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Home Explore L38201701


Published by Hibu Review, 2022-11-16 17:50:05

Description: L38201701


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["IN LATITUDES SEA LOONE play with the sea lions, penguins and other sea life. Since Culpepper is so far Spread; After nearly 40 continuous years of cruising, the home-built 33-ft ferro sloop 'Sea Loone' north of the main islands of the Galapa- closes in on rarely visited Culpepper Island in the northern Galapagos. It was gray and cold \u2014 and gos, I didn't expect anybody else to be 3,000 miles from the green vegetation, warm waters and sandy beaches of the Marquesas. there. topilot, we \u2014 my old boat and I \u2014 made a pullover. I was disappointed on all counts. our way offshore. Unless we clipped the As we approached the equator, I real- Culpepper has steep cliffs all around. Galapagos 500 miles to the southwest, ized we could easily make a slight detour And there were two tourist dive boats we wouldn't see land until we got to the and have a look at Culpepper Island, the anchored in the one place that offered Marquesas 3,500 miles later. northernmost of the Galapagos Islands. some protection. Since they were willing I knew the \ufb01rst 500 miles were going But it was heavy going, and when one to dive in such freezing water, there must to be frustrating. Heading southwest massive sea pounded the boat a large have been something worth seeing below against the current and the wind, it was section of the toe rail got pulled away and the surface. But I didn't see any sea li- slow going \u2014 except when we were hit by the capping was torn off. I spent a wet ons, iguanas or penguins on the surface. nasty thunder squalls. The lightning only and miserable hour pulling the timber All I saw were a load of screaming booby got really close once, with a simultane- back into place with four birds and the odd frigate. The one redeeming feature of Culpep- per is an amazing rock arch, as big as the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, just to the south of the island. It was surrounded by a rock reef that made it impossible to get close enough for a decent photo. The seas crashing on it were humongous. I sailed in, hove to close to the cliffs, made a cup of coffee, and had another look at my poor toe rail. I then decided to carry on. I still had 2,940 miles to go, but at last I could free the sheets and the Sea Loone would speed up. Before leaving Gol\ufb01to I had found a wall to dry the boat out during a spring tide. I bought a gallon of local anti- fouling paint, and also using a half gal- lon I already had, painted the bottom. It looked a bit strange with half of the bottom blue and half of it red, but only the \ufb01sh would see it. As we left Culpepper, the bottom was still clean, although thanks to our being heeled over for two weeks, a few barnacles had started to attach them- selves well above the waterline. Anyway, we shot out from behind the island, and trimmed the sails for reaching just south of east. Over the next 48 hours we did an amazing 350 miles. Sea Loone had never gone so fast before! In the \ufb01rst four days off the wind we covered more ground than we had in the previous two weeks. A huge rock with a big arch not far from Culpep- per Island proper. Culpepper is not a good place to rest during a trip to the Marquesas. ous \ufb02ash and terrifying boom. large C-clamps. SEA LOONE The temperature and humidity Late on the evening of dropped after the \ufb01rst week, but we still the 24th, I hove to within had to tack. The seas got bigger in the 12 miles of Culpepper, cold Humboldt Current, and even with which was just visible as all the hatches dogged down we still got a dark lump in the murk. the odd dollop of seawater below. The Seventy miles north of the foredeck was often buried, and water equator, we had scudding poured down the hawsepipe even though clouds and drizzle. it was jammed with rags. As it got even I was hoping to get a colder, I dug out an old pair of jeans and short break anchored in the lee of the island, which would give me a chance to","CHANGES On the 29th of August we crossed the mango remained in the fridge, along with just out of reach. equator. It was still cold and the sea was a few tomatoes, limes and cheese. My Space for family and visitors. There is a darker blue than normal. At night we bottled pork, chicken and ground beef left a trail of phosphorescence, and the were good \u2014 except for two bottles that plenty of space for everyone on our cat. odd squid landed on deck during the had hairline cracks and had lost their But that also means that everyone and night and squirted ink everywhere. vacuum. their mother wants to visit. It can be a lot of work. The wind remained east or south of With 500 miles to go I still hadn't east, but then slowly turned more behind caught a \ufb01sh. A few days before a heli- Sailing \ufb02at. We don't heel over when us, so I dropped the genoa and with copter had visited me, so I knew there sailing on our cat, and she's very stable some dif\ufb01culty managed to raise one of were big tuna boats around. Another when on the hook or motoring. We can the nylon downwind sails I had made. night I saw lights on the horizon, which set a glass down everywhere except the The idea had been to raise the other in meant there was another \ufb01shing boat. salon table and it won't get knocked the spare groove in the roller furling, but They were obviously pretty ef\ufb01cient, as over. But since the boat is so stable, it's with the wind quite strong it wasn't going I still hadn't caught anything. I \ufb01nally harder to tell how much stress there is to work. So I put the inner forestay back landed a 10-lb wahoo, which lasted me on the rig when sailing. As a result, we in place and raised the second sail on for days. But I didn't catch another \ufb01sh. sail very conservatively \u2014 which I should that. Then I had twin headsails and no probably count as a 'pro'. main. We were going well, but the wind During the passage I read a load of moved back south and I had to drop the books and did my crossword and jigsaw Ocean motion: In certain conditions starboard sail. That's sailing. puzzles. Running west with a big south- waves slam under the bridgedeck \u2014 east swell meant we rolled, sometimes 'bombs' \u2014 and against the leeward hull. In the end, the wind was too strong quite dramatically. So I lived my life well- It's so different from the graceful swaying for the clew on the port sail. It tore all the cushioned on all sides, but still found and slicing motion of our monohull. way up the luff as I tried to get it down. it hard to even make a cup of coffee. No matter, as I unrolled the other sail. Making dinner of meat and two veggies Galley with a view: With a salon-level But a few days later that also showed required a major balancing act. galley, I can cook while entertaining and signs of the clew tearing out, so I dropped the ventilation is fantastic. Whenever I it and put the genoa back up. All of this I was off the Marquesas on the 19th, cooked on our monohull, I felt as if I was sounds very simple, but messing around and the next morning we were off the on the foredeck in breaking seas is not southeast corner of Nuku Hiva. I sailed fun. The nylon sails are slippery and \ufb02y in close to the coast and rounded into all over the place, and the genoa is stiff Taiohae Bay. I started the engine, but and heavy. If the \ufb02apping clew hit you the saltwater pump gave out, so it took in the face, it would take your head off. another frustrating hour to beat into the bay and anchor. We continued to lose speed as the barnacles on the bottom of the boat So I had a 40-odd-day passage with got bigger. The barnacles along the wa- no major problems, and I was happy to terline were almost mature, and there be back in the Marquesas. were some monsters on the self-steering paddle, so I was sure that the underside \u2014 roy 11\/15\/2016 of the boat was well-covered. But we were still doing 100 miles a day, which was Quixotic \u2014 Voyager 43 Cat good enough for me. Alyssa Alexopulous Cruising on the Dark Side I put all the spuds and onions out on (Redwood City) deck again, and only a few onions had Having done the Ha-Ha and the gone bad. The potatoes had dried up and Puddle Jump, and cruised in the South were quite spongy. They were unlikely Paci\ufb01c with our Tartan 37 monohull to rot, but weren't easy to peel. One big Eleutheria, Lewis and I salvaged and What does Starkey do to pass the time on long restored the Voyager 430 catamaran passages? Puzzles are a favorite, as is making Quixotic that is now our cruising home. \ufb01sh hooks from whale bones. Fellow sailors ask us what it's like to SEA LOONE go over to 'the dark side'. As a woman, these are my views of the pros and cons. Space and motion. We have room to move around and stretch our legs while underway on our cat. On the other hand, we \ufb01nd the cat's motion to be more jerky and less pre- dictable. Because there is so much more space on a cat, it's more dif\ufb01cult to brace yourself, as the next grab spot sometimes feels","IN LATITUDES ALL PHOTOS COURTESY QUIXOTIC you should probably be outside manag- ing the sails anyway. In reality, at night Spread, then clockwise; One photo explains 'why' Alyssa feels the way she does about her cat. we reef the sails way ahead of the squall The next photo shows 'how' she feels about it. A big freezer means Lewis now gets bacon with his or low, so I'm at the nav table with my meals. The aft-facing nav station takes getting used to. Double the oil changes. 'Quixotic' at rest. eyes glued to the radar, AIS, and nav equipment, as the only way to 'see' in in a sauna, and it made the living quar- pad than a \ufb02oating home. the rain and dark is with instruments. ters unbearable. If I was going to bake The aft-facing navigation station. The a quiche or a loaf of bread or boil pasta, Storage space. I now have plenty of I had to kick Lewis off the boat because good part of an aft-facing nav station is space for all of the provisions we need of the heat. If we were underway, Lewis that the wiring is centrally located and for long passages. In fact, we now have would rather hang out in the salt spray the back of the instruments and auto- designated cabinets for spares, and there and rain than be below. pilot chain are is still space for more stuff. We no longer easily accessi- have to unload an entire v-berth just to Sorry, but I can't \ufb01nd any reasons not ble. Having had get the one piece of spare hose or special to like the 'galley up'. Some may argue to rewire much oil-\ufb01lter wrench. that galley down is better for passages of the cat after because you have a narrower area in the port hull The negative of having massive stor- which to brace yourself. I can see their was underwa- age space is that it's tempting to \ufb01ll it up. point, but I've had no issue with our Y- ter, I've gained Our trick is to keep reminding ourselves shaped galley, using the same bracing an appreciation that all we need is the same stuff we had technique against the counter's edge. for easy access. on our 37-ft monohull, and to remember I'm sure there are many boats that do to distribute it evenly through our cat. less entertaining and much less cooking But when 'Less is more' has become our mantra than we do, so the space could go to bet- you're in rough despite having a much bigger boat. ter use \u2014 such as for a forward-facing seas you re- navigation station. We do miss that. But ally don't want Twin engines. The obvious bene\ufb01t is if when the nav station takes up half the to be looking one engine goes out \u2014 overheating, bad salon, a boat feels more like a bachelor backwards injector, line wrapped in prop \u2014 you still when navigat- have another engine. Engine redundancy ing. Of course, gives me peace of mind. when it's rough However, having two engines rather than one means you have twice as many engine issues and twice as much main- tenance, and you need more spares. Sailing downwind. The majority of time when you sail west across the Pa- ci\ufb01c, you sail downwind, and it's a dream on our cat. There is no slamming or rolling, and if it gets boisterous enough, maybe there is some fun sur\ufb01ng. As I write this, we are 130 miles north of North Cape, New Zealand, heading south. We have just \ufb01nished motoring through the high, and brisk north winds have \ufb01lled in at 20 knots. We have the full jib out and are cruising at 8.5 knots Having a galley up \u2014 allowing interface with guests and a 360-degree view \u2014 works just \ufb01ne for the 'Blonde Mermaid'. QUIXOTIC","CHANGES while my tall mug of hot tea sits on the ask Cap'n Lew if he would prefer a steak a grandmother, wearing long sleeves, a salon table next to the laptop I'm typing or leg of lamb for dinner! I also started giant, stiff-brimmed gardening hat and on. It's as stable as if we were in a slip. making frozen smoothie popsicles for rash guard pants. Instead of dinghy snacks on midnight watches. davits, we have a dinghy crane arm that We were constantly rolling from side extends out of the boom. It's sleek, has to side when going dead downwind with We also have a front-loading refridge plenty of purchase, and stows the dinghy our monohull. We used our telescoping on Quixotic. It's tiny and all the cool air with motor on the transom nicely. spinnaker pole to keep the headsail far escapes as soon as I open the door. enough out, but it was still unstable. With a two-to-one purchase on the Heads up! We have three heads to main halyard and no electric winch, it Furthermore, I absolutely hated \ufb02y- choose from on our cat. One is a desig- does take twice as long to grind half the ing the asymmetrical spinnaker on our nated shower, but all are lined with gel distance, so it feels a if it takes forever to monohull because there was such a coat and are thus easy to wipe down. We raise the dinghy the necessary seven feet. limited range where it worked. Either only had one head on our Tartan, and But it's a good workout. And it's waaaay there was not enough wind, in which it was trimmed in wood, so I was con- easier than it was removing the gas can case I would constantly have to trim stantly wiping away mold and fogging up and the dinghy motor, and the dinghy because the sail would either collapse or the main cabin. I dreamed of a separate seat and the oars, and using the spin- \ufb02og in the seaway \u2014 and there is always stall shower with better ventilation on naker halyard to raise the dinghy onto a seaway on the open ocean. If there was our next boat. My dream came true! the foredeck of our Tartan 37. After we enough wind, say 12 knots, that was did that, we still had to de\ufb02ate it and fold enough to keep our 140% genoa \ufb02ying Having three times as many toilets, it into the dinghy bag, then strap it down wing-on-wing with the main, and way of course, means having to clean three to the foredeck. We had to do this before less trouble. times as many toilets. Actually that's not and after every passage with Eleutheria. so bad. What is bad is having to rebuild It's completely different on our Quix- three toilets! But as Lewis and I were Don't get me wrong, we were very otic. Because she rocks less, we use the elbows-deep in replumbing the cat, Lewis asymmetrical all the time. I don't see any and I joked that we would much rather negatives sailing our cat downwind. have to deal with poo than do more \ufb01- berglass work. We are so tired of being Sailing upwind. We've found three covered head to toe with \ufb01berglass dust! negatives when sailing Quixotic upwind. Like all cruising cats, she can't point as More toilets mean more thru-hulls. well as our Tartan 37 did. To be honest, It's my job to exercise the \ufb01ttings before she tacks in about 120 degrees when on and after every passage to make sure the open ocean \u2014 just like most cruising they aren't seized up, something that cats. Second, the previously mentioned happens frequently. Be sure to carry a 'bombs' can knock anything off the salon Y-valve for your head, as it never gets ex- table. Lastly, unless we take the plastic ercised after leaving the U.S. and before windshield between our hard top and getting to New Zealand or Australia. the deck down, we lose almost a knot of upwind speed. A man's-man workshop. Yes, Lewis finally has his own workshop. That Keeping it cool. I \ufb01nally have a huge means that my galley countertop, which in-counter freezer, so it's goodbye to had been the only work surface available Costco canned chicken and hello, bacon! on our monohull, is no longer used for We had a surprisingly gigantic in-counter repair projects. fridge\/freezer on our Tartan 37, but the freezer part was no bigger than a tiny The downside is that his workshop is shoebox, and that part chilled the rest of in one of four cabins in the hulls, and the the cooler. We primarily used it for mak- weight of tools and spares in one place ing a single vertical tray of ice for those starts to put the boat out of balance. very important sundowners. Now I can We work very hard to distribute weight The \ufb02oral display and appetizers can be left on equally in the cabins and hulls, keeping the salon table when sailing downwind. Upwind the weight as low as possible. they'd get banged off onto the sole. Triple deck space! Our cat has bow QUIXOTIC seats and a lovely trampo- line net up forward, as is featured in every ad for the dream sailing vacation. It's hot in the tropics, and the breeze up through the nets makes it the coolest place to lounge. We haven't tried it yet, but we understand the huge amount of deck space is perfect for yoga and folding sails. Unfortunately, there is no shade on the foredeck, so when signaling where to drop the anchor I look like","IN LATITUDES QUIXOTIC AND TALION terri\ufb01c, with traditional dancers, music and food. Raf\ufb02e prizes ranged anywhere Spread; Alyssa loves \ufb02ying an asymmetrical on the cat. Two cat advantages she didn't mention: from a week in a marina to tequila. 1) A huge foredeck on which to drop the sail; and 2) The tack can be moved up or down depend- ing on the point of sail. Inset; Paul Hofer's Jeanneau 50 cruising to victory in the \ufb01rst La Paz race. \\\"Everyone is taking advantage of the great dollar-to-peso exchange rate \u2014 happy aboard our Tartan 37. We would Both monohulls and catamarans more than 20 pesos to the dollar \u2014 at have continued to sail her around the circumnavigate. But I have to admit that favorite restaurants, boatyards and world had we not come across Quixotic for the reasons I've outlined, I'm happy with marine service folks,\\\" continues La in a salvage situation. A catamaran had to be on our 20-year-old cat. Reina. \\\"Some are taking advantage of the always been a pipe dream for us, a 'one exchange rate for long-dreamed-of elec- \u2014 alyssa 11\/15\/2016 tive surgeries. I'm not mentioning any names, but the cruising \ufb02eet is looking day' scenario where we might save up for Cruise Notes: younger, if you catch my drift. a Farrier 42 or similar fast cat. But we \\\"There is not much happening in La didn't want to go back to work for as long Paz, which is why I think it's a great \\\"The \ufb01rst La Paz sailboat race of the as it would have taken to afford one, not place to live,\\\" reports Patsy 'La season was held in early December, and when we could have been just as happy Reina del Mar' Verhoeven, now we had some crazy weather the night and capable, and arguably safer, on a before. In December it's very unusual for La Paz to get thunder, lightning and rain, to say nothing of hail, all of which we had. The temperatures have been cooling off at night as winter has come on, but still a far cry from the snow expected in the Northwest. The days still warm up to around 80 degrees, so it is a perfect time to be in La Paz, the City of Peace.\\\" Patsy is messing with everyone, as there is plenty to do in La Paz, to say nothing of the beautiful offshore islands, which is why it's so popular. An urgent request for type A-negative blood was broadcast to the Banderas Bay cruising \ufb02eet via VHF on Sunday, No- vember 26, by Dick Markie, Harbormas- ter at Paradise Village Marina. The blood was desperately needed for Liz Barrow, wife of former Vallarta YC Commodore Andy Barrow. Eight hours before Liz had some veins in her throat 'explode' while at the couple's land-based home near the marina. Doctors had previously warned Liz that this was a possibility, but Andy says they \\\"had been in denial\\\". What couldn't be denied was that Liz, who had looked healthy as could be when the Wanderer saw her a week before, was suddenly in a life-and-death situation, as there was blood all over the bathroom walls. \\\"It looked like a scene from a horror movie,\\\" said Andy. Fortunately, it was only a few blocks Andy Barrow, wearing a Mexican wrestler's mask, entertains his wife Liz as she recovers \u2014 thanks to cruisers \u2014 in the San Javier Hospital. bluewater monohull for a fraction of the back from the South Paci\ufb01c and ANDY BARROW cost. her 10th Ha-Ha with her La Paz- based Gulfstar 50 Talion. \\\"Marine- Lewis and I have learned so much that's speci\ufb01c to catamarans since ac- related businesses report it was a quiring Quixotic. As all cruisers should slow summer, although business do, we prepare, prepare and prepare. picked up tremendously with the We've learned how to slow our cat down, mid-November arrival of folks who how to set up her sea anchor or drogue, had recently \ufb01nished the Ha-Ha. and how to put in the third reef. The Baja Ha-Ha Welcome Party thrown by the local marinas, busi- nesses and Tourism Board, was","CHANGES to the modern San Javier Hospital that LATITUDE \/ RICHARD featured up to 20 knots of breeze in \ufb02at is part of the Paradise Marina complex. water. After that second race, new Surf & Upon arrival at 1 a.m., Liz's blood pres- Rumbling off the jungle. Paul Marston's 'Vanish- Yacht Club Commodore Donna Melville sure was 65 over 30. Close to death, she ing Girl' reveled in the 'pleasure-racing' condi- of the Gabriola Island, B.C.-based Baltic needed blood transfusions immediately. tions of the Pirates for Pupils Spinnaker Run. 42DP Northwest Passage showed excel- Liz has A-negative blood, which is only Ha-Ha style Banderas Bay Blast, includ- lent form and unbridled enthusiasm in found in one of 16 people. San Javier ing the Pirates for Pupils Spinnaker Run initiating new members into the club had two pints on hand, which she got, for Charity. While the \ufb01rst 'race' was with a whack on their bottoms with a but she needed more. lacking in wind, the second race, up to SUP paddle. Pirates for Pupils had seven the famed Punta Mita Yacht & Surf Club to nine knots of wind, which was pleas- As soon as Markie put out the call for ant and gave novices a chance to learn A-negative blood, cruisers responded. to \ufb02y their chutes in mellow conditions. By noon the San Javier Hospital had Over $1,500 was raised from the small enough blood. Doctors also performed group of sailors and others. an esophagostomy on Liz so they could repair the veins. According to Andy, First overall in the Blast, not that it who was thankful beyond words to the mattered, was Fred Roswold and Judy cruisers who had donated blood, the Jensen's Serendipity 43 Wings, an old doctors at San Javier did a fabulous job. San Francisco Bay warhorse that the Liz was released from the hospital a few couple have sailed around the world for days later, almost as good as new, with 18 years. Latitude would also like to give an admonition to stay away from tortilla a special shout-out to Greig and Leslie chips. Olson of the Santa Cruz-based Brown Searunner 40 trimaran Doggone, and Following the Ha-Ha and the early- Gerald and Margaret McNobe of the Long season races in La Paz, the next event Beach-based Sceptre 41 Aeolian. Both on the cruiser calendar was the Sailors' couples did the SoCal Ta-Ta, the Baja Splash Welcome to Banderas Bay for Ha- Ha-Ha, and the Banderas Bay Blast. Ha boats by the Riviera Nayarit Tourism Department, followed by the three-day For All Your Haulout Needs MAKELA BOATWORKS Two Travelifts ~ 160 & 35 Tons Family owned since 1948 Full Line of Marine Services Wooden Boat Building \u2022 Repair and Restoration (805) 654-1433 19280 South Harbor Drive \u2022 Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (707) 964-3963 email: [email protected] \u2022 Innovative marine products Mastlift & Anchor Buoy Marine Forecasts, Expert Testimony & Climate Change Effects on Routing Accessories Self adjusting Rick Shema \u2022 Certi\ufb01ed Consulting Meteorologist Safest way to the top Do you know where of a mast, you are in your anchor is? You would (808) 291-WXGY (Mobile) 134 S Kalaheo Ave total control of your (808) 443-0889 (Fax) Kailua, Hawaii 96734 ascent and descent, with the self-adjusting (866) 882-WXGY (9949) toll free [email protected] work with both hands free, Anchor Buoy from SWI-TEC! use as hoist for the dinghy motor, safely Precisely marks the anchor\u2019s transfer mobility-challenged set position and keeps other persons aboard, use in MOB rescues. boaters at a distance. Can be used to a maximum depth of 65 ft. Contact SWI-TEC America for \u2022 WASI Power Ball \u2022 PropProtector \u2022 WinchRite \u2022 R\u00e4ber Meteograph Page 106 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","IN LATITUDES What a trifecta for making friends with of a Bucerias restau- LATITUDE \/ RICHARD great people! rant laughing at all the funny memories Maria's restaurant in Turtle Bay doesn't get The next big event on the cruiser of the Ha-Ha. For ex- much \u2014 if any \u2014 business until the Ha-Ha \ufb02eet calendar is the Zihua SailFest, the ample, speaking as arrives. Then it rocks. phenomenally successful charity event the Grand Poobah, open for six weeks if they don't have any in Zihuatanejo from February 6 to 12. If we had no idea what a customers. Before the night was over, anyone is sailing south past Mazanillo, steamy singles scene there were about 40 Ha-Ha people at you don't want to miss it. there was. Maria's, eating, drinking, \ufb02irting and dancing with the waitresses. Debra and Phil Per\ufb01tt of the Victoria, The thing we found B.C.-based Folkes 42 Coastal Drifter to be the most amus- \\\"As Latitude probably knows, about wrote in to ask when registration opens ing was Pollo telling 10 years ago a huge company took over for the 2017 Paci\ufb01c Puddle Jump, as us that as their boat the entire Marina Mazatlan complex,\\\" this is their year to 'jump'. A lot of oth- was one of the \ufb01rst to report Don and Lenna Hossack of the ers have been wondering, too. You can arrive in Turtle Bay, register right now \u2014 for free \u2014 at www. they were the first crew to go up to paci\ Maria's pink-themed restaurant on the bluff. After ordering from the menu, the Most \ufb01rst-time Mexico cruisers don't waitress told them it would be a while realize how different Mexico can be from because she needed to go to the store to the States. We were reminded of how get the ingredients. great the difference can be during a din- ner out with Chuck Skewes and Rodrigo \\\"You're the \ufb01rst customers we've had 'Pollo' Cuellar Dipp of the Puerto Vallarta- in six weeks,\\\" she explained. based Varianta 44 Ullman Sails. Readers may remember that the duo repaired You're not going to \ufb01nd many restau- sails for 37 boats during the Ha-Ha. It rants in the U.S. that are going to remain was a long dinner because we spent most of the time rolling around on the \ufb02oor 415.526.2780 Now part of the After crunching the numbers, real cruisers choose Spectra. Up to 8x more energy efficient than the competition. That can add up to thousands in fuel savings or a smaller solar array, wind generator, or battery banks. January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 107","CHANGES Mazatlan-based Wazoo. \\\"As they de- MARINA MAZATLAN drawbacks. One of them is the existence veloped condos, hotels, and housing of one of the hottest new nightclubs \u2014 developments, they paid very little at- Although this photo is somewhat distorted, it complete with velvet ropes, bouncers and tention to the upkeep of the marina. gives a good idea of the general layout of Marina hours from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. \u2014 by the Fortunately, the man who developed the Mazatlan and the distance to the ocean. marina. They are only open Thursday to new golf course took over as manager of huge in\ufb01nity pool, cabanas, and food and Saturday, but it's still a problem. None- the marina last January and has been drink. In addition, tenants get 50% off theless, things have been getting better making progress. on golf. Because the marina area north at Marina Mazatlan.\\\" of the main part of Mazatlan is the fast- \\\"For example, the ramps to the docks est growing part of town, there are some Shelly Rothery Ward and Mike Rick- had been falling apart,\\\" say the Hos- man of the formerly La Paz-based Peter- sacks. \\\"They are being replaced one by son 44 Avatar report that they are now one with stainless and pressure-treated the net controllers for the Polynesian wood. Wi-F\ufb01 service has always been a Magellan SSB net out of Tahiti. \\\"We lis- disaster, so it was replaced with a new ten in on 8.1730 every morning at 1800 system with a main tower at the of\ufb01ce Zulu and every evening at 0400 Zulu,\\\" and smaller towers at every other dock. writes the former commodore of the Club The trouble is that the provider sucks, so Cruceros de La Paz, \\\"and we're looking the manager is in the process of replac- forward to Puddle Jumpers starting to ing that company. The previous security check in soon.\\\" system at the gates was worthless, and it's been changed to a more secure brace- Shelly has three tips for Puddle let system. Currently tenants' bracelets Jumpers: \\\"1) Get a good wind generator only work on their docks, but that is to keep the batteries charged through being \ufb01xed. the night. The only place the wind dies is the anchorage by Marina Taina, which is \\\"One of the biggest drawbacks to Ma- in the lee of the mountains just around rina Mazatlan was that there weren't re- from Papeete. 2) Bring plenty of fans. ally any amenities,\\\" the couple continue. We have an awning, but sometimes we \\\"But now tenants are welcome at the have to 'reef' it, and we'd swelter without beautiful new Beach Club, which has a MARINA de LA PAZ After hours Specializing pick up and in Sail full service marina drop off Repair and Friendly, helpful, fully bilingual staff available. Used Sails. Located Downtown \u2022 Protective piling & sheetpile breakwater 2021 ALASKA PACKER PLACE, ALAMEDA, CA 94501 Hardwood docks \u2022 Plug-in Internet \u2022 Cruisers\u2019 clubhouse Electricity \u2022 Potable reverse osmosis water \u2022 And more! Dominic Marchal \u2022 (510) 239-5050 TEL: 01152 612 122 1646 email: [email protected] BAY MARINE DIESEL Marine Inboard Diesel Repair Surveys \u2022 Personalized Instruction Apdo. Postal 290, La Paz, 23000 Baja California Sur, Mexico Cummins | Ford\/Lehman | Hino | Perkins Universal | Westerbeke | Yanmar 1,000 Used Sails Listed at DIESEL MARINE ENGINES Marty Chin, Owner \u2013 (510) 435-8870 Email: [email protected] We Buy Good Used Sails and Marine Equipment MINNEY\u2019S YACHT SURPLUS 1500 Newport Bl., Costa Mesa, CA 949-548-4192 \u2022 [email protected] \u201cWe keep boating affordable!\u201d Page 108 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","IN LATITUDES the fans. That's particularly true now dale, Gina Borza, and Fritz LATITUDE \/ RICHARD that it's summer and it's warmer with Johnston did the 991-mile more rain. 3) If people have the time, delivery from Bermuda to St. Even cruisers get a thrill from Shirley Heights they should go to the trouble to get a Martin in just four days. Fast! as they watch the world class Caribbean 600 Long Stay Visa, because three months \ufb02eet start their adventure. in French Polynesia is just not enough. \\\"It was mostly light winds of boat-sitting the gorgeous blue-hulled After dreaming of sailing here for 28 with lots of motoring,\\\" says boat in Virgin Gorda Sound. years, I wasn't going to stay just 90 days. Greg. He's now hauling his We're loving it.\\\" cat to get her prepped for \\\"After Christmas we'll visit our boat the February 20 start of the in Barcelona,\\\" says Jim, \\\"then I'll do the While Shelly and Mike are very happy Caribbean 600 in Antigua. Caribbean 600 and BVI's Rolex Swan with their Peterson 44, which is paid off Regatta aboard Bounty. Next we'll \ufb02y and which they completely re\ufb01t before After several years of cruis- back to Morpheus for a summer of cruis- Puddle Jumping, they confess that it ing in the Med, Jim and Deb ing around the Balearics, Sardinia and seems as if a catamaran would be the Gregory were going to sail Corsica, followed by a winter Atlantic best kind of boat for French Polynesia. their Pt. Richmond-based Schumacher crossing to the Caribbean.\\\" \\\"You can't believe how many of them 50 Morpheus back to the Caribbean this there are down here, and given their winter. But they lost two months of what 'We'll swim right over and help.' shallow draft, they can anchor in all was to be their last summer in the Med The crew of the vessel Somnium was kinds of places that we can't.\\\" because of the passing of Jim's mother, so they decided they'll spend another The best news of all, however, is that summer in the Med. But that hasn't kept upon arrival in the Marquesas Mike the couple from enjoying the Caribbean asked for Shelly's hand in marriage, this winter. and she happily accepted. They will tie the knot in Moorea on December 22. First, Jim helped deliver a friend's Congratulations to them. Swan 66, Bounty, from the Northeast to the British Virgins. And in early De- Greg Slygnstad of the Seattle-based cember, Jim and Deb got the enviable job Bieker 53 catamaran Fujin reports that he and his crew of Andrew McCorquo- Your Boatyard in the Heart of Paradise Our Services| HAULOUT \u2022 Marine Travelift 25 tons \u2022 Marine railway 120 tons \u2022 Storage in adjustable steel cradles \u2022 Fenced Yard PAINTING \u2022 Topsides, hull, bottom, varnish \u2022 Brush, roller, spray MECHANICAL WORK \u2022 Inboard, outboard, diesel, gas \u2022 All brands Large, fenced, secure dry storage area REPAIRS \u2022 Electrical repairs TAHITI CUSTOMS POLICY \u2022 Refrigeration installation & repair Foreign Flag vessels can stay on dry storage \u2022 Fiberglass & woodwork \u2022 Welding, steel, stainless, aluminum in our yard for up to 12 months out of 24. SAIL LOFT \u2022 Sail repairs, biminis, dodgers, covers Professional boatyard in the heart of Paradise STORE \u2022 International, Pettit, Epiglass, Devoe Raiatea Carenage will make sure \u2022 Spares paradise is everything you expected. \u2022 Fill U.S. gas cylinders Call, write, or sail in . . . we're here to serve you. DO-IT-YOURSELFERS WELCOME! BoatUS Cooperating Marina B.P. 1111 Uturoa Raiatea 98 735 Polyn\u00e9sie Fran\u00e7aise Tel: (689) 40 600-545 ~ Fax: (689) 40 600-546 ~ VHF 68 Web site: http:\/\/ ~ email: [email protected] Facebook : Chantier Naval Raiatea Carenage January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 109","CHANGES awarded the Spirit of the ARC+ award were a little surprised to read that the when they were accosted by two young in St. Lucia last month for \\\"contributing Bradford family on Pelagic visited the men with machetes. The men demanded to the rally in a special way\\\". What was Tobago part of Trinidad & Tobago \u2014 and cash and grabbed one of the bags that special was the way they assisted fellow were themselves surprised to \ufb01nd there had been put into the dinghy. The cap- ARC+ boat Scallywag in the middle of weren't more cruisers there. The reason tain grabbed a paddle and the group the Atlantic Ocean. The boats were near Tobago is not more popular with cruis- started yelling loudly, at which point the each other and got to chatting over the ers is that Bloody Bay, Tobago \u2014 what men \ufb02ed into the woods.\\\" VHF about the rally and life in general. an apt name \u2014 was the scene of several Near the end of the conversation the crew senselessly brutal attacks on elderly Offseason is prime time for thefts and of Scallywag mentioned their gennaker cruisers. As such, many cruisers con- violence in the Caribbean. Cruisers can halyard had parted \ufb01ve days before, and sider Tobago to be off-limits. keep track of criminal trends by following because there were just two of them, the Caribbean Safety Net. They'll learn, they'd been unable to replace it. The Wanderer is good friends with for example, that offseason theft of gear Tony and Charlotte, a couple of adven- from stored cruising boats is rampant in Somnium crew Sven and Mart vol- turous surfers from Montauk, New York, Grenada. When it comes to safety and unteered to do something about it. who have a winter home in Tobago. Char- theft, cruisers are much safer in Mexico They swam over \u2014 it was calm \u2014 to the lotte, a very attractive blonde woman, than in the Eastern Caribbean, and it partially disabled boat, and one of them refuses to even visit their house because seems to us, in the Leewards as opposed went aloft and ran a new gennaker hal- she no longer feels safe anywhere on the to the southern Windwards. yard. Nice. island. We're not suggesting there is no theft Those of you who, like the Wanderer, A recent report from the Caribbean in Mexico. In fact, Nancy Morrison of were lucky enough to be able to take Safety Net offers another reason that the Santa Cruz-based Catalina 42 Al- Latin back when it was offered in Cali- many cruisers avoid Tobago: \\\"At ap- dabra reports that she had her dinghy fornia junior high schools, will remember proximately 9:45 p.m., four adult family and outboard stolen while anchored at that 'somnium' means dream. It's a com- members were returning from the weekly Matanchen Bay, which is just a couple ment on the times that Somnium is now Sunday school dancing event and were of miles south of San Blas. \\\"It was the better known as being a brand name for about to launch their beached dinghy only night I didn't lock my dinghy to the lorazepam, a medication for people who boat,\\\" she told Latitude. suffer from debilitating forms of anxiety. Nancy was just one of a couple of Reading this month's Changes, we 1,000 Sails In Stock BEST COVERAGE View Our Complete Inventory Online MARINE INSURANCE NEW SAILS USED SAILS CUSTOM SAILS For active cruising and coastal boats world-wide including \u2022 Furling Systems Rolly Mexico, Hawaii, South Paci\ufb01c and the Caribbean Sea. \u2022 Furler & Sail Packages Tasker \u2022 Sail Covers Sails CALL(800) 866-8906 \u2022 MacGregor Boat Covers \u2022 Sail And Canvas Repair or visit 831-646-5346 Get a Quote \u2013 It's Worth It! WHITING & WEDLOCK Two Independent Marine Surveyors at \u2022 Vessel surveys \u2022 Solar panels \u2022 Consulting \u2022 Wind generators One Convenient \u2022 Deliveries \u2022 Hydro-generators Location \u2022 Inverters\/ battery chargers \u2022 Mounting systems Serving the \u2022 Meters and accessories Bay Area since 1980 Authorized wind generator and inverter service center (415) 505-3494 Ft Lauderdale, FL 954-581-2505 Page 110 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","IN LATITUDES female owner\/skippers in November's plans to heel the boat over, if necessary. Nories tables. Now I've got GPS and AIS, Baja Ha-Ha and in December's Banderas While it's stressful, Jamie, Behan and the latter being a dream for the single- Bay Blast. She told the Poobah that she their three kids have been out cruising handed sailor. Sea Loone's \ufb01rst engine loved both events. the world for eight years, so we're con\ufb01- was a Lister diesel that I'd taken from a dent they'll pull it off. cement mixer. That was \ufb01rst replaced by We have frequently cautioned cruis- a cast-iron Volvo diesel with a gearbox ers that it's very expensive to replace a In the second feature of this month's and alternator and more recently with dinghy and outboard in Mexico. Nancy Changes, we recommended that readers a three-cylinder Yanmar diesel. Sea ended up having to pay about $7,000 for jump to this part of Cruise Notes to get a Loone's solar panels provide reliable elec- the combo at Zaragoza in Vallarta. She bit of background on Roy Starkey of Sea tricity, but I still don't have refrigeration. believes that her loss will be covered by Loone. Well, here it is: I do, however, have a pressure cooker insurance, and we hope she's right. and lots of Mason jars. \\\"My story starts in 1971, when at age If you want to get south from Virginia 25, but with no money, no boatbuilding \\\"Having to \ufb01nd ways to make money on the East Coast, an alternative to the skills, and no sailing knowledge, I built a has added spice to my adventure. I did potentially dangerous offshore route is 33-ft ferrocement sailboat in Liverpool. I pile driving in the United States, paper- the Intracoastal Waterway. But for folks launched Sea Loone in 1976, and set sail making in Australia, and fabricated such as the Gifford family of the Eagle for the Caribbean. I ran out of money, mining machinery in South Africa. I've Harbor, Washington-based Stevens 47 couldn't \ufb01nd work, got dismasted, and also bought stuff \u2014 tagua nuts, rum, Totem, the ICW has its own set of prob- just before getting home was battered by Makonde carvings, tapa cloth and Brazil- lems \u2014 bridge heights of about 65 feet. the Fastnet Storm of 1979 that claimed ian bikinis \u2014 in one place and sold them That's just inches above the height of the lives of 18 sailors. for a pro\ufb01t in another. I've also made and their mast \u2014 after all the masthead stuff sold jewelry. All to keep the crew fed and has been removed. \\\"Despite that unsuccessful start, in the boat sailing. the last 39 years I've completed three The 65-ft bridge clearance is an ap- convoluted circumnavigations with \\\"I've never had Sea Loone in a marina. proximation, because in some parts of the same humble boat. When I started She's almost always been on the move, the ICW the water level is affected more out my boat had paraf\ufb01n lights and I and I've never left her for more than a by the wind on the water than the tides. navigated using a vernier sextant and few weeks.\\\" In view of this, the Giffords have loaded their boat with ballast and are making It all goes to prove that if there is a cruising will, there is a cruising way. www.\ GREATLY reduces side-to-side rolling KATADYN SURVIVOR 35 WATERMAKER Makes every anchorage comfortable The Survivor is a must for all sea-going vessels and is the most widely used emergency desalinator. It is used by Works on any boat \u2013 power or sail the U.S. and international forces. It is able to produce 4.5 liters of drinkable water per hour. Hang from a pole, or right off the rail 3x more effective every 2x off centerline Reconditioned by Katadyn $1050 No delay in roll-damping function Also available: Blades close and roll-damping begins instantly New Katadyn Survivor 35: $2195 New Katadyn Survivor 40-E: $3695 Largest platform but smallest stow size New Katadyn Survivor 80-E: $4695 8.4ft2 \/ 1 ton of resistance EQUIPMENT PARTS SALES Tuck-away stowable = 10x36x4 In the U.S.: (800) 417-2279 \u2022 Outside the U.S.: (717) 896-9110 Only 1 needed for most boats email: [email protected] Up to about 40' \/ 10 tons Maine Cat 30 and 41 (2015) But 2 is better, and a pole is better. and New MC 38 Bareboat Charter Extremely durable ESSENTIAL CRUISING EQUIPMENT \u2013 Hope Town, Abaco, Bahamas marine-grade aluminum DON'T LEAVE PORT WITHOUT ONE! [email protected] HAWAII LONG TERM DRY STORAGE Clear Customs at our dock Enjoy the protected Sea of Abaco aboard our easy-to-sail, unique, AvNaoilwab! le open bridgedeck catamarans. Dramatic beaches, beautiful reef 156\u00b01'30\\\" W life for snorkeling and restful anchorages. 1-888-832-2287 19\u00b040'20\\\" N January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 111 TOLL FREE 888-458-7896 The friendliest boatyard in Hawaii","Classy CLASSIFIEDSPlesausebmreiattdinbgefaodre Here\u2019s What To Do: PERSONAL ADS BUSINESS ADS DEADLINE Write your ad. Indicate category. Remember 1-40 Words........$40 $70 for 40 Words Max it is ALWAYS the price and contact info. We make \ufb01nal placement 41-80 Words......$65 determination. 81-120 Words....$90 \u2022 All promotional advertising \u2022 15th at 5pm Photo.................$30 Count the words. Anything with a space 1 boat per broker per issue for ad to appear in the next issue. before and after counts as one word. We will Logo OK, but no photos\/reversals spell-check, abbreviate, edit, as necessary. Due to our short lead time, \u2022 Personal Advertising Only \u2022 No extra bold type \u2022 Max: 12 pt font deadlines are very strict and Mail your ad with check or money order, No business or promo ads except Artwork subject to editor approval. include weekends & holidays. deliver to our of\ufb01ce; OR, for the best \u2013 and Non-Pro\ufb01t, Job Op, Business Op Biz ads will not appear on website. most exposure \u2013 of your classi\ufb01ed ad\u2026 Sorry, but\u2026 \u2018Trying to Locate\u2019 Ads are for those searching for \u2022 No ads accepted by phone Submit your ad safely online lost boats\/people \u2013 not shopping \u2013 and cost \u2022 No ads without payments $10 for 20 words max \u2022 No billing arrangements with Visa, MasterCard or AmEx at: \u2022 No veri\ufb01cation of receipt FREE Online Ads are for a private party selling \u2022 We reserve the right to refuse a boat for less than $1,000 \u2013 or gear totalling under $1,000. poor quality photos or illegible ads. Ad will be posted online within 3 business days, (One per person; must list prices in ad.) appear in the next issue of the magazine, and remain online until the following issue is released. All ads will be set to \ufb01t Latitude 38 standard \u2022 Re-Run Ads: Same price, same deadline Latitude 38 15 Locust Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941 Questions? (415) 383-8200, ext 104 \u2022 [email protected] WHAT\u2019S IN A DEADLINE? Our Classy 24 FEET & UNDER 23-FT J\/70, 2015. Alameda. $48,500. 27-FT PEARSON RENEGADE, 1968. Classi\ufb01eds Deadline is the 15th of the Perfect J\/70. Triad trailer, new racing sails, Marina Bay Yacht Harbor. $8,400\/obo. month, and as always, it\u2019s still pretty 19-FT OPEN 5.7 RACE BOAT, 2007. cruising set, Honda 4-stroke, Tacktick Great starter boat. Very solid classic. much a brick wall if you want to get your Redwood City. $15,999. Challenging, wireless, Velocitek, covers, sail 22 bags, Coastal cruiser, weekends on the Bay. ad into the magazine. But it\u2019s not so versatile OD racer. 20-boat \ufb02eet on Bay. carbon, too much to list! Hull 414. No Rebuilt 2014. Strong running Atomic 4. important anymore when it comes to Competitive PHRF rating; Opens placed bottom paint! Contact (408) 718-7251 or New sails, standing and running rigging. getting exposure for your ad. With our 1st and 2nd in the 2014 Westpoint Re- [email protected]. Custom cushions. Monitor WV. New VHF online system, your ad gets posted to our gatta. Three sets of sails. New rigging. GPS, Garmin wind inst. Rigged for racing website within a day or so of submission. Galvanized trailer. See more information 25 TO 28 FEET local and offshore. More info and pics Then it appears in the next issue of the at\/open570. on request. Contact (916) 601-6542 or magazine. So you\u2019re much better off if 24-FT J\/24, 1991. Brickyard Cove Marina. 26-FT COLGATE, 2001. Santa Cruz. [email protected]. you submit or renew your ad early in the $14,999. Rail-to-rail, past \ufb02eet champion, $26,000. All new sails, new engine, 25-FT INTERNATIONAL FOLKBOAT. month. That way your ad begins to work 3.5 hp Nissan outboard, 1 set used updates all around, clean and dry boat, 1975. Morro Bay. $6,000. Formerly well- for you immediately. There\u2019s no reason to sails, carbon \ufb01ber spinnaker pole, many needs nothing. Fast, fun, responsive, known on SF Bay. 2 mains, working and wait for the last minute. extras, trailer included. (415) 987-5715 huge cockpit for all your friends but easily storm jib, genoa, spinnaker and awning. or [email protected]. singlehanded. More at New headstay and backstay. New hal- DINGHIES, LIFERAFTS Contact [email protected]. yards, electric and manual bilge pumps, AND ROWBOATS 25-FT MERIT, 1984. Alameda. $6,000. battery charger and spreader lights. New Honda 2hp, 2 sets of sails. Contact Lee. self-contained head. New anchor and line. 14-FT WHITEHALL, 2011. Laguna (510) 219-1092. Nissan 5hp outboard recently overhauled, Niguel. $10,500\/obo. Whitehall rowing\/ 25-FT CATALINA, 2005. Benicia. needs cosmetic attention. Health forces sailing dinghy. Hand-built mahogany\/ $17,500. Catalina 250 Water Ballast. Til- sale. (805) 772-3701. cedar. Rows and sails great! New trailer, ler, 9hp engine, excellent interior, outside 27-FT CAL 2-27, 1979. Ventura. $9,850\/ full boat cover and rigging bag. You have needs a bath, trailer in great shape, pics obo. Very clean, solid sailboat inside and to see this one to truly appreciate it! Email upon request, Autohelm, 120vac inverter, out. Diesel (low hours), 3 sails, and tiller. [email protected]. AM\/FM\/CD, VHF. For more info email Spacious interior. Priced to sell. Call Rob. [email protected]. (805) 628-0455. RIGGING ONLY \u272a SMALL AD, SMALL PRICES NOR-CAL COMPASS Adjustment \u2022 Sales Standing and running rigging, life lines, furling gear, winches, line, windlasses, travelers, wire and terminals, blocks, vangs, and much more. Authorized Compass Repair ~ Problem solving and discount mail order since 1984 ~ Hal McCormack \u2022 [email protected] \u2022 Phone\/Fax (415) 892-7177 \u2022 (508) 992-0434 \u2022 [email protected] Capt. Alan Hugenot \u2022 (415) 531-6172 \u2022 Accredited Marine Surveyor N.E. MARINE TITLE ASA Certi\ufb01ed Offshore Sailing Instructor Coast Guard documentation \u2022 Title\/lien searches \u2022 Transfers \u2022 Mortgage \ufb01ling \u2022 Escrow services Power boat handling & docking, single or twin screw, Local closing facility for brokers or private transactions 35 years sailing sloops, ketches, schooners & catamarans 30 years experience of doing it right the \ufb01rst time SF Bay or Coastal \u2022 Accepts all credit cards 1150 Ballena Blvd, Alameda, CA \u2022 (510) 521-4925 Page 112 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","30-FT YANKEE, 1971. Brisbane Marina. 35-FT HUNTER 356, 2002. Tradewinds $24,000. Best Yankee 30 on the planet. Sailing Club, Marina Bay, Richmond. Looks great, sails great, race winner. See $59,000. 2002 Cruising World\u2019s Boat of website for details and contact info: http:\/\/ the Year in class. Too many extras to list. Surveyed on 4\/6\/16, valued at 65K. Contact Ken for more info. (325) 347-2349 or [email protected]. 28-FT ISLANDER BAHAMA, 1984. 30-FT YANKEE, 1972. Moss Landing, 29-FT CAL 29, 1974. Paradise Cay, 34-FT CUSTOM. Double-Ender Cutter, Obexer\u2019s Marina, Homewood, CA. CA. $13,500\/obo. Wheel steering, electric Tiburon $4,500. With Yanmar diesel, 1999. Chula Vista, CA. $37,000. 42\u2019 LOA. $16,000\/\ufb01rm. Cruiser\/racer. 370 of 423. windlass, autopilot, roller furling jib, Gar- new heat exchanger and water pump, Solid cruiser, launched 1999, few trips Robert Perry\u2019s favorite design. Fresh min GPS, 20hp Universal diesel< 500 hrs, roller furling, full suit of sails, stove, new to Catalina, 4.108, 555 windlass, 3-reef water only, Tahoe boat. Yanmar 2GM. VHF radio, new batteries. All lines led to battery, anchor, fenders, etc. Great sailer. main, keel tanks, sleeps 5, teak \ufb02oor, $30K in upgrades and enhancements cockpit-easy solo sailing. Contact Bruce. Contact [email protected] or (415) oversize rigging, Norseman eyes, needs since \u201807. Two mains, genoa, spinnaker. (831) 768-8482 or [email protected]. 310-5152 or (415) 717-0178. some work. Contact (949) 492-2691 or Autohelm. New salon cushions and 30-FT CATALINA, 1984. Benicia. $8,500. [email protected]. upholstery. Safety netting. Many extras. Needs some TLC. Low\/no hr Universal 25. 32 TO 35 FEET Two recent surveys available for serious Includes all equipment. (925) 831-9582. buyers. Winterized and shrink-wrapped at Obexer\u2019s. Email [email protected]. 25-FT HOBIE \u2018MAGIC\u2019 SPORTBOAT. 1993. Dana Point, CA. $7,950. Carbon spars. Excellent race boat. On trailer in Dana Point, CA. Running rigging needs sorting, minor project. (949) 547-1000 [email protected]. 29 TO 31 FEET 30-FT FREEDOM, 1987. La Cruz, MX. 35-FT SANTANA, 1980. Benicia Marina. 33-FT WESTERLY STORM, 1987. Glen $35,000. Gary Mull design. Perfect $22,000. At Ease has been a successful Cove. $37,495. Built and designed 31-FT ETCHELLS, 1975. Stockton. shorthanded boat. Yanmar, new bottom, racer in the SF Bay. New North 3DL main for heavy weather. Lloyd\u2019s Register of $12,000. Etchells (red, white & blue) like- carbon \ufb01ber mast, main, self-tending jib and many others. For more informa- construction iron \ufb01n keel, spade rudder. new sails. Hull #134. Perfect for class with camber boom, asymmetrical spin- tion, see website: www.ateaseforsale. Very well maintained. Everything works. racing or beer can racing. Trailer. Tons of naker, swim step, liferaft, EPIRB, radar, (707) 746-5076 or (925) Beautiful teak interior with forward and photos. At Stockton Sailing Club. Etchells GPS, AP, LPG, galley fridge, 50 gal water. 408-0420 or [email protected]. aft cabins. Volvo model 2002 2-cylinder Fleet #36. Contact (209) 988-2012 or Turnkey. Contact [email protected]. 33-FT CAL, 1972. Emery Cove Yacht Har- is very clean, runs great. Very rare vessel [email protected]. 31-FT ETCHELLS USA 1315. Richmond bor. $10,000\/obo. Modi\ufb01ed stern. Skeg in US. Gimbaled propane stove, nice YC. $35,000\/obo. Built by Pacesetter in rudder. Tiller. Volvo diesel under 400 hrs. complement of sails. Very crisp new 30-FT NONSUCH, 1981. Berkeley. Australia for 2015 RYC Worlds. Dual-axle Harken Mk II. Newer rigging. Surveyed GPS. chartplotter, depthsounder. She $47,500. Beautiful Nonsuch 30C, clean, trailer. Three years racing on the Bay, 3 in December. Priced to sell. Buy it with a will survey well. Contact me for more well cared-for and well loved. Fun to sail, years in Stockton, idle the last 5 years. slip for extra discount. (626) 410-5918 or information. Thanks. (707) 372-8660 or easy to singlehand, comfortable and (510) 236-8098 or [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. dry with hardtop dodger. Newer Beta Marine diesel w\/Gori 3-blade folding\/ 29-FT J-29, 1984. (FROB) Benicia, CA. 34-FT MARINER 31, 1969. Oxnard, 36 TO 39 FEET reversible prop, cockpit cushions, wind\/ $15,500\/obo. Race winner, new bottom CA. $14,500\/obo. Recent haulout, no depth\/speed\/radar\/GPS chartplotter, paint 2016, 1 set white sails and spinna- blisters, well maintained. Spruce masts 36-FT HUNTER VISION, 1993. San electric windlass, Rocna anchor w\/all- ker, Nissan 6hp 4-stroke outboard, Nexus and booms sound. Needs new working Diego. $61,000. Excellent condition. chain rode, dinghy davits, new batter- speed, depth, wind instruments, Garmin sails. Low hours Perkins. Needs rewiring Includes GPS, generator, and dinghy. ies w\/battery monitor and much more. GPS\/plotter. Additional race sail pack- of running lights. Veteran of South Paci\ufb01c. Updates are new bottom paint, prop, All LED, new refrigeration, and much age; $12,260\/obo. New Hogan Technora Contact [email protected] or pumps, halyard, main sheet, fridge, all more. Buying larger boat and priced for main, new Hogan Technora 135% jib, (805) 259-9444. service current. Roomy interior. Contact quick sale. Contact through website. 2015 Quantum Technora 100% jib, 2014 (602) 292-0461 or (858) 775-4821 or Quantum Technora 155% Jib, new Hogan [email protected]. running spinnaker, 2015 Quantum reach- ing spinnaker, heavy-weather spinnaker, forward hatch spinnaker bag, spinnaker pole bag. Call Grant. (510) 245-3231 or [email protected]. Get the Reliable, Powerful Wheel Pilot DAVE\u2019S DIVING SERVICE Quiet & Dependable \u2022 Affordable \u2022 Built for Immersion Hull Cleaning \u2022 Zincs \u2022 Inspections \u2022 Props Replaced Easy Owner Installation \u2022 Low Power Consumption Repairs \u2022 Recoveries. Fully Insured and Marina Recommended. 831-687-0541 (415) 331-3612 \u2022 Serving Southern Marin Since 1984 STARBOARD YACHT DELIVERIES MARINE SURVEYOR Over 50,000 sea miles \u2022 Paci\ufb01c, Caribbean, Atlantic Sharpe Surveying & Consulting. SAMS Accredited Marine Surveyor. USCG Master 100 GT STCW \u2022 Power & Sail Serving the San Francisco Bay and Delta. Rick Whiting \u2022 (415) 740-2924 \u2022 [email protected] [email protected] \u2022 (510) 337-0706 January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 113","36-FT HUNTER, 1981. Moss Landing. $39,000. Cherubini design. New bottom paint, custom v-berth mattress, great slip at Moss Landing, Monterey Bay. Kevlar main. Great sailing boat... great looking. Email me for lots of photos. (209) 988- 2012 or [email protected]. 36-FT PJ (STANDFAST), 1974. $43,750. 43-FT RON HOLLAND, 1986. Marina 48-FT MAYFLOWER KETCH, 1985. 41-FT SYDNEY, 1996. Oceanside Harbor. Tiller-steered, IOR rated, ocean-ready. Riviera Nayarit, MX. $95,000. Aft cockpit, Puerto Vallarta, MX. $109,000. Sleek and $119,000. Twister (2015 SDYC Yachting Keel-up re\ufb01t. New: Yanmar, shaft exhaust, 2 strms, 2 heads, spacious, well equipped graceful May\ufb02ower 48-ft ketch. Properly Cup in-class winner) is a beautiful and well prop, batts, plumbing, tanks, sails, rod and well maintained for cruising. Single- equipped for a crew of two, bluewater maintained version of this highly sought- rigging, hydraulics, furler, hull faired, hull\/ handed all over Paci\ufb01c Mexico in comfort cruiser carries and \ufb02ies up to \ufb01ve sails. after racer\/cruiser. With her powerful mast rewired. Contact (510) 812-3715 or and now lying in a fantastic location. Not Designed by George Stadel II, the Oriana carbon rig, Nelson Marek deep keel, and [email protected]. a charter boat! See more info at www. has proven performance, good con- ef\ufb01cient hull shape, the Sydney 41 is one\/sabbatical.php. struction, and attention to detail. Ample of the few boats as comfortable on the Contact of\[email protected]. captain\u2019s cabin, attractive, roomy salon, race course as she is cruising the Islands. and fully-equipped galley, the boat is Ian Murray design, Bashford-built, the 40 TO 50 FEET a comfortable liveaboard in any of the Sydney 41 was designed around the world\u2019s ports. Powered by the depend- principle of performance. The basis of the able Perkins 92M, under power the craft 41\u2019s hull shape comes from the latest of cruises comfortably at 7.5 knots. Equip- grand prix thinking and is readily evident ment includes roller furling on all masts, when under sail. (See Yachtworld ad). self-tailing winches, 300-ft. chain anchor Contact (760) 439-0011 or (760) 579-2899 rode, three sturdy anchors, watermaker, or [email protected]. and more. See (480) SERENDIPITY 43, 1982. Delta. $84,000. 447-7316 or [email protected]. Semi-custom, Kevlar epoxy f\/g, spacious, warm teak interior w\/aft cabin. Recent re\ufb01t, 44-FT CATALINA MORGAN, 2007. Ana- 41-FT CUSTOM KETCH, 2013. Long 50-FT GULFSTAR KETCH, 1975. Hono- being cruised and improved. Safe, com- cortes, WA. $249,000\/obo. A real deck Beach. $54,000. New (almost) 41-ft kohau Harbor, Kailua-Kona, HI. $150,000. fortable, tough yet fast. Yanmar. Improved salon, light and airy. Tons of storage for full-keel \ufb01berglass ketch. Built on a bare Three-cabin version with large aft owner\u2019s hard dodger. See http:\/\/\/P7- liveaboard or cruising. Both forward and CT-41 hull. Custom deck with wheelhouse cabin. Extensive re\ufb01t over the last 12 NJ5KeMn4 or [email protected]. aft cabins have queen berths with head and inside steering. Large circular cockpit years. Beautiful interior with new cabin 47-FT CATALINA. San Diego. $198,500. and showers. Just-serviced 75hp Yanmar with custom varnished mahogany interior. sole. 85hp Perkins. Full set of Raymarine Customized bluewater-ready. Ha-Ha with 900 hrs. Newer batteries and two Settee w\/panoramic view, separate head electronics. A great, comfortable, well- veteran. Extra fuel capacity, 110 or 240v, 85-watt solar panels. Cruising spinnaker, and shower, full galley, 1 queen and 2 performing bluewater or coastal cruiser. watermaker, chartplotter, radar, AIS, cold- power winches, hydronic heat. Raymarine single berths. All systems are new includ- More at http:\/\/ plate refridge\/freezer. Custom cabinets L120 radar, chartplotter autopilot, bow ing engine (200hrs), tanks 150+ gallons Contact (808) 883-9136 or (559) 907-1210 and workshop, dive compressor, in-boom thruster. New dodger and glass. Leisure fuel and water. All electrical, plumbing, or [email protected]. furler, staysail, autopilot, windvane, new Furl boom. May consider trade. (408) and electronics are new. Rigging, mainsail 45-FT STARRATT JENKS, 1979. Alam- hard dodger, heat-air, Autoprop. Much 666-3261 or [email protected]. new, spinnaker, jib, genoa, storm jib all eda. $29,000. Beautiful lines, same as more. Paci\ufb01c Puddle Jump-ready. Check excellent. Every item including shaft and Morgan 45. Fast cruising design. Needs out http:\/\/ rudder is new or reconditioned. 73-yr-old bow glass repair, chainplates; transmis- Call (916) 607-9026. owner singlehanded California to Aca- sion leak. Interior comfortable, nice pulco for shakedown. (760) 482-8172 or layout, newer cushions. Perkins diesel, 47-FT CUSTOM. Performance Cruiser, 41-FT CATALINA 400, 1995. Saint Helens, [email protected]. radar, AIS, VHF, GPS. Quick sale. (510) 1983. Pittsburg, CA. $187,500. Gary Columbia River. $124,900. New sails, bi- 41-FT NEWPORT, 1984. Delta. $39,500. 846-6417 or [email protected]. Mull design. Fast, strong, aluminum mini, running rigging, hard dodger, radar, Excellent condition. Rod rigging, diesel, with beautiful Awlgrip \ufb01nish. Loaded to PSS, salon and cockpit upholstery. Very radar, GPS. Autopilot, dinghy and o\/b. cruise. Just returned from 6 months in nice boat. Please continue to website to Prepared for cruising. Health changes Mexico. Very special boat. More at www. see complete details: http:\/\/sailingswift. plans. Freshwater berth. (916) 217-6908\/view\/51161. Contact Contact (503) 720-1184 or [email protected]. (925) 948-5613 or [email protected]. or [email protected]. 44-FT KELLY PETERSON, 1980. Ma- rina Palmira, La Paz, Baja California Sur. 43-FT LANCER SLOOP, 1982. Sausalito. $95,000. Great cruising\/liveaboard, ready $66,000\/obo. Desirable beamy liveaboard for you to explore the Sea of Cortez and boat with many recent upgrades is now beyond. High-gloss varnish interior, non- available in transferable Sausalito slip. skid deck, sails like a dream. See more New windlass, new rigging, new roller information at Email furler. New electronics, recent bottom. [email protected]. Contact (415) 713-9515 or (415) 419-1437 or [email protected]. MARINE ENGINE CO. REMOVABLE BOWSPRITS Complete Engine Services \u2022 Gas & Diesel 30 Years Experience \u2022 Reasonable Rates YOGA FOR SAILORS ON THE SAN RAFAEL WATERFRONT Tune-Ups \u2022 Oil Changes \u2022 Engine Rebuilding, etc. Perfect for beginners and those seeking to balance strenuous activity with gentle stretching, rest and recovery. (415) 763-9070 (415) 785-4530 \u2022 BEAUTIFUL BLUE-HULLED SLOOP-RIGGED SAILBOAT AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER OUT OF SAN PEDRO, CA Two fresh water heads and 2 berths. Fully equipped for coastal sailing. $600\/day. Captain\/food services available. Please Contact Peter Geuther (310) 923-1845 to Inquire Page 114 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","MULTIHULLS 40-FT CALIBER LRC SE, 2008. La Paz. 41-FT FORMOSA SEA TIGER, 1973. 30-FT GEMINI 3000, 1989. Alameda. 50-FT PIVER TRIDENT, 1976. Half Moon $284,950. Ready to cruise the Sea of South San Francisco. $62,500\/obo. $39,000. Recent Mexico vet, great live- Bay. $70,000. Starship is a proven blue- Cortez, Mexican mainland and beyond. Hauled out 2016. All new thru-hulls\/ aboard, 14\u2019 beam, draws 18\u201d boards up, 3 water cruiser, sturdy and spacious with Vivacia has all of the LRC SE safety and valves, New top\/bottom paint. Radar, cabins, queen bed, high-thrust outboard, a rich and joyous history. Four separate comfort features plus 200 gal fuel and GPS, depthsounder, etc. Mahogany inte- autopilot, chartplotter, dinghy davits, strms with 5 full-sized beds, enclosed pi- 175 gal water, two chartplotters, radar rior. 7 ft. headroom. Fiberglass hull. Diesel spinnaker, SSB, smart battery monitor, lothouse, mainsail and 3 headsails. 50hp and AIS, Icom 504 VHF and 802 SSB engine. Ready to sail! (650) 281-6314. solar, needs cosmetics. (510) 846-6417 marinized Volkswagen Rabbit diesel, re- w\/Pactor III, hydraulic autopilot and or [email protected]. frigeration, solar, wind generator, naviga- Hydrovane self steering, 14 gph Spectra 51 FEET & OVER tion equipment, 4-burner propane stove, watermaker, 600 AH Lifeline AGM\u2019s 12\/14, fresh- and salt-water pump systems, diesel gen and 340 watts of solar, Bauer manual toilet and clean holding tank. dive compressor, Achilles 9\u20196\u201d in\ufb02atable Three anchors and much, much more. w\/Tohatsu 8hp 4-stroke, full dodger and Contact for more info http:\/\/\/ bimini 12\/15, furling main, 125 genoa, z2qbsly. Email [email protected]. convertible furling staysail, asymmetrical spinnaker, Rocna 33 anchor w\/electric windlass and 300 ft. G43 high-test. Email [email protected]. 45-FT MORGAN, 1967. Ventura Isle 56-FT JOHN ALDEN. Pilothouse Cutter, 36-FT CAT2FOLD, 2005. $149,000\/ 40-FT PROSAIL RACING CATAMARAN. Marina. $49,000. Pretty classic, one of 1964. Vancouver, BC. $159,000 CDN. obo. Cat2Fold is looking for a new 1987. Tiburon. $120,000. Shadow is a 12 built. Super-professional maintenance, Built as a charter boat by Camper & Nich- owner! 36x24, biplane-rigged, sailing fast, fun Formula 40 racing catamaran. sail-ready now. Fresh survey $59K. Low olsons, GRP. Bluewater-proven, sleeps cat folds to 8.5\u2019, trailerable anywhere! You\u2019ve seen her set many records and hours Yanmar 4JHE. Fully loaded vessel. 8. Bow thruster, dive compressor, water- Very solid, easy to sail, and super-cool! win many races, including Rolex Big Boat New solar panels. Great value. Email maker, lots more. (604) 358-8968 or (604) See more at http:cat2fold.wordpress. Series (2012) and Delta Ditch Run. She is [email protected]. 354-5090 or [email protected]. com\/2016\/12\/14\/cat2fold-is-looking-for- professionally maintained to the highest a-new-owner. Contact (208) 228-0077 or standard. Built from all carbon in the USA, CLASSIC BOATS [email protected]. she would also be perfect to set up an adventure-charter program, or just have the most exciting daysailer on the water. Contact [email protected] or (415) 640-3363. 40-FT OLSON, 1983. Emery Cove Ma- 47-FT GAFF CUTTER, 1933. Los An- 45-FT CAPRICORN CAT, 1995. Brisbane 38-FT SEAWIND 1160 DELUXE. rina. $85,000. Excellent setup for cruise geles. $140,000. Captain O. M. Watts- Marina, in SF Bay. $299,000. One-off Kurt 2007. Brickyard Cove, Richmond. or racing. Well maintained fast boat, 48 designed, 21 tons, teak on oak, massively Hughes design. She is a fast, agile, light- $400,000+Business Option. Deluxe rating with newer 125 genoa and spin- built, in \ufb01ne condition and with A1 recent weight, customized cruising catamaran. owner\u2019s version. Top condition USCG- naker. Teak interior in good shape. Full out-of-water survey. Owned 25 years and High bridgedeck and daggerboards = inspected vessel. Ready for world cruis- sail set for cruise or race. New Max-Prop very well sorted-out. Carries her years great windward work, beautiful galley-up, ing, a lucrative charter business, or do and bottom paint. New asymmetrical as better than the owner, who is building a big fridge, big freezer, with new com- you hear Mexico calling for you and your well as full set of downwind kites. Two smaller vessel. Contact (818) 853-7101 pressors. B&G, Ham\/SSB w\/upgraded consortium members? Endless possibili- poles. Main in good shape. Many custom or [email protected]. Pactor modem, 2x44hp turbo Volvos, ties! For a complete list of added options, upgrades: rigging, rudder, fuel tank, water with Flexofolds. Faired bottom, genset, call Dan. Contact (510) 232-5820 or tanks, holding tank. New teak and holly 24gph watermaker, 4 solar panels, 10\u20196\u201d [email protected]. \ufb02oor, etc. Lots of extras for maintaining dinghy w\/15hp Yamaha. We have enthu- boat. Includes over 10k equity in 40-ft siastically sailed and upgraded so she slip at Emery Cove Harbor. Loan balance runs like a top. 3x So. Pac, 6x+ Ha-Ha 38k. Contact Matthew for showing at vet. This boat is ready to go right now. [email protected] or (408) Food, fuel, clothes are all you need. Can 858-2405. Liveaboard harbor. you hear Mexico, the whole world calling? Ha-Ha 2017 anyone? (831) 332-8448 or [email protected]. Afterguard Sailing Academy COMPLETE MARINE WOODWORK Design \/ Restoration \u2022 Expert European Craftsmanship \u2022 Interior \/ Exterior The Affordable Way to ASA ASA Basics to Ocean \u2022 Crew Intro to Cruising Prep Repairs \/ Maintenance \u2022 Marine Windows & Frame Replacement (510) 535-1954 \u2022 Wood & Dry Rot Repairs \u2022 Varnish Work \u2022 Marine Painting MOBILE MARINE PUMP-OUT SERVICE Reasonable Rates \u2022 (415) 377-3770 \u2022 References Available $25 per pump up to 40 gallons. January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 115 Includes fresh water \ufb02ush and a packet of treatment. 20% discount for regularly scheduled service. \u2022 (415) 465-0149 \u2022 [email protected]","POWER & HOUSEBOATS 52-FT DUTCH TJALK, CANAL BARGE. SAILING THE SEA OF CORTEZ. In La DOCK SPACE FOR LEASE. Brickyard 1925. Port de l\u2019Arsenal, Paris, France. Paz. Sailing with a MacGregor 26X or Cove, Point Richmond. $375\/month. Easy 42-FT GIBSON, 1987. Sausalito. $95,000. $120,000. Classic Dutch canal barge for Herreshoff 28. More at www.sailing-baja. access SF Bay. Private home dock space, Liveaboard houseboat in downtown sale in France. Cruise the canals and riv- com. Contact (011-52) 612-123-5440 or separate gate access, street parking. Max Sausalito. Completely renovated and ers of Europe aboard this beautiful 52-ft [email protected]. 42-ft boat, keel draft max 8 feet at low updated. Runs great. See more at http:\/\/ converted Dutch tjalk. Present owner tide. No liveaboard. (510) 672-4904 or\/nby\/boa\/5901664266. has cruised throughout France for the WANTED [email protected]. html. Call (415) 636-1786. last \ufb01fteen years. Currently berthed at 36-FT SEAHORSE MARINE COOT. the Bastille in Paris. Powered by a six- AUTOHELM PARTS OR ALL. Honolulu. PROPERTY SALE\/RENT 2011. Anacortes, WA. $240,000. Strength, cylinder Peugeot diesel, with compound Need parts and\/or all, for the older me- economy, comfort. Cormorant was spe- rudder, hydraulic power steering and chanical one! Need rudder (with hardware HOME AND MOORING BUSINESS. For ci\ufb01cally designed for Northwest cruising. bow thruster, this darling handles like and trim tab). Tsunami took it away! (808) sale. Taboga Island, Panama. $395,000. Her steel hull and protected running gear a sports car. The interior is old-world 230-6466 or [email protected]. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 4 bath home and provide an elevated level of safety. 200+ craftsmanship with mahogany paneling, thriving mooring business. 2400 sq. ft. gallons of water, 400+ gallons of fuel extensive carving, and even stained-glass GEAR Spectacular ocean views. Eight years and an ef\ufb01cient John Deere 4045DFM70 windows. Photos, details at website: in business. More information at http:\/\/ give her autonomy not seen on vessels www.dutchbargephaedra.homestead. QUANTUM MAIN & FURLING JIB. Contact of her size (1500+nm range). All of this com. Contact [email protected] Sausalito. $1,500. Quantum tri-radial (507) 6459-4576, (507) 6442-5712 or combined with a queen berth, washer\/ or (0336) 47-72-70-06. main and furling jib. Main: luff 51.15,\u2019 [email protected]. dryer, separate shower stall, walk-around foot 17.65,\u2019 with 3 rows reef points. Jib: BEAUTIFUL BEACH HOME. With rental decks, autopilot, satellite compass, and SOUTH OF THE BORDER luff 50.20,\u2019 leech 48.40,\u2019 foot 16.20,\u2019 LP opportunities. La Manzanilla, Jalisco, bow thruster. Will consider trade for select 15.60\u2019 with sun cover. (916) 217-0222 or Mexico. $810,000 USD. Overlooking bluewater sailboats. See www.weblab. PROFESSIONAL DELIVERY CAPTAINS. [email protected]. Tenacatita Bay, Mexico. Watch sunsets com\/cormorant. Contact (206) 696-0234 San Diego-based, USCG Master 100 GT. from your terrace in this one-of-a-kind or Ian.M.Grif\[email protected]. Sail and power. ASA-certi\ufb01ed instructional MISCELLANEOUS designer home in mint condition! Titled 26-FT PACEMAKER WAHOO, 1978. deliveries. Paci\ufb01c Mexico and Baja Bash with Bank Trust. Includes three units for $5,000. Center console, 10\u2019 beam. Chevy specialists. More at website: www. 2006 TRUCK CAMPER CAR-CARRIER. personal use or rental. Located 3 hours twin screws - 292s. velvet drives. Very Contact David Pulls boat 20,911 miles. Morro Bay, CA. south of Puerto Vallarta on gorgeous unique, solid hull. Was ex-tow boat. (925) at [email protected] or (619) $40,000. Original, F-350, dually, V8 diesel Tenacatita Bay. Three-mile walking 497-6445. 913-7834. super-duty, 4WD, lariat, trailer pkg. AirLift beach, protected moorage, small-town 5000 springs, 3 hoists: front is 12,000 ambiance, all amenities. Check us out on PLAN YOUR MEXICAN GETAWAY NOW. lbs, Temperature, pyrometer, voltmeters, TripAdvisor, http:\/\/ At the brand-new, gorgeous Cielo Y Mar 1-owner, maintained, clear title. Camper: More information at condos. Located in Punta Mita, 35 min- stove, sink, refrigerator, microwave, hot Contact \[email protected] or utes from PV, available to rent from private water unit, air conditioner, \ufb01replace, aw- (503) 926-7633 or (315) 351-5014. owner. On the beach, 10 feet from the wa- ning, safe, sleeps 4. Ramps for loading ter, they offer spectacular views of ocean car mounted on sides, stove and sink CREW and mountains, the biggest in\ufb01nity pool rise to ceiling, double bed over car, Estate in the area, an endless beach, great surf sale - 95% completed. (805) 459-0206 or PART-TIME CREW. For 60-ft motoryacht. breaks, great \ufb01shing, tremendous views [email protected]. Alameda, CA. Part-time crew opportunity of whales, bird life and the islands. While for a 60-ft, 59 gross ton motoryacht based uncrowded and tranquil, just a \ufb01ve-minute BERTHS & SLIPS in Alameda. Looking for help with routine walk to several waterfront restaurants. maintenance, cleaning, provisioning and Choose from a spacious, beautifully fur- 50-FT SLIP PIER 39, SLIP J6. Best of- helping out on Bay cruises with owners nished one- or three-bedroom unit, or an fer. Unobstructed views of the Golden and guests. Some long-distance cruising amazing two-story penthouse with lovely Gate Bridge and Coit Tower. Discounted possible. Good opportunity to get sea shade trellis on the top \ufb02oor. See details parking at Pier 39 parking garage. No time on the Bay. Expect 30-40 hours a at website. www.puntamitabeachfront- liveaboards. Will consider 1\/2 ownership. month. Please email resume, Attn: Da- To reserve, call Do\u00f1a de Please contact for more info. (650) 520- vid to [email protected]. Mallorca. (415) 269-5165. 4607 or [email protected]. Salary to be based on experience. (415) 37\u2019+ SLIP, X 11.5\u2019, PRIVATE DOCK. 251-5680. Alameda Estuary. $271\/month. Up to 41\u2019. OFFSHORE INSTRUCTION. John and Safe, secure, easy access. Power\/water Amanda Neal provide documented included. (Sorry no liveaboard). Call Ed, ocean passagemaking instruction aboard (510) 521-2000 or [email protected]. Mahina Tiare III, their Hallberg-Rassy 46, drawing on their combined 658,000 miles and 81 years experience. More info at (360) 378-6131. EARN $100,000+ in PROVIDING SPONSORSHIP Sail the Greek Islands \u2022 15 days $2,450 \u2022 May 9-23 or Sept 5-19 For 'Stroke to Paradise' on 50-ft hydrofoil motor catamaran. 7 nights yacht, 1 night Athens, 2 nights hotel Poros, 3 nights Santorini Each crew must have survived Heart Attack and\/or Stroke. Transfers, domestic \ufb02ight to Santorini, hotels included. (Does not include international air) Interested parties and\/or to apply as crew: [email protected] \u00ea [email protected] \u2022 (949) 683-7727 \u00ea VESSEL MOVING OFFSHORE PASSAGEMAKING INSTRUCTION IN THE PACIFIC & ATLANTIC John & Amanda Neal are dedicated to providing hands-on, No ocean too big, no trip too small, no ship too large, no mast too tall. Sail or power, we move them all! When you are ready give us a call. documented instruction aboard their Hallberg-Rassy 46 Mahina Tiare III, drawing on their combined 658,000 miles and 81 years of experience. Professional Service \u2022 [email protected] \u2022 (206) 390-1596 \u2022 (360) 378-6131 Page 116 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","JOBS WANTED HARBORMASTER. City of Monterey. MARINE MAINTENANCE. Technology WANTED: RIB TOUR BOAT CAPTAIN. $109,392 - $132,888 annually. The City Instructor. Anacortes, WA. Instructor for Pier 39, San Francisco. Wanted: USCG PART-TIME CAPTAIN. USCG Master of Monterey\u2019s world-renowned waterfront NW Center of Excellence for Marine Licensed & experienced RIB Boat captain 50 GT with tow, looking for interesting area comprises two wharves, two launch Manufacturing & Technology. This pro- to operate 28\u2019 RIB boat, Bay Voyager. part-time work on the water in Bay Area. ramps, a 413-berth marina, and approxi- gram prepares students for marine trades The success of our company, currently Retired successful businessman, mid- mately 200 moorings. The Harbormaster employment in three major areas: marine rated #1 boat tour in San Francisco on 50s, with great people skills. Contact Mi- is a full-time management-level position propulsion, marine vessel systems, TripAdvisor, relies upon a gold standard chael Long. (707) 483-0191 or michael@ that oversees all operations in the Marina\/ and marine composites in a modern of customer service, and safety. Enthu- long\ Harbor Division of the Community Servic- facility. A continuing, 9-month-per-year, siasm, familiarity with local waterfront es Department. The successful candidate 35-hr-per- week, full-time tenure track and maritime history, 2-5 years diverse JOB OPPORTUNITIES will have a strong background in Marina position with Skagit Valley College. maritime work experience, Maritime and Harbor operations with a proven track $52,801 annually. Teaching may include Academy, other languages, a plus. More SAILING INSTRUCTORS. Nationally rec- record of maintaining a safe, secure, and day, evening, and distance education information at http:\/\/ ognized as one of the country\u2019s top sail- professional waterfront. To view the full courses to begin September 2017. Ap- Please email resume and cover letter to ing schools, OCSC Sailing is looking for job \ufb02yer, go to: www.governmentjobs. ply online at: http:\/\/\/news. [email protected]. Call (510) instructors to join its award-winning team. com\/careers\/montereyca. Contact (831) asp_Q_pagenumber_E_3521. Contact 612-1251. OCSC\u2019s rigorous curriculum is famous for 646-6942 or [email protected]. [email protected] or call with questions, turning out the best new sailors. You will LICENSED CAPTAIN WANTED. Wanted: (360) 416-7954. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES enjoy thorough training to develop your Licensed Captain with towing endorse- skills as an instructor. Read what being an ment for Vessel Assist on the San Fran- WYLIECAT SF BAY AREA. \u201cTwo men, instructor at OCSC is like on our website: cisco Bay and Delta. Preferred if you live half a century, and an unwritten hand-\/about\/people\/ on SF waterfront area or Bethel Island. shake.\u201d Boatbuilding operations for sale. sailing_instructor.php. Email resume and (925) Includes molds\/tools and everything cover letter to Johnny McGinty, General 382-4422 or [email protected]. necessary to start production of the Manager at [email protected]. (510) 843- full line of Wyliecat sailboats. See more 4200 ext. 120. information at Call Tom. (925) 376-7338. Happy New Year from the Crew at Latitude 38 Custom Interior & Exterior Cushions The Gianola Family has been designing and A Sailor's Consignment fabricating custom canvas and interiors since Chandlery 1969. Gianola Canvas Products offers you the best in quality, more choices, and personal service. NEW & USED BOAT GEAR GS \u2022 BOAT INTER 265-B Gate 5 Road Open Tues.-Sat. 10 to 5 p.m. CANVAGISA\u2022NOALAWNIN CANVAS P Sausalito, CA 94965 IORS \u2022 PATIO CU (415) 332-3339 Items in Blue Pelican Marine store RODUCTS on ! SHIONS \u2022 BOAT (510) 769-4858 January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 117","JUST YOU AND THE SEA\u2026 \u2026and the jacuzzi, the 80-ft long pool, the surf, the Punta Mita anchorage, and the 4-mile distant Tres Marietas Islands Punta Mita Beachfront Condos Call now for reservations! (415) 269-5165 ENGINES \u2022 PARTS \u2022 SERVICE Your Source for Self-Steering and Emergency Rudder Solutions 1-800-326-5135 \u2022 Auto-Helm Windvane \u2022 Saye's Rig Windvane We Ship (415) 453-1001 \u2022 SOS Emergency Rudder \u2022 FoldAway Boarding Ladders Anywhere FAX: (415) 453-8460 \u2022 AnchorRescue System SECAoSTnTecLeoEuuBsrsOaeAt T#th2Se4H0O1W 619 Canal Street San Rafael, CA 94901 510.215.2010 ww AUTHORIZED POWER CENTER [email protected] LEE SAILS OFFERS HIGH QUALITY, CUSTOM FIT, Specializing in Complete Packages LONG LASTING CRUISING SAILS. WE COME TO YOUR BOAT AND TAKE EXACT MEASUREMENTS AIS TO ASSURE PERFECT FIT AND MAXIMUM SEATECH SYSTEMSTM PERFORMANCE OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL NEW SAILS. FOR A SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE. 800.444.2581 \u00b7 281.334.1174 [email protected] \u00b7 FREE QUOTES GLADLY! Navigation, Communication & Weather (510) 599-1795 [email protected] Page 118 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","Happy New Year! Let Your Dreams Set Sail. The Sea Scouts Ship is a sailing program for high school girls in San Francisco that focuses on sailing tradtional whaleboats. We are sailors, rowers, and all-around awesome girls! DeWitt Art Gallery & Framing (510) 236-1401 [email protected] Online Stores: ADVERTISERS' INDEX AB Marine ....................6 City Yachts ....................7 FlopStopper...............111 Iverson\u2019s Design ...........79 Marina de La Paz ......108 ATN ...........................41 Club Nautique.............49 Flying Cloud JK3 Nautical Marina El Cid..............45 Yachts ....................121 Enterprises ................15 Marina Vallarta ...........43 Almar Marinas ............37 Corinthian Yacht Mariners General Club.........................93 Gentry\u2019s Kona KISS-SSB\/Radioteck .....87 BVI Yacht Charters .......97 Marina ...................111 Insurance ..................83 Cover Craft .................45 Kissinger Canvas .........71 Maritime Institute..........41 Bay Marine Gianola Canvas Marotta Yachts...........122 Boatworks.................25 Coyote Point Products..................117 KKMI \u2013 Boatyard .......124 Mast Mate ..................87 Marina .....................92 McDermott Costa Bay Marine Diesel......108 Grand Marina ...............2 Lee Sails ...................118 Cruising Yachts ............27 Insurance ..................43 Berkeley Yacht Club......38 Ground Tackle List Marine Minney\u2019s Yacht DeWitt Studio ............119 Marine .....................87 Enterprises ................40 Blue Pelican ..............117 Surplus ...................108 Doyle Sails ..................29 Hansen Rigging ...........32 Loch Lomond Modern Sailing Blue Water Yacht Marina .....................87 Insurance ................110 eMarine Systems........110 Helms Yacht & Ship School & Club ...........36 Brokers ....................42 Maine Cats ...............111 Napa Valley Marina ....10 Boat Yard at Grand Emery Cove Yacht New Era Yachts .........120 Marina, The ..............20 Harbor .....................41 Helmut\u2019s Marine Makela Boatworks .....106 Newport Beach Service ...................118 Breakwater Cove Emeryville Marina ........44 Marcha Marina Park..............18 Marina .....................86 Heritage Marine Sailmakers .............108 Equipment Parts Insurance ..................39 CONTINUED Brisbane Marina ..........47 Sales ...................... 111 Marina Bay Yacht Hirschfeld Yachts..........12 Harbor .....................32 Catamaran Company, Farallon Electronics ......46 The ..........................35 Hood Sails ..................13 Marina Cortez.............40 Farallone Yacht Charter Leopard 47 .....96 Sales ........................ 16 Hydrovane ..................79 Marina Costa Baja.......33 January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 119","57\u2019 ALDEN CLASSIC, \u201831 47\u2019 GULFSTAR SAILMASTER, \u201879 47\u2019 VALIANT, \u201882 46\u2019 PILOTHOUSE SEA EAGLE, \u201884 $129,000 $134,900 $129,500 $75,000 REPDRUICCETION REPDRUICCETION REPDRUICCETION BARGAIN 45\u2019 ROBERTSON & CAINE LEOPARD 44 LANCER, \u201880 43\u2019 SERENDIPITY, \u201881 33\u2019 NEWPORT, 1985 $237,500 $59,900 $89,000 $12,000 A MUST SEE 30\u2019 NEWPORT MkII, 1978 28\u2019 BRISTOL CHANNEL CUTTER 28\u2019 RANGER, \u201877 27\u2019 O\u2019DAY, 1974 Electric motor. $19,500 $74,000 $7,900 $7,500 POWER & SAIL 2021 Alaska Packer Pl., Grand Marina, Alameda, CA 94501 [email protected] \u2022 [email protected] (510) 523-5988 \u2022 ADVERTISERS' INDEX \u2013 cont'd Norpac Yachts...........123 Pineapple Sails ..............3 Scanmar Swi-Tec America ........106 ........106 International ............ 118 North Sails..................23 Punta Mita Beachfront TMM Yacht Westwind Precision Condos ..................118 Schaefer Marine ..........28 Charters ...................97 Details ...................... 48 North West Marine Trade Association \u2013 Raiatea Carenage Schoonmaker Point ThunderStruck Whale Point Marine Seattle Boat Show......21 Services..................109 Marina .....................24 Motors......................71 Supply......................22 Outboard Motor Richardson Bay Seashine .....................34 Trident Funding ..............4 Whiting & Wedlock Shop ........................44 Marina .....................93 Marine Surveyors ....110 Seatech ....................118 Twin Rivers Marine Owl Harbor Rubicon Yachts ...........8\u20139 Insurance ..................48 Wizard Yachts, Marina .....................43 South Beach Ltd. ..........................38 Sail California .............11 Harbor .....................26 Vallejo Marina.............79 Oyster Cove Yacht\ufb01nders\/ Marina .....................71 Sail Warehouse, Spaulding Wooden Vanguard Properties .....83 Windseakers .............45 The ........................110 Boat Center...............47 Paci\ufb01c Crest Ventura Harbor Canvas.....................30 Sal\u2019s In\ufb02atable Spectra Boatyard ................106 Services....................39 Watermakers...........107 Paci\ufb01c Offshore Rigging ....................34 San Diego Sunroad Starbuck Canvas..........46 Marina Boat Show ....39 Paci\ufb01c Sail & Power Stem to Stern ...............83 Boat Show ................31 San Francisco Boat Works ......................70 Suncoast Yachts ...........36 Paci\ufb01c Yacht Imports .....................14 San Juan Sailing ..........96 Svendsen\u2019s Boat Works ......................19 Passage Nautical ...........5 Satellite Phone Store ........................17 Swedish Marine...........42 Page 120 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","6400 E. Marina Drive Sail \u00b7 BROKERS \u00b7 Power Phone (562) 594-9716 Long Beach, CA 90803 Fax (562) 594-0710 www.\ info@\ NEW LISTING 55' BRUCE ROBERTS KETCH $179,000 53' NAUTOR SWAN, '87 $290,000 48' CHOATE, '81 $49,000 48' BENETEAU OCEANIS, '13 $427,000 NEW LISTING 46' FORMOSA PETERSON, '79 $85,000 43' SPINDRIFT CC, '83 $82,500 41' C&C SLOOP, '85 $49,000 40' CATALINA MkII, '05 $149,500 REDUCED 40' NORSEMAN 400, '87 $135,000 39' ERICSON, '77 $39,500 37' TARTAN 3700, '02 $174,000 34' GEMINI 105MC, '09 $129,000 APPROX. 100 LISTINGS ON OUR WEB SITE: ADVEACILEMABBLEER 30 2017 Northern California SAILING CALENDAR AND YRA MASTER SCHEDULE ? Pick it up on December 30 with your January issue of Latitude 38 Follow the action all year long in \u2018Lectronic Latitude at January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 121","Marotta Yachts of Sausalito Brokers of Fine Sail and Motor Yachts 415-331-6200 \u2022 [email protected] \u2022 See at: See at: See at: 42' HINCKLEY SOU'WESTER SLOOP, 1983 Almost $700k spent 60' STEPHENS HOUSEBOAT, 1966 Immaculate and 44' NORSEMAN CENTER COCKPIT CUTTER, 1984 One of on improvements & upgrades since 2011; probably \ufb01nest example of a spacious custom yacht. Lying in a potentially live-aboard slip. Bob Perry's best designs. This particular example was just detailed classic Hinckley on the market. Potentially transferable slip. $299,000 MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION TO $199,000 \u2013 Owner Motivated. and shows nicely, realistically priced by motivated owner. $149,000 See at: See at: See at: 43' DUFOUR GIB'SEA, 2003 This four stateroom, 35' HINCKLEY PILOT 35, 1975 Hull #125; the LAST Pilot 35 41' C&C, 1987 More than $125k spent since '07, incl. being Awl- dual helm sloop was just detailed, is lying in transferable to be built & has been TOTALLY restored (incl. new Yanmar dsl) gripped. Real clean example of one of the most popular racer\/ Sausalito YH slip and is VERY competitively priced! $109,000 & shows Bristol. Possibly transferable Sausalito YH slip. $95,000 cruisers ever built. Potentially transferable Sausalito YH slip. $85,000 See at: See at: See at: NEW LISTING SISTERSHIP 24' PACIFIC SEACRAFT DANA, 1996 32' WESTSAIL CUTTER The nicest Westsail we've ever seen. 40' BRISTOL YAWL, 1974 Very nice turn key pocket cruiser. Lying in Morro Bay so Been in same family for 30 yrs and looks like she was launched Classic Ted Hood design in very nice shape. Hull and topsides YESTERDAY! Never cruised ; very low time on machinery. $59,000 shown by appointment please. $64,500 recently redone, shows very nicely, much more. $49,000 See at: See at: See at: REDUCED 37' TAYANA, 1977 35' MAXI 105, 1983 High quality Swedish-built yacht 30' NONSUCH, 1981 Professionally maintained example One of the most competitively priced Tayana 37s on the with a 3\/4 aft cockpit con\ufb01guration. In excellent condition, shows Bristol inside and out. WAY newer than actual age. market and lying transferable Sausalito YH slip. $42,900 Potentially transferable Sausalito YH slip. $38,000 she shows much newer than her actual age. $39,000 See at: See at: See at: REDUCED 20' PACIFIC SEACRAFT FLICKA, 1980 Well equipped 33' TARTAN 10, 1980 Sparkman & Stephens-designed 35' ERICSON MkII, 1980 Owned by same family and kept in fresh water until seven years ago, low time on daysailer that has been extensively updated, includ- for over 20 years. Lying in potentially transferable Yanmar diesel, hauled and bottom painted last year. $29,000 ing repower in 2012 and a TON of new sails. $24,500 Sausalito YH slip and very well priced at $10,000 at 100 BAY STREET \u2022 SAUSALITO \u2022 CALIFORNIA 94965 since 1946","NORPAC WE 37' TARTAN Sloop in very nice shape. Diesel, YACHTS SPECIALIZE IN roller furling, wheel on pedestal, skeg-mounted rud- THE TWO BEST der, SSB, 406 EPIRB, plotter, GPS, A\/P, full galley, 1150 Brickyard Cove Rd., B9, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 DAYS OF A BOAT double forward stateroom, enclosed marine head with OWNER'S LIFE! shower, teak interior, comfortable, good performer, nav (510) 232-7200 \u2022 FAX (510) 232-7202 station quarter berth & MORE! Asking $54,950 email: [email protected] OEFNFCEORUSRAGED 42' lod,\/52' sparred, Sch. SCORPIO REDUCED Edson B. Schock 43' BRUCE ROBERTS Ketch Bluewater cruiser. 25' FARALLON WHALEBACK,actually26'4\\\",these 12kw genset, dodger+full enclosure. Yanmar dsl, center seaworthy workhorses are legendary for their amazing CLASSIC SCHOONER cockpit, wheel, jib, main & mizzen all self-furling. Sleeps seaworthiness & all-around performance. Even Boston by Costa Mesa's Dittmar Yard. A beau- 6 in bunks, aft dbl strm w\/head & shower, 2 heads, full Whaler can't hold a candle to these incredibly utilitarian tifully restored\/rebuilt thoroughbred galley incl. freezer, nav station MORE! Asking $69,950 boats. 260 hp V8, 500 hrs on rebuild. Asking $28,000 of the West Coast yachting tradition. Low hours modern diesel, recent sails, REDUCED! teak decks. Beautiful, traditional, seakindly bluewater windjammer. 34' NORWEGIAN TREASURE built by All good & awaiting your pleasure. Norway's Osvald Forlund. Beautiful\/traditional double-ender. Great compact & comfortable cruising Asking $64,900 liveaboard w\/lots of old-world charm. Dsl, lug rig, seaworthy & stoutly built. Light & roomy. Fridge, CRUISE NOW! 42' MOODY 425 40' X-YACHTS X-119 Famous Danish-built encl. head, tastefully renovated. Asking $39,950 High quality, center cockpit, blue- Jeppesen one design performance racer\/cruiser. water cruiser by Wm. Dixon & A.H. Loaded w\/gear & sail inventory, radar, repowered w\/ EXCVEALLLEUNET! Moody & Sons, Ltd. of England. Volvo dsl Saildrive. Proven ocean winner. Sailed SF to Highly respected as one of the Melbourne to Osaka to SF \u2013 and ready to go again absolutely best world cruising yachts In excellent condition, MUST SEE! Asking $79,950 in her size class. Nightwatch presents a rare opportunity to own a fully UNPEWGRADES equipped and beautiful vessel of exquisite pedigree, in \ufb01ne condition, and nicely set up to go world cruising. Asking $99,950 IN LONG BEACH 35' JASON World Cruiser Brewer-designed double- 44' CLASSIC 1936 Raised Deck Express Cruiser. 133' VEHICLE FERRY Conversion: Office\/ 40' SWIFT Center Cockpit Ketch by Sparkman ender. Depth, GPS\/plotter, radar, VHF, SSB, WiFi, wheel Capable coastal cruiser. Twin 4-71 dsls, dsl auxiliary genera- Studio. Ultra spacious. Fully operational. Set up for & Stephens. Aft double & forward strms w\/heads & steering. Excellent suit of sails w\/drifter, full cockpit encl.\/ tor. Flybridge and pilothouse helms, aft canopy. Gatsby-era very comfortable living and working. Ice Class, built showers, 50 hp BMW dsl, RF, dodger, beautiful tropical dodger & sail covers, dsl engine & heat, custom radar arch, elegance, owned by same family since 1951. Very good in Norway. Fine condition. Absolutely unique and hardwood inter., teak & holly sole, skeg-protected rudder, Force-10 stove, fridge\/freeze + MORE! Asking $64,500 condition & ready to cruise to Mexico now! Asking $42,000 VERY cool. Rare opportunity. Asking $250,000 wheel, salon, settee, galley & MORE! Asking $39,950 57' BRIGANTINE (lod) ROOMY! Exotic, exquisite, must be seen to appreciate. Brand new Cummings 27' CATALINA 270, 1994 in very nice condition. 46' ALASKAN Trawler by Grand Banks\/ diesel, major upgrading just completed Diesel. Nicely rigged, double spreader rig. Wheel American Marine. DeFever design, one of the greatest and in process. Palatial vessel. Great steering, nav station, galley, aft double stateroom, in this size class of all times. Portuguese bridge, pilot house, Cabin with stern windows adjoining enclosed head\/shower plus cockpit shower. Double good seakeeper, comfortable, roomy, economy of operation dining area and bar. Player piano, aft course lifelines and pulpits. Asking $25,000 w\/twin Lehman 135 hp 6 cyl diesels. Asking $42,000 master stateroom, guest staterooms. 43' CLASSIC! GREAT CHARACTER, stunning TRAWLER potential & MUCH MORE! by Kha Shing 37' TAYANA Capable bluewater cruiser with great 17' CHRIS CRAFT Sportsman Mahogany Flybridge, aft interior, dodger, furling, solar, SSB & ham, plotter, Yan- Runabout w\/trailer. Rare 1955 gem in excellent Asking $285,000 double state- mar power in 2000 with low hours, diesel cabin heat, condition, ready for spring & summer fun in the Delta, at room, dual new refer\/freezer 2016, elect. flush head, Force 10 Tahoe, etc. 250 hp GM V8. Beautiful condition & ready to CRUISE NOW! helms. Beau- 4-burner range w\/oven & MORE! Asking $68,500 go. Warehouse-stored when not in use. Asking $9,950 tiful cruiser\/ 41' Cutter-rig MOTORSAILER by Alexander. liveaboard. A fisherman's dream! Twin Lehman Center PH, wheel, RF jib, self-tending staysail AP, GPS\/ diesels, 20KW genset, autopilot, GPS\/chart, teak plot, VHF + handheld, SSB, inverter, port gen, ST winches, appointments, full galley, 2 heads with showers, heater, head & shower, full galley, ship's table\/settee, hot\/cold pressure water, swimstep-mounted dinghy aft master stateroom & MORE! Asking $39,900 and outboard, MORE. Asking $89,950\/offer 3 AVAILABLE PLEASE SEE CALL (510) 232-7200 OR TOLL FREE (877) 444-5087 36' ISLANDER Sloop.Cruiseequipped.Readytogo.Dsl, and\/or dodger & bimini, self-tailing winches, radar, chart plotter, AP, OR CALL GLENN DIRECTLY AT solar, Lazy Jacks, vang, furling jib. Beautiful inter., full galley,\/norpacyachts (415) 637-1181 convertible settee\/ship's table, +. Starting at $34,950 for MORE BOATS FOR APPOINTMENTS & INFORMATION January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 123",""]

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