- .>... ...Cc1::l Camille Johnson McKayla Johnstone U) Jonas Jones Mason Jones Adam Jorgensen David Ju Jan Kambestad Kathleen Kammeyer Brandon Karr Kaylee Kearsley Deliverance Keasch Emily Keeter Zakary Kelson Konor Keysaw Stephen Kimball Jamie Kinahan Amanda Kingston Churee Kinney Alexandria Kinzer Tyler Knight Ashley Knudson Bryce Koehler Nathan Kraft Richard Kraft Jacob Kramer Ashton Kreiling Leah Kronenberg Alyson Kuhl Daphne Lane Jacoby Langlois t?'ertioM uwol liUy !tJ-Ie lk /le# ~fi148
. -------------------- - ~~~-------- h.lr) LlN~ll M >rt.:.m La\'erty Makay la Leavitt Mikayla Leavitt Alexander Leonhardt Emma Le~ueur Aubrc) Lin Jc~~u:a Lmdsay Kamile' Lipovskytc Colton U-.ter jo,eph L~t~::i Rylee Lm·c-Ri\"'as Kn~ren Lowe Sercnity Lucio Sandy Lui Kolby LunJ Natalie Lund Katclyn Mabey Forrest Macdonald Kylcr Machan Ch.un: Malae Fernando Malucnda Emily Maness Megan Manning Ka)la Manwill Erik Marchanr
- -- ------ - - - -- - -- -- ---- -Mickelle Roe~tenhurg Emtly Roger-. Kelsey Roger' Ashle) Romero Alexandna Round) Conner Rumsc) Maja Sab;movic Nancy Salas McKenztc Salisbury Scott Salter Lcvonnc Samul Mason S<1ndcrs N;~talie Saxey Zaync Sayers Nathan Schab Braydcn Schcrzmger Nichola-, Schtndlcr Tanner Schouten Colton Schow Emma Schroeder Brieanna Schulz Shayne Schurz Brian Seamon' AIcc. Sepulveda Laremy Sharp Amy Shaw Andrew Shaw Bailey Shaw Shane Sheppard Jeremy Shick ~~p?LM/ 0 ..c: &Upld- lelk/Mof 0 (J ~PA~§ft154
-- - -- - ·-~------~ - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- Amanda Shinall Olt\ ia Shorrndge Nichola:s Sim~mson Amanda Sinclair TI1ea Skandsen Je~~ie Skog Au~rey Slack Jacoh Slone Chandler Smith Jacoh Smith Meranda Smith Murie l Smith Peter Smith Scha~tian Smith Shclh) Smtth Roberto Solor:ano Mtchacl Sonntag Aly~-,a Sorensen )aden Sorensen Robert Spencer-Priebe Jerel Starb Ak•xandra Stayner Qumq Steiner ).1coh tcpan Maranda Stephenson )aden Stone Chase Story Jaycee Stringham Bntain Sudol Amtc Sulin ~/ZioM~ -CJ k'Aely !tJ- ~ lLii/Z IM u JIC'tt/Zf5et ~pUM ell cG
• .cEttr~h i~) whfJI 1»~ ma/le ill We nc\'l·r really grow up, ,,.l. only kmn how to act in160 puhlic.\"
Uh .YtetUl €hrtLItuy Jtaiuy ~wfl/ t?';ziti10Plee hh... Arl' pcopll' going to )OU \\.mt 11 mon.: th.m .11r.. thcn read tl11~?' )Oll \\ 1lll-c 'llCCl'\"ful. \"Singing, dancing, moving, 161 grooving, jamming and living large!\"
Raul (~rvamc.
KaJt Etcher Su.·,·~.:n EthnJ\"'\"' llt·.11h4.·r h.·rn:164
Orwnjen<en Ivan John\"'\"166
Everett Lamrorn Machael Llmh;on Trevor Lampe Abagail Lanca>ter Kelcae Lang,ron Te<-a Laroque Logan Lar.en Pakalana Latu Jazz Lee Shantae Lee Emmm Lee-Sang Erac Lem' Amanda Lente Octavan Leon Danaelle Lewis Gray,on Lang BrayJon Lm>emnh Chra>llan Lutle A;hami Lazarzaburu Caleb Lloyd Cheyenne Lohmann \ .urmnc l.mn-r, Nil\"\"' Lnlohca Srevan Lore' ]Jm Lova Zachary LovatoKylae l.uff K.ar>en Lund Kcn<>Jce l.unJ Kerrac lute> Nathan Lyon Gabradle Mack Zane Mackac
Alcx;mdcr ( )l,,·n168
1\.ul Pl.mlcn
Myah Terry Anrhony Th.1xron Anel Thorup An~o~nd 1 Toomey ( it.tnfr.ulco Torre-,170
EmilyTnck lluntcr Tuft Makayla Tuft Jordan Ungricht Randy Urley Elina Vattuu Jordan Van Wagoner Andrew VanpattenTyler Va\" Briannil Vaughiln E>lct<>C'c Vav.lll Eduardo Vazquez Kaylcc Vcrmtllton Steven Vmcent Katlte \linn~ Cy WaldronRnhen WalkenhnN Tar.m Walltck Jamtc Ward Scott Warner Allt'><ln War-on Danen Wat,on ~ Moiryah WaughAlexander Wc,J.I\Icr Ruley Wdch lloiJen Wtc'c Kyltc Wtlder Alexander Wtlktm Altyah Wtlkm><.m Baylee WilliatR< Ket,h.t Wtlltam' Marhew \Vmtcrho1ler Ntchola~o WoJtale\\tC: Megan WooJ NtcoJa, WoodcockPayron Wn~ht Rel'>ecca Wnghr Whnney Wnght Donminny Yang CharJe, Ztmmerman Loved. bul nol pictured: Matthcr Adler Sadie Johnson Juan Ortega Gil Sera Tawareguci Morgan Gomez Ziming Lei Codi Petersen Kira Hautau Riley Lucero Landon Roberts Michael Tillotson Clcrence IIebert Tiffany Mecham Alec Ross Ellis Wade Bryce Helbling Daniel Moore Madison Salie Evan Wang 171
Andrew ~l11lhl}llll80
K~~~f<lnd1nn Sc.·r~.tk1s t\ hrt m Shorter182
Trc1ghtun Wnchr K.oylcc Young \hcl.o Z ov,ol.o Loved but not p~<...:lurcd: Jace R;1l>ka Dresden Chnsremcn Chrisrophcr Judd Braxton 1\lart in,on BcnJamm Salle Salem Bani Brennan E~pino:a Austin Kafcnt:b Za(.kaq ~trand Christopher Barlow J.lquelinc Espino:a Narhanwl Lcishm.m ~1.mhc\\ ~ld::.,nc Luca~ T adJeo Rohyn Bonc~io Juliun Gon:alc: Jmro Lope: Vincent Tap~cott Hailey Brennan Omarii Jansen Eric Ludwig (~age P;ll kcr Kylc Walkim~shaw Tigger l'.t) Ill' Kardyn Ya::ie I(,,it!\ n Roqul··Carl,on184
\"Don't wait until everythin8 is just ri8ht. It willperfect. There will always oe challenges, obs . ..__._~.oo1ess than perfect condttions. wha1? Get sta Make your life what you want it. 'Beet' the -MarK Victor Hansen Class of 2015
Thank you for always makin8 ~us lau8h! Last bul not least,and a semester early! On to 0 bi&Ser and better! The 1 world is waitin8! 3 We love you, Mom and DadCongrntulalion,~; toour bcaulilttl &irl!Wc arc 1\0 proudof you. und loveyou more Ihanword~ can cxprc»'~. .._.iiiiiiiii.._. Wilh Love.Your t'amilv ; \"Woy lo so 'bk DJ kiyl\" Congralulalions \"Tiny Dancer!\" 6o sweel. kind. ~marl and bcauliful and Ccrl&lJI.ulutJons on occompl~ur\S always wilh a cute smile on your face. all lhol you eel your mind lo. May all your dreams come true.You're truly A'l\ZI\C und Lhe be& '11li~ is only the be8inning of a wonderful forever. is ycllo come. ro hold on und Love you. Baby! enjoy Ihe ride! Al11\1r remember rho you und what you ~lund lod We love you forever. Dad. Mom. Alex. Cole.
Put.ly. Consralulalions to our Your folhe1 und I ore .1\0 proud of who you are. We are beautiful AlyCatJ You willhappy lo have been able lo wut.ch you 8row inlo lhe youn8 always be \"my litUe lifesaver.\"lady Lhal you arc lodny. We hnve .1/Cen you exercise your Continue lo follow your +ell'-di!iCiplinc ove1· the yelll'l\ und know that uo, you be8in your journey in the rcul8ame or life. you ~rill accomplio,h dream...!\ and become a life!Xlver lo many olherl\. unythin8 you .:.cl your mind too! 61am Dunk. l~abv,! We love you very much.! With ull our love. You are an inspiration lo 0 lf·h ofIhe lho.\"le around you. We (Jf);~~e,,/ couldn'l be more proud of'We love you ro much and you and are 8raleful Lo haveare ro proud or you and you as; our son. We loveall of your hard work and you! dedicalion! Love, pa.;,;ed! Remember to alway\" Mom and Dad your dreams and '-UCCC\"\"' · come naturally. You arc .;uch amazins kid and we love you -'10 much and are ro proud of' _ .....__. who you have become! Love. Hom and Dad
Thank you for being Mae8s, a wonderfltl Cof18ralulalions! We arc ~ dau8hler and lor proud of you! ll seems likemaking u-!> ro proud only yeolerday Lhal you were in everylhin,g youdo! We love youl slarlin8 your Orsl day of kindcr8arlcn and now you arc Con.sralululionl\1 8radualif18! We are so blessed ~lama und Lo have you as our dau8hlcr and sislcr. Always remember Con8ralulations. Bailey! We love you! who you are and sland Lall. Mom. Kev, We love you mucho. mucho! JcnO\Sa, and Derek Love. Mom. Dad. Josh. and Jared Con,gmlulalion\"> on your ,gr tdual ion! You make U\"> prDtki every day. Thunk you for bcin,g l;lll.. h a wondcrlitl duu,ghlcr urd 1\i~;lcr We love you li() very much! '1om. t)rad. and NtKii,I\Ort
J /;, ,) ;., f,w uu 11.; /;,, ~~ tM r''ll'ftnltl f,, 111/,ul lu.; t~•i/f,;,, rt.;. (/11,//'f, I t ~,!,ft• c• 1110·',('\" Kn lcb. We're ~proud of you! Your kind heart and delerminalion lo do well i~> umazins! We love you and are ro proud of lhcWhut nn an ·tzin0 udvcnlurc it hu~; wonderful pcr~n you have become.been rni.;in.g you. We hnvc kwcd Love.oriU We love your CllCf'8)'. 1\('1}1',(_' ~tom. DJd. ~tilch. llailcy and Chipperhumor. \l'ork ethic. and your hca!l Con0rdl .;-we urc ;,o prt1udl We love you SCl much und know you 11i'ill nccomplish HnJlhin0 you f'Ut your mind to. I.O\'C, '1om tnd D.rd We cH'C so proud of t\LL Lhal you have become! Love You! Mom. Dad. and Lhc Boys We love you and are so proud of your many accomplitl)hmcnL~. You are Lruly beautiful inside and ouU You can do anylhing you sel your mind lo. Congralulalions!
We wi~h you c. ''\~TJL>.! ci\UC<..CI\.1\ in all VI.'e ore ro proud ofyou llmnk you lor bei'\5 su...h opy Lo \15.you do! We love You keep us on our loe.5 and make us you! bus!~ Consrululalions. \"Toler Tot.!\" ~ c love you torl-!\!nWe arc ~ proud of \"Qemember Tho you ore ,llld Th tl ycuIvou and 'I'i~;h ,vou lhe 01Land f0r.\" bc.;l of luck in your l.ovc. nex.l chupler. Love ~10In and I)ad you Lon.11! ~orn. Jeff. CousrnLulalion; on yourWhal a 8reaL dau0hlcr and accompli hment.s.' i\;ick! We are ~!!!i!l!ll~!ll! liii!!li. .!!!!!!!!!!!!!\"''sisler! We love your sense lookin0 forward lo lhe nex.l of humor and sarcasm. You chu~~t.er in your life! arc ju~l fun lo be around. Love.Don'l chrHJSC·you w·ill 0o far Morn. Dud. and Cabc beam~ of it.! Love. Your t'amily
\"Go confick:nUy in U1e dircct.ion ofyour dreau Li,·e t.hc life you have i~Jla&ined.\" ·IIcnry Dimd ThoreauJamee Jean. the 0rndualin0 queen! When Lhey hand you Cor10rululation~;. Kuru! \Y/e can'l believe 0radualion isY?ur diploma und you're wulkn0 uwtt)'. try nol to ~;lip and ulrendy here! Qcmembcr how proud we are or you a~!all und ~pill clam chowder ull over your rucc. You mi0hl you continue your journey. You will be rabulou~ rade in ttnd OUI ol COflO.CiOIII\flel'..;...awh·ard! Love. You've made u~ very proud! Your family ~teow! ~1om. Dad. t\ddcc. Qhcll und t\ndyWe arc ,'iQ proud Con0ralulalions on all your ol' you! We knowyou will uccornpli11h nchievcmcnt.s. Jusllook al 0rcal 1hin0~;. We lhe amazin0 youno woman you love you! have become! We couldn't.Nom. Dad. l)rookc, be more proud. nnd l)rillany Love. Creal JOb' \X e are ro proud of the man Uml ' 1om. Dad. Tavlor. and &an you hl\C become' You 6Wim like a fi.,h: Kow E-prc d your wil\_~ und .;oa1 like a bird! We love youl Love. ~1om. Dad. Tyler. Kadc. Otcli und fleowyn
We are very proud of you. Your beauty. talenL We arc >0 proud ofyou ttndcreativity. and good hearl will bring the best to your many 1JCCompli~mcnlh.you! Believe in yourself; We are always here for both on and ofl lhc courtlThc future i\" bri,shl and you If'(\" you! We love you! rc:ldy to lake life to U~e r~exl Mom. Dad. and DaMuir journey. follow your dream..r:J love you.Wilch~. Pokemon.dra8ons. vampire~ and beyond: Lel':~~ believe lo8elhcr!6o proud of you- ~1om 'Beet' the Odds! Wlml un tunat.in8 liOn you nrc! We look forward lo the man)' uccornpli~;hmcnll\ you are dc11lincd lo achieve. We nrc ...:> proud ol you and irnmen~ly bk;,~i.~ied to be your pnrcnL>i. llcrnal Love. ~1om und Dad
To our \"Pete,11 '13We love you \"Zippy,\" and arc ro brolher, and very proud son, of you! You are a 8rcal friend and a natural leader. We love you! We know you will succeed in whalcvcr you choose Lo do. We arc ro proud of whal you have accompli~hcd ro far! We love you!Con8ralulalion\"l, 6on! You did iU Now fP oullhere and pnud or you and your _., ..... I - -1 \"how lhe world whul you're made of: nccomrli~;hmcnls. \\ C diC \"0~- --.: Your potcntiol i\"l cndlc\"-\"··· Wc'rc ro proud ol you! ·;··. __.,J_excited lo f..CC whallhc fulurc·, Love, hold'> lor you. ..-.. :··- ~- :,~~ - --Love i\lwur. !1Your t'umily
CorJSmlulalions, ~ydncyl \\: c arc your many ro proud of you! You urc )iuch u llCCOillpli!Junenlh...all ofyour l iie<)mpu<;Sionatc. -\"'l'CCL &ill \"l'ilh ro h,ud ··:I'Ork ha~ pt~id oil. lo offer Uti.s worki Continue Keep reocluns fer U10sc to dream big. luu,5h. DA~CF.. and &Drs. We ore K> prou I cf enjoy lhc joumey! We Love youl you und love you lor~-' l.ovc. ~1om. Dad. Allie. Jcfi. Congmlulation!\1 You huvc grown lo be 1111 ouL.;tandins young mun. Your fulurc il\ brishL md we nrc .;o proud of you' 2013 Love. ~1om and D.h:l 6adic. Like u bullcrlly fmrn a ccx:oon.Congrnt.s! You did vou Look llishL into the field of ,.--.::!;~~~~~~~~-..... medicine. t\urlurins other in iU Thank you for need il:l an allrui 1\l ic career always making us proud und for lhul I. o nur~ rny~lf. lindsharin8 your· Lalenl with ro m11ny. honomblc and rewardin0 When children lollo-x- in ll Love. p:u-cnl's k.10t\"'t F'\"· fcclinOS inlcnl\ily. f... p~u'l 01· onci'CII i!'Cem lo r~..k.h vul lo the world lorcvcr. I love yoL und ttrn 1'0 proud ol whc you nrc and the friend., you've made! ll has been our srealc~;l joy lo watch you srvw inl s;uch a brave. beauUful. and inlclligcnl youns woman. \\.: lu\ e you lo the moon und bed!
your muny 6CXX>Olpl'l!>hmcnt.s...nll of)our hanl woo ha~ po i off Keep reachUJS for U~ mrs '-' e are ro prou I of you oud love you loru;l Love. \fom. D:i I .\IIIC. Jeff. &ephen. md &eph Con.gmlulalion>~! You have .grown to be un ouL.;landins youn0 mun. Your fulurc i~ bli0ht und we arc r.o proud of you! 2013 Love. ~!...111 md DadCon8ra~! You did Like u bulledly fl·om u coccx>n. iU Thank you for alway;~; mukif18 uc~~ you look flisht inlo lhc lic.;ld ol proud and forshariJ18 your Lalenl ,--::!;:!!!.~~~~~~~--, medicine. Nurlurins olher11 in need ill an allrui~lic curccr wilh ro many. Love. lhul l. a nuri\C my.;cU: llrlli Your t'arnily honorable und rewarding. When children follow in u parcnl'., fooL..leP-\"· feelings inlcn..,iG·. A purl of onc>Cll seem!. lo reach oullo the 1xorld forcve1. I lo\C you and am ro proud of who you are und the friend\" you've m.tdc1 ll ha~> been our 8reale6l joy lo watch you 8row inlo such a brave. beauliful. and inlelli8cnl yoliiJS woman. We love you lo lhc moon and back!
You arc indeed u 6uper tlero! You have worked You make us proud! Wehard in evcl)•lhino you've donc...liChool. ~ccr. know you will go far! &crlino &holar. ~TcsUing. t:aglc &oul loyalll'icnd. leader. uwoome flfA player. We are ro Congralulations! We love you! proud of you. '11lcrc is no Morn. Dad.more \"Whal if?\" bul only \"I Maddie, and &:>phieCdn.\" We love you~ much! We lul\C loved wakhin& you srow up inlo the beautiful youns ludy U18l you~om. Dad. Kry,~~Lnl. ,Jennifer. nrc. Th,111k yoo for beir'S such n .sweel daught.cr und brinsins u.; 1\0 much joy 6hawna. Ah.. f..j . Lyla. and lmppirK\"o\>\. We arc !\C.) pr\\"~Ud of Kevin. and Kyle you' .\lwn,\'!; • your soots hi,gh and then TOO hard lo achieve U~em. \\-re Congralulalion,.,J We arc~ proud ol you and all you've accomplished! We are bb,o.;ed to have ~uch a wond··rfi1l ron and brother. Keep working hard! We love you. ~1om. Dad and T,\'lcrCongrnLulalionll, Kuylce! We arc 110 proud you and all \"There ~ metllins you must. aJ..,ay.s remember. Yoo ore bmvcr Umn youll1al you've acu..1mpli.;hed. You are an anmzin0. l.alcnled. believe. 11lror'Scr lhan you .;cem. undint.elli_senl.. bcuuliful youno xomun. \rilh 8 brilliunl future .smarter Ut tn you think. Bul the 11101;l uhead ol you! We Love You! imporlunL Uuno ~ e'en if \"e'rc 'vlnm and Dad apart.. l'llalwy.s be 'l'ilh you\" \\ e ore ro f roud of alllhal yoo have .tchievcd! Love )'<'II! ~om and Dud
We are ro proud of you and lhc beautiful youf181ady DIGGEQlhal you are. This is only lhe bc&innif18 for you! We You 're our i\LI:6Ti\Q! know you will do many &real Keep \"knockin' il oul ollhc lhin&~ in your life. park11 in everylhin0 you do! We love you! Love from all of ll\"-. Dad. ~om. Dillon and McCoy ~tom. Dad. Norsan. t:lhan. ~tia. Chri\"\"lian. tlolly. \laddie. Kcilh and Pcylon We arc ro proud ofyou. &lbrind! We urc excited lo sec you~uccecd in your future. ll ha!~ beena bJCAAins lo W<Jlch you srow inlo U beautiful and arnazins woman. Youtruly have been the 11Dream Teen.11 CorJSr Jlulalion.,. we love your ~tom and Anthony my l~ub 'ou ore my &~lll>hinel I am ro proud ofyou ond lo\e you tons! 'ou urc 6lar'lir\S o new journey in hfc Plca.•·..c be u \oice, nolan c~ho Qemembcf lh tl mistnkcs ore ju& proof Uml )'Oil ore tryin& You ore lhc oulhor of)our &oty, md tl uny given mumenl you h JVC lhc power lo say. \"lhiS i.!; nol ho'lf my l0ry ic~~ goins lo end \" l'>e illy l'>e h.., ncsl l'>e kind And b tby gul·pul 011 \"'ntc red lif !\lick .tnd live B lillie! l.uv.s yo! N nt ( tk 1 ~1!1. IA.xxiic lo you)
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