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Home Explore Four Week Marketing Strategy

Four Week Marketing Strategy

Published by Tia.Viglianco, 2022-11-11 16:09:36

Description: Have the pieces you need in place to effectively market your business in just four weeks!

Keywords: marketing,google analytics,small business marketing,marketing my new business,google ads,meta ads,facebook ads,website analytics


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Timeline Week One Analytics Set Up Week Two Email Set Up Week Three Avatars Week Four Ad Set Up

Week One Analytics

Analytics You've built the website; you know some people are visiting it. Maybe you even see some sales, but wouldn't it be great to know how they are interacting with your website and how they are finding you? Well, of course that would be great because then you can make better decisions and optimizations. We suggest starting with three pieces of tracking code (don't worry, they are easy to set up!) to get you started: 1.Google Analytics 2.Google Search Console 3.Facebook Pixel

Google Analytics Sure, the platform you are using for you website includes some metrics, but they are not as good or robust as Google Analytics. Trust me, you will want Google Analytics installed. Best part? It's free. Why this is important Data, data, data. Google Analytics will breakdown where your traffic is coming from, what campaigns it's coming from, and your customers behavior when on your website. Ever heard of UTM parameters? They are little pieces of tracking code that you can add to the end of the url. These are used so you can track specific information about specific campaigns you are running. Want to know cart abandonment? You can find that in GA. Want to know what landing pages are performing the best? GA has you covered. Set up is simple, and if you are using Shopify, they make the process really easy.

Facebook Pixel Facebook's ad platform gets results. Even if you don't decide to run ads, the Facebook Pixel can provide some good data. And, just like Google Analytics, it's free. Why this is important Data, data, data. Sensing a theme here? Without the Facebook Pixel you can't really run ads on Facebook or Instagram. Well, you can, but they won't be very targeted, and the great thing about Facebook ads is the ability to setup some super strong retargeting ads. Facebook pixel includes a myriad of events that it tracks like website visits, products viewed, add to cart, and purchases. You can also set up your own custom events, too.

Google Search Console You now have some tracking metrics installed, but you can't forget about GSC! What good is having a website if you don't know how you are ranking in search results? GSC is free and is a great tool to better understand your search traffic. Why this is important GSC tells you your store's overall search performance on Google, it lists pages with errors, it also shows you top search queries. This data can help you better understand what keywords you should focus on, and how people are you finding you. Set up is simple, and you just need to attach your domain to GSC.

Week Two Email Set Up

Email Set Up Email attributes to over 20% of revenue making it one of the strongest marketing avenues. Setting up a solid email strategy comprised of Welcome Series, Nurture Series, and campaigns is imperative to a solid marketing strategy. I can't go into all of this in this short doc, so for more shoot me an email and I'll send you more details. There are many email service providers out there, so take time to research what works best for you.

Lead Gen & Pop Ups Once you have set up your email the first step will be to determine what you are going to offer to get people to sign up for your email. Keep in mind, people don't want to give your email because they are dying to sign up for your newsletter. You need to offer them something that will make them want to give you an email. Some lead generation ideas: Coupons A quiz A pdf download th at provides information After you've decided what you are going to do don't forget to set up a pop up asking for an email in exchange for your lead generator.

Week Three Avatars

Creating Avatars If we've said it once, we've said a million times. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. A great exercise to get to know your audience is to build out avatars based on interests and behaviors of your audience. This can be super helpful to better understand where your customer's are spending their time and money. Plus, it's a great for setting up prospecting ad campaigns.

Building Avatars Questions to Answer: What apps do they use regularly? Who makes these apps? What competitors do they buy from? What are other items in your market they purchase? Where do they shop online? Where do they shop in store? What blogs do they read? What shows do they watch? Where do they get their news? What clubs/organizations do they belong to? What type of events do they like to attend? Where do they travel? How often do they travel? There are more questions you can ask and answer, but this is a good starting point.

Building Avatars Once you have this information, use it wisely! Here's ways to put in action: Use it to target your audience on Facebook. Use it to understand the type of content your customers are consuming. Use it to make decisions on what to do/what not to do. Use it for content marketing decisions. Use it for affiliates and influencers.

Week Four Ad Set Up

Setting Up Ads Organic reach is still possible, but ads are imperative getting a new brand in front of people. Google and Meta (Facebook) are great jumping off points. For Google, you will need a Google Ads. For Meta, you will need to setup a Business Manager account before you can get Ads Manager set up.

Google Ads Google has three main ad types: Shopping Display Search Depending on your product, you may want to run all three.

Meta Ads Meta Ads are set up based on objectives: Brand Awareness, Traffic, Conversions, to name a few. If you are starting out from scratch, and trying to find your audience start with brand awareness or traffic campaigns. After people have engaged with your site you can move them into conversion ads.  Facebook ads are perfect for moving people along the sales funnel.

Congrats You Did It!

Next Steps You made it through four weeks of planning - woot! If you've completed the 4 week steps you have built up a foundation for your marketing strategy. There's many, many more things you can be doing to keep this growing and to optimize. Remember: you can't \"set it and forget it\" when it comes to your marketing strategy - always look for ways to improve and pivot when something doesn't work.

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