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Home Explore 1990


Published by wayne.jones, 2017-01-02 17:07:14

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A tTfPMAKI NG \" l ,l ..E'' INTO.'>lllmmg (}/{her pridt·, Kim Wallace c~c' herlncnd, into JOinmg her 1n rarmcr' lll.lrkct src\livitic,, All Jordan 'tudcnt> shOI\Cd theircnt husiam rnr the sc hool by being involved in STUDENT LIFEal l act iviuc,

Spirit and excitement filled the event through Adam Bently. T hisair as students filed into the year all wondered, \"Could he do itNorth Gym. Although the rain AGAI N??\" Of course he did set-fell, forcing the Get-Aquainted ting a record that will most likelyassembly inside, anticipation rose. never be beaten.Students were separated accord- The events continued, withing to their classes, helping every-one get to know everyone else? some of the usual controversy, es- pecially in the tug-of-war. But ifThe assembly began with thepogo ball event, with Jackson Al- there was no problems it wouldn't seem like the Get Aquainted as-lan suprising everyone with hisfirst place win. \"It was a great sembly. In the event, the seniorsSophomore start! Too bad they lost the victory to the Juniors.didn't keep it up,\" boasted Tony However, that was O.K. becauseBarker. the seniors came out on top over- all with a score of 40. But no mat- The most exciting event, all ter who won, all classes agreedagreed, was the onion bob. For that the assembly was a great waythe past three years, the graduat- to start the class of 1990 had won theT il E AGO Y OF VICTORY H IE THRILL OF DEFEAT T II REAOI G T il E EEDLEWith the grace of a champion. Adam Bentley Even though he lost. Khamp l nthavong really gotpulh the onion~ out of the horrible mixture wuh the sophomore crowd on their feet W hen it came Showmg their competetive sides. 1'-athan right down to it, sophomore~ were good sports. Ander,on and Brandon Plant put all the1rease f or the fourth year in a row. Adam blew effort~ into the stnng contest. The unfortunateaway the onion bob competition . A record that i~ even after losing to both the Juniors and Seniors. ~ophomorc~ who wore pants in th1s event didnot to be broken. not fare \"ell.6STUDENT LIFE

JUNI OR ENTH USI ASMCheering on their team. Julie Myasaki. AliciaMaughan. and ' oelle Kun7, ;how theirsupport for the Junior,. The Junior. did '\"'II inthe assemble, taking a close second to thesen ior win.LICK IT UPGobbling banana cream pies, Junior ClassPresident Celeste Derricott and Senior ClassPresident Jeremy Butler make some moreroom. Celeste really showed her stuff bywinning the pie-eating contest. 7 STUDENT LIFE

CLASS PARTICIPATION! S upporting the seniors with a ,\mile. Trina McGowan added her creative talents to help lead the seniors on to first place v1ctory 1n the sidewalk painting competition. Many students came out to support. SAY WHAT??? With Spirit and enthusiasm. Yur}' Colton paints the Homecom1ng theme. CA RPI 01 EM, on the seniors sidewalks. The 'tudents body did a wonderful job of incorpcrating the theme into the year. What better way to begin a week The week began with the paintingof traditional memories than with a of the sidewalks and the \"J\". Manyteacher strike. T eachers all acrossed students came out to support theirthe state voice their resentment for classes in this event. \"It was a greatthe govenor. T oo good to be true? way to get started in school spirit,\"But for the S. B.O.'s who planned remarked Karin Warnke. Farmersand prepared H omecoming week the market was a bustle with variousdream became a nightmare. But the clubs trying to milk al they could outvaliant Officers weren' t held back of the students. The night rally pro-for long, and soon Homecoming vided the spirit and pride the mightyweek was well on it's way. \"The football team neededto soundly stomp the #I ranked Bountifulevent made me more determined to Braves 17 to 12. T he dance spon-make Homecoming a success wheth- sored by DECA was a perfect des-er the teachers were there or not,\" sert to a wonderful week. Crownedassured Michelle Jones. And with Homecoming queen was Beckyundying spirit like that, the week was Cook with Michelle Willey anda success. And all students seemed to Mindy Welling attendants.agree. \" WIIO A'\1 I T HIS TI'\1E?\" W11h thctr prc.\tdcnt, I ecA nn Whicker, the members of drama club ammatel)' support the1r llomecommg float. The Drama club float took third place in the successful parade at the night ralleySTUDENT LIFE

CROW\"'ED IN GLORYWith the .\miles of quccm. the Homecomingroyalty show their pearly whites. The royaltywere: second auendent, Mmdy Welling, lirstauendent, Michelle Willey, and Homecomtngqueen, Becky Cook.ROCKETS RED GLAREShowers of light rained down on students atthe ll omecoming night rally. Students \"-Creonce again treated to the magnilicent displayor lire\I,Orh in coordination \l,ith the burningor the J .GET I TO IT!!In keeping with the tradition, sophomorestudents paint their section or the side\"'alks.T hough the baby bcch took third place in theside\"'alks, they supported the activity \"'ell . 9 STUDENT LIFE

Style, your own unique style, any kind of clothing and with the everybody has it, nobody realizes right accessories make it look in- it. Whether it be spiked perms credible.\" In this respect earrings and black leather, or bowl cuts and various other jewlery became and t-shirts, what you look like very popular. ''I'm always looking says a lot about the way you feel for a new, clever set of earrings. about yourself and your attitude My favorite were the fish!!\" joked on life. \"It's pretty cool, in our Susie Versluis. school you look anyway you want to. Everyone's differnet and it's Most students agreed that the great,\" grinned Alaina Stone. important thing is finding your own statement and not dressing Seiha Phlong and Maria Raha for others. Individuality was very prefer the basic black. They were important not just in clothing and fashion, but life. \"You can do said to be among the best dressed anything you want, just be your- in the Senior class. Of course not self, develop a STYLE!!,\" pro- everyone had the money to buy an fessed Dan Delahunt). Fashion $80 sweater so they made do with was alive. what they had. Caryn Thornwall exclaimed \" I could take almostCOOL AND CALM Cl/Lil RF S II OCKCatchmg .\Ome 5Un rays, \"\"oel Kun1 flaunt\ her Brm~JiniJ m the foricgn illlltude. O:k!mustyli'h pride '\o matter what other' con\idercd Kuro,awa and Takatsugu Yamoto ~how off\"in\". the real \"in\" thing to do was to developeyour own creauve style: be your~clf An easy their st:rlc. T he man} fore1gn cltchangctask for mo\t. student\ at Jordan this year brought a new 10 STUDENT LIFE \"look\" to the halh with their own uniquenc\\.

W H AT'S U P DUDE!Breaking the monotony, Sisouk Phouthavongshows his pearly whites for the camera. JordanStudents found it very easy to be creative andthemselves and with so many different studentscreativity abounded. DOMI 'ANT STYLE Walking down the stairs, F.rac Lloyd show~ the look or bright clothes. \1any students wore shirts with bizaare designs which were designed to fit the individuality, and make their statement. SITII ~G PR ETIY! Taking a break, Michelle Mettcrs, Julie Jansen, and Margie Ryrd show their style even orr the job. Students tried to retain their look no matter what the situation was. 11 STUDENT LIFE

Stepping to the beet with Dog- \"Did you sh;n·c this morning?'' 'VI iss Covingtonpatch week was JUSt a part of the asked Yury Colton as his little brother Kip lookstradition at Jordan H igh. After on. Though they tried their very beM, neither ofthe Lil' Abners and Daisy Maes the Coltons won with the little peach fu11 theyhad been nominated, they enter- had.tained students and faculty withan assembly. Steve Peterson re- the winners. There was pie andmarked, \"The best part was when cake baking, pumpkin carving,Andy Gill biffed it trying to clime horse shoe pitching, archery. andover the unveven bars.\" Each cou- points were given for the mostple participated in a relay and creative costume. T om Post andsang a love ballad which caught Chryll H ilton reigned as Lil'the audience's attention. During Abner and Daisy Mac at thethese events, the Daisy Mae's and dance.Lil' Abner's lined up and werejudged to see who had the hairiest The week was completed bylegs and longest whiskers. the traditional Dog Patch Drag. \" It was the funnest dance of my During the week other contests entire life.\" exclaimed Honeywere held and points were given to Garrison. The girl's shelled out money for matching clothes, and lucky couples were married until midnight. Dena Hullinger summed up the dance in saying, \" T wo thumbs up!\" J ACK - 0 - LAN1 ER F'LYIN' 111(; 11 With great skill. Kamie Kener ca rves the pumpkin for the contest, while her brave l il With all o( !Ji., \trt·ngth, Travis Pclch l1 fh Kristen Morri s up over the bars Most of the DaiSy Maes Abner shot bow' and arrows. These were JUSt glided over the ob\tacle. wh1le the I il' Abners had two of the many events both partner' a tougher time • some even landing on their face~ . participated m dunng the week. 12STUDENT LI FE

J UST GIVE ME A KISS!Shoving a banana into Matt Birch's face.Brittney White waits for the final event, thekiss. Some of the girls, as \\Cil as the guys.ended up \"ith a banana face after this event.YA, WE MEA'I YOU!Dcfcnding their comrade, Dmky and Stinkyprotect And} G11l from Michelle Willey.Desplle their efforts, Michelle persuaded Andyto go to the dance with her. Their love balladtook fir\t place. S T U D EN T LI F E

Survival or slavery? Jobs are an ricular act1v1t1es. Movies 7 em-important part of many students ployee Nate Anderson stated,lives. Students lives just wouldn't ''Between football and basketball,be complete without some excuse I can only work one day a week, iffor skipping their homework. Lani that!\" Working takes a lot c1fChristenson remarked, \"Work time. Some students organi?.etakes a lot of time, but I still try to themselves better, while other1sfind space for my homework.\" crack under the pressure. MJ>Lani worked at Golden Gate Res- chelle Jones remarked, \" It's handtaurant after school. to balance a job, school, and my SBO responsibilities. Sometimes Most students worked during it's just enough to keep my hea1dthe summer to save money for the above water.\" Some studenlsfollowing year. Former Shopko found that though they neededemployee Jeremy Butler com- the money, they had to quit. Mos.tmented, \"It gave me the chance tobuilt up my funds, so the chics students would agree, it wouldn' twouldn't wreck my budget.\" be the same without a job to keep them busy.Some students can only work onweekends because of extra-cur- Paper or plastic? Serving his patrom, Glenn I innebach bags groceries at Albemons. Though grocer) stcore work was not a popular one and often times tedious, students fou nd it to be better than beggi ng money from parentsWANT TO BUY SOME CANOY?Taking the\" \"'ork off the campus. ShannonCrump, Rachelle T hayne. and JanetHermansen sell candy to ra1se money for theCharlonians. Many students made it their jobto raise money for their group.PIZZA! PIZZA!Pretending to know what he's doing. RodEichelberger weighs the dough for a greattasting piua. Rod gave up h1s cushy JOb atSprouse Reltl to work at Little Cea~ars \1 anystudents found switching JObs a break. 14 STUDENT L IF E

Free the slaves\"Can I go home yet?\" pleaded Jeff Goff.Having nothing else to do. he indulges in a boxof smartie\. \ifany student\ had to findsomething to occupy their interest during theslow stretches of their shift.Where's the beef?Rc!Jcved to be off work, Janae Edwards smilesas she leaves Wendy's to journey home andfinish her homework. Some students eho'>cmoney over gr.tdes even though their parentstold them differentI). 15 STUDENT LIFE

Students at Jordan High have Some students couldn't get BRONZED BOMBSHELLalways looked forward to the sum- away from school. The Cheer- Working on the summer shlldc.\, Jordanmer. For some, it's all they can leaders and Charlonians had to student relaxes in her backyard and lets thethink about during the final get up at 6:00 every morning. sun do it's thing. Those perfect tans weremonths of school. But when sum- While the football players had to often in vain as they slo\"'IY disappeared asmer finally comes, few arc satis- practice during the second half of the fall months came around at la~t.fied with what they have done. the summer.Many say that it is too short and ART BUT A W II OLE LOT MOREboring. When asked what he had While some students traveled Makmg ll senior 1ph1sh, Art Hunter docs adone this summer, Spence Tueller to exotic places, most stayed \"10\" d1ve into a \Wimming pool. 1\rt, likereplied, \"Nothing at all.\" home and did nothing. When the rest of the student body agreed that he asked how her summer was, Jen- didn't take advantage of the summer hours Many students spent their va- nifer Rake replied, \"It was just while they were still around.cation working summer jobs. average.\" Probably most studentsKristen Davis said, \" I worked and would agree with her. Whichworked and worked.\" Although leads us to the question, \"Will stc-they were a little richer, they still dents ever be satisfied with theirthought that they didn't get en- summer?\"ought out of their summer. 16STUDENT LIFE

NO O NE'S LOOKI NG!! With the reach of a quarterback, Corey Collins lifts an innertube from the water park's stash. Many senior students spent an enjoyable day at Raging Water's a tradition carried on year to year. HERE ... CATCH!!!! Throwing an oar, Jon Evenson enjoys one of is his summer weekends at Pineview. If Jordan students couldn't lind enjoyable things to do with their hot summer days in Sandy they would journey elsewhere.rWATCH IT BABE!C11rey Collins suspiciously, watche~ JulieW1lson. Both seniors enjoyed a great summervacation in preparation for an awesome 1990senior year. All students, reguard less of class,made the most of their summer.II ERE'S LOOKING AT YOU BABE!!Preparing to layout, Caryn Thornwall andKristy Brown move to their favorite loungingarea. Most students spent the better part oftheir summers working on what they hopedwould be the perfect tan. 17 STUDENT LIFE 17

ITHE MERRY CHRISTMAS GA NGWith these good lillie kids on his lap Santadoesn't look so happy. But for Billy Shalz, RyanWillia ms, Spence T ueller, Jason S teadma n,Caryn Thornwall, Ma rk Elliott, a nd Tony Barker,this C hristmas stomp picture was g ra nd.JAM, JAM, JAMMIN!! Jordan students flocked to stomps only chance students had of boppingDancing to the beat ofa different drum, Natal ie this year. Not only did they enjoyTuell er hops, skips, a nd jumps to tunes at one of each others company, but they en- for a minimum price. The CheerJth e ma ny stomps. S tudents came out in hoards to joyed boogying down to the latestpart icipate in these fundraisers for va rious cl ubs, beat. \" I just love coming with my Songleaders sponsored the Helloteams, a nd special eve nts. friends, it is one great experience to Stomp at the beginning of the year.NO, I CHOSE NOT TO DANCE! be here in this social atmosphere. I Which gave students a chance to getSophomore wall flowers, Mike Kener. Sarah do not know what my life would be to know each other better and wel-Bruce, and Gina Watson contemplate whether or like if I did not have a stomp to look come each other to a new schoolnot to ask some o ne from the upper c lass to da nce. feel the Christmas spirit until I sat year.A common sigh t a t stomps was both of the sexes on Santa Claus' lap and said with apassing the da ncing hours sitting on the bleach- gleam in my eye, ' I want it all,'\" Towards the end of the year, theers. bragged Mark Elliott. The De- new S.B.O's were welcomed in at the cember Christmas stomp raised a election stomp, where they ate the 18 money for the Sub for Santa fund traditional baby food and threw up if with $2.00 pictures of you and your needed. And finally the yearbook S TUDENT LIFE friends sitting on Santa's lap. Along stomp, where seniors said a final with this, donations were asked for at goodbye to their friends and the the door, and the remainder of the yearbook was passed out to the entry fee was donated to this worthy awaiting arms of students. Stomps cause. gave upperclassmen, and the lower sophomores a chance to have an en- The Christmas stomp was not the joyable evening for a relatively low price.

GETIING INTO ITGetting a rise out ofthe tunc, Jennifer Woodwardboogies to the beat. Jennifer only fixed her hairup for special occasions, one of which was thisstomp. Jordan students enjoyed coming to thestomps to see the latest stylesGET A UTILE CLOSEREnjoying each others company, Cole Myers andSusie Versluis whisper sweet nothings in each oth-ers ears. \"The chance to meet your neighbor upclose and personal was why many students lookedforward to stomps. 19 STUDENT LIFE

CELLULITE RUL ES! Flaunting their fat, Twinkie and Sunkie tr) to convince the students that having pound\ and pounds of fat is bener than skm and bones. Many students took their advice and adjusted their goals accordingly. EXCEL LENT DU DE! \"We live for Yoda!\", said Bill Janie and Kevin Prince as \"Bill and Ted.\" Bill and Kevinentertained the audience with their wry humor. Both agreed that being the MC's of theassembly was difficult but they were a big hit.WH AT A WOMAN!Trying to show off what he doesn't have,Jeremy Butler models as the first contestant ofthe che\s competition. Jeremy wa\ the sexiest\COlOr in this skirt. He did a great JOb oforgani7ing the week. Senior !J{op !R_pya{ty 'l(ing JasonStuufman QJteen X.rifi Wasfi6um Prince 'Brian J{ISwp Princess '13rernfa V&faan 20 S T U DE N T LI FE

Seniors this year remembered the work paid off, and on Friday, theburned out toasties of the '60s with masterpiece was unveiled. Dena Hul-the theme \"Back to Woodstock .. linger said, \"My favorite part was theMany sentors looked forward to Sen- Jockettes dancing... The assembl)'ior Hop and dressing up as hippies was highlighted by a skit remember-Students were on a \"natural high\" ing achievements and student lifethrough the whole week. Alex Saville throughout the seniors' four years insaid about Senior Week, \"I just went high school.home and cried at night because itjust got to me. I loved it. It was cool. I On Saturday, seniors went to Sen-loved it.\" On Wednesday, seniors ior Hop and danced the night away.wore headbands and ornamental hip- Most dressed up as hippies, and werepic beads to show their school spirit embarrassed to go out to cat whi leand loyalty to their class. wearing their ugly clothes. Becky Cook summed up the whole exper- Many seniors got up at 6:00 every ience in saying. \"It was groov}, man,morning fo; two weeks. in order to groovy.\"pra~.:tice for th~ assembly. The hard A W HAT? A W HAT? A WH AT? Sharing a version of their cheer with the student body, the senior cheerleaders and songleadcrs stun the students. The \"A What\" cheer was a favorite among many students and it looked great in the nssembly. CHOPPI N' BROCCOLI Getting into hn, music. Jason Steadman sings for his producers His music not only touched the producers but the crowd as well. As it turned out, the \"Broccoli\" skit was not only the favorite of students but Mr. Mason also. Senior Po[[s MllSIIiil~:lx Ill su,,ll!4l; Dcadli!:SI !:OISIX Ryan Christofferson John Tullos Trina McGowan LccAnn Whicker Best Dressed Collette Hymas Spence Tucller Moslliil~:lx Ill Jaymi Llyod ll<Diac~: Mason Biggest Flin Ryan Christoffersor Jeremy Butler Steve Peterson BenCowdell Karyn Boyack Lori Robison CllUDIS< Ill b!< Maais.d YuryColton lligg!<-'il Swaa AIs.~; John Tullos Caryn Thomwall LccAnn Whicker friendliest Mosl< Jason Steadman Art Hunter Michelle Willey Kristy Brown 21 STUDENT LIFE

-ourrJown !.;i·!e Though they were plagued by an After the months of long and often unfinished auditorium, schaffolding tedious rehearsals, the cast and crew on the stage and actors who mysteri· were ready to present there hard ously dissapeared at various times, work to an audience. Taking there the T heatre department presented places on the stage were Michelle the beautiful and timeless classic Willey and Tom Post as George and Our Town. Beginning and advanced Emily. Both brought sincere feeling students alike made up the collage of and depth into their characters characters in T horntan Wilders which had the audience in tears ev- Ameriana. \"It was so much fun ery night. \"Michelle was wonderful working with all of the new people. and Tom was a doll,\" bragged J ulie Getting to know them was great,\" Wilson. The stupendous perfor- mances of the entire cast made the replied T ammie Christensen. show. Playing the part of the Stage At the end of the final curtain Manager was Ryan Christofferson. calls, members of the cast said one Ryan pulled of the difficult part as last goodbye to friends \"We became well as the memorizing that came so close and it was so hard to let go,\" with it. \"The experiance was monu- said Michelle Willey. mental, one I will not forget,\" quothed Christofferson.WELL, FOLKS . . .A s he portrayed this classic \"slice of life\", RyanCh ristofferson ca rried the show and the challeng-ing role as the stage manager. Ryan worked verytediously to perfect this command ing figure andhis hard work paid off.OPENING NIGHT JITTERSA s the final seconds before opening tick down,Mrs. Sandstrom puts the fini shing touches onYury Colton's beard as Ca ryn Thornwall andTammie Christensen nervously wa tch on. Thisnervousness was channeled into a brillant perfor·ma nce. 22STUDENT LIFE

GOODBY E EM ILYIn the most couching moment of the play, thedeceased Emily, played by Michelle Willey, saysgoodbye to the world she new. As her husbandGeorge, played by Tom Post, weeps at her grave-side. T his final scene had the audience in tears.T il E FAMILY WEBB Together again, the Webb family; BrandonGilger, Curtis Linton, Alatna Stone and MichelleWilley, entertain a captive audience with thistimeless piece of Americana. Thornton Wilder'sclassic was done exeptionally well by these actors.THE FAMILY GIBBSWith the compaSSIOn that made the show, theGibbs family; Sarah Bruce, Andy Gill, Tom Post,and T ammie Christensen, search for the meaningto life. The spirit and life that the Gibbs familybrought to the stage could not be matched. 23 STUDENT LIFE

GIVE ME AN \"R\"! Practicing his Wheel of Fortune skills, Andy Doyle goes for it all • and loses. Eric Hagen. the jock from Jordan. is the eventual winner • of course. The cheerleaders used humor to entertain the students at the pep assemblies. Smiling their way into the hearts For a change, this year the cheerof students, the cheer and song- and song leaders used various mem-leaders were a great example of spir- bers of the student government toit. One of the ways they showed this help them out on the assemblies.spirit was the pep assemblies that More than once students found Jer-were held every other week. They emy Butler, Tony Barker, Orlc)worked hard to pep up the student Bills, or Jason Steadman dressed inbody and get them excited for games some kind of feminine regalia. J asonthat night. J unior Lori Burningham Steadman, one of the best lookingremarked, \"The pep assemblies have male-females retorted, \" It was a bitbeen great, but I wish there could be embarrassing, but it was for a good cause, anything to help out.\" Themore of them!\". cheerjsong leaders also used cre- A great deal of creativity was ative events like \"Wheel of Fortune\"needed to produce a good assembly, with the football team.although the cheerleaders used the Whatever the sport, the cheer-traditional cheers like the school leaders, songleaders, and their pepsong and stomp clap. \"The pep as- assemblies could always be depended on to lift spirits before a big game.semblies have gone quite well so far;better than last year!\" expressedMind) Welling HEY LOVELYFlaunting his beauty, Greg White impersonatesthe perfect Vanna White. The football playerswere used tn many pep assemblies this year andthey were always a favorite assembly of the stu-dents.POETRY IN MOTION\"Look out below!\" yells Kelli Washburn as shejumps off a pyramid Kelli and her fellow d,mcecompany dancers performed during many pep as-semblies, and were a big hit. 24 STUDENT L IFE

I'M A WHEEL WATCH ERFlashing dazzling smiles, Natalie Tueller, KimGyllenskog, and Sara Dan11e turn letter~ andurge contestants to solve the puzzle. Greg(Vanna) White did a superb job and looked verysexy in this dress.TAKING A SPI NTaking a turn around the gym, Brian Hislop getstogether with his friends. The football playerswere always game to participate in the pep assem-blies. Which made the task a lot easier on thecheerleaders.

•QUA RRALI NG QUA RTETWarming the hearts of all who heard them, TheSchool Board Quartet members sang their townto death. Scott Stone, Ryan Tarr, Yury Colton,and Terry Osborne made up the foursome show-stopper that was part of the musical Iowa town. LOVE LY LA Dl f~'i Surrounded by her ludic.\, Mrs Shmn. played by LeeAnn Whicker forms the Grecmn Urn. Eu- laie's girls were composed of Melinda Christen- sen, Julie Wilson, Tecia Crawford, Lauric John- son, Cori Allison, Bonnie Nutta l, and Wendy Dahl.T I LL T H ERE W AS YOU SOME WORTII Y AI> VICE Consoling a love lorn Amanllr1, Manan (JoaniAt the climax of the play, Harold lit II (Jason Scadlock) tells her pmno pupil Gmger RobinsonSteadman) realizes that he is in love with 'Aarian that someday a special someone will come along.(Joani Scadlock) and cannot leave her Many Gmger learned to play the piano 10 two monthshour, were u~ed practicing this scene between the especially for thi~ productiontwo actor~. but no one seemed to mind . 26STU D EN T L IF E

Working. stre\"ing, exhaustion,und many. Opening night jiucrs \"'ent throughout lfhe ~~u~ic ~~anmany hours after school and at night re- the whole ca~t on opening night, Joanihearsing were -.hat it took for the cast to Scadlock expressed 11 best, \" I couldn't kadspull off the 1990 school musical, ''The believe opening n1ght was already here. myMusic Man.\" Beginning and advanced nerves were shot.\" she commented. ''It was llarold lliii.................Jason Steadmandrama students alike made up the collage fun to see the acting involved in changing Marian .........................Joani Scadlockof characters of this exciting. innovative the stubborn lo-.ans into strange but fun Mayor Shinn.......................Orley Billsmusical. At the head of the cast, playing people,'' ·• retorted Melinda Christensen. Eulalie......................LccAnn Whickerthe role of Harold Ihll, Jason Stead- Marcellus.......................RussPeacockman, and playmg Manan the librarian \\aS After all sa1d and done. the ~-ast and Zaneeta ..................... RainieMountecrthe lovelv and ta lented Joani .Sc<tdlock. ere-. of \"The Mus1c Man\" took their final Tommy..................................Bill JanieThese tw'o. combined with a determined bows and the seniors said \"goodb}c\" to Mrs. Paroo......................Alaina Stoneand supportive cast. made the play both Jordan theatre for the last time. This Charlie......................... Brandon Peaycntertaintng and believable. hcryone musical was satd to be one of the best ever. Alma IJix..........................Julie Wilson~cemed to have an important part LceAnn Whicker stated, \" I \\ill remember Student Director: it forever!'' Trunmic Christensen Stage Manager: Craig Hollinger \"MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE\" \"You got trouble.\" boam Harold Hill played by Jason Steadman to the River City to..,nspeople. Hill convmces the small town lo\"an~ that all their problems would be solved by a boy~ march- ing band.I 27

BARBARIANS ON THE HUNTReady for the kill. The Junior Cavemen prepareto beat each other out for the title of \"KingSimon.\" Though not sure who actually won thecontest, the audience absolutly knew that it wasnot Andy Doyle.DEAD GIRLS DON'T WEAR PLADPerforming their best \"Thriller\" impression,Cathy Osborne and friends performed their skitin the Junior Assembly. The dancers did theirvery best but the crowd was a bit partial to Mi-chael \"Scott\" Jackson.GQ- ALL THE WAY!!! J unior Week was a fun filled period in The Junior Prom Princess was JanaAs the announcer for \"All Star Wrestling\" Eric Jordan High Student's lives that will last Borino. with the Prince being Tom Post.Hagen turned many a female eye, especially sen- throughout the ages. The mastcrfull intra- The Queen was Noelle Kunz. and theior female eyes. But when Eric was announced as cacies planned out by J unior class hierar- King was Eric Hagen. ''The best partJunior Prom King, all heads turned to see the him chy, just goes to show the all around qual- about being King was that I was able towalk up and accept the honor. ity of Jordan students. kiss Noelle in front of the whole student- body.\" remarked Eric Hagen with a tear 28 On Thursday, the Junior assembly was in his eye. shown for the studentbody. Student> and STUDENT LIFE parents were danled with perfomances by Junior Prom was held at the Red Lion John Goddard, Warren Miller. and the Hotel. Many students loved dressing up in Jackson 5. The assembly was better than tuxedos and formab. and spending a night most people expected, and drew a lot of out on the town with their favorite honey. laughs from the audience. Juniors worked \"It was the fun nest dance of my life. I will on the assembly for three weeks, getting remember it for the rest of my dating ca- up for grueling early morning practices. It reer!'' stated Marti Marshall. Many will was obvious that all their hard work paid agree that it was an exciting week. and will off. be etched in their memory forever.

]uwior Prom R<YYatty !(:hyg EricHa~ Quee-n N'Oe.Zk K'UMZ Pru'l&? Tom PostJOH N AND WARREN RELIVEDPortraying every student's nightmare, T om Postand Russ Peacock bring to back John Goddardand Warren Miller. In actuality these two speak-er~ bore audiences to tears. However, Russ andTom had them rolling in the aisles.A- 8-C-: 1-2-3Lite from the '70's, Scott Watts. Jeremy Green-wood, a nd Mitch Berg. relhe the famous Jack-son Fhe. This beautiful!) choreographed numberhad s tudents tappiOJ; their feet and singing allday long. 29 STUDENT LIFE

... ALAS KA OIL S PILL The Exxon Va/de?, a 987-foot tanker, struck Bligh Reef about 25 miles from Alaska, ripping holes in its hull, gushing millions of gallons of thick crude oi l into pristine Prince William Sound. The largest oil spill in history.VIETNAMESE BOAT PEOPLEMore than 6/,{)()() boat people fled Vietnam thisyear. Although Commuinist Vietnam is encour-aged the voluntary return of migrants who arerefused refugee status, only 260 went back despiteassurances that they need not fear reprisals.TIENANMEN SQUAREGone from the Square arc the the pro-democracybanners and the Goddess of Democracy, a 33 foothigh replica of the Statue of Liberty. The pro-democracy protests began on April 15 and onJune 3 troops opened fire on the protestors. 30 STUDENT LIFE

L HURRICANE HlJGO I caving a trail of death and destruction. Hugo smashed into the coastal city of CharleMon. South Carolina on September 22, 1989. Hugo's 135 mile an hour winds snapped power lines, top- pled trees and left thousands of people homeless. 1989-1990 will be known through- the San Fransico quake toppledout time as the years of freedom. buildings, homes, freeways, andMonumental events occured every lives. People began to take notice asday. After nearly 28 years, the Berlin to how fragile life really is.Wall, a symbol of the Iron Curtainthat divided East from West, Com- Christmas of 1989 brought fearmunism from Democracy. was torn and often tradgedy into the lives ofdown and border restrictions were the families of U.S. servicemen aslifted in East Germany. At the same the United States sent thousands oftime revolutions overthrough the troops into Panama to overthrow thecommunist governments in Poland, corrupt :-.Joriega, who in attempt toCzechoslavakia, Romania, and even avoid capture saught refuge in thethe traditionally staunch government Vatican. This incident put a damperin USSR began to sway toward free- on President Bush's \"kinder, gentler,dom. And though it would not hap- nation\" theory.pen overnight, people in these coun-tries finally felt FREE! As we left the 80's and the memo- ries of those years, We enter a new At the same lime, destruction was decade of change and freedom. Arampant throughout the world. Nat- decade filled with thoughts of theural dissasters Hurricane Hugo and years ahead and the opporutunities for the youth of today.SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE T il E BERLIN WALLA cutustrophic earthquake rocked Northern Cali- On November 9, 1989, East Germany lifted re-fornia on October 17, killing at least 62 people strictions on emigration and travel to the west,and injuring hundreds, caving in bridges and free- and within hours thousands of Germans celebrat-way~. igniting fires and causing widespread dam- ed on and around the Berlin Wall. The wall whichage to buildings. dcvidcd Germany since 1961. began to crumble. 31 STUDENT LIFE

BOU NCI NG BLONDESFlaunting their stuff. Glen \If ill~ and fric Lloydhp sync to the song ''I'm A Blonde\" Althoughthey both needed to work on the•r danc10g skills.they were naturally beautiful and their >kit was ahit. Sweetl>earts R o'Yalt;y Kittg Eric Ll.o-yd Queen TAKE A BREATH M l T ! Trying to make 11 new friend, Hillary SwanN ataUe Tuelle,r reaches down to pet the ( nerg11er Rabbit. II illary did a wondeful JOb 10 the a\\cmbly. but the Rab- 32 bit was awarded bc\t actor, with Hillary comingS T U D ENT LI FE 10 a close fourth place.

GU ITARZAN!Boogien' to the beat, Eric Tripp dances in his~civics. This caused much excitement in the fe-male section of the audience. Tar1an. Jane, andCheetah made jungle life more bearable.ABE VIS ITS FORD THEATERTaking advantage of his Presidential preroga-tives, Ryan Boswell portrays Lincoln's assassina-tion while \ltegan Bradshaw and Eric Tripp playhis companions. This portrayal made Mudentsthink. \"So much for history!!!!\" Sophomore Week was a success King. After all was said and done,this year. The Sophomores worked the Sophomores looked forward un-hard to put on the assembly and the til the next year's assembly.Sweethearts dance. For two weeks Sophomores ended their week onmost of the sophomores came to Saturday night, with the Sweet-early morning practices to prepare heart's Ball. They worked not onlyfor the assembly. The assembly was the night before, but most of Satur-highlighted with spectacular perfor- day decorating. The decorationsmances by the Energizer Rabbit, and the atmosphere of the room setand he was awarded the best actor the mood not only for the night, butby a close margin. After the assem- for Valentine's Day as well. Melaniebly, the royalty was announced by Hodges remarked, \"I loved theSophomore President Ben Welling. dance. I thought the Sophs did aThe Sweethearts Queen was at- good job.\"alie T ueller, with Eric Lloyd as theCHANCE T H AT C HANNEL QUICK!!Watching the tube. Brandon DeHaan and TananMiles cannot find anything worth while to watch.They were the MC's of the a;sembl> and wererunner~ up for the best actor award behind theEncrgi7er Rabbit. 33 STU D ENT LI FE

... HONEST OFFICER, WE DON'T OWN A CAR Just passing through the drive in, Rob Rico,DOUGH OR DIE Kathy Hall, Brandon Fabrizio, Caprice Evans, \"/ just know there was money here earlier,\" and Brandon DeHaan pause from their deed justMindy Welling tries to explain to the Hardees long enough to pose for a picture with which toworker. Hardees was a popular hangout because remember this night of nights.of the relativly inexpensive gourmet menu whichincluded curly fries from Northern Zimbabwe. \" Home? That sounds familiar, I H ardees was the \"hang-out\" forthink I've been there.\" remarked most Jordan High students. After aStaci Myers. Many students would football or basketball game, grun-respond in the same way. Except for dles of people can be found enjoyinga few homeboys, students are only a victory, or consoling their peershome when they want to sleep. They after a loss. \" Hardees seemed toarc involved in extra-curricular ac- make me feel that their was a placetivities after school, and when they to go when there was no where elsedo have some spare time home is the to be. Almost like a second home.\"last place they want to be. It seems quoted Steve there is always something to do,or someplace to go, and some stu- Many students tried to be creativedents rarely have time to do their when they went out with a sweath-homework with everything else to eart. From toasting marshmallows over an open fire, to making updo. games to play in crowded malls, poor Most of the studentbody can be students had to be more inventive because of t heir slow cash now. \"Be-found at a movie theatre sometime ing an unemployed bum, J had toduring the year. But if they couldn't rely on my ingenuity to support myfind a date, they usually hung with woman.\" remarked Alfreto Chapc-their friends. From golf to football, lero.Jordan sporting events were alsopopular. 34S T U D ENT LIFE

I'M SOOOOO COOL Practicing his Pat Sajak pose, Aaron Conde c templates the meaning of life and curly fries while Kristen Morris secret!} frees his food from bond- age. Students would often take time out to consid- er the ingredients of curly fries.PLEASE, TAKE MY CURLY FRIES!!Hoping that their charming smiles and flawlessteeth will lead to the adoption of their homelesscurly fries, Tiffany Mangelson, and company be-come the Hardees poster children, a desire ofmany students.CH EER UP IT IS A WEEKENDUsing a variety of jokes, Jennifer Johnson andfriend try to cheer up Jeff Davis. This was not aneasy task. However, most Jordan students foundit much easier to be cheerful on the weekendsthan during school. 35 STUDENT LIFE


ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? A GIANTScoping out the Bear River defense, Cory Collinsgets ready for a play. Although the football team lostthis game, they made an incredible comeback to take3rd in state, showing their pride and school spirit.A RUNNER OR A FROG? tTfP INPracttcing her yoga, in preparation for the crosscountry meet Celeste Derricott doc~ a frog •mperson- fPORTtallon In order to perform to the best of thei abili-llcs, warming up was a ncccessity for all athletes. 37 SP0 RT S

DIGGER STYLE Serving it up right! Team work and determination Kristen Davis, one of there-helped to make the g irl 's volleyball turning players replied, \"Wait untilteam more unified. They learned how you see the younger team, they areto work as a team, and were told by great!\"other coaches that they had great a de-fense. Jennifer T homas said, \" I feel that this was a good year, be- J. Y. player Hilary Swan said, cause we were all good friends, even\"We did well this year and we worked though our wins didn't show in thewell together. I'm really excited for scores, we won in our hearts.\"next year.\" The volleyball team hasgreat potential for the upcoming year. \"I really had a great time. I loved playing volleyball with \"We didn't have a winning sea- these guys. They made it allson, but we never quit! We were all worth while,\"good friends,\" exclaimed Ki sha Hor-rocks. The volleyball team had many -Jennifer Thomasreturning players that have been on theteam for fou r years.GIRLS VARSITY VOLLEYBALL 0-14 OveralIWoodscross 0-2Granite 0-2Judge 1-2Murray 0-2Bountiful 0-2West 0-2Tooele 0-2Woodscross 0-2Granite 0-2Judge 1-2Murray 0-2Bountiful 0-2West 1-2Tooele 0-2 VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Row 1: Kri~tcn Dav1.,,JcnnifcrThoma~. Maria Bradley Row 2: Carrie Peter.,on.JamiC Brewi<;, Kena Vernon. Ki.,ha Horroch.Coach Pncc 38S POR TS

WHAT A SET•.. UP!! Power is the name ofthe p,ame. when Kristen Davb sets the ball for Jeannnene Elias who eagarly awaits for a viscou'> spike. Jenmfer Thomas watches in the event an assist is needed. DIG IN! Eyeing the ht11/, Kristen Da\'is is in position to set the ball up to a teammate. Kristen proved to be a vital pan of the high po\liered offense.J.V VOLLEYBALL WHATS THAT?!'?RO\\ I: Tcryn Swan RO\\ 2: tonya Moncur.l 1\<l Lyon'>. Jeanre King Ro\\ 3: Carrie Petcr\on(\llgr.), Ann LooJ..m~ skyward. Marti Marshall sets her sights on a strangeHmdcr\, Marcie Powell. Chcrylllllton.llllary Swan. Britany Black. Coach Pendleton RO\\ 4: Marti \llar,hal, brrd that landed m the rafters. Marti proved to be a vital cog in the fine runnmg JV machine.Alana Galloway. Jeannette I'.lias 39 S PORT S

TEAM UNITY SK'\ HIGII uarwr~ jilT tl Jlllllp ball. Knsty Brown \how' her It's all in a winning attitude! detcnmnation. Kriqy\ athleuc ability proved to be ju>t what the Digger~ needed . Hard work, dedication, their relationship with their unity, and a winning attitude The individual members werewere all part of this years team. coached and befriended by MissPractices proved to be the hardest Stites. In fact her knowlege of theand most demanding ingredient of character traits of the members ofthis year's rising season. Encom- the team not only helped them im-passed in their rigorous physical prove but was often quite humor-workouts were suicides, ladders, ous. (Ifyou don't believe it- ask herand sprints, as well as numerous to do an impression- some day she'llvisits to Jordan High's illustrious be a stand up comed ian!)track facility. This years team can be This year the mental as well summed up in just three words:as the physical aspects of the game discipline, desire, and huslte. \"Onewere stressed. \"This year we characteristic that this years teamlearned that through mental im- possessed was that the word quitagery great things come to pass!\" an was not in our vocabulary!\" re-excited Kristy Deem stated after a marked Kisha Horrocks. AnitaP ep Assembly. Fan,Trina Stites quoted Abraham LincolnMcGowan,commented tl:at the when she said, \"Things may come toteam's success came from their those who wait, but only the thingsuntiy. This unity can be attributed to left by those who hustle.\" 40S PORT S

GIRLS BASKETBALL 5th in Region 8th in State Row I : Allison Gamer, Stacie Bennion, NiH.i Epperson, Misty Kimball, Kisha Hor- Granger 44-27 rock\, Coach Stite'> Row 2: Jenny Bingham, Kena Vernon, Hilary Swan. Cindy Hunter. Payson 47-30 Ben Lomond 51 -37 Mgr. Nicole Cunningham. Mgr. Estella Laale Row 3: Andrea l lendrickson. Kristy Grantsv ille 43-38LBrown , Kristy Deem, Natali Chri-,tensen, Marti Callister, Chasscy Spencer Springville 47-5 1 Spanish Fork 39-36 Murray 35-37 Judge 29-35 Granite 58-49 West 47-34 Tooe le 45-54 Bountiful 44-62 Woods Cross 53-56 Murray 32-50 Judge 54-43 Granite 50-46 WeM 73-24 Tooe le 49 -44 Bountiful 42-56 Woods Cross 47-44TIM J.; OUT ! DEAD EYE! SPEED IT UP! Spallin~ up for a shot. Andrea Hendrick\on gun\.1u/~111~ to thr troop.~. Coach Sllle~ give' cnwuraging do\"n t\\0 more point,. Andrea\ Jeade~h1p proved PuslwJf? thr hoi/up the cmm. Kisha Horrock' get~ad\"1CC. l·or a li~t ye;arco;ach ~he did e'u-.:m.:l) \"ell. read> to pa\" the ball. Ki,ha turned out to be Jordan'~ viwltothe teams succe\\. three pomt bomber. 41 SPO R TS

ON THE BALL JV GIRLS BASKETBALL Diggers show their stuff! Ist in Region The bench was small, but you know she'll go far. Marti Cal-they endured it all! Unification was lister, with whom you'd better step 7-12 Overallthe key, they never thought of\"me\". back, if you get too close she willNatali Christensen was heard to say, surely hack! Nikki Epperson, boy, Granger 32-39\"I like basketball every day!\" Pers- does she have speed! With next Payson 36-32erverance, hustle, and determina- years team she'Jl plant the seed. Ben Lomond 35-30tion, all led to the other team's frus- Natali Christensen-her middle Grantsville 36-15tration. \"Basketball just seems to be name's potential- she's six feet tall, Springville 24-47my game, no other sport is quite the but her secrets are confidential. Spanish Fork 28-43same!\" Cindy Hunter said this with Hilary Swan, she'll take a charge, Murray 19-40a smile, while showing off her even though this girl just isn't very Judge 25-37shooting style. large. Misty Kimball, now there's a Granite 43-41 fun Jo! She's just a freshman but W es t 26-21 And now let me introduce to she's got the high-pro-glow. Stacie Tooele 21-57you the team. You'll find that all of Bennion, now here's a girl that is Bountiful 29-38their personalities beam. Allison hot! Give her a year and she'll be Woods Cross 25-40Garner- we call her Kermit-if sink in' those shots! Well there you Murray 26-48you're going to mess with her you'll have it- this year's team. Next year Judge 31-51need a permit. Cindy Hunter-now they'll be back, twice as mean!! Granite 42-38there's a star- ifyou'veseen her play West 39-23 1 Toocle 23-45 Woods Cross 26-44 L UP, UP, AND AWAY! Attempting a three point shot. Cindy Hunter let~ the ball fly. Cindy is a devoted ba;ketball player proving to be vital in both JV and Van.ity games. SHEER CONCENTRATION! Driving to the hoop, Allison Gamer eye~ down her opponent. Intimidation wa' the nameofthegamc and the JV team had what it took. 42SPORTS

GOOD HAI'Ij0$!Wanning up for their game. Allison Garner passe~the ball to Hilal) $\\an. With quick passes the JVteam \\Cre able to ''in quite a few games.Wll \T FOR\1!Stretchingout over her Wood~ Cro~~ opponent. ManyCalli~ter ~ore' t\\O points. Mani'~ athletic abilitypro' ed to be a great as,et to the team.UP 11\ TilE A IR!Jumpmg for the ball. Mani Callister and Natali Chri;,-ten,cn ,Jam into ;,orne We;,t playe~ in the scramble.Aggre,,•vc pia) wm. a good ;,ign for the JV team. 43 SPORTS

QUICK KICK A HEAD ABOVE THE REST Gelling ready to kicJ.. the hall. Becky Cook ha' 10 Passill!( the /101/to her teammate, Cherish Conrad dodge her lunging opponcnl. G1rl' \OCCCr proved to \hOw\ thai even tall girls can play soccer. With be just as violcm a\ boy' \OCccr. dcdtcmion and hard work the \OCCer team proved they can do it all.OEA DR URtmninx 11eck uml11eck. N1kki Eppel\">on tries tosteal the ball while Cam• Kuehn comes to help oul.TeamworJ..: propelled the jprl' team to one of thebest in the 'tate. GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER 9-5 I Overall 2nd in Region 3rd in StateB ingham 2-2Cottonwood 1-2Alta 0-6Woods CrossMurray 3- IGraniteBountiful 6-0Judge 5-0Woods Cross 3-1Murray 0-5Granite 3-0Bountiful 5-0Judge 4-0Sl-y View 2-1Ben Lomond 1-5 4-3 0-4 Row I: Becky Cool\. Jenny Bmgham. 1'-; JlJ'C~\">Oil, Ttltany llardman. Lori Ra)mOnd Ro\~ 2: Anna A'ay. Andy Hendrechon. Chcri'h Conrad. Marti Call.-tl'r. Kmt) Bro\"n. Cmd) Hunter. Coach Bill NobleL 44SPORTS

GIRLS GAMESNewly Designated Sports This year the soccer and year. This year's team was great!\"softball teams did extremely well, remarked Kristy Brown. Thiseven though it was their first year as year's team captain, Andy Hen-sanctioned sports. The girls soccer drickson, was heard to say, \"Thisteam put a lot ofhard work and dedi- year was the best! Coach Noblecation into their entire season. The improved our team 100%. I guessteam turned last years two win sea- you could say 'Noble knows soc-son into a third place State finish. cer! '\"The only losses that the team en-countered were to the eventual first Softball was a big hit! Prac-and second place state finishers. tices were long, and for much of the\"You could definately see a change season they werealsocolddue to thein how we played as a team. I got to harsh weather conditions. Theknow people a lot better, which members of the girls softball teammade for a great year!\" exclaimed were just as dedicated as the boysJennifer Bingham, better known as were to baseball. In the upcoming'Bing'. Team unity was a key factor years there will be a lot to lookthis year. \"Many friendships weremade that will mean more than any forward to in Lady Digger softball.of the successes we experienced this \"[ loved playing softball this year! The fun just never ended!!\" replied a very excited Kisha Horrocks.J Row 1: Tammy Lowery. K'am Qu·mn, E'slelia.'...·.,·ale•Jane1LaN:n Row2.:KaraSorcnse..n.SharlccSilcox.Gcorgia SIDESTEP Bendixen. l.oralce Quinn, Mana Bradley Ro\" 3: Turia Sohm. Suty Salker,on.Jcnnlfer Weeks.~anya \lloncur. Dribbling up thcjidd 1\iU.i Epperson lool..s JaneII Samonson. Marian Nc\"rncycr Ron 4: Kri\IIC Knudsen. Km1y Hales. Brllan} Blad. Marcae Po\"ell Ro'' for a sh01 on goal. \ al..l.a\ huSIIe on lhe field 5: Ka} Parker, Barbara Scrallurd. Gay Quinn. Coach VInehell. no1 paciUrcd Ka,ha Horrocks. really paid off in the long run. 45 SPORTS

BIG COMEBACK Gymnastics on the rebound! Jordan gymnastics made a gymnasts, three spotters, and onebig comeback this year. Led by manager. The team included fourhead coach Margaret Price and as- seniors returning for their fourthsistant Karlene Bauer, the gymnasts year on Jordan 's team and alsofinished with a great season. Prac- many new freshmen and sopho-tices were held five days a week mores who added cons istentlyfrom 1:30 to 4:30 pm where work strong routines. \"It's great to beand much improvement were al- more of a competitive team again,\"ways expected. In addition to daily stated Jane Payne. Kclli Washburnworkouts, the gymnasts were re- explained, \"I really like the teamquired to follow a strict diet of no this year. We have a lot or new talentsweets or fried foods. All agreed which is exciting!\" Although gym-this diet was difficult to keep. nastics was extremely demanding\"I feel we are a much more both physically and mentally, mostunified team this year,\" stated Jamie agreed that it was worth the effortGehring. The team consisted of 2 1 physically and mentally. TRUEBALA CE \11\JOR FLEX \IJILITY! DC'momlra/mg Itt•! ogi/111 rmlltt• hcam. C'hrcc Bryan Cardung .Will£' atr, Kelh Wa.,hbum fmrshes oil her perfom1s her compulsory roullne. 'I he gymnasllc suj)l!r lriplc fl 1p side '>lfaddlc leg sphl. Evenlhough 1eam wm. reqUired ln pcrfonn hnlh oplional and compu l•ory rou1111es. Kclh drdn'l do lhi'> in a meel we gol il on frlm. 46S PORT S

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