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Home Explore 1973


Published by wayne.jones, 2017-01-02 17:42:49

Description: 1973l_searchable.compressed


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Mr. Bishop New Vice-Principal Gets Promotion VVatches Progress We have had another great year at Jordan The 1972-73 school year has been extreme - High School. Our enrollment is increasing ly enjoyable for me. It is exciting to watch yearly. To accommodate this additional the progress you are making towards your student load many new programs and life goals. I would hope that those of you classes have been innovated. Our Mini who are leaving Jordan will use your abil - Courses, especially, provide for self expres- ity to make the world a better place and sion and creativity and are very well re - those returning would rededicate your- ceived by the students. selves to gaining the very best education possible. Thanks are extended to the student body for their enthusiasm, cooperation and sup- I repeat a statement I often make, that port of our various programs and activities the studentbody of Jordan High School is this year. the best in the valley. Clemont Bishop Thomas Owen Principal Vice-Pri nci pa I98

Richard Anderson Rodney Dahl John Wheadon Clayton Fairbourn Kenneth Prince School Attendance To Double Donald J. Parr Within Eight Years Superintendent Joel Jensen On January 23, a school bond election was held in order to appropriate funds for theRay Brown Jordan School District because of future expected growth. The money gained from the bond election wi II be used for the building of two high schools, two junior high schools, and three elementary schools. The Jordan District School Board received two new members this year, Mr. Richard Anderson and Mr. Clayton Fairbourn, who were elected to help the other members of the board make decisions concerning the policies of the Jordan School District. 99

Mr. Young checks over college applications.Mrs. Fitzgerald, Junior counselor, is alwayson hand to handle a crisis. New Vocational Coordinator Acquired This YearNew this year and working closely withour counselors was Mr. Wendall Petersonwho was in charge of the outside workrelease program.Mr. Robert Day guided the Sophomoresthrough the •year. He also was in chargeof the guidance program. Mrs. Mary Fitz-gerald helped the Juniors with problemsand also was in charge of the TeachingExperience at the schools. With many deci -sions about colleges, Mr. Richard Youngtalked with the Seniors. In addition he wasalso advisor to the National Honor Society. Mr. Day guides the sophomores through the new experiences of high school.100

Language Arts Explores World Of Motion Pictures \"One Head Well Done\" was the first full length picture produced by high school students in the United States. Because of its great success it will be televised in the near future. Students in classes such as Spanish, French, and German, continue to increase their ability to use languages. Along with these classes and many others that are offered, students cont'inually broaden their educa- tion. Kaye Ensign Mr. Rawlings hams it up for his English class. Golda Fraser Laura Hauck It's been a long day. David Judd Fredrick Ash Ralph BishopLowell Boberg Carol ClarkMarian Martin 101

Mr. Gooch explains puzzling math problems to Carlos Gurr. Sid Jones and Ron Chlarson find algebra quite confusing. Robert McDonald Rodney Oliver Math, Graphic Arts Gary Smith Department Make IPlans For New Class The math department is offering a new ex- perimental mini course to help with the final plans for a class that will be offered next year that will be Math and Graphic Arts together. This will help promote un - derstanding of the uses of Math in the working world. After trying out several computers over the past few years, the Computer Science De- partment has decided on a small computer to be received at the beginning of next year for their class. +\" No Ralph, 2 2 does not equal 5!\"102

Mr. Swedlund explains bone structure to Science Department students in physiology. Introduces Marine Aquarium The science department teachers are 'Nork- ing diligently to make science a more in- teresting class for students this year. P./\r. David Erickson is involving the students in marine life by having them work on a marine aquarium. Also under the supervi- sion of Mr. Farrell Gunnel, the students combine different mold cultures to see which strain is most dominant. This helps the students to learn how the dominant features in human reproduction show up in the offspring. The development of mu- tations helps students to comprehend the theory of how some sort of evolution came to pass. David Erickson Farrell GunnellKenn eth McCleary Ooh- the poor little thing. Ritch ie Svedin , Kevin Howlett, and David Bradbu ry conduct a milikin oil d rop experiment in physics . 103

Social Science Harry Abeyta Lynn Ballard Introduces New CompositeA new program has been added to ourSocial Science department. Mr. Ballard, Mr.Hale, and a new addition, Mr. Ward, areendeavoring to teach our student a newthing or two. In this composite, the quar-ters are divided into different categorieswhich are: Constitution, psychology, sociol-ogy, and current events,This course is being offered to Juniorsand Seniors as a substitute for a history. Oh, is that where the answer is!Am I really that boring? Hal Hale Donald Milne Carolyn Nichols Jay Pond What is he talking about? Don Ward104

Business classes are lectured on Business Classes proper selling techniques. Insure Steady Future .....-~-:::-- For those students who look at their future with concern, Jordan has a wide variety of business classes. These classes, headed by Mrs. Renee Pay, Mrs. Lila Wilson, and Mr. David Clark help to guide those bewildered students on a path to success. The classes give each student experience toward the jobs for which he is best suited and then improve the student's skill. The molding and shaping of each future busi- nessman and woman is carefully handled by these hard working teachers. Typing is an essential part of being a secretary.David Clark Renee PayLila Wilson Business class is held in casual fashion. lOS

After Mrs. Tranter's -'lectures, girls havea lot to talk about. Home Ec. Brings It's difficult, isn't it? Colleen Allen Betty Crocker, move over! Betty Henderson A New Look Gertrude Tranter On Mini Courses Home Economics took on a new outlook by offering a variety of courses such as: knit- ting, interior decorating, cake decoration, novelty sewing, baby and child care, and Boys' home management. The Home Economics Department offers each girl or boy a well rounded curriculum such as cooking taught by Mrs. Colleen Al- len; sewing taught by Miss Betty Hender- son, and Home Living taught by Mrs. Ger- trude Tranter. Home Living also includes first aid, home nursing and money man- agement.106

Do Your Own Thing It's your thing; do what you want to do! Students have now found their thing in several areas of artistic expression and education, including commercial and fine art. This year Miss Tippetts has a new type of art class. It is called service art. Students make posters for musicals, dances, and plays. They also make scenery' for stage productions. So as you can see if you look hard enough, you can find your thing in the area of arts. Leah Tippetts Rodney Zabriskie Donald Olsen \" Didn't you hear about . ..?\" Ralph Pace \"I wish I knew what I was doing!\"Brian RawlingsRobyn Timoney 107

The band practices to retain tone quality. Is that the way the Osmonds do it? The brass section makes golden harmony. Black Dots Invade Band Room It takes a sharp mind, talent, plenty of disci- pline, and quite an amount of talent to put together a cluster of black dots and come out with music that sounds good to everyone. It may be difficult but that is what Jordan's band did. Mr. Kim Dalby worked hard to coordinate the sounds of a II those instruments that compose the band. Harmony and enjoy- ment must be their motto for they have blended them both together to become one.108

The Guys Behind The Scenes Yes, the stage crew is the group of students who keep the microphones on, the lights up, and the curtain opened. Without them there wouldn't be any assemblies, school plays, or even graduation exercises. Mr. Landford was in charge of the stage crew this year, guiding them in the con- struction of sets, proper lighting, etc. Work- ing along with the stage crew, Miss Tip- petts and her Service Art class painted .the scenery and back drops for all school productions.Don't tell me I cut the wrong panel again! . . . whistle while you work ... !Left to Right: Randy Gotberg, Bryan Paget, Steven Weaver, Gerry Clarke, Jeff Morrill, and Kerry Smith. 109

\"Drafting students study the fundamentals of design.\"\"Carl Bailey demonstrates his mechanical ability.\"On The ~ob TrainingIs ExperiencedBy IndustrialArts StudentsAdjusting the carburetor on an engine orputting the finishing touches on a guncabinet are just two of the many thingsstudents are learning to earn a living. Shop students have new opportunities \"Eeeeww, what is it?\" Gerald Fisher given to them which were not available Tracy Holt in y_ears past. Selected students are ex- cused from school for half a day to go and Robert Langford work on a job which is related to shop class- Roger King110 work. David Palmer

Physical Fitness Plays 1mportant Part In Life As the world progresses, more emphasis is placed on being physically fit. The Olym- pics is a world wide event which requires strength, diligence, and great skill. Even participation in a Physical Education class requires the development of coordination and muscle skill. This year a new organization was devel- oped. Girls Athletic Association enables girls to compete with other schools. Kent Swedlund Marietta Williams Paul Anderson David Clark shows correct push-up form. Hue Jewkes Tom Keller Miss Padfield and her gym class take a short breather.Margaret Padfield lll

I. M. C. Changes AtmosphereThe Instructiona I Media Center creates arelaxed, but quiet atmosphere in which thestudents can study. Besides offering themany services that can be found there, Mr.Jay Burkinshaw, Mrs. Genee Tyler, andMrs. Lena Wagstaff have made the centera pleasant place . They have brought in dif-ferent kinds of posters and ceramics (madeby students), to bring in cheerful smiles.The Center teaches usage of equipmentsuch as filmstrips, video tapes, records andthe copy-machine.Julie Carlquist remembers current Mrs . Tyler has a smile for are due next period. Jay Burkinshaw Genee Tyler Lights, camera, action!112

Left to Right: Howa rd Cud e, Ken Si lcox, and Ke n Cra ne. Custodians Keep Ecology Balanced Our plant engineers, Ken Silcox, head custodian, Kenneth Crane, Howard Cude, and Fred Alldredge, made a clean sweep of the year by sweeping, vacuuming, wax- ing and mopping floors. Whenever we have a major disaster, such as the yearbook room flooding, the cus- todians are there to lend a helping hand. From major to minor disaster they are always there. Custodians, we are proud of you. Oh, no, not again! Cafeteria Staff Prepares ForLeft to Right: Florence Wh itte nburg, El ma Couc h, Shi rleen Johnstu n, Ci ndy Ha rr in gt on, RushM a rilyn W agstaff, Joanne V anAmen, Marian Oldham, Florence Petersen, Edith Heaps,Eve lyn Brow n, M anage r. Not p ictured : M arilyn Monthey. Every day at noon, hungry students rush down to a hot, delicious lunch. In the cafeteria, our lunch workers are always ready for them with nutritious meals that are sure to arouse any appetite. Hard work goes into preparing the menus put out by the Federal Lunch Program . Being served cheerfully has a lot to do with a good mea I. Mrs. Brown heads this staff of such good natured workers. These ladies have brought new dishes 113 to our menu.

Hello, Jordan High Speaking. May I help you? All I ever do is answer the phone .114 \" ... and then she .. .·

Margie Brown Bertha RichardsJacquelyn Sybrowsky Well, what do we have here? Office Staff Clears Up Problems A cheerful smile and a helping hand were the trademarks of the office staff of this year. Mrs. Thelma Ainsworth and Mrs. Marjorie Bodell kept things running very smoothly in the main office. Mrs. Bertha Richards kept everything neat and tidy in the attendance office. This year students were on their honor to check in and out without their parents' permission. Mrs. Margie Brown is new this year to the office staff. She assists the counselors by typing and filing. I wonder who this love letter is from? 115

STUDENT BODY OFFICERS Students of Jordan High - It has been a true honor and pleasure serving you as your president this past year. The experience gained cannot be meas- ured. We have visited many other schools and can truly say that a more friendly or loyal studentbody cannot be found than at Jordan. Thank you for the greatest year ever. Kent Derricott President Kent Derricott, President118

left to Right : Nedd Anderson, Attorney General; Tami Post, Second Vice-President; 11 9Shelbie Bolliger, Histor ian; Susan Jones, Secretary; Jeff Maughn, First Vice-Pres ident.

Left to Right, Row One: Susa n Jon es, Shelb ie Boll ige r, Gloria lvie, Tam i Post. Row Two: M ike Day, Scott Bonh am, Jeff M aug hn , Kevin Olse n, Nedd A nderson. Officers Council PromotesSchool Activities This year Jordan's studentbody officers were working with a new student govern- ment. They met with the senators and officers from the sophomore, junior and senior class to discuss the various prob- lems and plan some of the school's activi - ties. Under the direction of Mr. Owen the council strove to promote school spirit and add to the traditiona I activities. The officers worked hard to make the year fun and successfu I. The off icers coun ciI p res id es over the Jordan Olympi cs. 120

The Representatives are: Left to Right, Row One: Kim Hiatt, Stephanie Brown, Three: Sharla Michelsen, Marilyn Leatherbury, Kathy Cannon, Marydell Elswood,Bonnie Davenport, Becky Reed, LeAnn Holmstead, Judy Harper, Charmaine Kristie Graham, Marie Waters, Debbie Cates, Ruth Price, Sandy Nygard. RowKemp, Marsha Alleman. Row Two: Ed Romero, Marvin Hose, Gary Tunbridge, Four: Alan Shelby, Jay Petersen, Vincent Bluth, Bruce Burningham, Mike Peter-Kent Holsten, Gerry Clarke, Mike Swenson, Kirk Scott, Mont Margetts. Row son, Mark Hardy, Scott Crapo, Ron Hartwell , Randy Jensen . Student Government Initiates Reforms As the year wore on, the student govern- ment tried to do their best for the benefit of Jordan. This year the student government discussed various changes, activities, and topics to try and make this year at Jordan a memor- able one. These changes included the changing of the dress code, discontinuation of ABJ and AGJ, and also the opening of the student parking lot. Th is year ·s Senators are: Left to Right, Terri Gatherum, Shar - lene Yeater, Linda Clark, Ron Hughes, Ross Ainsworth, and Ryan Enniss. 121

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Kevin Olsen President Joan Powell Susan Butler Vice - President Secretary122

Mark Adair Marsha Alleman Ron Allen Laurel Allgood LaDon Anderson Robert Anderson· Sue Anderson Terry Anderson Tony Anderson Colette Armistead Howard Armstrong Janet AtkinsonGeorge Badovinatz Merridy Bagley William Bagshaw Carol Baily LoRee Baker Paul BakerKelley Bakker Brian Ballard Marsha Ballard Ric Baugh Karen Beck Kevin BecksteadRodney Beckstead Steven Beckstead Karl Bingham Vincent Bluth Tamara Boa Joey Bogenschutz 123

Shelbie Bolliger Morilu Bowler Koren Brody Kurt Brooks Deni Brown Doug las Brown SeniorsDono Buchanon Carlo Burch Gene Burgess Michael BurgonToni Burgon Bruce Burningham Susan Butler Shi lo ButterfieldMike Coldwell Nancy Call Kathy Connon Doug CorlquistBurt Corson Dennis Corter Tori Cartwright Sondra Chapman Boy, Math is exhausting.124

Jeanie Chase Dan Chavis Cory Christensen Lauri Christensen Pamela Christensen Linda ClarkDiane Clough Shauna Coomans Jerry Cowley Carol Coy Mitchell Cozzens Dan CranneyScott Crapo Shirley Crebs Jack Crispin Susan Curtis Mary Dale Linda DamjanovichBonnie Dav nport Shauna Davis James Day Diane Dennison Kent Derricott Faith DespainLinda Di ck Dane Dixon David Draper Debra Duncan Jerry Dunn Debra Edmunds 125

Karl Edmunds Shawna Eddington Michael Elder Kevin Elkington Nikki Ellis Marydel l ElswoodNona Elwood Eduardo Escobedo Brenda Fairbourn DeVor Fairbourn Cathy Farnworth Joe FeatherstoneJeff Fergus Bill Finnegan Deborah Fisher Karleen Fitzgerald Mary Ann Fitzgerald Lois FordKen Fritz James Gardner Dale Garfield Kelly Gause Michelle Gilchrist Janet Glad Tony Flores Janet Glover Marsha Goetz Randall Golberg Richard Golberg Dan iel Greenwood126

Lourie Greenwood Mathew Gregory Peggy Griffith Dawn Groves Sheryl Groves Goyne! GurrKevin Hadley M a rk Ha nna Here kitty, kitty, kitty. SeniorsMark Hardy Ron Hartwell Georg1a Hose Steven Hastings Jerry Hatch Br ia n Hewitt 127

Rodney Higbee Susan Hilton David Hoffman Steven Hogland Layne Housekeeper Debra HranacRon Hughes Michael Huntzinger Gloria lvie Susan Jaynes Doyle Jenkins Claude Jensen SeniorsCollene Jensen Fawnette Jensen Vern Jensen Richard Johnson Doyle Johnstun Merrilea Jones Susan Jones Linda Joos Stick 'em up. I've got you covered.128

John Jordan Coleen Ju Roger Kemp Deborah Kerby Blaine Killian Debra KregerDean Kunz Debra Kunz Floyd Kunz Janette Landeen Robin Lang Shanna LaoSid Lawrence Marilynn Leatherbury Greg Leavitt Gary Lloyd Phillip Lepore Charles LyonLynn Marchant M onte Morgetts Jeff Maughan Brad Maxwell Mark Maynes Brenda McFarlaneSandy M cNei ll Norma Mead Dove Mellor John Melonos John Merriam Robert Meyer 129

Kim Mickelsen Connie Miller Gordon Miller Norman Millsap Glendon Mitchell Bryan Moore Colette Moore Lee Morgan Jeff Morrill Jeniece Mullen Royce Mumford Becky Murphy Robin Neve Terry Newhouse Nancy Noffsinger Maureen Nokes Shelly Norton Sandra Nygard Kevin Olsen Jerry Olson David Orth Dove Orton Valer ie Oviatt Claude Panek Connie Parker Kathy Patience Julie Paugh M ike P ters n Jay P terson Lorie Porter130

Sandy Porter Tarni Post Joan Powell Janet Price Cyndy Reed Helen Rich Seniors Reynold Rigby Jason Ritzman Kirn Robinson Lenea Rocks Mark Rogers Scott Rowsell \"Neither rain nor sleet nor dead of night .. \" Doug Rynearson Lorrie Salter 131

Karen Samuelson Leslie Sanders Dean Schmidt Judy Schmidt Russell Scott John SealeDebby Sevy Heidi Sharp Debbie Shearer Alan Shelby Phil Shell Lauana ShirleyPam Sielhorst Pamela Simmons Annette Smith Buddy Smith Kerry Smith Pam SmithPenny Smith Robert Clarke Robert Smith Tom Smith Sheila Sturdy Ritchie Svedin Debora Tait John Tate Vardell Taylor Joseph Terry Elton Tetrick M ike Teuscher132

Stan Thacker Dean Thornwall Gary Tunbridge Colleen Utley Carla Vaccaro Peggy Van AmenJulie Vander Meide Chad Washburn Steve Weaver Gary Webb Chris Webster Kelly Webster SeniorsMarshall Welch Mike Weller Richard Wentz Janalyn WestJeff West Wayne Whetman Claudia White Sharon WilliamsRandy Withers Wesley Witt Bonnie Wright Daily constitutionals are fun! 133

~UNIDR CLASS OFFICERS Scott Bonham President Charlotte Mitchell Julianne Winkler Vice -President Secretary134

Kath leen Aerts Denece Anderson Rand Andrus Martin Bakker Gary Bell Joel Bishop Scott Bonham Ross Ainsworth Linda Anderson Roger Andrus Steven Ballamis Guy Bell John Bishop Mitzi Boynton Paula Anderson Lori Armstrong Janet Bergener Kennard Black David Bradbury Peggy Allen Phillip Anderson Peggy Atkinson Sherri Baugh Suzanne Best Dennis Bodell Randy Bradfield Andrea Alvey Renae Anderson Sheri Atkinson James Bay Duane Bingham Todd Bogenshutz Kenneth Brady Lori Andersen Brian Andrews Leslie Auker Evelyn Birchell Steve Bolton Brent BreezeConnie Anderson Shawnlee Beeler Wilford Begay 135

Chad Brindley Ga ry Buhl Susa n Ca mpbell Sha nn on Cham berl ain Will iam Cloug h M a rty Cozz ns Kenn eth Day Michelle Brinton Stev en Bu rgon Go rdon Ca nn on Cmo l Chapma n J o nn1 Co f f m Sco ff Cron Ju anit a Dc joli e Ro byn Ca rl is le Ro lph Chavez K lly Cr bs Sylvi a Denn ies Tany a Brooks David Bu rke Julie Carlquis t Ru nd a ll Ch ild Br nt Cook Richa rd Dinee n Dorreen Brower Rebecca Bu rn ing ham Bnncla Cop' Doug las Curl y Mi cha I Dowding Peggy Brown M ichoe l Ca ry Jored Chris tensen Ro b rt Cowl y D •b ra Cut I r Tom Dowland Ba ry Bu rt on Debra Cates Lon Ch1 stens 'n Co thy Dar ling Ricky Brown Debra Ca ldwe ll K v 1n Cox136

Testing: one, two, three. ~uniorsDouglas Draper David Durrant Marilyn Eddington Sharon Farnsworth Valerie Ferguson A lan Fowles Kpry Garfield Debra Dumas Jeff Eastman Greg Ellingson Randy Fellows Kathy Fitzerald Karma Frantz James Garland James Dunn Barbara Ebert Craig Everell Lani Fenton Roberta Flores Karen Fullmer Tina Gatherum Lisa Dunn Wayne Eckman Douglas Eyre Julia Ferguson Chad Forman Scott Gallegher Carl Gifford 137

Students keep busy during halftime. Gordon Horn Mina Hart Loren Holdaway138 Barbaro Hans n Morvin Has L ann Holmstead K1m Hordcostl Julia Haslern Scott Hardman Carl H ndricks n Jonine Homer Georgia Highland Craig Houmand Karlin Hardy V rnon Harris T rry Hill Kevin Howl tt Colle n Hranac

~uniors Debora Hurst David Jentzsch Penny Johnson Brad Kemp Carolyn Lavery David Leyba Steven M cPherron Don Hyatt Roy Jewkes Russell Johnson Jeanne Kendricks Claudio Lawrence David Linnorz Harold Mace Ann Jex Francis Longstaff La Dean MaceBrent Jackman Carol Jolley Gory Kennedy Teresa Lows Richard Lucas Lee Macklin Ron Jackson Billy Johnson Denise Jones Elaine Lambson Debra Lawson Susan Mohon Corey Jensen Dove Johnson Dione Jones Mark Londeen Koren Lawson Kim Lybbert Randy Jensen Pomolo Johnson Sam Jorgensen Virginia Leony Kelly Lenhart Cynthia McClure Debra Merchant 139

Joe Martinez Deborah Melville Karrie Mitchell Edna Myers Jam1e N v Joyce Olsen Kevm Patterson Peter Massa Sharla Mickelson Jaydene Moody Clayton N •lson Dorl n Nokes Alan Orwin Bonni Pearc Susan Matheson Jeanene Miller Linda Mounteer Diem Nelson Debra Ostl r Kathy Maxfield John Mounteer Jon Noorda Warren Ostl r Gary Pelch Cheryl Mead Kevin Mills Sally Murdock Jul1e N lson Blome Oak son M linda Ov 1son Anne P ndleton Linda Mellor Charlotte Mitchell Jeff Mumford LCiuro Nelson Bryon Pag t Wdforrl Nelson Cr01q Ol1v r Kris Perry Dennis Mitchell Cmd Olsen Kenda II Peterson140

~uniors Mrs . Wilson interviews on all levels.Lon Peterson Holly Pierson Scott Raqsdale Karen Ray David Richards Colleen Ricord Susan Russell Nancy Pett Robert Pixton Gary Rane Becky Reed Keven Richardson Kip Rishton Gregory RynearsonCathy Pierce Shirlene Reich Ruth Price Cathie Rattan Lori Ricks Douglas Robinson Jeanne Sadler Eddie Romero Goya Salazar Becky Rowell Eric Sanders Jeanne Sargent Tonya Runolfson 141

Student aspires to great heights. ~uniors John Sargent Lynette Sedgwick Paula Sjoblm Christtne Sm1th Ronda Sm1th M ariann Spratt Jeff Schmidt Valerie Setterberg Terry Skinner Kevin Smith Puthonn Sm1th Steven Squir s Lori Schmidt Susan Skoubye Mmk Smith Tamara Stephensen Rhonda Schocker Ooma Short Bertha Smith Renn Sm1th Tracy Srn1th Susan Stevens Louise Shryers Nolan Snow142

Stan Stringfe ll ow Kevin Tate Howard Tolbert Joe Velasquez Susan Watterson Jill White Kirk Wright D nt Sturdevant Gayle Taylor Connie Tolman Sharlene Yeater Susan Webb Walter Wilson Judy Yaka Ralph Sudbury Robert Taylor Jeffrey West Julianne Winkler Don YatesLane Summerhays Lon Thomas Kara Tomlin Bryan Wall Shirlee West Julianne Wolfgramm Renee Young Stev Sylvester Richelle Thomas Barbara Tremelling Wendy Wallin Elaine Woodbury Sheryl Young Kerry Thompson Renae Walters Lloyd Westenskow Lori Woodward Linda Zupan Jon Tait Mark Urry Marie Waters Lori Whetman Jacob Van der Meide 143

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Mike Day President DeVi Marler Kim Hiatt Vi ce- President Secretary144

David Adamson Ray Allred Karen Anderson Duane Bailey Ginnie Barlow Bryant Beckstead Debbray BleazardAnnette Ainsworth Marilynne Alvey Lynn Anderson Joan Bailey Kim Barlow Debbie Bednarik Linda Bl iss Scott Anderson Eddy Bakker Mark Bay Robert Albertson Mark Alvey Sherry Andus Susan Barton Margie Begay Gary Bloomquist Darrel Allen Brent Anderson John Archibald Bonnie Ballard Patricia Bean Gaye Bergstrom Diane Bocchino Judy Allen Ca ll ie Anderson Sharon Atkinson Greg Ballard David Beck Daryl Bingham Joni Bogenschutz Dawn Anderson Susan Ballard Mark Blackham Vance Boulter Douglas Allgood 145

Patti Brinton Don Brown Marilyn Burningham Craig Brooksby Justin Brown Carol Butler Dennis Brown Paul Brown Loretta Butler Reva Brundage Bambi Bryce Oakley Cannon Brite Carlsen SOPHOMORES Kelly Carns Craig Christens n James Conway Bev rly Davenport Terry Carpenti r Douglas Christens n K ith Cornia Drew Chamb rlain Bill Cowl y David Clark Cindy Chase G rry Clarke Micha I Cracroft Anita Chavis Micha I Clough Ann It Crebs Jeff Childs Bryan Crig r Jim Coffm146

Duane Davis Jessie Derricott Dav1d Duncan Laurel Elder Jan Fannin Suzanne Ferre Stewart Gardner Allyson Day Gaven Dillard Kent Dunn Ryan Enniss Richard Farnsworth Laura Fish Casey Garner Sandra Dineen Bob Durfey Karen Everill Margie Farnworth Craig Fisher Kevin Day Cindy Dixon Kathy Everi II Scott Featherstone Marlene Garner Michael Day Cindy Dowding Gary Durrant Shauna Eyre Scott Fitzgerald Laura GarnardSteven Deleeuw Marianne Ebell Vicki Fairbourn Laura Fergus Rhonda Ford Bobbie Lee GatehouseBrenda Denison Rex Dumas Karen Ferguson Terri Gatherum Jeff Eggen Sherm Gallagher 147

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