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Home Explore 1920


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T lll!J .1. H . S. WOODWORK D!WAWl'M ID\"J'l' l3 11./l' ll Y J . H. S. WOODWOHK BOYS .






--r /SHOP.II'MK ! JORDA N H!DH 5Ct-IOOL 4____ 1 VISION OF FUTURE I ·------A R eA ---~2.$ AC~c..~ ~ ,~... .~.., N~ T.- !\"j;' ,.,;l:t <\"; j;; <\" _ill ~ ~ \",~.' <) ~ .~.., ::0 \"\"\"~''' \"'::Q --; ~ ~ \"\"'' w.tru c,.,.,,.,., ...t,.~OI' ,.,..u Cr•p• H• ...•'N- S t.\"h' loob.. ~ r


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ATilLETICS Fnm1 the puint of view of the Jordan students. 1919-20 has been a gratify-ing year for all branches of athletics in which the school participate L 'om-paring Jir t our C(lnclitions and then ur record with those of our opponents,we feel that Jordan ha~ done well and given the he t that wa . in her to thesport at hand. In the middle of the sea ·on ' nach Gardner oflicially announced his with-drawal from school. This announcem nt wa. heard with rt:gret by the ·ntire tudent body. Coach Spike is now holding dnwn a spl ·nclid position inEureka. To fill his plac . the buard sci ctccl 0. D. Ballard. athl te, coach, andteacher in the eli trict for manv\" ars. 1\lr. Ballard knows ba ketball, track,and ba eball, as well as our fu~·n;er coach knew fo )tball, and he is producingthe school spirit required to supp 1·t these sports.Pnge 5


THE FOOTBALL SQ AD Our inexperienced fo tball . quad quite nat\ll·;llly howed up p orly at the first nf the year, but oach Gardner. know- ing f otball s thoroughly, put us in third place hy the end of the season. The men tried hard and ah,·ays st<>Od by the c ach. Our s heclul ,,·as c Jmpletccl ns follow pponents' Score- Jordan Score-1--o o\"i'L J,a.l. l. Murray 0 vs. Jordan, 32, at Jordan East Sid 65 vs. Jordan, 0, at C'ms. F. West Sid 13 vs. Jordan, 0, Jordan L. 0. S. 6 vs. Jordan, 13, at C'ms F. Ogden Gran it 0 vs. Jordan, 6, at Jordan Davis 0 vs. Jordan, 8, at Granite 13 vs. Jordan, 27, at Jordan



SECOND TE.\:\1 J\ .\Sl-\:ETIL\LL Ba ketball pt·actice began immediately after the fonthall gea~on ended\"ith a good :.;izecl ~quad out for practice. The clas~ series were pla~cdfirst. the .'ophomorcs winning with Juniors. Seniors and Frc hmen cumtngin the order nam ·cLOur first team began its schedule \\ ith th · :\lurray game whtd1 ended\\ith a 38 til 28 scorl' in Jordan's favt>r Their schedule completed \\·as asfollows: -_january 30-llingham. 2--l-. vs. Jordan. 18. at Jordan.February 6- -;ranite, 3--l-. \ ' S. Jonlan. 36. at Jot·dan.Fchruan· U- ;ranite. 33. v:.;. Tllrdan. 2--l-. at Granite.Februar)· 20-llingham. 52. vs: Jordan. 26. at Bingham.l•'ehruary 27-:\lurray. 30. \'s. Jordan. 56. at Jt>rdan. SBC\"ONJ> TEAM ( )ur ;.ec\"nJ lcam in basketball must not be furgotten. Their's \\·a_, ascrapp: aggn·gation nf hask<:t-:dwuters. Time after time they \\on gamesby fighting a:; only real spurts can. Their schedule foll<l\\ s. \\'hich \"h\"\\..,that they lnst hut unc game-that \\'ith the East Side Cit) Lcaguns: JanuarY L)-\\'est Side. 20. \'5. Jordan. 32. at \\ e;.t Sick. )anuat·) 15-Granite. 20, vs. Jordan, --l-2, at Jordan. January 22-East Side. 23. \'s. jordan. 2 , at East Side. Januan 29-L. D. S .. 25. vs. J;>rdan. 26. al Jordan. ·Fcbru<try 11-\\\"esl Side. 3. \'S. Jur<lan, --l-2. <;t Jordan. February 19-Granilc, 15, vs. Jordan, 25. al Granite. F bruary 21-East ,'ide, 19. vs. Jordan, 30. at Jordan. :\larch 2--l---L. D. ,'. (Game forfeited by L. D. S.) East Side. 36. v:>. Jordan ..)2. al i\furray.

SPRING TJlLETICS The excellent showing m<tde by Jordan in fnc,thall and basketball has,:timulated a keen interest among the students for spring sports. l)racticallyevery boy in the school is intending to try c ul in some line and such enthu-sia m should mean trong teams in all th • branch s of spring athletics. Sixteen men answered the call for the lligh School Marathon. Theyha \'e been training faithfully and h<Lve , hown c'ansidcrahle ability. Thoughnone of them have had previous experience. they make a strong team. Stay,Atwood, Tatton. Allen, Pan11ley. Day, lJilton, J,errclt, the Fitzgeralds. Elvin.J..:imball. Ra\\·lins. Dihbs, and Kelson. compose the team. The la1·g numberof Freshmen and Soph mores in training means a big huost to cross-countryrunning in future ylars. The baseball outlook is bright. There is a wealth of material for everyposition. The chief problem will be tn choose th best possible team in theabbreviated training season th' weather has iurccd upon us. To help nvcr-cnmc this difficulty, a class series will be played as sonn as the ,,·eath 1·permits. Those player. who show he. t in this :;eri 'S will be chosen forthe school quad. an I be put through a course o[ intensive training to seasonthem for the lcagu' games. It is impossible tn foreca . t the personnel o[the team, becau. e of the large number of candidates and the keen cornpetitionbetween them for pCJsitions. \\'hat Jordan's strC\"ngth on the Track and in th Field will be, i mer lya matter f peculation. A numl r <1 f men have signed for variou. events.Thcs arc: Sp1·at1ing, Floyd Gardner, Jrving, r\llsop. Stay. Allen. Parmley,Tiarclca tie, Ilamilton, Elvin. Berrett, and Dow. \\'ith these as a nucleusJordan should be able to mak the nlhcr schools take notice. 0. D. B.\LLARD, uach. April L 1920.

BA EB.\LL SCllEDCLE BtlsehAl..L S·(lfl' Sc( Jn:!.\pril 15- Jordan vs. \\'est Side at jordan\pril 20---Jordan vs. Granite at (;ranitc.\pril 22- Jordan \'S . East Side at Jordan.\pril 29-Jordan \ 'S . l~as t :ide .\t East Sick~lay 4 Jord a n vs. \\'est Side ·· at \\'c t Side \' . Cranitc at lurdan:\lay o-.J ordan vs. L. D . S. a t t. D. S.~l ay 11 - Jnrdan Tl\,\ 'K E\'ENTS.t\pril <:l. J o rdan -Canitc cross -country run from Dra per to J o rdan (:-1- miles .) .\pril 23. Jordan. Cranite. and Murray triangular meet at ;ranitc. April 30. Divi s ion me tat Cummings' held. CR S-COUNTRY Although the ro s-country run proved a disappointment to Jordan. we. hould not expect tuo much [n)m t ur hitherto inexperienced athletes. (>ranitetook first and second place. thereby securing clev n point.. Tatt<m headed Jm·dan's li . t with third place, Stay came fo urth, and llenand Parmi 'Y tied for fifth . Th ·se men brought in ten points in all . o thatwe lo. t by only one point. little more experience and a little less confidence \"ill gi\' J ordan abetter chance in the meets that arc tu come.



THE DEBATI G TEAMS DEBATJNG The que ·tion which is bein.,. debated by all state high schools this y ar1s: \".Re olved that the federal government should pas · I gislatin:1. J~rovidinfor compul~ ry arbitratiLll1 of labor disputes in all pullic uttltttes, c n- titutionality conced d.' The debating try-uut at Jordan \Yet·e held in February and the winnerfor the two teams were: Edwin Berr tt and Grace Gre nwood. affin11ative,and Lavern Smith and H.ach · I Smith, negative. On March 24, Jordan's affirmative team met the negative team ofTooele High chool at Jordan, a two to one 1·ci ion of the judges beingmade in favor of Tooele. On the same date Tooele's affirmative andJordan's negative met at Too I,_ At this debate th ·judges vot d unanimou. lyin favor of J rclan. Since these del ates did n t leave either school a c mplete winner,another debate will be held April 21 to decide which school will me t thewinner. of the Salt Lake divisi< n to compete for the champi nship. This is the tir:;t year for some time that our sehoul has manifested anyactiv intere. t in d •bating, and th, plendicl succ ·ss along this line may be attributed to l\tr. Bateman, wh has been coaching the team thi year.


HECONCLLL\Tl ~ \\'hen l think u( all the fret·dom. Sunlight. wind. green grass. and sand, That this hrnacl old earth can fnrni~h For thi!> toiling human band. 1 ju~t ::-urt 11f gel a feeling That no school is good enuugh To keep a fellow frum it all \\'hen he thinb it right and just. .\ncl it goes right through 111) 111arrm' Like a queer electric shnck. That tht• sea of life's before me . .\nd l'1n standing un the dock. l~ut when l stop to think n111re fully. :\1; dull mind i · put lo rest. fur a man mn~t knuw a little lf he \\'ould ·njuy the h ·st. • 11 l end my useless l1111ging For the great and !l]lt'n plain, Turn ha ·k to nn hunks and lessons Fl'eling rccnnc'iied a<,.,YaiEn.D\\ ' 1~ B l~H.l'iiTT. '21. TilE \\'. \ Y OF Ll FE 'Tis true spring i:; not r ·ached in a single day But the days, week, and months mu~t glide slu\\ lv away, Each dav and each hour we still look for the time \\'hen-lh · world will b • changed to another. ·ublime. The snn comes out sill\\ ly and next the retr ·at or the dreary old ·winter with her snows and her ::.leet; The birds start to sing and the flowers to bloom, And we longingly wait for the glad month uf June. nd so with oursclve~ as we struggle alung. E,·er waiting and watching fot· the ht· ·ak of dawn: . \11 through a life Lime we work and we pt·ay, And trust Lhat our souls may somehow find the way. \\' e hupc and we trust; we ain{ higher and higher That we may accomplish the things we aspire. o that when Lhe time comes we maY look hack and say. \"\\'ith (;ocl\ help and our struggle~ we did lind Lhe. w,ay.\" C.r\ ROL \\". I lA\. 21.rnge 70

TJ LE L\"~ITED STATES ,\IO,IY: c\~ Ol'L'ORTUNITY (fhi~ c~say won second place in the Jordan District.) Young man, you have a mental picture of the man you wish tu be inthe future, ha,·c yuu not? Yuu desire tl be an intelligent, capable, respectedcitizen: you want to be physical!). mentally a11d nwrall) lit; in short. to bea man amung men. But there arc difficulties in Yuur way; vuu feel that you are poorlyequipped ;-that You la ck some i ;f the e;sentials inr success. Jnst whatare yuur difllculties? _\re yon hampered by Jack of education? Do yuu need to know moreabout the position yuu no\\ hold? Of course. ynu can't aiTorcl to quit workand go to school. hut there is a pia e where you can learn and earn at the':ame. time-the L\"nited States .\r111 y. llere a cour e in practically everyheld ts uffered to Y!lll. Yuu make 'i>ur choice and are g-iven the best ofschoob with the m;1st efficient in~tn~ctors. And you arc [1aid to learn howt() earn more pay. \\·hy not take advantage of the \"Cniversity in J(haki ?\" Do :you ice! that you ha,·c a narru\\' outlook nn life; that you at-e chainedto your tmmediate surroundings lla\'c you a lust fur Lra\'cl and adventure?Then take advantage uf the sp lendid opp(lrtunity orfered by the UnitedStates . \rm y to sec the ,,.!1 rld. tn become acquainted with the manners andcu:-;tnm~ o( all the nations. The chance comes bnt once in a lifetime. (_)r perhaps physical d \'elupmcnt i. what you need. Yuu haYc no seriousphystcal defects, of cour:;c. hut you are inclin d to be stoup-shouldered, orha\'e the habit 11[ \"falling together'' when you stancl. \\'hat you require is~omc sound, vigorous. army training tu put life. energy. and good red blood1nto ; ·o ur body. tu make yon stand up like a man and face the \\'t>rlcl. TheP.h) s1cal training- ofT red hy the Vnitcd , tates .\rmy has been pruYed prac-ttcal hy ex1 erience. You must kntl\Y men to become a lead er uf men. The Unill:d • tates_\n:lY is th best place in the world in \\·hich to become acquainted with thevano_ns types of people. I I ere you become sociali zed; you learn t(l respectthe rtghts of others . to play fairly and squa r ely everywhen· and all the t1me. Truly, if you desire tn be a well-developed. brnad-mindecl man. of valuet•1 yourself, your friends and your country. join the LTnited ~ tates Army-the army whose purpose is not whnly tn make warrior:-. hut rnthcr to prn-dncc genuine American citizen.. This is your opport unity. . uppose you en li st. k\ llEL S:\1 IT II. '20. J'ruce 71

I ~71~ ~ ~•, :-~- ll~ C!~J ~~

THE CAST Ol!' \"



\' e\"- St a..~e Life at J ord an \" ' ONFUSJO~\"The play ·• 'onfu, ion,\" presented by the J. 11. S. Dramatic 'luh thi»year proved a mu ·t decided succe · s. The scene was laid in an Eng-lish homeand the plot centered around a v ry amu~inO' bit of \"matrimonial\" confusion. ;.Jnrumer ~Iumbl<:f, ) rcl l \\' alt •r Hom 1 and h.,,:c. hi~ \\'ife ( \lpha ·rapo),w~· re the t wu Yct·y much-married people, while Aunt Lucretia Tickle by(Evelyn l_{atcman) and 'hri:tuphet· Blizzard (\\'alter .\ndcrsun). though notyet marned. were travel ina0- in that direction by mean · of a rather stormycuurt:hip. - J_ame<> (Liston Parr) and i\laria (Lucile Nelson) were the secretly-m<u-rt ·d servant:;, '' hos \"holYspring\" caused most of th, ·~ 'onfusiL1n.\"l~upert (!~elvin Aylett) and Violet (Hamona l\lerrill) w rc very nearly mar-nc:d and naturally sp ·nt most uf their time in th garden. 1\:enneth llt·ady represented the hypnotist doctor. \\'hile the policeman''a,; played by Robert llamilton. llenn· Jorg •nsen ''as lmsines,; manager. ;_]i . : ' taines r cei,•ed many wel1-m~rited compliments for the effectivemanner in which th play was present ·d.

~~ r(.s- U).{Jt r 11%11Jq~ '$ ~ { E e Ot! va 1-ttr xE o r& ~en rus ~~\"

l...l.,, GIRLS'


.1. lJ S. ORCHE


'·P fNAFORE \"

BOYS' GLEE CLUB TilE OPER,\ On the lOth of March, 1920, the Muf!ic Departm nt or th Jordan High School.under the direction of Mr. A. L. \Voodward, presented th comic opera entitled. \"H..l\1. S. Pinafore.\" The music lov ers of the Jordan District enjoy cl a real tr at inits pr sentation. The scene of th story is laid on the quarter·d ck of an English man-of-war,H . M. S. Pinafore, off the harbor of Portsmouth, England. Captain Corcoran in com-mand. His daughter, Josephine, who is supposed to be of noble c1 scent, lov s acommon sailor, Ralph Racl<straw. But Captain orcoran supports the suit or thRt. Hon. Sir. Jos ph Porter, K. c. B., First Lord of tb Admiralty, but Josephine, thougha dutiful daughter, does not love Sir Jos ph. . The opera was well att ncleij and many c mpliments and expressions or apprecia-tion were rec ived by the following.The Rt. Hon . Sir Jo sE>pb Porte r, K. C. B........•.............•.......................................•.A. E. Bat manCaptain orcoran...................................................................................................................................Kenn th BradyRalph Raclt traw .......................................................................................................................................Louis Van Dam. .·. ·:. ·. ·.·.·:.·.:.··: .· : :.· .· .·:.·:.·:.· .·: :.·.Dick Deadeye.....................................................................................................................................................Calvin Bob rg~~~'et!~::~~-~-·.·.· ~\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\"::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::~~~~~i% s~~~~~~~j(~,~·Ii·~~i:·t···~·~·;;·;;::::::::::::=:::::::::::·.·.:=::~.·.:·.·.·::.:·.·:.:·.·.:.·:::.·:.·.·:.·.·::::::::::::.::·:.\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".\".:·P~. ~~~ ~~~~~~·~Png., 0

Pttge St

.J. fl. 3. POP L\"LARITY C'O . ' TE 3T JlT fOR-Ii'RESilMEN PARTY

THE JU.:-.




A VISION OF THE JUNIOR PROJ\1 Y a, so much had this Prom captivated my thought that last night a dream didcom to me, and I beheld a fairyland d eked in flowers and wreaths of many kind~and colors. At the entrance to this paradise did stand Sir Walter-surnamed Peter-and he did say unto me, \"Enter, ye good and faithful Junior.\" And there were manywith me, yea three score or mor . And behold I did ee a Soph more linked to the arm of Miss Jennings, solemnlyentreating Sir Walter for admission. But Sir Walter forebade him saying, \"One yearlonger must thou labor and be faithful. But turn not back; lay down thy o!Ieringupon the altar and enter into th joys.'' And while I y t marveled a Freshie, closeby the side of a Senior, tried vainly to slip between Sir Walter's kne s, but he was orely r buked, and punish d by a sharp twist of the larger ar. Verily. verity, ther l1as not been such an elaborate display of beauty since thedays of Adam. \"Sut·ely thi is the Garden or Eden and yonder stands the Fountainof Youth,\" thought l. Much to my astonishment the glittering stairs did suddenlyend and w were welcomed by the mingled fragrance of flowers, warmth. and light. And while I yet lingered by the railing a loud voice did meet mine ear and Ihearkened to the pronounced judgment. \"Lend an ear to the fruits of our decision,\"began the voice, \"Judge not all things by their outward appearance, but rather by whatthey contain. Honor therefore the Frosh- they have sheltered a Hebrew. But. hold,more honor is due the Juniors, who did minist r freP!y the juice of the grape to theparched and dry.\" And mine ey s ])eheld many edifices; yea, in all four corners ofthe kingdom, and many strange d orations were manifest, even those of the hinese. And th re wa great r joicing and mingling or bimmies. Much to the displeasu.reof his majesty, Mr. Merrill . was the hula-bula danced by the girl in low-necked s!Jp-P rs. and llle \"Taxie\" played by Evans' Jazz Band. HAROLD GREENWOOD, '21.

'CIJOOL CALENDARSept. 3-First Student Body assembly. President Brady in chair.Sept. 8-Student Body watermelon bust on campus.Sept. 9-10-11-Shop boys lidy up campu .Sept. 12- Friday- Sophs win out in flag rush; Student Body's grand opening dance.Sept. 19- Alumni wins football game-score, 59-3.Sept. 27-Eleven students and faculty members clin1b Mount Jordan .Oct. 1- Assembly. Student Body Vigilance Committee formed and provisions made for Student Body Court; matinee dance; Seniors bold progressive party.Oct. 10- Student Body dance.Oct. 10-Nov. 3-Beet harvest vacation.Nov. 6- First ly ·emn number- berniavsky Trio.Nov. 10- 0gden is \"buri d.\"Nov. 11- Armistice Day assembly_Nov. 19- Junior assembly.Nov. 20-Students holcl separate asserublie for boys and girls.Nov. 21-Juniors ente1·tain l<'reshmen in gym.Nov. 26- Football banquet and dance in honor of squad.Nov. 27-Dec. ! - Thanksgiving vacation.Dec. 2-Jtllliors take basketball game from Seniors-score, 17-12.Dec. 3-Sophomore assembly; Sopbs beat Frosh in basketball-score. 18-16.D c. - Sophs take class series from .Juniors-score, 29-13.Dec. 17- Jordan wins practice game from Bingham-score, 33-2 .Dec. 20-2, -Christmas holidays.Jan. 12- Second lyceum attraction-Musical 'rrio.Jan. 16- Moving pictures of .J. H. S. shown in auditorium und r title, \"Fair Enough.''Was it?Jan. 21-Third lyceum number given by John B. Ratto..Jan. 3?-\"B!ngbam Dane \" aft r basketi.Ja!J game.Feb. 13-Far well assembly for Coach Gardu r. Friday, 13th. proves a bad day forJordan.Feb. 20-Students clean campus for few minutes.Feb. 24--Lucille elson b comes gray haired over Sophomore-Freshmen \"Courier.\"Feb. 25-Seniors give an instructive farewell assembly for benefit of under classes.Feb. 27-Granit Dramatic Club presents \"The Big Idea.\" 5-Athl tic ball held to the a ·compa11im nt of much \"shimming.''Mar. -U. of U. Public Speaking Departm nt present \"Pygmalion and Galatea.\"Mar. 10- President Vanda presides at Freshman assembly.Mar. 12- Musical nepart.rnent presents the opera \"Pinafore.\" Splendid treat forlarge audience.Mar. 19-Separale me lings for boys and girls; Junior \"Prom:• Great success !'romall viewpoints.Mar. 26-Lce cr am question settled by means of Mr. Merrill, on assembly, and th0ludent Body Court. . ..MaJ·. 26-Fourth lyceum number. J. H . S. Dramatic Club present the play \" 'onfuswn. A fine comedy, well played.Mar. 31-Jordan debaters for negative win from Tooele at Too le. D cision 3 to 0.'l'ooele's negative team wins at Jordan. Decision 2 to 1.Miss Lindell leaves to take up other work. .Apr. 2-Janitors and tage-Drivers Club entertain entire school with a program 111 afternoon, followed by a banquel and dane at night. For. \"They are jolly good r llows.\"Apr. 6-Edwin Berrett elected Chi r Justice ot' Student Body ourt. Lavern Smithand Royal Spratling, Associate Judges.Apr. 9-Granite and Jord;Jn stage cross-cou11try run.Apr. 23-Jordan-Granite-Mturay triangular T.n1ck meet.Apr. 30-Division meet.May 13-D istrict Field day.May 14.-Commenc ment.


HOW TO WRITE B~OKS Wh !:J I A m No+ ~OO~fMI. WITTY MADE £'AS Y TALK A Q u eere r 8~ By BY T. R.4STU$ CIEI'f,ETGre~n? T068i\" 5 u rcbs f 0 \"' 1J ,..dwt~ ..B r ~~ l'uge \"'!I

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