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Home Explore Body Systems Flipbook

Body Systems Flipbook

Published by Isabella Keck, 2020-09-20 18:27:54

Description: Flipbook pages about body systems.

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The Body Systems     By: Ella Keck  Mrs. Gibson 2A 

Table of Contents  Page 2: Integumentary System Page 3: Musculoskeletal System Page 4: Nervous System Page 5: Special Senses Page 6: Cardiovascular System Page 7: Respiratory System Page 8: Digestive System Page 9: Urinary System Page 10: Reproductive System               1

Integumentary System  Key Terms: derm/o, dermat/o: skin kerat/o: hard, horn shaped tissue xer/o: dry xanth/o: yellow erythr/o: red pedicu/o: lice onych/o: nail myc/o: fungus pil/o: hair; hair follicle lip/o: fat rhytid/o: wrinkle adip/o: fat psor/o: itching Function:​ The main functions are protection, touch, excretion, and regulating body temperature. Diseases/Disorders: Keloid: An abnormally raised thickened scar. Fissure: A groove or a crack. Tinea: A skin infection caused by a fungus. Cicatrix: A scar left by a healed wound. Macule: A smal, flat, discolored lesion on the skin. Urticaria: Hives with localized swelling and itching. Careers: Dermatologist: Diagnoses and treats skin, hair, and nail conditions. Dermatologist Technician: Assist dermatologists and PA's. Vocabulary: Sebum: An oily substance from the sebaceous glands. Keratin: A fibrous, water-repellent protein. Blepharoplasty: Plastic surgery of the eyelid. Liposuction: Use of suction during surgery to remove fat below the skin. Antifungal: Drug used to fight off fungal infections. Nail Plate: The hard, translucent part of the nail. Lipocytes: Cells that manufacture and store fat. Collagen: A fibrous protein found in skin, bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Melanin: Dark brown-black pigments. Arrector pili: Bundles of small muscle fibers. 2

Musculoskeletal System  Key Terms: my/o: muscle myel/o: bone marrow osteo/o: bone cost/o: rib crani/o: skull -pexy: surgical fixation chondr/o: cartilage arthr/o: joint -plegia: paralysis kinesi/o: movement rachi/o:spine; vertebrae fibr/o: fiber Function: The functions are to protect vital organs, allow motion, and provide shape. Diseases/Disorders: Atrophy: Wasting away or shrinkage of muscle size. Hemiplegia: Total paralysis on one side of the body. Ostealgia: Pain in the bone. Spondylosis: Stiffening of the spine. Arthralgia: Pain in the joints. Hypertonia: Loss of muscle tone. Careers: Prosthetist: A person who measures, designs, fabricates, fits, and services a prothesis. Certified Fitness Trainer: A leader and instructor in exercise programs and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle. Vocabulary: Myoplasty: Surgical repair of a muscle through plastic surgery. Goniometry: The measurement of range of motion in a joint. Extension: The straightening of a limb after it has been flexed. Adduction: Movement of a body part toward the midline of the body. Extensibility: The ability of the skeletal muscle to be stretched. Axial Skeleton: Consists of the bones along the central line of the body. Periosteum: The outer membrane of a bone. Diaphysis: The shaft of a long bone. Amphiarthroses: Slightly movable joints. Sinus: A hollow cavity within a bone.  3

Nervous System  Key Terms: neur/o: nerve encephal/o: brain myel/o: spinal cord ambul/o: ambulate; walk -esthesia: sensation mening/o: meninges psych/o: mind concuss/o: concussion poli/o: gray matter troph/o: development; nourishment Function: The functions are sensory input, integration, and motor output. Diseases/Disorders: Astrocytoma: Tumor of the neuroglial tissue. Cerebral Contusion: Bruising in the cerebral tissue. Paralysis: Temporary or permanent loss of voluntary movement. Syncope: A temporary loss of consciousness due to inadequate blood flow to the brain. Poliomyelitis: Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. Tremor: An involuntary, repetitive trembling of the body or limbs. Careers: Neurosurgeon: Specializes in treating conditions and diseases of the nervous system. Neurophysiologist: Studies the physiology of the the nervous system. Vocabulary: Anxiolytic: Antianxiety drug. Stimulant: Drug that increases activity in the nervous system. Craniotomy: Incision into the skull to gain access to the brain. Parasympathetic Nervous System: Controls the “rest-and-digest” response. Reflex: An involuntary reaction to a stimulus. Pons: Connects the cerebellum to the rest of the brain. Cerebrospinal Fluid: Envelops and protects the brain and spinal cord tissues. Occipital Lobes: They control vision. Cerebellum: Controls the body’s sense of balance and equilibrium. Afferent Nerves: Conduct information from sensory receptors to the CNS. 4

Special Senses  Key Terms: irid/o: iris -cusis: hearing -opia: vision condition ot/o: ear tympan/o: eardrum ophthalm/o: eye -metry: process of measuring blephar/o: eyelid lacrim/o: tears Function: The special senses are involved in the sensory input of the nervous system. The senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Diseases/Disorders: Otitis Media: Inflammation of the middle ear. Strabismus: Misalignment of the eyes caused by weakened eye muscles. Ageusia: Absence of the gustatory sense. Otosclerosis: Hardening of the bony tissue of the middle ear. Cataract: Clouding of the lens that results in visual acuity. Vertigo: Sensation of spinning caused by an inner-ear disorder or condition. Careers: Optometrist: They perform eye exams and diagnose injuries, impairments, or diseases of the eye. Audiologist: A specialist who works with hearing, balance, and related disorders. Vocabulary: Keratoplasty: Surgical repair of the cornea. Scleral Buckle: Suture of a silicone band to the sclera over a detached retina. Ophthalmoscopy: Visual examination of the interior of the eye. Olfactory Bulb: Where information about odors is processed. Mastication: Chewing. Round Window: An opening in the middle ear that leads to the cochlea. Semicircular Canals: Help transmit information about the body’s balance and position of the head to the brain. Middle Ear: A small air-filled cavity within the temporal bone. Incus: The middle ear, anvil-shaped auditory ossicle. Cornea: Protects the iris and pupil and provides most of the optical power of the eye. 5

Cardiovascular System  Key Terms:   cardi/o: heart angi/o: vessel (blood) hem/o, hemat/o: blood brady- slow tachy- fast thromb/o: clot -emia: blood condition leuk/o: white erythr/o: red arteri/o: artery phleb/o: vein sept/o: wall; partition Function: The cardiovascular system circulates oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Diseases/Disorders: Arrhythmia: Irregular heartbeat. Hypertension: Higher than normal blood pressure. Myocarditis: Inflammation of the myocardium. Aneurysm: Localized, balloon-like dilation of a blood vessel. Cardiomyopathy: Condition of diseases muscle tissue. Atherosclerosis: Condition of plaque buildup in the arteries. Careers: Telemetry Nurse: Monitors patients’ heart rhythm using sophisticated equipment. Cardiologist: A physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases and conditions. Vocabulary: Anticoagulant: An agent used to prevent the formation of blood clots. Diuretic: Medication that helps reduce excess water in the body. Endarterectomy: A surgical procedure in which plaque is removed from the lining of an artery. Electrocardiogram: A record of the electrical activity of the heart. Diastolic Pressure: Measurement of blood pressure between heartbeats. Sphygmomanometer: An instrument used to measure blood pressure. Systole: Contraction of the ventricles. Pulmonary Circulation: Blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart. Pericardium: A fibroserous sac. Apex: The lowest part of the exterior of the heart. Systemic Circulation: Heart pumps blood to all the parts and systems of the body.   6

Respiratory System  Key Terms: bronch/o: bronchus; bronchial tube cyan/o: blue laryng/o: voice box; larynx -oxia: oxygen oxy- swift pleur/o: pleura pneum/o: air; lung pulmon/o: lung thorac/o: chest trache/o: windpipe; trachea bol/o: cast; throw rhin/o: nose Function: The function of the respiratory system is inhaling fresh air, exchanging carbon dioxide for oxygen, then breathing out old air. Diseases/Disorders: Hypoventilation: Breathing is too slow and shallow. Apnea: Temporary interruption of breathing. Pulmonary Embolism: A traveling blood clot that becomes lodged in a lung. Pneumothorax: Collection of air or gas in the pleural space. Bronchospasm: Sudden, involuntary contractions in the bronchi. Empyema: Pus in the pleura cavity. Careers: Perfusionist: Manages the heart-lung machine when a patient’s heart must be stopped. Thoracic Surgeon: Performs surgical procedures on organs in the chest. Vocabulary: Mucolytic: Drug that loosens mucus. Bronchodilator: Drug that relaxes muscle spasms in the bronchial tubes. Bronchoscopy: Visual exam of the bronchi using a scope. Arterial Blood Gases: Test used to assess the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Parietal Pleura: Lines the thoracic cavity and upper side of the diaphragm. Respiration: Exchange of gas. Ventilation: Process by which air moves into and out of the lungs. Respiratory Rate: Number of breaths that a person takes in a minute. Nasopharynx: The first section of the pharynx. Alveoli: Where gas exchange occurs. 7

Digestive System Key Terms: cholecyst/o: gallbladder enter/o: small intestine col/o, colon/o: large intestine hepat/o: liver gastr/o: stomach or/o: mouth -pepsia: digestion chol/e: bile; gall proct/o: rectum; anus gingiv/o: gums labi/o: li[ Function: The main functions of the digestive system are ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination. Diseases/Disorders: Cholelithiasis: Abnormal condition of stones in the gallbladder. Cirrhosis: Scarring of the liver due to alcohol, drugs, or a virus. Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver. Volvulus: Abnormal twisting of the intestine. Crohn’s Disease: A chronic disease that causes inflammation of the digestive tract. Enteritis: Inflammation of the intestines. Careers: Registered Dietitian: Supervises the preparation of and serving of food in many settings. Dentist: Specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of conditions and diseases of the mouth and gums. Vocabulary: Antiemetic: Drug that prevents or relieves nausea and vomiting. Laxative: Drug that stimulates bowel movement. Occult Blood Test: Test used to detect hidden blood in the feces. Excisional Biopsy: Surgical removal of an entire lesion or tumor. Insulin: A hormone that aids in the absorption of sugar. Lipase: Enzyme that helps break down fats. Ileum: Site of vitamin B12 absorption in the small intestine. Laryngopharynx: Acts as a pathway for air, fluids, and food. Cardiac Sphincter: Controls the flow of substances between the esophagus and stomach. Rectum: Functions as a storage center for solid waste. 8

Urinary System  Key Terms: -cele: hernia; protrusion -lysis: breakdown cyst/o: bladder; cyst; fluid sac nephr/o: kidney ren/o: kidney -uria: urination -pexy: surgical fixation -ectasis: dilation; expansion pyel/o: renal pelvis azot/o: nitrogen vesic/o: urinary bladder Function: The four major functions of the urinary system are filtration, waste storage and excretion, hormone production, and maintaining homeostasis. Diseases/Disorders: Cystolithiasis: Calculi of the urinary bladder. Interstitial Cystitis: Chronic inflammation of the bladder wall. Renal Hypertension: High blood pressure resulting from kidney disease. Wilms Tumor: Malignant tumor of the kidney that occurs in childhood. Diabetes: A condition characterized by excessive amounts of urine. Dysuria: Difficult or painful urination. Careers: Urologist: A physician who specializes in the diseases of the urinary and male’s reproductive system. Case Management Nurse: A registered nurse who works to improve patient outcomes and contain costs. Vocabulary: Diuretic: Drug that increases urine output. Dipstick Urinalysis: A type of urinalysis used to screen for chemical changes. Phenylketonuria Test: Checks for phenylketonuria in infants. KUB X-ray: X-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Ureters: Transport urine from kidneys to urinary bladder. Urinary Bladder: A place of storage for urine before being expelled. Renal Medulla: The inner region of the kidney. Renal Calyces: Cup-like cavities that collect urine. Nephron: Responsible for the filtration, reabsorption, and secretion of urine. Urethra: Tube that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body. 9

Reproductive System  Key Terms: cervic/o: cervix (neck of uterus) salping/o: fallopian tube ov/o: ovum; egg orchid/o: testis; testicle oophor/o: ovary men/o: menses; menstruation mamm/o: breast gynec/o: female ;woman colp/o: vagina prostat/o: prostate gland gon/o: seed episi/o: vulva Function: The function of the male reproductive system is to facilitate conception or fertilization of the ovum. The function of the female reproductive system is to create new life. Diseases/Disorders: Azoospermia: Absence of sperm in the semen, leading to infertility. Testicular Cancer: Cancer involving one or both testes, most common in men 15-40. Cystocele: Hernia of the bladder that protrudes through the vaginal wall. Infertility: The inability or diminished ability to conceive or produce offspring. Erectile Dysfunction: Inability of a male to achieve or maintain a penile erection. Menorrhagia: Excessively heavy menstrual bleeding. Careers: Oncologist: A physician who specializes in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. OB/GYN: A physician who practices obstetrics and gynecology. Vocabulary: Variocelectomy: Removal of a portion of an enlarged vein to relieve a varicocele. Orchiopexy: Surgical procedure to move an undescended testis into the scrotum. Semen: Sperm-containing fluid that is expelled during sexual intercourse. Prostate Gland: Secretes a thick fluid that lowers the acidity of the semen. Epididymis: A large tube that supports the testis. Ovulation: An ovum is released from an ovary and enters one of the fallopian tubes. Puberty: Phase of development during which sexual organs mature. Colporrhaphy: Surgical repair of the vaginal wall. Abortifacient: A drug that is used to terminate a pregnancy. Crowning: Baby presents headfirst during expulsion. 10

Work Cited Dworken, Harvey J., and William T. Keeton. “Human Digestive System.” E​ ncyclopædia Britannica,​ Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 4 Feb. 2020, Editorial Staff. “What Drugs Can Cause Breathing Problems - Substance Abuse on the Respiratory System.” A​ merican Addiction Centers,​ 2020, Harrison, Richard J. “Human Reproductive System.” ​Encyclopædia Britannica​, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 4 Feb. 2020, “The Integumentary System - Ms. House's Classroom Website.” ​Google Sites​, “Interact with Your World!” ​Science,​ Dorling Kindersley & Pearson Education, 2010, “Musculoskeletal System: Osteology, Arthrology, Miology.” ​Musculoskeletal System | Osteology, Arthrology, Miology,​ Neuroscience Careers​, Stanhope, Linda, and Kimberly Turnbull. “GW Online Textbooks.” ​GW Textbooks,​ 2017, Amsel, Sheri. \"Special Senses Poster\" Exploring Nature Educational Resource ©2005-2020. September 18, 2020 “Urinary System - 2nd Period Group 7 Tennis.” ​Google Sites​, 11

WOW Factor  I added an extra picture on the title slide for more information and detail. Also, on every body system there is two extra combining forms for more data. There are two more diseases on every body system to gain a bigger picture of conditions of the system. My flipbook is extremely neat and easy to read for everyone. 12

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