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Published by The Endtime News, 2022-02-09 07:34:53



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JUNE 2020 3 30 14 SHOCKING NEWS BOKO HARAM KILLED 69 PEOPLE IN NORTHERN NIGERIA uuu FULL STORY ON - 07 CHINA DEMOLISHES HOUSE CHURCH ONE MONTH AFTER VIOLENT RAID INDONESIA BANNED THE International Christian Concern (ICC) has uuu FULL STORY ON - 05 BIBLE MOBILE APP learned that on June 11, local authorities brought in more than 100 officers from four A mobile phone application that enables different agencies to demolish Xingguang members of an Indonesian tribal group to Church in China’s Xiamen city, Fujian read the Bible in their own language has province. The demolition came a month after the violent May 3 raid of the house uuu FULL STORY ON - 08 church, during which several members were injured. NEW GOOGLE TECHNOLOGY REVEALS NEVER BEFORE SEEN TWO MEMBERS OF DETAILS OF ‘THE LAST SUPPER’ PAKISTANI CHRISTIAN FAMILY uuu FULL STORY ON - 08 SHOT DEAD Peshawar: A Christian family in uuu FULL STORY ON - 05 Pakistan was shot for buying a house in a Muslim neighborhood.On June 7, police in the city of Peshawar in the KhybarPakhtunkhawa province arrested the sons of a man accused of shooting two members of the Christian family after they purchased a home in late May in the

2Editorial Rev. Manuel Joseph Th.M. Sub-editor, End-Time News Happiness, I think, is a choice REMAIN HAPPY IN every Christian has to make! At least, this TIMES OF is what the scripture says! In Philippians 4: 4, Apostle Paul says, “Rejoice in the Lord A GLOBAL CRISIS! always and again I say rejoice.” Have a look at the structure of that sentence! It’s They had opponents who troubled them Apostle Paul had a lot of things to be an imperative statement. It can be a (Phil. 1: 27-29). In the midst of such unhappy about while composing that verse. command or an entreaty! I would rather troubles, they had no choice but to rejoice. First of all, he was not in his comfort Zone, take it as a command. Apostle Paul but rather was imprisoned in Rome. He demands all his readers in Philippi to choose happiness no matter what happens uuu FULL STORY ON - 08 with them. They were, in fact, going through tough times of their lives. They were persecuted for their faith in Christ. EDITORIAL BOARD MANAGER ADVISORY BOARD CHIEF EDITOR Bovas Sreekaryam Pastor Shibu Thomas USA Pastor Asokan Eranakulam Baiju Yacob Edavila USA CO-ORDINATORS M.Jacob Trivandrum SUB EDITORS John Francis (Dallas) Br.Syam USA Manuel Joseph 125 Daniel Jacob Sis.Saritha Wheat land,6920.S. manin st Sis.Simi Oklahoma EDITORS box zip code-73097 Sis.Lesley Yacob PH-(405) 745-786(H) Pastor A Anilkumar Mob-001(405)778-4341(Whats app) Rev. Joseph Chacko REPORTERS Sis.Sherly Miniesh Kumar(Baharin) Pastor Stephen Disclaimer The views expressed in this online newspaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of HSM End Time News. The online newspaper will not bear any responsibility whatsoever for them. The images used in the newspaper have been downloaded from the Internet and we acknowledge that the copyright of those images remain with the original owners. HSM End Time News does not claim any copyright for them and does not intend to use them for commercial purposes.

3News BAPTISMS, MIRACLES TAKING PLACE IN REVIVAL AT SITE WHERE GEORGE FLOYD DIED, CHRISTIAN GROUPS SAY roll Floyd on his side, saying he was concerned about “excited delirium.” The final time Lane asked that question Floyd was already unresponsive. Chauvin, however, continued to press his knee into Floyd’s neck even after he was dead.All the officers involved in the tragedy have been fired. Chauvin, 43, has been charged with second- degree murder while former Minneapolis officers J. Alexander Kueng, 26, Lane, 37, and Tou Thao, 34, have been charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for their role in Floyd’s death. Massive protests nationwide and globally have been calling for justice and police reform. Pointing to the “Parable of the Unjust Judge” A number of Christian groups that have been and the pain is there, the best way to heal told by Jesus in Luke 18, Lindquist said the holding revival services at the site where hearts and to bring what’s right and to bring Church can help bring justice to the crisis George Floyd died in Minneapolis say they’re what’s truly real, is to petition Heaven. When beyond what the world can offer. In the seeing many people turn to God in baptisms revival breaks out it’s the kingdom of Heaven parable, a poor widow seeking justice is and miracles are happening. breaking in,” he said in a broadcast from initially rejected by a judge, but because she “So tonight God’s moving. There’s a lot of Thursday night. is persistent with her demand, he eventually people that gave their lives to the Lord again. Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was shown responds. We were baptizing people right here at the on eyewitness video dying on May 25 with “She was persistent and [it] says in Luke 18, memorial. God’s on the move. It’s wonderful,” the knee of white officer Derek Chauvin shall not God avenge his elect that cry out said Joshua Lindquist, a young Christian pressed into his neck as two other officers day and night and she cried out for justice. leader with Global Revival Harvest, who has with the Minneapolis Police Department held … The earthly courts can only do so much, been broadcasting the Unity Revival on onto his back and legs while he was politicians can only do so much, we need to his Facebook page since it started on handcuffed and on the ground. Four officers petition the politicians … ultimately Wednesday. were at the scene and none took action to petitioning the throne of God, revival is the “I have a friend of mine, his name is J.T. physically pull Chauvin off Floyd, who said new form of protest,” Lindquist said. “I just Thomas, he said, ‘revival is the new form of he was struggling to breathe. believe that the church can step in and see a protest.’ Meaning, when injustice happens Officer Thomas Lane, who was holding on to uuu FULL STORY ON - 09 Floyd’s legs, twice asked whether they should

4Bible Study Rev. Dr. Mathukutty Samuel A CONSISTENT The Christian life should be one that CHRISTIAN LIFE is consistent and steadfast. It should be the most satisfying and the most productive. It 3. A daily walk with the Lord ened us. If a friendship causes you to turn must be unwavering and dependable. An un- away from the Lord and pursue worldly steady life of ups and downs, highs and lows, Our walk with the Lord is something each things, that is not a good friendship. “Be ye will not produce the “steadfast, unmovable, one of us must do personally. It is a not unequally yoked together with unbelieves: always abounding” work to which we are ad- personallife of faith and trust that will take for what fellowship hath righteousness with monished in 1 Corinthians 15:58.Let us look us to greater heights of joy and a deeper unrighteousness? And what communion some things that will help us to accomplish sense of devotion. With that come greater hath light with darkness?” 2 Cor. 6:14. the goal of consistency. understanding and a desire to please the “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the 1. Avoid even the appearance of evil Lord. Then we become grateful followers. He counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the We all know that we should avoid evil, but will give us wisdom as we walk in the light. way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the we should also avoid things that might ap- “Blessed is the people that know the joyful scornful.” Psalm 1:1. pear to be evil. We certainly should not ig- sound: they walk, O lord, in the light of thy nore the scriptural instruction which says, countenance.” Psalm. 89: 15. 6. Do not let discouragement live at “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thess. 5.22. I have heard people say, “I don’t 4 The importance of Church. your house care what people think. I know I am not do- ing anything wrong and I am going to do what The importance of assembling together and Hard work and fatigue can take us to a state I want.” That is not spiritual maturity. The working together through the church is a big of weariness and despair if things are over- Bible teaches that we should not let our lib- dal. A good church should be a place of wor- done and overvalued. Work for the day; then erty become a “stumbling block.” 1 Cor. 8:9 ship where your eyes are off the world and set things aside and rest a while. If they are the things of the world and on God and His overvalued, we will have trouble focusing our 2. Ascertain and adept Bible Prin- goodness. It should be a place that warms thoughts on the things of true value. Criti- ciples your heart and motivates you to cleaner liv- cism can bring great discouragement. It ing and grater service, a place where you doesn’t matter how clean and upright you are, Understanding the principles of God’s truth join together with people of like faith and de- criticism will come. Some people will not like is a process of growth that brings Christian votion. We are admonished to be faithful in your standards of conduct and will find some convictions and biblical standards for all as- church attendance. “Not forsaking the assem- fault, however small, for which they can tar- pects of our lives “All scripture is given by bling of ourselves together.” Heb. 10:25. nish you. Of course, we should correct any the inspiration of God, and is profitable for wrongs, but avoid forever any counterat- doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for in- 5. Select your fiends carefully tacks. That could take you to a verbal war- struction in righteousness.” 2 Tim. 3:16.By fare which would be counterproductive and studying the Bible we learn about God’s de- It has been a privilege to have some very add anxiety to your discouragement. What sign and purpose, what is right and wrong, devoted and godly people as our friends. should you do? Take it to the Lord in prayer what God wants us to be and to do. We be- Their honor, integrity and unselfishness are and leave it there. ‘Casting all your care upon gin by faith and grow in knowledge, which monumental. It is so important to us because him; for he careth for you.” 2 Pet.5:7. enables us to live in obedience to the Lord’s their friendship has encouraged and strength- commands.

5Bible Study CHALDEAN CHRISTIAN EVAN JABRO AT THE uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 HEAD OF THE MINISTRY FOR REFUGEES AND SawatiPhatak colony.The alleged perpetrator, Salman Khan, is still at MIGRANTS, KUWAIT The task the new Christian minister will have to large. face appears delicate and demanding. The After Khan found out that his new Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - A Christian professor dossier concerning the tens of thousands of neighbors were Christian, Khan told belonging to the Chaldean Church will manage Christians who fled in 2014 from Mosul and the the family they had to leave the the policies of the Iraqi government regarding Province of Nineveh due to the advance of the neighborhood immediately because the migratory emergency and the relocation of jihadists of the Islamic State, will also be within Christians are seen as the enemies of internally displaced persons. Her name is Evan her competence. Most of them found refuge in Islam.What followed was days of FaeqYakoubJabro, she teaches biology and has Erbil and Iraqi Kurdistan, and have never alleged harassment against Nadeem distinguished herself in the past for paying returned to their homes and villages. Joseph and his family.The family was attention to social emergencies concerning the In the past, Evan Jabro worked with the NGO Al- said to have been threatened with younger generations, usually neglected by the Firdaws, founded by Fatima Al-Bahadly in 2003, consequences if they did not leave blocks that dominate Iraqi politics. and committed to developing social and work their new home. On Saturday June 6, with a second vote of projects aimed primarily at women and young Khan is accused of giving the family confidence, the Iraqi Parliament approved the people. The new minister also held the role of 24-hour ultimatum on June 7. But appointments to lead seven of the 22 ministries adviser to the Governor of Mosul on minority Joseph refused to leave his home. He of the government led by Prime Minister issues, and in the May 2018 Iraqi political tried to call the police once he noticed Mustafa al-Kadhimi still without a titular. Al elections she had competed as a candidate for that Khan and his sons had returned Kadhimi, former director of Secret Services, the assignment of one of the 5 seats reserved with weapons.That’s when Joseph became Prime Minister in Iraq on May 7, 2020. for Christian minorities, according to the was shot in the stomach by his “system of quotas”. attackers who also shot his mother-in- Evan Jabro’s appointment to lead the Ministry law in the shoulder. of Migration and Refugees has not been Joseph and his mother-in-law were immune from controversy and conflict. In recent taken to a nearby hospital and their days, a statement from the Chaldean injuries do not appear to be life- Patriarchate denied as unfounded the fact threatening.Joseph recorded a video sheets that attributed Evan Jabro the role of message from his hospital bed, “adviser” of the Chaldean Patriarch Louis according to International Christian Raphael Sako for questions concerning the Concern, a U.S.-based Christian Christian communities of the Nineveh Plain. persecution watchdog group.From there, Joseph said that at one point, uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 he was told that his new neighborhood was “meant for Muslim residents only” Around 9:00 a.m., dozens of chengguan, The government of Xiamen has been and that “Christians and Jews are the or Urban Management Law Enforcement gansterized…This also gives you a opponents of Muslims.” officials, lined up outside of Xingguang glimpse of how China has been Christian activist Khalid Shahzad, who Church in Jimei district, before storming gansterized in recent years.” is in touch with the family, told Asia the church located on the fifth floor with The church has already been raided twice News that the shooting is an example other dozens of fire fighters, public security this year – on April 19 and on May 3. The of the religious intolerance found in officers, and religious affairs bureau staff. church’s preacher, Titus Yu, was threatened Pakistan.”The main offender is still at The house church, purchased by the with a notice that his church would face large,” Shahzad was quoted as saying members and also the home of several disbandment as punishment if he did not in an article Monday. “Law members, was soon was reduced to correct his ‘illegal’ act. enforcement agencies must do rubble. Since the authorities barred the Gina Goh, ICC’s Regional Manager for everything possible to capture him church members from entering, when a Southeast Asia, said, “As stated in the and bring him to justice.” churchgoer managed to record the latest United States Commission on Open Doors USA ranks Pakistan as demolition, a chengguan yelled, “What are International Religious Freedom’s the fifth-worst country in the world when you filming with your cell?” while attempting (USCIRF) report by commissioner Johnnie it comes to Christian persecution and to knock away the phone. Moore, ‘There is no question that China is notes that Christians are generally The furniture and personal property stored the world’s foremost violator of human “regarded as second-class citizens.” at the church were also confiscated by the rights and religious freedom.’ China’s rule There are various forms of Christian authorities illegally. A member of law is merely a slogan, since the persecution in Pakistan, including documented the aftermath and debris left authorities can simply crack down on laws that criminalize blasphemy that behind by the authorities in a video. anyone whom they consider a threat. We are often abused by Muslims to take Preacher Yang Xibo from Xunsiding regret to see the Xiamen authorities’ advantage of religious minorities. Church, shared his anger on Facebook. continuous oppression against Xingguang He said, “Xiamen Xingguang House Church. This serves as a great example Church now encounters a forceful of the absence of religious liberty in the demolition, which targets a private communist country.” property, someone’s home. The Property Law [in China] is nothing but a wastepaper.

6Meditation Pastor Shibu Thomas CHRIST, THE LEADER! Oklahoma, USA And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. (Matthew 23: 10) Look at the words of Jesus in says that no one is interested to be under that He is with you and helping you take the authority of someone. The result of all decisions that will not go wrong and steps Matthew 23: 10, “But you, do not be called these efforts is that they gather a good that will not falter. ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, number of enemies for themselves. It is Dear friend, those who have been guided by and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone imperative to have leaders and leadership Jesus, will advance in their life triumphantly on earth your father; for One is your Father, positions. But one thing to be considered like a steed set to win, without wavering in He who is in heaven. And do not be called predominantly is the authority of Jesus over difficulties. As high as we lift the name of teachers; for One is your Teacher, the all the authorities and positions. Do not Jesus, we in turn will become partakers of Christ. But he who is greatest among you hesitate to invite Jesus, who holds the His glory. Jesus Christ – the anointed one- shall be your servant. And whoever exalts authority over sin, the world, Satan, the be in us through eternity. himself will be humbled, and he who nature, the sicknesses, the death, even the Prayer – Jesus, the leader of my life and humbles himself will be exalted. hell, into your family! That’s the only way to guide me with your heavenly counsels. Many strive to be leaders and instructors. make your life good and smooth guaranteeing Many covet the positions of power. It just

7FULL STORY BOKO HARAM KILLED 69 PEOPLE IN NORTHERN NIGERIA Nigeria– This Tuesday afternoon, Boko Haram gunman killed at least 69 people and razed a village to the ground in northern Nigeria’s Borno state. The men attacked the village of FadumaKoloram, in the Gubio district of Borno state, starting about noon. They ar- rived in vehicles and on motorcycles, shoot- ing with AK-47s, razing the village and steal- ing 1,200 cattle and camels. A resident, a Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) been an increase in attacks on civilians northeast. The violence has spread to neigh- member and a soldier each confirmed the blamed on the group. The decade-long con- boring Niger, Chad and Cameroon, prompt- same account. They stated that, “The men flict has killed 36,000 people and displaced ing a regional military coalition to fight the attacked because they suspected residents around two million from their homes in the insurgents. of sharing information on Boko Haram‘s movements with security authorities. It’s an unfortunate day for us to witness this.” Ac- cording to the member of CJTF, the residents were armed, and had repelled previous at- tacks but this one caught them off guard. He said the following, “They took us unaware and killed our people.” Boko Haram and its offshoot, Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), have killed thousands and displaced millions in north- eastern Nigeria. In recent months there has You are cordially invited to send submissions to The End Time News magazine, including articles, short stories, poems, cartoons, etc. If you would like to contribute, please contact us at our email address : [email protected]

8Full story uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 the digital distribution service.In a letter to According to the U.K. Times, a Gigapixel the minister, which went viral on social camera from Google enables viewers to was in confinement. He didn’t want to be media over the weekend, Prayitno said zoom in closer than ever before to see prisoner in Rome, but wanted to be an “the people of Minangkabau object to and images of the world’s greatest works of art. evangelist, preaching gospel to the feel very uncomfortable with the An “art camera” team from the tech giant Romans as per his wish expressed in application” and that it undermines spent hours making high-resolution Romans 1: 8-15. But God had other plans! Minangkabau culture. images of the most highly regarded early Yet, he is full of joy. The next reason to be copy of the famous painting, which was unhappy was the helper, who had come The majority of West Sumatra’s population completed in 1498. from Philippi, Epaphroditus! This are from the Minangkabau ethnic group, gentleman who carried all the gifts from who are mostly Muslims. Prayitno not only The copy of the original painting began Philippi (Phil. 4: 18) and tried to help Paul demanded the removal of the application fading within years of completion because in confinement fell so ill, that he was from the Google Play but also demanded Da Vinci used an experimental technique almost dead. The condition of Paul was not similar applications from being made instead of the traditional fresco.”Google the best at all, but he chose to be happy! available in the future.According to West Arts & Culture has spent the past year there Sumatra Communication and Information creating Gigapixel images of 20 of its most I can tell you reasons why he was so Agency head Jasman Rizal, the renowned artworks including ‘The Last happy!! Though he came to Rome as a application has since been removed. Supper,’ which is thought to have been prisoner, he could entertain guests and he He said critics of the move should try to created by Giampietrino or Boltraffio, who always had Roman Guards to talk to. For a understand the culture of the people of were pupils of Leonardo,” the U.K. Times person like Apostle Paul, what a joy if Minangkabau.”It means that the people of reported. someone comes to his doorpost every day! Minangkabau are Muslims, and if there are It’s an opportunity to share the gospel. people who claim that they are Now completed, viewers can see the Moreover, this opportunity even caused the Minangkabau but do not adhere to Islam, smallest of details that are hard to see in salvation of some residents in Caesar’s they are customarily not recognized as the copies of the painting or have been lost palace too (Phil. 1: 13, 4: 22). Another Minangkabau people,” news portal from the original.”You can really zoom into reason of his happiness is the boldness of quoted him as saying. the finest level of detail like never before,” the brethren in preaching the gospel in said LuisellaMazza, head of global Rome (Phil. 1: 12-14). They were motivated Halili Hasan, research director at the operations at Google Arts and Culture.”It to preach the gospel more boldly like Paul Jakarta-based Setara Institute for makes the invisible visible.” did in other cities and were even ready to Democracy and Peace, criticized the be prosecuted. Another miracle that made removal.”The Holy Bible in the The feet of Jesus in the original mural were him happy was the healing of the brother Minangkabau language … is not against cut off when a door was put into the wall who came from Philippi! He got cured the law or the constitution and, in fact, is a of the refectory on which Leonardo painted, when the apostle prayed for him. A great good initiative to develop interfaith literacy,” where he applied paint onto dry plaster man of God was back into life to serve the he said.”The Communications and using egg tempera instead of painting on Lord further. In fact, this letter was Information Ministry should have rejected wet plaster. delivered to the church at Philippi by the West Sumatra governor’s demand.” He Epaphroditus (Phil. 2: 25-30). said the demand set a bad precedent, Among other details that can be seen with adding the application should have been the new camera that are all but missing Paul realized that the situations will never seen as “a digital innovation.””The from the original mural is the finger of always be pleasant! Hard times will surely application deserves appreciation as it is Thomas, which is gesturing in way that show up in between! But he always chose an effort to build interfaith understanding points to his later doubts about Christ’s to be happy! Are you happy today? If you so that prejudices, fears and threats that resurrection. It also shows the hand of are not, would you rather make it a choice? result from a lack of it can be reduced,” Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed We are destined to be happy no matter Hasan said. Jesus, clasping a bag of money. what happens in our lives! Have a happy day and stay happy forever! uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 The new gigapixel art camera has been in use for the past decade at museums and uuu FULL STORY ON - 01 Through the use of Gigapixel digital camera galleries worldwide and is custom-made to technology, people can now get an up-close create hundreds of high-resolution close- been removed from the Google Play store look at Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece up images of paintings. The technology following protests by a local authority. “The Last Supper.” utilizes a laser and sonar to capture the West Sumatra governor IrwanPrayitno most intricate details of paintings that are complained to Information Minister Johnny Millions have traveled to Milan, Italy, to see subsequently stitched together into a Gerard Plate late last month, demanding the beloved painting which depicts Christ “billion-pixel” image.Mazza said the close- the ministry have the application called and His disciples at the Last Supper, which up digital image of “The Last Supper” was KitabSuciInjil Minangkabau (The Bible in has been slowly deteriorating for years. The only the beginning of future endeavors Minangkabau Language) removed from Last Supper is housed by the refectory of where other great works will also be the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. examined using advanced technology. “You can see brushstrokes, cracks in the painting. In real life it would be very hard to get close to the artwork for security reasons and even if you could get close enough, how long could you really stand in front of an artwork to examine all these fascinating details,” she said.

Sparkling Wisdom! 9 uuu FULL STORY ON - 03 Sparkling Wisdom! move of God that can bring healing to hearts vOur Lord told His disciples that love and obedience were organically that can bring justice down from Heaven.” In a broadcast from Wednesday night, united. The final test of love is obedience.AW Tozer Lindquist explained that they were invited into the community by a local church and vIf I fear to hold another to the highest goal because it is so much easier noted the presence of Pastor Charles Karuku of International Outreach Church, a to avoid doing so, then I know nothing of Calvary love.Amy growing multi-racial congregation in Carmichael Burnsville, Minnesota, who he said was asked by Floyd’s family to spread the message vThere is no wonder more supernatural and divine in the life of a believer of healing and forgiveness in the community. “This pastor who is preaching right now, his than the mystery and ministry of prayer...the hand of the child touching name is Charles Karuku and George Floyd’s the arm of the Father and moving the wheel of the universe.A.B. family asked him to come here and share his Simpson message of forgiveness and healing through Jesus every day he can. They endorsed him. vDaily living by faith on Christ is what makes the difference between They said, ‘please, this is the message the community needs,’” he said. the sickly and the healthy Christian, between the defeated and the He also confirmed that along with a number victorious saint. A.W. Pink of baptisms he had witnessed, he also saw miracles.”I don’t know if you believe in v“The prime reason the Savior personally acts as the gatekeeper of the miracles but I do, and there was a deaf ear that popped open. God did a miracle. God’s celestial kingdom is not to exclude people, but to personally welcome using this tragic situation for his glory. God and embrace those who have made it back home.”- Tad R. Callister is shifting the narrative. Out of his (Floyd’s) life, many will come to the Lord. Many will v“Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all come to Jesus,” he said. Other ministries that have been at the site areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your include Youth With a Mission and Circuit schedule, but always work your schedule around Him.” Riders, a California-based missions movement, Fox News reported.Christophe Joyce Meyer Ulysse, 37, a YWAM leader based in Kona, Hawaii, told the news network they were v“Radical obedience to Christ is not easy… It’s not comfort, not health, witnessing real change in the community.”We’re going from pain and not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to hatred to healing and hope,” Ulysse, who’s a Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its black Canadian Christian leader, said.”We reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.”David Platt need to show that we can affect positive change,” Ulysse continued. ”You have a voice v“He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away from and you can go to the nations. You can carry this on. We’re empowering them to be his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures in carriers of hope.”He explained that while the heaven looks forward to eternity; he’s moving daily toward his tragedy has affected his diverse team treasures. To him, death is gain.” – Randy differently, he has been inspired by the hope Alcorn of the Gospel. “I came here and I was broken. It affects v“We sinned for no reason but an team members differently, but those of us of color, as we’re here, we’re watching the incomprehensible lack of love, and He saved change happen through the Gospel. My heart us for no reason but an incomprehensible is so filled with hope. Those in the excess of love.”Peter Kreeft neighborhood are saying this is unprecedented unity. They’re feeling an v Good work is giving to the poor and the helpless, outpouring of love and hope from this but divine work is showing them their worth to the nation,” he said. One who matters.”Criss Jami “For us, there is this deep conviction that we have tried everything to deal with this issue. Abigail Thyvilayil John We’ve tried politics, we’ve tried economics, and we’ve tried social reform,” Ulysse, who recalled the Rodney King riots as a kid, noted. “It’s the same thing over and over. We have to go back to what actually works.”

10Bible Study THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD K .VARGHESE · One Baptism by which believers Ø Rev 3:1-And to the angel of the church become members of the Church in Sardis write, “Thesethings says He The Holy Spirit or the Seven Spirits of God? who has the seven Spirits of God and While writing about the higher position of · One Hope of joyful everlasting life the sevenstars...” the believer in Christ,Apostle Paul mentions with the Lord in heaven the following seven unities that must be Ø Rev 4: 5-And from the throne keptby the Church of God (Eph. 4:4-6): When Paul declares: “There Spirit... proceeded lightning, thundering,and “(hen Pneuma) in Ephesians 4:4, he voices. Seven lamps of fire were · One God the Father who is above all mentions about the Holy Spirit, who by His burning before the throne,which are · One Lord Jesus Christ who is the omnipresentattribute can dwell in the heart the seven Spirits of God of every true Christian. However, inthe Book Savior of mankind of Revelation, Apostle John portrays the Holy Ø Rev 5:6 - “And| looked, and behold, · One Holy Spirit who lives in all true Spirit as “theseven Spirits of God” four times. in the midst of the throneand of the All four verses are given below four living creatures, and in the midst believers in Christ forconfirmation: of the elders,stood a Lamb as though · One Body of Christ which is the it had been slain, having seven Ø Rev 1:4- “Grace to you and peace hornsand seven eyes, which are the Church of believers in Christ from Him who is and whowas and seven Spirits of God sent outinto all · One Faith in the Lord Jesus which who is to come, and from the seven the earth.” Spirits who arebefore His throne.” FULL STORY ON - 11 guarantees eternal salvation

11Bible Study uuu FULL STORY ON - 10 theFather and the Son (Rev 22:1). As in the Seven seals (5:1, 5) above quoted verses, healso described the Seven angels (8:2, 6; 15:1, 6, 7, 8; 16:1; 17:1; From the above verses, it is understood that Spirit as the seven Spirits of God proceeding 21;:9) the Lord who speaksto the churches has in fromthe Lord’s throne into creation. In many Seven trumpets (8:2, 6) Him the seven Spirits, burning as seven references in the Scriptures,the number Seven thunders (10:3-4) lampsof fire before the Father’s throne. “seven” (7) stands for perfection, Seven heads (12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 7, 9) These seven Spirits are also theseven eyes completion, wholeness,or fullness. Hence, Seven diadems (12:3) of the Lamb of God, who is the Son of God, many Bible scholars explain the “seven” here Seven plagues (15:1, 6, 8; 21:9) witnessingeverything on earth. Thus, the asstanding for wholeness and perfection. So, Seven bowls (15:7; 17:1; 21:9) seven Spirits are depicted as omniscientand it can be concluded thatJohn’s revelation Seven mountains (17:9) omnipresent with the power to be present in portrays the Holy Spirit as the whole and Seven kings (17:10) all of creation, seeingand knowing all that perfectSpirit of God who flows into creation All of the above represent seven distinct happens. to accomplish His divine purposes. objects, entities, events, etc.,and do not This shows that “the seven Spirits” has mean “whole” or “perfect.” Therefore, there attributes thatbelong exclusively to the II. Because the Holy Spirit Manifests can be anotherpossible reason why John in Creator God. Hence, it can beconcluded that God’s Attributes inCreation his divine revelation called the perfectHoly “the seven Spirits of God” in Spirit as the seven Spirits of God. Revelationrepresent the one and only Holy It is possible to derive another interpretation Revelation is a prophetical book with Spirit who is the ThirdPersonality in God. from Apostle John’s vision of the seven spirits numerous Signs and symbols. To properly Why did John see the Spirit as the Seven of God. Many of the “sevens” in the Book of interpret all of these prophetical signs and Revelation also denotes seven specific symbols, a comprehensive knowledge of the Spirits of God? individualities as listed below: entire Holy Bible Is essential. Interpretation Seven churches (1:4, 11, 20) of all Old Testament prophecies should be I. Because the Holy Spirit is the Seven lampstands (1:12-13, 20; 2:1) analyzed side-by-side with the prophecies in Seven stars (1:16, 20; 2:1) Whole and Perfect Life ofGod uuu FULL STORY ON - 12 In his vision, John also witnessed the Holy Spirit as the purecrystal clear river of life flowing into creation from the throne of

12 BIBLE STUDY uuu FULL STORY ON - 11 Since the Father created all with His Very Life, a detailed studyof the Holy Spirit can explain the New Testament. Therefore, the subject His divine attributes. of “the seven Spirits of God” also requires A thorough analysis of the Scriptures from Genesisto Revelation shows that the detailed analysis from both the Old and New Holy Spirit manifestsTHE CREATOR’S SEVEN SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES in the created Testaments to truly understand the meaning world. of this phrase. Consequently, it is possible to conclude that when Apostle John sawthe heavenly vision, he No one can easily spiritually witnessed the Holy Spirit, who is theEverlasting Life of God, proceeding from the understand the meaning of throne of the Father andthe Son into the universe, as the seven Spirits of God. John’sprophetical phrase “the seven Spirits of God” So, “the Seven Spirits of God” mentioned in John’sRevelation is the “One Spirit unlesshe fully comprehends of God” who manifests theCreator to the universe through His “seven the functions of the Holy distinctivedivine attributes. “ Spiritin creation and how The created world is silently proclaiming day and night the reality ofthe Creator and His He shows forth “ELOHIM’S awesome qualities to the people of the earth (Ps. 19:1-4). The following seven chapters DIVINEATTRIBUTES” in the (Chapters 11 to 17) explain fromthe Scriptures how the Holy Spirit manifests God’s divine created worlds. attributes inthe created worlds. If the Father created all with His Spirit for His Son, then His divineattributes are manifested in creation itself (Ps 19:1-4). The Holy Spirit as the Revealer of God’s Attributes Paul argues to the Roman believers that the unbelievers in thisworld have no excuse before God, because the created cosmos itselfis a revelation of His divine attributes. He writes in Rom 1:20: “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes areclearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, evenHis eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” For more clarification, the NLT version of a part of this verse is givenhere: “Through everything God made, they can clearly see hisinvisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature.” So, the created universe not only declares the existence of the Creator,but also portrays His special attributes, which can be observed byhuman beings who live on earth.

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