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Home Explore L38201701


Published by Hibu Review, 2022-11-16 17:50:05

Description: L38201701


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["north & south SIGHTINGS uary 11-15. At the Portland Boat Show svendsen's sold to bay ship & yacht in the Portland Expo Center \u2014 which is right on the Columbia River \u2014 you'll In most corners of the sailing world, a boatyard's changing hands \ufb01nd new and pre-owned boats, including would not be particularly earthshaking news. But Svendsen's Boat some over 40 feet, and kids' boat design Works of Alameda isn't just any old boatyard. It is a long-established and building courtesy of Schooner Creek Bay Area institution regarded by many as so essential to the boating Boat Works. Organizers claim that this is community \u2014 especially in the East Bay \u2014 that they'd probably tell the only boat show in Oregon. Check it you they simply couldn't live without it. out at Those loyal customers have nothing to fear from the yard and Next, you can travel to an inland So- chandlery's sale last month, as the new owner is Bill Elliot of nearby Cal destination where we'd be surprised Bay Ship & Yacht, who tells us he intends to make few if any changes if you \ufb01nd any sailboats. Nevertheless, to the facility's day-to-day operations for the foreseeable future \u2014 in- we think the Los Angeles Boat Show will cluding keeping Sean Svendsen on as manager. have some auxiliary watercraft that sail- As most longtime Bay sailors know, Svendsen's has been a Bay Area continued in middle column of next sightings page institution forever \u2014 well, since the mid-'60s anyway. Established by Sean's parents, Svend and Suzanne Svendsen, it soon became a key continued on outside column of next sightings page After years of re\ufb01tting their classic Peterson 44 at Berkeley Marine Center and in her Berkeley Marina slip, Marga and Greg are \ufb01nally on their way to sunnier latitudes. Inset: Greg and Marga consult in their engine room. January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 51","SIGHTINGS winter boat shows svendsen's \u2014 continued ors enjoy or need, such as SUPs, kayaks and tenders, plus marine accessories element in the Oakland-Alameda Estuary sailing scene, offering a wide and services. The show will be held Jan- range of services, in addition to new boat construction \u2014 particularly uary 19-22 at the Fairplex in Pomona. Folkboats, whose design shared Svend's Scandinavian roots. See Given the uncertainties about proposed Alameda Marina develop- Then, on January 26-29, head farther ment plans (see page 60), many of Svendsen's regulars have been south to the San Diego Boat Show at the worried about its fate. But Elliot assures us he will do \\\"whatever it Sunroad Resort Marina. Here you will takes\\\" to keep the yard and associated shops functioning as they \ufb01nd boats in the water, including new have been. An interesting footnote here is that Elliot's \ufb01rst marine job and pre-owned sailboats, plus dozens of after moving to the Bay Area many years ago, was working for Svend marine vendors, food and drink from lo- Svendsen. cal restaurants, local music, boat rides for kids and adults, and free seminars. Nearly 40 years ago Elliot started Bay Ship. Today, with annual For info, see gross sales in the $60 million range, his company is the largest marine-maintenance operation in the Bay Area, capable of hauling The last show on this tour is back up and dry-docking enormous vessels and megayachts. Given the range north at the Seattle Boat Show Indoors + of equipment and the skill sets of employees at both operations, Elliot A\ufb02oat on January 27-February 4, in the sees a natural synergy that will be mutually bene\ufb01cial. \u2014 andy Page 52 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","SIGHTINGS \u2014 continued rhodes classic for sale for a song water at Chandler's Cove on South Lake If you've got a special place in your heart for classic wooden Union and indoors at CenturyLink Field. boats, you can imagine the conundrum that Paul Kaplan \u2014 a devout This show boasts of \\\"1,000+ watercraft wooden boat a\ufb01cionado \u2014 \ufb01nds himself in. During the 11 years he's on display, from SUPs to superyachts been caretaking the 1937 Philip Rhodes thoroughbred Escapade at and everything in between.\\\" Access to his KKMI yard in Richmond, he's been unable to \ufb01nd a new steward three acres of booths selling marine ac- who is up to the task of taking on her much-needed, stem-to-stern cessories, and more than 225 seminars, re\ufb01t. As a result, he's reluctantly decided that if a quali\ufb01ed savior is included in the price of admission. doesn't step forward by the end of January, he'll have to give up At the Seattle Boat Show Latitude 38's and destroy the once-pristine, Managing Editor Andy Turpin, will pres- blue-hulled classic. ent free seminars on two rallies founded The price? \\\"I'd be willing to sell by Latitude: 'Baja Ha-Ha How-To' at 2 her for a buck,\\\" says Kaplan, who p.m. and 'Cruising Tahiti and the Paci\ufb01c famously campaigned the 55-ft Puddle Jump' at 3 p.m. on Saturday and schooner Santana for years on the Sunday, January 28-29. For more de- Bay. But a prospective new owner tails, go to would have to be very clear about what he or she was getting into. \u2014 chris Escapade has been on the hard at KKMI for 15 years, arriving there Back in her glory days, the 73-ft wooden yawl for repairs in 2000 after endur- was a force to be reckoned with on a race course. ing a bow-on collision with an ESCAPADE ARCHIVES enormous unlit buoy off Southern California's Point Arguello while bashing up the coast in heavy weather. A few years into the re\ufb01t the owner reportedly ran out of cash, and ownership eventually Although 'Escapade's planking is toast, parts went to Kaplan. of her are in fairly nice shape, plus her spars, hardware and furnishings have been stored. While the planking is said to be so dried out that all of it will have to be replaced, most of the interior joinery and furnishings have been safely in storage for years, as have all the original deck hardware and spars. Built to a Rhodes design by the Luders Marine Construction Com- pany of Stamford Connecticut, the yawl Escapade was constructed of wood to the maximum length allowed by the prevailing (Cruising Club of America) rating rule of the era: 73 feet. A centerboarder, she draws 14 feet with her board down, and has a beam of 17 feet and a waterline length of 55 feet. As any sailing historian worth his salt could tell you, Escapade and her Sparkman & Ste- phens-designed cousins Bolero and Baruna were LATITUDE ARCHIVES dubbed the Three Great American Racing Yawls. And Escapade, with her masthead rig, ALL PHOTOS ESCAPADE ARCHIVES longer waterline Colliding with an offshore buoy was a sad chapter in the big and bowsprit, is yawl's colorful history. said to have been the most fearsome of the three. She carried 2,630 square feet of sail. Needless to say, taking on a rebuild project of this caliber will require not only a dedicated caretaker with deep pockets, but also one who truly appreciates the benchmark in nautical history that Escapade rrepresents. We certainly hope that person steps forward before the end-of-January deadline. A pedigreed thoroughbred is a 'terrible thing to waste'. \u2014 andy January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 53","SIGHTINGS dramatic damage a new golden age of sailing? By the time you read this, there will undoubtedly have been new highlights After reviewing the outstanding new book Over the Horizon: Explor- in the Vend\u00e9e Globe solo round-the- ing the Edges of a Changing Planet for our November issue, we had a world race, but shortly before we went to fascinating conversation with author David Thoreson, a truly outstand- press these were the highlights: ing nature photographer with insightful global perspectives. At the end of our chat we invited him to share some thoughts with Latitude readers December 19, Day 43 of the nonstop on the challenges facing the world's oceans today, and the important Vend\u00e9e Globe race, saw some trials and roles that sailors can play in ocean stewardship. triumph in the Southern Ocean. Thomas Ruyant on Le Souf\ufb02e du Nord pour le Pro- Journal entry \u2014 Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2007, Chukchi Sea near Ber- jet Imagine hit a UFO (Unidenti\ufb01ed Float- ing Strait: \\\"At 0544 hours, our crew of six on s\/v Cloud Nine crossed ing Object) while at speed between Tas- the Arctic Circle heading south to of\ufb01cially accomplish the transit of mania and New Zealand, which caused the Northwest Passage. We had a small party to celebrate (hard to severe damage. \\\"The damage at the front party at 6 a.m.), recounted a few stories, and were on our way again, of the boat is spreading,\\\" he reported. now to the Bering Strait, and Nome, Alaska.\\\" \\\"The hull is opening up and the frame coming away more, everywhere. I'm sail- That day seems dreamlike now. Ten years ago, during the sum- ing to the south of New Zealand. I'm not mer of 2007, we were the \ufb01rst American sailboat in history to transit the infamous Northwest Passage from east to west, the classic route; Amundsen's route. We were the \ufb01rst Americans to ever sail the Pas- sage in a single year and it will go down as one of the fastest transits of any nationality in history, almost 7,000 nautical miles in just 73 days. Near the end of this journey in Kodiak, Alaska, I also wrote in my journal that \\\"we had witnessed the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. The Golden Age of Exploration had come to a close and a new era of exploration involving the study and change of the earth's climate is just beginning.\\\" I have been very lucky in my cruising career to become a part of a growing movement of sailors, who not only appreciate the beauty of sailing a boat on the ocean, but are also documenting environmental changes observed along the way. This is not just documentation; many sailors are conducting real science or using new communication op- portunities to educate others. This was the case for me. I was hungry for a new opportunity after our successful 2007 NW Passage, where I observed a tremendous loss of ice in the Arctic. The profound experience led me to the 2008 World Science Festival in New York City where I told my sailing story on stage BOTH PHOTOS DAVID THORESON with many of the world's top scientists. Soon after this I connected Thoreson's travels to the ends of the earth have with a team of like-minded sailors and conservationists on the 64-ft given him a unique perspective on the earth's steel cutter s\/v Ocean Watch for a 28,000-mile circumnavigation of delicate ecosystems. At right is 'Ocean Watch'. the North and South American continents. The 2009-2010 effort was the brainchild of sailor and philanthro- pist David Rockefeller Jr. and solo-circumnavigator Mark Schrader. The mission was to activate sailors to take more responsibility for the continued on outside column of next sightings page Page 54 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","for solo racers SIGHTINGS sure if it will all stay in one piece until golden age \u2014 continued then.\\\" waters on which we all travel and recreate. A new conservation group, This wasn't just a bump in the night, Sailors For The Sea, was born through this process. as he described the hit. \\\"The shock was exceptionally violent. It gives me the Having a mission of science and education enriched our adventure shivers just thinking about it. I was and my life in general. As a documentary photographer, sailing has at 17-18 knots and came to a sudden always been intriguing as a means to travel within, and to, dramatic standstill, hitting what was probably a landscapes. This is what drew me to the ocean in the \ufb01rst place. Once container, seeing the damage it has done there, one cannot help but feel motivated to learn and discover more. to the hull. The whole of the forward sec- I have recently compiled my work and career on the ocean into a new tion exploded and folded up.\\\" photo book called Over The Horizon: Exploring the Edges of a Changing Planet. The French sailor pointed his broken boat toward the rugged coast of New Whether sailing dinghies on inland lakes, coastal cruising or Zealand's South Island and made land- crossing an ocean, I am always awed by the simplicity and beauty fall at the closest civilization, the town of of setting sail and heading out to the horizon. I would suspect that Bluff on December 21. for most sailors this story is the same. Mine is just one example of so many sailors who are out there on the seas doing great work, not continued in middle column of next sightings page just sailing to a destination. continued on outside column of next sightings page January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 55","SIGHTINGS solo racers golden age \u2014 continued St\u00e9phane Le Diraison's Compagnie du Lit\/Ville de Boulogne-Billancourt was dis- Families on multi-year circumnavigations are not only educating masted south of Australia when a simple their own children, but broadcasting this education worldwide. Sailors piece of gear failed. \\\"I went sur\ufb01ng along heading into the North Paci\ufb01c Ocean and other gyres are educating at 28 knots and heard a lot of noise and the public about plastics. Some are utilizing new, ef\ufb01cient, renewable rushed outside in my socks, as I was in- power sources or working with scientists in remote areas, such as side trying to sleep. I grabbed the helm Greenland, documenting receding glaciers. and saw that I didn't have any mast. All the sails (jib top, J3, mainsail) were in As I look back through my journal notes and into the future, I won- the water and pulling down. I cut all the der if we have entered a new \\\"Golden Age\\\" of sailing. Our experiences stays to allow this to \ufb02oat behind like a and observations are important narratives for those seeking answers \ufb02oating anchor. I tried to lift up my sails, in a disrupted natural world. Sailors should be at the forefront of the but it was too risky, so I let everything go. ocean conservation movement. Let's not take our experiences and observations for granted. \\\"My \ufb01rst analysis showed that the dismasting was due to a backstay pad \u2014 david thoreson eye breaking. I don't know why that hap- pened. It shouldn't have broken.\\\" He Thoreson is based at Lake Okoboji, Iowa. He is a member of the Cruising Club of America (CCA) and is an Explorers Club Fellow. For more info on his new book visit Spread: You'll \ufb01nd the Three Bridge Fiasco \u2014 the year's biggest race \u2014 listed in the new YRA Calendar, and hopefully the current listings will be as accurate as ever thanks to our eagle-eyed proofreader, Jean. Page 56 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","\u2014 continued SIGHTINGS headed to Melbourne. \\\"I spent 12 hours 2017 yra calendar hits the docks cleaning everything up. I found a way to set up a jury rig. I now have a 7-meter The 2017 Northern California Sailing Calendar and YRA Schedule, mast, and it's fantastic. I don't think produced by Latitude 38, is now available for free at distribution this one will come down.\u201d Although not points around the San Francisco Bay Area. It's already been sent out able to continue racing, St\u00e9phane is still to the YRA's mailing list, which is made up of sailors who've entered a part of the Vend\u00e9e mystique. \u201cPeople a YRA race in the last two years. often talk about jury rigs, but when you get involved alone on a 60-ft boat, it's not Within this 26th edition, you'll \ufb01nd local calendars, contacts, easy. I'm proud of being able to get back chartlets, signal \ufb02ags, youth programs, singlehanded races and heading north 15 hours after the inci- much more. We even list Caribbean and Paci\ufb01c events in case you dent.\u201d want to plan an adventure abroad. Part of the fun this time of year is putting together your own 2017 racing schedule. At press-time, Jean-Pierre Dick on StMichel-Virbac was in fourth place after You can view the digital version online at, making an interesting move on day 37. but we highly recommend keeping a paper copy on the boat. So, if Just like a big version of \u201cDo we go through you can't \ufb01nd it for free, you can mail-order one for $5 from Latitude 38, 15 Locust Ave., 2nd Floor, Mill Valley, CA 94941. continued in middle column of next sightings page \u2014 chris ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE \/ CHRIS beware of wacky current tables Among the long-running features in Latitude 38's YRA Calendar are currents tables for every weekend of the year. We make a special effort to ensure that they match the popular little Tidebooks sailors pick up at marinas and chandleries, as we don't want any confusion that a discrepancy might cause. When our eagle-eyed proofreader was checking the 2017 tables, she spotted a series of errors in the Tidebooks that we feel we must bring to the attention of our readers. January's currents tables look just \ufb01ne, but starting in February, things go all wacky. \\\"The \ufb01rst tip-off was that, on several dates, max- imum currents at the Gate followed slack water by less than half an hour. Further inspection revealed dozens of instances where slack followed slack with no intervening max current, or max ebb\/\ufb02ood followed max \ufb02ood\/ebb with no slack between the two,\\\" explains our proofreader, Jean. There were dozens of these anomalies throughout the tables, ex- cept in January. \\\"Additionally, there were several dates, notably in July and Decem- ber, on which slack water at the Gate was followed by max current less than half an hour later. This just doesn't happen on the Bay.\\\" We alerted the publishers \u2014 Paci\ufb01c Publishers of Tybee Island, GA \u2014 about the problem, and Lauren Jackson responded: \\\"The data our Tidebooks is based on comes directly from NOAA, and that in- formation changes many times over the course of the year.\\\" Jackson sent us an updated PDF, generated on November 22, containing the NOAA data for the Golden Gate Entrance. That info, which lacked the bizarre anomalies, is what appears in the YRA Cal- endar. Predictions are never perfect, but we hope that the ones we published for 2017 are as accurate as in any other year. \u2014 chris a remembrance of the master Who was the greatest boxer who ever lived? The greatest golfer? Baseball player? Gymnast? You could speculate and opine until you were blue in the face, but for most sports, it would be impossible to name the very best of all time with assurance \u2014 or consensus. So it is with sailboat racing. The best? Names like Conner, Tabar- ly, Coutts and Ainslie are likely dancing through your head right now. With all due respect to you, them and the other greats through the decades, our vote would go to Paul Elvstrom. In our humble opinion, his myriad talents and contributions make him the best competitive sailor who ever lived. Many Latitude readers probably heard the news that Elvstrom departed on his \ufb01nal voyage on December 7, surrounded by family continued on outside column of next sightings page January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 57","SIGHTINGS elvstrom \u2014 continued solo racers at his home in Hellerup, Denmark. He was 86. Raccoon Like many of the world's great athletes, Elvstrom was a 'natural' Strait or from the time he \ufb01rst set foot in a sailboat at the age of 9. He grew around up a stone's throw from the Oresund, a strait that forms the border Point between Denmark and Sweden. The third son of a widowed mother, Blunt?\u201d young Paul was a poor student (his struggles with reading might to get today be diagnosed as dyslexia), but a superb athlete. He excelled at ARMEL LE CLEAC'H around all forms of sport in the water and out, but his mother encouraged Angel his sailing the most, since \\\"it kept him off the streets.\\\" Island He took to sailing like a bird to \ufb02ight. But what made him dif- on San ferent from others right from the start was his constant analysis of Francis- what was happening, his 'wind-whisperer' sixth sense of what the co Bay, breeze was doing, Armel Le Cl\u00e9ac'h Dick de- his relentless and cided to take a \ufb02yer through Bass Strait, often brutal train- which separates Tasmania from Austra- ing regimens, his lia. Although it added miles it worked! tactical and hard- He passed Yann Elies on Qu\u00e9guiner- ware innovations Leuc\u00e9mie Espoir, now in \ufb01fth place. PAUL ELVSTROM ARCHIVES \u2014 the self-bailer was just one \u2014 and his passion for winning. At age 20, Elvstrom repre- sented Denmark in his \ufb01rst Olympics, Elvstrom didn't win his last two Olympic Games, but he sailing the single- was proud to have his youngest daughter Trine riding handed Fire\ufb02y at the wire alongside him in his Tornado. the 1948 Games in Torbay, England. Admonished by his countrymen, \\\"Just don't come in last,\\\" he didn't. He won a gold medal. When the Finn replaced the Fire\ufb02y as the solo dinghy at the 1952 Games in Helsinki, Finland, Elvstrom won gold again, and again in 1956 and 1960. His record of four consecutive golds in four Olympics would stand for more than 50 years, before \ufb01nally being matched by Britain's Ben Ainslie in the 2000-2012 Games. In addition to the Olympics, he won many other races and ti- tles. By the time he \ufb01nished competing, then in his 60s, Elvstrom had won 13 world titles in eight different classes: Finns, 5o5s, 5.5 Meters, Snipes, Solings, Star Boats, Flying Dutchmen and Quarter Tonners. They didn't call him the Great Dane for nothing. After the Finn triumphs, Elvstrom competed in several more Olympics in other classes. He was always impressive, and often close, but he never medaled again. The losses took a mental toll on the self-proclaimed perfectionist, and he would often go years be- tween major competitions to regain his mental balance. Eventually, he learned to let go of his obsession to win and returned to the fun of sailing. In his last two Olympic Games he achieved that goal. In the '80s, he sailed in the Tornado class with his youngest daughter Trine on the wire. They \ufb01nished 4th in 1984 and 15th in '88, but the elder Elvstrom found immense satisfaction in sharing the experience with Trine, and seeing her develop as a \ufb01ne sailor in her own right. (The Elvstroms remain the only father-daughter team ever to com- pete in the Olympics in any sport.) In researching this piece, we were surprised to learn that Elvstrom's last race may have been sailed right here on San Francis- co Bay. That was the Masters Regatta sailed on J\/24s in the summer LATITUDE \/ ROB MOORE of 1990. Though he ended up with an unpracticed crew and a third in the series (organizer Don Trask won), he was the star of the show, The master drives the J\/24 'Wet n' hands-down, with several invitees claiming they'd \ufb02own in from afar Wild' upwind during the 1990 Masters Regatta on San Francisco Bay. for the sole purpose of meeting and sailing with the legend, then 62 years old. continued on outside column of next sightings page Page 58 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","\u2014 continued SIGHTINGS The leaders continued way up front elvstrom \u2014 continued to Cape Horn, and Armel Le Cl\u00e9ac'h on Banque Populaire VIII is stretching out None of those present was more enthused to shake the Great his lead on Alex Thomson of Hugo Boss. One's hand than Latitude's former Managing Editor Shimon Van Armel was hoping for a nice Christmas Collie, who wrote a memorable piece about the Great Dane the fol- after a hard sail so far. \\\"Conditions are lowing month titled Paul Elvstrom \u2014 A Conversation with the Master. rather unstable, he wrote on December (Find it under Features at 19. I'm on the back of the low and the wind is going from 17 to 30 knots. The \\\"He changed one-design sailing from a gentleman's sport into an seas are heavy. They aren't the right con- athletic event,\\\" wrote Shimon, \\\"pioneering training and boathan- ditions for being fast, but I am making dling techniques that have endured to the present. He devoted his headway. We're going to have to watch life to sailing and making boats go faster by better use of sails and how things change before the Horn. I equipment. Today, he remains the sailor against which all others are asked Father Christmas if I could lead judged, but which few can hope to match.\\\" the way around Cape Horn. We'll see\u2026\u201d Paul Elvstrom inspired so many sailors over so many years to go For all the Vend\u00e9e Globe info you all-in for their sport that a list of them would \ufb01ll pages and would be need see\/en. a who's-who of past and present sailing heroes from every corner of the world that has a coastline. And many hundreds more who would \u2014 ncs never stand atop a podium, but were nevertheless inspired to reach for those same stars. \u2014 jr January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 59","SIGHTINGS INSET ALAMEDA MARINA american cruiser waterfront development update SPREAD LATITUDE \/ CHRIS In mid-December, the government of Tonga of\ufb01cially requested extradition of Sailors aren't the only people who enjoy majestic views of San American cruiser Dean Jay Fletcher, 54, Francisco Bay. In several locations, developers looking to capitalize to stand trial in that island nation's capi- on skyrocketing property prices have introduced plans for new wa- tal, Nuku'alofa, for the alleged murder of terfront housing, retail and of\ufb01ce spaces, and marina improvement his Canadian wife Patricia Linne Kear- projects that are impacting sailors throughout the greater Bay Area. ney last summer. Local boaters complain that new projects are inconveniencing Regular readers of 'Lectronic Latitude them by shrinking sailing venues, limiting mooring opportunities, may recall the bizarre sequence of events pricing out marine businesses, and displacing dry storage options. that led up to Fletcher's apprehension in But as these new projects go through various layers of local gov- early October at Pago Pago, American ernment approvals and \ufb01nancing, their developers are \ufb01nding that Samoa, and his subsequent extradition well-organized boating advocates can be formidable opponents with to the US (Hawaii). After alerting author- enough grassroots support to force compromise on the scale of new ities in Vava'u, Tonga, about his wife's waterfront projects. The takeaway message for Bay Area sailors death, Fletcher was eventually accused seems to be: Get organized and get ready to \ufb01ght to win these de- of killing her himself. But somehow he velopment clashes, or at least to compromise. Below are updates on escaped from custody \u2014 an act for which several current development tussles. \ufb01ve Tongan police are being investigat- ed \u2014 then made his way to his vintage \u2022 Treasure Island Sailing Center \u2014 Compromise Reached No one disagrees that the docks and shore facilities at Treasure The Oakland-Alameda Estuary is one of the Island Marina need substantial upgrading and repairs, or that pay- prime sailing venues of the Bay Area. In the ing for such improvements will be expensive. In 2015, when the background is Alameda Marina. Inset: Svend- Treasure Island Development Authority released the Marina De- sen's facilities are within the red circle. velopment Plan for Clipper Cove, Treasure Island Sailing Center's chair Carisa Harris-Adamson said the proposed shoreside space and facilities would be \\\"perfect.\\\" But she went on to stress, \\\"We are ex- tremely concerned about the scale of the Marina as most recently proposed. The elongated wave attenuator and its footprint, extended to the East of the Cove, will signi\ufb01cantly reduce and negatively im- pact youth sailing and community recreation in the Cove.\\\" Despite TISC's concerns, Treasure Island Enterprises moved ahead with marina development plans, including applying to the California Department of Boating and Waterways for a $4.2 million loan from the proposed Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund. On May 10, 2016, DBW scheduled a \ufb01eld tour of the Treasure Island Marina and TISC the day before the loan came up for advice and comments and a vote at the Commission's quarterly meeting. After a long list of speakers from local sailing groups, the Commission's vote was tied two-to-two \u2014 not enough for the loan to be approved. TIE's $4.2 million loan application was back on the agenda for the next quarterly meeting on November 11. That same day, Harris- Adamson announced that TISC and TIE had reached a compromise based on an updated November 2 TIE plan. \\\"The eastern edge of the transient dock will be located no more than 1,144 feet from the west end of the cove. This placement provides adequate space \u2014 protect- ed from waves, current and commercial traf\ufb01c \u2014 for beginner sailors to practice sailing upwind in Clipper Cove,\\\" said Harris-Adamson. \\\"While this footprint will reduce the range and depth of some TISC programs, it does provide the minimum space needed to access the beach and continue all our current programs in the cove.\\\" The southernmost point of the 789-foot transient dock and its 236-foot extension will be limited to a 1,014-foot protrusion into Clipper Cove. That length, about two-thirds the distance from Trea- sure Island south to Yerba Buena Island, opens a passage to the beach that is sailable by many beginning sailors. With too few commissioners at the November 11 meeting for a quorum, the vote is expected to be held at the upcoming February 2017 meeting. In related news, on October 1 new rules for anchoring at Clipper Cove went into effect, reducing the maximum length of long-term stays from 21 days to 10. \u2022 Alameda Marina \u2014 Will Jobs and Historical Building Sta- tus Trump Housing? New housing developments are popping up all over the island continued on outside column of next sightings page Page 60 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","could face hanging SIGHTINGS Rhodes Bounty 42 Sea Oak, and head- waterfront development update ed out to open sea. He was chased, but scared off his pursuers with a \ufb02are gun. of Alameda, many on empty spaces that had been eyesores for de- A few days later he made the mistake cades. But developer Bay West's announcement that it wanted to of pulling into Pago Pago for fuel. After \\\"rehabilitate\\\" the 44-acre Alameda Marina property, replacing some another chase, he was apprehended by existing marine services with multi-story housing units, was less authorities there. than warmly received by locals. Fletcher and Kearney set sail for For the boating community, the concern wasn't just the dramatic the South Paci\ufb01c from Mazatlan in the reduction in dry storage space and the loss of one of the marina's spring of 2015. Acquaintances within two hoists, but what it would mean to the maritime commercial eco- the Mexican cruising community are still system that currently inhabits the site, which includes Svendsen's in shock over both the murder and the chandlery and boat yard, sail lofts and small repair shops. \\\"They accusation that Fletcher did it. poked the hornet's nest,\\\" Alameda Vice Mayor Frank Matarrese said in March 2016, speaking of the developers. \\\"They completely under- Tonga practices British common law. estimated public reaction [to development at this location].\\\" If Fletcher is extradited and convicted, he could face the death penalty via hang- Paci\ufb01c Shops, Inc. \u2014 the majority owner and city tenant \u2014 pre- ing \u2014 although the last execution in this sented its Draft Master Plan to the city in July. Although it included low-crime archipelago was in 1982. more maritime use than in its \ufb01rst preliminary presentation, the master plan cut commercial square footage from 250,000 feet to \u2014 andy 150,000 feet, and eliminated many of the existing structures. The continued on outside column of next sightings page INSET LATITUDE \/ JOHN January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 61","SIGHTINGS a san francisco waterfront \u2014 continued Talk about a brilliant use for water- front property, of all the National Parks amount of land dedicated to non-residential uses would be reduced in our great nation, the San Francisco from about 28 acres (about 22 acres of which are paved areas for National Maritime Historic Park is de\ufb01- boat storage and\/or circulation) to 3.6 acres. nitely one of our favorites. Yeah, the name is a mouthful, but don't let that On November 14, the City of Alameda held the project's \ufb01rst Pub- hold you back from paying a visit to this lic Scoping session. The agenda included the staff report by Andrew Bay Area treasure. Thomas, assistant community development director, who said the staff agreed with the four Master Plan objectives, none of which Established in 1951, it is home to one mentioned housing: of the most fascinating maritime muse- ums on the West Coast, and the home- 1) Improve and enhance the maritime commercial marina. port for a \ufb02eet of historic vessels that 2) Activate and reconnect the community to the waterfront. are available for hands-on public tour- 3) Create a dynamic new neighborhood for everyone. ing all year round. Among them are the 4) Provide for \ufb01nancially sound development. 1886 square-rigger Balclutha, the 1895 Staff comments seem to kill initial fears that the site will be schooner C.A. Thayer and the 1891 scow scraped of maritime use. The Draft Master Plan provides little detail schooner Alma. or information on how the Master Plan will \\\"maintain existing jobs\\\" and \\\"stimulate economic development.\\\" One staffer commented that NATIONAL PARK SERVICE \/ SF MARITIME NATIONAL HISTORIC PARK the project should preserve more of the existing buildings in the maritime core, while another staffer asked for more detail on creat- ing a \\\"working waterfront\\\" open-space plan, as the plan diagrams show \\\"a manicured, residential-oriented open-space network.\\\" The staffer stated: \\\"The priority use of the Tideland uplands areas should be maritime commercial uses and open spaces that can be accessed by the public to experience the waterfront site and access the water and public docks.\\\" A community group called Save Alameda's Working Waterfront has been working with city staff to pass along their concerns about how the demise of businesses at Alameda Marina will impact jobs not only at that site but at other maritime businesses throughout Alameda. But the group says the Master Plan's designation of only three buildings as historic is inaccurate \u2014 they estimate the num- ber is as much as 10 times higher. \\\"I continue to feel positive about SAWW's success at the end of the day,\\\" says organization founder Nancy Hird. \\\"If nothing else, it would be extremely dif\ufb01cult for the city council to vote to demolish 30 historic buildings, along with the detrimental effects on the businesses and jobs.\\\" Hird said she believes staff now feel there is real opportunity to capitalize on our nautical history and marinas. The group may need to raise money, though, to pay for a professional historian's report that would coun- ter the developer's intentions. The recent announcement that Bay Ship & Yacht had bought Svendsen's Marine was viewed as promising by many Oakland-Al- ameda sailors and island residents. Throughout 2016, many ten- ants complained that Alameda Marina management had taken steps to get them to move on, including not extending leases, hiking up rents, and providing inadequate security that led to an increase in outboard thefts. Across the Island, however, there is cause for small boat sailors to celebrate. The public launch ramp at Encinal Beach, sometimes used by the Alameda Community Sailing Center, is getting a major upgrade, including new bathrooms and an outdoor shower, plus ad- dition of a separate low-access kayak launch on the left side of the ramp, with a regular dock for motorboats and sailboats on the right side. \\\"We are an island and we are very aware that we need to im- prove our public access to the water,\\\" said Alameda Recreation and Parks Director Amy Wooldridge. \\\"It's going to be beautiful.\\\" What about adding a public hoist somewhere on the island? \\\"I'm always open to hear what people want. It's about \ufb01nding the right location and the funding.\\\" The city received a $300,000 grant from the Cali- fornia Department of Parks and Recreation to plan its portion of the restoration of the estimated $1.2-million project, and the rest may be funded through grants and developer impact fees. There is no timeline on the project yet. continued on outside column of next sightings page Page 62 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","bay treasure SIGHTINGS Although the sprawling site is a waterfront \u2014 continued highlight for land-based tourists from around the world \u2014 Fisherman's Whart \u2022 Richmond Yacht Club \u2014 Fighting the Next-Door Neighbor and Ghirardelli Square are just down the Richmond Yacht Club has proven to be one of the best-organized waterfront \u2014 our favorite way to enjoy clubs in the Bay Area. An extensive clubhouse renovation was re- the Park's many attractions is by sailing cently completed there, and the club has also acquired just over in and dropping the hook in the Aquatic an acre of land on the east and west of the property. Less visible, Park lagoon. (Sailboat engines are only however, has been an ongoing battle between the club and Laconia allowed when anchoring or getting un- Development Co. for a large waterfront project to the west side of the derway, and powerboats are verboten.) club. The City of Richmond is selling about 13 acres of land to the Chinese developer, who plans 316 housing units on the site. Of the Vessels over 40 feet need park ap- \ufb01ve buildings, three would be 61.5 feet tall and the others two and proval prior to entering the cove, and three stories. overnight stays of up to \ufb01ve days require Brickyard Cove Alliance for Responsible Development was formed a permit from the harbormaster: (415) to challenge the height and density of the development, and to en- 859-6807. Dinghies can be landed just sure adequate toxic-substance cleanup. Of the \ufb01ve members of the east of the South End Rowing Club. BCARD Steering Committee, four are RYC members. Because the city and developer were not making signi\ufb01cant changes to the plan, \u2014 andy BCARD determined the only way to move forward was to sue the developer and the city. Quiet winter days are a great time to The city requested that BCARD mediate with the developer and visit Aquatic Park and the adjacent hired an outside law \ufb01rm to \ufb01ght the lawsuit. In late November, a National Park exhibits. settlement was reached in which all legal costs and donations will be reimbursed to BCARD by Laconia Development Co. and another large sum of money will be provided to BCARD to hire an environ- mental consultant to work with the developer to ensure that toxic substances are remediated to California environmental standards. Under the agreement, one story will be eliminated and a retaining wall and security fence will be installed to protect RYC. \\\"We have been luckier than many area yacht clubs, but our im- provements, additions and legal success have only come with much very hard work and much stress,\\\" said RYC Staff Commodore Susan Hubbard. \\\"It involved many of our members making very dif\ufb01cult \ufb01nancial decisions, and there has been much serious discussion.\\\" Other news, good & bad: \u2022 Coyote Point \u2014 The fuel dock at Coyote Point Marina, located in Coyote Point Recreation Area in San Mateo, recently reopened. (Open every day, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 650-573-2594.) Other im- provements include construction of Dock 29, which provides access to 10 new 60-foot slips and 12 45-foot slips. \u2022 Docktown Marina \u2014 The property owner and a developer have submitted a proposal to construct approximately 130 homes at Red- wood City's Docktown Marina. The proposed development would not displace the Docktown Marina, but it would impact parking and storage uses. The city has said it needs to end residential uses at Docktown Marina in order for the city to meet its legal obligation to allow full public access to the land on which the marina is located. \u2022 The Ramp \u2014 The guest dock at this popular restaurant closed and restaurant staff say there are no plans to reopen it. \u2022 Loch Lomond Marina \u2014 Condo and home construction con- tinues adjacent to this marina. Dry storage facilities are being re- moved. The fuel dock is currently closed, but is expected to reopen. \u2022 Schoonmaker Point Marina \u2014 The three-ton jib crane is per- manently closed. After major repairs, it recently broke again and will not be reopened, in part because of insurance issues. \u2022 Clipper Yacht Harbor \u2014 The launch ramp is now for private use only. The fuel dock is public. \u2022 Sausalito Mooring Removals \u2014 Largely due to a push by out- going Sausalito mayor Jill Hoffman, Sausalito police have been re- moving private moorings on the Sausalito side of the entrance chan- nel, and additional enforcement actions are expected. \u2014 elisa williams Readers \u2014 if you have comments on any of these developments or additional info, please email us at [email protected]. January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 63","RAINY DAY PROJECTS \u2014 A lthough some boat projects areGOOGLE IMAGES before having to charge your house bank. majority of auxiliary engines, ALL PHOTOS CHUCK HAWLEY EXCEPT AS NOTES A large portion of boats commonly you'll have zero problems with a best left to professionals, as you'll read gel or AGM Group 24. below, there are a number of relatively seen on the West Coast originally came simple projects that you might consider from the builder with a pair of Group 3) Replace your current bat- attempting yourself. None of them re- 27 deep-cycle or dual-purpose batteries, tery switch with a Dual Circuit quires an extraordinary level of skill, connected to a single Off-1-On-2 battery switch from Blue Sea Systems. special tools, or a boatload of money This allows you to connect your \u2014 and, once completed, they'll add im- It's amazing how much engine-starting battery to your measurably to your enjoyment of your better the boat's systems engine, and your newly expanded boat. house bank to your house loads, will operate with while keeping those circuits With the arrival of winter, we've fo- more capacity. separate. cused here primarily on inside projects, most of which can be accomplished even switch. Or if you're lucky, your boat 4) Add a battery parallel so- on the stormiest of days. might have been equipped with more lenoid from Blue Sea Systems ef\ufb01cient gel or AGM batteries, which are or BEP to connect your battery Upgrade Lighting with LEDs permanently sealed, thus freeing you circuits together when the engine \u2022 Skill Level: Easy. from having to check each battery's elec- or shore power charger is charg- \u2022 Bene\ufb01ts: Lower energy consumption, trolytes every few months. Regardless, ing. longer bulb life, greater dependability. Now that 12-volt LED replacement having only a single battery for This project also works ex- bulbs are available in virtually any a house \\\"bank\\\" is seldom enough tremely well on boats that come con\ufb01guration, you should consider up- capacity these days. But that from the builder with three grading your current cabin lights and capacity can be greatly improved Group 27 or 31 batteries where two are navigation lights. Using LEDs instead without spending a lot of money, designated for the house bank and one or adding a lot of weight. is for starting. Connect all three together These days there's a seemingly endless variety for the new, enlarged house bank, and of LED replacement bulbs on the market. They 1) Presuming your current add a Group 24 starting battery. It's use a lot less juice than old-school bulbs. pair of batteries are the same amazing how much better the boat's of incandescent or halogen bulbs can age, chemistry, and type, con- systems will operate with more capacity. save you 75% to 90% in energy use, and nect them in parallel and cre- it's likely that you'll never, ever have to ate a house bank that is now The one caveat to this project is when replace them again. 100% larger than before. Ideally you upgrade from \ufb02ooded batteries to you'd also fuse them against gels. Flooded batteries have a high tol- Some LEDs may not have the right catastrophic battery failure erance for being charged at higher volt- light temperature for a warm cabin glow, with some little terminal fuses, ages, while that can kill gel batteries over so you may want to experiment a little say 100A each, on each positive time. Check your system voltage when before purchasing a dozen cool-white re- terminal. the alternator is charging; voltages over placements. A lower color temperature of about 14.1 may be too high for your new 2,500 K to 3,000 K may be more inviting If your batteries are several gel batteries. (In that case, you'll need than higher color temperatures \u2014 and years old, or in poor health, re- an external regulator (which is beyond make sure that all \ufb01xtures in each cabin place both at the same time with two the scope of this article, but a great idea use bulbs with the same color tempera- identical marine batteries. If your bud- regardless.) ture. get allows, strongly consider Although it needs to be done properly, adding changing over to gel batteries battery capacity to your house bank is a rela- Increase Your Battery Capacity or AGMs from a reputable tively easy upgrade. \u2022 Skill Level: Medium. manufacturer. They are worth \u2022 Bene\ufb01ts: Improves the chances of be- it. ing able to start your engine; longer time 2) Add a new Group 24 Page 64 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017 battery that is the same chem- istry (\ufb02ooded, gel or AGM) in a battery box or battery tray. This battery will be dedicated solely to engine starting, so try to place it as close to the engine's starter as possible, and wire with appropriately large primary wire. If you've upgraded to gel or AGM bat- teries all around, don't despair if the new gel\/AGM starting battery appears to have fewer cranking amps. For the vast","FOR DIY SAILORS Is this a smart-looking panel or what? These 1) Install Create an Abandon-Ship Bag ACR RAPIDDITCH days you can design custom switch layouts a pair of USB \u2022 Skill Level: Easy online and receive the whole unit a week later. charging out- \u2022 Bene\ufb01ts: Makes it more likely you lets. These are can \ufb01nd critical gear when you need it. Upgrade Your packaged in a Whether you call it an abandon-ship Electical Distribution Panel circular pack- bag, ditch bag or grab bag, it's a great \u2022 Dif\ufb01culty: Medium to Pretty Darned age like a 12V idea to centralize much of your safety Dif\ufb01cult. \\\"cigarette light- gear into a single, portable container. \u2022 Bene\ufb01t: Convenience and control over er\\\" outlet, and We normally think of a grab bag as what's happening with your electrical provide a tidier an accessory to a life raft, but there are system. way to charge bene\ufb01ts to having one even if you don't There will probably come a time when phones and tab- have a life raft. For example, if you have you have to start doubling up on your lets. a \ufb01re and have to get on deck, this gear electrical circuits, with two or more items can travel with you, quickly. If you have being controlled by a single switch, and a 2) Install a to abandon your vessel and jump into a rat's nest of wires behind your distribu- bilge pump \\\"ON\\\" dinghy, a life raft or even into the water, tion panel. That's when you might want light. These are having a pre-packed ditch bag ready to to consider installing a larger distribu- really common grab will allow you to bring along gear tion panel. on charter boats that is vital for survival. Until recently this probably would (along with a What should you put in a grab bag? have been a job best left to a professional. pressure wa- There are companies that make exten- But now there is software available from ter pump \\\"ON\\\" sive grab bags with dozens of items, at least one electrical vendor that allows light) so that charterers are more aware and it's always dif\ufb01cult to argue against you to create a new, semi-custom panel of what is happening onboard. If you see incremental safety gear. However, at a by dragging and dropping components, that your bilge pump light is on more minimum, we'd recommend: then deciding on the current rating of often than it should be, you'll know to \u2022 The ship's EPIRB (in its bracket) or each breaker and the label on each cir- investigate. personal locator device (PLB). cuit. In a few hours you can design your 3) Install a three-function electrical \u2022 A handheld VHF radio, preferably new panel, and have it delivered to you system monitor (volts, amps, amp- with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and within a week. hours). Many boats come from the fac- GPS. Installing said panel is another thing \u2022 The ship's \ufb02are inventory. altogether. To oversimplify, all you're do- If your batteries are several \u2022 A pair of inexpensive reading glass- ing is removing one wire from a terminal years old, or in poor health, es, 2.0 power or otherwise. on your existing panel, and hooking it up \u2022 A signal mirror. to the new circuit breaker. However, un- replace both at the same \u2022 A whistle. less you have a lot of experience, you're time with two identical \u2022 Two space blankets. probably better off securing the services marine batteries. \u2022 A waterproof LED \ufb02ashlight and of one of the Bay Area's excellent marine extra batteries. electricians, so that you'll end up with a tory with a couple of analog gauges that \u2022 A compact marine \ufb01rst aid kit. tidy, functional installation. show the DC voltage and how many Note that most of these items are What electrical upgrades can you do amps are \ufb02owing through the dis- signaling devices so that you can sum- on your own? tribution panel. A far more valuable mon help. Being prepared for long-term and versatile solution is to get a com- survival is hard to argue against, but bination meter from Victron, Blue Sea Systems or Xantrex that shows You can buy specially designed ditch bags such all you'd ever want to know about as ACR's RapidDitch, or make your own and a single bank (generally the house customize its contents. bank) of batteries. The installation is your primary goal should be to notify a little dif\ufb01cult because you'll need someone quickly \u2014 ideally the Coast to install a shunt between all of your Guard \u2014 who is in a position to rescue loads and the ground terminal on you. your house bank, but fear not, you can do it. January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 65 4) Install a high-water alarm in your bilge. You can buy these as packages from bilge pump companies, or assemble one yourself out of a \ufb02oat switch and a buzzer. By placing the high water alarm a small distance above your current automatic electric bilge pump, you'll know if it becomes overwhelmed by a leak somewhere.","RAINY DAY PROJECTS \u2014 Upgrade Your Fixed-Mount internally, so there's noth- are located. Do you VHF Radio ing to connect, and many know, right now, other VHF models connect to how many seacocks \u2022 Skill Level: Medium, although doing a NMEA2000 networks, which and thru-hulls your really clean installation can be challeng- makes it extremely easy for boat has? Do you ing. them to get a lat-long. know where they're So, this is a four-part proj- located? Do you \u2022 Bene\ufb01t: Increased safety, greater ect. Look for a radio that has know exactly where con\ufb01dence when in fog or offshore. these capabilities: your rigging cutters, 1) NMEA2000-capable so fire extinguishers The Coast Guard has invested more that it's easy to connect it to and manual bilge than a billion dollars in the coastal ra- a NMEA2000-capable GPS. pumps are stowed? dio network known as Rescue 21. This 2) Built-in AIS receiver, If not, you're not VHF-based system allows the Coasties to so that your VHF can alone, unfortunate- monitor VHF traf\ufb01c on the coast of the share AIS information ly. US, in US trust territories, in southern with your chartplotter. We suggest you Alaska, and in the US portion of the 3) This sort of implies create an illustra- that you have a chart- tion of your boat's Some modern VHFs are DSC-enabled, and also plotter that can utilize interior, with la- come with built-in GPS and an AIS receiver \u2014 both the DSC information bels pointing to the info from which can be overlaid on your plotter. from the VHF and the AIS Posted on a bulkhead, this graphic a b o v e - m e n t i o n e d Great Lakes, and to determine the loca- information about vessels notes where safety gear, thru-hulls gear and all sea- tion of a marine radio signal out to at in your area. and extinguishers are located. cocks. If you can't least 20 nautical miles. The capabilities of Rescue 21 are phenomenal for sailors 4) Finally, take this opportunity to \ufb01nd a line drawing online of your exact who are in trouble off our coasts, even see if your coax meets the maximum boat, just make a sketch and post it in if you're standing in your cockpit with 40% signal loss required for race a conspicuous place. STANDARD HORIZON a handheld VHF and you can't see the boats. What this means is that you There are two goals: The \ufb01rst is obvi- coast. can only go certain lengths with cer- ously to make it easier to \ufb01nd gear during tain types of coax before your losses what could be stressful situations. The But \u2014 and it's a big but \u2014 to maxi- exceed 40% of your transmit power. second is more subtle: Posting this info mize the bene\ufb01t of Rescue 21, you need This translates to about 46 feet of will force you to think about where you to have a VHF radio with the capability of the popular and relatively skinny store safety gear, and possibly to move making a Digital Selective Calling (DSC) RG-8X coax cable, but a whopping 88 it from obscure locations to where it can distress call. That means the VHF needs feet of the heavier and thicker RG-8\/U. be found easily when the yogurt hits the to be connected to a GPS. Radios sold in Incidentally, you can mix and match, so fan. the US since the turn of the century have if you already have 40' of RG-8X running We've all been on boats that had all had the ability to make DSC distress up your mast, you can put in a well- the required gear, but it was tucked calls, but an embarrassing number have executed coax splice at the base of the away in unmarked lock- never: A) had an MMSI number entered mast and run lower-loss cable back to ers where no one would into them (which would uniquely identify the radio to atone for your sins. be likely to \ufb01nd it in an that particular device), or B) been con- emergency. nected to a GPS. As a result, the owners Catalog Safety Gear & Thru-Hulls While you're crawl- of these radios are not taking full advan- tage of the Coast Guard's sophisticated \u2022 Skill Level: Easy-peasy. ing around in the bilge network. \u2022 Bene\ufb01ts: Required for many races, looking for seacocks, This problem has been made dra- and the right thing to do for seamanship. take the time to attach matically easier to overcome with two B o t h either foam-rubber or relatively modern improvements: several the ISAF soft-wood plugs of the VHF models come with a GPS installed O f f s h o r e proper size to each thru- Page 66 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017 S p e c i a l hull. Wood plugs should R e g u l a - be taped or tied to hoses tions and near each thru-hull. By U S S a i l - doing so they'll stay dry until needed, and will swell when jammed into a hose or \ufb01tting. Stowing a bung plug near each thru-hull is wise and easy. Install an Electric Head ing's Safety Equip- ment Requirements \u2022 Skill Level: Lots of mandate that you little tasks, none of which post a diagram is beyond your capabili- showing where your boat's safety gear ties. is located, as well as where all thru-hulls \u2022 Benefits: Greatly","FOR DIY SAILORS reduced odor and more obvious operation at least one hose adapter; plus you have to have pressure water for newbies. Without being graphic (too late!), you onboard for the \ufb02ush water. might consider installing an electric head If you decide to sail long with fresh-water \ufb02ushing to improve distances and need to conserve your boat's, uh, desirability as a place to your water, you'll want to plumb hang out. It's a rare manual head that the head to a source of pressur- doesn't stink a little, despite scrupulous ized salt water, but in that case PREMIUMROPES.COM cleaning and lengthy \ufb02ushing. Plus, the the nice thing is you can \ufb02ush operation procedure of conventional ma- to your heart's content. rine heads is often confusing or intimi- dating to guests \u2014 especially those new Install New Halyards to boating. The answer is to break down \u2022 Skill Level: Not very much. and buy a moder- \u2022 Benefit: These days, sailors have access to an amazing variety of high-tech lines and cordage that's ately-priced electric Better sail shape, ideally suited to many upgrade projects. often? More power! There are two ways head, and use fresh fewer embarrassing to do this, and by combining them, you can go from 3:1 to 12:1 mechanical ad- water to flush it. scallops, better perfor- vantage. It's the fresh wa- mance. 1) First, instead of using a \\\"cunning- ham hook\\\" to grab onto the cunningham ter that makes the Your main and jib cringle, pass a small length of HMPE halyards are among from the block through the cringle and biggest difference the lines that ben- to the tack pin. You're essentially using in the odor cate- the cunningham cringle as a sheave that gory because it's e\ufb01t most from having doubles the power of the tackle. less stretch. Without decomposing sea spending too much 2) For even more power, add a block life in the intake so that your 3:1 tackle is pulling on hose that creates money, you can im- the fall from a single block, which is prove the perfor- in turn pulling on the aforementioned that eye-watering, mance of your main line through the cringle. It may sound sulfurous stink, es- confusing, but the result is that, with a pecially after you and every jib in your very small investment, you can greatly haven't used the With its small footprint and smooth lines, Rari- inventory by simply increase the power of this control line. boat for a while. tan's Marine Elegance head is a popular choice ordering two new hal- With a 12:1 purchase, you can put more T h e p r o j e c t among modern electric toilets. yards (at a minimum) tension on the luff, and adjust in very takes about six hours. Electric heads from your local rig shop. And, while you \ufb01ne increments, for the best possible sail have smaller discharge hoses than your can get pretty tricky with stripped covers shape. current 1 \u00bd\\\" hose, so you'll have to buy and very high-tenacity core \ufb01bers, you can also be stealthier with a line like The technique of adding small 2:1 None of these projects requires an engineer- Endura Braid Classic. This tan-colored HMPE tackle works on many applica- ing degree, or tons of special tools. That said, double-braid has an HMPE (high- tions around the boat, including: boom job-speci\ufb01c tools can make some tasks easier. vangs, outhauls and \ufb01ne-tune adjust- modulus polyethyl- ments on mainsheets and genoa-car ene, aka Spectra or pullers. All of them can bene\ufb01t from the Dyneema) core so addition of a small block and line. it looks consistent with cruising-genre Note: adding a cascading tackle as- boats, but keeps sembly isn't exactly a new idea, but the sails from looking inherent strength and slipperiness of as if they were the HMPE, combined with its ease of splic- ones that came with ing, makes it so damned easy that you'll the boat when it was be looking for excuses to try it. There new in 1982. are a lot of excellent videos on YouTube about how to make cool shackles and Double Your splices with single-braid line, so check Triming Power them out before heading to the boat. \u2022 Skill Level: Not Since your doubling block will be seeing that tough, after you the entire load, be sure to use high-load blocks; otherwise you might blow up learn to splice. a smooth-running, but low-load ball- bearing block. \u2022 Benefit: Lines \u2014 chuck hawley that are easy to ad- January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 67 just will get adjusted more frequently. What could pos- sibly make you want to adjust a 3:1 Cun- ningham on your big old main more","AT PLAY IN THE PHILIPPINES \u2014 ALL PHOTOS COURTESY JAMES DILWORTH If you've ever had fantasies about group of friends to come with me to see \ufb01nd in the South Paci\ufb01c, but they're if we could \ufb01nd one of those traditional mostly all within sight of each other. My cruising in the tropics, but thought you outrigger sailing canoes for sale, in order crew and I all had small-boat experi- couldn't afford to, this article is for you. to cruise Philippine waters. ence from the Bay Area, but we quickly Although most of my sailing is done in learned new lessons cruising in the trop- the Bay Area aboard my Santana 22, I Surprisingly, ics. The \ufb01rst lessons concerned reefs. recently had the pleasure of exploring the plan actually worked. It took Our \ufb01rst night was bit of a debacle. We James and his crew make a stop for lunch and a week and a ran out of wind at sunset and paddled some \ufb01shing at one of the many scenic islands couple thousand to the nearest island in the dark, only to in Northern Palawan. dollars, but all the Philippine islands aboard a locally of a sudden we No sooner had we gotten bought outrigger sailboat. found ourselves ashore than dozens of adult living the dream villagers and their children I \ufb01rst visited the Philippines several of sailing into a years ago on a bicycle-touring trip, but beautiful sun- came down to greet us. in a country with over 7,000 islands, I set aboard a tra- soon started thinking that it would be far ditional sailing \ufb01nd it surrounded by thousands of tiny more fun to be traveling by water. While craft on a warm \ufb02oats all strung together. We would later there, I met some local \ufb01shermen who tropical ocean. \ufb01nd out that this was a seaweed farm, were plying their trade via traditional We named her but it stood between us and the beach; a outrigger sailboats, and an idea came Flash. spider web that tangled on the outriggers to mind. Seeing them in action inspired and ensnared the boat. me to learn to sail, and got me thinking She measures about buying one of these simple, local 26 feet long, and As we attempted to untangle our- sailboats and doing some interisland like her many sisterships \u2014 known selves in the dark, looking for a way exploring. After several years of dream- locally as paraw, Flash is made from through the maze of lines, cheesy pop ing about it, I had convinced a small simple materials. Her keel was made music blared out from the island. Even- Children on the island of Ambulong tie \ufb02ow- from a dugout log, plywood sides form ers to the standing rigging in preparation for the hull, wide hardwood crossbeams departure. support outriggers made from thick bamboo, and it's all held together Page 68 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017 with nylon \ufb01shing line. The canoe's sails were cut from polypropylene tarps. The helmsman sits at the back of the cockpit, steering with his feet via lines led to the rudder, while the crew balance the sails by moving their weight out and back along the trampoline. Sailing Flash had to be the most fun I'd had in years of sailing, par- ticularly because she is so fast. She can probably do 15 knots on a reach in a good breeze. There is nothing quite like it when she's pow- ered up, and the crew are all hanging out to windward bal- ancing the boat, whooping with joy. T he Phil- ippines is an ideal venue for for small-boat sailors. There are many stag- geringly beauti- ful islands, just like you might","INTERISLAND CRUISING ON THE CHEAP tually we found a pas- Curious kids are eager to give Marissa Viray and onto their beaches. sage, only to run aground and Chris Tschinkel the full tour of their island, A couple of days after the on the fringing reef soon called Ambulong. afterward. Fortunately, set up our tents and make the beach our \ufb01rst incident, we chaotically there was not much swell home. Tropical island, beach \ufb01re, starry drove Flash up over another at the time, and because skies, bioluminescence in the water, kids reef and through \ufb01shing gear, Flash has just two feet laughing around us. It was heaven. before landing the boat in the of draft, we were able to back yard of someone's house. ignominiously push the This would become a common pat- After their initial surprise, boat over coral heads and tern everywhere we visited. People were hundreds of villagers gathered past sea urchins to the always overwhelmingly to laugh at our antics. Soon shore. friendly as my crew of fresh coconuts were brought amateur foreign sailors out, lunch was served, and we That night we discov- bumped up over the reefs were shown around as honored ered what was so special guests. about cruising this way. No sooner had we gotten ashore than We traveled during the dozens of adult villagers and their chil- dren came down to greet us. We were winter monsoon, which brought con- treated as if we were early explorers sistent but strong trade winds from the arriving from some distant land. The east. Most of our sailing was near-coastal kids didn't know what to make of us; in the Visayan Islands of the central Phil- the adults scratched their heads won- ippines, but as we sailed west from there dering what trouble we must be in. But toward Palawan Island, there were a few within 10 minutes they got a \ufb01re going longer stretches of open ocean that were for us, and we were warmly invited to pretty intimidating in a small boat. It Seemingly an image from a bygone era, James was during one of these stretches when and his adventurous crew are seen here explor- ing Bacuit Bay in \ufb01ne winds. In brisk winds, 'Flash' offers a thrilling, although wet, ride. Their best guess is that they hit 15 knots on this day. we faced one of the most sickening sounds a sailor can hear: a loud crack from the front crossbeam, as one of the outriggers dived through a wave. With a fresh breeze blowing, the front of the boat was hanging loose, as if suffering from a broken leg. It was a troubling sight, to say the least. But experience and ingenuity can go a long way. Luckily Oliver Hickman was along. A volunteer at the San Francisco Maritime Nation- al Historic Park, and tall-ship sailor, Oliver was able to lash a supporting beam, which allowed Flash to limp January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 69","AT PLAY IN THE PHILIPPINES toward the nearest island in the Learning to sail 'Flash' has de\ufb01nitely been a and adventurous, but it is distance. learning experience for Dilworth and friends. far too uncommon. Instead, But they're getting it down. we\u2019re persuaded to save all It was there that the bene\ufb01ts son from my story, which is that there's our money to buy something of cruising on a locally built more than one style of cruising under that's truly seaworthy and sailing craft became clear. If sail. Traveling aboard a modern cruis- comfortable. But my recent we'd broken something impor- ing boat (with all its creature comforts) expedition shows that with tant on a western-style sailing is similar to RV-ing; while minimalist a small boat, some camping yacht, we might have been cruising on small boats is more like gear and the right frame of stuck for a week. But on that bike touring. It seems to me that this mind, you can have some wild lush island, someone soon sort of travel should appeal to the young adventures on a tiny budget. came out of the bushes with a piece of wood that matched So if you're young, there's the broken crossbeam almost no reason to put your cruising perfectly. Within an hour, Flash dreams on hold until you've was lashed back together and made enough money to buy was almost as good as new. The the perfect boat. Instead, why price of the repair? $4 USD. not pack your seabag with camping gear, and go now? My sailing buddies only had two weeks vacation, but I was able to keep \u2014 james dilworth Flash sailing by recruiting new crew along the way. I traveled for three months Readers \u2014 James is currently busy down into Palawan, exploring remote is- preparing Flash for her next big adven- lands and having lots of fun adventures. ture: the Iloilo Paraw Regatta. Renowned (You can read more about them on my as the biggest sailing event in the Philip- sailing blog:\/\ufb02ash\/) pines, almost 100 local sailors compete during several wild days of racing. And, I hope you'll take away a useful les- by the way, he's looking for crew. (Email: [email protected].) \u00bb Marine parts and supplies \u00bb Complete haul and repair \u00bb Engine Repair and service \uf0ab\uf0ab\uf0ab\uf0ab\uf0ab\uf0ab Authorized dealer for San Francisco's boatyard | Page 70 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","It's Beautiful\u2026 It's Private\u2026 It's Home Making boating easier \u2013 and more fun! \u2013 is what Oyster Cove is all about. That's why we rate number one with many Bay Area boaters. Oyster Cove is an exclusive yet reasonable facility of 219 berths, accommodating pleasurecraft in slips up to 60-ft long. Oyster Cove is the private Peninsula marina closest to bluewater boating. No other private Peninsula marina is better situated or offers nicer, fresher surroundings. \u2022 Heated Dressing Rooms & Showers \u2022 Berths 30 feet to 60 feet \u2022 Double Finger Concrete Slips \u2022 Laundry Room 385 OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD #8A, \u2022 Five Minutes from SFO \u2022 Nightly Security Patrol SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO \u2022 Close to Mass Transit \u2022 Complimentary Ice (650) 952 -5540 Convert your auxiliary drive to KISSINGER CANVAS CLEAN, QUIET ELECTRIC Marine Canvas & Interiors \uf09e Gear Reduction STEVEN KISSINGER now available in stainless steel (925) 825-6734 \uf09e Low maintenance Covering the Entire Bay Area and affordable \u2022 Biminis \uf09e No noxious gas\/diesel \u2022 Enclosures fumes \u2022 Boat Covers \u2022 Cushions \uf09e Superior torque at \u2022 Sail Covers low RPM \u2022 Awnings \uf07d$O5FF0!* Use code DODGERS 20 Years in Business LAT38 online or by phone Side handrails and window covers *discount applies to sailboat kit only included. ThunderStruck M ors OPTIONS SALES \u2022 SERVICE \u2022 CONSULTING \u2022 CUSTOM PROGRAMMING Aft handrail, dodger cover, sailing bimini. \u2022 707-578-7973 Free Estimates and Delivery January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 71","SEASON CHAMPIONS, PART III \u2014 This big batch of one-design cham- ALL PHOTOS COURTESY THE WINNERS EXCEPT AS NOTED pion pro\ufb01les is the dessert that \ufb01nishes 1) Connell Phillipps, 4 points; 2) Peter Marlett, Laser Radial \u2014 Voyager I off three courses of season-winner pro- RYC\/LMSC, 6; 3) Wesley Seifers, RYC, 8. (26 Toshinari Takayanagi, \ufb01les. We started in the November issue boats) Shoreline Lake YC with a tasty dip into some appetizing one-design \ufb02eets and moved on to the El Toro Senior \u2014 Cygnus The local Laser \ufb02eet sails in a hearty main course of handicap \ufb02eets season championship series called in December. Arthur Lange, FSC\/HPSC Svendsen's Grand Prix (the title El Toro Junior \u2014 Bull Shark The 2016 El Toro Season Champion- sponsor is a distributor of Lasers ship consisted of 10 events with an av- and their parts). Connell Phillipps, RYC erage of 14.5 boats for the series. \\\"John Of the regattas included in the We'll let 15-year-old Connell go ahead Pacholski, who \ufb01nished second, and I series, Toshi Takayanagi's favorite of his elders, as we know that he won't be repeating this particular championship. were the only two was the Monterey Club Laser Cham- competitors to pionship. \\\"I have always enjoyed When they turn 16, El Toro Juniors 'age attend all of the this one-day regatta because of the out'. Phillipps started sailing El Toros when he was 8 or 9 years old. He placed events,\\\" reports great hospitality of the Monterey perennial favor- Peninsula Yacht Club, the friendly third in this class the last two years. ite Art Lange, atmosphere both in the race and The Junior Series consisted who's topped at the reception, the clean water, the El Toro Se- and the frequent appearance of of five regattas niors previously ocean animals such as sea otters.\\\" ranging in ven- ues that includ- in 2008, 2011, As a key factor in his success 2012, 2013 and this year, Takayanagi cites an 'away ed lakes, a river, 2014. game' that wasn't a counter in the the ocean, and San Francisco His favorite series \u2014 the 2016 Laser Masters race was the Worlds held in Mexico in April. Bay. The one on North American \\\"This was my \ufb01rst attempt to try the ocean was Championship Arthur Lange the Masters Worlds, and I practiced the highlight of at Pinecrest Lake in August. \\\"Racing sailing very actively toward this Phillipps' 2016 season. \\\"The an- at Pinecrest has always been one of my event: In either practice or race, I favorites because of the unusually shifty de\ufb01ned the goals for the day (such nual West Ma- winds in a beautiful mountain lake set- as, in today's race, let's focus on the rine Fun Regatta in Santa Cruz ting. This year's NA regatta had a large downwind boatspeed), and I kept is home to my number of very strong competitors, mak- a journal recording what was good Connell Phillipps ing the event very enjoyable. and what was bad. Keeping this, favorite racing conditions on the West After the 10 events, the difference I think my sailing skills improved Coast,\\\" he says. \\\"High winds and big swell are always there, and I do very well between Lange's season score and John noticeably. I also started gym training to Pacholski's was one point, making every improve physical strength. Then I went in those conditions, not to mention how race signi\ufb01cant. \\\"An example of how to the world championship and enjoyed fun it is to race in. With the most races out of every other regatta, it is very im- close the racing was is shown in the the event very Mayor's Cup on Lake Merritt. I won this much. portant to do well in it. With it being my regatta after the third tie-breaker was \\\"After com- best regatta, I pulled out almost entirely bullets and it was my backbone to a great used. If John had won the tie-breaker ing back from instead of me, the season outcome would the Worlds, I season.\\\" be different. The Pinecrest Worlds held continued A low point in his season was \\\"losing the North Americans to Owen Lahr, my after the North Americans was another the practices event where a tie-breaker was needed. and sailed biggest competitor of the season. Held \\\"This year's season championship many races. in Stockton, light \ufb02at conditions are an annual thing, the opposite of my best was different from some prior years be- I became cause of a much stronger \ufb01eld, making more com- conditions. Owen Lahr had an amazing individual regatta wins much harder. We fortable in day and won the regatta.\\\" Phillipps is currently racing in four have a number of very good competitors strong wind in the El Toro \ufb02eet who were not able to (my weight different classes of boats: J\/22, Laser, attend all of the events, and when they is about 140 CFJ for high school sailing, and 29er. In Toshi Takayanagi lbs, so I used raced they were often in contention for addition to his El Toro accolades, he won a \ufb01rst-place \ufb01nish. The closeness of the to be not good in strong wind) and RYC's 2016 Laser Junior Championship perpetual award. racing this season with the unusual became more consistent in light wind number of tie-breakers showed that (which I used to do OK but not necessar- \\\"My main focus is the 29er or 'baby' every boat in every race was important. ily consistent). I think these resulted in skiff,\\\" he told us. \\\"I am actually in the process of a Worlds campaign for 2017 The El Toro \ufb02eet has a high level of my consistent race results of Svendsen's competition with many excellent racers,\\\" Grand Prix for this season.\\\" in SoCal with my crew Kaelin Stock, concluded Lange. If Toshi Takayanagi counts up the alongside my teammates in NorCal Skiff Squad.\\\" 1) Art Lange, 15 points; 2) John Pacholski, RYC, 16; 3) Nick Nash, RYC, 35. (50 boats) Page 72 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","DELECTABLE ONE DESIGNS for our group BBQ.\\\" Duler doesn't think he won any single race this season, but he did win sev- eral regattas. \\\"I often placed in the top group and tried to attend as many races as possible. \\\"We always had great leadership for the Laser class, and we have a great team putting together a great race schedule. I look forward to the start of the races next year and plan to do the same thing. Switch- ing rigs is great for some- body like me, a bit too light for the standard rig and a bit too heavy sometimes for the Radial rig.\\\" Laser Standard Seaweed Magnet SPREAD AND INSETS LATITUDE \/ CHRIS Emilio Castelli, RYC Emilio Castelli has won the Svendsen's Grand Prix for the third year in a row. \\\"For the \ufb01rst time I did not capsize at the Dis- trict Championship in the spring! That was a big help,\\\" he says. \\\"We had 70 people sailing in the series, though many only sailed a few races. Once again event participation was key to The Junior and Senior El Toro \ufb02eet champions, Connell Phillipps and Art Lange, approach the \ufb01nish \ufb01nishing \ufb01rst.\\\" line of the warm-air\/light-wind El Toro Stampede at Richmond Yacht Club on October 9. The High Sierra Regatta was a high- years he's raced Lasers, they add up to races from the Svendsen's calendar with light for Castelli. \\\"I had never sailed in 10. They were not consecutive years \u2014 Huntington Lake (because of the drought) there were long periods when he wasn't at least two in a different rig,\\\" explains and really en- sailing. Emilio Castelli. The \ufb01rst recipient of the new trophy joyed the venue, Voyager I was named after the plan- the company etary exploration spacecraft that was is JB Duler. \\\"I used the Radial rig only and the rac- launched in 1977. \\\"I was thinking if I in Bay Area and ocean regattas (such buy a new Laser, it would be Voyager II, as Santa Cruz). I used the full rig for all ing. I would say but the number has so far never incre- this regatta was mented.\\\" lake regattas,\\\" said Duler. key to winning His favor- 1) Toshi Takayanagi, 55 points; 2) Laird Henkel, ite race was the Grand Prix ILCA, 43. (45 boats, 2 quali\ufb01ers) since we had on Stampede a lot of points Laser Mixed Rig \u2014 C'Est La Vie Reservoir, for Jean-Bernard Duler, StFYC the Tahoe awarded.\\\" In compar- The Svendsen's Grand Prix series Fleet Cham- ing this season visits a variety of venues throughout the pionship. \\\"I year, ranging from the San Francisco raced full rig to ones past, Cityfront to mountain lakes. Some sail- he observed, Emilio Castelli ors prefer to use a standard rig for the for that one, latter and a shorter Radial rig for the as I believe \\\"Some 'new blood' (not necessarily young former, where it's usually windier. New blood) is getting into the mix, and the this year is a trophy for mixed-rig sail- there were Grand Prix was not decided until the ors. \\\"The winner has to sail at least \ufb01ve no Radial entries. It is last event, which was fun. Hopefully next year we'll have even more competitors in a beautiful JB Duler contention till the end.\\\" venue at high altitude, and it was very windy. Lots of fun. We all camped together, and the 1) Emilio Castelli, 66 points; 2) Marcel Sloane, Tahoe Yacht Club did an awesome job SSC, 58; 3) Hendrick Reidel, Tahoe YC, 40. (70 boats, 6 quali\ufb01ers) January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 73","SEASON CHAMPIONS, PART III \u2014 Mercury \u2014 Axon them on, our regatta tally, Doug Baird, SFYC including the Nationals, is Doug Baird has been here before. He four \ufb01rsts and two seconds.\\\" won the Mercury Travel Trophy Series in The 18-ft Mercury is a two- person keelboat. Baird's crew this year included Mac Kilpat- rick; son-in-law Mike Wenzel, grandson Levi Wenzel; Tarasa Davis, who is on the US Sail- ing board of directors; tacti- cian Chris Messano; and Kate Conway, a previous MPYC junior program leader. \\\"I have been blessed with some of the best crews anywhere; every one of them makes my results better.\\\" 1) Axon, 44 points; 2) Stars, Jim Bradley, StFYC, 33 3) Fast Break, Randy Smith, SFYC, 19. (39 boats) Levi Wenzel and Doug Baird Cal 20 \u2014 Can O'Whoopass Richard vonEhrenkrook, 2012, placed second in 2015 and 2014, SFYC and was third in 2013. He's been racing Mercurys for 63 years, since 1953. The name is not a misno- mer \u2014 since he got back into Among his accomplishments this Cal 20 racing in 2005 after year, Baird won the Nationals for the a 12-year hiatus, Richard tenth time. He cites that regatta as a vonEhrenkrook's Can O'Whoopass has highlight of the season: \\\"Winning the been kicking PHRF and Cal 20 ass. It's transitional on the Can, as I'm men- Nationals with my grandson as crew, This year, Jim Snow's Raccoon gave 'the toring two amazing young sailors who'll being the oldest winner ever, and being Can' an excellent run for the money in likely not be ready for some of the hairier the only one to have won with both my the Cal 20 one-design class. Snow and events that the Can has done in years son and grandson as crews.\\\" vonEhrenkrook tied on points, with the past.\\\" The low in his 2016 season was RRS tie-breaker going to the latter. \\\"Jim \\\"missing part of the sailing year due to sailed all but two of the series races,\\\" About his \ufb02eetmates, vonEhrenkrook radiation treatments.\\\" said vonEhrenkrook. \\\"So, I say it's a tie.\\\" says that \\\"Marcus Choy (Green Dragon) continues to improve. Snowman and Among the Cal Sally Clapper\/Ted Goldbeck are always 20 championship tough. Dave Gardner on Coyote is always series regattas, there. The Cal 20 season in 2017 will be SFYC's Resin Re- as hardy as this year's. We lost, to relo- gatta in April was cation and retirement, three of our best vonEhrenkrook's sailors, but Paul Kaplan bought a boat, favorite. \\\"I failed so we'll have to wait and see.\\\" Paul by not go- ing five bullets. 1) Can O'Whoopass, 32 points; 2) Raccoon, Such a demand- Jim Snow, CYC, 32; 3) Just Em, Sally Clapper\/Ted ing crew! Goldbeck, CYC, 55. (10 boats) \\\"In 2016 I was blessed to have Santana 22 \u2014 Albacore Paul Sutchek, Larry Nelson\/Michael Quinn\/ Steve Bucking- ham, Isa and Frank Van Kirk, RYC Gaby Vera, Jenni- Skipper Larry Nelson and co-owners fer Hinkel and, to Mike Quinn and Frank Van Kirk bought paraphrase Greg Albacore at the beginning of the year. \\\"We 'water' Nelsen, wanted to race together in a local one- beer \u2014 for those design \ufb02eet, and the Santana \ufb01t the bill days I sailed solo perfectly,\\\" says Quinn. \\\"We had a great Richard vonEhrenkrook, Sally Clapper, Jim Snow and the fabulous Cal 20 cake \u2014 as crew. \ufb01rst year and particularly enjoyed the Clapper brought for their awards dinner. \\\"It's fun to Big Daddy Regatta, where it blew 25-28 knots from the west, and the Jazz Cup, A new set of Doyle sails was a key fac- look back, but this year will only \ufb01nd where it blew 2 to 22 (and then back to tor in winning this year. \\\"Since putting its context with what happens in 2017. 2) from every direction on the compass. \\\"The Santana is a great little boat and an absolute champion in heavy breeze. Page 74 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","DELECTABLE ONE DESIGNS Wylie Wabbit \u2014 Weckless The middle was a team effort: Scotty Tim Russell, SFYC Parker, Andy Goodman, Rick Driscoll and Ian Baldwin; Will Martens for the Tim Russell has been racing the Nationals.\\\" Wylie Wabbit for 10 years. His favorite regatta in 2016 was the Nationals\/ Russell says that the Wabbit \\\"is an Commodore's Cup up at Huntington awesome boat \u2014 lots of bang for the Lake in June. \\\"It was great to be buck!\\\" back there after a two-year break,\\\" he said, referring to the drought clo- 1) Weckless, 33 points; 2) Mr. MacGregor, Kim sures at that high-altitude reservoir Desenberg\/John Groen, RYC, 34; 3) The Bar-ba- in 2014 and '15. \\\"We took a third in loot, Sarah Deeds, RYC, 36. (15 boats) the \ufb01rst race and went on to string six bullets in a row. We only led wire- J\/24 \u2014 Downtown Uproar to-wire once. In every other race we Darren Cumming\/Melissa Litwicki, worked our way to the front and once there, we never relinquished it. It just SSS\/OPBYC seemed we were in phase with every Darren Cumming won the J\/24 sea- shift. And the camping was excellent!\\\" son in 2015, 2014 and 2012 too, but About the Wiver Wun up to Rio apparently 2016 was something of a Vista, he said, \\\"We led the entire way struggle. except we got passed on the inside \\\"It was a very tough season for us this within the last mile. The results were year,\\\" he admits. \\\"We had a poor showing disappointing, but the conditions in the \ufb01rst couple of regattas, and were were perfect. Just enough wind to playing catch-up pretty much for the scream along in the teens, but not rest of the season.\\\" The crew were highly too much wind that it was scary. motivated and had some exciting regat- \\\"The most dif\ufb01cult race was the tas near the end of the year. \\\"We were Delta Ditch Run \u2014 a super-long day within only a couple of points off Jasper Ron Kell and son Oliver on the Express 27 because of light conditions. \\\"The Wabbit van Vliet's Evil Octopus, right up till the 'Abigail Morgan' in race to Vallejo on April 30. is a small boat, and sometimes in those \ufb01nal regatta (RYC's Great Pumpkin).\\\" She is also very easy to provision when long races it is hard to stand up after Melissa Litwicki and Darren Cumming sitting down for so long. The logistics are Cumming's favorite event of the year all three members of your crew are own- also challenging.\\\" remains the BYC-hosted District Cham- ers. 'Everyone bring your own sandwich pionships. \\\"Michael Whit\ufb01eld and the and beer. Russell topped the Wabbit \ufb02eet pre- BYC crew always run a very fair\/com- viously in 2014, 2010 and 2009. \\\"The petitive regatta, and they show us great Dock time is surprise factor was the biggest difference hospitality. The mid-August conditions 10:30. That in the Olympic Circle never disappoint is all.' We love this time. We did not start the season out either. We ended both days with a long, very well, and missed Whiskeytown when reachy run, \ufb01nishing in front of the BYC our new \ufb02eet, I could not \ufb01nd a trap person. I wrote the clubhouse \u2014 super exciting.\\\" which is very The SBYC\/BenYC Jazz Cup on Labor competitive, season off and was not keeping track. We Day Weekend was particularly chal- did \ufb01nish strong; in the second half the lenging for Downtown Uproar this year. very friendly worst place we came in was that third at \\\"After a great start, tragedy struck at and growing the rounding mark when our spinna- all the time.\\\" the Nationals.\\\" ker shackle opened on our attempted The crew on Weckless this year launch. We got the spinnaker \ufb02ying on Quinn were \\\"John the jib halyard, and several of us at- sends his Claude, my congratula- Tim Russell January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 75 Larry Nelson tions to Jen- faithful trap nifer McKen- person. Nev- er sail with- na of Zingaro and Deb Fehr on Meliki out him. He who \\\"pressed us very hard all season. Jan Grygier and Stephen Buckingham is a little light, and also had some incredible regattas during deaf in one the year.\\\" The Albacore trio is looking forward ear, but boy can he trim to the 2017 season, but \ufb01rst they have and work his to \ufb01nish out Encinal YC's Jack Frost midwinter series. \\\"Our \ufb02eet currently weight. I've been sailing has a three-way tie for \ufb01rst place,\\\" Quinn with him for points out. \\\"What could be better?\\\" a long time, 1) Albacore, 19 points; 2) Meliki, Deb Fehr, and we make IYC, 23; 3) Zingaro, Jennifer McKenna, RYC, 29. a good team. (12 boats)","SEASON CHAMPIONS, PART III \u2014 tempted to scale the mast for the lost doublehanded circuit as well!\\\" the Lake Tahoe halyard. It took a makeshift harness Simon Winer and Bart Hackworth Windjammers made of sail ties and the topping lift to YC burgee. get Melissa (my partner in Downtown have been sailing Gruntled together for Simpson Uproar and our foredeck crew) to \ufb01nally 18 years. Hackworth was the Gruntled said he had a secure it. So we were trying to catch up partner who answered our questions, great crew this from there on out and were on the lead- as Winer was otherwise occupied in the year. \\\"Many ers of our \ufb02eet in the Carquinez Strait. month of December \u2014 he got married on have been sail- However, our recovery was foiled by the December 10! ing with me for heavy current and the breeze shutting years. This list down. We did not read these conditions Hackworth said that his favorite re- included Kevin correctly and were run over by multiple gatta this year was the Moore 24 Nation- Macpherson, boats at the \ufb01nal mark roundings. als, held on the Columbia River Gorge at Brant Adornato, the end of July. \\\"We always love sailing Jorge Dalmau, \\\"Downtown continues to attract a at the Gorge, camping in Cascade Locks, Lawrence Kerv- wide variety of people; Loren Moore and going to the brewery in the camp- er, Mara Gutt- Mark Simpson continues to sail with us for most of ground. We also seemed to sail really well the events, trimming as well as \ufb01lling in as a team for that race, so the outcome man and Steve Douglas. whatever role is needed most. Michael was very satisfying.\\\" Singer, a great sailor, continues to travel 1) Shadowfax, 15 points; 2) Synchonicity, back to the Bay Area to sail with us when They found June's Delta Ditch Run he can; we appreciate his dedication. to Stockton to be the most dif\ufb01cult race Steve Smith, HMBYC, 17 points; 3) Shark on Hayley Tobin sailed in several regattas as of the year. \\\"The Ditch was and always well, contributing greatly to our tactics. is a real challenge.\\\" Bluegrass, Falk Meissner, BYC, 24. (5 boats) Stephen Bruer, Daniel Slate, Michele LATITUDE \/ CHRIS Sumpton, Hannah Bouroughs and Mi- Their team consisted of three per- Express 27 Long Distance Series chael Buryense all joined us on one or manent crew and \\\"a new bow for every Abigail Morgan more events \u2014 all great sailors, and we regatta.\\\" Hackworth drove, Simon Winer are glad for their interest and participa- was the trimmer, and Ron Tostenson was Ron Kell, CYC tion. the \\\"middle guy.\\\" Bows were Becky Jonas \\\"Tactics are a little more important in (Hackworth's wife) for the Three Bridge distance racing,\\\" says Ron Kell, who has \\\"The J\/24 fleet continues to be a Fiasco, Claire Arbour (the new Mrs. owned Abigail Morgan \u2014 named after his lot of fun, with cheap thrills and tough Winer) for Spring Keel, Karen Loutzen- daughter \u2014 since she was built in 1985. competition.\\\" heiser (PCCs), Brenda Tostenson (Whis- \\\"There are more opportunities to take keytown), Evelyn Hull (Huntington), Rob advantage of current and wind shifts. 1) Downtown Uproar, 30 points; 2) Evil Octo- Dubuc (Nationals) and Mike Quinn (RYC One small execution error does not lead pus, Jasper Van Vliet, RYC, 32; 3) Shut Up and Regatta). to the whole \ufb02eet dumping on you like Drive, Valentin Lulevich, NoYC, 41. (6 boats) it can in short-course buoy racing. The The plan for Gruntled in 2017 is to other factor is that the Express \ufb02eet has Bart Hackworth and Simon Winer just keep on having fun with friends and several experienced boats that always Moore 24 \u2014 Gruntled family. make the racing interesting.\\\" Kell enjoys the Three Bridge Fiasco Bart Hackworth\/Simon Winer, RYC 1) Gruntled, 20 points; 2) Mooretician, Peter and SSS races in general and the Delta Karl Robrock reports that 44 boats Schoen, TYC, 37; 3) White Trash, Pete Trachy, Ditch Run. \\\"Some of the safety require- RYC, 56. (44 boats) ments in the ocean have gone a little participated in one or more of the Moore over the top and have discouraged some 24 Roadmaster Series regattas this year. Olson 25 \u2014 Shadowfax participation in the ocean. The Double- \\\"We had an average of 15 boats per Mark Simpson, LTWYC handed Farallones presented the most event, and about seven that tried to do After a year off, the Olson 25 cham- difficult conditions. However, some the whole series. It's a heck of a commit- pionship series was revived this year would say the same about the (stormy) ment, particularly for boats that do the to include BYC's Rollo Wheeler Regatta Great Pumpkin pursuit race, and pos- Page 76 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017 in April, YRA's Great Vallejo Race, two sibly the Three Bridge for the opposite YRA Series days, the 2nd Half Opener, conditions. That is what is so great about the YRA Season Closer and RYC's Great sailing in the Bay Area. The conditions Pumpkin just before Halloween. The are diverse, and there is something for \ufb02eet's captain as well as its champion, everyone. There is always another oppor- Mark Simpson called it a good season tunity if you just keep plugging away.\\\" with lots of close racing. Crewing this season were Matt Ever- \\\"In the Vallejo Race we followed Shark ett, Bianca Dragone, Rich Korman, David on Bluegrass the whole day and man- Crowe, Chris Stewart, Seth Cohen, and aged to sneak by them in the beat up the Ron's son Oliver, 28. \\\"Oliver took his channel to win the race. During the 2nd \ufb01rst trip down the Coast to Santa Cruz Half Opener we did a beautiful round- for our Nationals when he was about 6 down under the Gate doing 12 knots, years old.\\\" recovering with all crew on board and Ron Kell calls the Carl Schumacher- nothing but a few bruises and tarnished designed Express 27 \\\"such a great boat egos.\\\" and competitive \ufb02eet that I can't imagine Although Simpson and Shadow- a better all-around Bay boat.\\\" fax live in Alameda, they sail under","DELECTABLE ONE DESIGNS 1) Abigail Morgan, 0.89 points; 2) Peaches, The Tostensons have owned Jewel for and forth from the Cityfront is sometimes John Rivlin, StFYC, 0.74; 3) Dianne, Steve four years (mom Pat designs and crafts horrible. In the '80s and '90s it was Katzman, 0.7. (36 boats, 11 quali\ufb01ers) jewelry). OK because we would drink a bottle of J\u00e4germeister on the way home and all \\\"Our series included the CBRA Series was good. Now, as we are a bit older, time and the SFYC Fall Classic,\\\" explained is more valuable and the upwind grind Pat. \\\"We had two throw-outs. The \ufb01rst into the afternoon breeze is tough.\\\" day of Fall Classic had incredible wind, and we were surfing at 10 knots at Three Boys and a Girl won the Knarr times.\\\" (This on a non-spinnaker boat.) season in 2015 too. \\\"This year was re- Ron said that they enjoyed sailing in ally a carry on from last year. Our boat the YRA's CBRA Series very much. \\\"The is going really nicely and we have a great venues and hosting yacht clubs were all core group. We had another great set of great \u2014 looking forward to more of the North Sails, so when you are fast and same next season.\\\" feel fast, the racing is fun and usually \\\"Next year our Alerion Season Cham- successful.\\\" pionship will be determined only by the CBRA results,\\\" commented \ufb02eet captain In addition to the regular crew \u2014 Phil LATITUDE \/ CHRIS Kirk Smith. \\\"There will be six rather than Perkins, Hans Baldauf and Peter Clark \u2014 four days of races. We will treat the Fall were Johnny and Charlie Perkins, Fritz Classic as a totally separate regatta. This Baldauf (Hans's 15-year-old son) and year the Fall Classic was won by Peter Eric Gray. Tuxen on Margo, who didn't drop out on the second day of racing when the 1) Three Boys and a Girl, 59 points; 2) Femp- Will Paxton and Zachery Anderson weather turned terrible.\\\" The Fall Classic ty-Fempty, Jon Perkins, SFYC, 83; 3) Gjendin, Graham Green, StFYC, 100. (20 boats) EXPRESS 27 CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES (43r, 5t) was held in an unusually stormy mid- 1) Motorcycle Irene, Will Paxton\/Zachery October. \\\"Ditzy (Ralf Morgan) was second SF Bay 30 \u2014 Heart of Gold in the Alerion Season Championship and Olson 911S Anderson, RYC, 0.95 points; 2) Get Happy!!, CBRA,\\\" and in the Fall Classic too. Brendan Busch, TISC, 0.94; 3) Peaches, John Joan Byrne, SBYC Not a one-design class, but rather a Rivlin, StFYC, 0.9. (34 boats, 8 quali\ufb01ers) Knarr \u2014 Three Boys and a Girl collection of designs of similar size and characteristics, the SF Bay 30 \ufb02eet sailed Alerion Express 28 \u2014 Jewel Chris & Phil Perkins\/Hans Baldauf, Ron Tostenson, RYC Joan Byrne SFYC a relatively informal series this year that When he wasn't busy helping the included RYC's Big Daddy, the Great Chris Perkins says that 2016's most Vallejo Race, the Jazz Cup, and the Great aforementioned Moore 24 Gruntled win fun regatta was the IKC (International Pumpkin. A simple high-point scoring the Roadmaster Series or sailing his Wy- Knarr Championship) in September. \\\"It system was used, which rewarded par- lie Wabbit, Ron Tostenson was helming was six days of racing on the Cityfront, ticipation and consistent results. Joan and we had a great Byrne's 30-ft Carl Schumacher-designed week. I sailed with Heart of Gold prevailed. my brother Phil, Hans Baldauf and Peter Byrne attributes her success to \\\"rac- Clark. My sons Charlie ing to learn and working together as a (16) and Johnny (14) team to perfect our sailing skills. Place- also substituted on ment in the race is secondary to racing one day each, which well as a team.\\\" She also cites \\\"grooming was really fun for me.\\\" and nurturing a fun environment that The racing took place allows improvement of sailing skills and mostly on a \ufb02ood cur- strong teamwork; provisioning great rent, which kept the sandwiches and strong drinks after the boats all tacking up the Cityfront together. January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 77 \\\"I think the locals had a little advantage, as LATITUDE \/ CHRIS we get to do that a few times a season. Some of the Danes have been here five to 10 times so they know the Bay fairly Another multi-generational family team, dad Jerry, mom Pat and son well too.\\\" Ron Tostenson race the Alerion 28 'Jewel' together. Perkins has a hard- the Alerion Express 28 Jewel \u2014 with his er time getting psyched up for races on parents, Jerry and Pat, as crew \u2014 to a the Berkeley Circle. \\\"The racing is great,\\\" class championship. he explains, \\\"but the commuting back","SEASON CHAMPIONS, PART III SPREAD: WWW.NORCALSAILING.COM INSET: CHRIS \/ LATITUDE Tom Schoenhair racing is completed (and maybe provid- On a sunny, warm light-air May Day, the Islander St. Francis YC, 17 from San Francisco ing a drink to our competitors before the 36 'Windwalker' maneuvers into position for YC and 16 from the Singlehanded Sailing race); and being \ufb01erce competitors on the the start of the Great Vallejo Race in the Mare Society. Including co-skippers\/owners racecourse, but kindred spirits after the Island Strait. and counting Amy Wells of the F-27 race.\\\" Wingit three times, 17 were women. ISLANDER 36 (9r, 2t) \u2014 1) Windwalker, Rich- During the counter races Joan, Rob- If your class wasn't among the ones ert, Collette, Angel, Jan, Mark, Colin and ard & Tom Shoenhair, SSS, 9 points; 2) Zingara, we profiled, let us know at racing@ Cheyene enjoyed close competition with and we'll add it to our different boats in the \ufb02eet due to their Steve & Jocelyn Swanson, SBYC, 18; 3) Kapai, database for next season. Please include similar performance pro\ufb01les, albeit with contact information for your \ufb02eet cap- some boats slightly favored at different Richard Egan, tain, and a link to the \ufb02eet website \u2014 if conditions. \\\"This speaks to the impor- it has one that's kept reasonably up to tance of keeping the boat-performance SSS, 23. (8 date. pro\ufb01le close without being totally de- pendent on PHRF ratings. PHRF is only boats) In this month's selection of (mostly) the base-qualifying criterion, with actual one-design classes, last month's (mostly) performance characteristics as primary EXPRESS 37 PHRF divisions, and November's opening consideration for class membership.\\\" taste of one designs, we've presented a (7 regattas) \u2014 1) broad buffet of sailboats from which to Byrne concluded: \\\"When we race choose that can be raced on San Fran- against each other it's so much fun.\\\" Golden Moon, cisco Bay (and beyond) to great success and enjoyment. We hope that this three- 1) Heart of Gold, 30 points; 2) Bay Loon, J\/29, Kame Richards, course feature will inspire some racers Grant Harless, BenYC, 26; 3) Rhapsody, J\/32, to climb the ranks and improve their Chris Boome, StFYC, 24. (19 boats) EYC, 17 points; scores, and still others to give dinghy or yacht racing a try for the \ufb01rst time. MORE ONE-DESIGN CLASS CHAMPIONS 2) Expeditious, With some luck, skill and commitment, IOD (8r, 1t) \u2014 1) One Hundred, Paul Zupan, maybe your name and photo will appear Bartz Schneider, on these pages next year. SSS, 9 points; 2) Bolero, Richard & Mark Pearce, SFYC, 14; 3) Xarifa, Paul Manning, StFYC, 16. (4 SFYC\/StFYC, 26; \u2014 latitude\/chris boats) 3) Stewball, Bob Page 78 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017 Harford, RYC, 33. (12 boats) Kame Richards Out of curosity, we quickly tallied up the top three \ufb01nishers that we've listed in the last three installments of season champions. Our count shows 25 podium \ufb01nishers sailing under the burgee of Richmond YC, 19 hailing from","Gateway to the Bay & Delta The North Bay\u2019s Only Full-Service Marina! \u2022 Slips starting at $7.00 per foot! \u2022 Concrete and wood docks \u2022 Covered berths available \u2022 Kayak storage space available \u2022 Night security guard Kayak Storage Promotion: pay for 6 months, get 6 months free (707) 648-4370 \u2022 Fax (707) 648-4660 42 Harbor Way \u2022 Vallejo, CA 94590 \u201cwMeoubCusstthi-toeSecue!k!re\u201d The Iverson\u2019s Dodger is now FEEL THE FREEDOM available in the Bay Area! Dodgers \u2022 Bimini Tops \u2022 Enclosures With Hydrovane: Independent self steering windvane AND emergency rudder... ready to go Dreaming of Cruising? Join us! FREE O shore Cruising Forums \u2022 Toronto Boat Show - Sunday January 22 10:30am \u2022 Seattle Boat Show - Saturday January 28 10:15am Register online to reserve a seat Jeanneau SO 43 with 26 inch o set 206-849-2274 Fuel Cell Battery Charger Hydrogenerator STEERING THE DREAM wi vwewr.sivoenrssodnesdsei gsingn. c.coomm January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 79","TRYING TO STAY CURRENT \u2014 One of the frustrating aspects of routing during the OCSC Coastal Pas- sage courses that I teach,\\\" writes Senior is a mobile-friendly living in this 'app-happy' era of endless Instructor Trevor Steel. \\\"These courses website that's popu- innovation is that is it seems almost are six-day coastal passages. I know the lar with Bay Area impossible to keep up with the latest, app will predict well beyond 48 hours, and Southern Cal- greatest developments in technology \u2014 but getting an overview of the systems ifornia boaters. It including smartphone, tablet and com- approaching the West Coast is incredibly integrates all kinds puter software related to boating. of coastal weather useful. observations into re- But knowing that many Latitude \\\"Because Windyty is ports and forecasts, readers are remarkably tech-savvy and including: a calculated predic- ASA's new Sailing Challenge app is designed to tion, I tend to go to \u2022 Ultra-high-reso- be both fun and educational. Seen here, we're NOAA\u2019s measured con- lution wind forecasts about to blow a port rounding. Oops! ditions for more imme- up-to-date on both apps and gadgets, diate information after \u2022 Ultra long-range we reached out to them last month for Windyty has shown wind forecasts tips and recommendations on genuine- an approaching sys- ly useful applications. (We'll look into tem. That's a little 'old \u2022 Detailed buoy gadgetry another time.) school' I suppose, but reports and fore- I\u2019m still reluctant to put casts including a The following are suggestions from my crew's fate in the view of individual our readers: hands of an algorithm. waves as they move Having said that, I am the weather buoy! Windyty \u2014 \\\"I use Windyty as a 48- impressed by the appar- hour forecaster when planning coastal ent accuracy of the Windyty app.\\\" \u2022 Satellite sea- Boat Beacon for A.I.S. is a second surface tempera- Swell Matrix recommendation from Trevor: \\\"Boat tures integrated with Beacon gives real time with CPA, TCPA buoy SSTs and all the other necessary info including images. (Android only, I believe.)\\\" \u2022 Weather -fore- Trevor also uses PredictWind (avail- cast analysis from able for Apple and Android) which he regional NOAA of- \ufb01nds \\\"much more accurate than NOAA \ufb01ces for daily forecasts.\\\" Caleb Vandenberg writes, \\\"This isn't \\\"The best part is exactly an app store app, but www. that it's made specif- ically for sailors and surfers, by a sailor\/ surfer (me), integrat- ing everything you want to know about Imray Tides Planner Marine Traf\ufb01c Anchor Watch HD Page 80 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","IN AN APP-HAPPY WORLD Modern cruisers live and breathe by tablet and \\\"I use Imray waves, and weather information at, computer apps. Navionics (top inset) and iNavX Tides Planner say, Cabo Corrientes, one of Mexico's (lower inset) are among the most popular. all the time,\\\" writes Gregory Clausen. weather-prone capes. The second shot ocean conditions, and no more.\\\" \\\"It's free, worldwide and has tons of Bay would typically show the 'data' view for Area locations. Look at this seven-foot the location of the cursor on the map. Lewis Allen and Alyssa Alexopulos tide today!\\\" (See Graphic lower left.) (this month's covergirl) chimed in from \\\"Anchor \u2014 Another favorite is our the South Paci\ufb01c: \\\"Windyty, Navion- From south of the border Robin Weber anchor alarm. Anchor updates the boat's ics and Anchor Watch HD are apps we writes: \\\"We're in our \ufb01fth year cruising position whenever it moves more than a use every day while cruising. in Mexico. The speci\ufb01ed number of feet (set from 5 feet following are our to 60 feet), and it shows a graphic of the \\\"The \ufb01rst two are well-known. The favorite apps, in- boat's movement, which is nice when the third provides very useful real-time stalled on both wind shifts in the middle of the night. monitoring of our position relative to iPhone and iPad. The alarm range is adjustable. where we dropped the hook. It will sound an alarm if we leave a pre-set perimeter. \\\"PocketGrib \\\"iNavX \u2014 We have paired iNavX with It helps me sleep well at night knowing \u2014 It's always Heather Bansmer and Shawn Breeding's we aren't dragging. The only issue is good to keep on excellent Paci\ufb01c Mexico & Sea of Cor- that I consistently forget to push the 'pull top of the weath- tez guidebook charts from Blue Latitude anchor' button, so the alarm is usually er for passages, Press. When approaching an anchorage, blaring as we motor away!\\\" and when we the boat is superimposed on the iPad have Internet we screen. I place a waypoint at each loca- Steve Grange writes: \\\"I recommend always download tion where we anchor for reference when MarineTraf\ufb01c \u2014 Ship Tracking, to see GRIBs before we we return to that anchorage. all the commercial shipping and many depart. A typical private boaters around you as they first screenshot \\\"Navionics \u2014 Our chartplotter has broadcast their AIS positions and info.\\\" shows the 'map' the same information, but Navionics view for one time on an iPad is much easier to work with, block with wind, especially when creating a route. The screen shows speed over ground, and time and distance to each waypoint and the destination.\\\" Latitude staffers aren't the most tech- savvy folks on the planet, but we have a few recommendations to share. Ad man Mitch Perkins likes The American Sail- ing Association's Sailing Challenge app, a learn-while-you-play game designed by Atari founder and avid sailor Nolan Bushnell. The idea was to create a teach- ing aid for ASA instructors that would be fun yet educational. And by all accounts it's been a huge success. Latitude publisher John Arndt recom- mends RaceQs a racing simulator de- Everybody seems to love Windyty. Not only is it useful in reat time, but its constantly moving graphics could entertain you for hours. January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 81","TRYING TO STAY CURRENT veloped by local racer US Coast Guard app Sergey Lubarsky, that aims to \\\"evaluate and which allows you not only to register a \ufb02oat improve your sailing in data-collection plan when sailing off- efforts. performance\\\" through Developed by shore, but also to brush 3D, animated race re- plays. a collaboration up on the rules of the road, call for help and Also, ASA's Go Sail- of agencies and report hazards. It shows nonprofits, it al- ing, which was dev- lows users to re- NOAA weather buoy lo- loped in the Bay Area by Kroocial Founder port sightings of cations and allows you to access their data in Paolo Dilda. Its aim whales offshore or real-time and more. inshore, and view is to make it easy for crowd-sourced like-minded sailors to warnings of po- We'll take a break connect and get out on tential encounters. the water. As noted in 'Lec- It also encourages here knowing that we've got a lot of 'app home- tronic Latitude, folks at mariners to use work' to catch up on. it as a species- the Gulf of the Faral- identi\ufb01cation aid. But we're certain that lones National Marine Researchers tell us we've only scratched the Sanctuary, a NOAA NOAA has collaborated on at least that 19,000 gray Having real-time access to NOAA surface of what's avail- af\ufb01liate, are encourag- two useful whale and dolphin apps whales, in addition buoy info can be extremely useful able. So feel free to email ing West Coast sailors that can increase your knowledge. to other species, for route planning. us about other apps as well as commercial vessel operators migrate along the coast between Novem- you love, and look for another round of to download the free Whale Alert app ber and May. reviews here soon. for iPhones and iPads, and participate \u2014 latitude\/andy We also like the free, multi-function NEED CASH FAST? Advertise your USED MARINE GEAR in ourClassyClassifieds THIS STUFF SELLS FAST! Deadline is the 15th at 5pm. See page 112 for details. Page 82 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","Insuring Boats & Yachts For Over 50 Years Seattle 360-930-6066 Contact Us for a Quote at N. California Exclusive Racing Sailboat Carolyn Pounds Program MARINERS Odyssey\u00ae Program [email protected] Mexico Transpac South America Paci\ufb01c Cup 510-254-3689 South Paci\ufb01c PV \/ Cabo Races L.A.\/Orange Co. Caribbean Caribbean Regattas Mediterranean 800-992-4443 San Diego Providing Cruisers and Racers All Over the World with Prompt, Reliable Service since 1959 800-639-0002 Corporate Of\ufb01ce: 206 Riverside Ave., Suite A Newport Beach, CA 92663 \/ Ins. Lic. #0D36887 BOATER'S PARADISE! DIVE PLUS! Hull cleaning, zincs, prop repair, full maintenance, yacht captain, shine and polish services. This elegant and graceful single-level home sits on a quiet canal CONVENIENT in an upscale community of boat owners. Recently remodeled throughout; quality construction, design and \ufb01nishes are sure to In-Your-Slip Service & Maintenance From: please. Dock with new \ufb02otation and utilities is 42 feet and can be expanded. Three yacht clubs nearby. Richmond Bridge and Mt. Stem To Stern Tamalpais views. LLC \u2022 3 bedrooms, incl. spacious master \u2022 3 full bathrooms (510) 681-3831 \u2022 Chef's kitchen \u2022 Formal dining room \u2022 New hardscape and landscaping \u2022 Art lighting \u2022 Built-in \ufb01re pit \u2022 Fully fenced January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 83 Contact Janey Kaplan at Vanguard Properties 415.272.0726","MAX EBB \u2014 I don't know if the drought is over, but I do know that the skiing is great. It had been a few years, but after place to be stuck. We were high enough ished in nine or 10. Twelve days is typical three or four runs down an easy hill for a spectacular view, especially if we for a 40-footer.\\\" I was feeling the rust coming off, and looked back over our shoulders. And the \\\"Twelve days,\\\" he repeated, appar- decided to get in line between two kids only sounds were the swishing of snow ently fascinated by the concept. \\\"What with snowboards for the chairlift to the on skis and boards underneath us. A do you do at night?\\\" top of a more advanced slope. It was only light breeze swayed the chair gently in \\\"Take turns,\\\" I explained patiently, the bright midday having learned not to make fun of the after all three of us sunlight and the classic newbie question. \\\"Half the crew had been scooped crisp, high-altitude sleeps, half the crew is on deck racing up by the chair that \\\"Wow, what an awesome winter air. the boat.\\\" I realized who I was Lee, meanwhile, \\\"Wow, what an awesome adventure,\\\" setting next to. adventure. How does someone get to be part of the was removing her he said. \\\"How does someone get to be \\\"How was that crew on one of those boats?\\\" gloves and digging last ride for you, part of the crew on one of those boats?\\\" Max?\\\" deep into her snow- \\\"Be a cardiologist,\\\" I answered, forget- b o a r d i n g p a r k a , ting for a minute that it's really not fair to Lee Helm lifted have fun with such beginner questions. up her tinted goggles so I could see her pulling out a large cell phone. face, although the voice was unmistak- \\\"Wanna see my Hawaii photos?\\\" she My new friend seemed confused. \\\"Re- asked. Without waiting for an answer, ally,\\\" I explained. \\\"The owners are getting able. \\\"Much too intermediate for me,\\\" I she ran a slideshow of last summer's older every year, and so are most of the answered with deliberate ambiguity. race. It was all about warm blue water, crew.\\\" \\\"For sure,\\\" she answered, without trade winds, tropical sunsets, mahi-mahi \\\"Actually,\\\" Lee added, \\\"EMT train- calling me out for my non-responsive served in the ing might be answer. \\\"But like, on this next run, if cockpit, and more useful you don't mind some quick jibes around f i n a l l y t h e than cardiol- some trees, I know where there's still mai tais and ogy. But, like, some virgin powder. Follow me if you the leis at the you get the can, on those old-timey sticks of yours.\\\" \ufb01nish line. idea. Those My seat- old farts like \\\"Hey, they're more ef\ufb01cient than that semi-evolved cafeteria tray you kids slide mate on the to have some other side got medical talent down the hill on,\\\" I retorted. YELLOWBRICK TRACKING on board.\\\" \\\"Ef\ufb01ciency, schme\ufb01ciency,\\\" she re- a good view plied. \\\"We have this big machine called also, and was \\\"Do you have a chair lift to supply us with, like, all the intrigued by to have a lot the images. of sailing ex- potential energy we need.\\\" \\\"How long perience?\\\" he At that moment the lift came to a grinding halt. does it take asked. \\\"Third time this weekend,\\\" sighed the t o s a i l t o \\\"Of course,\\\" snowboarder sitting on the other side of Hawaii?\\\" he I confirmed. asked. Last summer's Pac Cup \ufb02eet made an abnormally fast trip to \\\"But under - me. \\\"We did it Hawaii. Trackers allow race fans to follow the action from home. stand that it \\\"Hope it's not down for too long,\\\" I said. \\\"We could all freeze to death dan- in 11 days,\\\" she said. \\\"It was a fast race takes years to get to the skill and ex- gling here up in the air.\\\" this year, especially for a small boat like perience level you need to be invited Actually, it wasn't such a terrible the one I race on. The bigger boats \ufb01n- on a Hawaii race based on your sailing HOW TO GET A BERTH ON A HAWAII RACE BOAT 1) Be a cardiologist. Race boat own- to replace a crew who does. You'll learn 7) If all else fails, join a crew for the ers are getting older every year \u2014 as are a lot of good stuff, too. return delivery only. If you are hanging many regular crew. (EMT training might out at the \ufb01nish-line yacht club during even be better.) 5) Contribute! Attend the planning the last week of July, and can walk and meetings, join the organizing yacht club breathe, and have no obvious personal- 2) Post your CV on the race website in (Transpac YC or Paci\ufb01c Cup YC) and ity defects (or even if you do), you will be the crew forum. Update it as necessary volunteer for committees. Do more than asked to help sail a boat home to Cali- to keep it on the \ufb01rst page. You can't win your share of the grunt work that makes fornia. It's not racing, but it's a reliable the lottery if you don't buy a ticket. the parties and seminars successful. way to get your \ufb01rst offshore experience When a last-minute spot opens up, the and log some time on a big race boat. 3) Keep the time slot available. When people likely to be in a position to get you a crew spot opens up two days before on a boat will reward your loyalty. 8) Become a great sailor. Join your the start, everyone else will have already local sailing club or sailing center. Sail, made other plans. 6) Be available for the return delivery. race, and teach as much as you can. Owners like to have one of their crew Don't skip the essential small-boat phase 4) Attend a US Sailing Safety at Sea do the round trip, especially if they are of your sailing education. seminar. At least one-third of the crew leaving the return trip in the hands of a are required to have this certi\ufb01cation, hired delivery skipper. \u2014 max and without it you might not be eligible Page 84 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","CATCHING A RIDE chops.\\\" MAX EBB tle uncomfortable Lee, mean- just hopping on a Even you could be in a post-race crew photo boat with people I while, had put her like this one! (Pictured post-race is the crew of had never met 'til phone away and Sy Kleinman's 'Swiftsure' in 1985). a couple of days her mittens back steer to windward. They never point high before the start.\\\" on, but took them enough, always footing off for speed.\\\" off again to re- \\\"Gotta get over trieve something That comment sailed right over the that,\\\" Lee advised. else from deep new sailor's head, so I turned the discus- \\\"There's no such within her winter sion back to the issue at hand. thing as a bad sail gear. It was a \ufb02yer to Hawaii.\\\" for the university \\\"Let's not give up on getting this guy sailing club back a ride to Hawaii,\\\" I said to Lee. \\\"And at your on the Bay. skill level,\\\" I add- \\\"Right, there's one thing you can do ed, \\\"it's very un- \\\"This is, like, that works wonders,\\\" she said. \\\"Help likely that you'd the cheapest and to put on the race. That means, like, be asked to join best way to learn attending the board meetings of the a crew well in ad- to sail,\\\" she in- sponsoring organization, and volunteer- vance. Yes, typi- sisted. \\\"Partly ing for committee functions. They need cally, most of the because it's all 'slave labor' to work on the parties, the boat's regular race volunteer, and be- seminars, the mailings, the website, crew are signed cause they make whatever you're good at. Do the grunt on many months you an instruc- work that makes the events successful. before the start. tor way before It takes a lot of time, but that way, when Then there's usu- you think you're that last-minute crew spot opens up, the ally nothing avail- ready. You really powers that be might think of you \ufb01rst, able until less learn it when you and reward you for your efforts \u2014 if they than a week be- have to teach it.\\\" like you.\\\" fore, when people have a meltdown \\\"Oh yes, I know \\\"I don't know,\\\" he said. \\\"I'd feel a lit- at work, or their that place,\\\" he back goes out, or said as he stud- some family issue ied the brochure. comes up. That's \\\"I checked it out when you have to when I was a be standing there freshman. But with your sea- they only teach bag packed, so to small-boat sail- speak. So circle ing. Shouldn't I \ufb01nd a sailing school that the \ufb02eet like a vulture. A nice, friendly teaches on big boats if my goal is to be vulture, that is. And most important: invited on a race to Hawaii?\\\" Keep the time clear on your calendar, right up until the night before the last \\\"No!\\\" Lee and I answered together, start, when everyone else will have al- simultaneously and emphatically. ready made other plans for the summer.\\\" \\\"Small-boat instruction is vital,\\\" I UPCOMING HAWAII RACES said. 2017 Transpac Race \\\"Thing is,\\\" Lee explained, \\\"A 15-ft boat \u2022 First start: July 3, 2017 in 20 knots of wind handles about like \u2022 website: https:\/\/ a 45-ft boat in 50 knots. But, like, no one will ever let you practice with a 45-ft 2018 Paci\ufb01c Cup Race boat in 50 knots of wind. You need to get \u2022 First Start: July 9, 2018 good with a small boat. It's the only way \u2022 website: https:\/\/paci\ to get the intuitive understanding of how to handle a big boat in a storm. There's 2018 Vic-Maui Race no other way.\\\" \u2022 First Start: TBA \u2022 website: \\\"Small boats develop the muscle All of these events have pre-race memory, if you will,\\\" I added. \\\"Big boats don't. After you get good in dinghies, events aimed at appropriate planning there are commercial sailing schools that and preparation. offer various levels of big-boat certi\ufb01ca- tion. Doesn't hurt, but don't make the January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 85 mistake of starting out too big.\\\" \\\"I can always tell the sailors who learned on boats big enough to have knotmeters,\\\" Lee added, \\\"by the way they","MAX EBB \\\"Good strategy,\\\" he agreed. LESLIE RICHTER \/ WWW.ROCKSKIPPER.COM need a few days before the start \\\"Don't forget to post to the to stalk the \ufb02eet looking for that 'crew available' forum on the \\\"Woohoo!\\\" Picture yourself riding the rail on last-minute ride offer, and then race website,\\\" Lee suggested. the way out the Golden Gate en route to Hawaii. to help with last-minute race \\\"That's one of the main ways (Seen here Joe Wells' Hobie 33 'Aero'.) prep if you're successful \ufb01nding that skippers can \ufb01nd you. Up- someone they can trust, who knows the a berth.\\\" date your listing often to keep boat well, is very desirable to have on it on the \ufb01rst page, make sure the return delivery crew. And, like, you'd Suddenly the chair lift it says that you're available as save airfare too.\\\" a last-minute sub, and don't be came back to life, and we were intimidated by all the profes- \\\"Block off seven weeks,\\\" I suggested. moving up the side of the moun- sionals you'll see who also have Two weeks to get there, one week of par- tain again. The conversation listings there. They will probably ties, three weeks to sail home. One extra turned back to snowboarding, not be available a day before the week for contingency, if there's stuff to in which context I became the start. But you will be. For sure, it's a long \ufb01x before sailing for home.\\\" newbie. As we approached the exit point, shot, but remember the ancient proverb: I invited Lee and our new friend to join \\\"You can't win the lottery if you don't buy \\\"Eight weeks is better,\\\" said Lee. \\\"You me for dinner at the lodge right after a ticket.\\\" sunset. \\\"Cool, I'll do it! How much time do I \\\"Thanks, but I have to get home early need to block off for this?\\\" tonight. Have a lot of paperwork to \ufb01nish \\\"Three weeks usually covers it,\\\" Lee tomorrow.\\\" answered. \\\"Unless, like, you take the \\\"Missing a day of perfect snowboard- whole summer and do the round trip. ing conditions for paperwork?\\\" Lee ex- Owners really like it when crew can sail claimed, sounding very surprised. \\\"Like, both ways \u2014 especially owners who have what could be that important?\\\" to \ufb02y home and leave the return delivery \\\"My application to medical school.\\\" up to some skipper-for-hire. A race crew, \u2014 max ebb THANK YOU BREAKWATER COVE MARINA! Latitude 38 appreciates your support: Monterey Bay \\\"For over 25 years we did not advertise. Not too long ago, we expanded our marina and began advertising in Latitude 38 to attract guest boaters. We started out slow to test the waters and soon discovered that our ads were directly correlated to the number of reservation requests we were receiving. As we began to run ads in what was historically our slow season, we found those months were no longer slow. To top off our good fortune, we are able to work with the delightful and always helpful staff of Latitude 38! \\\" Diane, Monterey Bay Boatworks Company Breakwater Cove Marina (831) 373-7857 For a slip or haulout, call Breakwater Cove Marina! Many more people are \ufb01nding a home For your own successful ad plan, for their boat or a guest slip destination call Mitch at at Breakwater Cove Marina thanks to their ad in Latitude 38. (415) 383-8200 x107 or email [email protected] Page 86 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","JUST FINISHED DREDGING LOCH LOMOND MARINA SAN RAFAEL KISS-SSB The Simple, Proven TM Marine SSB (360) 510-7885 Ground Plane Climb Your Mast Alone with Mast Mate View Demo Video on Our New Website \u2022 Easy to install Satisfaction Guaranteed \u2022 Superior performance \u2022 Fiberglass\/wood boats (707) 433-7370 \u2022 Sail or power See Made in the USA for 28 Years How to Read for more info or to order. Latitude 38 Excel and peace of mind in the Azores: Super Sarca Anchors Download our eBooks Ground Tackle Marine FREE! January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 87","THE RACING The \ufb01rst Racing Sheet of the New Year visits Midwinters from Berkeley to Sausalito to Monterey. We also sample some Hot Rum from San Diego and some Wild Turkey from Tiburon, and eavesdrop on OPBYC's Crew You Regatta in Richmond. We round off this section of the magazine with a hand- ful of news items in Race Notes. Chilly Berkeley YC Midwinters for in the gusty weather. Though some of The weekend of December 10-11 the more tender boats reefed deeply, the was the second of four weekends of the Express 27s went with full-hoist mains. Berkeley YC Midwinters. The warm, light The next delay came with the third wind, \ufb02at water, strong currents part of start, when the 16 Express 27s were over midwinter racing had served the \ufb01rst two early en masse and suffered a general ROXANNE FAIRBAIRN \/ WWW.ROXSHOTS.SMUGMUG.COMdays of the series well on November 12- recall. \\\"After a second general recall the ROXANNE FAIRBAIRN \/ WWW.ROXSHOTS.SMUGMUG.COM13. \\\"On December 10, we were treated Expresses were obligated to go to the to the 'wet, blustery, wind-shifty' kind of back of \ufb02eet and start last,\\\" explained midwinter racing,\\\" writes BYC's Bobbi Tosse. Tosse. \\\"Meanwhile, Divisions A & B were The forecast had called for the wind scooting around the double windward\/ and rain to lighten up by the time of the leeward course. The result was that as noon start, but the morning's storm was the 16 Express 27s hit the start line at lagging behind schedule. \\\"By 11:30, Race 1 p.m., Stewball, Bob Harford's Express Committee was still working at getting a 37, arrived to \ufb01nish at 1:01. What fun!\\\" course set up and the visibility s***ed!\\\" \\\"Oh, well; at least there was some said Tosse. \\\"At one point the signal boat, starting practice,\\\" was a comment heard Windance, totally lost sight of the mark- from Express 27 sailors later at the bar. set boat and the bright green new 8-ft Meanwhile, in Division A, the Antrim in\ufb02atable buoy. Mark-set lost sight of 27 Arch Angel lost her skipper overboard. signal boat and asked for directions to Bryce Grif\ufb01th explains what happened: get back, even though they were only a \\\"We started the race in good position. half mile away!\\\" Did we mention it was The main was reefed and the wind chute and took off like gangbusters, hit- was around ting 12-15 knots on the downwind leg. I 23 knots with called for the crew to stand by for a jibe gusts to 26 and started to step to port and around knots. About the tiller to set up for the jibe; in doing so two minutes I either caught my left foot on the main- after the start, sheet or an errant shoelace got stepped we heard a loud on, causing me to fall to port with the pop and our jib tiller trapped between my knees. This sagged about caused the boat to do a hard roundup 12 inches \u2014 and threw me overboard. we had broken the clam cleat \\\"The SOSpenders in\ufb02ated immediate- that holds ten- ly. It was a great relief to have \ufb02otation, sion on the jib but an immediate problem was appar- that allows the ent: I had not been able to \ufb01nd my thigh boat to point. straps that morning so the vest \ufb02oated 'Kookaburra', 'Peregrine' and 'Mr. We may have up around my face causing me to have Magoo' in a J\/120 start during De- put too much to keep pulling it down. Another problem cember 10's stormy, wet Regatta tension on the presented itself: I could only \ufb02oat on my PRO\/SYC Winter One Design. cleat, or it could back and could not get my feet down so my head could be up. In the short 2-ft have failed due chop, that position causes you to feel to long use. So like you are being water-boarded about raining? The \ufb01rst start was thus delayed we struggled to jury-rig the tensioner 100 times. Another possible contributing by 10 minutes. so we could continue. Most of the leg problem may have been air trapped in Only 37 of the 53 boats entered made was spent with a crewmember on the my foulie pant legs and my waterproof it to the starting area in the vicinity of foredeck trying to put on a shackle so we socks. I am going to check this out in a XOC, the center of the Berkeley Circle. could tension the jib. We were not able to pool to see if either or both create excess (as the actual XOC buoy was off sta- furl the jib after the jury rig. About three \ufb02otation in the legs. tion, the RC employed a bright orange minutes before the weather mark we got in\ufb02atable mark for the pin end of the it rigged. \\\"Jim Antrim took the helm while the start-\ufb01nish line.) Small jibs were called \\\"Once we cleared the mark we set the crew got the chute down. Jim thinks this took about two minutes. Then they start- Page 88 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","SHEET Sausalito Yacht Club's Chili Midwinter race on December 4 to drop, and, as the afternoon wore on, exempli\ufb01ed the conditions \u2014 and hazy light \u2014 of late fall. boats began calling in announcing their retirement. The early westerly turned ed back for me. Another boat, HotSocks, \\\"Sunday was a complete bust,\\\" re- into an east wind coming through skippered by Nathalie Criou, came to the ports Tosse. \\\"No wind, no racing. Not Raccoon Strait, changing the \ufb01nal run rescue very quickly. They threw a line much sun either \u2014 Sunday was almost to the finish line into a slow wind- to me, but I was not able to hold on due as cold as soggy Saturday. About 28 ward leg against a mix of light and no to the speed of their boat. Arch Angel boats bobbed around from 11:30 to al- wind. made a pass at me but they could not most 2 p.m. before the race committee get the jib in when Jim tried to shoot up gave up and sent them home. \\\"This no- Seven boats started in Division A to windward, so they missed. HotSocks wind feature is another part of Midwinter and six \ufb01nished. Gary Penariello's J\/88 made another pass and threw a line, and racing,\\\" philosophizes Tosse. Courageous was first. Three J\/105s I was not able to hold onto that either started, with two \ufb01nishing. Ron Ander- due to their speed. On the next pass by Saturday's results can be found at son's Streaker came in ahead of Chuck Arch Angel, Jim was able to shoot up to\/racing. The next Cihak's Hazardous Waste. weather (remember they could not furl installment will be on January 14-15. the jib due to the jury-rigged tensioner), Six Division C boats started and two and a crewmember tried to reach a hand \u2014 latitude\/chris \ufb01nished with only a few minutes remain- out to me; we missed grabbing hands. ing before the deadline. Ron Young's Sausalito YC Chili Midwinters venerable IOD Youngster \ufb01nished \ufb01rst. \\\"I was starting to get hypothermic After a 1:20-hour delay waiting for at this point. About 7-10 minutes had wind, Sausalito Yacht Club's Chili Mid- In Division D seven non-spinnaker passed, so, even with my breathing un- winter race on December 4 started under boats started and \ufb01ve \ufb01nished. Philip der control and \ufb02otation, I was starting gray skies in a light westerly wind. Two Hydman's Cal 29 Serendipity was \ufb01rst. to lose strength. I believe that HotSocks spinnaker divisions and the J\/105 boats tried to back down to me after dropping were sent on a 6-mile windward\/leeward Two boats crossed the start line in their mainsail and tried to get me a line course around temporary marks roughly Division E, but Jan Hirsch's Islander once more, but with the wind and waves located near Sausalito's Yellow Bluff and 30-II Sweet Pea was the only \ufb01nisher, that did not work. On the third pass by Angel Island's Point Knox. The course just three minutes before the deadline. Arch Angel, Jim shot up to windward involved three roundings at Yellow Bluff, close to me and the crew employed the two at Knox, and a downwind \ufb01nish. All crews are invited back to the boat hook to reach out to me. I was able Two non-spinnaker divisions sailed clubhouse in Sausalito after each race to grab it and hold on while they pulled a shorter 3.8-mile course around the for complimentary chili and daily prizes. me aboard. Left with no strength and same marks, but with one less circuit. Full results and photographs are on the very cold, I was very happy to be back All divisions faced a l.3-knot \ufb02ood and a website at onboard.\\\" 4 p.m. deadline to \ufb01nish. The next SYC Chili Midwinter is sched- Shortly after the start the wind began uled for Sunday, January 8. \u2014 pat broderick Racing to Hot Rum in San Diego In the late 1950s, San Diego YC mem- ber Herb Sinhoffer said, \\\"Why don't we have a winter series where we start the boats on their handicaps so that they all get to the bar at the same time and enjoy a bit of rum to celebrate the race and our great San Diego weather?\\\" Fast forward almost 60 years, and the Hot Rum Series is one of the most popular fall sailing events in San Diego. This year, SDYC hosted the series on three Saturdays: November 5 and 19 and December 3. The 132 boats registered for the 2016 series ranged in size from For Sale, a For more racing news, subscribe to 'Lectronic Latitude online at December's racing stories included: Vend\u00e9e Globe \u2022 RORC Transatlantic Encore Wins ORR Championship Round-the-World Record Attempts Leukemia Cup Fantasy Sail Plus preview of the Crew You Regatta, and more! January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 89","THE RACING DAVE KRESGE \/ UNO ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE \/ CHRIS EXCEPT AS NOTED Clockwise from bottom left: Smartphones helped while away the 1:15-hour postponement of the Lisa Leweck, 5; 3) Last Call!, Catalina 36, Rich GGYC Midwinter race on December 3; light air, check; dead downwind, check \u2014 \\\"Bring up the Chambers, 10 (4 boats). blooper!\\\" was the call aboard Mike Mannix's Catalina 38 'Harp', sailing the leg from Blackaller to Blossom Rock; one of three Express 27s starts in unrelenting rain, gusty wind and tricky ebb on OVERALL \u2014 1) Stark Raving Mad VII, 18 the Berkeley Circle Saturday, December 10; the only guns the Berkeley YC race committee would points; 2) It's OK, 23; 3) Staghound, 23; 4) Blue fire on Sunday the 11th were the two blasts signaling a postponement. Blazes, R\/P 50, Dennis Pennell, 24; 5) Velos, Tanton 73, Kjed Hestehave, 28; 6) Kokopelli2, 20-ft T590, to Velos, a 73-ft sloop. The Heather Madden, 11. (14 boats) SC52, Lani Spund, 38; 7) Ohana, 40; 8) Sanity, race utilized a pursuit start, meaning DIV. 2 \u2014 1) Menace XXIV, N\/M 43, Dennis 42; 9) Menace XXIV, 55; 10) Midnight Express, the slowest boat started \ufb01rst and the 59. (128 boats) fastest boat started last, the idea being Conner, 11 points; 2) Caper, J\/120, John Laun, that most boats would \ufb01nish around the 21; 3) Precepts 3.2, Melges 32, Drew Belk, 23; 4) Full results at same time. Justice, Flying Tiger 10, John Harrop, 26; 5) Wiki Wiki, Beneteau First 40.7, Mike & Carol Honey- Ducky Crew You Regatta SDYC's Rick Goebel was the Hot Rum sett, 27. (32 boats) After a long season of San Francisco I leader on his J\/105, Sanity, and Tom Bay racing it can be fun to just goof off Purcell from Balboa YC took the lead DIV. 3 \u2014 1) Sanity, J\/105, Rick Goebel, 8 a bit, which is exactly what happened after Hot Rum II on his Andrews 49.9, It's points; 2) Ohana, Swede 55, Joe Markee, 8; 3) at the fourth annual OPBYC Crew You OK. Hot Rum III on December 3 featured Wings, J\/105, Dennis Case, 15; 4) Super Fly, Regatta on Sunday, December 11. the most wind out of the three days, and Cheetah 30M, Steve Mollering\/Erik Rogers, 21; 5) Hallmarks of the day: no wind, lots of SDYC's Heather Madden took the overall Viggen, J\/105, Erostino Dag\ufb01sh, 23. (33 boats) whiskey, several pranks, concern over win on Stark Raving Mad VII, her Swan seagulls befriending rubber ducky 601. DIV. 4 \u2014 1) Vagazo, J\/70, Fabian Gomez- marks, and the appearance of Tuna, Ibarra, 4 points; 2) Soggy Dollar, J\/70, Dave Vi- the plasta-\ufb01sh. Don Taylor offered his Each race featured a party at SDYC, eregg, 12; 3) Paladin, Olson 34, Van Hughes, 12; Farallon Clipper VIP to serve as the race which competitors are rumored to enjoy 4) Nunuhunu, J\/70, Steve Wyman, 13. (19 boats) committee platform, and Bill Helvestine more than the sailing itself, honoring again dropped marks from Heyalice, his Sinhoffer's initial idea for the series. DIV. 5 \u2014 1) Wani Racing, Ericson 35 MkII, Bertram 20. Helvestine was assisted by Karen Busch, 5 points; 2) Midnight Express, impish staff, who insisted on shaking up \u2014 emily willhoft CF27, Chris Winnard, 5; 3) Sea Maiden, Eric- the bottles of beer prior to placing each son 35 MkIII, Carolyn & Sandra Sherman, 17; 4) into the brew pick-up duck mark. SINNHOFFER HOT RUM SERIES, SDYC (3r, 0t) Valkyrie, Moore 24, Aaron Sturm, 19; 5) Cimar- Helvestine also doubled as live broad- DIV. 1 \u2014 1) Staghound, R\/P 50, Alec Ober- ron, Ericson 35 MkII, David & Robin Basham, 19. caster: \\\"At 35 seconds away from the (26 boats) schmidt, 10 points; 2) It's OK, Andrews 49.9, Tom Purcell, 11; 3) Stark Raving Mad VII, Swan 601, DIV. 6 \u2014 1) Masquerade, Ranger 37, Mick Moore, 4 points; 2) Aquarius, Alerion Express 28, Page 90 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","SHEET INSETS: MARTHA BLANCHFIELD \/ RENEGADE SAILING SPREAD: LATITUDE \/ CHRIS line on Race 1 it was an exciting start,\\\" OPBYC's Crew You Regatta off Richmond on December 11. Inset, left: an exciting crossing in the one he announced. \\\"In half-knot winds (shortened) race; right: a view of the post-'race' raft-up from the top of the mothership. Spread: The Downtown Uproar took up Evil Octopus, conditions were more suited to socializing than yacht racing. 'OPB' stands for Other People's Boats. which resulted in a little pushing off. Just behind we saw boat three, Shut Up all-male crew of only three that propelled Gonnervan were fourth, with Chris Davis and Drive, a bit late to the line but with them to victory? No matter the factors, and Hal McCormack placing \ufb01fth. This excellent s-p-e-e-d. We're not sure what race director Jasper Van Vliet recognized was Chris's best \ufb01nish with his newly happened on the course to entrants four the team, bestowing a mildly tarnished purchased Merc. and \ufb01ve, but one of the boats did show silver ice bucket which was quickly at the post-race raft-up.\\\" All were J\/24s. deemed \\\"the perpetual pee bucket\\\" by Race 2 was more of the same condi- an envious competitor. tions. However, going downwind the After an initial boat retirement call-in, shore side seemed to work better, but followed by a VHF-shared global protest \u2014 martha blanch\ufb01eld slight shifts could make a difference. Pax to all from Downtown Uproar, organizers Davis and Ann McCormack went to the deemed just one race on a shortened Mercurys in Monterey middle on the \ufb01rst downwind leg, catch- course to be ample for the day. Crews We had 14 Mercs for the second week- ing up to Conway as they went inshore. then convened aside VIP for the prize end of the Perry Cup, hosted by Monterey Conway went to the middle on the run to giving. Third-place accolades went to Peninsula YC on December 3. the \ufb01nish; Pax Davis went to the shore Downtown Uproar with Robin Van Vliet The sun was bright and the breeze and won by a couple of feet. at the tiller. In second place was Evil was northwest at about 8-10 knots. Octopus with Jessica Ludy steering. There was a swell, but not much, on the Race 3 and the wind began to weaken. According to regatta PRO Hans Opsahl, otherwise pretty smooth sea. Three races Dave Morris got the start and had to hold the crew earned this achievement via were started with a twice-around course, off Conway on the run as the course was \\\"creative interpretation of rule 42.\\\" Rule \ufb01nishing downwind. shortened. 42 relates to propulsion, and how a boat Race 1 proved that old adage in shall compete by using only wind and Monterey: Go left as you might get a The next race day will be on January water to increase, maintain or decrease little lift off the shore going to the mark. 7. See speed. Stay away from lighter winds and chop. Dave West and Chris Krueger got the \u2014 pax davis Taking line honors on an (extremely) start, went off to the left, and were shortened course was Valentin Lulev- never headed. Kate Conway and Doug Wild Turkey Spotted in Tiburon itch's Shut Up and Drive. Could it have Baird followed, holding off Mark and At Tiburon YC, the racing \ufb02eet has been superior boat handling or the lean, Liz Chandler. Jim Bradley and Maryan traditionally celebrated Black Friday in a different way. Who wants to be \ufb01ght- ing crowds in the malls, getting stuck in traf\ufb01c jams, or driving around parking January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 91","THE RACING lots looking for the rare vacant space? PEDRO MARTINEZ \/ SAILING ENERGY TYC WILD TURKEY RACE, 11\/25 Instead, the racers participate in the SPINNAKER \u2014 1) Joyride, J\/105, Bill Wild Turkey Regatta off Paradise Cay Caleb Paine, competing in the World Cup Final in Tiburon. The Wild Turkey is a play Finn medal race in Melbourne on December 11. Hoehler; 2) Siento el Viento, C&C 29-1, Ian on post-Thanksgiving feelings as well Matthew. (3 boats) as a tangible post-race bene\ufb01t. couldn't pass Lion, and Bill Hoehler's J\/105 Joyride couldn't close the gap to NON-SPINNAKER \u2014 1) Lion, Olson This year, six boats sailed a pur- \ufb01nish third. The last boat to \ufb01nish before 25, Lon Woodrum; 2) Cinnamon Girl, Beiley suit race. The wind was forecast to the wind died and the tide won was Ian 26, Mariellen Stern; 3) Adagio, S2 9.2A, Jon be out of the southeast; instead they Matthew's C&C 29-1 Siento el Viento. Price. (3 boats) got a very \ufb02uky northeasterly and a strong ebb. All boats started at (or At the clubhouse, the traditional Race Notes about) their allotted time and glided prizes of Wild Turkey were handed out Rio 2016 bronze medalist Caleb on a tight reach (all the spinnaker- and shared with all participants. Paine of San Diego repeated his division boats managed to carry their third-place performance in the Finn spinnakers \u2014 just) to the \ufb01rst mark. \u2014 ian matthew class at the Sailing World Cup Mel- Here the \ufb02uky wind and the strong ebb bourne Final. The Final was hosted favored those who started later as they by that city on the southeast coast of rounded the mark and headed upwind Australia on December 4-11. As sailing's and up-tide to the next mark. The others only American Olympic medalist, Paine struggled to round the \ufb01rst mark as they had visited the White House to meet were pushed south by the current. In the President Obama. Back on the water in end, this made all the difference, as Lon Melbourne, he was happy to have a tiller Woodrum's Olson 25 Lion kept inshore in his hand again. \\\"It takes a lot of time out of the current to \ufb01nish \ufb01rst. Mariel- to process what the Olympics means len Stern's 26-ft Cinnamon Girl tried a to you and what it entails,\\\" he said. more direct route to the next mark but \\\"The whole thing is massive and hard to put into perspective, so I gave myself COME VISIT COYOTE POINT MARINA e Peninsula's Complete Recreational Destination! FUEL DOCK IS NOW OPEN! AMENITIES *** SPECIAL *** FUEL DOCK & PUMP OUT Park and Recreational Area $105 monthly side Open 7 days per week Poplar Creek Golf Course tie rate for boats Gas and diesel available CuriOdyssey Museum measuring 22' or less Check our prices Coyote Point Yacht Club Free pump outs COYOTE POINT MARINA ~ 1900 Coyote Point Drive \u2022 San Mateo 650.573.2594 Page 92 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","FABIAN PEASE SHEET some time after the Games, which was Racing in the sunny South Bay in Sequoia YC's Ship, now available to watch at www. really valuable.\\\" Paine was bested in the Winter Series on December 3.\/stories\/hard-ship-a- World Cup by Australian Jake Lilley and really-great-big-story. Brit Ed Wright. \\\"Sailors won't need to worry about straightening their masts after a day of An international team that includes Ironically, while we were following the heavy-air sailing,\\\" said ILCA president four Bay Area sailors has entered De- San Diegan's exploits in the Finn, the Tracy Usher, a Bay Area sailor who cember 26's Rolex Sydney Hobart news broke of Paul Elvstr\u00f8m's death tested the new mast section in a variety Race. Jeff Phillips, Jackie Manrique, on December 7. Elvstr\u00f8m won Olympic of conditions. Patrice Szeto (all from Sequoia YC) and gold for Denmark in the Finn three times Mike Reed will sail aboard Ted Tooher's after \ufb01rst scoring gold with the Fire\ufb02y in Team Alula sailed and rowed an F-27 Beneteau First 47.7 Chancellor. \\\"I will be 1948. For a look at Elvstr\u00f8m's long and from Port Townsend to Ketchikan in the watch captain and Jeff will be our navi- stellar life, see Sightings. Race to Alaska last summer. What made gator,\\\" says Reed, who plans to report on their story remarkable is that the trio the 628-mile race in the February issue In other singlehanded dinghy class of sailors are paralyzed. Their struggle of Latitude 38. For info on the RSH, see news, the International Laser Class and accomplishment are the subject of Association has announced that a new a 23-minute documentary called Hard class-legal composite top-mast section Local racers have been wondering is expected to be available in early 2017. when the 2017 YRA schedule comes \\\"Because the new mast was designed out; if you have this issue in your (virtual with the exact same weight and bend or biological) hands, the new Northern characteristics as the existing alumi- California Sailing Calendar and YRA Mas- num upper sections, it will not provide ter Schedule is now available too. Pick a performance advantage.\\\" According to one up at Bay Area Latitude distributors, ILCA's technical of\ufb01cer, Clive Humphris, \ufb01nd it online at, \\\"The new mast will be much more du- or order one by mail (send $5 to Lati- rable and won't be prone to permanent tude 38, 15 Locust Ave., Mill Valley, CA bending like the aluminum masts.\\\" 94941). The YRA is mailing them out at no charge to all skippers who registered for a YRA race in 2015 and 2016. \u2014 latitude\/chris formerly Kappas Marina CYC 2017 MODERN FACILITIES IN A WELL-PROTECTED HARBOR MIDWINTER SERIES Concrete \u2022 DEEP WATER BERTHS: Sign up on our website: Dock System BASIN AND CHANNEL January 21-22 & February 18-19 DREDGED Well Maintained One Design scoring for 5 or more entries! Facilities \u2022 CARD KEY SECURITY SYSTEM Post-Race Festivities \u2013 \u2022 DOCK CARTS Beautiful \u2022 PUMP OUT STATION Band and Dinner in the Grand Ballroom Surroundings \u2022 AMPLE PARKING January 21 & February 18 \u2022 CLEAN SHOWER AND Sign up soon and get your boat name on the shirt! TOILET FACILITIES \u2022 WITHIN WALKING MOuiAdrnw6niun6atetlhrs! DISTANCE: MARKET\/DELI, Corinthian Yacht Club LAUNDROMAT, OF SAN FRANCISCO RESTAURANT \u2022 AT EACH BERTH: 43 MAIN, TIBURON, CA 94920 \u2022 (415) 435-4771 LARGE STORAGE BOX, METERED ELECTRICITY, January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 93 PHONE HOOKUPS, WATER BERTH YOUR BOAT IN SAUSALITO 415 332-5510 100 Gate Six Road, Sausalito \u2022 Fax 415 332-5812","WORLD We focus this month on a fabulous chartering region that's practi- cally in our own backyard: The Paci\ufb01c Northwest's Salish Sea. Sailing the Emerald Maze Although winds are often light and of the Salish Sea variable, we've enjoyed many splendid days on the water here, as every time Over the years we've expended count- you round a headland, another beautiful less gallons of ink telling you about vista opens up. And with summer sunset dreamy, faraway charter destinations. occurring as late as 9 p.m., you'll have But you needn't \ufb02y halfway around the several hours more playtime than you planet to \ufb01nd a spectacular sailing venue would in the tropics. that your whole family will enjoy; the watery wonderland called the Salish Sea Some islands offer modern marinas lies only a two-hour \ufb02ight from the Bay with 'resort' facilities ashore, while oth- Area and is home to many small \ufb02eets ers are completely uninhabited, and of well-maintained bareboats. maintained by the Washington or BC parks system. In addition to the options Taking its name from the region's of anchoring or berthing in a marina, original human inhabitants, the Salish overnight mooring buoys are available in Sea encompasses various bodies of water many anchorages, with the fees paid in that lie between British Columbia's Van- advance by some charter \ufb01rms via each couver Island east to the western coast- bareboat's annual mooring license. line of BC and Washington state, includ- ing the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Georgia Although you do have to pay careful Strait, Puget Sound \u2014 and both the Gulf attention to tides and currents \u2014 both and San Juan Islands. Although there of which are more extreme than in Cali- are pockets of development throughout fornia waters \u2014 navigation through the much of this 7,000-square-mile maze of islands is relatively simple, as charts islands, inlets, \ufb01ords, and sounds, the are accurate and aids to navigation are predominant feature ashore is a seem- plentiful (also, most bareboats come ingly endless carpet of lush green forests equipped with chartplotters). that are as fun to explore via hiking trails as they are beautiful to behold. Wildlife abounds in both the forests and waterways. In fact, both bald eagles Due to its northerly location, the and orcas are common sights here. chartering season in the Salish Sea is Likewise, fresh seafood is abundant relatively short: from May to September. throughout the region, especially salmon So it's important to lock in a reservation and crab. Some bareboats actually come well in advance \u2014 like right now \u2014 in or- equipped with crab pots. der to have a reasonable choice of boats. Again, \ufb02eets here are not huge. During a single charter it's possible to sail in both US and Canadian waters. Believe it or not, bald eagles are commonly Clearing in and out is quick and easy sighted from the waterways of the Salish Sea. \u2014 and often accomplished within an This one was having \ufb01sh for lunch. automated immigration kiosk equipped DAVID KORY as you'll read below, so do many other BASS SEARS with a special phone Bay Area sailors. What follows are tips and a passport scanner. and feedback sent in by Latitude readers: (All crew do need pass- ports.) For Americans, a \\\"If you're into natural beauty, check huge plus to dual-nation out the famous Butchart Gardens on chartering these days Vancouver Island, about 15 miles north is that the US dollar is of Victoria. There is a small cove in the currently valued 1\/3 back (north end) that has free moorings higher than its Canadian for boaters who visit the gardens. We cousin, meaning that ev- stayed there two days. From there it was erything from classy din- really easy \u2014 and cheap \u2014 to catch a ners ashore to diesel fuel local bus into Victoria for the day.\\\" is a bargain for American travelers. \u2014 tim stapleton We have many won- \\\"I sailed throughout the American derful memories of cruis- San Juans enjoying the natural beauty ing the American San that those islands provide. It was easy, Juan Islands, the Cana- pleasurable sailing with a plethora of dian Gulf Islands and the anchorages to choose from. Too many unspoiled anchorages of to list. Desolation Sound. And \\\"Many of the islands have restroom and camping facilities maintained by the state of Washington, which is nice for a small-boat sailor. \\\"Washington State websites provide","OF CHARTERING The richness of natural colors will enhance and no worries. page in the Atlas to see the big picture of your cruising experiences. The extreme angle \\\"We had great success crabbing; not what the currents are doing at any given of the gangway illustrates the tidal range here. moment. plenty of information about island facili- so good with \ufb01shing. But local \ufb01sher- ties. Also be sure to bring along a good men were so friendly on the docks they \\\"Some chartplotter software (includ- tide book, since currents are the main offered us plenty of fresh \ufb01sh just for the ing PolarView, which we use) has current challenge to sailing in this area.\\\" conversation.\\\" predictions available for speci\ufb01c stations, but few have that information for Canada \u2014 neal holmlund \u2014 david kory Looking at the whole picture is much easier with the Atlas. \\\"I've led a few \ufb02otillas up there over \\\"Before you charter, the years, and recently spent six weeks order (via Amazon or \\\"It seems the majority of people talk chartering a brand-new 48-ft cat, which elsewhere) a copy of only in terms of not \ufb01ghting the cur- we sailed from Victoria up to Juneau, the fascinating cur- rent. Don\u2019t forget to actively look for the Alaska, and back. I realize that's a little rent guide titled Current free ride on the current. But remember, farther than most charters are going to Atlas: Juan de Fuca avoid current against wind, and don\u2019t get, but I think it gets better the farther Strait to Strait of Geor- think tidal overfall markings on charts north you go. gia, which is put out only apply to sea kayakers. They can be by the Canadian Min- scary even in big boats, so treat them \\\"As for tides and currents, yes, you ister of Fisheries. Also with respect. need to plan with them in mind, but get the free tables that unless you are in a very small boat, I correspond to it: http:\/\/ \\\"It may go without saying, but be wouldn't avoid max \ufb02oods and ebbs like\/current- sure to calculate your scope so you have the charter books recommend. (They of- atlas-tables\/. reasonable rode out at the highest tide, ten suggest only transiting at slack tide). and then make sure your swing radius We took advantage of every big tide we \\\"You find the date at the lowest tide isn\u2019t so big that you\u2019re could catch, and rode the big currents and time in the table in danger of hitting the boats near you. \u2014 at speeds up to 17 knots! \u2014 with ease and look up that cor- responding numbered \\\"When choosing a boat for Northwest chartering, look for boats well-equipped for the Paci\ufb01c Northwest weather, in- cluding pilothouses or boats with fully enclosed cockpits, as well as cabin heat- ers. It will make your trip much more comfortable, and being able to travel in inclement weather can give you better sailing wind, allowing you to leave the calm, sunny days for exploring on land. \\\"There are lots of great hiking oppor- tunities on some uninhabited islands, and lots of good walking around towns in the more populated areas like Anacortes, Bellingham, Friday Harbor, Ganges, Vic- Bathed in painterly evening light, the Empress Hotel is a classic landmark of Victoria Harbour. Slips are available out front. BASS SEARS","WORLD toria, etc. DAVID KORY more. Check to see if your charter \\\"You can spend a lifetime If you need a break from the rat race, a sailing boat has a Washington State trip to the Salish Sea might be just what the exploring the Paci\ufb01c NW. We Parks season pass. If so, you doctor ordered. just barely scratched the sur- can moor and dock at state mother-in-law, two dogs, and I chartered face of one corner of the area parks for free. If not, the fees a Lagoon 380 catamaran from San Juan with our short trip and can't are still reasonable, and there Sailing out of Bellingham,Washington, wait to explore more. are quite a few spots (Patos, and spent an all-too-short week cruising Rolfe Cove on Matia) where the the San Juans and the Gulf Islands. \\\"There are many gems. The state-park docks and mooring many guidebooks will tell you balls are your only options, as \\\"We experienced mostly light air, but about some of them. Others anchoring is very challenging. one exception was East Sound in Orcas are shared by word of mouth. Island which reliably blows 20 knots or Still others are not highlighted \\\"If at all possible, give as gems by the guidebooks some thought to the shoulder but will charm you nonethe- seasons up there too. With a less. For us, one pleasant short 'prime' season, marinas surprise was the last night and state parks can get rather of our trip which was spent crowded in July and August. But with at Obstruction Pass State Park. After a the right style boat (pilothouse, enclosed fair amount of light air over the previous cockpit, heat) spring and fall are great week we wanted to do some sailing and times to sail the Salish Sea. There's bet- spent some time tacking up the 20- to ter wind (generally), empty anchorages, 25-knot winds of North Sound in Orcas empty hiking trails and often discounted Island. charter prices.\\\" We grabbed one of the only two moor- ing balls at Obstruction Pass. This small, \u2014 bass sears protected cove was a pleasant surprise. The San Francisco-like winds of East \\\"This past August, my wife, two-year- Sound were raging just a few hundred old son, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, CATAMARAN CHARTER SAN JUAN ISLANDS in the BVIs Leopard 47 available for charter from a few days to several weeks. Professionally Managed \u2022 Fully Supported Bareboat or Captain \u2013 Your Choice 6-Day Learn-N-Cruise FFllyy ttoo BBellingham, WA,aannddccoommppleletteeyyoouurr AAmmeerican Sailing Assocciiaattiioonn Basic Sailing through Barreebbooaatt CCrhuaisritnegr CCeertif\ufb01ications during a Satuurrddaayy 11ppmm --FFrrididaayy11ppmm lliivvee-aabbooaarrddwweeeekkeexxpplolorirninggththeessppeecctataccuulalar rSSaannJuJuananIsIlsalnadnsd.s. STpuritniogntuointiloyn$1o3n9ly5,$i1n4c8lu5d,iningcfluooddin!g(Afoirofadr!e(ASFirOfa\/rOeAOKAtKo\/BLLII aapppprrooxx..$$325500)) No experience like this for the price in the SF Bay Area! SCHOOL CHARTER Relax and enjoy the scenery. 4305 Exceptional Yachts Share the good times with family and friends. ffrroomm 3340 t-o 4496 ffeeeett Contact: [email protected] Over 35 Years of Sailing Excellence We certify more Bareboat Skippers than any other school on the West Coast! 360-671-8339 \u2022 Page 96 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 January, 2017","OF CHARTERING feet away but all was calm, sunny, and feet of water with snow- BASS SEARS warm tucked away in the cove.\\\" capped peaks all around. The water temperature In addition to lush greenery everywhere, you \u2014 matthew davidchuk was 74\u00b0 degrees. The can often catch a view of snow-capped peaks swimming was superb. in the distance. Seen here is Mt. Baker. \\\"My sweetheart Robin came up in the middle of June and we made a quick \\\"The best wildlife mo- We thank all of the readers who took three-week trip to Desolation Sound. ment was watching a the time to share their experiences. And The border crossing at Bedwell Harbor great blue heron and a we hope their insights \u2014 and ours \u2014 will on South Pender Island is preferred bald eagle duke it out over inspire you to have some Paci\ufb01c North- for private yachts. We worked our way a \ufb01sh.\\\" west adventures of your own. through the Channel Islands and stayed several days in Ganges and Ladysmith. \u2014 roy pitts \u2014 andy The farmers' market at Ganges on Salt Spring Island is not to be missed. Head- \\\"There are just too ing farther north, we ran Dodd Narrows many places to highlight, with about 20 boats going in our direc- but probably the biggest tion. We passed at slack water, but the secret is the ability to current can run nine knots at full \ufb02ood. A anchor for free in False peanut gallery often forms on the banks Creek at Vancouver, BC. to watch the boats trying to get through. You just need a permit, which you can get online (just Google \\\"False Creek Per- \\\"We moved to Tenedos Bay and did mit\\\"). With a dinghy, public transporta- our \ufb01rst stern-tie. We were visited by tion and\/or a bicycle, you can explore transient orcas that swam within 20 feet the entire metropolitan area of this of the boat. We skinny-dipped in warm incredible city. freshwater lakes and listened to the loons at sunset. \\\"If you want the best cruising guide for the entire Salish Sea, buy a Waggoner's \\\"Our last stop was Melanie Cove at Guide.\\\" Prideaux Haven. We anchored in 12 \u2014 andrew rosen 10% DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE Off BCAHRAERBTOERATS \u00ea\u00ea B V I YA C H T C H A RT E R S Call: +1 888 615 4006 Our team provide a personal service and truly care about your charter experience. Since Or: +1 284 494 4289 1979 friendly and memorable sta\ufb00 have welcomed our clients, delivering \ufb01rst-hand local knowledge of the British Virgin Islands. Year after year we strive to deliver this experience BVI Yacht Charters is the first port of call for all yacht charters in the BVI and St Martin. Whether you are looking for a Catamaran whilst maintaining a diverse \ufb02eet of modern yachts at competitive prices. or a Monohull, a week or just a few days, our professional team is on hand to make it work, your way. All the information you need to book your charter can be found on our website, BVI YACHT CHARTERS For additional information please contact:** 10% off all new bookings 1-800-633-0155 when you mention this ad. [email protected] or [email protected] Representing these \ufb01ne yacht manufacturers: January, 2017 \u2022 Latitude 38 \u2022 Page 97","CHANGES With reports this month from Moontide on completing the Salty Dawg Rally; from Pelagic on the Guyanas in South America as well as the Wind- ward Islands; from Sea Loone on passing Culpepper Island on the way to the Marquesas; from Quixotic on a woman's view of catamarans; and Cruise Notes. MOONTIDE Moontide \u2014 Lagoon 47 \ufb02owing Gulf Stream when it clashes with Bill Lilly a front coming down from the north. The Salty Dawg and the BVI Cane Garden Bay. If you've chartered in (Newport Beach) Lilly and his two female crew motored the British Virgins, you know the spots. \\\"We sailors on the West Coast don't for the \ufb01rst 27 hours, something he's It was early December when we talked know what 'real weather' is,\\\" insists Bill never done before, to get across the Gulf with Bill, so the howling Christmas Lilly, who sailed his Newport Beach- Stream before the front hit. They made Trades hadn't kicked in yet. based Lagoon 47 Moontide in November's it. After that they had six days of every kind of weather possible, from calms, \\\"The vibe in the British Virgins is so Salty Dawg Rally to 12 hours of 35+ knots of wind, to an much different than in Mexico,\\\" says from Hampton, ideal \ufb01nal 48 hours of sailing south on Lilly, who has a lot of experience in the Virginia, to the 'Highway 65' trade winds on a beam latter. \\\"This is charter country, and most British Virgins. reach in 15 to 18 knots. of the people come down for a wild week. \\\"The wind and If I spent three years here I still don't seas come from Thanks to the cover on Moontide's think that I'd have time to visit every all directions at all two-year-old main halyard wearing off, beach bar. And given the thousands of different speeds, midway in the passage Lilly decided that charter boats here, the locals are a little and there are a lot safety demanded he go to the top of the jaded. Unlike Mexico, the typical beach more fronts.\\\" mast to replace it. Forty-eight hours after bar hamburger is $14. And they drink collecting a number of boat bites from rum rather than tequila in the Carib- By saying this, going aloft in even calm conditions, Lilly bean.\\\" Lilly echoes last got his reward. He was able to tuck in month's com- a much-needed third reef \u2014 for the \ufb01rst Getting Internet in the British Virgins ments of Jim Fair time ever \u2014 when the wind really came has been more problematic for Lilly than Are you a gal looking to of the Berkeley- up. The boat had already hit a record along much of coastal Mexico. \\\"I have sail the Caribbean? Bill based Outbound 18 knots careening down a particularly T-Mobile with free unlimited 2G in 122 might be your captain. 46 Chesapeake, steep wave with a double-reefed main. countries,\\\" says Bill. \\\"It's very slow, of who has sailed most of the way around course, but sometimes I can get email. the world, and who also did the 1,400- The unusual thing about Moontide's Some of the beach restaurants have mile Salty Dawg Rally with Linda Powers. eight-day trip is that the crew never got Internet, but a lot of them don't.\\\" \\\"The Salty Dawg is a much looser cold. \\\"Normally Salty Dawg Rally crews version of the Baja Ha-Ha,\\\" says Lilly. freeze their asses off in the beginning of \\\"Looser in the sense that only about half the trip,\\\" says Lilly. \\\"Not this time.\\\" of the 81 entries started from Hampton, Virginia; looser in the sense that while \\\"The Salty Dawg was very different most boats headed to the BVI, a number from all the Ha-Ha's I've done,\\\" said Lilly, went to different destinations; looser in \\\"in that we only saw two boats in eight the sense boats started over a two-week days. During the Ha-Ha, we often saw period rather than on the of\ufb01cial Novem- eight or more boats at a time.\\\" ber 2 starting date.\\\" Boats started either before or after Nonetheless, a good percentage of the the 2nd in order to avoid a front com- \ufb02eet, which included Eric Witte and An- ing down from the north. The last thing nie Gardner's San Diego-based Catana anybody wants is to be in the northward- 47 El Gato, met up at the Bitter End YC in Virgin Gorda. One of the bene\ufb01ts of Bill and 'Moontide' were at Cane Garden Bay paying for a 'Premium' upgrade entry in in late November and early December, early the Salty Dawg was getting free moor- enough in the season so it wasn't crowded at all. ings in Gorda Sound until December 19, when the Caribbean season really LATITUDE \/ RICHARD starts. Otherwise moorings are $30 a night, although it's possible to anchor, too. \\\"Another good deal,\\\" says Lilly, \\\"was taking a mooring at nearby Leverick Bay or Saba Rock. Moorings are $30\/night, but you also get a bag of ice and 250 gallons of water.\\\" After about a week in Gorda Sound, Lilly wanted to hit some of the other spots: The Baths, Norman Island, the Willie T, the Soggy Dollar Bar on Tortola, Soper's Hole at the West End, Foxy's on Jost van Dyke, and","IN LATITUDES ALL PHOTOS COURTESY PELAGIC where cattle and large mining vehicles share the streets. Spread and clockwise; Yachts anchored at Baganara Resort \ufb01ve miles from Bartica. Playing on a bridge in the South American jungle. Isolated anchorages are easy to \ufb01nd. Gold! Watching a Soyuz Gold is accepted as currency in most rocket launch from the Guiana Space Center. Young Porter turns goldsmith in Bartica. shops in Bartica. We befriended one gold merchant who let us watch as he pur- One interesting quality about the Brit- French Guiana. From here we rented a chased a sack of raw gold from a miner, ish Virgins is how close the islands are. car and drove across the small country to melted it with a blow torch, poured it into \\\"My longest passage since getting here watch a 4 a.m. launch of a Soyuz rocket a mold, and then instantly cooled the bar has been 5.2 miles,\\\" laughs Bill. as it blasted off from the Guiana Space in a tub. He let us hold the $40,000 bar! Bill's longer-term plans are to hit St. Center. The successful launch put two more new GPS satellites into orbit. The Despite the threat of piranha, snakes Barth and maybe Antigua for the big and electric eels, we swam in both racing events, then Bermuda for the Space Center launches the Maroni and the Essequibo Rivers. America's Cup in June, and then the a rocket about once a Although technically fresh water, the Northeast. month. tannin-rich, coffee-colored river waters were not nearly as inviting as the sea. And we were never quite sure what was lurking right below the surface. Luckily, the dangerous residents of the various Amazon rivers are usually found in the slower-moving headwaters and tributar- ies. So if we saw local people swimming and emerging with all their limbs intact, we went in also. The jungle wildlife was fascinating, with ocelots, blue morpho butter\ufb02ies, toucans and ever-present screeching parrots. The high temperatures and frequent rain, however, got old. The one good thing about the rain is that we never had to run our watermaker. We just opened the water \ufb01ll port in the deck and fresh water ran straight into the tanks. Fifteen min- utes of rain was enough to put 75 gallons of water in our tank. The unlimited water was nice, but we were forever trying to dry things out and keep the mold at bay. Visiting the Guyanas \u2014 French Gui- ana and Guyana \u2014 is not for everyone, but they are uncrowded and safe alterna- tives for the hurricane season. From the Guyanas we had a fast sail to Tobago, taking advantage of an almost three-knot equatorial current. Tobago There is something about the Caribbean that seems to bring out the pirate in just about ev- eryone \u2014 even Porter and Anakena. \u2014 latitude\/rs 12\/01\/2016 After a few weeks PELAGIC Pelagic \u2014 Hallberg Rassy 42 in French Guiana, we Michael and Amy Bradford Family sailed downriver and Heading Home After Europe then up the coast past (Portland) Suriname to the Essequ- ibo River in Guyana. The [Continued from last month.] Essequibo is the third- After our Atlantic crossing from the largest river in South Cape Verdes and our visit to Devil's Is- America, draining some land, French Guiana, we \u2014 with our kids of the vast Amazon wa- Zander, 13; Porter, 11; and Anakena, tershed. We motored 40 6 \u2014 sailed up the Maroni River to the miles upriver against the French town of St. Laurent. The river river \ufb02ow to the boom- forms the border between Suriname and ing gold-mining town of Bartica. The town had a Wild West feel about it,","CHANGES was a pleasant surprise, and to date our favorite Caribbean island. The islanders were friendly, the snorkeling and \ufb01shing organized for every day. The older kids \u2014 spear \ufb01shing is allowed \u2014 was great, have been learning to free dive, snare and there were only a handful of cruisers lobsters, and sail the small dinghy we who ventured that far southeast. just acquired. Ana, our youngest, is en- From Tobago joying the multitude of other six-year-old PELAGIC we sailed north girls on boats in the anchorage. to St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the After a month in Grenada, Mike is Grenadines, itching to weigh anchor and get going and Grenada again. He wants to head to the Dutch before heading Antilles, Cartagena, and the San Blas back south to Islands of Panama. Until then, he is Trinidad to get keeping busy \ufb01xing things. In the last some much- week, a wayward child broke the radia- needed TLC for tor hose while playing hide-and-seek in Pelagic. the engine compartment, and someone To get to Trin- primed the outboard fuel bulb so many idad from Gre- times that the gasoline backed up and Young Anakena gives lov- nada, you have \ufb01lled the oil pan. But we aren't quite ing attention to 'Pelagic' at t o s a i l c l o s e ready to give up the social activities and the 'boat spa'. to Venezuela. easy life here at anchor in Grenada. Thanks to the legacy of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela is in dire economic straits at Mind you, it's not all easy living. We the moment. We have heard that they do still have three growing kids and are have even run out of beer and toilet feeling a little cramped on our 42-foot paper. There have been several acts of boat. We envy those parents on the spa- piracy in and around Trinidad. cious catamarans we see at anchor all The most recent boarding, perpetrated around us. The three small children we by desperate Venezuelans, had been started our voyage with have been grow- more than six months before, so we ing and are needing more space \u2014 and, didn't feel as if we were taking undue risk a tremendous amount of food! making the 80-mile passage. But to be safe, we made the trip from Grenada in We've enjoyed great luck in all things the dark, without running lights and AIS. important on our two-year cruise from We also convoyed with four other boats. San Francisco, through the Canal, to While we maintained radio silence, it was Europe, and back across the Atlantic. reassuring to know they were out there, The important things are good health, too. The Trinidadian Coast Guard is also safety and fun. But we have not been taking steps to monitor the waters. without our setbacks. Sailing with a Changes, we recommend that you \ufb01rst We are currently back in Grenada 32-year-old boat, we've had a few \u2014 but jump to the back end of Cruise Notes to enjoying the company of many other not many \u2014 things break. And a bicycle get the full background on the incredible cruisers who are also hiding out from was stolen from our decks. Mike also got sailing life of Roy Starkey.] the hurricanes. There are numerous 'kid to enjoy all the hospitality that a night in boats' here, and activities are usually a Spanish jail entails. But that's a whole I had set the alarm for 5 a.m., and different story. by the time I had drunk my \ufb01rst cup of Mom and the kids in the Windward Islands. coffee it was light enough to start weigh- They took the 'less traveled route' \u2014 via Europe, That said, on the eve of our two-year ing anchor. The scarlet macaws of Costa Africa and South America \u2014 to get there. cruising anniversary, we feel very blessed Rica had awoken at the same time as I to have found this lifestyle, with its sim- did and were squawking loudly as they PELAGIC plicity and the amazing opportunity to \ufb02ew high over the boat in pairs heading spend it together as a family. Borrowing for the jungle island opposite Gol\ufb01to. a favorite quote from our Tzortzis fam- The tide was still \ufb02ooding, so I motored against the \ufb02ow to the old banana-boat ily friends who recently dock, and then turned to starboard completed a two-year to pick up the leading markers on the cruise on their San Fran- hillside. These led me out into the Golfo cisco-based Lagoon 470 Dulce. There was little or no wind. Family Circus, \\\"Thus far, we have no regrets!\\\" The autopilot wasn't keen on work- ing, but eventually settled down and we \u2014 amy 10\/15\/2016 headed west into the Paci\ufb01c bound for the Marquesas. We were met by huge Sea Loone \u2014 33-ft rolling swells and a breeze as we got Ferro Sloop into deep water. So with all sails set and the windvane taking over from the au- Roy Starkey 40 Nonstop Years of Cruising (Liverpool, England\/ The World) [Editor's Note: For a full appreciation of this"]

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