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Published by humphrey.wangondu, 2017-04-26 05:47:24

Description: Mining Developments Magazine is a publication covering various mining industries in South Africa and beyond. It is distributed to key decision makers at mines, quarries, private and public mining companies and institutions which includes mining education and training bodies, mining equipments and materials suppliers plus mining services providers.

Keywords: Mining Industry


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April/May 2017 Issue



SKF Rocker Arm Bearing. e fully portable PAS open-frame wet-prime pump_cost-e ective solution for applications where there is aconsistent flow Chicago Pneumatic introduces new series of electrically powered LED light towers _CPLB 2Atlas Copco mVAC systems providehighly reliable medical vacuum Publisher: E.S.C Magazine T/A Mining Developments Magazine Tel: +27 11 040 3910 Fax: +27 86 601 9195 Email: [email protected] Website: 62, 2nd Avenue, Houghton, P.O. Box 92744, Norwood, 2117, South Africa Contributions The editors welcome news items, press releases, articles and photographs relating to the Mining Industry. These will be considered and, if accepted, published. No responsibility will be accepted should contributions be lost, damaged or incorrectly printed. © All rights reserved 3

Demand soars for Brakpan companya er replacing sand screw classifier with CDE EvoWash As a bonus, we have been able to Following the installation of a CDE A direct approach for a better solution commit to safer operations as EvoWash 72 on their sister company's site Christo Niemand is a savvy and practical Analiza, South African brick and block businessman who relies on a combination CDE equipment is both high tech manufacturer Multi Crete Bricks “just can't of word of mouth and direct systems and simple to use, with keep up with orders”, according to its CEO communications with experts who can well-conceived safety details that Christo Niemand. demonstrate the value of their equipment in a 'seeing is believing' manner. In this spirit, guarantee a comfortable working Multi Crete has been supplying the South the Multi Crete CEO, who manages 16 environment African construction industry for 16 years, employees, as well as quarry sta , visited a delivering premier quality brick and block close-by quarry with a CDE representative products nationwide as well as supplying to witness the e ciency of the CDE customers directly at their Brakpan factory. materials washing equipment in action. e company not only ensures that the best Convinced by the high tech but user- raw materials are selected but also friendly aspect of CDE installations, Mr guarantees the best end product by Niemand took the next step and challenged overseeing production from start to finish. Nicolan Govender, CDE Regional Manager for Africa, to find the best-value-for-money In 2016, Multi Crete saw an opportunity to washing solution that would significantly take the lead in the local materials washing reduce the amount of lost fines, increase market. To achieve this, an upgrade of its production levels and sand quality, and sand screw washing plant was necessary in crucially allow for multiple sands to be order to remedy the substantial loss of manufactured. e objective was to boost valuable fines that ended up in its quarry's Multi Crete's o er and subsequently dam. By installing a new CDE EvoWash demand. e CDE EvoWash 72 dual sand sand washing plant on its Analiza quarry, washing plant ticked all of these boxes and Multi Crete can now continue to produce Niemand says that he is now ready to its own bricks, blocks, and manufactured further upgrade his equipment to meet the washed sands with an additional plaster newly created and ever increasing demand sand. for Multi Crete's products. Niemand explains: “ e combination of a solid relationship with our local CDE experts and the commissioning of an ultra- performant EvoWash has given Multi Crete's activities a positive boost. Our plaster sand is hands-down the best in the region and being able to produce two products at the same time, including plaster sand, is truly remarkable.” Multi Crete Analiza - dual sand discharge - portrait e Analiza quarry treats raw materials including crushed rocks, a mixture of granite and silica, some being heavily clay- bound. It now produces 23 tonnes per hour of plaster sand and 19 tonnes per hour of river sand. e EvoWash allows for two products to be produced at the same time and can also be set to alter the amount of finer sand in the end product, allowing the4


e CDE Global Design client to produce two o plus zero products in South Africa due to the upgrading ofHeadquarters are located in (- 2mm + 0 and - 6 mm + 0). their installation to the CDE cyclone technology. Northern Ireland and the Niemand adds: “Our return on investment company also has bases in is good and we are already looking towards “It makes good business sense to improve Kolkata, India to serve the the future and to expand our range of plants that waste fines and water which then Asian market, São Paulo, products. We are considering adding has a knock-on and positive e ect on the complementary CDE equipment to our company's performance and ability to Brazil to serve the Latin installation when we have addressed the compete in a growing market. Multi CreteAmerican market and North issue of limited power and water supply.” is proof that adopting our cyclone water- Carolina, USA, to serve the saving technology really works.” Wayne Warren Business Development North American market. Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa at CDE, is Niemand concludes: “Swapping the AnalizaCDE also has representatives proud of the successful relationship that has sand screw classifier for a CDE EvoWash based in North Africa, Sub- been developed with Multi Crete: “Being dual sand plant has turned out to be an based in South Africa means that I am only excellent investment. We are saving water Saharan Africa and the just a phone call or a short trip away from and time whilst increasing and diversifying Middle East. Multi Crete and my other customers. materials production. We are now able to position ourselves on the local market as “I have the opportunity to visit Mr the leading supplier of construction Niemand and check on the EvoWash at materials. Analiza regularly. It allows me to iron out any arising issues and keep the conversation going on how CDE can help the company meet new performance requirements quickly and e ciently. “It is gratifying to witness the steady performance of a piece of equipment year a er year. Multi Crete has become one of the best-performing sand washing operators Multi Crete Analiza - overview6

MINE WATER TREATMENTWater is carefully managed to prevent the any one of which requires infrequent but Passive water treatment isrelease of contaminated water into the regular maintenance. e treatment usually combined with waterenvironment. Various control techniques can technology used at a mine depends on how monitoring programs, andbe used to reduce the potential for water polluted the water is, what chemicals need to takes advantage of naturalcontamination and minimize the volume of Active water treatment is the most common physical, chemical, andwater requiring treatment. ese techniques form of water treatment at working mines. biological processes thatinclude: Sophisticated so ware is used to predict the remove water contaminates chemistry of the e uent prior to mine without additional physicalŸ Intercepting and diverting surface water construction, and appropriate water treatment or chemical inputs. (rain and snowmelt runo , streams, and technologies are chosen accordingly. Mine Examples of these processes creeks) from entering the mine site by waters are o en acidic, and require the include bacteria-controlled building upstream dams to reduce the addition of lime, limestone, or caustic soda to metal precipitation, potential for water contamination from raise the pH. Once the pH has been elevated, contaminate uptake by exposed ore and waste rock dissolved metals precipitate out of solution plants, and filtration through and sink to the bottom of settling or soil and sediments. AlthoughŸ Recycling water used for processing ore sedimentation ponds, where they can be passive water treatment has in order to reduce the volume of water removed. Chemicals known as coagulants or been used successfully to requiring treatment flocculants may be added in order to combine treat municipal wastewater smaller particles into larger clumps which and urban runo , its use inŸ Capturing drainage water from settle out of the water more quickly. the mining industry is still precipitation at the mine site through the under development, largely use of liners and pipes and directing the Depending on the desired final water quality, because of the challenge of water to tailings dams in order to prevent a mine may also use other technologies treating highly acidic waters. potentially contaminated water from including ion exchangers, membrane filters, [Despite these challenges, entering groundwater or flowing o site and reverse osmosis. e semi-solid portion low operation and or sludge removed from the water is dried and maintenance costs continueŸ Allowing the water to evaporate in disposed of either underground in the mine, to generate interest in passive ponds to reduce the volume of or in a waste disposal facility. water treatment, especially contaminated water; in dry regions, for use a er mine closure. enough water may be evaporated that no Because of the high maintenance and disposal water needs to be discharged, resulting in costs of active treatment, ways to recycle the the containment of contaminates at the sludge are being explored, such as the mine site production of marketable iron concentrate from acid rock drainage from coal mines.Ÿ Installing liners and covers on waste However, the majority of sludge has little rock and ore piles to reduce the potential economic value and is handled as waste. In for contact with precipitation and extreme cases where the sludge is rich in contamination of groundwater cadmium or arsenic, it may be classified as hazardous waste and require special handlingDi erent combinations of strategies can be and disposal.applied, and the selection of strategies is site-specific. For instance, the interception and Be removed, how much water requiresdiversion of surface water is a more treatment, and the required discharge waterprominent concern in environments with high quality standards.rates of precipitation, whereas more emphasisis placed on water recycling in arid regions Constructed wetlands are the most commonwith little water availability. form of passive water technology. Constructed wetlands act as natural purification systems ere are a number of di erent treatment which are capable of filtering and removingtechnologies available to clean contaminated many contaminates before they arewater; these technologies can be described as transported into marine or freshwatereither active or passive. Active treatment environments. However, it is di cult totechnologies require the input of energy and achieve ideal contaminate removal conditions,chemicals, and passive treatment uses only and passive water treatment currently requiresnatural processes such as gravity, ongoing maintenance and treatment.microorganisms, and/or plants in a system, 7


SKF quality,value & service secures tender for German-owned OEM SKF is a leading global e value and quality of SKF SKF Rocker Arm Bearing. supplier of bearings, seals, bearings assisted a long-standing mechatronics, lubrication OEM customer in securing a tender systems, and services which for a refurbishing project at one of include technical support, South Africa's a power utility plant. maintenance and reliability e project comprised the refurbishment of services, engineering 20 rocker arms. e German-ownedconsulting and training. SKF engineering company would normally is represented in more than source their products either from overseas.130 countries and has around Having been dealing with SKF, the 17,000 distributor locations engineering specialist decided to approach SKF for a bearing solution in August 2016. worldwide. Annual sales in 2015 were SEK 75 997 SKF recommended the deep groove ball bearings as the ideal bearing type for this million and the number of type of refurbishment. e excellent value employees was 46 635. and quality of these bearings as well as good service from SKF assisted the OEM in successfully securing the tender to refurbish the rocker arms. e OEM has now earned the reputation with South Africa's power utility as a quality refurbisher that supplies product and service excellence. As a result, SKF, having gained the customer's trust, is now considered a preferred supplier. SKF Rocker Arm Bearing Unit10

New Gas Transmitter : OLDHAM launches the 700/710 Series e OLCT 700 can be used in combination e MX 40 has a 2Gb SD memory card Oldham is very pleased towith an increased safety approved junction and records all data (measurements, announce the launch of thebox from your furniture. e OLCT 710 is alarms, faults) in CSV format. OLCT 700 and OLCT 710ready to use and is made of an OLCT 700 gas transmitters. eattached to a junction box that contains the e data can be read directly on the unit or 700/710 Series comprises 3terminals and an optional surge protection digitally on our File Log Viewer so ware di erent models -FP, TP ormodule. which can be downloaded free of charge IR- for the detection of from our website. flammable, H2S or CO2 e OLCT 700/710 Series is specifically gases.designed for harsh and extreme locations. e MX 40 can be accessed remotely viaIt provides reliable operation in any Ethernet or GSM. A web page displayscircumstances between -40°C and +75°C. measurements and channel statuses in real time, and is accessible from any computer is new and superior level of or wireless phone connected to theenvironmental durability in sensor design internet. is option also allows you toincludes an electropolished 316 stainless have SMS or email messages sent in thesteel housing and 100% encapsulated case of an alarm.electronics for complete protection andimmunity to water ingress and corrosion. e plug-in, field replaceable sensors canbe easily replaced in the field. Operatorinterface is non-intrusive via a smallhandheld magnet and the embeddedso ware is very intuitive.SIL 2 certified according to IEC 61508:2010functional safety standard, OLCT 700/710instruments are also ATEX 2G certified foruse in ATEX zones 1 and 2.While the Model TP is using a poison- OLCT 700resistant catalytic bead sensor to detect e MX 40combustible gases, the ModelIR includes an infrared sensor to monitorcombustible or CO2 gases.Re the Model TP, it is equipped with aproprietary solid state metal oxidesemiconductor sensor (MOS) andis very well suited to H2S detection insevere applications where the detector canbe exposed to very highconcentration/temperature and verylow/high humidity. It is commonly used:- in Wastewater Treatment Plants (primarytreatment, biological treatment, etc. ),- in Oil and Gas Industry (productionplatforms, drilling rigs, refineries, etc.),- when temperature exceeds the upperoperating temperature of 40-50°C. e 700/710 Series is compatible with allOldham MX controllers and is ModBuscompatible with the MX 40which can connect to up to 32 detectors. OLCT 710 11

Chicago Pneumatic's widens its LED light tower o ering Since 1901, the Chicago Chicago Pneumatic has introduced its new average coverage of 3,000 m2 with a Pneumatic name has represented high- series of electrically-powered light towers. diameter of 61m - allowing 10luxes. e 7 performance tools and Available in both metal and LED versions, metre long mast requires height to achieve equipment designed for an CPLB2 light towers are designed with a maximum light coverage, the light tower's extensive range of applications. Chicago choice of high-quality bulbs to enhance manual li ing system is ideal for this. Pneumatic o ers a wide range of pneumatic, visibility, wheels for optimal ease of hydraulic and petrol-driven equipment, portable movement and a robust canopy. ey “ e newest addition to Chicagocompressors and generators, light towers, rig-mounted simply plug into a power source, such as an Pneumatic's portfolio of light towers o ersattachments, and compaction outlet or generator, for instant, reliable site a still improved luminosity and equipment for theconstruction and demolition lighting. transportability, both essential for operators industry. With a global working in the dark hours. We have a firm network of distributors,Chicago Pneumatic provides e CPLB2 LED is the fourth LED light commitment to o er our customers' choice customers with worldwidesales and service support. To tower in the Chicago Pneumatic portfolio. when it comes to light towers, ensuring learn more about the Together with three other models: the CPLT e ciency for multiple applications; they are extensive range of ChicagoPneumatic equipment, please V15 LED, CPLB6 LED and CPLT H6, LED robust, e cient and powerful enough for visit it provides users the widest choice when it even the most demanding jobs,” comments comes to sourcing the safest and most Ignacio Picatoste, spokesperson for light e cient light tower for multiple towers at Chicago Pneumatic. applications and industries. Easy service and transportability have also e CPLB2 LED light tower is ideal for been factored into the design of the new construction, mining and events, to name light tower. Its compact frame allows up to just a few industries. Featuring heavy duty 32 units to be transported on a single truck build up and high protection index (IP 67), and o ers simple access points for its four high-e ciency LED lamps give an maintenance work. Chicago Pneumaticintroduces new series ofelectrically powered LED light towers _CPLB 2 Chicago Pneumatic CPLB 2 LED light tower ideal for construction, mining and events.12


Moving materials with a sustainable focus SKF is a leading global Products like low-friction bearings can consists of: a housing with a seal, a sealed supplier of bearings, seals, mechatronics, lubrication extend the life of conveyors and li s and bearing, and grease filled in the space systems, and services which include technical support, help to boost sustainability in the material between the bearing and the housing seal. maintenance and reliability handling sector, says Jerome Pommereul, e solution has environmental benefits, services, engineeringconsulting and training. SKF Global Business Engineer at SKF. since the use of grease is significantly lower, is represented in more than130 countries and has around because you no longer need to purge the 17,000 distributor locations e climate meeting in Paris in 2016 bearing clean with grease. e bearing itself worldwide. Annual sales in 2015 were SEK 75 997 (COP21) proved that politicians are capable needs small quantities of grease to function. million and the number of of coming to agreement on important Furthermore, the bearing life is significantly employees was 46 635. issues. While they can be commended for improved because it is working in a their diplomatic skills, the hard work of protected and clean environment. In a implementing environmental targets will conveyor pulley this means that the life of largely be down to industry. the bearing system is longer or equal to the lagging on the pulley thus no longer a bottle SKF's Director of Corporate Sustainability, neck. Rob Jenkinson, said that industry will need to “roll up its sleeves and plot a way Addede ciency forward” in putting these commitments into A far more pressing concern is energy practice. is needs to begin straight away, e ciency – as it is for many sectors. by investing in lower-carbon technologies Elevator manufacturer KONE estimates that and addressing specific sustainability needs. up to 10% of a building's energy consumption comes from the elevators, e materials handling sector encompasses which makes it a key target for e ciency everything from elevators in skyscrapers, gains. ere are already ways of clawing cranes, light conveyors (like baggage back some of this energy, through handling lines) and conveyors in mines. regenerative drives for example, or through Each part of the industry is very di erent, tra c analysis optimising the flow of people but has similar underlying sustainability and number of elevators. concerns – such as boosting energy e ciency, extending service life and e move towards more sustainable and lubricant disposal. energy e cient products in li s and elevators is partly accounted for by the Grease disposal strict LEED certification required for new At one time, lubrication grease was simply building. is informs everything from disposed of but now it must be recycled. building materials to construction methods. is, however, is not so easy at achieve. For Regarding li s, customers can specify the this reason, there is a concerted e ort to cut type of system they want and there is a the use of grease in applications such as definite trend in that they are increasingly li s, conveyor pulleys and cranes. Less demanding ones with higher standards of grease means less disposal, which ultimately e ciency. means less pollution. A third – and crucial – element of One solution is to use bearings that do not sustainability is to extend the working life need re-lubrication. In bearings with solid of a product and its components. Every oil the lubricating oil leaves the oil saturated time you scrap a component, you are not polymer material onto the bearing just throwing away the material it is made raceways. e part is then lubricated for life from – but all its embedded energy and – which has the added advantage of cutting carbon all the way back up the value chain. the need for maintenance operations. For this reason, lengthening lifecycle is of huge benefit. In the heavy conveyors application, another popular way to solve the problem is to use a 'three barriers' solution. e solution14


Within material handling, many li Similarly, a European elevator manufacturermanufacturers now insist that components used them with adapter sleeves when itlast the life of the product. is can be needed a quickly mountable bearing on itsachieved by specifying low-friction bearings first high-rise gearless traction machine.– such as SKF Explorer bearings. Handling baggage ere is no particular sector within materialSKF recently introduced a new range of handling that leads the way on embracingsmall, sealed SKF Explorer spherical roller sustainability. Rather, there are individualbearings that can prolong – or even companies that are taking the lead. A goodeliminate – service intervals. Fitted in a example of this is Vanderlande, which hasgearless traction motor in a heavy-duty designed a baggage handling system using aelevator, it lowers energy consumption by 'Cradle to Cradle' (C2C) approach. It is anaround 145kWh per year – equating to a excellent illustration of a companyCO2 emission saving of two tonnes over the developing a product with sustainability inmotor's lifecycle. ese cut friction by as mind.much as 20%, with a subsequent up to 20degrees Celsius reduction in working Its 'Blueveyor' system – which has beentemperature, extending bearing life to running at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airportmatch that of the li system itself. is since June 2014, consumes around half thehelps deliver the 'maintenance-free' regime energy of a conventional baggage system.that is important to li manufacturers. e C2C principles require the product to besealed SKF Explorer spherical roller fully recyclable at the end of its life,bearings form part of SKF's Beyond Zero meaning that SKF had to adapt its Y-portfolio of products, which are designed to bearing unit slightly to accommodate this.impart real sustainable benefits in their It meant removing all polymer from insideapplications. the seal, and lubricating the bearing with biodegradable grease.ere are many examples of how sealedbearings extend the service life of elevators: e bearings are used in belt conveyors onone Asian elevator manufacturer switched the handling line, with four used on eachits entire production to sealed SKF Explorer conveyor. Vanderlande specified the C2Cspherical roller bearings, as a low- guidelines to SKF, which was thenmaintenance solution that would last for at responsible for developing the bearingleast 20 years. solution based on this approach. e two companies have worked together extensively in the past, and SKF has a similarly progressive attitude to sustainability as Vanderlande. Engineers love a challenge and there is none greater than helping to protect the planet and create a more sustainable future for all. Ultimately it is the role of engineers in projects like those demonstrated earlier, that will be crucial in helping to arrest the e ects of climate change. Low friction bearings can extend the life of conveyors and help to boost sustainability16

DG-TT7-S with MOS Sensor Receives SIL 2 Approval e DG-TT7-S is solid-state metal oxide Aubagne, France - Tyco Gassemiconductor (MOS) gas detectors used & Flame Detection is pleasedmainly for the detection of hydrogen to announce that the DG-sulphide (H2S) in arid locations having air TT7-S H2S gaspresent or in locations with continuous detector with Metal OxideH2S background. e sensor specifies a Semiconductor (MOS)wider continuous operating temperature sensor underwent stringentrange than the standard electrochemical functional safety assessmentssensors up to +65 °C. by an external certification body and is now SIL 2 e device supports HART 7 protocol approved.option for full configuration anddiagnostics over non-proprietaryinterface. e MultiTox DG-TT7-S features on boardrelays, plug and play sensors and a highvisible display that changes colourdepending on the status mode. 17

Atlas Copco supports World Cancer Day Atlas Copco South Africa acknowledged is crucial so it is very important to get to World Cancer Day (4 February), by hosting know your body.” Mama-Ray also Reynolda Makhutle from Cancer Vive, a enlightened Atlas Copco sta about the three-times cancer survivor who shared her many di erent types of cancers. Each sta experiences with sta members at the member could select a cancer ribbon of company's Jet Park head o ce on Friday, various colours each representing a di erent 3rd February, 2017. cancer – pink for breast cancer, white for lung cancer, blue for colon cancer, orange Members from Cancer Vive live with cancer for leukemia, yellow for Neroblastoma and and celebrate life by selflessly sharing their a black ribbon represents a Melanoma. stories as cancer survivors to spread the positive message that a cancer diagnosis Sta members also learnt about the does not have to be a death sentence. “Our symptoms of these di erent cancer types team of survivors knows that early and Mama-Ray shared some tips on what to detection can save lives,” says Raynolda look for, to act quickly, the do's and don'ts, adding that so much of what they do is the importance of eating healthy and therefore focused around education and regular exercise. “To help prevent the awareness. “We also honour those who have disease you should 'service' your body like lost their battle against cancer and we raise you would a car!”Raynolda Makhutle (Cancer Vive) funds to help fight the disease through Mama-Ray who is a mother of two educates Atlas Copco sta about education.” daughters, a grandmother to seven Cancer and early detection thereof. grandchildren and a mother in her Raynolda, who is a ectionately known as community, shared her story of how she Mama-Ray, shared some excellent advice for survived cervical cancer which later spread people living with cancer. “Early detection to her ovaries and ultimately to her breasts. Atlas Copco sta join hands with Cancer Vive to show their support for World Cancer Day.18


Atlas Copco is a world- Each sta member received a di erent colour ribbon leading provider of representing 6 di erent types of cancer sustainable productivity “At the time, I saw cancer as a monster with us.” solutions. e Group serves because I didn't understand the symptoms customers with innovative or the disease. But now I see cancer as my Sta members from all Atlas Copco's ultimate stepping stone in helping others business areas signed a poster designed compressors, vacuum with this disease and to teach people how to especially for the initiative which is proudly solutions and air treatment detect early symptoms or even to prevent displayed as a reminder of a special and systems, construction and cancer and live long full lives.” Mama-Ray memorable day and Mama-Ray's message: mining equipment, power made a special request to Atlas Copco sta “Knowledge is power – embrace it; early tools and assembly systems. to stand by and support all those who su er detection can save your life.” from this disease. A number of cancer Atlas Copco develops survivors in the audience related to Mama-products and service focused Ray and briefly shared their stories. on productivity, energy It was the first time that Cancer Vive visited Atlas Copco sta members make their e ciency, safety and Atlas Copco and Kathryn Coetzer, Atlas mark to show their support & commitment Copco Corporate Communications and ergonomics. e company ACademy Manager, says it was a great was founded in 1873, is honour to welcome Mama-Ray. “ ank you Mama-Ray for making time to share yourbased in Stockholm, Sweden, long and successful crusade against cancer and has a global reach spanning more than 180 countries. In 2015, AtlasCopco had revenues of BSEK 102 (BEUR 11) and more than 43 000 employees. Learn more at Raynolda Makhutle's interactive presentation with Atlas Copco sta20


SKF rotates to its core strength – bearingsSKF has taken a strategic As a leading global technology provider engineering usually deals with moredecision to shi its globalbusiness focus back to the since 1907, SKF has over the years complex requirements such as upgrades andcompany's core strength – developed a holistic product and service customisations and may involve an bearings. o ering that is integral to bearing investigation of the bearing for example. In performance and reliability. “Since 2007, we consultation with the customer, the have been placing our energy into seals, application engineering team can develop a lubrication, power transmission, complete and optimal rotating technology mechatronics, condition monitoring and solution with bearings at the core. e SKF engineering service solutions to support our application engineering team's capabilities quality bearing range, and this we have extend to modifications of standard done with great success,” says SKF Services products such as the manufacture of special and Solutions Manager for Southern Africa, sealing arrangement, changes to bore-sizes Sarel Froneman. “But we may have been too on standard couplings, etc. Froneman adds successful, losing focus on what is that his team can also modify entrances for fundamental to our rotating technology condition monitoring or lubrication solutions namely our bearings.” services. According to Froneman, there are Bearing remanufacture is another key customers who have standardised on SKF's function of SKF's application engineering. products and systems that do not “Our basic remanufacturing service can necessarily use SKF bearings. He cites one restore unused bearings that have passed such example of a local coal mine that has their shelf life to 'as new' at approximately standardised on SKF's condition monitoring 15% of the cost of a replacement bearing. systems yet their crushers, conveyors, For bearings that have been in operation, electric motors, gearboxes, etc. may not we o er a full Level 4 remanufacturing necessarily be equipped with SKF bearings. service. Alongside substantial savings on “So while the mine is a key SKF customer, cost compared to a new replacement unit, they may never have placed an order with remanufacturing also o ers the advantages SKF for our core product!” of fast turnaround times and a reduced carbon footprint as less new steel is While SKF continues to hold its solid required.” reputation as a leading supplier of quality bearings, SKF CEO, Alrik Danielson SKF's asset management services embrace believes that SKF must once again become maintenance solutions based on asset the world's number one bearing company. criticality geared to minimise the risk of “Our mandate is therefore to raise the failure by optimising equipment reliability profile of SKF bearings across all our and subsequent equipment life for product and services o erings,” states maximised uptime. is move underlines Froneman. “Our bearing o ering should the new SKF Group vision – 'a world of remain our number one priority and reliable rotation' and demonstrates the common denominator of all our rotating company's understanding of what technology products and services.” customers ultimately want - improved productivity and lowest possible ownership “ is having been said, we must not lose costs through reliable equipment sight of the fundamental role of our performance and extended equipment life. application engineering and asset management service solutions.” SKF's In conclusion Froneman states that it is not application engineering is an integrated about selling as many bearings as possible. range of products designed to support the “Bottom line, by adding value through integrity of rotating machinery, the most o ering holistic rotating technology and critical components being bearings. service solutions, we build long-term SKF rotates to its core strength - customer partnerships.” bearings. Froneman explains that application22


Atlas Copco portable dewatering pumps are tough! High performance, class- e development of the PAS range is With a wide range of sizes, a discharge size leading fuel e ciency and centred on vital information gained ranging from 3inch to 8inch and complete portability underpin the PAS range of through Atlas Copco's close working performance levels from 105 m3/h to 630 centrifugal diesel-driven relationship with construction customers m3/h, the pumps provide e cient solutions open-frame dewatering pumps from Atlas Copco around the world for over 140 years. “ is for virtually any dewatering application Construction Technique's Portable Energy division. latest eighteen open-frame additions to our and flow level between these two points. e fully portable PAS open-frame pump portfolio supports our ever popular e range starts with the 6.4kW PAS3 wet- wet-prime pump_cost-e ective solution for applications where PAS dry prime canopy version with flow prime pump; with a maximum flow there is a consistent flow capabilities of up to 590 m3/h,” says David capacity of 120m3/h, a discharge size of e fully portable PAS open- Stanford, Portable Energy Business Line 3inch, a maximum head of 24.5m and frame dry-prime pump o ers rapid priming time & higher Manager. some 4.5 hours of fuel autonomy, the PAS3 capacities for intermittent flow is capable of handling solids of up to applications e fully portable PAS open-frame units 40mm. Solids of up to 76mm are no match are ideal for sites with no access to a power for the top of the range dry-prime PAS8 source and include both wet- and dry- which operates at a head of up to 30m, prime options. e dry-prime variants o ers a discharge size of 8inch and boasts a o er rapid priming time and higher maximum flow of 630m3/h. capacities and are suited to applications where there are solids in the liquid. Additional features and related benefits of Stanford explains that the setting of the the PAS range include a high e ciency mechanical sha seals in an oil bath gives hydraulic end for reduced fuel the pumps their dry running capability consumption and a high capacity without the risk of damage to the sha diaphragm pump for automatic priming. seals. “ ese pumps are therefore ideal for e open-frame design o ers easy access to intermittent flow applications or when all components for fast, straightforward there is a danger of running dry during servicing and maintenance. long periods of continuous operation. e wet-prime pumps o er a cost-e ective “Our pump portfolio is a perfect fit to our solution for applications where there is a forward-thinking philosophy and value consistent flow. proposition,” notes Stanford. “ rough constant development we aim for e PAS open-frame system comprises a manufacturing excellence in order to centrifugal pump, a semi-open impeller for provide more compact, lightweight easy handling of solids of various sizes products to facilitate fast easy portability without the risk of clogging and a large and ever more reliable and e cient separator which enables the air to be products that are good for the environment separated from the liquid and sucked by and contribute to sustainable productivity the vacuum pump, making automatic for customers. Finally, we support our priming possible. Even with suction heights customers with quality service as well as of several metres, the rapid evacuation of expert a er-sales service from our team of air from the suction pipe ensures fast qualified and skilled technicians to activation of pumping. optimise product functioning for maximised uptime and productivity and e modular design of the PAS range lowest operational and ownership costs.” allows many di erent configurations that meet multiple applications, from ground A range of portable, powerful and e cient water dewatering on construction and electrical submersible WEDA pumps which mining sites, drainage of reservoirs, canals manages flows from 225 to 16.500 litres per or ponds, solids removal and sewage minute with a maximum head of 85m bypass to naval platform ballasting and completes Atlas Copco Portable Energy's emergency situations such as flooding. comprehensive dewatering pump solutions.24

New lab instruments generate faster sample results e Kruss K11 tensiometer, an ADU 5 vapours of a sample to ignite. is Leading conditiondistillation unit, a SVM3001 stabinger instrument is suitable for flammability monitoring specialistsviscometer as well as the PMA 5 Pensky- applications on fuels like diesel, heating oil, WearCheck recently investedMartens closed-cup flash point tester are kerosene as well as both biodiesel and in excess of R1.7 million inamong the new pieces gracing the biodiesel blended fuels. new high-tech equipment incountertops in WearCheck's laboratory. both the transformer and e ADU 5, SVM3001 and PMA 5 are fuel sections of their Joburg- ese highly accurate, sophisticated upgrades to existing equipment operated by based Speciality laboratory.instruments - which have boosted the lab WearCheck. e acquisition of theseproductivity by o ering new tests and instruments has boosted our servicesaving time on existing ones - have also delivery by yielding highly accurate resultsreduced the turnaround time to generate and reducing our turnaround time which iscustomers' sample results. of benefit to our customers.e ADU 5, a fully-automated distillation Using the Kruss K11 tensiometer, theunit which is operated by a touch screen analysis of the decomposition productinterface, performs distillation tests content of transformer oil is done inaccording to ASTM D86. is is recognised accordance with ASTM D971. is fully-as one of the most reliable methods to automated instrument conducts precisedetermine the boiling range characteristics measurement of surface tension andof petroleum products, and is a critical interfacial tension (IFT). e IFT is Condition monitoring specialists WearCheck recently invested in ameasurement of the overall performance determined by measuring the force range of sophisticated new laboratory equipment to boostand safety of fuels. necessary to detach the platinum ring from productivity. Here, laboratory technician Msutu Nyokana the surface of the liquid of higher surface operates the new Kruss K11 tensiometer.A given volume of sample is placed in a tension under rigid conditions based on thedistillation flask and distilled according to fundamental Du Nuöy principle ofstrict guidelines as specified in the standard. establishing surface tension.e sample is heated and vapourised. isvapour is then cooled in the condenser line is data is key in the maintenance ofand the condensate is collected in a transformers and in making informedgraduated cylinder. e temperature of the decisions on whether to extend the life ofrecovered volume of condensate is recorded the oil – a useful way to save customersprecisely during the test. money. e SVM3001 is a Stabinger viscometer For more information, please contact WearCheck continues to lead thewhich is capable of multiple parameter WearCheck on [email protected] or way in the condition monitoringmeasurements in a single analysis, call (031) 700-5460 or visit arena and boost productivity, thiseliminating the need for many separate time by investing in the latesttests. international laboratory technology in the form of several e instrument can simultaneously new instruments. Here, the newmeasure kinematic viscosity according to ADU5 distillation unit is operatedASTM D7042, dynamic viscosity, as well as by senior lab technician Lizzythe density according to ASTM D4052 in Chabangu of WearCheck.lubricating oils, base oils, additives and fueloils. e sample is simply injected using asyringe and measurement is started via atouch screen panel. e automatic PMA 5 Pensky-Martens Senior laboratory technician at WearCheck, Lizzy Chabangu,closed-cup tester measures the flash point at operates the condition monitoring company's brand newthe lowest temperature at which the PMA5 Pensky Martens closed cup flashpoint tester inapplication of an ignition source causes the Johannesburg recently. 25

Mini grid solutions for Africa in the spotlight at EnergyRevolution Africa 2017An estimated 600 million people Cuming, Head of Policy for Europe, the in Africa live without access to electricity, the majority of which Middle East and Africa at Bloomberg New are in remote communities; requiring major capital Energy Finance in the UK will be one of the expenditure and time to get speakers discussing the future direction forconnected to the grid. e role of the private sector is more and Energy Revolution Africa 2017 will bring embedded power generation and how it can more important in reaching the insights from private and public sector reduce a country's dependency on a single goal of giving people access tobasic energy services. is is why experts involved in mini grid projects across source of energy. Energy Revolution Africa 2017has identified mini grids and new Africa as part of the three-day strategictechnologies as integral topics in programme focused on renewable energy Alastaire Dick, Operations Lead for Carbon their programme for the co-located event at and community scale projects. War Room's Sunshine for Mines in South African Utility Week at the Africa will present a case study on CTICC from 16 to 18 May. Andrew Tonto Barfour, project coordinator embedded power generation for the mining African Utility Week for Ghana's Ministry of Power, Benon Bena, sector. head of o -grid renewable energy at the Rural Electrification Agency of Uganda and New renewable energy markets in Africa Faruk Yusuf Yabo, Deputy Director of the are already showing greater appeal to Nigerian Federal Ministry of Power, Works international and local investors and as and Housing are among the speakers who such, Frank Rizzo (Partner and Technology will discuss mini and micro grid projects sector leader for Africa at KPMG) and Evan that are currently underway and that are Rice (Business Development Manager, anticipated for the future. is will include Energy Products at Tesla, South Africa) will discussions about the development of mini discuss exciting technology developments grids through public and private for the African power industry and partnerships, including communities, and renewable solutions to profitably reduce how government policy is accelerating this reliance on diesel. e technology session development. will conclude with discussions about storage solutions to help utilities and grid operators On Wednesday, 17 May, the focus will be manage the integration of renewables and on how businesses, governments, meet their specific demand requirements. communities and households can benefit “We are very excited about the global and from an investment in energy e ciency. A African energy experts, ranging from case study of South Africa's National solution providers and renewable energy Business Initiative around tax incentives for producers, to financiers and policy makers energy e ciency will be presented by: who will be meeting at this event,” said Karel Steyn, Senior Consultant on Energy Evan Schi , event director of African Utility Performance Verification at Eskom Week and Energy Revolution Africa. Barry Bredenkamp, General Manager, “It will no doubt be of immense value to Energy E ciency and Corporate new energy purchasers and large power Communications at the South African users, from commercial property developers National Energy Development Institute and the agricultural sector to mines and (SANEDI). metros as well as anyone interested in the exciting opportunities in the renewable Other speakers and topics on the technology sector.” Schi said. programme for 17 May include: Visit http://www.african-utility- Werner van Antwerpen of Growthpoint for more information about Properties and Justin Smith of Woolworths Energy Revolution Africa or email Holdings will present examples from [email protected] to sign up for the shopping centres, mines, farms and green newsletter with industry updates. Register buildings of how energy e ciency and via: sustainability practices are tailored for egistrations/Step1/32447 various types of companies Victoria26


It's Shavathon time at thyssenkrupp! e Industrial Solutions thyssenkrupp sta donate to Shavathon and raises a total of R6350 for Cancer business area of Friday 3rd March 2017 was a hive of responsible company very seriously and thyssenkrupp is a leadingpartner for the engineering, activity at thyssenkrupp head o ce in supports a number of sustainable initiatives construction and service of Sunninghill, Johannesburg, as sta like the Shavathon which has become a industrial plants andsystems. Based on more than members enthusiastically participated in the regular happening on the company's 200 years of experience we annual Shavathon to raise funds for the corporate social investment calendar. supply tailored, turnkey Cancer Association of South Africa. plants and components for customers in the chemical, “It is an extremely popular event with sta fertilizer, cement, mining Hair literally went flying and the courtyard because it is such a fun and colourful and steel industries. As a system partner to the was awash with rainbows of colour as sta initiative that everyone can get involved in,” automotive, aerospace and members embraced the initiative, making says Kgothatso Ntsie, thyssenkrupp naval sectors we develop donations to have the privilege of getting Marketing and Communications Manager. highly specialized solutions to meet the individual their heads shaved or their hair garnished “As always, this year's Shavathon was requirements of our in spray paint for this most worthy cause. extremely well supported and we are proud customers. Around 19,000 employees at over 70 to announce that we raised a total of R6350 locations form a global thyssenkrupp takes its role as a socially for Cancer!” network with a technology portfolio that guarantees maximum productivity and cost-e ciency.Friday 3 March 2017 was a hive of Shavathon is a popular even for sta and has become a regular activity at thyssenkrupp as sta happening on the thyssenkrupp corporate social investment calendarmembers participate in the annual Shavathon to raise funds for the Cancer Assoc of SA28


Pre-certified medical air system solutionsfrom Atlas Copco Compressor Technique Super-e cient, high “Our full range of state-of-the-art solutions Medial air must be ultra-pure and is performing, ultra-reliable which range from complete air plants, considered as a drug and therefore is highly and safe equipment isfundamental for the medical breathing and surgical air units and vacuum regulated in terms of purity. Atlas Copco's sector to remain compliantwith exceptionally stringent pumps to advanced control systems and medical air systems which include the GA and ever-tightening terminal units are designed and engineered MED compressors, dryers and receivers as regulations. Atlas Copco's to meet a variety of clinical applications well as the mVAC vacuum products are ISO comprehensive range of medical air solutions is within hospitals, clinics, dental practices, 7396-1 certified which ensures that the backed by more than 130 years of experience and veterinary laboratories, etc.,” states Charl medical equipment meets the minimum know-how to o er optimalfunctionality and across-the- Ackerman, Business Line Manager of Atlas requirements in safety and operating board compliancy. Copco Compressor Technique's industrial criteria. Ackerman a rms that Atlas air division. Copco's medical air systems are pre- certified. “ is greatly simplifies the Atlas Copco's medical production facilities customer's certification process because in Belgium, the UK and the USA positions when the pharmacist signs o the the company not only meet but surpass the equipment a er installation, the equipment requirements of the most demanding as does not need to be recertified.” well as di ering standards and regulations such as the Medical Devices Directive e GA MED oil-injected screw MDD 93/42/EEC, European compressor range, also available in VSD pharmacopoeia, EN ISO 7396-1, ISO 14971, (Variable Speed Drive), is designed, Health Technical Memorandums HTM 02- manufactured and tested in accordance with 01 and HTM 2022. Ackerman explains that ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 1217. With he HTM standard for example requires the proven reliability of the latest high- medical air and vacuum plants to have e ciency compression element, this screw built-in redundancy as well as monitoring compressor delivers outstanding and alarm functions. Atlas Copco's ISO performance, flexible operation and the 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485:2003 highest productivity and subsequent quality management systems for the design, minimal cost of ownership. e PDp filters manufacture, installation and testing of can be considered as bacterial filters medical air and medical vacuum devices following tests and certification by an ensure the production of ultra-clean, external laboratory. certified pure medical, breathing and surgical air as well as vacuum. Energy typically represents over 80% of a compressor's life cycle cost. As a world leader in delivering sustainable productivity solutions, Atlas Copco GA MED compressor range_also available in VSD_ drives down energy costs for medical facilities30


Industrial Air is a division Pre certified ISO 7396_1 within Atlas Copco's Atlas Copco GA MED screw compressor range Compressor Technique Atlas Copco always strives to provide the at the point of connection as low as or lower business area. It develops, manufactures and markets most energy-e cient solutions. “Our GA 5-15 than -600 mbar(e) / -450 mm Hg at all times. oil-injected and oil-free aircompressors, on-site nitrogen VSD MED range will drive energy costs down and oxygen generators, air considerably in medical facilities where air Every mVAC system is subjected to treatment solutions and compressor controls and demand fluctuates. By monitoring the outlet comprehensive Quality Assurance controls to monitoring under several pressure, the air flow is adjusted to the eliminate the risk of service interruptions brands. In addition to serving a wide variety of demand; the high turndown ratio and the new even in extreme circumstances. e mVAC industries, dedicated fan saver cycle can realise energy savings of system o ers (multiple) backup supply in case solutions are also available for marine, railway and oil up to 35%. of failure of individual functional and gas customers. e components. e carbon composite material division's focus and main drive is to further improve Using Atlas Copco's on-site industrial gas of Atlas Copco's mVAC pumps will not break its customers' productivity. e divisional headquarters generators and requiring only a supply of dry down or wear out like laminated blades. If the and main production center compressed air, customers can produce their central controller should fail, every pump has are located in Antwerp, Belgium. own nitrogen and oxygen at a fraction of the its own controller. Every system is delivered Atlas Copco mVAC systems price of using gas bottles which also require with all interconnection piping and copper provide highly reliable medical vacuum storage space. “Our range of nitrogen and connections and the 'plug and play' approach oxygen generators which includes the OGP ensures fast, simple installation. e mVAC is oxygen generator series with PSA (Pressure installed, piped and wired as modular stacked Swing Adsorption) technology provide components or as a tank-mounted unit. flexible, reliable and cost-e cient solutions to meet customers' production needs,” states “Our medical air systems can be further Ackerman. Atlas Copco supplies, installs and maximised through e ective and easy control services gas generators, along with and monitoring,” continues Ackerman. Atlas compressed air equipment. Copco's next generation Elektronikon® graphic controller regulates system pressure to Atlas Copco's mVAC systems provide a highly push energy e ciency to new levels. For the reliable medical vacuum (suction) mainly in mVAC we have opted for a multi-pump operating theatres, intensive care, emergency arrangement to better match the flow and respirology units for a variety of demand. In this arrangement, the advanced applications such as wound drainage, assisted Elektronikon® Graphic controller maximizes wound closure, chest and lung drainage, energy e ciency by controlling the individual removal of excess blood during surgery, vacuum pumps and regulating the overall collection of other bodily fluids, gastric vacuum, ensuring even wear at all times. emptying, cleaning endotracheal tubes and liposuction (lipoplasty). e AIRConnect™ Visualization and Notification Package connects to extensive Consisting of between two and up to six air- monitoring and status information and cooled rotary vane type vacuum pumps and a provides immediate access to valuable central controller with an intelligent graphical information such as system status, alarms, user interface, an mVAC system is capable of trends and historical data enabling end-users reliably meeting even a large hospital's to get the most out of the GA MED and vacuum requirements. e pumps can work mVAC systems. independently to satisfy the required vacuum flow. Atlas Copco's mVAC systems are suitable for both continuous and frequent start/stop operation, keeping the vacuum level32


Four ways to optimise pump performance Pumps are the foot soldiers Ignoring the pumps is a big risk, because liquids, exclude contaminants, separate fluids of the process industry, but their quiet dedication means when these components break down – or run and confine pressure. e choice of seal for they are o en ignored. below optimum e ciency – the whole process centrifugal pump bearings depends on the e right bearing, proper su ers. Manufacturing and process unique demands and operating conditions oflubrication, a good sealing system companies are under huge cost pressures at the application. Keep in mind, though, that and monitoring pump healthperformance will help to optimise the moment, making it vital to maximise the bearing and sealing arrangement pump performance assets and maintain uptime. ere are ways to represent an integrated system. Dynamic34 optimise their performance in four di erent radial seals generally are the best choice for ways. centrifugal pumps. ese seals create the barrier between surfaces in relative motion. e right bearing Seal selection ultimately must be based on a Bearings in centrifugal pumps support thorough review of application parameters hydraulic loads imposed on the impeller, the and environmental factors. mass of the impeller and sha , as well as loads due to couplings and drive systems. Particularly in pump applications, for ey also keep the sha axial and radial example, seals will be exposed to relatively deflections within acceptable limits for the constant pressure di erentials — making impeller and sha seal. e bearings o en pressure seals (in which the seal cavity is will face high axial loads, marginal pressurised) the preferred choice. Seals lubrication, and high operating temperatures usually provide a much shorter life than the and vibration, all while the bearings attempt components they protect so don't fall into the to minimise friction — which, if common habit of scheduling seal replacement uncontrolled, can result in power loss, only at intervals dictated by requirements of excessive heat generation, increased noise or other components such as bearings. wear, and early bearing failure. So, first and foremost, evaluate bearings (types, designs Monitoring pump health and arrangements) in the context of their Regular measurement and analysis of key anticipated operating environment. Suitable physical parameters such as vibration and bearings are available to satisfy even the most temperature can detect pump system di cult conditions faced by centrifugal problems before they occur. Basic pumps. instruments can assess and report on vibration, temperature and other parameters. Proper lubrication More advanced tools include online Improper lubrication accounts for more than surveillance systems and so ware that can 30% of bearing failures. Good lubricants deliver real-time data. Many problems will prevent metal-to-metal contact and undesired manifest as vibration, which is widely friction. e common methods for the considered the best operating parameter to e ective lubrication of pump bearings judge pump-train condition. Vibration can include: grease, oil bath, oil ring, and oil mist detect problems such as imbalance, and air-oil. misalignment, bearing oil-film instabilities, rolling bearing degradation, mechanical Oil mist generates the least amount of friction looseness, structural resonance and a so (allowing rotational speed to be based on the foundation. Vibration measurements are bearing design instead of lubrication quick and fairly non-intrusive because pump limitations) and creates a positive pressure equipment remain undisturbed. within the bearing housing (fending o invasive contaminants). Regardless of Operators can play a pivotal part in proactive lubrication method, always specify lubricant maintenance strategies — by serving as the according to the demands on vertical sha s “eyes and ears” to detect equipment faults and resistance to solids, pressure, before problems escalate and performing temperatures, loads and chemical attack. basic maintenance activities. Sealing the system Bearing seals in centrifugal pumps handle four crucial tasks. ey retain lubricants or


Using Degraded Land to Drive Renewable EnergyDevelopment and Job Creation Promethium Carbon is a Degraded land can be used to create Funding for the project will depend on adedicated carbon and climate renewable energy solutions for mix of equity, debt and concessionary communities, according to a feasibility funding. Debt funding will be secured from change advisory firm. e study by Promethium Carbon for a local institutions such as the Industrial company enjoys the position community based renewable energy Development Corporation, the of being a trusted advisor to project. e feasibility study, funded by the Development Bank of SA and commercial Prosperity Fund under the British High banks. e loan will be paid back with major international Commission, was presented in revenue from the sales of electricity andcorporations operating out of Johannesburg on 17 March. biochar. South Africa. ey are Promethium Carbon presented its answer “ is project will open the power knowledge leaders in the to the challenge to use degraded land to generation market in South Africa to small carbon industry, and advise create renewable energy solutions for businesses, enabling them to develop small- government and private communities, with the Merafong Case scale renewable energy projects forsector on climate change and Study for Renewable Energy and commercial use. It will lead to the creation Community Upli ment as well as with the of 'green' jobs, increased power generation energy-related matters. release of an updated and extended from renewable sources and land Services include carbon Renewable Energy Toolkit. e project restoration,” says Robbie Louw, director of project development, foot aimed to diversify the economic activities Promethium Carbon. printing and disclosure and in the area and reduce dependency on climate change strategy mining, therefore building community e British High Commission expressed its resilience. e added benefit is energy delight for the opportunity to be a partner development. More produced with low carbon emissions, in this project. “It demonstrates how a bio- information is available at contributing to South Africa's national energy project can positively impact the greenhouse gas mitigation e orts, as well as lives of local communities and help to build restoring the grasslands to their original local commercial opportunities,” Tom pre-mining state. Moody, Head of Regional Prosperity at the British High Commission, says. Sites for the biomass production and bio- energy plant were identified for the e Merafong Local Municipality, in Merafong Bioenergy Project through conjunction with the West Rand District interaction with mining companies Municipality, is developing a bio-energy operating in the Carletonville area of the industrial park where projects such as this Merafong local municipality. Harambe have the required regulatory support for Sustainable Ventures (Pty) Ltd, a BBBEE development. mine rehabilitation and bioenergy/waste- to-energy power generation company, will Nikisi Lesufi of the Chamber of Mines said be developing this bio-energy project. By- the project demonstrated cost-e ective products include the production of biochar, benefits to mine rehabilitation, with for remediating soil by increasing the positive community impacts a er life of carbon content and potentially supplying mine. “ e use of abandoned and/or waste heat, for use by new industries degraded land has long been an issue of attracted to the area surrounding the concern and this project showcases the biomass power plant. possibilities of converting, rehabilitating and producing positive advantages to A locally developed pyrolysis plant will communities through, what in essence is provide heat energy to an Organic Rankine commercial farming, with the production Cycle generator set, producing 2 MW of electricity.” output which will be wheeled to the o - taker.36


Rand-Air docks at Saldanha BayAn extensive fleet of over 700 Leading compressor and generator hire the importance of retaining and expandingAtlas Copco compressors and company, Rand-Air, is determined to existing business across the country. generators, Rand-Air has a strong presence in South provide uncompromised service to their Africa with a spread of 10 branches and agencies. customers, as well as reliable and well- “Stimulating the local economy is ofRand-Air are market leaders maintained equipment. As part of this immense strategic importance to Rand-Air. in portable compressed air commitment, the company recently opened We understand that expansion is the mostand power generation rental. O ering a range of latest- a branch in Saldanha Bay, in an e ort to e ective, most economical and mosttechnology electric and diesel expand their reach across the country. sustainable way of creating jobs which isgenerators, complemented by an environmentally-friendly Rand-Air has been servicing a number of paramount to a healthy economy,” Erasmus range of oil-free industries for the past 44 years and have continues. compressors. Rand-Air's team are highly qualified built a strong presence across South Africa. with extensive knowledgeand are well-known for their As the economy continues to develop, itexceptional customer service. e need to support the the steel industry has become more important than ever for and the related contractors around the large operations to extensively focus on sector such as marine contractors, their primary core-business. Outsourcing is sandblasters etc. was imminent. Rand-Air a popular mechanic to enable this as it recognised this as an opportunity to better facilitates operational e ciencies. Not only service this market. “We service a niche does outsourcing alleviate the pressure of market and we want to make our maintaining equipment but it is also the equipment more readily available where most cost e ective option as there is no there is a need,” explains Louwrens capital outlay required. Erasmus, General Manager at Rand-Air. Already making a positive impact, Rand- Rand-Air remains fully committed to Air is proudly involved in the Saldanha Bay delivering latest-technology equipment that Industrial Development Zone (SBIDZ). A meets customer demands. is is coupled project that aims to create a world-class, with a highly qualified team that are driven internationally recognised and respected to provide exceptional customer service South African marine engineering hub. around the clock. South Africa accounts for 40% of the entire African continent industrial output, and 25% of its GDP. is is why Rand-Air sees Saldanha Bay Industrial Property38


CDE Global to Exhibit new EvoWash and Infinity screen atCQMS 2017CQMS, Ireland's construction and One of CDE Global's first and earliest evolves, so does demand for increasingly quarry machinery show, will be customers, Roadstone has been using CDE consistent sand gradings. Given the increased washing equipment on most of its sites across requirement for sand and coarse aggregateseven bigger and bolder in 2017 for Ireland since 2002. e original multi-sand for our downstream products, the time has Northern Ireland-based wet plant sold for the Classis site is now being come to grow our production capability. upgraded a er 15 years of loyal services to processing equipment company Roadstone, having produced more than 3 “As a result, we needed to upgrade in order toCDE Global. e world's leader in million tonnes of sand for the construction ensure that we achieve maximum TPH everymaterials washing products, CDE industry. Due to increased demand for hour and that our plant is capable of adapting product and the improved production o ered to challenges such as variable deposit moisture will be exhibiting its staple by wet screening at the primary stage, content brought by weather and natural EvoWash plant and a high tech Roadstone decided to upgrade their existing variations within the deposit.screen from its new Infinity range plant with an EvoWash 151 sand washing on 21-22 April 2017 at Molloy's plant and an Infinity screen able to adapt to “We have nurtured a solid relationship of trust Quarry in Tullamore. Purchased variations in feed contents. with CDE over the years and had no by long-term client Roadstone, a hesitation in turning to them for an upgradesubsidiary of Irish CRH Group, a 450 tonnes per hour of raw sand and gravel of our existing CDE equipment. CDE leading international producer of material will be fed into the plant to produce equipment is used across most of Roadstone's building materials, the EvoWash 105 tonnes per hour of 0-4mm, 155 tonnes Sand & Gravel sites in Ireland and we have and Infinity screen will go about per hour of 4-20mm, 90 tonnes per hour of had the opportunity to witness the reliability 20-50mm and 100 tonnes per hour of +50mm. and hard-wearing of the CDE o er.” their washing duties on their Classis site in Co. Cork a er an e washed materials will be used in the High tech for high quality production estimated 8,000 visitors have had production of ready-mixed concrete, concrete the opportunity to discover - or blocks and blacktop. With a new and Kevin Vallelly, Head of Product Development improved washing system, issues of downtime at CDE commented on Roadstone's new re-discover - them at CQMS. will be minimised. Infinity screen with VibroCentric electric drive system: “A key success of the Infinitely ingenious VibroCentric drive system is the harnessing of High tech screening technology has become a the power used and ensuring the maximum must for washing plant operators who want transfer of energy to the material being optimal production results from a reliable screened. range of equipment. CDE invests extensively in its research and development department “ is system is employed on the Infinity P- to remain ahead of the innovation curve, and Line range of inclined sizing screens. A with all products being manufactured and unique sha design allows for a significant tested at its assembly facilities in Cookstown, reduction in the weight of the drive system Northern Ireland, reliability is guaranteed. A and the screen assembly which results in a case in point, the Infinity screening range was significant reduction in overall power launched in 2016 and has since become one of consumption. the firm's most popular products. e Infinity screens have bolted construction, “As a result, dewatering performance is which eliminates the need for welds. e U- maximised to allow the final washed product Span cross-members, in combination with the to be ready for market straight from the belts.” construction of the side walls, deliver higher specific sti ness that prolongs the working life Cathal Lavin concludes: “We are very much of the screen. looking forward to the upgrade of our CDE multi-sand plant. e new CDE EvoWash and Cathal Lavin, Location Manager at Roadstone the Infinity screen will overcome the Classis, opted for the CDE inclined sizing challenges presented by increased demand Infinity screen with VibroCentric electric and allow us to produce the required grades drive system. He explained: “Our existing of clean sand and aggregates to answer our multi-sand plant and dry screen have customers need for high quality building performed extremely well over their 15-year materials.” lifetime, but as construction technology40

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