Wilder Communities Empowering schools and communities for nature ©Shutterstock
Introducing Wilder Communities Wilder Communities is a new project, run by the Dunsmore Living Landscape Partnership and funded by Severn Trent as part of their Great Big Nature Boost scheme. Over 2021/22, we’re going to be giving nature a boost by creating and enhancing habitats across education grounds and community / public green spaces, helping to transform the environment w. e live in: restoring, recreating and reconnecting wildlife rich spaces for the benefit of nature and people. The project plays a vital part in Warwickshire Wildlife Trust’s strategic plans for a wilder future, whilst supporting The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 by 30 campaign. This aims for at least 30% of our land and sea to be connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030. © Kieron Huston
We can provide schools and communities with: 100% funding Expert support and advice tailored to meet organisation needs, priorities and challenges. Guidance to ensure that management is incorporated into routine practices of grounds maintenance. Guidance in how to make best use of these spaces as a resource for learning and exploring nature whilst fostering pride, belonging and involvement in the community. © Peter Cairns/2020VISION
What you can expect from us Walk the grounds and collect ideas from all parties to meet the needs of the school or community and provide the greatest potential for wildlife to thrive. A site plan will be shared outlining the project opportunities, outcomes, expected delivery and a practical approach to future management. Once the project proposal and any required planning permission has been agreed, the work will be arranged to tailor to those involved, considering factors including: H&S, their needs and learning opportunities. On the day/s of delivery, work will actively involve pupils or community members where possible in order to help create a sense of ownership and pride. A report will be produced and shared, highlighting the work delivered with a detailed management plan. This is to ensure the site continues to be managed as a haven for wildlife and a valuable community space.
Habitat TypesDocumentTitle exploredunsmore.org 05 © Anna Jennings Wildflower Meadow Whether it’s a wildflower strip in a playing field or village verge, planting wildflowers provides vital resources to support lots of wildlife. If there is an area of grass that can be left uncut for most of the year, then sowing seeds or planting pot grown flowers will provide vital ‘wildlife service stations’ for butterflies, bees and many other invertebrates. Time of year for: Creation - spring or autumn Management - variable © Kieron Huston Hedges Hedges provide important shelter and protection for wildlife, particularly nesting birds, mammals and hibernating insects. They are a better choice of boundary for wildlife than fences or walls, especially if native trees and shrubs are used. They allow wildlife to move about between other habitats and across the landscape, whilst providing feeding and breeding opportunities. Time of year for: Creation / Management - late autumn and winter
0H4 abitat Types Document Title exploredunsmore.org © Faye Irvine Woodland © Faye Irvine Whether you’re planting trees for © Ross Hoddinott 2020/VISION a small or large area, it is a great way to enhance a site - trees offer a windbreak, shade and privacy. It also attracts wildlife, giving them space to breed, shelter and hibernate. They play a vital role in protecting the environment. A 300sqm area (~30 native trees) will absorb and store about 5 tonnes of carbon dioxide over their lifetimes. Planting trees also helps to guard against soil erosion, reduces the effects of flooding, and absorbs air pollution. Time of year for: Creation / Management - winter Orchard An orchard is a collection of fruit and sometimes nut trees. Long grass and wild flowers can be encouraged under the trees to make an orchard even better to support more wildlife. As fruit trees age quickly, they create the perfect habitats for invertebrates and birds. Also with the tress providing a crop, it is an excellent way of supporting the local community as a food and learning resource. Time of year for: Creation / Management - winter
Habitat TypesDocumentTitle exploredunsmore.org 05 © Anna Williams Pond Whether it’s a large or small pond, these habitats are incredibly valuable for wildlife. When the environmental conditions are right, an array of different plant species grow in abundance, creating a spectrum of aquatic zones This allows pond species including dragonflies, frogs and newts to flourish, whilst becoming great feeding grounds for birds, hedgehogs and bats Time of year for: Creation - early spring or autumn Management - late summer or early autumn © Penny Dixie Bog Garden A bog garden is an area of slow- draining, waterlogged soil that can be created by adapting an existing soggy area, either at the edge of a pond or as a standalone feature. Permanently damp, it creates an area where moisture-loving plants thrive. These plants are different to those suited to the standing water of a pond, so will attract a host of different wildlife. Time of year for: Creation - early spring or late summer Management - late summer or early autumn
Not just a boost for nature, Schools Enables young people to discover, learn about and experience the natural world in a more accessible way. Contact with nature and the outdoors can deliver a wide range of associated benefits, including promoting their social and emotional skills and engagement with learning. Offers a gateway into enhancing the diversity of teaching and learning across the curriculum. After the habitat work we achieve together, the grounds could then provide more inspiration for many areas and stages of the curriculum planning, including: learning about how plants grow, adaptations and habitat projects. As well as the project helping to embed outdoor learning, it will ensure that the school ground enhancements are a safe and functional area, whilst increasing staff confidence to teach outside. © Mark Hamblin/2020VISION
but a boost for people too Wider Community Increases the opportunities for community users to develop skills in nature conservation, creating a richer community asset to learn and enjoy the natural environment. Enhances the character of the local area and wider landscape, where people have greater access to these sites and experience more meaningful connections with nature.There is a substantial body of evidence supporting the value of green spaces for our health and well- being, so the more wildness we can introduce the better. Along with creating more valuable habitats for wildlife, there are plenty of other beneifts including: improved air / water quality, flood alleviation, reduction in soil erosion and carbon sequestration.
Thank you to Severn Trent for funding the Wilder Communities project. Find out more about their Great Big Nature Boost scheme: www.stwater.co.uk/about-us/environ- ment/great-big-nature-boost/ If you would like to collaborate with us then please get in touch with our DLL Community Engagement Officer: [email protected] Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Brandon Marsh Nature Centre Brandon Lane Coventry, CV3 3GW exploredunsmore.org
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