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Home Explore Bloomsbury Yearbook 2019-2020

Bloomsbury Yearbook 2019-2020

Published by edwintdc, 2020-10-15 04:51:34

Description: Bloomsbury International School Hatyai Yearbook for the School Year 2019-2020.

Keywords: bloomsburyhatyai,internationaleducation,hatyai,songkhla,english language,bloomsbury


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SIBNCLTOHEOORMNOASLBTHUIOARNTYYAALI TABLE OF CONTENTS Yearbook 2019 - 2020 The Board's Message 1 Acting Principal's Message 2 Thai Director/School Manager's Message 3 Head of Secondary's Message 4 Head of Primary/Pre-Primary's Message 5 Student Council 6 Teaching Staff 7-9 Teaching Assistants 10 Administration 11 Support Staff 12 - 13 Nursery Class 14 - 16 Reception Class 17 - 19 Year 1 Class 20 - 22

BISNCLTOHEOORMNOASLBTHUIOARNTYYAALI TABLE OF CONTENTS Yearbook 2019 - 2020 Year 2 Class 23 - 25 Year 3 Class 26 - 28 Year 4 Class 29 - 31 Year 5 Class 32 - 34 Year 6 Class 35 - 37 Year 7 Class 38 - 40 Year 8 Class 41 - 43 Year 9 Class 44 - 46 Year 10 Class 47 - 49 Year 11 Class 50 - 52 Year 12 Class 53 - 55 Primary Assemblies Boarding experiences 56 57

BSINCLTOHEOORMNOASLBTHUIOARNTYYAALI TABLE OF CONTENTS Yearbook 2019 - 2020 International Literacy Week 2019 58 Hatyai Inter-School Football Championship 2019 59 International Day 2019 60 Open Day 2019 61 Halloween 2019 62 Loy Krathong 2019 63 Christmas Show 2019 64 Happy Chinese New Year 2020 65 Valentine's Day Roses 2020 66 House System 67 Inter-House Sports Event 2020 68 Nightingale Trophy Ceremony 69 Turner House Pizza Party 70

2019 - 2020 Hello & Good bye!

1 Ms. Pimjun Senneam The Board On behalf of the School Board and as Chairman of the Board, I would like to send my biggest appreciation to all students, parents and staff for an exciting and unusual school year 2019 - 2020. We have seen ongoing improvements in the school from facilities, including our new fantastic sports area, to the services and teaching offered. We have undergone extensive internal training for staff and teachers as we continue to create an exceptional school for Songkhla and the surrounding areas. As a member of CIS, we continuously strive towards ‘Excellency’ in all areas of our school both in training of staff, child safety and the best teaching in our province. I am happy to say that our journey to CIS accreditation is going well and according to plan. While the school year has seen many positive outcomes for our students and community, it also ended with a very unusual event in the shape of the ‘Corona’ pandemic. I am proud of how the staff and teachers have reacted to the event, by quickly setting up quality remote learning. I am also proud of our wonderful students for their hard work and ability to adapt to the new situation. Lastly, I would like to thank our entire school community including parents for the patience and understanding shown through the tough times we have experienced. I am sure that this experience has made our school community stronger and it has proven that when we stand together, we can get through the hardest of times. We are looking forward to the next academic year, where we have many new, exciting improvements, events and happenings coming up. I wish you all a great summer holiday and look with happiness towards the next school year, when our school opens up to normality once again.

2 Mr. Andrew Strubelt Acting Principal This has been a year we will never forget. 2020 has many meanings in life. For some, it is an Angelic number meaning the angels are ready to support you in life, for others it is the beginning of a new decade. This year started with the Australian bushfires quickly burning more than 46 million acres in Australia. We were worried for our teachers from Australia and their families living there. This was followed by us losing our school Principal. His departure led the Board of Directors to vote and temporarily place me here as we continue to look for a suitable candidate. Then disaster struck, the COVID - 19 virus spread throughout Asia and Thailand was not spared. By April, we had cancelled Songkran and even the school had to close, as directed by the Thai Government. Bloomsbury continued with online classes for Term 3. The teachers quickly learned the ‘ups and downs’ of this new style of learning. The members of SLT have stood by and supported me with all decisions made for the benefit of the school. There is a chance we do not get to see everybody back in school until July 1. We have lost some teachers to various reasons; some returned to the UK and others moved to larger schools. Hopefully, everything can be back to normal for Term 1 in August 2020. Have a safe summer and do not forget to continue reading every day.

3 Asst. Prof. Dr. Kantarin Rugsakorn Thai Director/School Manager Dear Bloomsbury Community Members, This is my first official message since I have been Thai director and manager of Bloomsbury International School Hatyai. This year is absolutely a delight for me to spend with all BISH members and I hope with all my heart that each one of you cherished these precious moments we have shared together. It was fantastic time that our students were a credit to themselves and their teachers; and showed their complete dedication and brilliant individual and team work skills when supporting their friends, participating in various activities inside and outside classrooms. I would love to encourage you all to continue developing your academic abilities and skills to make your dreams come true. Furthermore, I would cordially congratulate the high achieving individuals who are about to embark on the next step of their academic journey. I would also like to express my heartfelt congratulations to our students who received awards from academic, sport and music competitions in this academic year. It is worth sharing and celebrating with you, your family and all BISH members who have been part of your success. Please always remember that Bloomsbury is highly proud of you. To parents, thank you for your continuously generous support. Through your cooperation and contributions to all events including Open Day, Halloween, Loy Krathong Festival, Christmas Party, Chinese New Year, and more activities held in the school, we were able to provide our students invaluable experiences. Although a hurdle occurred in this academic year as education has been globally hit hard by the COVID - 19 pandemic, the well-being of our students, parents and staff is the first priority while the school always searches for the most appropriate modes of instructions to enhance the most effective Home-based learning for our students. For many of BISH community members, the steps we are taking to protect the health of everyone and moving classrooms to online lessons may involve significant inconvenience and personal sacrifice. Please accept my gratitude for your goodwill and understanding. We will get through this challenge together. On behalf of Bloomsbury, I would like to assure all members that we will be unhampered in our efforts to constantly provide high standard of education in the safe environment in which our students have had the opportunity to find their own strengths, to achieve their best and to further their enjoyment of learning. Finally, I wish you all the best and stay healthy.

Mr. Ryan Windsor 4 Head of Secondary Hello ladies and gentlemen of Bloomsbury International School, Thank you all for another wonderful school year. For my sixth at Bloomsbury International School I was given the opportunity to serve the school in a new role as the Head of Secondary. Over the year I have grown and developed as a school leader and with the support of our glorious school community I am eternally optimistic about our collective futures. The last part of this year has proven to be a challenge as the whole world turned to online learning to keep its student’s educations on track. Our community rose to meet this challenge and we did our parts to keep each other save and healthy while simultaneously moving forward in our studies. I have been impressed with how fast our staff, students and parents adapted to these radical changes and I applaud your efforts, struggles and victories teaching and learning online. I eagerly await the day in which we can all meet again and the school halls will once again be filled with the sounds of our students building their dreams, creating their futures and growing into the incredible young adults they will one day become. With so many new faces joining our Secondary teaching team this year I was worried that we would have trouble filling in the holes that our previous teachers had left. However, this concern proved to be misplaced as our experience this year has been one of the most effective and productive that we’ve ever had despite the difficulties surrounding the advent of COVID - 19. That experience could not have occurred without the endless energy, skills and devotion of the staff of Bloomsbury International School. Thank you and  well done to an incredible group of professionals. To the students of Bloomsbury, thank you for all your hard work throughout the school year. I am so honored to be a part of your education; you make me proud to be an educator.  You keep me laughing, young at heart and hopeful of a bright and wondrous future.  I am grateful for your joy, ambitions and incredible talents.   Best wishes to our graduating students, of whom I will miss, even years later I am always fascinated to hear how well my former students are doing. Have a safe and joyous summer break. Until next school year, always remember our world is an amazing place and to never stop exploring its wonders

5 Mr. James Mullin Head of Primary/Pre-Primary The academic Year of 2019 - 2020, will be one that people will remember for many years to come. The year where teachers, pupils and parents where all challenged to rise to a new way of learning. A challenge that I feel everyone at Bloomsbury rose to. I can only hope that the skills that we have learnt, will go on to have a positive impact on modernising education for many years to come!   Before the outbreak of COVID - 19 and the start of online learning, students across the primary section were making great progress with their studies, with many student making outstanding progress. I have been so impressed when talking to student this year, at their pure excitement to share what they are learning about. This has been evident on the many occasions I have witnessed, when students saw their teacher first thing in the morning and called down the corridor, \"What are we going to be learn about today?\"   In addition to academic success this year, I have enjoyed watching how students have bonded across the whole school, there is a much greater feeling of students caring about their fellow students and friendships being formed across the school. This is a result of the efforts from Mr. Rob and the Head of Houses who have created communities outside of our classes which has added to the already inclusive and warm feeling that Bloomsbury has.

6 Student Council Welcome to Bloomsbury International School’s student council! Are you curious about what takes place in student council meeting? Here at Bloomsbury the student council is a place where student’s voices can be heard. Students elected a representative from each year group to be the voice of their fellow students so that everyone in the school can impact the way the school operates on a daily basis. This year has been a busy year and students made a number of suggestions which were implemented in the school such as new benches outdoors for students to sit relax study and socialise, a net to prevent balls from going over the fence and a change to the music that is played in the mornings before the flag raising ceremony. Students have been also working on ways to promote the four school values of respect, ambition, curiosity and diversity and we look forward to changes that they will make in coming terms. Mr. Chase & Ms. Jessica

7 TEACHING STAFF ANDREW STRUBELT ROBERT GOLDTHORPE JAMES MULLIN Head of EAL / Acting Principal Learning Support Officer Head of Primary / Pre-Primary RYAN WINDSOR KRISTINA ANNE KING CORRINA GRACO Head of Secondary / Sixth Form Accreditation Manager Nursery ELIZABETH SCHACHINGER EMMA KIRK DONNA COWAN Reception Year 1 Year 2




11 ADMINISTRATION Asst. Prof. Dr. Kantarin Rugsakorn Thai Director/School Manager Jarinya Phoonsong Pimonrat Sae-Tia Nutchuda Janarpon Human Resources Manager Personal Assistant to Principal Resources Manager Edwin Dela Cruz Jadesuda Pongsupap Sopa Choosri Phantira Narawut ICT Services Manager Reception & Admissions Finance Accounting

12 SUPPORT STAFF Kanlaya Heemmamad Prani Samakphong Housekeeper Housekeeper Niramon Benheem Wilaivan Khunlad Housekeeper Housekeeper Cheyamila Chema Kamonlak Insuwanno Barista Catering Staff

13 SUPPORT STAFF Kamonporn Boonsiri Surat Phutthawiro Catering Staff Catering Staff Somnuk Yonglan Surapong Nongnuch Head of Driver & Maintenance Driver & Maintenance Praphan Kaewauthai Sommuk  Boonyod Driver & Maintenance Security Guard

14 NURSERY CLASS Punn Bentley Lalyn Tewa Jay Jay Jedi Heiko Daon Pluto Savannah

15 NURSERY CLASS MS. CORRINA & MS. DA It has been a very busy and productive year for the little ones in Nursery. It has been a pleasure watching the children grow and mature in all areas of their development. We have covered some fantastic topics over the months, ‘Living Processes’, ‘Under the Ocean’, and one of my favorites, ‘Children’s Literature’. The children have also worked well with communication, language and literacy, they have done amazingly well with learning letters and sounds, forming letters and have produced some great independent writing. In terms of the children’s personal, social and emotional skills, there has been significant progress with sharing, taking turns and negotiating playtime situations. Overall a great year, with amazing learning outcomes and achievements, I am very proud of Nursery ! Ms. Corrina & Ms. Da


17 RECEPTION CLASS Jern Jern Dean Pleng Gimta Pun Richa Yunxi Pasin Neptune Venus Summer

RECEPTION CLASS 18 MS. LIZZ, MS. THABZ AND MS. PANG This year has been an important and busy year for Reception class. We have been working hard to get ready for Year 1 and have made lots of changes to our daily routine, such as where we play, napping less, and how we conduct ourselves more independently. We have been ambitious learners and now we have an excellent grasp of phonics, have applied ourselves to new Maths challenges and problems, and have learnt about ourselves, expression, the world around us and all about our planet. Ms. Lizz, Ms. Thabz and Ms. Pang


20 YEAR 1 CLASS Ince Wansing Totee Well Onna Natcha Linlybelle Mamuang

21 YEAR 1 CLASS MS. EMMA & MS. MALI Thank you for such a wonderful year full of adventures. I have had so much fun as your teacher and I hope you have enjoyed Year 1 as much as I have. I will miss teaching you but I wish you well as you continue to progress through Bloomsbury. I will leave you with a nice little poem that reminded me of you. I'm glad I was your teacher, I've come to love you so, I can't believe the end is near, I hate to see you go! I've watched you learn and grow, And change from day to day, I hope that all the things we've done, Have helped in some small way. So it's with happy memories that, I send you out the door, With great hope and expectations, For what next year holds in store. Remember all the fun we had, In all the things we did, But most of all remember... You're a very special kid! Ms. Emma & Ms. Mali

22 YEAR 1 Our Events CLASS

23 YEAR 2 CLASS Phum Phetrung Namo Prem Ohm Ai Ai Jinny Angie

24 YEAR 2 CLASS MS. DONNA & MS. MALI Throughout this school year I have seen academic progress, kindness and friendship amongst the students of Year 2 which has been my pleasure to witness. One of Bloomsbury’s core values is curiosity and so I will leave you with these words from Walt Disney. “We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”. Good luck taking the next steps along your education path Year 2, may your curious minds unearth wonderful discoveries. Ms. Donna & Ms. Mali

25 YEAR 2 Our Events CLASS

26 YEAR 3 CLASS Jae Jae Phu Mio Jacob Plearn Nana Jomyuth Thee Minnie Puifai Sandra

27 YEAR 3 CLASS MS. KATE & MR. MANONG What a whirlwind this past year has been in Year 3. Each and every one of you has shown me just how brilliantly unique you are, our time in school has been a joy. Whether we were exploring on a rambling isle, exploding volcanoes or mummifying apples, you achieved everything with a smile. Your energy and curiosity has been infectious and I cannot wait to see just what you amazing people can accomplish next year. Ms. Kate & Mr. Manong

28 YEAR 3 Our Events CLASS

29 YEAR 4 CLASS Tristan Gear Potter Cha Cha Bonae Garfield

30 YEAR 4 CLASS MS. FERGUSON & MR. MANONG What a big year for the Year 4 students! We have covered so many interesting subjects this year, from talking papaya’s and writing our own funny story, to Cleopatra and Egypt and how she made a difference, then to adventurers seeking out the unknown! I think the highlight was visiting the Year 8’s in the Secondary Science Laboratory and conducting an exciting experiment with an exploding volcano! Also the new swimming lessons in P.E. were fantastic, it was really great to see the students improving their stroke and becoming more confident in the water. Plus we were lucky enough to meet the Thai National Football team! Thanks to all of my students for a lovely year! Ms. Ferguson & Mr. Manong

31 YEAR 4 Our Events CLASS

32 YEAR 5 CLASS Porsche Olivia Te Ploysai Jay Jay Emmie BB Andrea

33 YEAR 5 CLASS MS. JESSICA & MR. ERNESTO It has been an absolute pleasure to teach Year 5. Your ambition and curiosity has impacted your learning so much this year, you have all worked incredibly hard and have strived towards meeting your classroom goals. One thing I absolutely loved about teaching Year 5 is that there was never a gloomy, miserable day, all children came into school with a smile on their faces, positive attitude and always knew how to make the teacher and students laugh. We have had some exciting lessons this year; my favourite lessons to teach have definitely been English, where you all worked tirelessly to create beautiful, detailed pieces of non- fiction and fictional writing, even some poetry. I would like to thank Year 5 for being so welcoming, and for teaching me so much about your culture! I wish you all the best for Year 6, I can't wait to see you all soon! Ms. Jessica & Mr. Ernesto

34 YEAR 5 Our Events CLASS

35 YEAR 6 CLASS Genting Torfun Mimi Namo Pai-Eng Puh Tanton Toto Lucky Prai Hugo Ping In Jacques

36 YEAR 6 CLASS MR. TOM & MR. ERNESTO This is a fundamental part of Year 6's school career and they are absolute ROCKSTARS. Balancing growing up with being a child, working hard when they need to  and playing hard, when they can. Working independently and developing crucial skills for their future. Mr. Tom & Mr. Ernesto

37 YEAR 6 Our Events CLASS

38 YEAR 7 CLASS Chi Chi Brian Posh Micky Owen Chowon Iman Ben Champion Chertam Peak

39 YEAR 7 CLASS MR. CHRIS It has been a pleasure to be a part of the year 7 class this year. Watching them all grow and adapt to the secondary school life is very exciting, although this year has been very different, I am confident that each student has settled into the routines just fine and have an exciting time ahead of them. The year 7 class is very fun and active; each student brings their own unique personality to the group. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – Aristotle Mr. Chris

40 YEAR 7 Our Events CLASS

41 YEAR 8 CLASS Pla Thing Thing Jess Sea Sugata Japan Topgun Nichole Namhorm Sprite

42 YEAR 8 CLASS MS. JESS Well that’s another year finished at Bloomsbury International School Hat Yai and what an interesting year it has been. As a class you have continued to show maturity and a caring nature towards all member of the class. We have lost one member of the class this year but we have also gained 2 new members, Namhorm and welcomed back Sprite.  Each one of you has brought a smile to my face during this academic year and have continued to make me laugh and proud of the hard work you have put into your studies. Even with this novel corona virus pandemic you have been able to adapt to the continual changes. You are a fantastic class to teach and have as a tutor group.   So to finish this year I would like to state a quote from Albert Einstein that I hope inspires you to continue to question and to learn about the world around you. “The important thing is to never stop questioning” Ms. Jess

43 YEAR 8 Our Events CLASS

44 YEAR 9 CLASS Mika Ihsan

45 YEAR 9 CLASS MR. DANIEL I have been very pleased with the progress of Year 9 this year at Bloomsbury. Despite there only being two members of the class, their attitude to learning and school life in general is admirable, showing consistent desire to learn and achieve in their academia. Both students have been inquisitive, as well as being motivated to establish and nurture new skills throughout the year, via student council involvement and baking respectively. I hope they continue this positive outlook to life at Bloomsbury as they enter the final stages of their secondary school journey, embracing the challenges that the IGCSE years present them. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot. Mr. Daniel