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Home Explore 2013


Published by wayne.jones, 2017-01-02 17:30:35

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Child Developmen\"It\ ·''''\"\"'llln~ It> k.trn .tb.•ut \\ \"1\,-l,·.trm·,l tlw ,1,·\l·l,•pnu·nt \"' \\llllll'll ).!0 thhHigh tn bl'UHlH.' dlll,ln·n It lwlt'' \"' knt>\1 \"\"\" '\" lltt>tlwr' .. '\"1\ 1\ mg .tllth.ll ct>lll<'' 111<\"<\"1 1he Ill\"<'•I' ,,f <htl,lr,·n. hut .11 \\ lth \) IHPilth' of prt'J.!Il.ln'- \ !\" till' ,,IHll' (IIIH' \\l',Tl' h,l\ Ill).! fun'\" · :\llt,..n \ ·).llkll· bpmt>:,t\"l'\\"l' k-.trnl'cl ,til .th>ut h,m· tn llltl'r.tll with ktck lln\'l' tt!\" - Th, >111.1' \"Children musl be Lau8hl 110W €ink, nol ~,/o Lhink.\" , _//In\"/

'-'U\"\"\"\"\"''\"'· Oiled. and Qcady lo Drive! to sh op builds character for people that love cars. The coursesII\"\M\",,r .,., at )HS do more than just teach kids the basics. They pur to work applying all they learn in a real,world setting. The for students to build their assion for cars! ~~r-_,-r--~-----.

Woodshop is more than just an arts andcrafts class. It's creating a masterptece ofunique art. It's the production ofsomething you can call your own and leaveyour individual mark on. Students in theJHS W oodshop courses learn about the useof hand tools, portable tools, andwoodworking machines. They becomeinvolved in the design, layout, andproduction of unique pieces of furniturethat hold sentimental value as well as tella story about its creation and the ideabehind it. AcaJcmic' 53

\"Pain is weakness leaving the body.11 -Daniel J. Evans

\"Jf1adu!5ak i~> ~Jt~C!£ a 5ood~CJmi~tU'e. cu?e hau IJ() ,we/£ funlof?~lhet andaY ~'lluufe !hel()teemimce anylhirtf5· aJ anz IJ() f?lod th-at aJ rwdiiiMul: 'li tn i. bh..h

A Monta8e of Music

Jordon t1~h &hool boast£ o varicly of musicallalenl in it.s bond pro8ram.Wilh course offeri~s in symphonic band. orche,~lm. wind ensemble. andpercus..~ion band. sludenlli cun er~oy expandin8 lhcir obililies wilh acollcclivc 8roup of olhers who share lhe same pa!X~ion and lalcnl.Musicians reco8nize Lhcir talcnL~ as an art. emphasi;.ins lhal skelchesemolion and life are shaped by lheir music.

\"What good is the warmlh of summer, without lhe ----~~~~~ cold of winler lo give il swcclneAA?\" -John &leinbeckWinter l hc mo..\\L unlucky lime of lhc yearwith iL~ below [rcczin0 tcmpcratll!'es and blusteryblizzards Uml icc up lhe sidewalks and roads. Whenyou 're slippin0 lhrou0h l.hc puddles in Lhe halls mpickin0 a makeshift parkin0 spol in lhe parkin0 loL. it.'~romelime~ eal)y lo lorscL l hallhis is lhe mosl wonderltiilime of the year. llowcvcr·. as Jordan tli0h &hoolsludenL~. we lif'C ulwayl) lookino lo make lhe be..\\L or Olll\"'itualion~>. lnl)tcad ol locu.,in0 on the bad thins~ in winter.we remember what we are lucky enoush lo have. Winler i~ alime lo 0row clo..~r lo family und li·iend~ and help other'S whoaren't as lucky fl\) we nre in life.

6kiill8. ,;;no~·boardins and sleddin0 are jusl rome In Ayea1 wil h recordof the ways sludenl.s pend the winlei' lryin0 lo shallerino low t.empcrnlures. il helps lo relieve U1em.'ielve.» from U1e sl!'C.SSC.S of have friend); lo keep u,· school. I.ivirJ8 in lllah. 'X'C arc ro lucky lo have lhe\l ~>now on cnrlh nil nrDund us.

Bc\..Oining a Sterling Scholar b no easyatalmsko.:-.Tt Che\'croydad~spL'aCrtc. against students in But those that excelacademically, lead with confidence, andhelp the community rise to the occasion.The purpose of the Sterling ScholarAward is to puhlicly recognize andencourage the pursuit of excellence inrcadclllits, leadership and citizenship ofhtgh school seniors in the state nf Utah.' So Without fun her adieu, we present your2013 Jordan I figh School SterlingScholar . Congratulations, ynu\"l)eeL\" Lhe Odds!

.5&/11111 €/uM J.-.~, d'l,_ .!}'liJa ~\"Oh, I just can't wait \"Christmas is fantastic and to be king!\" dancing is pretty cool, too. so the combination was prime!\"

~~-91 c#~4P~ vA-t-~ C/6~ g),M~ ~.91W/\"The Christmas Dance was a ton of fun! We danced, \"I love spaghetti and Elf! \"The Winter Dance was The dance was a ton of great, definitely one towe partied, we had a reaDy, really, really good time!\" fun!\" remember!\"

\"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.\" -Ghandi The annual cereal drive bring:. smiles to many faces as JHSstudents collected 1,200 boxes of cereal and worked withelementary schools to make sure families were provided with cereal during the Christmas Break. For the last 12 years, Senora Hardy has organized an annual Fleece Navidad blanket drive.Students bring in yards of fleece and turn them into blanketswhich are then donated to lower income familes.

\"This year hal> been a great experience.Everybody works hard and contributes to the team family.I love my team!\" \"I have enjoyedthe time I have had to spend with my team and mycoaches. They havebecame my ~ccond family. 1 love them all ve11 much, and \o.ill

\"The difference between the impossible and the possible lie!. in one's determination!\" \"Always make atotal effort, evenwhen the odds are against you.\" -Arnold Palmer \"It doesn't take talent to hustle.\" Wtnt~r 73

(f ?rnj . /11, ,.,.~ ( '/f/1/ffll• ;/1t'tl <.:.\"till c··l,utr!~t·::: ./ , 'lrt!lit•l ( '}(If''/ (1(1 '/ ( '/,,,,;,.,


An evenin8 of One ActsEach opri£18. the drama department announces the Litle of its upcoming production to students who are excitedto participate or provide support as \"lpeclator\"'. This year. Lhis announcement came with a splash of surprisc.Instead of pulli£18 on a full-len8th production, students found that Lhey could audition to participate in \"AnEveni£18 of One Acts.\" This evcni£18 celebrated Lhe creativity. talent. and exhubcrancc of lh~ young.actors and actresses. The acts ranged in style and mood from an ad strai8ht oul of Lhe musical \"llairsproy\" toLhe original work of Jordan Hi8h students. The evening provide solid entertainment for spectators and anothC'evening of cherished memories.

~potli8ht onCreativity

'~h io rttJile;uufidab/e. aYfyoa tOad ltteh; !Ph trUJU e~ .sl1e f7UJU adive. €//wuJ up trUJU often!'' ,g)u~H~- r?iiuuyAfter a whole day of academics, there is only so much student6 can Lake. Involvement inclubJ) of1ers them a chance Lo relax, leL Lheir ima8inalions run wild. and develop their intere.~Ls into ACTIO~ wilh others who are like-minded Jordan Hi8h offers many clubs and or8anizalions that are sure to provide new experiences for anyone interested

Jake Moreno enjoys frosting McKenzie Olsencookies in Spanish Club and and Sydneybeing his typical funny self. Christensen get ready for some fun on the way to a field trip for Deca. id Ju shows his ls at Airborn for a

8ilent Understandi

DxIntellect Meets Com

Celebrating cultural diversity means diVIng in andexpcncncing what that culture is all ahout. TheSpanish Cluh never lacks for opportunitic~ to dothis with Senorita Hardy at the helm. Enthusiasttcmcmhcr~ participate in all aspects of culture,including, of coun;e, e\·eryone's fa,•orite, food,music, and celebrations! Memhers are a tight-knithunch who have made memories that will last alifcttmc.

The yearbook you are holding in your hands didn't happen overnight. This book is a result\"Being editor of the yearbook ha;, been a of hours of dedication, frustration (our wonderful experience. T aking t he moments and event;, of t he year and original cover design morphed intotmmortalizing t hem into someth ing t hat I something out of Bugs Bunny's closet), andhope you will cherish for t he rest of your shared, creative effort. There is never a dull ltvcs... that i;, where t he reward lies.\" moment when it comes to Yearbook. Ashanti Lizarzaburu Covering events, catching an eyedropping photo, stressing Ms. Long out, improving our stalking skills to track down people for photos or quotes...we do it all! We even stop for ice cream breaks and carosel rides to relieve the stress and celebrate our accomplishments. Though our staffis small, a mere 14 student members, we have come together to create this collection ofmemories for you. We hope you will cherish this book as you look back to the 2012,2013 school year Ori8inal cover final Cover i\ren'l and celebrate the theme of lhe Odds!\"

\"Yearbook is the best! ! love everysecond of it. l t has been a great year and l love being a part of making everyone's year memorable!\"

~lw~e5' <f#e~UJ.n6kills U6A is a clubfocuses on dcvclopif18 lhcskills needed for a numberof jobs Lhal arc vilallo our . 6omc of lheflC skillsinclude aulomolivc service.woodworkin8. and evenmedicine. ~embers of 6killsU6A compclc wilh olhcr in lasks lhal arc lo Lcsl lhcirknowlc~c or and skillthese subjects. .!113tJjMrt .!!}3eaffJI <\"Pue gwbided

fuem/Nujto adftdaMtJ Re~ional Competition ResultsBusiness Law and Ethics Restaraunt and Food Service 3rd Place: 2nd Plucc:: Jesse Reynolds Ry'l.n Powell Noah Harmer Principles of Finance lsl Place: :.. p_ Christian Little Rob Johnson Jared Foerster Automotive Services ~ David Dta:

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