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Published by The Endtime News, 2022-02-12 04:22:43



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Millennium Rule of Jesus Christ uuu FULL STORY ON -04 August 2019 19 13 CHRISTIAN WORDS REMOVED BURMESE CHRISTIANS RELEASED AFTER 6 MONTHS FROM SCHOOL TEXTS IN CHINA OF DETENTION In efforts to bring Christianity further under However, each story is cen- uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 government control, authorities in China sored to remove any religious have erased the words \"Bible,\" \"God\" and reference. HILLSONG FAME CHRISTIAN \"Christ\" from classic children’s stories, in- In Daniel Defoe’s 18th cen- LYRICIST MARTY SAMPSON cluding Robinson Crusoe. tury classic novel, castaway RENOUNCES FAITH China’s Ministry of Education recently in- Robinson Crusoe discovers troduced a new school textbook to help fifth- three Bibles inside a ship- uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 grade students “understand other cultures,” wreck, which he then uses as according to a reputed news agency. In- his moral compass while cluded in the textbook are four popular sto- stranded on the island. How- ries by foreign writers, including Robinson ever, the Chinese version Crusoe, The Little Match Girl, and Vanka. eliminates the word \"Bible,” instead noting that Crusoe happened upon “a few books.” The original The Little Match Girl, written by Danish author Hans Christian Anderson, in- cludes the line, “when a star falls, a soul goes to be with God.” The redacted Chinese ver- sion, however, reads, “when a star falls, a person leaves this world.” Anton Chekhov’s story Vanka includes a pas- sage where a prayer is said inside a church, during which the word “Christ” is mentioned uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 CHURCH BUILDING LICENSE DENIED IN INDONESIA DUE T0 STRIKES FROM MUSLIM RADICALS A newly issued license for a Christian issued to the congregation to- church in Indonesia's unique district of ward the start of the year did not uuu FULL STORY ON - 10 Yogyakarta has allegedly been denied meet prerequisites built up by a following the agitations from radical 2006 joint pastoral announce- Muslim gatherings in the zone. ment controlling places of wor- A well-known news agency reports that ship in the Muslim-greater part the license for a Pentecostal church that nation.The revocation of the was issued in January was dropped by church's permit comes just days the Bantul locale boss, who passes by after radical Muslim groups the name Suharsono, through an official vowed to oppose the church's letter sent on July 26. Suharsonojustified existence in the town. the incident by saying that the license PalitPanjaitan, who chairs the

2Editorial Rev. Manuel Joseph Christian life has been likened Philippians 1:6. How unfortunate can Th.M. be the case of people who abandon to running a race. This is one of the the race in the middle. Paul mentions Sub-editor, End-Time News many athletic metaphors used in the a few of them in his epistles, Demas scriptures. Paul, the apostle, has used in one to remember (2 Timothy 4:10). There are two priorities this analogy a number of times and for this race. The first is the most prominent one is found in 1 The second concern in the race is to to finish it and the second Corinthians 9: 24-26. win the prize. This aspect is mentioned is to win the prize. Unlike by Paul in 1 Corinthians 9: 24-26. The There are two priorities for this background, undoubtedly, must have competitions in the race. The first is to finish it and the been the Isthmian Games, second in world, this is not the one second is to win the prize. Unlike com- fame only to Olympic Games, held at that the contestant can petitions in the world, this is not the Corinth every alternative year. He him- quit in between. Anyone one that the contestant can quit in self must have witnessed the games between. Anyone starts this race while his long stay at the city in his starts this race must must finish it and that's the desire of second missionary journey. His read- finish it and that's the the Lord. Paul in his final exhortation ers were familiar with the race Paul to the church at Ephesus, as men- has in mind, especially the winning desire of the Lord. tioned in Acts 20:24, expressed his part of it. In fact, everyone competes firm commitment to the gospel for a prize, but the prize is secured for preaching by stating that he was one person, the winner of the race. never bothered about the afflictions Paul urges us to be that winner! Ev- lurking in wait ahead of him in the mis- eryone who runs the race diligently sion fields, rather he was driven with wins the prize. The rewards, unlike the the ultimate intention to complete the game then, we get at the finish line are race with joy. To reach the finishing incorruptible. Paul himself became point with a joyful heart meant a lot the best example by pressing towards to the apostle. Our intention too must the goal to get the prize (Philippians not be any less than this! Indeed, the 3:14). Do not hesitate, there is a prize Lord will help us complete it as the for everyone!! Amen. Paul himself confirmed this in EDITORIAL BOARD CHIEF EDITOR MANAGER ADVISORY BOARD Baiju Yacob Edavila USA Bovas Sreekaryam Pastor Shibu Thomas USA Pastor Asokan Eranakulam SUB EDITORS CO-ORDINATORS M.Jacob Trivandrum Manuel Joseph John Francis (Dallas) Daniel Jacob Br.Syam USA 125 EDITORS Sis.Saritha Wheat land,6920.S. manin st Sis.Simi Oklahoma Pastor A Anilkumar box zip code-73097 Rev. Joseph Chacko Sis.Lesley Yacob PH-(405) 745-786(H) Mob-001(405)778-4341(Whats app) Sis.Sherly REPORTERS Miniesh Kumar(Baharin) Pastor Stephen Disclaimer The views expressed in this online newspaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of HSM End Time News. The online newspaper will not bear any responsibility whatsoever for them. The images used in the newspaper have been downloaded from the Internet and we acknowledge that the copyright of those images remain with the original owners. HSM End Time News does not claim any copyright for them and does not intend to use them for commercial purposes.

3News RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: CHRISTIANS AND MUS- LIMS CONTINUE TO BE THE MOST PERSECUTED GROUP: PEW RESEARCH Government restrictions on religion have 2007.” on hostilities related to religious norms, Unsurprisingly, Christians and Muslims suf- which had been 0.0 in 2007, increased to 4.0 increased across the globe — and Chris- fered the most harassment in the Middle by 2017.The report noted, \"The U.S. also tians and Muslims are persecuted in more East-North Africa region, while the Asia-Pa- ranked among the highest-scoring countries countries than any other religious group, cific region showed the second-highest lev- in this category (individual and social group Pew Research Center has found. Pew's re- els of Christian persecution. The number of harassment) in 2017, in part because of the port, titled \"A Closer Look at How Religious highly-populated countries, like China and 'Unite the Right' rally in Charlottesville, Vir- Restrictions Have Risen Around the World,\" Russia, that impose \"high\" or \"very high\" lev- ginia, where white supremacists were pro- covered a 10-year span, from 2007 to 2017, els of restriction rose from 40 to 52 over the testing the removal of a Confederate statue and studied 198 countries. decade. from a park. Protesters expressed anti- The study, released recently, reveals that But government restrictions on religion have Semitic and racist sentiments, displaying Christians are the most-harassed religious also increased in democracies: Overall, Eu- swastika flags and chanting 'Jews will not group in the world, facing persecution in rope saw the biggest increase in restrictions, replace us!'\" 143 countries. Muslims are not far behind, with its score doubling over the decade of Overall, countries with the highest levels of with reports of religious persecution in 140 the study.Pew found that a growing number restrictions were China, Iran, Russia, Egypt countries in 2017. Jews, the third-most tar- of European countries have placed restric- and Indonesia. Countries with the lowest lev- geted group, were persecuted in 87 coun- tions on religious dress, while countries like els were South Africa, Japan, the Philippines, tries. Spain have restricted public preaching and Brazil and South Korea. According to Pew, in “Over the decade from 2007 to 2017, gov- proselytizing by various religious groups. only 26 countries (13%) are all religious ernment restrictions on religion—laws, poli- While the Americas was the region with the groups “generally treated the same.” cies and actions by state officials that re- fewest restrictions and hostilities, govern- The Pew report came as the U.S. State De- strict religious beliefs and practices—in- ment limits on religious activities still saw a partment hosted a three-day Ministerial to creased markedly around the world,” stated significant increase. Over the period of the Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, the researchers. “And social hostilities in- study, the number of countries in the Ameri- D.C. Attended by government officials, reli- volving religion—including violence and ha- cas with government restrictions on religious gious leaders, and other participants from rassment by private individuals, organiza- activities jumped from 16 to 28.The U.S. score regions around the world, the summit was tions or groups—also have risen since touted as the largest of its kind ever held.

4Bible Study Rev. Dr. VICTOR SOLOMON ISAAC Our Lord Jesus Christ will be the supreme The Millennial ruler and King of King Reign of Christ and Lord of Lords. All the nations of the world will serve and worship only Jesus The magnificent coming of Jesus, never be broken or destroyed because His Christ. Kingdom which will be established in the the Messiah, has been prophesied by earth will put an end to all Kingdoms and almost every prophet in the Bible (Jude 15, power. Matthew 24:30,31; Daniel 7:13,14; Zechariah 12:10, 13:1, 14:4). After the last The character of His Kingdom will be bowl judgment is given by God Almighty to Holiness (refer to Zechariah 14:20, Daniel the earth (the Battle of Armageddon), the 7:13, 14 and Daniel 2:44). At this point of a Lord Jesus Christ will come back to earth to thousand year’s rule of our Lord Jesus put an end to Satan, Antichrist and the Christ, this will be literally heaven on False Prophet. They will be throw into the earth. His Kingdom will be justice, righ- lake of fire with fire and brimstone. teousness, and peace (no more wars). His goverment will be a goverment which the Our Lord Jesus Christ will be the supreme world has never seen before (refer of ruler and King of King and Lord of Lords. All Isaiah 9:6,7). “And the LORD shall be king the nations of the world will serve and over all the earth: in that day shall there be worship only Jesus Christ. His Kingdom will uuu FULL STORY ON - 06

5Meditation Those who carried him stood still This procession is the story of funeral procession, Jesus noticed Pastor Shibu Thomas the body of the boy carried on the a mother's never ending grief. There casket and his weeping mother. He Oklahoma, USA are people thronging around. Her comforted her and said \"do not only son, a young man, the joy and weep\". Then he moved towards the stop. The dead will rise. Everything the comfort of a family, is no more! bier and those who carried it stood taken away from you will crease to When her husband died at her still. Those who rushed the body to move another step and the Lord will young age, making her a widow, she the graveyard, those who mourned transform the processions of lamen- had grounded all her aspirations and along the road, those who accompa- tations in your family into the pro- expectations on him. But all hopes nied in sorrow, had to remain still cessions of joy unspeakable! May vanished as the angel of death when Jesus touched. Jesus raised the wonder working God move His snatched him away from her hands. the young man from the dead and Mighty hands for you!! We read this tale of sorrow in Luke handed him over to his mother alive. 7: 11-17. Dear friend, when you lose all your Behold, little afar, on the other end hopes, when the future of your of the road, there is another proces- children move towards the grave- sion closing against. This one is not a yard of helplessness, when you are lamenting one, rather one of cel- tired and desperate, unable to be ebration, hope and deliverance. comforted by anyone, you must Jesus is the leader of the crowd. The look at Jesus who can stretch His disciples are walking alongside him wonder working hands towards too. When they reached near the you! Those who are carrying you will

6Bible Study uuu FULL STORY ON - 04 11:9 (KJV). “At that time they shall call Submissions Invited Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all one LORD, and his name one’’. - Zechaiah the nations shall be gatherd unto it, to the You are cordially invited 14:9(KJV) “When the Son of man shall name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither to send submissions to come in his glory, and all the holy angels shall they walk any more after the imagina- with him, then shall he sit upon the throne tions of their evil heart”. Jeremiah 3:17 The End Time News of his glory: And before him shall be gath- (KJV). magazine, including ered all nations: and he shall seperate articles, short stories, them one from another, as a shepherd The kingdom that will be set up by the God poems, cartoons, etc. If divide his sheep from the goats: And he of heaven will never be destroyed (Daniel shall set the sheep on his right hand, but 2:44) Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem you would like to the goats on the left. Then shall the king and His Kingdom will last forever. contribute, please say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye Zachariah 14 defines there will be one Lord contact us at our email blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom and His name will be one. He will rule the prepared for you from the foundation of the earth entirely. No more it is man managed address : world. Then shall he say also unto them on but this completely established by our Lord the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, Jesus Christ will be the supreme King, ruler [email protected] into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil of all people. All the nations will serve and his angels: and these shall go away Jesus Christ and wil worship Jesus Christ. into everlasting punishment: but the “In my vision at night I looked, and there righteous into life eternal” Mathew 25:31- before me was one like a son of man, 34, 41 and 46 (KJV). coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was It would be terrible and outrageous to be led into his presence. He was given author- cast into the Hell even after undergoing ity, glory, and sovereign power; all peoples, seven years of Tribulation. Salvation will no nations, and men of every language wor- more be offered to those who have ac- shipped him. His dominion is an everlast- cepted the mark of the Beast. Unquestion- ing dominion that will not pass away, and ably, there is no way to flee for those who his kingdom is one that will never be refuse to accept the Lord’s way. Many destroyed” Daniel 7:13,14 (NIV-UK). prophets told of this blessed millennial time. “And, behold,the glory of the God of According to issah 9:6,7,this will be the Israel came from the way bof the east: and time of haven established on the earth and his vioce was like noise of many waters: it is entirely controlled by the Lord Jesus and the earth shined with his glory. So the himself. Justice, righteousness, peace (no spirit took me up, and brought me into the more wars) will be established and the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the whole goverment system in this world will LORD filled the house.” Ezekiel 43:2,5 be shouldered by our Lord Jesus. According (KJV). “And the LORD shall be king over all to Zechariah 8:3, literally the Lord Jesus the earth: in that day shall there be one will be dwelling in the midst of Jerusalem LORD, and his name one. And it shall come and Jerusalem will be called the holy city/ to pass, that every onethat is left of all the mountain of God. Once again, I repeat, nations which came against jerusalem literally Lord Jesus will rule this earth from shall even go up from year to year to Jerusalem and not from heaven. Those who worship the king, the LORD of hosts, and to died as martyrs at tribulation period will keep the feast of tabernacles” Zechariah come to life, and have an exceptional 14:9, 16 (KJV). “And it shall come to pass in position in the Kingdom and reign with the last days, that the mountain of the Christ a thousand years. (Revelation LORD’s house shall be established in the 20:4,5). This Kingdom on earth will carry on top of the moutains, and shall be exalted for 1000 years, following which the earth above the hills; and all nations shall flow will be destroyed and new heaven and unto it. And many people shall go and say, earth will be formed by God. Satan will be Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain thrown into the Lake of fire, to be tor- of the LORD, to the house of the God of mented everlastingly. jacob ; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem”. Isaiah 2:2,3,

7MOTIVATION Sis.Glory Joseph Stump is the part of a plant and es- Uprooting stump of bitterness pecially a tree remaining attached to the root to this feeling. They take this feeling for Person sitting in the pew in after the trunk is cut off. It may not be vis- granted and live with it. A believer’s face ible from a distance buttends to sprout back that is supposed to emit fragrance of love, front of you in the church up in favorable condition. So, is the case with joy and peace is now covered with sadness. bitterness. Stump of bitterness may sprout Or, they may walk around with a mask of may have a stump of bitter- back up in our lives. Like other toxic behav- happiness. Physical consequences of leav- iors such as anger, unforgiveness, jealousy, ing a stump of bitterness in our lives could ness. Bitterness is caused due bitterness is on the rise among Christian com- cause insomnia, higher blood pressure, and munity. If left unchecked, it could cause men- weaker immune system. to unforgiveness. It does not tal, emotional and physical consequences. Breaking out in small groups, ses- happen overnight. Stump of bitterness may be caused sions give opportunities to speak your heart. due to something someone said to you, done Sharing your stories, experiences with oth- takes a joint effort to uproot the stumps of to you, or could be result of your perception. ers give you opportunity to open. It opens bitterness. Use the shovel of love, kindness, All of us have encountered this experience your eyes and hearts to see others who are forgiveness to uproot it. Uproot it before it at some time in our life. Person sitting in in similar situations, predicament. It allows starts to put out shoots. Use the pattern of the pew in front of you in the church may us to see the imperfections in others. Are we Jesus while forgiving others. If God of have a stump of bitterness. Bitterness is ready to forgive the imperfections, shortcom- Heaven, Creator of this universe chose to caused due to unforgiveness. It does not ings of your brother, sister or a young per- forgive you, and adopt you into his family, happen overnight. Unforgiveness leads to son? May God grant us the humbleness to- what stops you from forgiving another mor- anger which turns into bitterness. Asking for- wards them with gratitude and joy. Let us tal like you. giveness or apologizing superficially will embrace them with joy as the peace of God make the trunk of bitterness disappear in the fill their hearts. Let their hearts enjoy a sea- Let us work together to remove eyes of others. Forced and fake apologies are son of peace. Let the holy spirit erase their stumps of bitterness from our siblings, chil- on the rise. This may lead an outward fixing memories of bitterness. If you are carrying a dren, families, loved ones, friends, co-work- of a problem. If the apology is not genuine, stump of bitterness in your heart, recognize ers and our fellow believers. Let the sweet- the stump is left behind. it, and take time to ask for forgiveness. Let ness of our Christian love help dilute the bit- this be a sincere move. terness out. Strive for peace with everyone, Mental consequences of bitterness and for the holiness without which no one include isolation, loneliness. Believers pull Let us work together to uproot the will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails away from assemblies, gatherings as they stumps of bitterness from our families, to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of don’t want to face the other person. Their schools, colleges and our churches. God bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, courage may be drained that they don’t have wants to set us free from this bitterness. If and by it many become defiled. (Hebrews the strength to face others. They may be- left unchecked, it will sprout and grow into a 12:14–15). have irrationally. They find fault in others and big tree that cannot be uprooted easily. It are very critical of others. They may also feel emotionally drained. Sadness, tears, feeling of pity may overtake them. They may live with a heavy heart. Weight of bitterness is so heavy that they toss and turn at night and have disturbed sleep. They get accustomed

Sparkling Wisdom! 8 FULL STORY ON - 10 Sparkling Wisdom! Cetin, also saying that “everyone’s hearts v.“When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is insignificant in beat for our Turkey.”The Syriac Christian com- your life.” — Rick Warren munity will be paying for the building, which is expected to have a sanctuary with space v.“God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises, leading for approximately 700 believers. Erdogan has a controversial record when it us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.” comes to religious freedom for the Islamic – Dietrich Bonhoeffer country’s small Christian minority.Last year, v“God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go.” the Erdogan government garnered negative – Tony Evans international attention for its detaining of v“Having the answers is not essential to living. What is essential is the sense of God’s American pastor Andrew Brunson under al- presence during dark seasons of questioning.” legations that he was connected to a terror- — Ravi Zacharias ist group that engaged in a failed coup in v“Remember who you are. Don’t compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a 2016.Brunson, who had lived in Turkey for child of theAlmighty God. Live that truth.” more than 20 years, was eventually freed and – LysaTerkeurst returned to the United States after the Trump v“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” administration demanded his release. — Mother Teresa v“We don’t think there’s something wrong with one-year-old children because they FULL STORY ON - 11 can’t walk perfectly. They fall down frequently, but we pick them up, love them, bandage them if necessary, and keep working with them. Surely our heavenly tuary church.“The word ‘sanctuary’ is Father can do even more for us than we do for our children.” not well-defined and that the Assembly — Joyce Meyer does not have the authority to push Syn- v“Whatever makes men good Christians; makes them good citizens.” ods and congregations of the Church to – Daniel Webster take on the actions that many perceive a sanctuary to entail,” Askegaard said.“This v “Your potential is the sum of all the possibilities God has puts us as a Church in the position of for your life.”– Charles Stanley having the title of a sanctuary while not all parts of the body are willing to par- v“He said “ I have loved you.” We cannot love too ticipate as a sanctuary facility.” much.”— Amy Carmichael Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar of the Or- egon Synod defended the memorial, not- Abigail Thyvilayil John ing that her synod had already declared themselves a sanctuary body three years ago and had debated the many ways to define “sanctuary.”“Finally, we decided adaptive leadership requires us to step out in faith and boldness for the sake of a gospel of liberating love, even when we can’t define precisely or legally what that means,” stated Bishop Caesar, adding that “there have been very few negative ramifications.” The ELCA’s move to become a sanctuary body comes amid increased crackdowns on those living in the United States ille- gally by the Trump administration. Last week, ICE raids took place across six cities in Mississippi, resulting in the ar- rests of an estimated 680 undocumented immigrants. Nearly half were released.U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi Mike Hurst ex- plained to the media that he believed the raids to be “the largest single-state im- migration enforcement operation in our nation's history.”

9News FULL STORY ON - 01 BURMESE CHRISTIANS RELEASED AFTER 6 several times. In the Chinese version, that MONTHS OF DETENTION section is left out and every mention of the word Christ has been erased. villagers were being held Asia News notes that the censorship of Chris- at an Arakan Army outpost tian religious elements isn’t isolated to el- along the border of ementary schools. Several college professors Myanmar, India, and also condemn classics containing religious Bangladesh. words and confiscate them. Among these are As per the radio news, the The Count of Montecristo by A. Dumas, Res- Arakan Army released the urrection by Lev Tolstoy, and Notre-Dame de Khumi villagers and sent Paris by Victor Hugo. them to community lead- In 2018, China’s ruling Communist Party ers in the OhntheeWa vil- implemented rules on religious practice and lage. The released villag- announced a five-year plan to make Chris- tianity more compatible with socialism. Ef- The rebel faction Arakan Army in Myanmar ers are expected to stay at an internally dis- forts to make the faith more “Chinese” re- has released 52 villagers from the predomi- placed persons camp in Meezar. “They said portedly included a rewrite of the New Tes- nantly Christian Khumi community in the that all have been released,\" Pastor Moses tament using Buddhist scripture and Confu- Western Chin state after they were detained told Radio Free Asia. cian teachings to establish a “correct under- for six months in a border camp. The release of the villagers was praised by standing” of the text. A Christian Radio reported the release last the U.S.-based persecution watchdog and Recently, Vice President of America, Mike week, citing a local pastor and the Arakan charity International Christian Concern. Pence, met with an interfaith coalition of re- Army. The Khumi villagers were abducted in \"For the Chin captives who were held against ligious freedom advocates to discuss what February from their communities following a their will for months, this is definitely encour- the United States can do to hold China ac- battle with Myanmar's military troops. Al- aging news that they could finally return countable as it continues to persecute reli- though the Khumi Affairs Consultative Coun- home,\" ICC Regional Manager Gina Goh said gious believers. cil accused the Arakan Army of taking the in a statement. \"We rejoice with them and \"Up until this point, the United States never villagers by force, the rebel group vehemently their loved ones. However, the AA should not had a strategy against China's violations of denied that accusation. have taken them in the first place. Civilians human rights,\" David Curry, head of the in- In April, a spokesperson for the rebel faction have the right to live without fear despite ternational Christian persecution advocacy said the Arakan Army helped the villagers ongoing armed conflicts between the AA and group Open Doors USA, said. \"They've rec- flee to safety after fighting in Chin's Paletwa Tatmadaw According to the Joshua Project, ognized them as a country particular con- township. The spokesperson claimed that the the Khumi community in Myanmar is about cern, but it's not escalated. And there haven't Arakan Army did not take the villagers by 66,000 in population with 80 percent being been any punishments directly associated force. Fifty-four villagers were initially said Christian”. with it. So we think that might be something to have been detained by the Arakan Army Myanmar, a Buddhist-majority country, ranks they would consider, as far as punishments but two villagers were able to escape. KACC as the 18th-worst persecutor of Christians go.\"Open Doors USA ranks China as the 27th chairman Kyaw Nyein said in April that the in the world, according to Open Doors USA's worst nation in the world when it comes to villagers who escaped said the rest of the 2019 World Watch List. Christian persecution on its 2019 World Watch List. HILLSONG FAME CHRISTIAN LYRICIST MARTY SAMPSON RENOUNCES FAITH uuu FULL STORY ON - 10 Marty Sampson, a prolific worship music writer known for his work with Hillsong Worship, Hillsong United, Delirious and Young & Free, revealed he is losing his faith and believes Christianity is “just another religion.” “Time for some real talk,” the Australian writer wrote in a since-deleted post on Instagram. “I’m genuinely losing my faith, and it doesn’t bother me. Like, what bothers me now is nothing. I am so happy now, so at peace with the world. It’s crazy.” “This is a soapbox moment so here I go … How many preachers fall? Many,” he continued. “No one talks about it. How many miracles happen. Not many. No one talks about it. Why is the Bible full of contradictions? No one

10News THE FOUNDATION STONE LAID FOR NEW CHURCH IN TURKEY SINCE 1923; PRESIDENT OVERSEES! Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over- saw a ceremonial laying of the foundation stone for the construction of the first new church building in Turkey in nearly a century.In a ceremony held Saturday in Istanbul, Erdogan celebrated the beginning of con- struction for the new church, which will serve the local Syriac Christian community and will be the first new church built in Turkey since the nation became a republic in 1923. In his remarks at the ceremony, Erdogan The church will be constructed in the Istanbul Cetin, the Syriac Orthodox Church’s metro- championed tolerance for minority commu- neighborhood of Yesilkoy, located in the politan for Istanbul and the capital Ankara, nities in the Muslim-majority nation, declar- Bakirköy municipality. According to Erdogan, supporting the decision.“We’re proud of liv- ing that “this country, this state belongs to the church should be completed within the ing under the Turkish flag in this land,” stated everyone.”“It is the Turkish republic's duty next two years.Plans to construct the church to meet the need for space to worship for were first announced in January, with Yusuf FULL STORY ON - 08 the Syriac community, who are the ancient children of this geography,” stated uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 In addition to extreme persecution against Erdogan.“Anyone who has affection for, con- group Solidarity of Victims of Violations of Muslim converts to Christianity and discrimi- tributes to and is loyal to Turkey is a first- Freedom of Religion and Beliefs, told the nation against Christian children in schools, class citizen. There are no barriers to any- news agency that permit revocation is an in- Open Doors notes that churches in Indone- one in politics, trade or any other area.” dication that \"the state is defenseless against sia are \"hard to build.\" \"[E]ven if congrega- pressure by intolerant groups.” The church's tions manage to fulfill all the legal require- uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 pastor, TigorYunusSitorus, told that he asked ments, local authorities can still deny them talks about it. How can God be love yet send members to attend services at other permission,\" the fact sheet reads. four billion people to a place, all ‘coz they churches. He did not want to issue a state- As Christians face various forms of persecu- don’t believe? No one talks about it. Chris- ment in order to avoid worsening the atmo- tion in Indonesia, a number of Christians tians can be the most judgmental people on sphere for the community's Christians. have been jailed on claims they violated blas- the planet—they can also be some of the According to the Christian persecution watch- phemy laws by insulting Islam or its prophet, most beautiful and loving people. But it’s not dog Open Doors USA, Christians make up Muhammad. In 2017, the then-sitting gover- for me.” about 12 percent of Indonesia's 266 million nor of Jakarta, who is Christian, was jailed The \"All I Need Is You” writer said he’s “not majority-Muslim population. The country on the false charge that he insulted Islam in” anymore and desires “genuine truth.\"\"Not ranks as the 30th worst country in the world during a campaign visit. The accusation is the ‘I just believe it’ kind of truth,\" he wrote. when it comes to Christian persecution, ac- related to a doctored video that came during \"Science keeps piercing the truth of every cording to Open Doors USA's 2019 World the middle of his hotly-contested re-election religion. Lots of things help people change Watch List. \"Although Indonesia’s constitu- campaign. their lives, not just one version of God. Got tion promotes religious freedom, Islamic ex- In its 2018 annual report, the U.S. Commis- so much more to say, but for me, I keeping it tremist groups are becoming more influen- sion on International Religious Freedom criti- real. Unfollow if you want, I’ve never been tial in pushing for an Islamic nation,\" an cized the federal government of Indonesia about living my life for others.” Open Doors factsheet on Indonesia states. for not intervening whenever \"provincial and Christianity “just seems to me like another \"Some regions of Indonesia already operate local governments enact unconstitutional religion at this point,” Sampson said. under Islamic law (Sharia), which poses a regulations or policies that exacerbate reli- “I could go on, but I won’t,” he wrote. “Love threat to Christians and other religious mi- gious divisions.\" and forgive absolutely. Be kind absolutely. norities.\" Be generous and do good to others abso- lutely. Some things are good no matter what you believe. Let the rain fall, the sun will come up tomorrow.” Sampson’s announcement, accompanied by a picture of Sampson pulling down the temple pillars as described in the Bible, sparked an outpouring of responses on social media.

11NEWS BELIEVER WIFE CHANGED ME: CHANCE THE RAPPER he said. \"It's called ‘we go high.’” Book while he and Kirsten were separated. “I explain that my wife literally saved my life \"This is all after Coloring Book, after I pro- Chance the Rapper, whose real name is by becoming celibate and going and getting claimed that I love Jesus, and all that stuff,\" Chancelor Jonathan Bennett, says his wife's baptized.” he said, admitting that before he he revealed. “You’re never fully, fully sancti- decision to get baptized and abstain from sex during a separation before they got married witnessed her commitment to faith he never fied, so I had to keep figuring it out. I saved his life.The Chicago really knew where his strength came from. had to do the Grammy's by myself. I had native was a guest on \"It changed her life, obviously. But we talk- to do a lot by myself. Then when my Queen Radio on Apple ing about me right now. It changed my life, girl was gracious enough to have me Music's Beats 1 hosted by for real. Now I know exactly where my back, it changed my whole life.” Nicki Minaj to discuss his strength comes from,” he declared. The 26 year old declared that he's now new album The Big Day. In Chance’s awakening came after he completed discovered who to turn to when he's in the interview he opened up his Grammy Award-winning album Coloring despair. about his relationship with “The other day I was lower than I ever his long time love, Kirsten been. I know the caricature of me is Corley, who he recently super positive. I was lower than I ever married. felt in my life, and I really had to get During the interview, Minaj down on [my] knees and be like, 'I know lauded Chance and Kanye I can't solve this problem by myself.' So I'm West for publicly sharing here right now happier than I ever been.” their Christian faith. She also revealed that Chance and his wife are now happier than she was recently with West who told her that ever, he said. The couple have a 3-year-old he’s a “born-again Christian.” daughter together and another child on the Chance then got candid with Minaj and said way. his wife \"saved\" him by abstaining from sex.\"I need you to hear one song on my album that has my best verse that I written in my life,\" LUTHERAN DENOMINATION DECLARES ITSELF A 'SANCTUARY CHURCH' FOR MIGRANTS The Evangelical Lutheran Church in ELCA the first denomination in the U.S.” America passed a measure declaring North America to identify as a The memorial was not without its crit- their entire denomination a “sanctuary sanctuary body. ics. David Tindell of the Northwest Synod church” for migrants, including those In a press release announcing of Wisconsin spoke against the measure, who entered the United States illegally. the result of the memorial, the arguing that they should be mindful of At the ELCA Churchwide Assembly on 07- ELCA noted that earlier in the “the rule of law” and that there are bet- 08-19 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the 3.4 day, Presiding Bishop the Rev- ter venues for change in immigration million-member mainline Protestant de- erend Elizabeth Eaton and reform.“The rule of law is clear when it nomination approved a resolution, or about 700 Assembly members comes to immigration. It may not be the “memorial,” making themselves a “sanc- held a march and prayer vigil law that we necessarily like and it may tuary church.”The vote came by a clear not be enforced the way we would nec- majority of the voting delegates raising outside the nearby Milwaukee Immigra- essarily like, but it is still the law. We must green cards and reportedly made the tion and Customs Enforcement be mindful of that,” said Tindell.“When office.“The march addressed concerns we want something to be changed in this about the human rights of migrant chil- country in terms of a law, we have the dren and families entering the U.S. along means to do that through our elected the southern border,” stated the ELCA. representatives.” “Through the ELCA's initiative, Accompa- Thomas Askegaard of the Arkansas-Okla- nying Migrant Minors with Protection, homa Synod explained that he believed Advocacy, Representation and Opportu- the memorial failed to go far enough in nities (AMMPARO), this church is com- its goal to make the denomination a sanc- mitted to work toward just and humane policies affecting migrants in and outside FULL STORY ON - 06

USA 125 Wheat land,6920.5.m manin st Wheat land Oklahoma box zip code-73097 PH-(405) 745-786(H) Mob-001(405)778-4341(Wats App) SPEND MORE TIME IN PRAYER THAN ONLINE: US VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE has sustained me, my wife, my family and does every day,\" the vice president said.\"Make time be considered newsworthy. for renewing your mind,\" he added. \"We honestly didn't see that one com- While the country is facing several challenges, ing. Our kids went to this school,\" Pence \"I never lose sight of how blessed we are to told the crowd Tuesday during a sit-down be Americans,\" he said.\"There is nowhere like exchange with ADF President Michael America. We're always striving for a more Farris, referencing a television commen- perfect union.\"\"I really do believe that He who tator who said Pence should have as- planted this miracle of democracy on these sumed that his wife teaching at a Chris- wilderness shores centuries ago, He's tian school would be controversial. blessed America throughout our history and has blessed the world. And He will still bless Vice President Mike Pence is urging people He offered, when asked how he deals with America in the days ahead.\" to spend more time on their knees in prayer critics: \"Number one is spend more time on than they do online, particularly when faced your knees than on the internet.\" Mathew John (93), with challenges. \"As a Christian believer, we're charged to pray son of late Mathai Speaking at Alliance Defending Freedom's fire- for our loved ones, but also pray for our en- Yohannan, Pathallil side chat Tuesday, the vice president ad- emies. You have lots of opportunities in poli- House dressed the controversy that surrounded his tics to do that,\" he said, receiving chuckles (Madappallil), wife, second lady Karen Pence, earlier this year from the crowd.\"Forgiveness is a great gift\" was promoted to when it became known that she was return- he said. glory on Tuesday, ing to teaching art part-time at a Christian The ADF event highlighted religious liberty and August 20, 2019. school in northern Virginia where she previ- sanctity of human life issues.As he has said Mathew was born on ously taught when he was a Congressman. many times since taking office, Pence ex- January 10, 1926 to Immanuel Christian School in Annandale, Vir- plained that the greatest honor of his life was late Mathai and ginia requires adherence to a statement of to serve alongside a president who \"stands Rachel Yohannan in faith belief that includes the historic Chris- without apology\" for the unborn, and praised Puthenpeedika tian teaching on marriage and sexual ethics. the work of his administration and Congres- North, Faculty must maintain \"a lifestyle based on sional allies to pass and institute various pro- Omalloor P.O., biblical standards of moral conduct.\" Much of life policies. the secular media reported this as yet another The vice president concluded his remarks re- Pathanamthitta, Kerala. He married late Annamma example of the Pence's supposed disdain for counting how the greatest day of his life was M. John on LGBT persons. the day in 1978 when he received Christ, and February 10, 1949. He immigrated to the United Meanwhile, the Pence's had no idea it would his gratitude for the United States.\"His grace States in 1983 He resettled in Yukon, OK shortly after coming to American to be closer to his siblings and extended family. He is survived by his five children Mathew, Sam, Rachel, Lizy, and Joe and their families

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