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Home Explore Austin recovery center

Austin recovery center

Published by Austin recovery center, 2017-12-07 07:55:20

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Austin recovery center offer different treatment options for patients to cater to individual needs. The usual treatment for substance abuse is the few-step program. Also, there are programs catered for younger patients like teenagers and other programs that are suited for adults. Treatment programs usually include medical, psychological and some physical activities appropriate for the recovery of the patient.
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Keywords: Austin recovery center,drug rehab center,drug rehab centers


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DRUG REHAB CENTERSage Recovery & Wellness Center is a mental healthcenter for the whole family. We offer individual, couples,family and group counseling for children, adults andadolescents. We provide holistic approaches to treatmentand a modern spa-like therapeutic space for everyone tofeel at home.

Our Adolescent Intensive OutpatientProgram (IOP) provides much neededsupport for high school-aged adolescents whoare struggling with severe depression,anxiety, and other mental health disorders.The program relies heavily on DialecticalBehavior Therapy (DBT) techniques, focusingon coping skills, distress tolerance,mindfulness, emotion regulation,interpersonal effectiveness, and familyinvolvement.These issues affect the entire family, AUSTINtherefore we highly encourage parents and/or RECOVERYlegal guardians to be involved in the healingprocess by participating in a minimum of four CENTERfamily therapy sessions during the 7-weekprogram. Additionally, every Tuesday duringMultifamily Group, parents and adolescentscome together to discuss special topics andreview skills that the adolescents have beenlearning in order to further support andcoach their child in self-management.

Our Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program(IOP) is designed for those struggling with severedepression, anxiety, and other mental healthdisorders. Treatment modalities pull fromCognitive Behavioral Therapy, DialecticalBehavior Therapy (including mindfulness, emotionregulation, interpersonal effectiveness, anddistress tolerance), Acceptance and CommitmentTherapy, and Motivational Interviewing. DRUG REHAB CENTERS Program includes:  Group Therapy  AcuDetox  Qigong  Free Family Education Nights  Free Alumni Support Group  Individualized Case Management Services  Comprehensive Discharge Plan

AUSTIN RECOVERY CENTERWe have specialists and programs for both mentalhealth and substance use with 12-step alternativeoptions for the substance use programs. All of ourtherapists are licensed master’s level cliniciansand are therefore able to treat cases that may bemore complex than other treatment centers areequipped to handle.

Drug Rehab Center For more information visit our

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