Math Club- Left to Right: Francis Longstaff, David Bradbury, Mr. Gooch, JeffMcArthur, Kerry Thompson, Ron Hartwell, Ron Jackson, Claudia Orr. Interpretive - Left to Right, Row One: Laura Nelson, Karleen Fitzgerald, Susan Pierc . Row Thre : M iss Timon y, Shelley Oakason, Russell, Sharlene Veater, Debby Fisher, Marta Millsap, Betsy Steadman, Peggy Gr nwood, Judy Hatch , Brion H witt, Chuck Lyon, Joyce Olsen, Allen, Mark Bay, Kevin Hadley. Row Two : Marcia Wright, Cathy Darling, Julia Giese! Swonagon, Tori Cartwright, Juli Pough . Row Four: Mike Teuscher, Ferguson, Jan Higgans, Cathie Rattan, Drew Chamberlain, Susan Hyde, Renae Stove Becks! ad, Randy F !lows, J fF Morrill, Mark Moyn s, Monte Morgetts, Kent48 Derricott. Row Five: Sondra Nygard. Lori And rson, Kip Rishton, Merrileo Jones.
Tragedy Strikes Beetdigger Staff The Beetdigger staff had a mid-year change of advisors due to the sudden heart-attack of Mr. Ralph Bishop. Mrs. Lila Wilson ac- cepted the great responsibility of handling the production of the yearbook. As usual the staff was in for a hassle. The pressure of deadlines, writing laborious copy, and the strain of continually invent- ing new ideas for layouts and captions was enough to fuddle the mind. Despite these problems the members of the staff kept production moving steadily to the comple- tion of another outstanding yearbook.Layne Housekeeper, Richard Dineen and Robert Smith,photographers, discuss camera problems.Alan Fowles and Debra Duncan, coordinators, discuss pictures whileStephanie Welch and Carla Burch, typists, talk about picture sizes. Cathy Darling does art work while Chuck Lyon and Carla Burch discuss new ideas for the yearbook. 49
Beetdigger Photographers, Lane Christensen and Carlos Gurr, focus a negative in preparation for printin . Linda Joos, typist, and Alan Fowles look through yearbook while artist, Cathy Darling designs emblem.50
Kim Hiatt and Chuck Lyon check the spelling of students' names. Mr. Arval Nelson, photography advisor and Debbie Rasmussen, photographer, check negatives.Kris Graham, Layout Coordinator, Tami Post, Copy Writer,and Ron Hartwell discuss the arrangement of pictures. 51
Broadcaster Undergoes Changes J Miss Clark became the new advisor after the Corey Garfield, Pam Johnson and Jerry Hatch sort newspapers sudden heartattack of Mr. Ralph Bishop. as they come out of the mechanical folder. Reporting the school news, keeping the stu- dents informed, and meeting deadlines are just a few of the responsibilities of the Broadcaster Staff. The very small staff, seven students, has undergone some changes during the past year. Following the sudden heart attack of their advisor, Mr. Ralph Bishop, Miss Carol Clark became his replacement. Under her careful direction, the Broadcaster Staff has perfected its style, renovated The Broad- caster masthead, and most of all, kept the students informed on current events at Jor- dan High.52
Merrilea Jones dictates as John Melonas types copy.Phil Shell reviews editorials for printing. Chris Webster, editor, looks through the ne~spaper for editoria I ideas. 53
Outstanding Students Selected for Honor SocietyThe students that are selected for this out-standing cub, to be honored throughout thestudentbody, must maintain a 3.5 averageor better throughout the year, as well asshow leadership, character, scholarshipand service. The students strive hard to pro-mote such qualities.The Honor Society is under the direction ofMr. Richard Young, and the students par-ticipated in many fine activities, one ofwhich was an annual banquet at the endof the year. John Melonas shows Claudia Orr the special scarf of the National Honor Society. Left to Right, Row One: Gloria lvie, Janine Homer, Fawnette Jensen, Merrilea Kelly Crebs, Mr. Young, advisor. Row Two: Tami Post, Janette Landeen, secre- Jones, Julie Carlquist, Pam Johnson, Claudia Orr, Cathie Rattan, Kathy Can· tary; Francis Longstaff, Bill Clayton, Robert Pixton, Craig Houmand, Ross Ains · non, Sandy Chapman, Chris Webster, treasurer; Sandy Nygard, Ray Jewkes, worth, John Bishop, Ken Peterson, Mark Hardy, Ron Jackson, Steve Beckstead, Ron Hartwell, John Melonas, president; Connie Miller, Marsha Allamen.54
Omega Psi Enlarges Group As Drama Interest Grows The International Thespian Troupe No. 1923 known as the Omega Psi organiza- tion at Jordan started the year with only six returning Thespians. After the first ini- tiations the number grew to 21 and closed the year with 32 members. Omega Psi is the \"honor society\" of Drama. Membership is gained through earning ten points by participating in ten or more major productions and a lot of hard work. With Mr. Brian Rawlings as advisor, the organi- zation sponsored a spook alley at The Dog- patch Drag.Monte Margetts falls for Carla Vaccaro.left to Right, Row One: Kevin Hadley, Jerry Dunn, Kent Derricott, Kip Rishton, Debby Fisher, Monte Margetts, Cathie Rattan, Carla Vaccaro, Cathy Darling,iarni Post, Brian Hewitt, Shanna Lao, Susan Matheson, Row Two: Jeff Morrill, Giesele Swanagan, Kerry Thompson, Laura Nelson, Joyce Olsen, Janet Glad,'VIce-President; Tori Cartwright, Activity Chairman; Steven Beckstead. President; Deni Brown, Secretary-Treasurer; Nancy Noffsinger. 55
Left to Right, Row One: Mary Ellen Soper, Debby Fisher, Peggy Allen, Renae Row Three: Giesele Swanagan, Cathie Rattan, Susan Stevens, Marydell Elswood,Anderson, Sharl·ene Yeater, Karma Frantz, Janet Glover, Heidi Sharp, Jerry Dunn, Julie Paugh, Marilyn Eddington, Lynnette Gotberg, Randy Fellows, Dave Orth,Bryan Paget, Jeff Mumford, Kip Rishton, Mike Weller, Mitch Cozzens, Kevin Wayne Eckman, Ron Allen, Joe Featherstone, Scott Crapo, Kent Derricott, BrianHadley, Peggy Hardcastle, Anne Pendleton, Susan Matheson, Connie Miller, Ballard, Jeniece Mullen, Shanna Lao, Kathy Aerts, Kenn-a Cronin', JuanitaDebbie Cutler, Lori Anderson, Ruthann Smith. DeJolie, Sally Murdock.Row Two: Mary Ann Fitzgerald, Pam Christensen, Debra Dumas, Jill White, Row Four: Tari Cartwright, Mary Dale, Caroline Haycock, Janet Atkinson, LonieColette Armistead, Susan Skoubye, Christine Smith, Kerry Thompson, Robert Salter, Michelle Snyder, Karen Beck, Toni Burgon, Virginia Leany, Rusty John-Clarke, Ken Peterson, Ken Black, Cory Garfield, Monte Margettn, Mark Landeen, son, Kenny Day, Mike Holladay, Wilford Begay, Phil Shell, Jay Peterson, Glen-Ric Baugh, Karen Samuelson, Debbie Tait, Shauna Davis, Carol Bailey, Claudia don Mitchell, Mike Teusher, Shawna Coomans, Janette Landeen, Nancy Noff-Orr, Janet Glad. singer, Tamara Stevenson, Michelle Brinton, Lani Jo Fenton. These hands are registered lethal weapons and I' II use them if I have to.56
A Cappella, Madrigals Sing at Tabernacle \"Worthy is the lamb\" . . . Worthy is the lamb? Must be the A Cappella again. Jordan's combined A Cappella, Madrigals and Mixed Chorus presented Handel's 'Messiah.' Solos were sung by members of the A Cappella chorus. Among their many individual activities such as singing at churches, hospitals, and the prison, the A Cappella and Madrigals had the honor of singing at the Tabernacle for the Christ- mas Lighting Ceremony on December 9, 1972. The Solo and Ensemble Festival was held March 1, 1973, at Jordan, in which Mixed Choruses participated. Miss Robyn Timoney plans a spring Musical, which will include the Madrigals under the direction of Mr. Rodney Zabriski.The soloists of Handel's Messiah gather aroundthe piano for a last minute practice.Left to Right, Row One: Peggy Hardcastle, Shauna Davis, Collette Armistead, Christensen, Marsha Alleman . Row Two: Karen Beck, Shawna Eddington, WayneJulie Pavgh, Lani Fenton, Toni Burgon, Nancy Noffsinger, Cathy Darling, Pam Eckman, Jerry Dunn, Jerry Hatch, Steve Beckstead, Mike Teuscher, Mike Halla- day, Robert Clarke, Kevin Hadley, Susan Matheson, Janet Glad. 57
Left ot Right, Row One: Becky Murphy, Janine Homer, Cindy Reed, Valerie Nokes, Lenea Rocks, Lori Whetman, laura Nelson, Lori Woodward, Richelle Thom- Oviatt, Shelley Reed, Becky Johnson. Row Two: Rebecca Buningham, Darlene as. Row Three: Valerie Setterburg, Kelley Webster, Paula Sobjlom, Evelyn Bir- chell, Karen Samuelson, Cindy Jensen. ~ordanettes The Jordanettes hand out programs at the Support production of 'One Head Well Done.' School Activities For the third year at Jordan, the Jordan - ettes served the studentbody by adding or- ganization to many extra-curricular activi - ties. Such activities include the handing out of programs at Jordan 's movie production 'One Head Well Done,' the greeting of guests and ushering of the audience at the school musical, 'Oklahoma.' Also, for the third year, Mrs. Mary Fitzger- ald supervised the Jordanettes. Under her direction, the Jordanettes succeeded in proving themselves to be a successful club throughout the school year.58
Left to Right: Joel Bishop, Kevin Beckstead, Jerry Hatch, Ray Alire~, Mr. Gooch, advisor; Phil Shell, President; Ross Ainsworth, Micheal Elder, Dav1d Beck. Key Club Adds Trophy to Trophy Case The Key Club gives Jordan another claim to fame. For the second year in a row the Key Club has won the Jordan Valley snow sculpture contest. Because of their great artist,ic ability and their rendition of a green spider, they'll be adding another trophy to Jordan's vast collection. When the Key Club isn't out winning snow sculpture co·ntests, they're here at Jordan doing some very important jobs. With Mr. Gooch' as the advisor they perform the tasks of the flag every morning, taking it down at night and raising school spirit.I A big green spider was the masterpiece created by -Jur imaginative Key Club for the snow sculp- ture contest. 59
DECA - Left to Right, Row One: Loi s Ford, Historian-reporter; DeVor Fa irbourn , President; Karl Edmunds, Vice President; Ka ren Brady, Secretary; Ca rol N ie lson , M er rid y Bagley , Linda M oun - teer, Deb ra Law son. Row Two : Terry Hill, Steve Hog lund, Todd Bogenshutz, La yn e Housekeeper, Judy Lehenbaue r, Kevi n Ta nner, Chery l M ead, M ike M ounte~r, Linda M ell or, Helen Rich, W illi am Clou g h, M i ke W ell er, Diane Nelson. Row Three: M at Gregory, M ike Huntzinger, Ku rt Brooks, Bryan W a ll , Al an Fowl es, Lori Rowsell, Dave M eller, Richard W entz, Shery l Jenson, Kerry Liedtke , Jay Peterson, Scott Crapo . Campbell's chicken soup is mmm ' good! Mike W ell er pu ts finishing touches on his sha dow -box d is pl a y . D. E. C. A. Sponsors Navajo Project D.E.C.A. sponsored the Navajo Project which gathered food for the starving and needy Navajos. Each student was to bring canned goods or money from home to his homeroom. A contest was held between homerooms to see who accumulated the most donations. Mr. Griffith 's homeroom was the winning class. Some other activities were an Activity Night with Hillcrest to increase relation s with other schools, field trips to the U. of U., library to do research, window judging at the Cottonwood Mall, and participating in the State contest for such things as adver-60 tising, shadow boxes, and job interviews.
Left to Right, Row One: Mr. King, advisor; Faith Despain, Annette Hardcastle, Hughes, Carry Smith, Mike May. Row Four: Mr. Holt, advisor; Craig Brooksby,Toni Burgon, Carol Bailey, Peggy Atkinson, Nancy Noffsinger, Penny Smith, Spencer Huffman, Ken Fritz, Keith Cornia, Roger Andrus, Brian Wall, Jim Gard-Debra Kerby, Marilyn Leatherbury, Michael Gordon, president. Row Two: Jeff ner, Reynold Rigby, Alan Shelby, parliamentarian. Row Five: Jay Peterson,West, John Adams, Cathy Darling, Robyn Carlisle, Brinda Cope, Linda Mountier, Scott Crapo, Paul Baker, reporter; Mark Urry, Lloyd Westinskow, Don Singleton,Gary Lloyd, State President; Annett Smith, State Queen; Robert Clarke, State John Bleazard, John Tate, Ladon Anderson . Row Six: Dale Garfield, Dan Green-Secretary; Dan Chavis, Layne Housekeeper. Row Three: Mr. Fisher, advisor; Gary wood, Mike Huntsinger, David Orton, Richard Wentz, Matt Gregory, DaveBuhl, Tom Russel, Dave Ri chard, Kim Nelson, Phil Anderson, Jeff Fergus, Kevin Mellor. Not Pictured: Penny Johnson, historian; Norm Millsap, treasurer; Peggy Griffith, secretary. VICA Members Develop Skills The Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, VICA, sponsored a stomp on January 13 : The profits from the stomp went toward sending the members of VICA to the state competition in Salt Lake. The winners of this convention will go to compete in a na- tional convention in the east. VICA is a club which promotes and devel- ops leadership. VICA is a learning expe- rience, members learn and develop skills and new crafts. Girls were abundant and so was qossip at the VICA stomp . 61
Masque Mr. and Mrs . Brian Rawlings enjoy the festivities at the Chuck-0-Rama. and Gavel Visits Varietyof ProductionsThis year the Masque and Gavel Club trav-eled to many activities. From viewing aMelodrama in Park City to Julius Ceasarat B.Y.U., the performances varied in sub-ject and style. As a result of the activities,the students were able to study the variousprinciples of acting, directing, and techni-calities.Mr. Brian Rawlings is the advisor with thetremendous task of escorting over sixtymembers to different performances. AtChristmas, the Masque and Gavel Clubsponsored a family in the Sub-for-SantaDrive. Left to Right, Row One: Kip Rishton, President; Giesele Swanigan, Historian; All en, Fawnette J nsen, M rndy Bagl y, Francm Stapl y, Karma Hans n, Pam Debbie Fisher, Secretary-Treasurer; laura Nelson, Activity Chairman; Kevin Johnson, Terry Sor nson, Mr. Rawlmgs, advisor. Row Four: D bra Rosmuss n, Beckstead, Michael Elder, Marilyn Eddington, Pam Smith, Monte Margetts. Susan Ballard, Lauro Eld r, D no J ns n, J n1 c Mull n, Nancy Noffsing r, Row Two: Connie Miller, Oakley Cannon, Cindy Jensen, Allyson Day, Kevin Brian Hewitt, Shauna Dav1s, Shawno Eddmgton, Wayn Eckman, Karen Samu I· Hadley, Janelle Higgins, Tam i Post, Kerry Thompson, M ichea l W eller, Steven son, P ggy Van Am n Row Fiv : J ff Morrill, John Sargent, Lon And rson, Beckstead. Row Three: Tori Cartwright, Carla Va cca ro, Caro l Bailey, Peggy Becky Reed, Jan Lars n, Cra1g F1sh r, Susan Hyd , Ann Pendleton, Tonya Runolfson, Joyce Olsen, B nnet Green, Colle n Jensen.62
F. H. A. P.1naSrttiac ipa t e s te Convention The Future Homemakers of America State Convention was held at the Salt Palace for the organizations throughout Utah. Girls were chosen from each club to represent their school at the convention. The program consisted of many speakers who lectured about various demonstrations that were to be presented throughout the year. Mrs. Coleen Allen presented a few of these demonstrations to the F.H.A. this year. These included a demonstration on foreign foods and assembling Christmas crafts. Fol- lowing the convention the girls stayed atPam Johnson, Fawnette Jensen, Diane Dennison the Temple Square Hotel.and Janice Ham plan an F.H.A. activity.~--.-~~--~~~~~·~r~~n~~~Left to Right, Row One: Sheri Atkinson, Carol Bailey, Shannon Chamberlain, berg, Debra Kates . Row Three: Janice Ham, Susan Mahon, Evelyn Birchell,Leann Holmstead , Cindy McClure , Linda Zupan , Denice Jones . Row Two: Mer - Catherine Homand, Melanie Hansen , Cindy Jensen , Janet Glad, Toni Burgon,ridy Bagley, Pam Johnson, Annette Hardca stle , Fa ith Despa in, Valerie Setter - Fawnette Jensen, Mrs. Colleen Allen , advisor. 63
Model United Nations is Reorganized Chris Webster calls for the right to speak for France in a mock session. Mrs. Genee Tyler discusses the text of a resolution with Jared Christenson.Model United Nations has been reorganized Model U.N. - Left to Right: Micho I Elder, K vin Beckstead, Richard Dineen, Phil Shell, Jaredas a club at Jordan, and is growing in Christensen, Carl Bolton, Chri Webster, Ron Hartwell, Brion Hewitt, Dove Draper, Jeff Fergus,popularity. The most interesting features lynn Wore, Bill Clayton, Francis Longstaff, Mrs. Genee Tyler, advisor.of this club are the understanding of thereal United Nations gained by the membersand the interesting field trip to the Univer-·sity of Utah, where mock sessions of theUnited Nations are held.The countries represented by the membersof the Model UN this year are Guinea andthe Dominican Republic. With the help ofMrs. Genee Tyler, speeches and resolutionswere written on topics such as the Middle-East crisis, disarmament, skyjacking andterrorism.64
Dance Club Provides Special Entertainment at Christmas Christmas was very exciting for the con~ genial and enthusiastic Dance Club girls. They choreographed a dance which they performed for children at a nursery school as well as for the patients at the University Hospital. With the help and instruction of their ad- visor, Mrs. Colleen Allen, these girls put in many hours of hard work to perfect their dances for various performances.Bend and stretch ... bend and stretch . . .left to Right, Row One: Lori Woodw a rd , Elai ne Woodbu ry , Ca ro l Joll y, Sh irl ey Three: Janet Bergener, Sh iela Sturdy, Tori Cartwr ight, Jeanene Miller, GayleW est, Di a ne Jones , Sa ndy Chapma n. Row Two: Cyn dy Reed, Jaydene Moody, Tay lor, Susan Campb l l, Peggy Atkinson . Row Four: N i kki El li s, Gloria lvie,Elai ne Lam b so n, Brenda M cFa rl ane, Susa n Skoubye, Jeanine Sargent. Row Barbara Tremelling, Susan Russel l. 65
Linda Mellor figures the balance DeVor Fairbourn, Helen Rich and Louis Ford take of the day's sales. orders for students during lunch. Bookstore Members Kar l Edm un d s a nd Bill Clough hand out \"goodies .\" Do Great Deed Our fantastic bookstore at Jordan High School provided us with foods, drinks, greeting cards, books, and various other school supplies. Students who didn't care to eat in the cafe- teria, all crowded into the bookstore at lunchtime and after school to provide them- selves with the products furnished for their various needs. The members of the book- store staff have performed a great deed for Jordan. Not only did they keep the bookstore in working order but they kept it clean and tidy at the same time.66
Left to Right, Row One: Koren Fu lmer, Jeanne Sadler, Julio Ferguson, Kendall son, Cindy Dowding, Morey Wright. Row Three: Tomi Post, Janine Homer,Peterson, William Clough, Miss Robyn Timoney, advisor. Row Two: Merrilea Kennard Block, Mark Maynes, Todd Zogorec, John Bishop, Jared Christensen,Jones, Koren Samuelson, Min o Hart, Lori Anderson, Julie Sheppard, Kirk Peter- Ron Allen.Julie Sheppard and John Melonas check over references. Arguing Constitutes Favorite Activity The Forensics Club argued their way through another year. The topic covered this year was whether or not the education- al system should be financed through the federal government. Through debating on this question, three debate teams from Jordan qualified to go to State competition. In addition to their debating, members participated in several individual areas. These events include Legislative Forum, ex- temporaneous speaking, impromptu speak- ing, and oration. Many members went to State competition with the help of Miss Timoney. 67
Denece Anderson Renae Anderson Kelley Bakker Mitzi Boynton Paula Anderson Carol Bailey Assistant Yell Mistress Dana Buchanan Assistant Drill Mistress Karen Back Yell Mistress .. Jt. Susan Campbell Susan Hilton Kathy Cannon Jeanne Kendrick Enthusiasm is aroused when Charlonians make a 'J' for school song. Vice President Deborah Kerby Kenna Cronin Elaine Lambson School Spirit Plus Hard Barbaro Ebert Marilyn Leatherbury Nona Elwood Work Equal Charlonians Vice President Peggy Hardcastle Brenda Mcfarlane A traditional club which is nearly as o~d as Drill Mistress Jordan is the Charlonian club. Energy, skill, spirit, and a lot of time are just a few things necessary for this club. Even in the wet, slushy weather, Jordan's enthusiastic Pep Club kept smiles on their faces as they cheered and murched at our games. They also performed at outside activities includ- ing competition at St. George and B.Y.U. The Charlonians didn't just perform at games all year. They each had a secret pal in the club, whose locker they decorated for each holiday. They also had a pal from whatever sport was in season. The club also planned and carried out teas for other Pep clubs, in addition they sponsored the Charlonian Ball.68
Karrie Mitchell Jaydene MoodyCharlonians cheer in main hallbefore the game.Elaine Woodbury Carla Vaccaro Susan Stevens Leslie Sanders Jeanne Sadler Kathryn PatienceCharlotte Mitchell Historian President Anne Pendleton Sharlene Veater Secretary Beverly Peterson Holly Pierson Lorie Porter Helen Rich 69
Sandy Chapman Diane Jones and Colette Moore anxiously await a foul shot. Carol Jolley Nikki Ellis Diane Jones70
Diane Jones sits with Cheerleaders to observe pep assembly. Colette Moore, Head Songleader Songleaders Raise Cheers With the enthusiasm needed to promote school spirit our songleaders led the stu- dentbody in cheers and songs during all the pep assemblies and athletic events. Their cheers consisted of bodily effort and a lot of voice. Aside from all the cheering they always made sure our halls were dec- orated with colorful posters and slogans. Collette Moore as head songleader added a lot to the group with her cheerful smile. Each Songleader added to our school spirit and helped the promotion of a more en- thusiastic studentbody.\"Hoorah for Jordan ...\" Nikki Ellis gives smiles and cheers even through the rain. 71
Cheerleaders Excite Studentbody Jordan has the best studentbody, faculty and cheerleaders. Gloria, Susan, Shirley, Debbie, and Peggy not only think but show that they love this school. Leading in school song and cheers during pep assembliesand games our cheerleaders inspire sopho- mores, juniors and seniors, not to mentionteachers, to cheer. Why? Because Jordan'sthe best and everyone knows it especiallythe cheerleaders.Selling Beetdigger pillows seemed to be a main project for our cheerleaders. During lunch, before and after school, was thetime to buy them. Shirley West Peggy AtkinsonPeggy and Debbie lead out in a cheer. Gloria lvie, Head Cheerleader Susan leads the school song. Susan Russell72
Debbie Caldwell Debbie and Susan take care of selling the pillows.Elaine Lambson, Stephanie Welch, Gayle Taylor. Shelly Reed, Cindy Richardson, Lori Woodward,Jeanine Miller, Cindy Jordan. Susan Webb, Marsha Rane. 73
The mighty Beetdiggers face a sudden onrush of stampeding Colts.Matt Gregory waits expectantly for punt return. Gerry Gustafson scrambles to get away from a great surge of falling bodies.Football Te.amHas Hard Year Our football team was again more im- Trying to outrun pursuers poses no problem for our football heroes. proved than in past years. Our only prob- lem was that the other teams had improved too! Although the team didn't get as far as they did last year, they were built from the same determination that took them to the play- offs. With the way that our Junior Varsity and Sophomores played, it looks like they are built of the same rugged stuff with a will to win. We should have many fine teams in the future.76
Varsity Team - Row Three: Ritchie Svedin, Nolan Snow, Brett Andrizzi, Kevin Mills, Doug Robin-Left to Right, Row One: Mike Teuscher, Dean Kunz, Robin Lang, Jeff Maughn, son, Kenneth Brady, David Jentzsch, Jack Crispin, Leslie Auker, Robert Meyer,Glendon Mitchell, Mike Peterson, Vin cent Bluth, Bruce Burningham , Jim Day, Ralph Sudbury. Row Four: Rand Andrus, Kelly Crebs, Rusty Johnson, Ric Baugh,Johnny Jordan, Eddie Escobedo, Kevin Olsen, Doyle Johnstun, Ron Hughes . Donald Yates, Randy Bradfield, Gerry Gustafson, Scott Gallagher, Brad Kemp,Row Two: Jacob Van Der Meide, Jerry Cowley, Matt Gregory, Pat Teuscher, Gordon Miller, Claude Jensen, Ross Ainsworth . Row Five: Tom Keller, Coach;Mark Hardy, Eddie Romero, Peter Massa, Marvin Hose, Dan Greenwood, Jay Ray Jewkes, Manager.Petersen, Doyle Jenkins, Dave Hoffman, Gary Pelch, Doug Curley, Randy Jensen.Mixed emotions are shown as players wait for Jordan to score. 77
SCORESVarsityJordan 28 _________________________ _____ Hillcrest 22Jordan 13__ __ __________________________ Brighton 18Jordan 0________________________________ Murray 13Jordan 7__ ______________________________ Layton 33Jordan o0_--__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Davis 20Jordan Judge 34Jordan 7___ _________________________ Bingham 27Jordan 6..------------------------------ Cyprus 27Jordan 0-- ------------------------------ Tooele 14~unior VarsityJordan 12______ ________________________ Brighton 6Jordan 6-------------------------------- Murray 14Jordan 35 ________________________________ Layton 0Jordan 25 __________________________________ Davis 6Jordan o__________________________________ Judge 13Jordan 20____________________________ Bingham 0Jordan 8________________________________ Cyprus 0Jordan 19________________________________ Tooele 7SophomoresJordan 6-- --- ------- ---------------------- Davis 20 Care for a handshake, Mike?Jordan 6--- ----------------------------- Judge 7Jordan 32 ___________ ___ __________ ____ Bingham 0Jordan 6_________ ___________ __ ____________ Cyprus 0 Let's take it higher! Glendon M ichell runs a w ay w it h it.78
Run, Jordan, run!J. V . Team - Webster, James Dahl, Mike Primm, Garn Kemp, Mark Blackham, Scott Ander-Left to Right, Row On e: Sid Jones, Paul Brown, Gaven Dillard, George Gon- son, Mike Day, Gerry Clark, Dave Zeller, Ryan Enniss . Row Three : Matt Soren-zale s, Merlin M iller, Kevin Sybrowsky, Brite Carlsen , Kevin Scrogg in, Sherm sen , Justin Brown, Reed Brklacich , Gary Green , Paul Allen , Duane Bailey, RalphGallagher, Kelly Savage, Lynn Ware, Scott Robinson, Mark Alvey . Row Two : Crystal, Dave Henderson, Stewart Gardner, Joe Ham, Jeff Childs, Layne Wolf,Carlos Gurr, Manager; Bill Cowley, Rust in Howard, Corey Cartwright, Kev in Rick Gilchrist, Coach Ash, Coach Jewkes . 79
Varsity Team - Smith, Kevin Elkington, Nolan Snow, Scott Crapo, Vincent Bluth, Ross Ains -Left to Right, Row One: Coach Anderson, Coach Oliver, Coach Hale. Row Two: worth, Mike Cary, Cory Jensen, Phil Bradford, Kevin Mills, Greg Elling son.Ray Jewkes, Garn Kemp, Jon Sargent, John Bishop, Craig Hommand, Kevin Captains of the varsity basketball team are Vincent Bluth tells Hillcrest to settle down and not worry about losing. Kevin Elkington and Vincent Bluth.80
Basketball Team Tops In Basketball, Fashion Many hours of practice go into the basket- ball team. They learn to work together as a team, and they learn to develop their skills and plays which make the basketball games very exciting to watch . Jordan 's players were especially flashy in their basketball suits. All white with stripes of red and shocking pink, our team was zipping in and out of opponents with 'blah' looking outfits! It is wondered whether the socks detracted from the basketball. This just goes to show you that Jordan 's not only tops in basketball, but in fashion also. Varsity Scores Jordan 63 --- ------ -- ----- --------- ---- --- Davis 60 Jordan 63 ------------------------ --- -- --- Judge 66 Jordan 36 ______ _____ ______ ___ ______ Bingham 41 Jordan 39 ----- -- ---- ---- -------- ---- -- - Cyprus 47 Jordan 71 -,------ --- ---------- ---- --·-- Tooele 58 Jordan 55 ------- --- --- ---------- -- ----- -- Ddvis 63 Jordan 66 ----- --- ----- ---------- --- ------ Judge 57 Jordan 65 -- ---- --- --- ------------- ----- Tooefe 73 Jordan 52 ---------- -- ------ ----- --- Bingham 67 Jordan 59 --------- --- -------- ------- -- - Cyprus 48Basketball really gets you up-in-the-air!Vincent Bluth prepares to pass the ballback into bounds.Nolan Snow and Kevin Elkington endeavo r to 81take the bal l away f rom a Huskie.
Junior Varsity Basketball Team - Left to Right, Row One: Danie l Lambson, Zeller, Todd Zagorec, Paul Brown, Mark Blackham, Don Petersen, Kevin Smith,Ja mes Dahl , Bri an Jensen . Row Two-: Ray Jewkes, Manager; M ike Day, David M i ke Cary, Corey Jen sen, Ph il Bradford , Garn Kemp, Jon Sargent, Coach Hale . Scores~unior Varsity SophomoreJordan 46 -------- -------- ---------------- Davis 61 Jordan 48 Davis 54................................................................Jordan 73 -------- ------------------------ Judge 71Jordan 73 -------------------------- Bingham 72 Jordan 64 -- ------------------------------ Judge 51Jordan 60 -------- ---------------------- Cyprus 70 Jordan 62 Tooele 60............................................................Jordan 86 ------------------------------ Tooele 76Jordan 52 -------------------------------- Davis 49 Jordan 75 ................................................... Bingham 67Jordan 77 -------------------------------- Judge 75Jordan 68 ------------------------------ Tooele 87 Jordan 72 Cyprus 59............................................................Jordan 63 -------------------------- Bingham 76 Jordan 70 -- ------·--------------------··- Davis 62 Jordan 60 --------··---------------------- Judge 67 Jordan 67 --·-------------------·----··- Tooele 78 Jordan 76 -·---·----------------·--- Bingham 77 Jordan 44 .............................................................. Cyprus 49 Sophomore Basketball Team - Left to Right, Row On e: Danie l Lambson, Jim Zeller, Paul Brown, M ark Blackham, Don Petersen, Brad Sanders, Todd Zago rec, Dahl, Brian Jensen. Row Two : Coach Anderson, M ike Day, Garn Kemp, Dave Bob Albretson, Ryan Ennis, Phil Bradford, Kevin Nelson.82
Varsity Scores Jordan 16 ···----------------------------- Provo 43 Jordan 2 __________________ Pleasant Grove 54 Jordan 36 ----------- ------------------- Payson 22 Jordan 37 ------------------------------Murray 23 Jordan 27 ------------------------------ Skyline 35 Jordan 33 ------------------------------ Kearns 27 Jordan 9 ______________________ Cottonwood 53 Jordan 10 -------------------------------- Orem 41 Jordan 6 ---------------------------- Granger 52 Jordan 4 ---------------------------- Brighton 49 Jordan 28 -------------------------- Box Elder 18 Jordan 19 -------------------------------- Davis 28 Jordan 60 --------------------------------Judge 9 Jordan 22 -------------------------- Bingham 26 Jordan 42 ------------------------------ Cyprus 19 Jordan 59 ------------------------------ Tooele 3Donald Yates struggles to get out of leq hold.Wrestling Team - Left to Right, Row One: Marvin Hose, Eddie Romero, Todd Donald Yates, Kevin Sybrowsky, Gary Pelch, Brett Andrizzi, Karl Bingham, RandyBogenschutz, Jon Tait, James Romero, Scott Jewkes. Row Two: Sherm Gallagher, Bradfield. Row Three: Pat Teucher, Peter Massa, Dan Greenwood, Gordon Miller, Mike Peterson, Scott Crane, Scott Bonham, Blaine Oakeson. 83
Wrestlers await the beginning of the match . Junior Varsity Scores Students eagerly watch to find the results in the match.Jordan 12 ----- --- ---------- -------------- Provo 42 Jordan 12 ------------------ Pleasant Grove 40Jordan 39 ------------------------------ Payson 21Jordan 39 ___ -------------------------- Murray 24Jordan 45 -------------- ---------------- Skyline 18Jordan 27 ------------------------------ Kearns 24Jordan 20 ---------------------- Cottonwood 23Jordan 30 -------------------------------- Orem 27Jordan 8 ---------------------------- Granger 36Jordan 0 ---------------------------- Brighton 63Jordan 33 -------------------------- Box Elder 15Jordan 9 -------------------------------- Davis 54Jordan 34 -------------------------- Bingham 25Jordan 33 ------------------------------ Cyprus 30Jordan 28 ------------------------------ Tooele 33 Sophomore ScoresJordan 26 -------------------------------- Provo 23Jordan 66 ------------------ Pleasant Grove 53Jordan 49 ------------------------------ Payson 9Jordan 37 -------- ---------------------- Murray 24Jordan 21 ------------------------------ Skyline 15Jordan 39 ------------------------------ Kearns 0Jordan 42 ______________________ Cottonwood 18Jordan 61 -------- ------------------------ Orem 37Jordan 30 ---------------------------- Granger 64Jordan 3 ------------------- --------- Brighton 9Jordan 33- -------------------------- Box Elder 30Jordan 13 -------------------------------- Davis 10Jordan 18 -------------------------------- Judge 0Jordan 21 ------- ------------------- Bingham 0Jordan 14 -------------- ----- ----- ------ Cyprus 8Jordan 9 ------------- ----- ------------ Tooele 684 Hillcre st, look out!
One, two, three, charge! Wrestlers warm-up before match. Oh, the pain of it all .Eddie Romero strives to conclude his match . 85
Track Team - Left to Right, Row One: Kevin Elkington, Gary Webb, David Jeppson, Jared Christenson, manager, Greg Ellingson, Lon Thomas, D~ug Draper,Draper, Mike Teuscher, Nedd Andersen, Loren Patterson, Craig Houmand, Glen Richie Svedin . Row Four: James Dahl, Joe Ham, Steve Overson, Kevin Webster,Pyle, Doug Curley, Bruce Burningham. Row Two: Mike Peterson, Nolan Snow, Brent Hardcastle, Todd Zagorec, Don Petersen, Duane Davis, Barry Shettle, JamesPat Teuscher, Peter Massa, Kevin Scroggin, Lee Macklin, Jim McNeil, Kevin Mills, Nelson . Row Five : Brad Kemp, Jerry Gustafson, Ken Black, Kerry Thompson, Cur-Gary Pelch . Row Three: Paul Allen, Jeff Childs, Phillip LePore, James Bay, Vern tis Smith, Carl Gifford, Doyle Jenkins, Scott Gallagher, Bob Albretson, Leslie Auker, Paul Henderson. That bar quivered this time. Vernal Jeppson breaks the tape for first place in the 880.86
Track Team Works Hard To Win Being on Jordan 's Track Team is a lot of hard and tiresome work. Everynight after school the team practiced to improve their endurance, prowess, skill, and coordination in preparation for their numerous meets. These included a meet held with Murray in which Jordan was the victor. In addition our track team represented Jordan at the District Meet and took second place. They also had a meet with Bingham High Schoo·! in which they came in first place. Under the supervision of Coach Keller the track team did a great job representing Jordan.Mike Teucher tries for record in broad jump.Gerry Gustafson outruns teammates Craig Houmand Claude Jensen nudges outand Loren Patterson in 100 yard dash. Dennis Carter for 1st place. 87
Baseball Teom - Left to Right, Row One: Randy Bradfield, Brett Andrizzi, Vin- worth, Scott Bonham, Brent Cook, Ray Willet. Row Three: Drew Chamberlain,cent Bluth, Stephen McPherron, Chad Washburn, Gary Green, Sherm Gallagher, Mark Hardy, Mark Rogers, Rusty Johnson, Ron Hughes, Joey Bogenschutz . RowRalph Crystal, Buck Sharples . Row Two: John Bishop, Bill Johnson, Ross Ains - Four: Earl Wentz, Mike Day, Reed Birklacich, Randy Crebs, Merlin Miller, Dan Washburn. The going gets rough, in a Only the umpire knows for sure. sticky infield play. Batting and pitching are the most important Baseball Team aspects of Jordan 's baseball team.Scuttled By Weather Spring returns! Guess what happens during this great season? Baseball! Jordan has a Junior Varsity team and a Varsity Team to defeat all other teams. Because of our fantastic and heavenly weather such as rain, snow, hail and wind many of the baseball games were cancelled. Although the teams lost their opportunity to compete against many opposing schools, weather did permit them to participate in a few competitive games to show their winning ability. Among these were two Jordan versus Bingham games. The scores were 11-2 Jordan and 5-2 Bingham.88
lettermen- left to Right, Row One: Robin Lang, Gordon Miller, Jim Day, Chad Row Four: Dean Kunz, Steve Overson, Jared Christensen, Dave Draper, GeneWashburn, Dave Hoffman, Dale Garfield, Steve McPherron, Lorin Patterson, John Burgess, Howard Armstrong, Gary Webb, Kerry Smith, Kennard Black, KerryBishop, Mike Peterson, John Jordan, Ron Hughes, Jerry Cowley . Row Two: Joey Thompson, Glendon Mitchell, Kent Derricott. Row Five: Kevin Day, James Hardy,Bogenshutz, Todd Bogenshutz, Lynn Marct10nt, Eddie Escobedo, Mark Adair, Kirk Peterson, Scott Crane, Blaine Oakeson, Claude Jensen, Ritchie Svedin, GlenCraig Houmand, Pat Teus cher, Kevin Mills, Greg Ellingson, Richard Wentz, Craig Pyle, Mike Teucher, Randy Bradfield, Scott Crapo. Row Six: Jesse Ritzman, KevinFisher, Glen Vawdrey, Ray Jewkes . Row Three: Dan Greenwood, Evan Thomas , Sybrowsky, David Henderson, Sid Jones, James Romero, Jon Tait, Eddie Romero,Scott Bonham, Doug Curley, Jay Petersen, Kevin Olsen, Mark Hardy, Mark Gary Pelch, Ross Ainsworth, Doyle Jenkins, Nolan Snow, Peter Massa, ScottRogers, Jerry Olsen, Loren Holdaway, Kelly Crebs, John Melonas, Kirk Scott. Ragsdale, Gary Lloyd .Golf- left to Right, Row One: Kent Dunn, John Tait, Mark Adair, Jerry Olsen. No Mark, that's not the way you do it.Row Two: Mike Marcovecchio, Ron Tingey, John Sargent, Jim Day, Clair Skoubye, Garn Kemp. Golf Team Swings Toward Winning Season The first two opponents felt the power of Jordan's golf team. Jordan beat Davis 167- 171 low score winning. Ron Tingey was top golfer with a score of 39. Next came Bing- ham who toppled to Jordan by a score of 163-169. Garn Kemp was top SLOrer of the day with 38. These of course are only a few of the scores and people who made Jor- dan's golf team the well established organ- ization that it was. 89
Tennis Team- Left to Right: Kelly Crebs, Scott Featherstone, Kevin Nelson, Kent Derricott, Phil Bradford,Mark Blackham, Scott Crapo, Paul Brown, Dave Zeller, Kevin Cox. Ron Jackson, Mike Swenson, Mr.Fred Ash, Coach. Doubles team Phil Bradford and Paul Brown stretches toward the ball. Kevin Nelson take turns serving. Challenge System Develops Better Tennis Team Every member of the tennis team tries each week to become number one for singles and number one doubles team. Members are ranked each week through competition between team members during practice games and performances against other schools. The tennis team enters three singles and two doubles in region compe- tition before going to stare. Scores of games played to date within the district are Jordan 5, Bingham 0; Tooele 3, Jordan 2.90 Kent waits for the return of Scott's serve.
Girl Breaks Tradition Bobbie Lee Gatehouse broke tradition at Jordan by becom ing the first girl to letter in any sport. Lettering has been dominated by the male members of the studentbody since the beginning of Jordan's history. Even though our swimming team has only been together two years we are already sending swimmers to participate in state competitions. This is a great accompl ish- ment and our swimmers and Coach Abeyta should be congratulated.Scott Ragsdale races in the 100 meter freestyle.The butterfly is Scott's best stroke . Kirk Scott practices the one meter d ive.Swimming Team - Left to Right, Row One : Kevin Da y, Lo re n Hol da w a y, Kirk Coa ch ; Steven Overson, Marty Ger be r, Scott Ragsdale, Gary Lloyd , Robert Sm ith ,Pete rson, James Hardy , Barry Shettel, Evan Thomas, Craig Fisher. Row Two : Mr. Greg Ballard, Kirk Scott, Kevin Olsen, Mark Gotberg. Row Four: De bb ie Williams,Abeyta, Coach; Te rry Sprouse, Jan Larsen. Row Th ree : Devan Berrett, Asst. Carol Butler, Peggy Van Amen, Sandy McNeil, Bob by Lee Gateh ouse, Da w n Groves, Janine Homer. 91
Girls ProveAbility To Be EqualJordan's girls have done a great job insports events this year! This has been thefirst year they have been able to competein so many various sports. These sports in-clude: basketball, volleyball, field hockey,softball, and they plan to compete in trackand field. In order to participate in thesports it was necessary to be a member ofGirls Athletic Association.The softba II team took second place de-feating Hillcrest and Brighton, and losingto Bingham. In field hockey Jordan tookfirst place. The team really trampled onOrem, Provo and Hillcrest. This was an in-vitational meet, the team was invited tocompete with region 4. The team took thirdplace in volleyball. They beat Brighton,and lost to Hi IIcrest and Bingham. Jordan'sbasketball team didn't play on a competi-tion level, they more or less played forpractice with other teams. Field Hockey - Left to Right, Row One: Susan Sterling, manager; Ruth Price, Marlene Harrison, Cindy Paget, Marcy Wright. Row Two: Bonnie Ballard, Joan Mortensen, Cindy Richardson, Julie Porter, Karen Ferguson, Miss Padfield, supervisor. Girls get a good start for a great season in track.92
Volleyball - Left to Right, Row One: Claudia White, Susan Sterling, Renee Beverly Davenport, Cindy Paget. Row Two: Cindy Richardson, manager; MissYoung, Wendy Wallin, Linda Joos, Paula Sjoblom, Janalyn West, Ruth Price, Padfield, supervisor; Geri Gorc'on, manager.Basketball- Left to Right, Row One: Miss Padfield, supervisor; Karen Ferguson, Julie Porter, Beverly Davenport, Joan Mortensen, Geri Gordon, Marlene Harrison,manager; Karen Pangos, manager; Ruth Price, Janalyn West, Wendy Wallin, Cindy Paget.Softball - Left to Right: Miss Padfield, manager; Marilyn Leatherbury, man- Davenport, Coleen Ricord, Bonnie Ballard, Cindy Paget. Row Two: Cindy Richard-ager; Janalyn West, Linda Joos, Ruth Price, Wendy Wallin, Karen Pangos, Beverly son, manager; Miss Padfield, supervisor; Geri Gordon, manager. 93
Gymnastics Team Takes State It takes long hour practices and lots of hard work and dedication to make a num- ber one gymnastics team. With the help of Miss Padfield that's just what our team has become. Their hopes of becoming state champs started soaring after they won the District Meet. They then went on to Region Competitions and then the final goal to win the State Competition.Cindy Richardson shows how graceful movements enhance a Gloria lvie gets ready for a back aerial dismount.balance beam routine. Susan Webb does one of the feats that won her a first place in the uneven bar competition .94 Kathy Cannon shows the straddle va ult that helped win a second pla ce .
Susan Webb executes a perfect fly ing eagle . Nikki Ellis displays grace and poise in floor exercise routine.Gymnastics Team - Left to Right, Row One : Susan Sterling, Cindy Paget, Shir- Ca thy Cannon , N ikki El lis, Tori Cartw rig ht, Lori Arm strong , G inni e Barlow, Joa nlee W est, Cindy Jordan, Sharlene Veater, Gloria lvie, Susan Russell, MerrileaJones, Bonnie Ballard . Row Two: Elaine Lambson, Gayle Taylor, Linda Anderson, Mortensen. Row Three : Jan Noorda, Peggy Atkinson, Susan W ebb, Cindy Rich- ardson, Nancy Price, Karen Pangos, Lori Schmidt, Miss Padfield . 95
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