Peterson and Clair Web ter round line. Hillcre1t met Brighton during halftime' of the' flomecomrng game. curve completing Ia tlap of the race .39

lootbn/1 Raynor Pearce Raymond Watt Doug Anderson Grant Price Head Coach Linebacker Coach Defensive Back Coach Linemen Coach Bill Rawson Stewart Taylor Kevin Petersen Clayton Dumas Mark Padgen Quarterback Defens1ve Back WingBack Defensive Back Linebacker M1ke Bailey Cory Ra mus en Rolf Crapo Mahonry Alba Glade Warner Fullback Halfback Halfback Linebacker Center The football program at Hillcre t Steve On ida, Mike Ball y, andd Bill Rawson lead the power sweep for Cory Ra mussen in the thi y ar wasted no time in getting Oremgame. organiz d. Nightly e ions, which began in june, ran three night a week. The turnout was larger than anticipat d with juniors and senior eager to learn new technique and kill . These nightly ses ions were u ed to stre s physical con- ditioning and the motto to do it \"by Discipline and Pride.\" The final te t of the Huskies en- durance and desire to play was put on th line August 12th with the start of daily doubles: two a day practices for three hours each. Thi chedule continued two weeks until the jordan game August 31st. 40

Stan)udd )lm Whitehead Robert Homer Center Center Guard Steve Oneida Will Nowell Robert Dansie Guard Guard Guard Howard Horltn, Finn Stuart, Gary Hurst, and Kevin Peter en pursue the Orem quarterback, as he runs from the pocket. Tom Pappas Finn Stuart Stuart Nelson Tackle Tackle Tackle Lee Monson Roger LePrey Gary Hurst End End End Quarterback Bill Raw on lets loose with a pass in the Dave Robertson Scott Ferguson Howard Hartin Murray game. End End Tackle 47

Hil/crC',t\\ dC'fC'mive linC'backC'n and <,econdary move in on a Murray ba llcarrier. Hill r ~t 20 . . . . . . . . . . ........ }oraan Hiller st 6 Bountiful 14 Hill r e t 22 ......... . .. . ..... . ... Bingham 6 .......... . . . ......... Hillcrest 13 ........... . . . ........ Murray 14 Hill rest 13 Proud Brighton Granger Orem Hillcrest 13 ........ . ..... . ... . ... Kearns Lineba ckers Mark Padgen and Mike Bailey bnng th e Murray halfback to th e turf, aftC'r a small gain of yarda ge. 42

Hillcrest offensive unit concentrates as quarterback Bill Hillcrest's Kevin Petersen moves up on a Granger halfback attempt- Rawson calls a play. ing a pass. Mark Padgen and Bill Rawson prepare to open up holes as Cory Hillcrest's fullback Mike Bailey power through the Murray Rasmussen fields a Granger punt. defen e as Howard Hor!ln prepares to lay a block. One of the most predominant factors in forming a team is the effect of the coaching staff. Coaches Raynor Pearce, Ray Watts, Grant Price, and Doug Anderson deserve much more credit than is ever given them. There is talk only of the coaching staff when there has been a defeat, otherwise they are un- noticed. The realistic evaluation of the 1974 Football season at Hillcrest would depend of two factors: whether the amount of wins and lo es made it worthwhile or whether football was instituted in schools to give players pride, companionship, and to see the end result of hard de- termined teamwork. 43

Hil/cre l's defensive unit attempt to block a Orem extra point conver ion. Tom Pappas, Mike Bailey, and Kevin Petersen wail for Murray's offen ive unit to get ready. Fullback Mike Bailey looks for daylight while running off Howard Horlin's downfield block. Bill Rawson fire a pass to a receiver down field. Cory Rassmu en fight for extra yardage as Roger LePrey prepares to assist with a block. 44

/1. V. lootba/1 Scores Hillcrest 0 Murray 14 Hi //crest 13 Provo 26 Hillcre t 7 Brighton 14 Hillcre t 21 Orem 24 Sophomore lootba/1 ROW ONE; LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Raymond Watts, Coach Grant Pnce Ed Arko, Rob Stowe, Gary Randall, Tom Morse, Mike Cisneros. ROW TWO: Steve Yate, Randy Vranes, Doug Wilkes, Scott Hardman, Matt Mower, Brent Taylor, Todd Besendorfer, Kevin Bradshaw ROW THREE: Rob rt Nielsen Mgr. Brad McDonald, Ryan Olsen, Neal Jenson, Lonme Niel~en, jeff Brown, Roy Palmer, Dennis Wood, Matt Montoya. Soplt. Scores Hillcrest 6 Bingham 6 Hillcrest 13 Hillcrest 25 Bountiful 6 Hillcrest Hi llcre t 20 Murray 6 Hi llcrest Hillcrest 28 Provo 6 Hillcrest 13 42 Brighton 6 42 Granger 18 Orem 0 Kearn 14 ROW ONE; LEFT TO RIGHT: Andy Cox, jerry Nowell, Bryan Barnes, Steve Turner, Coach Robert Burns, Dave Leavitt, Mike Fullmer, Richy Gillete, Todd Vincent. ROW TWO: Coach Gary Yamish- iro, Ricky Mitchell, john Roberts, Alan Faulkner, Craig Ander on, Vince Martinez, Roger Danise, Brad )ordison, Kirby jensen, Coach Dan Cowan. ROW THREE: jay Wood, Troy Higinsen, jim Wiseman, Dan Romero, jay Farnsworth, Mark Zudinch, Craig Fackrel, Todd Tapp, Rich Rawson, Bruce Wilson. ROW FOUR: Larry Mark, Malt Olsen, Duane Conner, Jeff Horrocb, Darren Harkins, pcnce ainsbury, Mark Sadler, Brett Densely, Mark Vincent, Kent Forbu1h ROW FIVE: Dan Clcm, Gary Taft, )ody Rrchard1, Ronnrc Taylor, Perry Casto, Chris Riches, Waync Lee, Steve Wootcn, john Weber, Scott Ty1on, Ed Young, Bart Hickwn, Kyle Draney, cott elson.

Jfealtlt EducatioJt \"Phy ical activity i the key to a h a/thy body.\" Empha izing this theme, health cia es jogged in place to check the affects of exer- cise on the heart beat. Advanced health classes, phy iol- ogy and health occupations, gave student varied background in the health area. Health occupation cia es vi ited ho pita/, private phy icians' office , and clinic. Phy iology cia e tudied th body y tem in depth from the put e rate to the 206 bone of the human anatomy. Su an Huyboom, Pat Sorensen, Steve Rudelich, and Tom Rudeltch memorize ribs in the thora~ic cavity. Don Gust Dr. Ed., Hlth. Occ., Coach, Physio Dan Cowan Mike johnson conttnues Jogging while Gabe Payne Diane Hinckley hows uller amazement at the !ructure Health, W!. returns to his eat to check his pul e rate. of Kevin Young's leg bone. Lift., Coach. 46

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