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Home Explore Death of a PB AFTER March 31st 2008 November 2013

Death of a PB AFTER March 31st 2008 November 2013

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Description: Death of a PB AFTER March 31st 2008 November 2013


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a guide to… Local Government Pension Scheme Benefits on the Death of a Preserved Beneficiary Relevant to leavers AFTER 31st March 2008 Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE

These notes explain the benefits from the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) when a deferred member dies. At the end of this booklet you will find a This booklet is for general use and cannot Beneficiary’s Form. cover every personal After reading these notes, please fill in the circumstance. Beneficiary’s Form. This form is very important. In the event of any Your benefits cannot be paid without it. dispute over pension Please return the form to: benefits, the appropriate legislation will prevail as South Yorkshire Pensions Authority this booklet does not 18 Regent Street confer any contractual Barnsley or statutory rights and is S70 2HG provided for information If you need any help completing the form, purposes only. please call at the above address or telephone 01226 772923 for assistance. This guide cannot cover every personal circumstance Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Contents 1 Who Is Entitled To Benefits? 3 Widow/widower/Surviving Civil Partner/ Nominated Cohabiting Partner 3 Nominated Cohabiting Partner 3 This booklet is for Children 4 general use and cannot Nominee of Death Grant 4 Estate 4 cover every personal circumstance. 2 What Benefits Are Payable? 4 In the event of any Pension 4 Lump Sum Death Grant 6 dispute over pension 3 How Long Are Pensions Payable? 6 benefits, the appropriate legislation will prevail as When and How Benefits Are Paid? 7 4 this booklet does not Widow’s/Widower’s/Surviving Civil Partner’s/ Nominated Cohabiting Partner’s pension 7 confer any contractual Children’s Pensions 8 or statutory rights and is Payslips 8 Lump Sum Death Grant 9 provided for information purposes only. 5 Cost of Living Increases 10 6 Income Tax 11 7 Health Scheme Contributions 12 8 Life Certificates 12 November 2013 Contents 1

Contents 9 Future Enquiries, Disputes and Appeals 13 Changes in Circumstances 13 Disputes and Appeals 13 10 Pensions Advisory Service 14 11 mypension 15 12 Service Standards 16 13 What To Do If You Are Unhappy 17 With Our Service If You Want to Make a Formal Complaint 17 Contents 2

1 Who Is Entitled To Benefits? Widow/Widower/Civil Partner/ Nominated Cohabiting Partner Benefits are payable to the surviving partner to whom the member was legally married/in civil partnership with/cohabiting with (must be nominated cohabiting partners) at the date of death. No benefits are payable; • if the marriage/civil partnership had been legally dissolved. • if written notification to revoke the nomination of cohabiting partners had been received by South Yorkshire Pensions Authority. • if the relationship between cohabiting partners did not meet the conditions laid down by the LGPS. Nominated Cohabiting Partner A nominated cohabiting partner is a person who the member nominated to receive pension benefits upon their death. A joint declaration will have been signed by the member and their partner stating their relationship meets the conditions laid down by the LGPS. Upon the members death the nominated cohabiting partner will be required to obtain a statutory declaration from a solicitor to verify the conditions have been met before payment can be made. SouthYorkshirePensionsAuthority 3

Children Children’s benefits are payable to each legitimate, adopted or dependent child who is: • under the age of 18; or • 18 or over but has been in continuous full-time education or in training for a trade, profession or vocation since (their pension must cease by age 23); or • prevented from carrying out a normal full-time job by permanent illness or physical or mental disability which began whilst a child. Nominee of Death Grant A nominee is a person or an organisation eg charity, nominated by the deceased, on a valid nomination, to receive all or part of any lump sum death grant that may become payable. Estate The estate is the money, property and possessions left by the deceased. It excludes any part of the lump sum death grant paid to the nominee(s). It is distributed by the executor or personal representative of the deceased to the person(s) entitled to it after all outstanding debts have been paid. 2 What Benefits Are Payable? Pension A pension is payable to the legal spouse/civil partner/nominated cohabiting partner and/or eligible children. The pension will depend upon the reckonable membership and final pensionable pay of the deceased member at the date of leaving taking into account inflation to the date of death and will be worked out as follows: 4 SouthYorkshirePensionsAuthority

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