Reading Journal By Sirikanlaya Phopang 6031006204This journal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor English reading and writing 1 course of Liberal Arts in English Program, Mae Fah Luang University First semester 2018
British divers rescued Thai adults before saving 'WildBoars': reportTwo British divers who helped rescue a Thai youth football team from aflooded cave had earlier saved four adults also stranded in the complex,according to a new report on a mission that gripped the world.The 12 boys and their coach from the \"Wild Boars\" club were trapped by rising waters asthey explored the zig-zagging passages of the Tham Luang cave in northern Thailand onJune 23. Officials leading the rescue effort called on the expertise of the world's small cavingcommunity, many from England, who formed a diving dream team led by Thai NavySEALs. On the ninth-day of a nail-biting rescue, British divers Rick Stanton and John Volanthenfound the youth group dishevelled and thin on a muddy bank, where they had survived onrainwater dripping from rocks. They were pulled out a week later in a three-day extraction, during which the boys weresedated and carried to the cave entrance. But days earlier, it emerged, the Britons unexpectedly found four Thais who --unbeknown to rescuers -- had themselves become trapped by floodwater while trying tofind the children. Droves of well-meaning volunteers and local residents had poured into the area nearthe border with Laos and Myanmar to try to help. Speaking this week at a \"Hidden Earth\" cave-community event in the British county ofSomerset, Stanton said he and Volanthen accidentally encountered the quartet of Thaiwater company workers on June 28. They had been trapped for around 24 hours and their situation was desperate,according to the caving news website Darkness Below in an article summarisingStanton's presentation. Muddy water was \"churning, swirling and eddying around them\", it said, and the waterlevel was rising. But Stanton and Volanthen had only their personal breathing equipment with them.They solved the problem through a staggered approach. First the two Britons dived back through the flooded passageway to reach the nextlevel of dry ground en route to the cave entrance. Then one of took off his gear. The other one swam back to the Thais with thebreathing equipment, to bring them out one at a time. This exposed the waiting diver to possible drowning had the area flooded suddenly.But despite a brief technical glitch with the gear, all made it out safely, the article said. Page 2 of 6
The details were not released to the hordes of media that descended on the site. But the tricky scenario foreshadowed concerns about the later rescue of the boys, whowere not experienced divers, prompting fears they could panic. \"It's one of the most remarkable aspects of this whole event that such an amazingthing was a mere sideshow that never even made the press,\" Les Williams, chairman ofthe British Caving Association, was quoted as saying about the rescue of the four adults. Details of the incident are still captivating the public, prompting books and filmtreatments in a scramble to cash in on the saga. Interest has been further fuelled by a lawsuit against tech billionaire Elon Muskbrought by a different British caver who lives in Thailand. Musk has called the caver, who was integral to the rescue because of his knowledge ofTham Luang, a \"pedo\" on his Twitter account. He gave no evidence to support theallegation. The billionaire's offer to help with the rescue had been rebuffed as impractical byauthorities as well as by expert divers, including the caver in question. Page 3 of 6
Week 5Title: British divers rescued Thai adults before saving 'Wild Boars': reportAuthor: NationalSource: Summary The 12 boys and their coach from the “Wild Boars” football teamwere trapped in the cave for 10 days. They cannot went out of thecave because the rising waters. There were many rescue teams fromover the world come to rescue these boy including the two diver fromEngland, who first found these 12 boys and their coach. After thedivers found these boys, they swam back to bring the breathingequipments the swam back into the cave to bring Wild Boars teamout. My reaction/reflection: I feel glad every time I have heard or readthis news , even it was quite a bad situation but there were good thingbecause this situation show that even we are different nationalitiesbut we are the human. The rescue team from many countries come tohelp these boys without asking for any compensation. Page 4 of 6
New words learned: (At least five new words that you have learned) New Words Definitions1. dishevelled (adj.) (of people or their appearance) very untidy2. drip (n.) British divers Rick Stanton and John Volanthen3. extraction (n.) found the youth group dishevelled and thin on4. sedate (adj.) a muddy bank. a drop of liquid5. emerge (v.) They had survived on rainwater dripping from rocks. the process of removing something They were pulled out a week later in a three- day extraction. avoiding excitement or great activity and usually calm and relaxed The boys were sedated and carried to the cave entrance. appear by coming out of something or out from behind something But days earlier, it emerged, the Britons unexpectedly found four Thais who -- unbeknown to rescuers -- had themselves become trapped by floodwater while trying to find the children. Page 5 of 6
Articles Rubric for Independent Reading Journal (10%) 5 12341. Summary (4 %)2. Reflection (3%)3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Scores Total scores _______ ÷ 5 = _____ marksCriteria for the above categories1. Rubric for Article SummaryCategory 5-4 3 2 1-0Summarizing Provides a very Provides a clear Provides a clear but Provides a somewhatthe content thorough and clear and concise shallow summary of muddled, unclear and and concise summary of the the article; may be rambling summary of summary of the article context excessively brief or the article. article context and and content. may include some content. extraneous information.Identifying Student recalls Student recalls Student is not able to Student cannot locateDetails several details for details for most locate most of the details with accuracy. each main point. main point. details of the main point. Is characterized by theParaphrasing Is characterized by Is characterized Is characterized by substantial copying of paraphrasing of the by paraphrasing the substantial indiscriminately main idea and of the main idea copying of key selected phrases or significant details and significant phrases and minimal sentences. details paraphrasingSpelling & There are few or no There are some There are serious Serious errors inGrammar errors in usage, errors in usage, errors in usage, mechanics, usage, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, or spelling punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, sentence that make the summary sentence fragments, sentence fragments, or difficult to understand. or spelling. fragments, or spelling. spelling.Total ________/20 ÷ 5 = 4 %2. Reflection on the Articles (3%)Students who have completely and clearly responded to the guided questions stated in the reading journalform will get 3 marks.3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) ≥ 70% correct = 2 marks 1 ≤ 70% = 1 mark All correct = 3 marks Page 6 of 6
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