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Home Explore Health Care Eligibility For Unauthorized Migrants - Moral & Practical Implications

Health Care Eligibility For Unauthorized Migrants - Moral & Practical Implications

Published by lyla, 2015-01-02 10:04:44

Description: Various organizations and government officials have cited estimates for the number of illegal
immigrants at between eight and twenty million. With rising health care costs as a major issue
for most Americans, this article considers the moral and practical issues of providing medical
care for uninsured immigrants.

Keywords: health insurance, medical insurance, immigration, illegal immigrants, health benefits, health care, medical care, insurance plans, affordable health insurance, health insurance benefits, health plans


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Benefitsof Fish Oil for Fitness and HealthWhen the words oils and fats are mentioned, health-conscious individuals tend to run for cover.What they fail to realize is that there are good fats and bad fats. Complete avoidance of intakeof oils and fats would actually be detrimental ?rather than beneficial ?to their health.The Truth about Fish OilEssential fatty acids must always be part of our daily diet ?without them, we take one stepcloser to our deaths. Essential fatty acids are divided into two families: omega-6 EFAs andomega-3 EFAS.Although there are only very slight differences to distinguish the two groups of essential fattyacids from each other, studies have revealed that too much intake of omega-6 EFAs can lead toinflammation, blood clotting and tumor growth. The good news, however, is that the opposite istrue for omega-3 EFAs. Omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils while omega-3 EFAscan be found in fish oils among other foods.Omega-6 vs. Omega-3Physicians and scientists are of the same opinion that the cause behind increasing cases of heartdisease, hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, premature aging and certainkinds of cancer is none other than an imbalanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs.As mentioned earlier on, omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils. This includes but is notlimited to corn oil and soy oil, both of which contains high amounts of linoleic acid. Omega-3EFAs on the other hand can be found also in marine plankton and walnut and flaxseed oils. Itshould be significant to take note that fatty fish and fish oils contain eicosapentaenoic acid抯(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), fatty acids that have been observed to provide manybenefits to the human body. In the early 1970 , a study on Greenland Eskimos have revealedthat one of the major reasons why they rarely suffer from heart diseases is because of theirhigh-fat diet (mainly composed of fish).The two essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are also helpful in preventing atherosclerosis,heart attacks, depression and various forms of cancer. Fish oil supplemented food have also抯proven to be useful in treating illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Raynaud diseaseand ulcerative colitis.

Other Benefits of Fish OilThere are a lot more illnesses and situations in which intake of fish oil has proven to besignificantly beneficial.Making the Heart HealthierThe heart is inarguably one of the most important parts of our body and having an unhealthy抯heart means having to suffer a rather limited lifespan. Naturally, it in our best interests tokeep our hearts happy and healthy and one way of doing that is eating food that contains fishoil.In Athens, Greece, for instance, a study was made to show if there was a direct relationshipbetween high fish diet and inflammation of blood vessels. The results revealed that those whoate more fish than the others had a lower level of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, factorsthat are commonly used to measure likelihood of blood vessel inflammation. These benefitsremained even when the various risks associated with high fish diet were taken into account.Fish to Become ThinIn Perth, Australia, a study had revealed that fish consumption can be used against hypertensionand obesity. Researchers of the UWA (University of Western Australia) have discovered that aweight-loss diet which includes a regular amount of fish consumption can be quite effective inreducing blood pressure and improving glucose tolerance.Fish Oil to Combat AsthmaPeople suffering from respiratory problems like asthma tend to be perceived as unfit andunhealthy. They should now be pleased to learn that certain studies have revealed the benefitsof fish oil for asthma-burdened-individuals. Statistics show that approximately 20 to 25% ofchildren today suffer one form of asthma or another at a certain point in their lives. And certainevidence reveals a regular diet of food with high linoleic acid content as the reason behind it.Researchers of UW (University of Wyoming) conducted a study by subjecting a number ofchildren to a high-fish diet while others continued with their regular diet. Results revealed thatthe participants who ate more fish were less prone to asthma attacks and were able to breathemore easily as well.Consult Your Nutritionist NowNothing is good when consumed or used excessively but complete avoidance of a particularfood type is equally harmful as well. Ask your nutritionist for the right amount of fish intake foryour age and health status.Title:Health Care Eligibility For Unauthorized Migrants - Moral & Practical ImplicationsWord Count:786Summary:

Various organizations and government officials have cited estimates for the number of illegalimmigrants at between eight and twenty million. With rising health care costs as a major issuefor most Americans, this article considers the moral and practical issues of providing medicalcare for uninsured immigrants.Keywords:health insurance, medical insurance, immigration, illegal immigrants, health benefits, healthcare, medical care, insurance plans, affordable health insurance, health insurance benefits,health plansArticle Body:Various organizations and government officials have cited estimates for the number of illegalimmigrants at between eight and twenty million. With rising health care costs as a major issuefor most Americans, this article considers the moral and practical issues of providing medicalcare for uninsured immigrants.揟According to a research report entitled he Size and Characteristics of the UnauthorizedMigrant Population in the U.S.?{?[2006] Pew Hispanic Center, a Pew Research Center Project},there are an estimated 11.5 to 12 million unauthorized migrants currently residing within TheUnited States. The report was based on Census 2000 data, as well as the Current Population慤Survey of March 2005, and the monthly Current Population Surveys through January of 2006.The Pew Hispanic Center uses the term: nauthorized Migrants? This term refers to personsresiding in The United States who are not U.S. citizens, have not been admitted for permanentresidence, and do not have specific authorized temporary status that permits extended residenceand work within the United States.The Pew Hispanic Center report found that the unauthorized population consisted of 5.4 millionadult males, 3.9 million adult females, and 1.8 million children. Adult males are in themajority, making up 58% of the unauthorized adult migrants, while females account for 42%.When discussing the percentage of unauthorized migrants, it is important to consider their laborforce participation. Thirty-one percent of unauthorized migrants are employed in serviceindustry jobs, while only sixteen percent of natives work in service. Native workers make upthe great majority of white-collar jobs, while unauthorized migrants are underrepresented.Certain occupations have proportionately high concentrations of unauthorized migrant workers:Farming (24%), Cleaning (17%), Construction (14%), Food Preparation (12%), Production(9%), and Transport (7%). This is relevant to the issue of health insurance because the citedindustries do not typically provide health insurance coverage.The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)addressed eligibility requirements for non-citizens to receive Federal means-tested public抯benefits. The Act resulted in significant restrictions on immigrants?eligibility. Such benefitsinclude Medicaid and the State Children Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Certainimmigrants are not eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP for five years from the date they enter theUnited States in a qualified-alien status.搎Generally, only ualified aliens?are eligible for coverage. Who is considered a qualifiedalien? There are nine basic types of qualified aliens: Aliens lawfully admitted for permanent

residence under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 USC 1101 et seq.; Refugeesadmitted under ?07 of the INA; Aliens granted asylum under ?08 of the INA; Cuban andHaitian Entrants, as defined in ?01(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980; Aliensgranted parole for at least one year under ?12(d)(5) of the INA; Aliens whose deportation isbeing withheld under (1) ?43(h) of the INA as in effect prior to April 1, 1997, or, (2) ?41(b)(3)of the INA, as amended; Aliens granted conditional entry under ?03(a)(7) of the INA in effectbefore April 1, 1980; Battered aliens, who meet the conditions set forth in ?31(c) of PRWORA,as added by ?01 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996,P.L. 104-208 (IIRIRA), and amended by ?571 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, P.L. 105-33(BBA), and ?508 of the Violence Against Women Act of 2000, P.L. 106-386. Section 431(c)of PRWORA, as amended is codified at 8 USC 1641(c).1; Victims of a severe form oftrafficking, in accordance with ?07(b)(1) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, P.L.106-386.2.Unauthorized migrants will be denied health care with the exception of emergency situations.抯This policy creates a problem for paramedics and other medical professionals, who will beforced to determine whether the individual life is at risk and what constitutes a medicalemergency. How emergency health care workers are expected to enforce this policy is unclear.The Department of Health and Human Services is currently working on the terms, with the startdate set for less than three months from now.To receive health care, individuals will be required to provide proof of citizenship or proof thatthey are eligible as qualified aliens. This requirement creates potential problems for UnitedStates citizens, as well as immigrants. The homeless are perhaps the most obvious example ofindividuals who are eligible for care but may not have the proper documentation. Another,lesser known, example may be African-American senior citizens. African-Americans from theSouth were not allowed to be born in hospitals and therefore do not have proper birthcertificates.Another issue that needs to be addressed is the potential spread of disease. Testing forTuberculosis, for example, is something that Americans take for granted. Those initiating andenforcing these policies should consider whether basic medical testing will be provided.Regardless of the apparent moral implications, denying health care services to individualsresiding within the United States can easily result in more tangible problems.Title:Self-Employed Individuals ?Are You Writing Off Your Health Insurance?Word Count:325Summary:抰Being self-employed offers freedoms that traditional jobs usually can match. Self-employedindividuals can work from home, set their own hours, and be their own bosses. They can choosetheir own work assignments, provide the services they want to provide, and even choose theirown wages.

Yes, self-employed individuals are living the life ?until it comes to health insurance, that is.Most self-employed individuals, or individuals who work as independent contractors fo...Keywords:Article Body:抰Being self-employed offers freedoms that traditional jobs usually can match. Self-employedindividuals can work from home, set their own hours, and be their own bosses. They can choosetheir own work assignments, provide the services they want to provide, and even choose theirown wages.Yes, self-employed individuals are living the life ?until it comes to health insurance, that is.Most self-employed individuals, or individuals who work as independent contractors for a抯particular company, have to purchase their own health insurance policies. Without a traditionalemployer, there no one to offer a health insurance package, right? So, self-employedindividuals either purchase an individual health insurance policy, or they pay for the cost of抰health care completely out of their own pockets. For some, this seems like a pretty even trade;for others, it doesn . Health insurance is a perk of many career choices, after all.But, for all self-employed individuals, or individuals who work as contractors, there may be alight at the end of the tunnel. When tax season rolls around, many self-employed individualsand individual contractors have the option of writing off their health insurance costs, or evenout-of-pocket health care costs. This means self-employed individuals and individualcontractors have a chance at getting back a percentage of the money they spent towards healthcare.Not everyone is familiar with writing off individual health insurance or out-of-pocket health抮care costs, especially those self-employed individuals who are fairly new to the world ofself-employment. If you e a self-employed individual, or an individual who works as anindependent contractor for other companies, consider contacting the IRS and finding out thenecessary steps involved in writing off your individual health insurance or out-of-pocket health抣care costs. You may also want to talk with an accountant, or someone experienced with taxpreparation. When tax season comes, you l be prepared to start writing off your individualhealth insurance or out-of-pocket health care costs.

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